Bulletin N° 1083

“How the Deep State Mafia Controls All of Us”


with Whitney Webb and Clayton Morris





Subject: The Trajectory of Wars, Domestic and Foreign, 2023: oppositions, contradictions, and paradoxes.





January 10, 2022



 Dear Colleagues and Friends of CEIMSA,


In this topsy-turvy world at war, the chaos experienced by the individual ushers in a disorientation that is sometimes fatal. The various views expressed in the

Anglophone social media represent departure points to embark on conversations and debates. The technology today, has ensconced us snugly in front of our screen, usually a small window that we carry around with us, hypnotically holding it before our nose and listening to a voice within (the machine). This technology has amplified the social alienation that capitalist society produces, in the wake of profit-seeking activities and cynical manipulations.


The dictatorial powers of corporate capitalists are absolute, and no human sacrifice is deemed too great to pay for the success of corporate investors. Who has the most to lose? is one important question rarely asked; and who has the most to gain? is another.


I recently finished André Gide’s volume, Journals 1889-1949. I found it to be a remarkably candid diary of the life of a mostly apolitical literary figure, who happened to live during the unprecedented turmoil of 20th-century industrial warfare, the harbinger of things to come with monopoly capitalist development.  In these 764 pages, Gide recounts his insecurities, his confusions, and, above all, his determination to live his life on his own terms. An openly gay member of the Protestant minority in France, he exudes individualism, typical of 20th-century liberalism, with its highs and lows. An example of this view is the entry in his diary on September 27, 1940, where he evaluates the writing of another liberal author, John Steinbeck, whose recent book, In Dubious Battle, had just been translated into French.


Impeccable translation of a most remarkable book. If I were less tired, I should enjoy praising it. But I could do so only at too great length. It is the best (psychological) portrayal that I know of Communism, and perfectly lighted. If it leaves the capitalist and bourgeois counterpart in the shadow, at least it very cleverly gives one a glimpse of this in the dialogues, and that is enough. The main character is the crowd; but from that amorphous and vague mass there stand out various individuals in whom the variegated aspects of the problem are set forth without the discussion’s ever cluttering and interrupting the action. And likewise there stand out against the vast general movement, in harmony or opposition with the great wave of common interests, the passions or individual interests of the leaders or minor characters; and all this presented so fairly that one cannot take sides for or against the flood of demands any more than the author has done. The legitimacy of those demands, like the outcome of the struggle itself, remains ‘dubious’. Especially dubious the legitimacy of using treacherous means to bring about the triumph of even the most legitimate cause. But Steinbeck reveals admirably (yet without demonstrating anything) how those who are refused all other means of fighting are led and forced to treachery, injustice, deliberate cruelty; and how the noblest and most generous characters are distorted thereby. Whence the great distress inherent throughout his beautiful and painful book.


     When a certain stage of history is reached, everything appears in the guise of a problem. And man’s responsibility increases as that of the gods decreases.


     It devolves upon man alone, in the final reckoning, to solve all these problems which he alone has presumably raised.



12 October

     Art inhabits temperate regions. And doubtless the greatest harm this war is doing to culture is to create a profusion of extreme passions which, by sort of inflation, brings about a devaluation of all moderate sentiments. The dying anguish of Roland or the distress of a Lear stripped of power moves us by its exceptional quality but loses its special eloquence when reproduced simultaneously in several thousand copies. Isolated it is a summit of suffering; in a collection, it becomes a plateau. I sympathize with the individual; in the multitude I become bewildered. The exquisite becomes banal, common. The artist does not know which way to turn, intellectually or emotionally. Solicited on all sides and unable to answer all appeals, he gives up, at a loss. He has no recourse but to seek refuge in himself or to find refuge in God. This is why war provided religion with easy conquests.


14 October

Certainly I am making progress in German. And yet it does not seem to me that I am reading Lotte in Weimar today much more easily that I did Der Zauberberg a few years ago.*


     Oh why did I not put forth such an effort in my early years! But at that time it seemed to me much more important to taste life directly, to push away the screen of books and everything education interposed that might hamper the sincerity and innocence of my vision. Was I wrong? I cannot get myself to believe so. And even if I thought so, what could I do about it? Nothing more useless than regrets.



*Der Zauberberg (The Magic Mountain) appeard in German in 1924, and Lotte in Weimar (The Beloved Returns) in 1939. Both novels are by Thomas Mann. (pp.657-659)


These were some of André Gide’s reflections in the face of propaganda and psychological warfare which arose after Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939, and the so-called “phony war” was declared by France against Germany on September 3; the Battle of France, between 9 May and 22 June 1940, ended with the military defeat of France until May 8, 1945, when liberation from German Nazi control was achieved. Like Jean Jaurès before WW I, Gide differentiated the German people, and especially German high culture, from the political ambitions of German leaders. Although he entertained no political theory, he foresaw a unity of Germany and France with the rest of Europe, through mutual advantages and strengths. Any demonization of the enemy was far from his mind; even during the darkest years, he exhibited an earnestness and integrity, looking for a “liberal solution” to the man-made problem at hand. Obviously, he was overtaken by events which his individualism had not prepared him to fully understand.



The 26+ items below include descriptions of only some of the bizarre human constructs and investments for which the 21st century world, while ill-prepared, is nevertheless expected to pay with their lives.






Francis McCollum Feeley


Professeur honoraire de l'Université Grenoble-Alpes
Ancien Directeur des Researches
Université de Paris-Nanterre
Director of The Center for the Advanced Study
of American Institutions and Social Movements
The University of California-San Diego





Things That Will Absolutely, Definitely, No Doubt Happen in 2023.


by James Corbett



CN’s Top Ten 2022 Assange Stories


by Consortium News

Consortium News has been providing comprehensive coverage of the Julian Assange case since 2010. Here are our top ten Assange stories of 2022.



The Danger of Ignoring Julian Assange


with Johnny Harris






Alexander Mercouris: "Something Big Is on the Way"


by Mike Whitney

“The Russians have decided there is no way to negotiate an end to this. No one will negotiate in good faith; therefore we must crush the enemy. And that’s what’s coming.” — Colonel Douglas MacGregor (9:35 minute)

“Strictly speaking, we haven’t started anything yet.” — Vladimir Putin

The war in Ukraine is not going to end in a negotiated settlement. The Russians have already made it clear that they don’t trust the United States, so they’re not going to waste their time in a pointless gabfest. What the Russians are going to do is pursue the only option that is available to them: They are going to obliterate the Ukrainian Army, reduce a large part of the country to rubble, and force the political leadership to comply with their security demands. It’s a bloody and wasteful course of action, but there’s really no other option. Putin is not going to allow NATO to place its hostile army and missile sites on Russia’s border.

He’s going to defend his country as best as he can by proactively eliminating emerging threats in Ukraine. This is why Putin has called up an additional 300,000 reservists to serve in Ukraine; because the Russians are committed to defeating the Ukrainian army and bringing the war to a swift end.



The Trillion Dollar Silencer


by Jeremy Kuzmarov

The military’s deep penetration into all aspects of American life has hampered the development of a strong anti-war movement—at a time when it is desperately needed.



The High Cost of Blowing Up the World: Ukraine and the 2023 NDAA


by Matthew Ehret-Kump

Bipartisan insanity was on display again this week as the U.S. congress responded to Biden’s requested $37 billion in additional aid to Ukraine by giving him $45 billion bringing the total U.S. support to its Davos-managed disposable ward up to $111 billion.

The aid was part of an overall omnibus spending bill passed by both houses of Congress was a gargantuan $1.7 trillion and included $858 billion in defense spending which far exceeds any sum ever spent by a U.S. government in history.

Of that $858 billion, $817 billion is allocated directly to the U.S. Department of Defense while the remaining $29 billion will be allocated to national security programs within the department of energy.

Continuing to Weaponize Taiwan

2023 NDAA Funds will be used to “strengthen” Taiwan in the Pacific with $12 billion authorized to assist Taiwan in purchasing weapons from the U.S. military industrial complex (with the $12 billion in ‘loans’ needing to be paid back over the course of the next five years of course). Of this fund, $100 million will be given directly to contractors to fill up a “contingency stockpile” to be used by Taiwan “in case of any future conflict”.



“The Tragedy of Ukraine”


with Nicolai Petro, Alexander Mercouris and Glenn Diesen




Judge Andrew Napolitano Interviews Colonel Douglas Macgregor


with Judge Andrew P. Napolitano and Colonel Douglas Macgregor (Retired)




War profiteers are fueling this crisis"


with Marc Steiner and Chris Hedges


“War destroys all systems that sustain and nurture life–familial, economic, cultural, political, environmental, and social,” Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist Chris Hedges writes. “Once war begins, no one, even those nominally in charge of waging war, can guess what will happen, how the war will develop, how it can drive armies and nations towards suicidal folly.” In this urgent, unscheduled segment of The Marc Steiner Show, Marc talks with Hedges about the path that led to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and about his firsthand experience with the horrific, inhumane reality of war.



Sacrificing Thousands of Ukrainians Not to Lose Bakhmut"


with Col. Douglas Macgregor (retired)




Spies and More Lies Add Confusion to the Ukraine Conflict


by Philip Giraldi

As has frequently been the case in America’s recent wars, in Ukraine a largely hidden clandestine conflict is paralleling the actual fighting on the ground. One should assume that a variety of western spies using various kinds of cover are operating at all levels as well as in adjacent areas in Poland and the Baltic states. The Russians certainly have their own informants inside the Ukrainian government itself and Kiev has proven itself capable of carrying out so-called covert actions in Moscow, to include the car bombing assassination of Darya Dugin on August 20th. At the same time, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Britain’s MI-6 are known to be working assiduously to collect information that suggest vulnerabilities in the Russian offensive capabilities while also seeking to identify those potentially recruitable individuals who do not support President Vladimir Putin’s intervention to liberate Donbas. The activities of spies and the agents that they direct should be considered a major part of the overall war effort by both sides.

Recently there have been some interesting articles revealing what some of the spies and their political masters have been up to over the past six months. Bear in mind, however, that the business of spying is 50% dissimulation to conceal what is actually taking place, so what the various intelligence services have been revealing is more than likely to include at least some deliberate misdirection. One recalls how in February 1981 Bill Casey, the new CIA Director appointed by President Ronald Reagan, famously quipped “We’ll know our Disinformation Program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

If the quote is accurate, Casey would probably be delighted to see the massive propaganda effort carried out by the Joe Biden White House to initiate and sustain a proxy war against Russia that was completely avoidable and serves no national interest beyond testing how one can restart the Cold War complete with threats of nuclear annihilation. And one should observe that Casey might well have been delivering a subtler message within his apparently off-the-cuff comment. He might have been suggesting that no one should trust anything coming out of the mouth of a high government official, particularly if that official is an intelligence officer.

With that in mind, it was interesting to read an account of some recent remarks delivered in London by the head of MI-5, Ken McCallum. McCallum is no fool and his comments clearly were intended on one level to reinforce the message that the British government is taking good care of national security. In other words, he intended to spin a narrative that would reassure a public that has become increasingly concerned over the course of the Ukraine war and the possible painful consequences derived from British direct involvement in it.

What McCallum is selling is a suggestion that the Ukraine war is actually good for national security because it has enabled the expulsion of hundreds of Russian intelligence officers all over Europe. CNN’s story on MI-5’s annual assessment of the state of Britain’s security describes how the Kremlin’s “…ability to spy in Europe has been dealt the ‘most significant strategic blow’ in recent history after coordinated expulsions of [Russian] diplomats since the invasion of Ukraine, with a hundred diplomatic visa requests refused in the UK alone in recent years.”

See, also:

Ukraine War: Russia was “Running out of Missiles.” Russian Reports vs. US Media



Soldiers speak out against America's misguided wars


with Chris Hedges and Col. Andrew Bacevich (retired)


We are not a good and virtuous nation. God does not bless us above other nations. Victory is not assured. War is not noble and uplifting. The clash between the reality of combat and the Disneyfied version of combat consumed by the public, one that propels many young men and women into war, creates not only dissonance and moral injury, but an existential crisis, an existential crisis combat veterans, at least those who are self-reflective, must cope with for the rest of their lives.



White Lives Matter More in Ukraine


by Margaret Kimberly



Giant Anti-War Protest Coming To DC!


with Jimmy Dore






Pfizer Has a Shockingly Long History of Engaging in Illegal Activities and Human Experimentation


by Arsenio Toledo

Big Pharma company Pfizer has repeatedly engaged in inhumane and illegal activities in its history, including acts of fraud, corruption and even human experimentation disguised as vaccine trials.

An investigative journalist writing about censored subjects under the pseudonym “Kanekoa the Great” noted on his Substack blog that one of the greatest cultural transformations to occur in the past nearly three years is the complete rehabilitation of the image of Big Pharma companies and their newfound glorification for supposedly being responsible for saving humanity from the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

“An industry plagued by decades of fraud, corruption and criminality managed to quickly rebrand itself as the savior of humanity during the COVID-19 crisis. But nothing inherently changed. Big Pharma still values shareholders’ profits more than people’s lives,” Kanekoa the Great wrote. (Related: Pfizer’s business model is to create the sickness and sell the “cure.”)

For evidence of Pfizer’s history of engaging in illegal activity that leads to the deaths of hundreds, Kanekoa the Great said to look no further than Nigeria.

See, also:

Pfizer Is Obsessed with One Thing in this Pandemic. And It’s Not Saving Lives



Top Japanese Physician-Scientist Gives Dire Warning About COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines: ‘Scientifically Misconceived’


by TrialSiteNews

Dr. Masanori Fukushima, a professor emeritus at Kyoto University, presented a warning on November 25, 2022, at an event organized by Kazuhisa Ukawa, a concerned private citizen. Apparently on the agenda were concerns involving discrimination against the unvaccinated in Japan as well as an ever-growing list of persons reporting injuries associated with the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. In what frankly can be described as a bombshell acknowledgment given the pedigree of this physician-scientist in Japanese medical research circles, Fukushima declared that “the harm caused by vaccines is now a worldwide problem” and that “given the wide range of adverse events, billions of lives could ultimately  be in danger.” Is this just reactionary hyperbole of a bitter critic or a prescient signal to be taken very seriously?

Involved with the Foundation for Biomedical Research and Innovation and the Translational Research Center for Medical Innovation, the infectious disease expert (Fukushima) has been an oncologist with over 25 years of experience in practice and research, including ongoing reform of Japan’s medical care system.

A big proponent of clinical research,  Fukushima has actively contributed to building the clinical trial infrastructure, with a focus on translational research.  In this recent video of the conference uploaded to Rumble Fukushima told the audience that “Vaccine damage now represents a global problem. Billions of lives at possible risk.” But could this be true? Does this include some hyperbolic alarmism?

What does the physician-scientist share during this conference?

He starts out by saying that “this vaccine was scientifically misconceived. So, in 2020 I immediately translated the Chinese guidelines as soon as they arrived from China to use steroids as appropriately as possible.” He emphasized he made such a proclamation but that such messaging fell on deaf ears.

Complimenting Japan’s excellent doctors, the prominent physician-scientist emphasized that once he released unfolding guidelines involving early care with the use of drugs such as steroids, the death rate [in Japan] dropped dramatically before the vaccine. Harboring some clear resentment, Fukushima declared, “So anyone inciting this vaccine without any academic acumen is to be condemned.”

Then comes the Fukushima bombshell: “The harm caused by vaccines is now a worldwide problem. Here is my article recently published. Shall we read it? Given the large number of people who have received vaccinations and given the wide range of adverse events, billions of lives could ultimately be in danger.”

What is Dr. Fukushima demanding?



Covid-19 Vaccines Lead to New Infections and Mortality: The Evidence is Overwhelming


by Gérard Delépine

This article demonstrates unequivocally that mortality and morbidity has increased dramatically as a result of the vaccine. The incidence of Covid positive cases has also increased.

“And everywhere they have been followed by a dramatic rise in new infections and mortality for several weeks or months”

Dr Delépine carefully analyses the pre and post vaccine trends for 14 countries in major regions of the World.

The latest official figures (September 15, 2021) point to approximately: 

 40,666 mRNA vaccine reported and registered deaths in the EU, UK and US (combined) and

6.6 Million reported “adverse events”.

But only a small fraction of the victims or families of the deceased will go through the tedious process of reporting vaccine related deaths and adverse events to the national health authorities.

Those death and injury figures (EU, UK, US) SOFAR are at least ten times higher than the official reported cases. 

410,000 deaths, 66 million injuries out of a population of  approximately 850 million. 

Moreover, the health authorities are actively involved in obfuscating the deaths and injuries resulting from the mRNA “vaccine”, while inflating the number of Covid-19 related deaths. (“autopsies not required”). 

Ironically, not only does Pfizer have a criminal record with the US Department of Justice for “fraudulent marketing”, the EU Commission has chosen Pfizer BioNTech as its “Reliable Partner” for the production of 1.8 billion doses over the next 3-4 years, in a  contract which is currently under negotiation.





with US Senator Ron Johnson


U.S. Senator Ron Johnson hears testimony from world-renowned experts in Public Health, Science, Medicine, Law, and Journalism, in a public forum titled, ‘Covid-19 Vaccines: What They Are, How They Work, and Possible Causes of Injuries,’ held in the U.S. Senate’s Hart Building, on Capitol Hill. He will also hear testimony from victims of Covid vaccine injury. Speakers Include Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Paul Marik, Dr. Robert Malone, ICAN Attorney, Aaron Siri, Esq., OpenVAERS Founder, Liz Willner, Edward Dowd, Dr. Harvey Risch, Dr. Ryan Cole, Journalist, Del Bigtree, and more.





with US Senator Ron Johnson




mRNA/DNA Gene Injection “Vaccine”: Murder Charges against Pfizer, Moderna, FDA, CDC,NIH, NIAID


by Dr. Paul Elias Alexander

What you need for murder charge to stick is below in my substacks; he ‘died’ on the field, they are lying about commotio cordis, they killed him with this deadly gene vaccine they made Chauvin 2.0

Every single NFL player (or athlete in America) must be screened for myocarditis (post COVID gene injection); they must demand it! Do not take the field for you could be DAMAR! Do not let them lie to you and confuse you with commotio cordis!

It is time to lay murder charges on Pfizer, Moderna, CDC, NIH, FDA, NIAID, Fauci, Francis Collins, Walensky, Ashish Jha etc.

It is time. These beasts killed a black man openly on live television and the black activists must step up now! Black live DO NOT matter to these beasts like Pfizer et al., never did for public health people like Fauci, so it is time we lay murder charges for this time, they were actually at the scene of the crime with their murder weapon. No trial even needed!

Blacks in America must stand up now.

The Biden administration is flooding the border with illegals from South America who with my own eyes, get preference over blacks in New York and Buffalo. I imagine across the US. I saw sitting shocked in hospitals how whites and blacks are sidelined and sent to the back over illegals from South America. This is wrong. The assault with this vaccine that acts like a biological weapon of sorts, delivers differential morbidity and mortality on minorities. Blacks must stand up! They killed a black man on national television. This is too much ‘in your face’.

They are telling us, me, McCullough etc. to STFU, that we who are asking the right questions as to what went wrong here, we must STFU. That we are loons. We are loons? Had it not been for people like me across this 3 years of lockdown lunacy, millions more would have died. People like Risch, McCullough, Oskoui, Jeff Tucker, Wolf, Ladapo, Urso, Berenson, Toby, Kirsch, Bridle, Tenenbaum etc. We were the wall while public health officials at CDC and NIH and FDA and the FDA sold us down the river. We ‘held’ and will continue to hold as more warriors step up.

I say under NO condition will we. Yes, they killed him, they killed DAMAR and know it and we will continue to go after them for we want all who did this, who brought this fraud so called vaccine, this entire pandemic fraud, all of it from lockdowns to the fraud vaccine, properly deposed in proper legal settings, proper tribunals with proper judges and we want accountability and justice. If judges rule that all of their money is to be taken, we take it. If judges rule those involved must be imprisoned, at the highest levels of government, we jail them for life. We lock them up! If judges rule capital punishment is the remedy, we seek the death penalty! Does not matter to me who.

They killed a black man, they stopped his heart in front of you, stopped his breathing with their death shot. DAMAR died for 10 minutes. From all we know so far. New reports indicate they had to bring him back to life in the hospital too.

They committed murder on live national television during an NFL game! They killed a black man! Their gun, weapon of choice was a mRNA/DNA gene injection ‘so called vaccine’. They know it. They know we are beginning to grapple with it and ask the right questions and they know the players on that field who cried, they cried out of love and horror for their teammate, yet they cried too because they know they are juiced up with the gene fraud injection and they know that that means, the bell may toll for thee too! Soon.

We want the congressional black caucus in the US congress to stand up now and defend this black American, DAMA HAMLIN, do the right thing, get accountability and not just for him and his family, but for all Americans, for all the other NFL players. We want the NAACP to stand up. You say you seek justice, you did not get it before, now here is your chance!

Pfizer placed their criminal corporate boot, with CDC and FDA and NIH and NIAID and Fauci and Francis Collins and Walensky and Albert Bourla and Bancel, all of them, their placed their money-hungry power-hungry malfeasant boot on the neck of DAMAR HAMLIN, this is Derek Chauvin once again, Pfizer is Derek Chauvin with it’s boot on the neck of George Floyd, this time George is DAMAR. Yes, DAMAR like George Floyd, could not breathe for 10 minutes, “I can’t breathe”. Pfizer took the life of an African American man on live national television.

Yes, I am saying it plainly, the Pfizer gene injection mRNA/DNA vaccine, unless we are shown otherwise, based on all the uncertainty still, and based on all the unanswered questions, but based on all we DO know, was the murder weapon that killed DAMAR HAMLIN. Yes, thank God for the medical response but he died for 10 minutes in front of us. And we know the killer. We know all involved, the DIRTY DOZEN.

Yes Pfizer and Moderna did the unthinkable, they murdered DAMAR HAMLIN, a Black African-American man as you watched, on national television, for they, their actions, their product, the COVID gene injection caused his heart to quit on him and he suddenly fell in cardiac arrest, in your face. They stopped his heart for 10 minutes we were told, and then began the cover up and lie on national television too and even sent out their television talking head dangerous deceitful corrupted medical doctors and media to lie about commotio cordis. They know the chance of this being commotio cordis is slim. They know it happens in children mainly, they know generally using a ball etc.

They know that this is more than likely ‘silent’ vaccine-induced myocardial scarring (from prior COVID injection) that lead to a high-adrenaline (catecholamine) arrhythmia episode causing cardiac arrest. They know that the catecholamine surge due to exertion in the backdrop of a myocardial damaged heart, can stress the heart and cause cardiac arrest.

They know! Fauci, Walensky, Bourla, Bancel, Ashish Jha, Francis Collins, Baric, Hotez, Wen, Njoo, Tam etc. They know! They know this will be repeated over and over! They know it already has been playing out! They know what will happen to many young persons and infants and children due to the COVID gene injection.

You want to shut me up for asking the right questions, NEVER! The record is now in place. Criminal charges must be laid at the feet of Pfzier and Moderna, along with CDC, NIH, FDA, Fauci, Birx, Walensky, Francis Collins, Ashish Jha, Bourla, Bancel etc. Murder charges!

I say murder charges!





with Del Bigtree and Dr. Peter McCullough


Dr. McCullough is board certified in internal medicine, cardiovascular diseases, and clinical lipidology. He cares for advanced patients with common medical problems including heart and kidney disease, lipid disorders, and diabetes. He has become an expert on COVID-19 illnesses and welcomes recovered patients into his practice.



A ‘Cover-Up of Evidence of Mass Murder’: The CDC Appears to be Removing VAERS Records


by DailyClout

Something strange is going on with the VAERS system. Reports that were present three months ago are now inexplicably missing. And fewer than 4% of adverse events recorded in V-Safe have made their way to VAERS. This is the CDC’s database; Dr. Rochelle Walensky is in charge of it. And the agency’s failure to properly manage VAERS is suppressing the already-alarming safety signal of the Covid-19 shots.

Now, what is VAERS? VAERS stands for Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. As mentioned earlier, VAERS is a database put in place in 1990 under the supervision of the CDC. Reports of suspected vaccine adverse events take about half an hour to fill out, and 86% of the time, this is done by a doctor, nurse, paramedic, coroner, or healthcare professional when he or she believes the adverse event is related to a vaccine reaction. And because of its lengthy report process as well as the lack of awareness of the existence of VAERS, there is a general consensus of a severe underreporting factor for this database.

To get a better idea of what’s going on with the CDC’s handling of the VAERS system, Dr. Naomi Wolf spoke with Dr. Henry Ealy, an expert on the database.

Dr. Henry Ealy is the Founder & Executive Community Director for the Energetic Health Institute. He holds a Doctorate in naturopathic medicine and has been at the tip of the spear on the Grand Jury front — taking action to bring forth a Grand Jury investigation of the CDC for allegations of criminal data fraud and willful misconduct.

“You mentioned that V-Safe should be added to VAERS, but only 4% of V-Safe [adverse events have been] added. Can you explain what that means to people and why it matters?” asked Dr. Wolf.

In memory of those who “died suddenly” in the United States and worldwide, December 26-January 2, 2022/2023
by Mark Crispin Miller

Musicians in UK, Netherlands, Portugal, Russia, Sri Lanka & China; actors in US, Belgium, Portugal, Nigeria, India, & Australia (& a comic in Norway); "vaxxidents" in Argentina, France, India; & more

HALF the US thinks it "likely" that "vaccination" has caused many deaths; and someone scrawled the awful truth just outside an Italian cemetery
by Mark Crispin Miller

People all over the world are waking up. Now which of the Four Horsemen will come at us next, so that the government-and-media can try to scream us back to sleep?

Watch "Excess deaths in all age groups"
with Dr. John Campbell

People are now finally waking up; and when they do, all those "fact-checkers" are going to have to go into a witless protection program
by Mark Crispin Miller

More than 1 in 4 Americans think somebody they know was killed by "vaccination"—an awakening that CAN'T and WON'T be stopped by those accomplices employed as "fact-checkers"




Did Putin endorse Gref's "pet project" for Russia?


by Edward Slavsquat

Davos-friendly banker will help create a "new level of administration

Herman Gref is CEO of Russia’s largest bank, Sber.

He is also a former WEF board of trustees member who wrote the preface to the Russian-language edition of Klaus Schwab’s The Fourth Industrial Revolution.

In 2020, Sber—which again, is a bank—played a central role in creating and distributing Russia’s unproven genetic COVID slurry, Sputnik V.

Gref himself claims he got injected with this experimental AstraZeneca-inspired goo in April 2020—two months before clinical trials started.

For the last several years Sber—reminder: a bank—has been busy developing AI and biometric technologies, with a special emphasis on deploying these modern marvels in schools.

All normal people agree that Herman Gref is a space lizard and must be stopped before it’s too late.

So imagine our surprise when Vladimir Putin applauded Gref’s “pet project” for Russia while speaking at an AI conference hosted by the Sber CEO in November:



Bloodthirsty War “Experts” Say Ukraine War Is A Bargain


with Jimmy Dore


In a recent piece published by the Center for European Policy Analysis, economist Timothy Ash makes the case that the mere $100 billion the United States has spent (so far) on the Ukraine War has been totally worth it, mere “peanuts” actually, if the objective of the war is to destroy the Russian economy and to debilitate its military while sacrificing few, if any, American soldiers’ lives. The human cost of the war, whether to the Ukrainian people, the Russian people, the people in the rest of Europe or the Americans whose tax dollars are NOT being spent to solve domestic problems, doesn’t seem to factor in for Ash.





“Richard Wolff Tried To Warn Us, But Nobody Listened...”


with Chris Hedges




How Joe Biden Is Slowly “Suiciding America’s Economy”


by Eric Zuesse

Starting on 7 April 2023, a rule that Joe Biden’s U.S. Commerce Department issued on 12 October 2022 will be fully in force, outlawing, by U.S. Executive (President Biden’s) fiat, any U.S.-allied country to engage in any commerce (buying or selling) with China that his Administration considers to be (or potentially to be) related to either artificial intelligence or supercomputing. He’s pretending to be the chief executive officer not ONLY for the U.S. Government but for the entire planet — all nations — the leader of the entire world’s government, replacing any authority that the U.N. or any of its agencies might possess, and with authority to replace international law by whatever he presents as being “international rules.” Finally, his Administration’s many assertions that they represent “the rules-based international order” have clear meaning: that phrase means whatever the U.S. regime wants it to mean. Those “rules” replace whatever is, or might be, international laws (which is the U.N.’s supposed — and exclusive — area of authority); and, (unlike whatever authority the Truman-created version of the FDR-planned “United Nations” might have possessed) this “rules-based international order” is backed up by the U.S. military, which constitutes half of the entire world’s military (with 1,649 military bases throughout the world, of which 900 are in foreign countries) and thus — as the physical enforcer of the U.S. regime’s “international rules” — provides to it the enforcement-power that U.S. President Truman refused to allow the U.N. to possess.

On 14 October 2022, the international law firm of Crowell & Moring headlined “New U.S. Restrictions on Transfers to China for Semiconductor and Advanced Computing Uses”, and reported that


“Two new rules announced by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) strive to severely inhibit China’s progress in indigenously producing advanced semiconductors. Although advanced semiconductors are widely used for commercial applications, BIS cited serious concerns regarding China’s use of the technology for WMD and military applications, and enabling human rights violations or abuses. BIS’ announcement follows remarks in September by the U.S. National Security Advisor signaling a shift in the U.S. export control strategy from one of maintaining a “relative” advantage over competitors in certain key technologies, to maintaining “as large a lead as possible.” It remains to be seen if U.S. allies key to the semiconductor supply chain will impose similar export restrictions on transfers to China. Following the announcement of the rules, BIS officials have underscored the importance of multilateral adoption of the new currently unilateral controls, describing engagement with allies as a “priority” for BIS.”


‘WMD’ and ‘human rights violations and abuses’ are the U.S. regime’s standard excuses for its aggressions against other countries, either via sanctions or via coups or via invasions (such as was the case in Iraq), but Crowell was also pointing out, to its clients, the real reason: that “BIS’ announcement follows remarks in September by the U.S. National Security Advisor signaling a shift in the U.S. export control strategy from one of maintaining a ‘relative’ advantage over competitors in certain key technologies, to maintaining ‘as large a lead as possible.’” In other words: this action by Biden is intended to cripple China in artificial intelligence and in supercomputing, so as to lock-in for the indefinite future the U.S. regime’s global dominance, which will be necessary in order for the U.S. to replace the U.N. and its international laws, by America’s (and its military’s) “international rules” — such as by forcing the U.S. regime’s ‘allies’ or vassal-nations to comply with them (in this instance, by dropping China as regards supercomputing and AI).

See, also: US-NATO Goes Global: NATO Declares Its Intent to Include All Countries. Conquer and Control the Entire World



$110 BILLION For Ukraine War Is 100% Corruption


with Arron Maté


The usual line on why NATO has to support Ukraine with untold billions of dollars revolves around the freedom-loving people of Ukraine, but hard-line old school cold warrior Oliver North doesn’t bother with that, explaining to a Fox News host that the $110 billion dumped on Ukraine is “money well spent” because it’s helping to debilitate the Russian army while also funneling many of those billions into the pockets of red, white and blue-bleeding American weapons manufacturers. Just like St. Ronald Reagan used to do!



"Thousands Of Ukrainian Deaths CENSORED From European Commission Head’s Speech!"


with Aaron Maté


A weird thing happened between the time European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen delivered a recent speech about the Ukraine War and the time that speech was published online – specifically, the EC President’s references to the 20,000 Ukrainian civilians and 100,000 soldiers who have been killed since the war began were removed. And those figures – whether people know she said them or not – are surely underestimates.



A New Book of Migrant Stories Exposes Europe's War on Refugees


with Chris Hedges


Over the past 20 years, the Mediterranean Sea has become a graveyard as the EU’s brutal “Fortress Europe” policies unleash brutal hostility against migrants and refugees. While mainstream media has often sensationalized the problem as a “migrant crisis” or “refugee crisis,” little scrutiny has been placed on the role of Europe and other countries of the Global North in producing this crisis of mass displacement through the War on Terror or the historic underdevelopment of the former colonial world. Authors Helen Benedict and Eyan Awwadawnan join The Chris Hedges Report to discuss their book, Map of Hope and Sorrow: Stories of Refugees in Greece. 

Helen Benedict is a novelist and journalist. Her previous books include The Lonely Soldier: The Private War of Women Serving in Iraq, and Wolf Season

Eyad Awwadawnan, formerly a law student from Damascus, Syria, is a writer and poet currently living as an asylum-seeker in Reykjavik, Iceland. During his four years in Greece, he worked as a cultural mediator, translator and interpreter for various NGOs.





Sudden Death: The No. 1 Cause of Death for Under 65s in 2021


by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Story at-a-glance



Peer Reviewed Studies Find COVID Always Less Deadly Than Flu & Injected Far More Likely To Get Sick


with Ryan Cristián


With Video Source Links (In Chronological Order):

·        Belarus Shoots Down Stray Ukrainian Air Defense Missile – News From Antiwar.com

·        You searched for poland – The Last American Vagabond

·        State Department Approves $180 Million Arms Sale for Taiwan – News From Antiwar.com

·        US Warplane Reports Unsafe Encounter with Chinese Jet | The Libertarian Institute

·        CENTCOM Says US Troops Killed 686 Suspected ISIS Members in 2022 – News From Antiwar.com

·        Biden says he looks forward to working with Netanyahu’s new gov’t | Joe Biden News | Al Jazeera

·        UN chief warns of far-right, white supremacy threats in West | The Far Right News | Al Jazeera

·        New Extremist Israeli Government Is Openly Fascist

·        (53) Dean on Twitter: “Israeli proverb; “If I don’t steal it someone else is gonna steal it” #JacobTheThief #Zionism #Nazism #Terrorism #Racism https://t.co/A4UOzBmJn6” / Twitter


·        Rights Groups Demand Israel Stop Arming neo-Nazis in Ukraine – Israel News – Haaretz.com

·        Israel helps Ukraine whitewash its Nazis | The Electronic Intifada

·        (39) Rod D. Martin on Twitter: “Zelenskyy wore a camo t-shirt to the Oval Office and to address Congress. But he put on a tie for Klaus Schwab. Does this even need a comment? https://t.co/pVzRXWy5J0” / Twitter

·        (40) LastAmericanVagabond on Twitter: “@seanmdav https://t.co/6y7Nrn2tOD” / Twitter

·        20220121_Ray Epps.pdf

·        Ray-Epps-montage-9-27-22.mp4

·        (41) Jimmy Dore on Twitter: ““The lady doth protest too much, methinks”: https://t.co/5blnboXRWL” / Twitter

·        New Tab

·        (65) LastAmericanVagabond on Twitter: “@RWMaloneMD Are they going to be actual files or selectively chosen screen shots? Either will be interesting, but only one constitutes “files” and source material. Still don’t get why so few are willing to point this out.” / Twitter

·        (40) Susan Shelley on Twitter: “New column: Revelations from the #TwitterFiles expose the government’s pressure to censor scientists and analysts who opposed the prevailing COVID policies, including @MartinKulldorff, @DrJBhattacharya, @andrewbostom, @akheriaty, @alexberenson and more. https://t.co/ysByux4aPO” / Twitter

·        (62) Catturd ™ on Twitter: “Twitter is throttling the hell out of Conservatives again. Hearing it from everyone.” / Twitter

·        Screenshot_20230102-170038.png (1080×2270)

·        (62) LastAmericanVagabond on Twitter: “@GaryWalters1 @va_shiva @NeceHorn @elonmusk @Twitter Very incorrect. Collages won’t even let you use it as a source, because it’s the opposite of what you said. Or at the very least can be. And that’s not a good source. I agree crowdsourced research is very important and valuable but can be incorrect and flimsy at times.” / Twitter

·        (40) Wittgenstein on Twitter: “World Economic Forum – The No. 1 ESG challenge organizations face: data Source: https://t.co/a0Inni9cx3 https://t.co/5295fzbzUW” / Twitter

·        (39) LastAmericanVagabond on Twitter: “Set for Jan 7th at 12pm cdt. https://t.co/XOKgaFzPow” / Twitter

·        New Tab

·        Are Vaccines Fueling New Covid Variants? – WSJ

·        (44) Wittgenstein on Twitter: “Professor: “Vaccinating your children reduces the risk of being infected with Covid19″ https://t.co/04PjIAoQjp” / Twitter

·        Fact Check-No evidence vaccination efforts are causing new COVID-19 variants | Reuters

·        (39) LastAmericanVagabond on Twitter: “Obviously. As we made clear using peer reviewed science in 2021. This would be comical had their obfuscation throughout the #COVIDIllusion not been so devastatingly damaging. Had people been able to make an informed choice many lives would have been saved. https://t.co/uRR7mHIwcb” / Twitter

·        Are COVID Vaccines Creating Variants? Let’s Look At What The Scientific Research Says…

·        MSM Hides Pandemic Of The Injected, The Injections Causing Variants & How They’re Not Effective

·        Informed consent disclosure to vaccine trial subjects of risk of COVID-19 vaccines worsening clinical disease – PubMed

·        Human Biomass Now Reality, Bivalent Jab Outpaced By New Variants & Vaxed Red Cross Blood Donations

·        New Tab

·        (39) Dr Jordan B Peterson on Twitter: “Much lower rate of Covid mortality than originally reported. Analysis by John Ioannidis, as skeptical and reliable a scientist as you could hope to find. Did we take away civil liberties for what was essentially a rather typical flu? https://t.co/Z8nCInmVRD” / Twitter

·        Age-stratified infection fatality rate of COVID-19 in the non-elderly population – ScienceDirect

·        New Study Revealed Pfizer Vaccine Recipients Had A 36% Higher Risk Of Experiencing Severe Adverse Events | FDA Approved Omicron-Specific Boosters That Weren’t Tested On People | New Myocarditis Study

·        Serious adverse events of special interest following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination in randomized trials in adults – ScienceDirect

·        pfizer | Violation Tracker

·        (39) Dr Aseem Malhotra on Twitter: “BREAKING : The World Health Organisation endorsed a list of potential serious adverse effects of the mRNA jab ‘Anything & everything that can go wrong with the heart is on that list from heart attacks, pericarditis, arrhythmias, heart failure & that’s what we’re seeing’ https://t.co/wXAJl1GAS6” / Twitter

·        (38) Jessica Rose on Twitter: “And with under reporting factor of 31… https://t.co/0CkSsRffGW” / Twitter

·        (37) Jeff Davis, MD x 8 on Twitter: “@JesslovesMJK @P_McCulloughMD My understanding is due to the PREP act, vaccines fall under “countermeasures” and therefore under the purview of the DoD. I don’t think the FDA can withdraw these products even if they wanted to. The approval of booster was a clue this was happening.” / Twitter

·        Israel’s Openly Fascist Gov, More Drs Break COVID Silence & The COVID Jab, Leiber, Elon Musk Overlap

·        (40) Chief Nerd on Twitter: “Dr. Charles Hoffe: “In my practice now it’s approximately 2/3 of all cancer diagnoses since the Vaxx rollout are Stage 4…So this has been nicknamed ‘Turbo Cancer’” https://t.co/BP2eN9PFN6” / Twitter

·        Behind Malaysia’s increase in cancer cases | MalaysiaNow

·        (36) Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH™ on Twitter: “@c_plushie @jordanbpeterson The World Council for Health, representing dozens of NGOs around the globe, Pharmacovigilence Report called for market removal. The report gives multiple examples of products withdrawn with far fewer safety events with proper regulatory jurisprudence. https://t.co/BHoMlrBwxU” / Twitter

·        (37) OurVoicesMatter on Twitter: “17k Docs “We declare and the data confirms that the covid-19 experimental genetic therapy injections must end. We must acknowledge that. The genetic covid-19 genetic injections cause far more harm than good and provide zero benefit relative to risk for the young and healthy” https://t.co/Ty7z5rjoP9” / Twitter

·        (39) OurVoicesMatter on Twitter: “Doctors from a variety of different fields speak out about the “safe and effective” potion To put things in perspective, Australia has a 95% vaccine uptake. We had 906 Covid deaths in 2020 2022, we’re now facing 25,000 excess deaths for a pollution 10% the size of America https://t.co/VIJqjYABcb” / Twitter

·        (39) Coronavirus Plushie on Twitter: “Dr John Campbell Both the Swine flu and Rotavirus vaccines were withdrawn after causing far fewer serious adverse events than the #Covid_19 mRNA shots are causing. Yet the mRNA shots are still being promoted. The UK govt. should pause the current mass vaccination programme. https://t.co/KA3STMEHzX” / Twitter

·        JCM | Free Full-Text | Characteristics and Clinical Ocular Manifestations in Patients with Acute Corneal Graft Rejection after Receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine: A Systematic Review

·        (37) James Cintolo, RN FN CPT on Twitter: “Today AB-2098, the “physician misinformation bill” goes into effect as law in California. Physicians can no longer communicate nuanced risk about mRNA COVID vaccines to their patients without potentially having their licenses revoked. https://t.co/UiKMiNY4vi https://t.co/0rBGs2rZFl” / Twitter

·        New Tab

·        U.S. FDA approves bivalent COVID-19 vaccines for kids as young as 6 months old | CBC News

·        (37) Dr. Kat Lindley on Twitter: “Just 5.5% of Americans aged 18 to 24 have received the bivalent COVID-19 booster, according to data from the CDC, while 66% of the same age group received the initial COVID-19 vaccine https://t.co/NepFOcxk9T” / Twitter

·        (37) Nashville Angela on Twitter: “I wonder how many people went… https://t.co/HOPuyBHzzd” / Twitter

·        (37) Children’s Health Defense – Pennsylvania Chapter on Twitter: “@eileeniorio @JohnStone32 Exactly. Why do they even bother? Because they are allowed to control the narrative. They must be disqualified from such studies!” / Twitter

·        New Tab

·        (37) Dr Aseem Malhotra on Twitter: “The distraction from the elephant in the room continues. The evidence of common serious harm to the cardiovascular system from the mRNA jab is overwhelming. The CMO must call for it’s complete suspension immediately otherwise he will continue to be on the wrong side of history.” / Twitter

·        (37) Dr Aseem Malhotra on Twitter: “The level of pharmaceutical industry fraud at the root of this article is so extraordinary that the only rational explanation is PSYCHOPATHY https://t.co/8yWPXP0XWi” / Twitter

·        (37) Paul Oosterhuis on Twitter: “Statins don’t explain it. A shift towards higher markers of endothelial inflammation (such as a PULS score more than doubling 11 to 25 do) ask Dr Aseem Malhotra, he knows why. @DrAseemMalhotra @chrismartenson @stkirsch @P_McCulloughMD @drcole12 @PierreKory @FatEmperor” / Twitter

·        (37) LastAmericanVagabond on Twitter: “Dr Malhotra pre-pandemic debating Astra Zeneca CEO, who proposed we need more people taking more medications. Malhotra said: “You can’t drug people into being healthy.” Yet even he toed the COVID jab line at first. “Emergencies” are emotional manipulation. https://t.co/EJrPBS45KS” / Twitter

·        (37) Psalm1USA on Twitter: “Hospitals got a 20% Bonus https://t.co/hLQkkeWe5d” / Twitter

·        (38) Wesley J. Smith on Twitter: “.@DrJBhattacharya “At one point during the pandemic I got direct orders from the leaders of the [Stanford] medical school to stop appearing on TV…But I had to speak. What is the purpose of my career for if I am not speaking at a time like this?” https://t.co/Z6PyOzNES4″ / Twitter

·        New Tab

·        (37) LastAmericanVagabond on Twitter: “So pathetically sad. Explain then @ScottAdamsSays how someone like Dr.Sucharit Bhakdi said these were dangerous, for everyone, in 2020? And those of us who actually looked at ALL the science objectively saw it as well. Been proving it on my show since the beginning of 2021.” / Twitter

·        (37) David Atkin on Twitter: “@healthbyjames That’s because there are no facts for them to debate.” / Twitter

·        8 takeaways from investigation of Alzheimer’s drug approval – STAT

·        Pfizer Exposed For Skipping Critical Testing & Engineered “Nanobodies” Inhaled To Fight COVID-19

·        (50) Pfizer Exposed For Skipping Critical Testing & Engineered “Nanobodies” Inhaled To Fight COVID-19

·        (50) Pfizer Exposed For Skipping Critical Testing & Engineered “Nanobodies” Inhaled To Fight COVID-19

·        New Tab

·        (37) Mama Tatiana on Twitter: “Took Covid crashing airline business to get rid of this ‘war on terror’ rule?” / Twitter

·        (74) Richard Wellings on Twitter: “Under the planned new monetary system, people who refuse a “treatment” could be denied access to their own money as punishment; or severely restricted in what they are allowed to buy; or their purchases restricted to a small area in a kind of lockdown: https://t.co/qLv7L1lNk5” / Twitter

·        (72) Raven News on Twitter: “There it is folks. Full monitoring of where you drive. The next thing we will learn is that they can turn them off at any time. https://t.co/IgJrcvDr7Q #tyranny #Control” / Twitter

·        Law Will Install Kill Switches In All New Cars

·        (76) Malcolm Roberts on Twitter: “Just want to start the New Year Strong! Happy 2023 everyone. https://t.co/b9vwDEKlrU” / Twitter



Watch “Swindon data” – Part 1


with Dr. John Campbell (Jan. 6)




Swindon heart complications, good news” – Part 2


with Dr. John Campbell (Jan. 9)




COVID-19 Destroys the Weakest and Poorest


by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Story at-a-glance

·         COVID-19 has been called the great equalizer, but nothing could be further from the truth. The disease clearly affects certain groups far worse than others, and the countermeasures implemented to quell the outbreak have been a phenomenal boon for wealthy globalists while decimating the lives of the rest

·         Certain comorbidities significantly raise your risk of complications and death from COVID-19. Among the top ones are obesity, insulin resistance and vitamin D deficiency

·         While the media and political and economic institutions claim the pandemic narrative is based on scientific consensus, this clearly isn’t the case. There’s no evidence supporting universal mask use and there’s even less scientific support for lockdowns

·         While 45.5 million Americans filed for unemployment due to pandemic lockdowns, 29 new billionaires were created. The five richest men in the U.S. grew their wealth by a total of $101.7 billion (26%), between March 18, 2020, and June 17, 2020, alone

·         Now, as reckless government overreach has destroyed many small businesses and engineered catastrophic unemployment around the world, world leaders are joining the World Economic Forum in calling for a Great Reset of the global economy that will benefit wealthy powerbrokers while enslaving and impoverishing everyone else


COVID-19 has been called the great equalizer, but nothing could be further from the truth. The disease clearly affects certain groups far worse than others, and the countermeasures implemented to quell the outbreak have been a phenomenal boon for wealthy globalists while decimating the livelihood, and perhaps even the will to live, of the average person. As reported by IPS News:1

“According to the latest ILO reports,2 as job losses escalate due to lockdowns, nearly half of the global workforce is at risk of losing livelihoods, access to food and the ability to survive.

The World Economic Forum states that ‘With some 2.6 billion people around the world in some kind of lockdown, we are conducting arguably the largest psychological experiment ever.’3

As governments and corporations tighten political authoritarianism4 and technological surveillance, curtailing privacy and democratic protest, much of humanity is succumbing to anxiety, depression and a sense of powerlessness.”

Pandemics Highlight Preexisting Health Inequalities . . . .





New JFK/CIA Revelations & Our Alarmingly Secretive Security State


with Glenn Greenwald




The Mafia, CIA & Jeffrey Epstein Worked TOGETHER To Traffic Minors


with Jimmy Dore and Whitney Webb


There is much more to the Jeffrey Epstein case than an island for sex trafficking, flight logs and a suspicious “suicide.” As journalist Whitney Webb unravels in her two-volume “One Nation Under Blackmail” series, ties between the CIA, organized crime, international arms dealers and sex traffickers date back to before World War II and the Epstein connection merely represents the latest chapter in an unbelievably sordid, many-tentacled tale of money, sex, violence, power and blackmail. Jimmy and Whitney discuss the historical connection between the military, the CIA and organized crime as well as Epstein’s ties to Bill Clinton, Bill Gates and Victoria’s Secret founder Les Wexner, among many other miscreants and malefactors.



Robert Malone Reveals The Truth About Bill Gates


with Robert Malone


Dr Robert Malone holds nothing back about Bill Gates



Deep State mafia JUST snuffed out a major Epstein connection


with Clayton Morris and Whitney Webb


Journalist Whitney Webb joins us to breakdown the stunning SBF "not guilty" plea and Epstein prosecutor losing her job after filing suit against JP Morgan Chase. The deep state mafia scored two important wins to silence information and keep names out of the public.



“Murdering and Pillaging with IMPUNITY”


with Chris Hedges and Ralph Nader




“The Coup We Never Knew”


by Victor Davis Hanson



Yet another Covid “variant”: Omicron XBB & the self-driving narrative


by Kit Knightly



How Global Strikes Play Right into the Great Reset’s hands


by Kit Knightly



Sanctions: A Wrecking Ball in a Global Economy


by Black Agenda Radio

(audio, 18:15)

Sara Flounders is co-founder of the International Action Center, as well as a member of the United National Antiwar Coalition, a contributing editor for Workers World and a coordinator of the Sanctions Kill campaign. She joins us from Jersey City, New Jersey to discuss her work as editor of the newly published anthology, 'Sanctions: A Wrecking Ball in a Global Economy.' The book provides analysis of U.S. unilateral coercive measures, sanctions, which devastate millions of people around the world.



Free Speech Under Threat From Police In Scotland, Says Index On Censorship


by Chris Summers





3,000+ Yemenis Killed or Injured in 2022


by Peoples Dispatch

The Saudi Arabia-led international coalition also destroyed over 14,300 residences, 12 hospitals, 64 schools and 22 power stations in Yemen last year, according to the Eye for Humanity Centre for Rights and Development.





Why China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) Is Back with a Bang


Map of BRI (Photo Credit: The Cradle)


by Pepe Escobar

As Beijing’s Belt and Road Initiative enters its 10th year, a strong Sino-Russian geostrategic partnership has revitalized the BRI across the Global South.

The year 2022 ended with a Zoom call to end all Zoom calls: Presidents Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping discussing all aspects of the Russia-China strategic partnership in an exclusive video call.

Putin told Xi how “Russia and China managed to ensure record high growth rates of mutual trade,” meaning “we will be able to reach our target of $200 billion by 2024 ahead of schedule.”

On their coordination to “form a just world order based on international law,” Putin emphasized how “we share the same views on the causes, course, and logic of the ongoing transformation of the global geopolitical landscape.”

Facing “unprecedented pressure and provocations from the west,” Putin noted how Russia-China are not only defending their own interests “but also all those who stand for a truly democratic world order and the right of countries to freely determine their own destiny.”

Earlier, Xi had announced that Beijing will hold the 3rd Belt and Road Forum in 2023. This has been confirmed, off the record, by diplomatic sources. The forum was initially designed to be bi-annual, first held in 2017 and then 2019. 2021 didn’t happen because of Covid-19.

The return of the forum signals not only a renewed drive but an extremely significant landmark as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), launched in Astana and then Jakarta in 2013, will be celebrating its 10th anniversary.

BRI version 2.0

That set the tone for 2023 across the whole geopolitical and geoeconomic spectrum. In parallel to its geoconomic breadth and reach, BRI has been conceived as China’s overarching foreign policy concept up to the mid-century. Now it’s time to tweak things. BRI 2.0 projects, along its several connectivity corridors, are bound to be re-dimensioned to adapt to the post-Covid environment, the reverberations of the war in Ukraine, and a deeply debt-distressed world.

And then there’s the interlocking of the connectivity drive via BRI with the connectivity drive via the International North South Transportation Corridor (INTSC), whose main players are Russia, Iran and India.

Expanding on the geoeconomic drive of the Russia-China partnership as discussed by Putin and Xi, the fact that Russia, China, Iran and India are developing interlocking trade partnerships should establish that BRICS members Russia, India and China, plus Iran as one of the upcoming members of the expanded BRICS+, are the ‘Quad’ that really matter across Eurasia.

The new Politburo Standing Committee in Beijing, which are totally aligned with Xi’s priorities, will be keenly focused on solidifying concentric spheres of geoeconomic influence across the Global South.

How China plays ‘strategic ambiguity’.   .  .  .



The Sino-Russian Summit You Didn't Read About


by Patrick Lawrence

The New York Times coverage of the recent summit between Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping misses some of its most important details, writes Patrick Lawrence.



Steve Bannon and China’s Deep State


by Matthew Ehret

On June 4, 2020, purged billionaire deep state operative Guo Wengui (aka: Miles Guo), now operating from New York City, established a new organization called ‘The New Federal State of China’ with a shiny new flag, constitution and cheesy anthem – devoted entirely to the overthrow of the Chinese government… which will undoubtedly happen any day within Guo’s wildest imagination. 

When this project was unveiled, Steve Bannon and Guo stood shoulder to shoulder on the Asian millionaire’s $28 million yacht in the New York harbor with the statue of liberty featured in the background and planes carrying flags announcing the new Federal State of China flying overhead.



Is China a Communist or a Capitalist Country?


by Prof Michel Chossudovsky

In the 1980s, the consensus among Leftists was that China was a socialist country. Debating the restoration of capitalism in China in Leftist circles was a taboo.   Forty years later, sectors of the Left continue to portray China as a Communist country, despite ample evidence to the contrary.

I completed the manuscript of my book entitledTowards Capitalist Restoration? Chinese Socialism after Mao” in 1984.

The book was subsequently published by Macmillan in 1986. Click to download the book in pdf .

Free of charge: If you wish to make a donation to cover our costs, that would be much appreciated.



Will Confucius Marry Marx? The Quest for Legitimacy in Chinese Politics


by Pepe Escobar

Chinese scholar Lanxin Xiang has written a book, The Quest for Legitimacy in Chinese Politics, that is arguably the most extraordinary effort in decades trying to bridge the East-West politico-historical divide.

It’s impossible in a brief column to do justice to the relevance of the discussions this book inspires. Here we will highlight some of the key issues – hoping they will appeal to an informed readership especially across the Beltway, now convulsed by varying degrees of Sinophobia.

Xiang delves right into the fundamental contradiction: China is widely accused by the West of lack of democratic legitimacy exactly as it enjoys a four-decade, sustainable, history-making economic boom.

He identifies two key sources for the Chinese problem:

“On the one hand, there is the project of cultural restoration through which Chinese leader Xi Jinping attempts to restore ‘Confucian legitimacy’ or the traditional ‘Mandate of Heaven’; on the other hand, Xi refuses to start any political reforms, because it is his top priority to preserve the existing political system, i.e., a ruling system derived mainly from an alien source, Bolshevik Russia.”

Ay, there’s the rub: “The two objectives are totally incompatible”.

Xiang contends that for the majority of Chinese – the apparatus and the population at large – this “alien system” cannot be preserved forever, especially now that a cultural revival focuses on the Chinese Dream.

Needless to add, scholarship in the West is missing the plot completely – because of the insistence on interpreting China under Western political science and “Eurocentric historiography”. What Xiang attempts in his book is to “navigate carefully the conceptual and logical traps created by post-Enlightenment terminologies”.

Thus his emphasis on deconstructing “master keywords” – a wonderful concept straight out of ideography. The four master keywords are legitimacy, republic, economy and foreign policy. This volume concentrates on legitimacy (hefa, in Chinese).

When law is about morality

It’s a joy to follow how Xiang debunks Max Weber – “the original thinker of the question of political legitimacy”. Weber is blasted for his “rather perfunctory study of the Confucian system”. He insisted that Confucianism – emphasizing only equality, harmony, decency, virtue and pacifism – could not possibly develop a competitive capitalist spirit.

Xiang shows how since the beginning of the Greco-Roman tradition, politics was always about a spatial conception – as reflected in polis (a city or city-state). The Confucian concept of politics, on the other hand, is “entirely temporal, based on the dynamic idea that legitimacy is determined by a ruler’s daily moral behavior.”

Xiang shows how hefa contains in fact two concepts: “fit” and “law” – with “law” giving priority to morality.

In China, the legitimacy of a ruler is derived from a Mandate of Heaven (Tian Ming). Unjust rulers inevitably lose the mandate – and the right to rule. This, argues Xiang, is “a dynamic ‘deeds-based’ rather than ‘procedure-based’ argument.”

Essentially, the Mandate of Heaven is “an ancient Chinese belief that tian [ heaven, but not the Christian heaven, complete with an omniscient God] grants the emperor the right to rule based on their moral quality and ability to govern well and fairly.”

The beauty of it is that the mandate does not require a divine connection or noble bloodline, and has no time limit. Chinese scholars have always interpreted the mandate as a way to fight abuse of power.

The overall crucial point is that, unlike in the West, the Chinese view of history is cyclical, not linear: “Legitimacy is in fact a never-ending process of moral self-adjustment.”

See, also: The Limits of Chinese Power. US-China Relations Hinge Upon the 2020 Presidential Election



Watch “China, mass infections”


with Dr. John Campbell




Factors in infection risk


with Dr. John Campbell


In Advanced Medicine Dr John Campbell explains: The risk of COVID-19 also varied by the number of COVID-19 vaccine doses previously received. The higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of covid infection.Download free high-res PDFs of the posters, download free copies of my two text books.





“How The Syrian Conflict Fractured The Left”


with Katie Halper and Vijar Prashad


Vijay Prashad discusses how much of the fracturing of The Left can be traced back to the Syrian conflict and how it's now divided over the War in Ukraine. Vijay and Katie also discuss the destructive "politics of condemnation."



Cuba Says Biden Applies Blockade Even More Aggressively Than His Predecessors


by Marjorie Cohn



Facing the Failure of Our Cruel Venezuela Policy


by Daniel Larison

Venezuelan opposition legislators voted last week to dissolve their interim government, and with that they have ended the project of trying to replace Maduro with Juan Guaidó:

But nearly four years later and with little to show for the effort, the experiment has come to an end. On Friday, the opposition lawmakers who once rallied behind Guaidó voted 72-29 to dissolve their so-called interim government, effectively ending his mandate.

This was a long overdue move. Guaidó never had control of anything outside the National Assembly in Venezuela, and eventually he didn’t really have control over that. The U.S. made a major mistake in trying to foment regime change in Venezuela, and the backing of Guaidó was a perfect example of why the policy never made any sense. The entire policy has been an exercise in wishful thinking and reckless meddling from the start. After four years of failure and worsening hardship for the Venezuelan people, there may now be a chance for a serious rethinking of this policy.

See, also: The Cruel Farce of U.S. Regime Change Policy in Venezuela



Vijay Prashad on Peru's Coup


with Katie Halper




“They shot them down like animals”: Massacre in Peru's Ayacucho


by Zoe Alexandra



Brazil's informal workers were key to Bolsonaro's defeat


by Martin Varese




This NYC construction union is reaching out to undocumented and non-union workers. The bosses don't like it.


by Maximillian Alvarez




Mumia Abu Jamal Continues His Fight for Freedom


with Johanna Fernandez

(audio, 15:52)



The Imperialist Aggressiveness and the Birth of the West African Peoples Organization (WAPO)


by West African Peoples Organization



America’s New Cold War in Africa


by Vijay Prashad

The United States government held the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit in mid-December, prompted in large part by its fears about Chinese and Russian influence on the African continent.

Rather than routine diplomacy, Washington’s approach in the summit was guided by its broader New Cold War agenda, in which a growing focus of the U.S. has been to disrupt relations that African nations hold with China and Russia.

This hawkish stance is driven by U.S. military planners, who view Africa as “NATO’s southern flank” and consider China and Russia to be “near-peer threats.”

At the summit, U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin charged China and Russia with “destabilizing” Africa. Austin provided little evidence to support his accusations, apart from pointing to China’s substantial investments, trade and infrastructure projects with many countries on the continent and maligning the presence in a handful of countries of several hundred mercenaries from the Russian private security firm, the Wagner Group.

The African heads of government left Washington with a promise from U.S. President Joe Biden to make a continent-wide tour, a pledge that the United States will make $55 billion in investments and a high-minded but empty statement on U.S.-Africa partnership.

Unfortunately, given the U.S. track record on the continent, until these words are backed up with constructive actions, they can only be considered empty gestures and geopolitical jockeying.

There was not one word in the summit’s final statement on the most pressing issue for the continent’s governments: the long-term debt crisis.



A call to the people: If capitalism is to be fought, it has to be fought in the DRC


by Tanupriya Singh





Eight-Year-old Debunked Lie Blaming Russia for Shooting Down Malaysian Passenger Flight in 2014 is Given New Life by Dutch Judge


byJeremy Kuzmarov

That the trial was unfair is indicated by the judge’s ruling that all evidence supplied by Dutch and Ukrainian state organizations was admissible in court; but all evidence supplied by Russian organizations were inadmissible.

Bottom of Form



Is the US Responsible for the Attack on Makiivka in Donetsk?


by Kurt Nimmo

As usual, the BBC and those who buy into its nonstop propaganda are misjudging the Russian people. Indeed, they are “beginning to wake up,” not in response to missteps by Putin and his generals, although there is justifiable anger, but rather that Ukraine is in large part controlled by psychopaths who consider them cockroaches and want nothing more than to kill them.

Of course, we can’t expect the BBC, the main propaganda outlet for a nation responsible for blowing up the NordStream pipeline, thus leaving Germans to freeze this winter, to report details on the attack. For warmonger propagandists, the death of hundreds of Russian soldiers, without much detail on the attacks, is enough info for blinkered Brits.

First and foremost, we were told by script-reader Biden and the USG that they would only provide Ukraine with governed Lockheed Martin HIMARS artillery, unable to reach Russia. However, according to the death merchant manufacturer, “the launcher can fire rounds reaching beyond 300km and is ‘interoperable with the latest precision munitions that range 15 to 499+ km,’” reports Newsweek.

Depending on where the HIMARS were fired, most of Donetsk is within reach of potentially illegal rounds, illegal because the platform was used to fire cluster bombs, outlawed by all sane and rational nations. Believe it or not, Biden is actually considering sending cluster bombs to genocidal Ukronazis.

The original M26 rockets had cluster warheads which distributed over 600 small bomblets over a wide area. Nicknamed ‘steel rain,’ these proved extremely effective during Operation Desert Storm in 1991, but left an unacceptable number of unexploded bomblets on the battlefield. The M26 was replaced with a unitary warhead, that is, one with a single, large explosive charge.

News reports dutifully ignored by the war propaganda media indicate the Ukronazis have in fact already used cluster munitions, more than likely provided by the USG, which lies about the degree of military assistance given to Zelenskyy and his band of whack-job ultranats. Remarkably, the use of cluster bombs in Ukraine, often responsible for killing and maiming children, was reported by The New York Times. See, also: Ukraine’s Intelligence Boss Predicts Further Attacks Deep Inside Russia

According to a report on MRonline:



Ukraine’s Intelligence Boss Predicts Further Attacks Deep Inside Russia


by Kurt Nimmo



Russia War Live : “Ukraine’s Spy Chief Warns Putin, Says Brace for ‘Hottest & Deeper' Strikes”


by ET Now


Russia War Live : Ukraine anticipates the “hottest” fighting in March as it plans “a major push” in spring, and there may be further strikes “deeper and deeper” inside Russia, Ukraine’s military intelligence chief Kyrylo Budanov said in an interview published on Jan 4.


War-Crazed Former CIA Head Wants U.S. Troops In Ukraine


with Aaron Maté


Former CIA Interim Director Mike Morell recently appeared on Face the Nation where he discussed the question of whether an invasion of Crimea might be a “red line” for Russia in the Ukraine War. Morell, however, was more interested in discussing red lines NATO might impose on Russia and how the U.S. should be willing to put troops on the ground in Ukraine and threaten Russia with nuclear annihilation if Putin and company consider deploying nukes of their own in Ukraine.



Brazil foreign policy focuses on BRICS. Israel foreign policy rejects Biden's Ukraine project


with Alex Christofour and Alexander Mercouris






Palestine in Pictures: December 2022


by The Electronic Intifada



Legality of Israel's occupation referred to UN court


by Maureen Clare Murphy

Last week, the UN General Assembly voted in favor of requesting an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice on the legality of Israel’s occupation of the West Bank – including East Jerusalem – and Gaza.

The resolution asks the court to set out the legal consequences of Israel’s violation of Palestinians’ right to self-determination and its prolonged occupation, settlement and annexation of Palestinian land since 1967.

This includes “measures aimed at altering the demographic composition, character and status” of Jerusalem and the “adoption of discriminatory legislation and measures.”

The resolution also asks the court to determine “the legal consequences that arise for all states and the United Nations” as a result of its findings.

The International Court of Justice is the UN’s tribunal for settling legal disputes submitted by states and requests for advisory opinions on legal questions referred to it through the UN system.

Though both are based in The Hague, the International Court of Justice is a separate body from the International Criminal Court, which opened an investigation into the human rights situation in the West Bank and Gaza Strip last year.

Advisory opinions issued by the ICJ are non-binding.



The UN General Assembly Drags Israel to the World Court


by Dr. Chandra Muzaffar

The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) voted last week to refer Israel to the International Court of Justice (World Court) for its on-going violation of the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination in the occupied territories of the West Bank and Gaza and for adopting measures aimed at altering the demographic composition, character and status of the holy city of Jerusalem.

Before we analyse the significance of the vote, let us probe the actual voting pattern. 87 states voted to refer Israel to the World Court. This represents almost all the Muslim majority states including those that had recently established diplomatic relations with Israel. It shows that on this issue at least, the diplomatic manoeuvres of Israel and its backers have not helped the Zionist state. Other largely non-Muslim majority states in Latin America, Africa and Asia also endorsed the resolution. It is notable that both China and Russia supported the move to haul Israel before the World Court. 26 countries voted against the UNGA resolution. Among them were of course the US, Britain and a number of other Western states. A huge number — 53 — also abstained. India which at the time of the creation of Israel in 1948 was in the forefront of the struggle to defend the rights of the Palestinians was one of the abstentions. Its growing ties with Israel, especially in the military sphere have often been cited as the main reason for this change in attitude.

The Indian stance does not in any way nullify the significance of the vote for the resolution. The UNGA is asking the highest jurisdictional authority in the world to state its stand on Israel’s conduct as the Occupying Power over lands it has held in its grip for the last 55 years. Right from 1967, the UNGA has viewed Israel not only as an Occupying Power but has also demanded that Israel withdraw from the West Bank and Gaza. Needless to say, Israel has ignored this plea. It is worth observing that this time the UNGA’s request is being made when Israel is led by perhaps its most extreme right-wing government which has pledged to pursue policies that will undermine even further what little is left of the rights of the Palestinian people and demolish even more the Christian and Muslim features of Jerusalem.

See, also: Israel Should be Demoted From Full UN Membership



2022 US Middle East Policy Review and 2023 Forecast


by Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy

US Middle East policy continued its downward spiral in 2022. The president and Congress aided and abetted illegal Israeli objectives over better policies preferred by overwhelming majorities of American voters. In poll after poll, Americans have signaled they would like to cut U.S. foreign aid to Israel. Sanction Israel over apartheid practices. Hold it responsible for being the Middle East’s leading state sponsor of nuclear proliferation and not recognize Israeli territorial annexation. Americans also oppose Israel’s U.S. surrogates attempting to curb their 1st Amendment rights to boycott Israel in response to its perpetual human rights violations.

None of these popular and noble objectives were translated into U.S. policy in 2022. Americans are instead likely to be further undermined in 2023. Below are IRmep’s takes on 2022 and 2023 predictions.



Netanyahu Ushers in the Most Anti-Palestinian Government in Israel’s History


by Marjorie Cohn

The new government will annex the West Bank, expand illegal Jewish settlements and discriminate against LGBTQ people.



What Would the U.S. Be Like If It Was Like Israel?


by Juan Cole

What would the United States be like if it was like Israel?

After the most recent election is held, the president comes out and says that settling North America is the exclusive privilege of white Christians. He is determined to make some parts of the U.S. whiter and more Christian by giving incentives for people to move there. He names Detroit and the south side of Chicago, the state of Hawaii, the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek and Seminole oil-rich lands in Oklahoma.

Only white Christians are allowed to be cabinet secretaries and congressional majority and minority leaders.Non-white non-Christians like Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar are expelled from the House for their inflammatory speeches questioning white privilege. The citizenship rights of all Native Americans outside the original 13 colonies are revoked and they are put under martial law.

In this future Christian Zionist America, the U.S. has invaded Canada and occupied British Columbia, including Vancouver and the Great Bear Rainforest, a First Nations reserve. That is another place the president says there have to be more white Christian people, displacing the Wuikinuxv Nation, the Heiltsuk Nation, the Haida Nation and other first nations tribes. Vancouver residents from Hong Kong have their citizenship revoked and are expelled back to China. Washington State is now connected to Alaska, which the president maintains is necessary to the security of the U.S., given that you can see Russia from there. The U.S. army goes back to using conscription to have enough troops to patrol Vancouver and the rest of the province.



Al-Aqsa Mosque Stormed By Israeli Cabinet Minister Provoking International Backlash


by Robert Inlakesh



Will the International Court of Justice Finally Condemn Israel’s Illegal Squatting in Palestine?


by Jual Cole



Israel's Openly Fascist Gov


with Ryan Cristián




Diana Buttu & Gideon Levy: Israel's New Far-Right Gov't Entrenches Apartheid System with US Support


with Amy Goodman




Catherine Perez-Shakdam: The “Israeli Spy” Who “Infiltrated” MintPress


by Alan Macleod



Benjamin Netanyahu and the Final 'Execution of the Palestinian People'


by Juan Cole

The once-again Israeli prime minister vows massive Israeli squatting on Palestinian land, and ultimate annexation as he re-takes power.



US, Israel Vote No as UN Approves World Court Resolution on Illegal Occupation


by Jon Queally

The General Assembly of the United Nations on Friday approved a resolution that asks the International Court of Justice to issue an opinion on the legal consequences of Israel’s illegal occupation of the Palestinian territories.

The resolution passed with a final vote of 87 in favor, 26 opposed, and 53 nations abstaining. Among those opposed to the measure were the United States, Israel, the United Kingdom, and Germany.

Specifically, the resolution asks the ICJ to provide the United Nations with an advisory opinion on the legal consequences of Israel’s ongoing “occupation, settlement and annexation” of the Occupied Territories, “including measures aimed at altering the demographic composition, character and status of the Holy City of Jerusalem, and from its adoption of related discriminatory legislation and measures.”

The official request to the ICJ also asks the body, known broadly as the World Court, how specific Israeli policies and practices “affect the legal status of the occupation” and to characterize any legal consequences for all the United Nations and its member states that stem from this status.



The Price of Betraying Palestine: Morocco Challenges Normalization with Israel


by Ramzy Baroud



The British American Project and Fighting Back Against the Israel Lobby with Matt Kennard, Asa Winstanley and Huda Amori


with Lowkey






Is Western Propaganda Failing?


by Larry Johnson

As someone who played a minuscule role in a CIA information operation that targeted Soviet military operations in Afghanistan in November 1985, I feel somewhat qualified to comment on the mammoth propaganda campaign the United States and Europe have unleashed on Russia. I have never seen anything so perverse and so dishonest.



Fighting the “Psyopcracy


by Joe Lauria

It is a hard thing to combat because it’s not a physical enemy but rather messages that lodge themselves in millions of people’s minds. And it has come to rule over us.



FBI Cointelpro Is Back and Worse Than Ever


by James Bovard

Elon Musk has opened the floodgates to expose the FBI’s latest war on Americans’ freedom of speech.  The FBI massively intervened to pressure Twitter to suppress accounts and tweets from individuals the FBI disapproved, including parody accounts.  The FBI and other federal agencies also browbeat Facebook, Instagram, and many other tech companies.

Thus far, most of the American media has ignored or downplayed the story, known as the Twitter Files. Since many of the individuals who the FBI got squelched were pro-Trump, the violation of their rights is a non-issue – or a cause for quiet celebration.  At this point, it is difficult to know whether the scant reaction to the Twitter Files is the result of political bias, collective amnesia, or simply a total ignorance of American history.

The history of the FBI provides perhaps the best guide to the abuses that may be now occurring. From 1956 to 1971, the FBI carried out “a secret war against those citizens it considers threats to the established order,” a 1976 Senate report noted. The FBI’s Operation COINTELPRO involved thousands of covert operations to incite street warfare between violent groups, to get people fired, to portray innocent people as government informants, to destroy activists’ marriages, and to cripple or destroy left-wing, black, communist, white racist, and anti-war organizations.  The FBI let no corner of American life escape its vigilance; it even worked to expose and discredit “communists who are secretly operating in legitimate organizations and employments, such as the Young Men’s Christian Association and Boy Scouts.”



Scheer & Hedges: They Know Everything About You


with Chris Hedges and Robert Sheer




How The Empire Controls The Narrative


with Lee Camp and Margaret Kimberly




The Truth Will Not Be Televised


with Lee Camp and Katie Halper



Gaining Power in the Struggle for a Better World, with Vijay Prashad


with Lee Camp and Vijay Prashad





Jimmy Dore & Max Blumenthal DEBUNK Lies (clip)


with Jimmy Dore and Max Blumenthal




US intelligence community warned Twitter about Ukrainian prosecutor's book alleging Biden corruption


by Tom Parker

An internal Twitter document published by journalist Matt Taibbi has revealed that the United States (US) intelligence community warned the tech company about the publicity surrounding a book from a former Ukrainian prosecutor that claimed President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden, were involved in corruption in Ukraine.

The book, “True Stories Of Joe Biden’s International Corruption In Ukraine” was written by Viktor Shokin, who served as Ukraine’s top prosecutor between February 10, 2015 and March 29, 2016. In the book, Shokin alleged that Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company that had Hunter Biden on its board, paid Hunter millions of dollars to prevent prosecutors from taking action against Burisma.

Shokin also claimed that then Vice President Joe Biden had ordered Shokin to be fired before he could take action against Burisma. In January 2018, Joe Biden bragged about withholding $1 billion in aid to Ukraine until Shokin was fired.



Twitter Obeyed Gov Orders To Censor Critics As “Russian Disinformation”


with Jimmy Dore


In the latest installment of the blockbuster “Twitter Files” release, journalist Matt Taibbi details ways the US State Department sought to label a wide range of critics of United States government policies as promoting “Russian disinformation” and to compel Twitter to ban or otherwise censor these accounts. And guess what – despite some initial hesitation, Twitter essentially went along with it. Guest host Aaron Maté and Taibbi discuss the internal Twitter discussions that led the social media platform to accede to the demands of a State Department group calling itself the “Global Engagement Center.”



Who Determines What’s “Disinformation”?


by Stavroula Pabst

Why are we being bombarded by fact-checks and “anti-disinformation” efforts in our timeline scrolls? When reading the news, we too often find that so-called experts are behind whatever claim media professionals make, no matter how outlandish or disconnected from reality such claims may be.

Through his concept and exploration of spectacle, a totalizing, negating force over our lives that results in what is really “unlife,” French Philosopher Guy Debord’s famous Society of the Spectacle (1967) and his follow-up booklet, Comments on the Society of the Spectacle (1988), provide insights into these and related phenomena. 

When it comes to “fact-checks” and “experts,” Debord is clear: in a society subjugated by the economy, where “everything that was once directly lived has faded into representation,” such professionals do not exist to provide us the truth — they exist to serve the state and media through lies and distortions spun into what appears as true. If the “experts” lose influence, it will be because the public learns and articulates that their job is to systematically lie.



Why Corporate Media HATES The “Twitter Files”


with Aaron Maté and Matt Taibbi


The so-called “Twitter Files” information dump continues, with the latest round from journalist Matt Taibbi detailing more of the uncomfortably close ties between the social media giant and various government agencies and individuals demanding censorship of various people and perspectives. Yet the mainstream, corporate media still tried to depict these revelations as a “nothingburger." Why do you think that is?



Twitter let US intelligence community influence policies after pressure from Democrats and media


by Tom Parker

“Twitter let the 'USIC' [US intelligence community] into its moderation process. It would not leave.”



Twitter files prove Gov was in the censorship business in a huge way


with Tucker Carlson and Matt Taibbi




Behind the Twitter Files Hype on Unlimited Hangout


with James Corbett




Surveillance State: What the #TwitterFiles Mean for America, Ukraine and Libertarianism


by Thomas R. Eddlem

The #TwitterFiles are fast becoming the greatest glimpse behind the veil of America’s out-of-control surveillance state since 2013, when Edward Snowden heroically sacrificed his career and citizenship to reveal the blatantly unconstitutional and dangerous surveillance of the American people by the NSA. 

Now — thanks to great reporting by Matt Taibbi, Bari Weiss, Lee Fang, Michael Shellenberger and David Zweig — they have proven beyond any doubt that the “intelligence community” has been manipulating the digital press in the United States for years. Led by the FBI, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), and the CIA, the surveillance state didn’t just run roughshod over tech companies, they obviously placed staff agents in place at Twitter and other key tech companies in order to influence censorship policy. Twitter alone had dozens of intelligence agency veterans on its senior staff.

Matt Taibbi stressed that the #TwitterFiles document that “the state isn’t a bit actor in a mostly-private ‘content moderation’ movement. It’s the central player, clearly the boss of the whole operation, and clearly also the driving force in its expansion, a truth we can show in pictures.”

And censorship was not limited to the Hunter Biden computer story because it conflicted with the CIA war narrative in the Ukraine. The heavy hand of government censorship was brought to bear on a broad spectrum of issues, including COVID vaccines and masking, the Nordstream II sabotage, and election fraud charges — to the point that the sitting President of the United States was de-platformed under pressure from Deep State operatives. “A long list of government enforcement agencies essentially got to operate Twitter as an involuntary contractor, heading into the 2020 election,” Taibbi noted.

Thus, it shouldn’t be a surprise the mass media lacks interest in the Jeffrey Epstein/Ghislaine Maxwell cases where the two were charged with trafficking underage girls for sex to … absolutely no one who was prosecuted or charged (probably because Epstein/Maxwell ran an MI6 or Mossad honeytrap). The spook-run media did their best to zero-out speculation about the US sabotage of Nordstream II and a host of other issues of concern to their interests.

Meanwhile, establishment lickspittles like corporate-Democrat podcaster David Pakman are pooh-poohing the political censorship as a nothingburger, and the Hunter Biden story as merely private companies refusing to circulate nude pictures of the president’s son with underage girls. Why mention Burisma, “the Big Guy” or how Biden led Obama-era policy in Ukraine and China as Biden’s family cashed in with lucrative $20,000/month no-show jobs if your role is to support the CIA war narrative in Ukraine?

The FBI/ODNI/CIA obviously censored the Hunter Biden laptop story because it would expose corruption in the Ukrainian government, which would have damaged the narrative for the war they planned on escalating with Russia (by getting Ukrainian forces to shell the disenfranchised ethnic Russian areas of Ukraine that had declared secession).

The Surveillance State’s role in Ukraine





“End the Fed?”


with James Corbett and Jerry Day




COVID-19: A Global Financial Operation


by Michael Bryant

The COVID phenomenon cannot be understood without understanding the un-televised 2019-2020 unprecedented financial collapse threatening the entire global financial system.

The Covid-19 Pandemic story makes little sense when viewed through the lens of health, safety and science. Viewed through the lens of money, power, control, and wealth transfer, however, then all of it makes perfect sense.

The lockdowns, mandatory muzzles, anti-social distancing and the plethora of additional measures did nothing to protect or improve public health- they were never designed to do so.

The numerous mandates birthed by the onset of the Covid-19 scenario were all designed to deliberately break the global economy and crush small businesses as well as break people’s minds, will and the social fabric, in order to “build back a better society” that conforms to the dystopian visions of the psychopaths waging this class war.

The desired result is a billionaire’s utopia, in which they will own and control the planet in the form of a techno-feudal fiefdom where digitally branded humanity is regulated like cattle in a super-surveilled technocracy.

What this manufactured crisis conveniently camouflages is that we are in the midst of a planned total economic collapse- a collapse which was inevitable.

The timing of the COVID fraud became necessary as world markets were faced with an emergency debt crisis in Fall of 2019 which popped up in formerly mostly liquid markets: Repo Markets, Money Markets and Foreign Exchange Markets.

Western governments began a rush to salvage this decaying system, stem this cataclysmic landslide, bail out large scale investors and proactively install a security infrastructure to control the inevitable social disorder resulting from this collapse. This would be followed by a global financial reset, after a period of hyperinflation, destroying both the value of debt and the corresponding paper claims.

The financial system was already in an advanced stage of decline by the fall of 2019 as illustrated by the Fed taking over the Repo market in September to short-circuit the Repocalypse. This collapse began in earnest in 2008/09 and attempts over the last decade and a half to salvage this corrupt economic system only delayed the inevitable.

In the Fall of 2019 the crisis began to rapidly unravel again.





Portuguese & British Nurses Fight Destruction of Health Systems


by Ana Vracar

When nurses across the United Kingdom went on strike on Dec. 15 and 20, 2022, their actions resonated well beyond the U.K., and nurses from different countries expressed their support. Among them were 125 nurses from Portugal who published an open letter in solidarity with their British comrades, reminding readers and patients that their own public health system faces many of the problems troubling the U.K.’s National Health Service.

Mário André Macedo, a specialist nurse and one of the first signatories of the letter, told People’s Health Dispatch that their initiative was inspired by both solidarity and a pressing need to point out the shortcomings that could bring the Portuguese public health service to its knees. In fact, the health system in Portugal shares a lot of similarities with the NHS, being itself inspired by the Beveridge model introduced in the U.K. 

While still drawing upon its positive association with public funding and universal access, things have been going downhill for the Portuguese public health system for years. If we look at the position of nurses in the system, their problems are as pressing as those of the health workers in the U.K. The professionals who signed the letter estimate that over the past decade or so, nurses in Portugal have faced a 20 percent wage loss — double of what nurses’ trade unions in the U.K. have reported.

During the same period, thousands of nurses have emigrated from Portugal to other countries, with the U.K. one of the preferred destinations. Many of those migrant nurses are now also on strike, points out Macedo, because they are aware of their responsibility towards fighting for good quality health services that are accessible to everyone.

The nurses who emigrated from Portugal to the U.K. are all too familiar with the background processes that have undermined public health systems, putting people’s right to health in danger.



Capitalism’s War on Railroad Workers Continues Under President Whose Support For Unions Rings Hollow



by Stephen Millies



“Problem With Biden & The Media”


with Sabby Sabs and Chris Hedges




Far Right Extremists Flex Political Muscle Ahead of January 6 Anniversary


by Mike Ludwig



Speaker of the House Faces Political Peril From Member Deaths and Resignations—Especially With a Narrow Majority


by Charles R. Hunt

The Congress that ended on Jan. 3, 2023, had 15 vacancies, a rate unmatched since the 1950s. If that rate continues, whoever leads the now-closely divided House will face trouble.





Chaos in the House: “Is This Just the Start of a Far-Right Attempt to Make Congress Dysfunctional?”


with Amy Goodman




Far Right DEMANDS HUGE CUT In War Spending!


with Aaron Maté and Sabrina Salvati


Whatever deals wound up being cut to finally allow the House of Representatives to elect Kevin McCarthy Speaker will probably not be clear for a while, if ever. But one proposed agreement demanded and won by the far right GOP holdouts is a significant cut in Pentagon spending. Difficult as it is for many to imagine, this firm demand for reduced military spending puts these ostensibly far right Republicans significantly to the left of many Democrats, including members of The Squad and Bernie Sanders, all of whom consistently vote for ever-increasing Ukraine War funding.



McCarthy Speaker Fight Proves Jimmy Dore RIGHT About #ForceTheVote!


with Aaron Maté and Scott Ritter


Former CIA Interim Director Mike Morell recently appeared on Face the Nation where he discussed the question of whether an invasion of Crimea might be a “red line” for Russia in the Ukraine War. Morell, however, was more interested in discussing red lines NATO might impose on Russia and how the U.S. should be willing to put troops on the ground in Ukraine and threaten Russia with nuclear annihilation if Putin and company consider deploying nukes of their own in Ukraine.



Glenn Greenwald & Jimmy Dore Talk McCarthy Speakership & #ForceTheVote


with Glenn Greenwald and Jimmy Dore


The debacle going on in the House of Representatives as members of the Freedom Caucus refuse to fall in line and vote for Kevin McCarthy as Speaker provides a perfect opportunity for newly minted Rumble host Glenn Greenwald to bring Jimmy Dore on to talk about the experience of promoting #ForceTheVote two years ago in a failed effort to push progressive Democrats to demand something in exchange for their vote to hand Nancy Pelosi the Speaker’s gavel.



Democrat Talks In Circles Explaining Why Dems Don’t Use Leverage Like Republicans"


with Aaron Maté and Briahna Joy Gray




The Democrats Are Now the War Party


by Chris Hedges



“No Deal”: House Adjourns Without Electing Speaker


by Tyler Durden



Millionaire Clinton Advisor Says It’s Time To Punish Workers!


with Aaron Maté, Kurt Metzger, and Revolutionary Black Network podcaster Sabrina Salvati

Former Harvard University President and Clinton Administration Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers is a legendary figure in the area of getting things woefully wrong, typically when it comes to the economy. Even when wrong, he has always been a loyal servant to power, however, which is why he continues to be consulted by mainstream media outlets on economic matters. And his latest piece of wisdom? To curb inflation, he says, workers will have to be thrown out of their jobs – only higher unemployment can keep the costs of goods and services down.



Revealed: #ForceTheVote Critics Were ORDERED To Oppose It!


with Aaron Maté, Brianna Joy Gray, and Kurt Metzger


With #ForceTheVote back in the news, it’s important to look back and recall that initially the online left seemed to support the idea but then something happened and some of the more pusillanimous members of the leftist YouTube community got cold feet and switched sides. One individual even admitted to receiving a mysterious phone call telling him to knock it off, and he dutifully fell in line and immediately began railing against #ForceTheVote.



Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community


by Jessica Corbett

"If you think House Republicans' chaos will end with electing a speaker, you aren't paying attention," said Rep. Pramila Jayapal. "This is who they are. Chaotic, selfish, and incapable of leadership."



One Upside to House GOP Chaos: Delay of Their Effort to Reward Wealthy Tax Cheats


by Jon Whiten





Documentary: The Real Story of January 6


by The Epoch Times

“The Real Story of January 6,” a documentary by The Epoch Times, reveals the truth that has been hidden from the American people. While a narrative has been set that what took place that day was an insurrection, key events and witnesses have been ignored until now. The documentary takes an unvarnished look at police use of force and the deaths that resulted in some measure from it. The film asks tough questions about who was responsible for the chaos that day. With compelling interviews and exclusive video footage, the documentary tells the real story of January 6. The film is narrated by Joshua Philipp, host of “Crossroads” on EpochTV and a senior investigative reporter at The Epoch Times.

See, also: The Real Anthony Fauci: The Movie





Fauci’s SECRET 7 Hour Testimony On Gain Of Function Lab-Leak Connection RELEASED


with Robby Soave




Internal CDC Emails Claim Assistant Secretary for Health Blocked Release of Fluoride Review


by Derrick Broze

Emails between the U.S. National Toxicology Program and the CDC claim that Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine prevented the release of a long-delayed review on the toxicity of fluoride.

Newly released emails reveal that leadership within the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and National Institute of Health acted to prevent the release of long-delayed review of fluoride’s toxicity by the National Toxicology Program. The emails specifically claim that Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine intervened to stop the release of the NTP review, also known internally as a monograph.

An email dated June 3rd, 2022, shows Nicole Johnson, Associate Director for Policy, Partnerships and Strategic Communication in CDC’s Oral Health Division contacting Jennifer Greaser, a Senior Public Health Policy Analyst in CDC’s Washington office. Johnson states:

“The latest we heard (yesterday) is that ASH Levine has put the report on hold until further notice.”

ASH Levine refers to the U.S. Assistant Secretary of Health, Rachel Levine.

The emails were released as part of the ongoing legal dispute between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and plaintiffs Food and Water Watch, the Fluoride Action Network (FAN), and others who are seeking an end to water fluoridation. Throughout the historic lawsuit the plaintiffs have argued that the practice violates the EPA’s Toxic Substances Abuse Act.







with Chris Hedges and Ralph Nader




Russia is on the right side of history


with Scott Ritter




Media Rewrites Ukraine’s Dark History


with Glenn Greenwald




The Souls of Ukrainian Folk


by Patrick Lawrence

As Kyiv prepares to persecute the souls of its own people, it seems we are about to witness just how inhumane this project has been from the outset.



Donbass: The War on Remembrance


by Arnaud Develay

The Ukrainian Army wants not only to annihilate pro-Russian forces in eastern Ukraine but also wipe out the region’s heroic history of resisting the Nazi onslaught in World War II.



On the Influence of Neo-Nazism in Ukraine


by Joe Lauria

A short history of neo-Nazism in Ukraine in response to NewsGuard’s charge that Consortium News published false content about its extent.



The EMPIRE strikes back after The Grayzone exposes their corruption | Redacted Conversation"


with Clayton Morris, Max Blumenthal and Wyatt Reed






An Issue of Legacy': Groups Demand TVA Drop Plans to Build New Gas Plant and Pipeline


by Brett Wilkins



If Europe cares…: Jaishankar silences West on Russian oil imports, calls India “Independent”




S Jaishankar did not mince his words when an Austrian anchor questioned him about India's increasing Russian oil imports. India's External Affairs Minister tore into Europe for reducing Russian oil imports in a manner that is comfortable for them. He said, "If at 60,000 Euros you are so caring about your population, I have a population at $ 2,000." He also said that India is an independent country and ally is a term used by the West, when asked if India considers Russia an ally. Watch his full response here.



“Go slow strategy”: Ukraine economy collapse, EU economy severe downturn


with Alex Christofour and Alexander Mercouris –Jan 8.






How PREDATORY Are American Police? This story will let you know..."


with Chris Hedges




More Jails Became Death Traps in 2022 Amid Lack of Mental Health Care, Housing, Bail Reform Backlash


with Amy Goodman






Why Americans can't debate politics anymore


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US Admits Russia Bakhmut Advance, Russia Claims Solidar Gains, US France To Provide Light Armour"


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That's why we ended up in this mess


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“A Win for Freedom”: South Carolina Supreme Court Permanently Blocks Abortion Ban


by Jessica Corbett





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“The Disastrous Events of the Year 2022 Will Plague Us for as Long as We Exist”




The Defender – January 5, 2023

Children’s Health Defense – News and Views




Friday Funnies – January 6, 2023

“Yep, A Rap Video”


by Robert W Malone MD, MS



News from Underground by Mark Crispin Miller

“HALF the US thinks it ‘likely’ that ‘vaccination’ has caused many deaths; and someone… People all over the world are waking up. Now which of the Four Horsemen will come at us next, so that the government-and-media can try to scream us back to sleep?”


by Mark Crispin Miller



CovertAction Magazine | Exposing Covert Action Since 1978




A Year in Review: ScheerPost’s Top Stories - 2022

 ScheerPost's most popular stories in 2022 on Ukraine, censorship, the military, the Democratic Party, the economy and more.”




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PfizerGate: Tragic Truth Behind COVID Vaccines in the U.K.: 47,379 Excess Deaths in 8 Months Due to Vaccination”




“New Year Open Thread (2023)”


by James Corbett

Announcing the 6th Annual Fake News Awards
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