Bulletin N° 1097 


Video: “Imperial Conquest: America’s ‘Long War’ against Humanity”


with Prof Michel Chossudovsky




Subject: The End of Just Another Empire, or The End of the World?




April 3, 2023



Dear Colleagues and Friends of CEIMSA,


Recently while rereading The Instinct of Workmanship (1914) by Thorstein Veblen - 55 years after my first reading - I experienced a trip down memory lane, with many forgotten turns and byways along the path.


I was 22 years old when I first read this book and was preparing to enter graduate school in social history at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. I was introduced to Veblen’s work by an exceptionally creative professor who had sent me a diverse list of some 20 classic readings in social science to bring my critical attention up to speed.


I discovered that Veblen had grown up in an insulated rural Norwegian community first in Wisconsin, then in Minnesota. He acquired skills in the English language late, and his syntax was sometimes difficult to follow:  sentences often trailing on for half a page or more; the occasional absence of a verb did not make for easy reading, and the British spelling was sometimes a distraction. But it was definitely worth the effort. Veblen was an original thinker, as only a consummate “outsider” can be. What he saw and understood is not easily available to most people, but once grasped it has all the effect of a lightening rod, drawing attention to hitherto unnoticed events.



In the first couple of paragraphs from the Preface to Instinct, Veblen, in his own inimitable way, explains the purpose of his book.


     The following essay attempts an analysis of such correlation as is visible between industrial use and wont and those other institutional facts that go to make up any given phase or civilisation. It is assumed that in the growth of culture, as in its current maintenance, the facts of technological use and wont are fundamental and definitive, in the  sense that they underlie and condition the scope and method of civilisation in other than the technological respect, but not in such a sense as to preclude or overlook the degree in which these other conventions of any given civilization in their turn react on the state of the industrial arts. 


     The analysis proceeds on the materialistic assumptions of modern science, but without prejudice to the underlying question as to the ulterior competency of this materialist conception considered as a metaphysical tenet. The inquiry simply accepts these mechanistic assumptions of material science for the purpose in hand, since these afford the currently acceptable terms of solution for any scientific problem of the kind in the present state of preconceptions on this head.(p.v)



In the introductory chapter of this book, Veblen introduces some of his basic premises for this study.


     For mankind as for other higher animals, the life of the species is conditioned by the complement of instinctive proclivities and tropismatic aptitudes with which his species is typically endowed. Not only is the continued life of the race dependent on the adequacy of its instinctive proclivities in this way, but the routine and details or its life are also, in the last resort, determined by these instincts. These are the prime movers in human behaviour, as in the behaviour of all those animals  that show self-direction or discretion. Human activity, in so far as it can be spoken of as conduct, can never exceed the scope of these instinctive dispositions, by initiative of which man takes action. Nothing falls within the human scheme of things desirable to be done except what answers to these native proclivities of man. These native proclivities alone make anything worthwhile, and out of their working emerge not only the purpose and efficiency of life, but its substantial pleasures and pains as well.


     Latterly the words ‘instinct’ and ‘instinctive’ are no longer well seen among students of those biological sciences where they once had a great vogue. Students who occupy themselves with the psychology of animal behaviour are cautiously avoiding these expressions, and in this caution they are doubtless well advised. For such use of the word appears no longer to be serviceable as a technical term. It has lost the requisite sharp definition and consistency of connotation, apparently through disintegration under a more searching analysis than the phenomena comprised under this concept had previously been subjected to. In these biological sciences interest is centering not on the question of what activities may be set down to innate propensity or predisposition at large, but rather on the determination of the irreducible psychological – and, indeed, physiological – elements that go to make up animal behaviour. For this purpose ‘instinct’ is a concept too lax and shifty a definition to meet the demands of exact biological science.


     For the sciences that deal with psychology of human conduct a similar searching analysis of the elementary facts of behaviour is doubtless similarly desirable; and under such closer scrutiny of these facts it will doubtless appear that here, too, the broad term ‘instinct’ is of too unprecise a character to serve the needs of an exhaustive psychological analysis. But the needs of an inquiry into –the nature and causes of the growth of institutions are not precisely the same as those of such an exhaustive psychological analysis. A genetic inquiry into institutions will address itself to the growth  of habits and conventions, as conditioned by the material environment by the innate persistent propensities of human nature; and for the propensities, as they take effect in the give and take of cultural growth, no better designation than the time-worn ‘instinct’ is available.


     In the light of recent inquiries and speculations it is scarcely to be questioned that each of these distinguishable propensities may be analyzed into simpler constituent elements, of a quasi-tropismatic and physiological nature, but in the light of every-day experience and common notoriety it is at the same time not to be questioned that these simple and irreducible psychological elements of human behaviour fall into composite functional groups, and so make up specific and determinate propensities, proclivities, aptitudes that are, within the purview of the social sciences, to be handled as irreducible traits of human nature. Indeed, it would appear that it is in the particular grouping and concatenation of these ultimate psychological elements into characteristic lines of interest and propensity that the nature of man is finally to be distinguished from that of the lower animals.


     These various native proclivities that are so classed together as ‘instincts’ have the characteristic in common that they all and several, more or less imperatively, propose an objective end of endeavour. On the other hand what distinguishes one instinct from another is that each sets up a characteristic purpose, aim, or object to be attained, different from the objective end of any other instinct. Instinctive action is teleological , consciously so, and the teleological scope and aim of each instinctive  propensity differs characteristically from the rest. The several instincts are teleological categories, and are, in colloquial usage, distinguished and classed on the ground of their teleological content. As the term is here used, therefore, and indeed as ig is currently understood, the instincts are to be defined or described neither in mechanical terms of those anatomical or physiological aptitudes that causally underline them or that come into action in the functioning of any given instinct, not in terms of the movements of orientation or taxis involved in the functioning of each. The distinctive feature by the mark of which any given instinct is identified is to be found in the particular character of the purpose to which it drives. ‘Instinct,’ as contra-distinguished from tropismatic action, involves consciousness and adaptation to an end aimed at.


. . .

     The ends of life, then, the purposes to be achieved, are assigned by man’s instinctive proclivities; but the ways and means of accomplishing those things which the instinctive proclivities so make worth while are a matter of intelligence. It is a distinctive mark of mankind that the working-out of the instinctive proclivities of the race is guided by intelligence to a degree not approached by the other animals. But the dependence of the race on is endowment of instincts is no less absolute for this intervention of intelligence; since it is only by the prompting of instinct that reflection and deliberation come to be so employed, and since instinct also governs the scope and method of intelligence in all this employment of it. Men take thought, but the human spirit, that is to say the racial endowment of instinctive proclivities, decided what they shall take thought of, and how and to what effect.(pp.1-6)


Veblen’s study attempts to account for historical and psychological disposition of humanity toward craftsmanship from Neolithic times to the Industrial Revolution and the beginning of modern technology. He postulates that instincts are inherlited traits that lead to the establishment of institutions, which in turn influence the effectiveness of instincts and eventually sabotage those who have inherited these traits. Here we see the use of early 20th-century  race theory to explain the different cultural traits and uneven economic development.


     What is known of heredity goes to say that the various racial types of man are stable ; so that during the life history of any given racial stock, it is held, no heritable modification of its typical make-up, whether spiritual or physical, is to be looked for. The typical human endowment of instincts, as well as the typical make-up of the race in the physical respect, has according to this current view been transmitted intact from  the beginning of humanity, - that is to say from whatever point in the mutational development of the race it is seen fit to date humanity, - except so far as subsequent mutations have given rise to new racial stocks, to and by which this human endowment of native proclivities has been transmitted in a typically modified form. On the other hand the habitual elements of human life change unremittingly and cumulatively, resulting in a continued proliferous growth of institutions. Changes in the institutional structure are continually taking place in response to the altered discipline of life under changing cultural conditions, but human nature remains specifically the same.


     The ways and means, material and immaterial, by which the native proclivities work out their ends, therefore, are forever in process of change, being conditioned by the changes cumulatively going forward in the institutional fabric of habitual elements that governs the scheme of life. But there is no warrant for assuming that each or any of these successive changes in the scheme of institutions affords successively readier, surer of more facile ways and means for the instinctive proclivities to work out their ends, or that the phase of habituation in force at any given point in this sequence of change is more suitable to the untroubled functioning of these instincts than any phase that has gone before. Indeed, the presumption is the other way. On grounds of selective survival it is reasonably to be presumed that any given racial type that has endured the test of selective elimination, including the complement of instinctive dispositions by virtue of which it has endured the text, will on its first emergence have been passably suited to the circumstances, material and cultural, under which the type emerged as a mutant and made good its survival; and in so far as the subsequent growth  of institutions has altered the available scope and method of instinctive action it is therefore to be presumed that any such subsequent change in the scheme of institutions will in some degree hinder and divert the fee play of its instinctive proclivities and will  thereby hinder the direct and unsophisticated working-out of the instinctive dispositions native to this given racial type.


     What is known of the earlier phases of culture in the life-history of the existing races and peoples goes to say that the initial phase in the life of any given racial type, the phase of culture which prevailed in its environment when it emerged, and under which the stock first proved its fitness to survive, was presumably some form of savagery. Therefore the fitness of any given type of human nature for life after the manner and under the conditions imposed by any later phase in the growth of culture is a matter of less and less secure presumption the farther the sequence of institutional change has departed from the form of savagery which marked the initial stage in the life-history of the given racial stock. Also, presumably, though by no means assuredly, the younger stocks, those which have emerged from later mutations of type, have therefore initially fallen into and made good their survival under the conditions of a relatively advanced phase of savagery, - these younger races should therefore conform with greater facility and better effect to the requirements imposed by a still farther advance in that cumulative complication of institutions and intricacy of ways  and means that is involved in cultural growth. The older or more primitive stocks, those which arose out of earlier mutations of type and made good their survival under a more elementary scheme of savage culture, are presumably less capable of adaptation to an advanced cultural scheme.


     But at the same time it is on the same grounds to be expected that in all races and people there should always  persist an ineradicable sentimental disposition to take back to something like that scheme of savagery for which there particular type of human nature once proved its fitness during the initial phase of its life-history. This seems to be what is commonly intended in the cry ‘Back to Nature!’ The older known racial stocks, the offspring of earlier mutational departures from the initially generic human type, will have been selectively adapted to more archaic forms of savagery, and these show an appreciably more refractory penchant for elementary savage modes of life, and conform to the demands and opportunities of a ‘higher’ civilization only with a relatively slight facility, amounting in extreme cases to a practical unfitness for civilized life. Hence the ‘White Man’s Burden’ and the many perplexities of the missionaries.


     Under the Mendelian theories of heredity some qualification of these broad generalisations is called for. As has already been noted above, the people of Europe, each and several, are hybrid mixtures made up of several racial stocks. The like is true in some degree of most of the peoples outside of Europe; particularly of the more important and better known nationalities. These various peoples show more or less distinct and recognizable national types of physique – or perhaps rather of physiognomy – and temperament, and the lines of differentiation between these national types incontinently traverse the lines that divide the racial stocks. At the same time these national types have some degree of permanence; so much so that they are colloquially spoken of as types of race. While no modern anthropologist would confuse nationality with race, it is not to be overlooked that these national hybrid types are frequently so marked and characteristic as to simulate racial character and perplex the student of race who is intent on identifying the racial stock of which  any one of these hybrid populations has been compounded. Presumably these national and local types of physiognomy and temperament are to be rated as hybrid types that have been fixed by selective breeding, and for an explanation of this phenomenon recourse is to be taken to the latterday theories of heredity.


. . .

     So, if the conditions of life in any community consistently favour a given type of hybrid, whether the favouring conditions are of a cultural or of a material nature, something of a selective trend will take effect in such a community and set toward a hybrid type which shall meet these conditions. The result will be the establishment of a composite pure line showing the advantageous traits of physique and temperament, combined with a varying complement of outer characters that have no such selective value. Traits that have no selective value in the given case will occur with fortuitous freedom, combining in unconstrained diversity with the selectively decisive traits, and so will mark the hybrid derivation of this provisionally established composite pure line. With continued intercrossing within itself any given population of such hybrid origin as the European peoples, would tend cumulatively to breed true to such a selectively favorable hybrid population is ultimately made up. So would emerge a national or local type which would show the selectively decisive traits with a great degree of constituency but would very indefinitely in respect of the selectively idle traits comprised in the composite heredity of the population. Such a composite pure line would be provisionally stable only; it should break down when crossed back on either of the parent stocks. This ‘provisionally stable composite pure line’ should disappear when crossed on pure-bred individuals of one or other of the parent stocks from which it is drawn, - pure-bred in respect of the allelomorphic characters which give the hybrid type its typical traits.


     But whatever the degree of stability possessed by these hybrid national or local types, the outcome for the present purpose is much the same; the hybrid populations afford a grater scope and range of variation in their human nature than could be had within the limits of any pure-bred race. Yet, for all the multifarious diversity of racial and national types, early and late, and for all the wide divergence of hybrid variants, there is no difficulty about recognising a generical human type of spiritual endowment, just as the zoologists have no difficulty in referring the various races of mankind to a single species on the ground of their physical characters. The distribution of emphasis among the several instinctive dispositions may very appreciably for one race to another, but the complement of instincts native to the several races is after all of much the same kind, comprising substantially the same ends.  Taken simply in their first incidence, the racial variations of human nature are commonly not considerable; but a slight bias of this kind, distinctive of any given race, may come to have decisive weight when it works out cumulatively through a system of institutions, for such a system embodies the cumulative sophistications of untold generations during which the life of the community has been dominated by the same slight bias.


     Racial differences in respect of these hereditary spiritual traits count for much in the outcome, because in the last resort any race is at the mercy of its instincts. In the course of cultural growth most of those civilizations or peoples that have had a long history have from time  to time been brought up against an imperative call to revise their scheme of institutions in the light of their native instincts, on pain of collapse or decay; and they have chosen variously, and for the most part blindly to live or not to live, according as their instinctive bias has driven them. In the case where it has happened that those instincts which make directly for the material welfare of the community; such as the parental bent and the sense of workmanship, have been present in such potent force, or where the institutional elements at variance with the continued life-interests of the community or the civilisation in question have been in a sufficiently infirm state, there the bonds of custom, prescription;, principles, precedent, have been broken – or loosened or shifted so as to let the current of life and cultural growth go on, with or without substantial retardation. But history record more frequent and more spectacular instances of the triumph of imbecile institutions over life and culture than of peoples who have by force of instinctive insight saved themselves alive out of the desperately precarious institutional situation, such , for instance, as now faces the peoples of Christendom.


     Chief among those instinctive dispositions that conduce directly to the material well-being of the race, and therefore to its biological success, is perhaps the instinctive bias here spoken of as the sense of workmanship. The only other instinctive factor of human nature that could with any likelihood dispute this primacy would be the parental bent. Indeed, the two have much in common. They spend themselves on much the same concrete objective ends, and the mutual furtherance of each by the other is indeed so broad and intimate as often to leave it a matter of extreme difficulty to draw a line between them. Any discussion of either, therefore, must unavoidably draw the other into the inquiry to a greater or less extent, and a characterisation of one will involve some dealing with the other.


     As the expression is here understood, the ‘Parental Bent’ is an instinctive disposition of much larger scope than a mere proclivity to the achievement of children. This latter is doubtless to be taken as a large and perhaps as a primary element in the practical working of parental solicitude; although, even so, it is in no degree to be confused with the quasi-tropismatic impulse to the procreation of offspring. The parental solicitude in mankind has am much wider bearing than simply the welfare of one’s own children. This wider bearing is particularly evident in those lower cultures where the scheme of consanguinity and inheritance is not drawn on the same close family lines as among civilsed peoples, but it is also to be seen in good vigour in any civilised community. So, for instance, what the phrase-makers have called ‘race-suicide’ meets the instinctive and unsolicited reprobation of all men, even of those who would not conceivably go the length of contributing their own person to the incoming generation. So, also, virtually all thoughtful persons, -that is to say all persons who hold an opinion on these premises, - will agree that it is a despicably inhuman thing for the current generation willfully to make the way of life harder for the next generation, whether through neglect of due provision for their subsistence and proper training or through wasting their heritage of resources and opportunity by improvident greed and indolence. Providence is a virtue only so far as its aim is provision for posterity.


     It is difficult or impossible to say now far the current solitude for the welfare of the race at large is to be credited to the parental bent, but it is beyond question that this instinctive disposition has a large part in the sentimental concern entertained by nearly all persons for the life and comfort of the community at large, and particularly for the community’s future welfare. Doubtless this parental bent in its wider bearing greatly reinforces that sentimental approval of economy and efficiency for the common good and disapproval of wasteful and useless living that prevails so generally throughout both the highest and the lowest cultures, unless it should rather be said that this animus for economy and efficiency is a simple expression of the parental disposition itself. It might on the other hand be maintained that such an animus of economy is an essential function of the instinct of workmanship, which would then be held to be strongly sustained at this point by a parental solicitude for the common good.


. . .

The expression [‘instinct of workmanship’] may as well be taken to signify a concurrence of several instinctive aptitudes, each of which might or might not prove simple or irreducible when subjected to psychological or physiological analysis. For the present inquiry it is enough to note that in human behaviour this disposition is effective in such consistent, ubiquitous and resilient fashion that students of human culture will have to count with it as one of the integral hereditary traits of mankind.


     As has already appeared, neither this nor any other instinctive disposition works out its functional content in isolation from the instinctive endowment at large. The instincts, all and several, though perhaps in varying degrees, are so intimately engaged in a play of give and take that the work of any one has its consequences for all the rest, though presumably not for all equally. It is this endless complication and contamination of instinctive elements in human conduct, taken in conjunction with the pervading and cumulative effects of habit in this domain –that makes most of the difficulty and much of the interest attaching to this line of inquiry.(pp.18-29)



Veblen goes on to qualify the purity of instinctive actions in everyday life.


     There are few lines of instinctive proclivity that are not crossed and coloured by some ramification of the instinct of workmanship. No doubt, response to the direct call of such half-tropismatic, half-instinctive impulses as hunger, anger, or the promptings of sex, is little if at all troubled with any sentimental suffusion of workmanship; but in the more complex and deliberate activities, particularly where habit exerts an appreciable effect, the impulse and sentiment of workmanship comes in for a large share in the outcome. So much so, indeed, that, for instance, in the arts, where the sense of beauty is the prime mover, habitual attention to technique will often put the original, and only ostensible, motive in the background. So, again, in the life of religious faith and observance it may happen now and again that theological niceties and ritual elaboration will successfully, and in great measure satisfactorily, substitute themselves for spiritual communion; while in the courts of law a tenacious following out of legal technicalities will not infrequently defeat the ends of justice.


. . .

     Hence all instinctive action is teleological. It involves holding to a purpose. It aims to achieve some end and involves some degree of intelligent faculty to compass the instinctively give n purpose, under surveillance of the instinctive proclivity that prompts the action. And it is in this surveillance and direction of the intellectual processes to the appointed end that the instructive dispositions control and condition human conduct; and in this work of direction the several instinctive proclivities may come to conflict and offset, or to concur and reinforce one another’s action.


     The position of the instinct of workmanship in this complex of teleological activities ins somewhat peculiar, in that its functional content is serviceability for the ends of life, whatever these ends may be; whereas these ends to be subserved are, at least in the main, appointed and made worth while by the various other instinctive dispositions. So that this instinct may in some sense be said to be auxiliary to all the rest, to be concerned with the ways and means of life rather than with any one given ulterior end. It has essentially to do with proximate rather than ulterior ends. Yet workmanship is none the less an object of attention and sentiment in its own right. Efficient use of the means at hand and adequate management of the resources available to the purposes of life is itself an end of endeavour, and accomplishment of this kind is a source of gratification.


     All instinctive action is intelligent and teleological. The generality of instinctive dispositions prompt simply to the direct and unambiguous attainment of their specific ends, and in this dealings under their immediate guidance the agent goes as directly as may be to the end sought, - he is occupied with the objective end not with the choice of means to the end sought; whereas under the impulse of workmanship the agent’s interest and endeavour are taken up with the contriving of ways and means to the end sought.


     The point of contrast may be unfamiliar, and an illustration may be pertinent. So, in the instinct of pugnacity and its attendant sentiment of anger the primary impulse is doubtless to a direct frontal attack, assault and battery pure and simple; and the more highly charge the agent is with the combative impulse, the higher the pitch of animation to which he has been wrought up, the less is he inclined or able to take thought of how he may shrewdly bring mechanical devices to bear on the object of his sentiment and compass his end with the largest result per unit of force expended. It is only the well-trained fighter that will take without reflection to workmanlike ways and means at such a juncture; and in case of extreme exasperation and urgency even such a one, it is said, may forget his workmanship in the premises and throw himself into the middle of things instead of resorting to the indirections and leverages to which his workmanlike training in the art of fighting has habituated him. So, again, the immediate promptings of the parental bent urge to direct personal intervention and service in behalf of the object of solicitude. In persons highly gifted in his respect the impulse assets itself to succour the helpless with one’s own hands, to do for them in one’s own person  not what might on reflection approve itself as the most expedient line of conduct in the premises, but what will throw the agent most personally into action in the case. Notoriously, it is easier to move well-meaning people to unreflecting charity on an immediate and concrete appeal than it is to secure a sagacious, well sustained and well organized concert of endeavour for the amelioration of the lot of the unfortunate. Indeed, refinements of workmanlike calculation of causes and effects in such a case are instinctively felt to be out of touch with the spirit of the thing. They are distasteful; not only are they not part and parcel of the functional content of the generous impulse, but an undue injection of these elements of workmanship into the case may ever induce a revulsion of feeling and defeat its own intention.


     The instinct of workmanship, on the other hand, occupies the interest with practical expedients, ways and means, devices and contrivances of efficiency and economy, proficiency, creative work and technological mastery of facts. Much of the functional content of the instinct of workmanship is a proclivity for taking pains; The best and most finished outcome of this disposition is not had under stress of great excitement or under extreme urgency form any of the instinctive propensities with which its work is associated or whose ends it serves. It shows at its best, both in the individual workman’s technological efficiency and in the growth of technological proficiency and insight in the community at large, under circumstances of moderate exigence, where there is work in hand and more if it in sight, since it is initially a disposition to do the next thing and do it as well as may be; whereas when interest falls off unduly through failure of provocation from the instinctive dispositions that afford an end to which to work, the stimulus to workmanship is likely to fail, and the outcome is as likely to be an endless fabrication of meaningless details and much ado about nothing. On the other hand, in seasons of great stress, when the call to any one or more of the instinctive lines of conduct is urgent beyond measure, there is likely to result a crudity of technique and presently a loss of proficiency and technological mastery.


     It is, further, pertinent to note in this connection that the instinct of workmanship will commonly not urn to passionate excesses; that it does not, under pressure, tenaciously hold its place as a main interest in competition with other, more elemental instinctive proclivities; but that it rather yields ground somewhat readily, suffers repression and falls into abeyance, only to reassert itself when the pressure of other, urgent interests is relieved. What was said above as to the paramount significance of the instinct of workmanship for the life of the race will of course suffer no abatement in so recognising its characteristically temperate urgency. The grave importance that attaches to it is a matter of its ubiquitous subservience to the ends of life, and not a matter of vehemence.


     The sense of workmanship is also peculiarly subject to bias. It does not commonly, or normally, work to an independent, creative end of its own, but is rather concerned with the ways and means whereby instinctively given purposes are to be accomplished. According, therefore, as one or another of the instinctive dispositions is predominant in the community’s scheme of life or in the individual’s every-day interest, the habitual trend of the sense of workmanship will be bent to one or another line of proficiency and technological mastery. By cumulative habituations a bias of this character may come to have very substantial consequences for the range and scope of technological knowledge, the state of the industrial arts, and for the rate and direction of growth in workmanlike ideas. (pp.29-35)


Veblen concludes this introductory chapter by returning to the original theme of his book: “the instinct of workmanship” and the reciprocal influence it has had on institutions and the state of the industrial arts throughout history, from Neolithic mankind to the modern industrial state.


Changes are going forward constantly in incontinently in the institutional apparatus, the habitual scheme of rules and principles that regulate the community’s life, and not least in the technological ways and means by which the life of the race and its state of culture are maintained; but changes come rarely  - in effect not at all – in the endowment of instincts where by mankind is enabled to employ these means and to live under the institutions which its habits of life have cumulatively created. In the case of hybrid populations, such as the people of Christendom, some appreciable adaptation of this spiritual endowment to meet the changing requirement of civilization may be counted on, through the establishment of composite pure lines of a hybrid type more nearly answering to the later phases of culture than any one of the original racial types out of which the hybrid population is made up. But in so slow-breeding a species as man, and with changes in the conditions of life going forward at a visibly rapid pace, the chance of an adequate adaptation of hybrid human nature to new conditions seems doubtful at best. It is also to be noted that the vague character of many of the human instincts, and their consequent pliability under habituation affords an appreciable margin of adaptation within which human nature may adjust itself to new conditions of life. But after all has been said it realms true that the margin within which the instinctive nature of the race can be effectively adapted to changing circumstances is relatively narrow – narrow as contrasted with  the range of variation in institutions  - and the limits of such adaptation are somewhat rigid. As the matter stands , the race is required to meet changing conditions of life to which its relatively unchanging endowment of instincts is presumably not wholly adapted, and to meet these conditions by the use of technological ways and means widely different from those that were at the disposal of the race from the outset. In the initial phases of the life-history of the race, or of any given racial stock, the exigencies to which its spiritual (instinctive) nature was selectively required to conform were those of the savage culture, as has been indicated above, - presumably in all cases a somewhat ‘low’ or elementary form of savagery. This savage mode of life, which was, and is, in a sense, native to man, would be characterised by a considerable group solidarity within a relatively small group, living very near the soil, and unremittingly dependent for their daily life on the workmanlike efficiency of all the members of the group. The prime requisite for survival under these conditions would be a propensity unselfishly and impersonally to make the most of the material means at hand and a penchant for turning all resources of knowledge and material to account to sustain the life of the group.


     At the outset, therefore, as it first comes into life-history of any one or all of the racial stocks with which modern inquiry concerns itself, this instinctive disposition will have born directly on workmanlike efficiency in the simple and obvious sense of the word. By virtue of the stability of the racial type, such is still its character, primarily and substantially, apart from its sophistication by habit and tradition. The instinct of workmanship brought the life of mankind form the brute to the human place, and in all the later growth of culture it has never ceased to pervade the works of man. But the extensive complication of circumstances and the altered outlook of succeeding generations, brought on by the growth of institutions and the accumulation of knowledge, have led to an extension of its scope and of its canons and logic to activities and conjunctures that have little traceable bearing on the means of subsistence.(pp.35-37)




The 15 + items below represent critical articles and essays taken from the Anglophone social media this week which reflect discussions, large and small, across contemporary North America.







Francis McCollum Feeley


Professeur honoraire de l'Université Grenoble-Alpes
Ancien Directeur des Researches
Université de Paris-Nanterre
Director of The Center for the Advanced Study
of American Institutions and Social Movements
The University of California-San Diego



Global Research Archives

“Crimes against Humanity”


by Prof Michel Chossudovsky



Aaron Mate at UN: OPCW cover-up denies justice to Douma victims


with Aaron Maté


Speaking to the United Nations Security Council, Aaron Maté of The Grayzone calls out the OPCW's ongoing cover-up of its investigation into the alleged April 2018 chemical attack in Douma, Syria.





with Michael Parenti




“Nature of False Flags”


with James Corbett




“9/11 and the COVID-19 Hoax in the Transition to Governance by ‘Emergency Measures’”


by Prof. Anthony J. Hall



“War and Crimes against Humanity. ‘Fake Intelligence’ and the Destruction of Countries”


by Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Caroline Mailloux



“Unrelenting" Propaganda”


with Kate Halper and John Pilger


Legendary journalist, writer and filmmaker John Pilger joins the show to talk about "the unrelenting nature of propaganda," how to deconstruct the news, the proxy war in Ukraine, the coming war on China and more. Plus Human Rights and Environmental lawyer Steven Donziger reacts to the Supreme Court's terrible decision against him and the people of Ecuador who were poisoned by Chevron. And Susan Kang speaks out against the medicare "reform" for public sector workers retirees being pushed by NYC Mayor Adams as a "cost savings" measure.




The dark truths WikiLeaks revealed


with Chris Hedges and Stefania Maurizi




Julian Assange Extradition: “A Frontal Attack On Freedom Of The Press”


with Jimmy Dore




“Targeted by Surveillance: Julian Assange, WikiLeaks & Networked Repression #SmartPrisons”


with Stella Assange, Kevin Gosztola, and moderated by Stefania Maurizi


As an introduction to the film Ithaka, this panel describes the pervasive surveillance, monitoring and personal control that has oppressed Julian Assange and WikiLeaks for more than ten years, and discusses the conditions around Assange’s incarceration at the Belmarsh high-security prison in the United Kingdom, where he has been imprisoned for four years, and faces indefinite detention, while the United States seeks his extradition to face a 175-year prison sentence. He is accused of receiving and publishing documents from Chelsea Manning which documented war crimes, extrajudicial killings and civilian casualties during the US occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan.



“Breaking Points” Host RATIO’D After Adding CIA Shill To Board Of Directors


with Jimmy Dore


Left-leaning online publication The Intercept has announced that it will be unmooring itself from billionaire founder Pierre Omidyar and becoming, in words of editor Ryan Grim, “100% independent.” Except if you look more closely, the publication will still depend on Omidyar for 10% of its funding, and will also be adding to the board a certain Maria Ressa, who used to work for the CIA front NGO the National Endowment for Democracy. Oh, and she also says Julian Assange is not a journalist. Sounds like a 100% independent outlet for sure!




Dissent Into Madness: Projections of the Psychopaths


by James Corbett

In Part 1 of this series on Dissent Into Mandess, I recounted the sordid details of "The Weaponization of Psychology," noting how the psychiatric profession has been turned into an instrument for repressing and marginalizing political dissents.


In Part 2 of this series, "Crazy Conspiracy Theorists," I detailed how conspiracy theorizing is being pathologized as a mental disorder and how this false diagnosis is being used to justify the forced psychiatric detention and medication of 9/11 truthers and COVID dissenters.


This week, I will examine the great irony of the situation we find ourselves in: that those who are wielding the psychological weapon against any would-be dissenters are themselves driven by a psychopathological disorder . . .

Being Sane in An Insane Society



“Finding Mental Health”


with James Corbett




“This is The Roman Empire Collapsing”


with Scott Ritter






with Michael Parenti






with Michael Parenti




“Ukraine Has ISOLATED the Collective West, not Russia”


with Danny Haiphong, Alex Christoforou, and Alexander Mercouris




“Cinematic spring offensive”


with Alex Christoforou and Alexander Mercouris




“End of unipolarity”


with Jeffrey Sachs, Alexander Mercouris and Glenn Diesen





Conflict mood swings. Pumping USD into Ukraine, holding up the hryvnia


with Alex Christpoforou and Alexander Mercouris





A Chronicle of the Slavic Civil War So Far


by Rolo Slavskiy

Please share with the 5D people and demand that they stop lying.

I should state my biases as an analyst up front. I am pro-Russian in the sense that I am for the political unity of the East Slavs and their incorporation into the Russian Federation on the grounds of a shared blood, culture, and history. I have always been pro-Putin, but I have taken up this position mostly for lack of a better option. I also believe that the evidence points to a concerted effort on the part of neocons in the West and Ukraine to provoke and prologue a fraternal bloodletting in the Slavlands. In my opinion, this concerted effort has largely been successful as there is no end to the conflict in sight and Ukraine will now be a permanent armed and hostile “Israel” on Russia’s borders for the foreseeable future.

What follows is a summary of the key events in the ongoing Slavic Civil War so far.



“Maidan snipers & Ukrainian proxies”


with  Ivan Katchanovski, Alexander Mercouris and Glenn Diesen"





Nukes in Belarus: open thread


by Edward Slavsquat

Edward's weekly Russia news roundup & open thread



“Zelensky Has Made A Terrible Mistake By Trying To Pin Missile Strikes On Russia”


with Douglas Macgregor







with Michael Parenti




History of US-NATO Military Campaigns (1991-2023)


by Jean Toschi Marazzani Visconti

Before tackling the story of the military campaigns that have haunted our last thirty years up to today, it is necessary to recall three facts about the origin of these wars. 

In 1944, seventy-four Nazi leaders were aware of the defeat of Germany but determined to save the Nazi ideal from the catastrophe, they founded the organization O.D.SS.A. Their intent was to emigrate, and to any state where they establish, engage in companies, administrations, and political parties at any level, and filter their Nazi thought. Many of them were absorbed into the US services for their experience of the Soviet Union and placed in the departments of various agencies. Their vision has undoubtedly influenced American politics crosswise.

In 1977 a group of liberal intellectuals, the future neo-conservatives, including characters who would later take part in President Bush jr.’s Administration such as Paul Wolfowitz, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Jeb Bush or philosopher Francis Fukuyama, conceived a project that shares many ideological traits with O.D.SS.A:

“The history of the 20th century should have taught us that it is important to shape circumstances before crises emerge and to deal with threats before they become tragic…

The history of this century should have taught us to embrace the cause of American leadership…. establish a strategic military presence worldwide through a military technological revolution, deter the emergence of any competitive superpower, launch pre-emptive strikes against any power that threatens American interests.”

These are the guidelines of the PNAC (Project for a New American Century). The founders of the project will later reveal to be linked to the oil and arms industries, then to the Industrial-Military Complex which, at the end of Gen. Eisenhower’s Presidency, had assumed such power as to influence the policy of any government and President in charge.



Why America Needs War, The Project for The New American Century (PNAC)


by Dr. Jacques R. Pauwels and Prof Michel Chossudovsky

This incisive and carefully documented article by renowned historian and political scientist Dr. Jacques Pauwels was published by Global Research almost 20 years ago on April 30, 2003 in the immediate wake of the war on Iraq. Dr. Jacques Pauwels is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).



The U.S. Has Killed More Than 20 Million People in 37 ‘Victim Nations’ Since World War II


by James A. Lucas

Let us put this in a historical perspective: the commemoration of the War to End All Wars  acknowledges that 15 million lives were lost in the course of World War I (1914-18).

The loss of life in the second World War (1939-1945) was on a much large scale, when compared to World War I: 60 million lives both military and civilian were lost during World War II. (Four times those killed during World War I).

The largest WWII casualties  were China and the Soviet Union: 

·         26 million in the Soviet Union,  

·         China estimates its losses at approximately 20 million deaths.

Ironically, these two countries (allies of the US during WWII) which lost a large share of their population during WWII are now under the Biden-Harris administration categorized as “enemies of America”, which are threatening the Western World.

NATO-US Forces are at Russia’s Doorstep. A so-called “preemptive nuclear war” against China and Russia is on the drawing board of the Pentagon. 

Germany and Austria lost approximately 8 million people during WWII, Japan lost more than 2.5 million people. The US and Britain respectively lost more than 400,000 lives. 

This carefully researched article by James A. Lucas  documents the more than 20 million lives lost resulting from US led wars, military coups and intelligence ops carried out in the wake of WWII, in what is euphemistically called the “post-war era” (1945- ).

The extensive loss of life in Lebanon,  Syria, Yemen, Ukraine and Libya is not included in this study.

Continuous US led warfare (1945- ): there was no “post-war era.

And now, a World War III scenario is contemplated by US-NATO.  

At no point since the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6th, 1945, has humanity been closer to the unthinkable. All the safeguards of the Cold War era, which categorized the nuclear bomb as “a weapon of last resort”, have been scrapped.

The Dangers of Nuclear War are Real. They are “Profit Driven”. Under Joe Biden, public funds allocated to nuclear weapons are slated to increase to 2 trillion by 2030 allegedly as a means to safeguarding peace and national security at taxpayers expense. (How many schools and hospitals could you finance with 2 trillion dollars?).




Watch Weather Modification And The U.S. Military


by Massachussetts School of Law, with Professor Ilva Sandra Perlingieri


The Air Force is on record as saying they want to control the weather by 2025. The Massachusetts School of Law's Educational Forum presents part 2 of a Conference on Global Climate Change with Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri, author, educator and environmental writer.


Part 1




Part 2





“The Darker Myths of Empire: Heart of Darkness Series
with Michael Parenti



Watch “End of unipolarity” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMQ6mqUS3qs&feature=youtu.be

with Glenn Diesen, Alexander Mercouris, and Jeffrey Sachs




Global Planned Financial Tsunami Has Just Begun


by F. William Engdahl

Since the creation of the US Federal Reserve over a century ago, every major financial market collapse has been deliberately triggered for political motives by the central bank. The situation is no different today, as clearly the US Fed is acting with its interest rate weapon to crash what is the greatest speculative financial bubble in human history, a bubble it created. Global crash events always begin on the periphery, such as with the 1931 Austrian Creditanstalt or the Lehman Bros. failure in September 2008. The June 15 decision by the Fed to impose the largest single rate hike in almost 30 years as financial markets are already in a meltdown, now guarantees a global depression and worse.

The extent of the “cheap credit” bubble that the Fed, the ECB and Bank of Japan have engineered with buying up of bonds and maintaining unprecedented near-zero or even negative interest rates for now 14 years, is beyond imagination. Financial media cover it over with daily nonsense reporting , while the world economy is being readied, not for so-called “stagflation” or recession. What is coming now in the coming months, barring a dramatic policy reversal, is the worst economic depression in history to date. Thank you, globalization and Davos.



“The Crisis Is About To Get MUCH Worse”


with Jeffrey Sachs




“Has the Revolution Started?”


with RJ Eskow, and Richard Wolff





with Scott Ritter

(audio, 26:23)

In Exclusive Interview Scott Ritter joins us on this exclusive interview to discuss the Russia Ukraine war, the conflict of Bakhmut, the bad feelings between Putin and Zelenskyy and how this war will end. Russia rained down over 80 missile on Ukraine last night after figuring out how to bypass their air defense systems. Scott Ritter and Stephen Gardner also discuss military predictions of Colonel Douglas Macgregor on how this war will end and Putin's next military moves. Scott Ritter is an American author, pundit, former United States Marine Corps intelligence officer, former United Nations Special Commission weapons inspector, and convicted sex offender. Ritter served as a junior military analyst during Operation Desert Storm.



“The dollar system's contradictions after de-linking from gold”


with Radhika Desai & Michael Hudson







with Douglas Macgregor




“US Intelligence PLANTED Fake Nord Stream Reporting To DISCREDIT My Reporting”


with Sy Hersh




Ex-CIA: White House PANICS Over Newly Exposed War Crimes


with Ray McGovern

Former CIA Ray McGovern sits down with Stephen Gardner to talk about the Russia Ukraine War. Why Putin is gearing up for a long war. Why Biden and Scholz are in trouble for sabotaging the Nord Stream pipeline and why they are covering it up with silly stories. Plus Ray McGovern reveals China is much more involved in the Russia Ukraine war that anyone is admitting.




Seymour Hersh: “Scholz A Lapdog,” “On US Reports On Nord Stream Leak,” & “Why Germany Is Shielding Biden”


with Zakka Jacob, and Seymour Hersh


Seymour Hersh, a Pulitzer Prize-winning American journalist, speaks to Network 18's Zakka Jacob about his story on Nord Stream pipeline. Hersh as reported that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of the US carried out a covert operation last September that involved the bombing of three Nord Stream gas pipelines. The journalist, in his self-published article in February, claimed that US Navy divers planted explosive devices beneath Russia’s Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline in June 2022 and three months later in September, the explosives destroyed three of the four Nord Stream pipelines. Hersh also talks about new US intelligence reports suggesting pro-Ukrainian groups were behind the bombing of the pipelines last year. The report by the New York Times comes a month after investigative journalist Seymour Hersh said the US was responsible for bombing the Nord Stream pipeline.



CODEPINK Protester DRAGGED AWAY After Confronting Sec. Of State Blinken


with Jimmy Dore




French Protests Escalate – “Macron Ready To Back Down!”


with Jimmy Dore




Cole Stangler: What's Unfolding in France (recorded March 23, 2023)


with RJ Eskow




MILLIONS Protest Macron Across France!


with Jimmy Dore


Ever since President Emanuel Macron pushed through Parliament a raise in the retirement age from 62 to 64, the French public have been pouring into the streets with millions of protesters demanding the new law be revoked. Even firefighters and some police have joined in the protests — although many cops have continued to serve as the agents of state violence and cracked down on protesters.




The ‘Population Bomb’ Was A Dud - #NewWorldNextWeek


with James Corbett




“Our Species Is Being Genetically Modified”

Are We Witnessing Humanity’s March Toward Extinction? Viruses Are Our Friends, Not Our Foes


by David Skripac



TGA (Therapeutic Goods administration) document revelations


with Dr. John Campbell




3,631 reports of miscarriages and fetal deaths in Europe


by Robert W Malone MD, MS

More Pagina UM (Portugal) reporting on the genetic COVID vaccine adverse reactions




“Functional neurological disorders after COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2 vaccines”


by Robert W Malone



Watch “WHO covid vaccine revised roadmap”


with Dr. John Campbell




Watch: Sir Christopher Chope’s “Vaccine SpeechC


with Dr. John Campbell




Covid Policy Death Rates Compared with Sweden


with Dr. John Campbell




Children Continue to Die From Influenza & Streptococcus A Complications. Are We Seeing Severe Immune System Damage From COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines?


by Dr. William Makis



Groundbreaking Analysis: COVID Vaccines Caused 300,000 Excess Deaths, $147 Billion in Damage to Economy in 2022 Alone


by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.

In the U.S., COVID-19 vaccines injured 26.6 million people, disabled 1.36 million people, caused more than 300,000 excess deaths and cost the economy an estimated $147 billion in damage — in 2022 alone — according to a new analysis by Humanity Projects, a wing of Portugal-based research firm Phinance Technologies.



Committee Reviewing COVID Vaccine Injuries Meets Behind Closed Doors


by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D.

The National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine met for three days — behind closed doors, except for a two-hour public comment period — to review the epidemiological, clinical and biological evidence on adverse events associated with COVID-19 vaccines.



Americans believe that "COVID-19: Virus Deaths vs. Vaccine Deaths" are almost the same


by Robert W Malone



Hospital Whistleblower… “The Killing Floor”


with Att. Tom Renz

(audio, 58:24)



 “Murder in Hospitals”


videos on Bitchure




“The dollar system's contradictions after de-linking from gold”


with Radhika Desai & Michael Hudson





“But the digital ruble is different”


by Edward Slavsquat

Didn't your mother tell you to stay away from CBDCs?

Is the digital ruble the CBDC you’ve been waiting for your whole life? We hope so because it’s almost here.

If everything goes according to plan, the legal framework for the Bank of Russia’s digital ruble (notice we didn’t type “Russia’s digital ruble”) will be ratified sometime in the next four weeks.

The traceable, programmable, and extremely centralized digital currency will be released into the wild after it completes a pilot program involving thirteen Russian banks.

CBDCs are bad, but the Russian CBDC good—Russian state media has sprung into action. RIA Novosti published an article on March 27 extolling the virtues of this “third form” of “national” currency.

We’ll summarize. The digital ruble:




Capitalism Hits Home: All Empires Rise and Fall, The US Is No Exception"


with Dr. Harriet Fraad


In this episode of Capitalism Hits Home, Dr. Fraad traces a brief history of the rise and fall of the American empire. Throughout much of the 20th century, the US was the dominant global power, with strong unions, social programs, and a strong currency. Today, our wealthiest people are barely taxed, social services are weak, hunger and poverty are worse than ever, and the dollar is losing its primacy. How did we get here? How can we face this shift in global power and move forward? Dr. Fraad explores these questions. Correction: Judy 16.



Does America Have a Future?


by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

In this article I explain why I think nuclear war is in the cards.  I know that most do not want to hear this. But if no one knows, there is even less chance of preventing  it.

The headline yesterday (March 29) is “US To Withhold Nuclear Weapons Data From Russia As Last Treaty Collapses.”  

Washington’s propagandists, of course, blame Russia.  This succeeds with patriots who wrap themselves in the flag, but it doesn’t succeed with the Kremlin.  The Kremlin sees Washington taking another step toward war to obliterate the Russian obstacle to Washington’s world hegemony.

Looking at Russia’s puzzling conduct of its conflict with Ukraine, and now with NATO and the US, I have been seeking an explanation that makes sense.  Why, as readers know I have been asking, does the Kremlin refuse to use the force to quickly end the conflict before Washington and its NATO puppets become too involved to let go?  It made no sense until I realized that the Kremlin has been convinced by Washington’s neoconservatives that war with the US is inevitable, which, of course, means nuclear war.

The Kremlin is likely concerned that if Russia uses the conventional force at her disposal to knock out Ukraine, the result could be a US/NATO direct intervention prior to Russia having in place larger numbers of its hypersonic nuclear missiles and its S-500 and S-550 air defense systems which have the ability to intercept and destroy Washington’s nuclear missiles. Unlike Russia’s hypersonic missiles that randomly change course and cannot be intercepted, Washington’s technically inferior missiles can be downed.

My conclusion is that the Kremlin, convinced by Washington’s neoconservatives and their domination of every US government in the 21st century that the US intends the destruction of Russia, is preparing for nuclear war. Several times Putin has made the public statement that it is clear that the West intends Russia’s destruction.  It is incomprehensible that Washington is so reckless, so irresponsible, so utterly stupid as to have convinced the Kremlin that Washington intends Russia’s destruction.  It is extraordinary that Putin’s statements produced no reassurances from the White House.

When Russia is prepared, the US and the capitals of its NATO puppets face annihilation.

Try to comprehend the enormous failure of US foreign policy to have led Russia to such a desperate conclusion.  Here you can see the consequence of the hubris and arrogance, of which I have written at length, of the totally unrealistic neoconservatives who have control of US policy.

I don’t see any way out of this.  The neoconservatives have control of all the principal agencies of government–the National Security Council, the Pentagon, the Department of State.  They control the US media, the think tanks, and the foundations.  Not even the Republicans oppose them.  Republican Senator Jim Risch, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, declared on March 29 that “I’m all in for escalation” of the conflict in Ukraine.  If the US doesn’t escalate, Risch says, we will lose.  It is about winning or losing, not about surviving.  Clearly Risch indicates that Congress has no concept of the real risk in the situation. See this.

The Kremlin has sized it up and is preparing to eliminate the enemy that intends the destruction of Russia.  

What can be done?  The Kremlin no longer believes or trusts Washington, so no assurances that this is all a mistake, even if forthcoming, would be believed by the Russians. 

Perhaps if every neoconservative was fired from the government, Russophobic think tanks closed, and the military/security complex permitted a president to be elected who immediately went to Moscow, agreed to the restoration of all the broken agreements and pulled NATO off of Russian borders, nuclear war could be prevented.

But can you imagine Washington doing such a thing?  It would require leadership that Americans have not seen for a very long time.  It would require comprehension in Congress and in the public, and there is no media or experts to instill comprehension.

Enjoy your life.  Quit worrying about the future. The neoconservatives have assured that you don’t have one.



Russia obsession drives Blinken to warn India ahead of G20


with Alex Christoforou and Alexander Mercouris




South Africa Invites Putin To Summit & REFUSES To Arrest Him


with Jimmy Dore


Despite being a signatory to the International Criminal Court, South Africa has invited Vladimir Putin to an upcoming economic summit in Durban, and high ranking members of parliament including legislator Julius Malema have pledged that if he came they would NOT arrest Putin. In an impassioned speech Malema accused the ICC of hypocrisy for charging Putin for war crimes but never charging members of the Bush administration or Tony Blair for the Iraq War nor Barack Obama for bombing Libya into submission.




Israel Runs World’s Biggest Medical Experiment On Its Own People
with Jimmy Dore




The Beginning of the End of Israel


by Steven Sahiounie

Israel’s far-right Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich gave a hate speech in Paris that may have begun the destruction of Israel. “There are no Palestinians because there isn’t a Palestinian people,” he said on March 19. He also displayed a map of “Greater Israel” which included Syria and Jordan.



Ride or Die: Rachel Corrie's Body and the Bitter Legacy of White Allies


by Jon Jeter

Being a white ally is a very serious matter. They can be "martyred on a shrine of white supremacy in an effort to discourage other whites from following their lead."

This article was originally published in Black Republic Media .

The political economy of white settler colonialism is organized around murder, or its threat: forcing Africans to work at gunpoint; raping and stealing indigenous land at gunpoint; herding Palestinians into open-air jails, at gunpoint; overthrowing elected leaders at gunpoint are all part of the colonial and neocolonial blueprint. In this series, Black Republic Media explores what it means when a junta of homicidal maniacs governs a nation, or a network of nations, across the world.

Twenty years ago today, an Israeli soldier drove a bulldozer over Rachel Corrie, crushing her to death. The 23-year-old from Olympia, Washington was part of an international team of peace activists who had volunteered to protect Palestinian homes from demolition by Israeli settlers. Mother Jones magazine gave this account of her final hours:

At two o’clock on the afternoon of Sunday, March 16, Rachel Corrie received a cell-phone call from a comrade in the International Solidarity Movement. “The Israelis are back,” she told Corrie. “Get over here right away. I think they’re heading for Dr. Samir’s house.” The news alarmed Corrie. Samir Nasrallah was a Palestinian pharmacist who lived with his wife and three children a few hundred yards from the battle-scarred Egyptian border in the Gaza Strip town of Rafah. Corrie and other pro-Palestinian activists based in Rafah had frequently spent the night in Nasrallah’s house, acting as human shields against the Israeli tanks and bulldozers, clearing a security zone around the border. Almost every other structure in the area had been knocked down in recent months; Nasrallah’s abode now stood alone in a sea of sand and debris.

Certain that the pharmacist’s house was about to be razed, Corrie caught a taxi to the Hai as-Salam neighborhood. The paved roads of downtown Rafah gave way to sandy tracks lined with scrabbly olive groves, mosques, modest houses, and dirt pitches where Corrie often played soccer—badly but enthusiastically—with local youths. At 2:30, a neighbor of Nasrallah’s named Abu Ahmed caught sight of the activist hurrying past his house. Slight, hazel-eyed, with high cheekbones and dirty blond hair pulled back in a ponytail, she carried a megaphone in one hand and an orange fluorescent jacket in the other. “Come inside and have some tea,” he urged her. But Corrie told him she didn’t have time, and he watched as she disappeared around the corner of his house, heading toward the roar of machinery.

This much has never been contested: placing herself in the path of an Israeli bulldozer that she believed was about to flatten Nasrallah’s house, Rachel Corrie was crushed to death—her skull fractured, her ribs shattered, her lungs punctured. But the bitter accusations and violent recriminations that followed obscured almost everything else about the incident. Palestinians hailed her as a martyr of the Intifada. Several eyewitnesses charged that the bulldozer operator ran her down deliberately and called her killing “a war crime.” The Israeli government, which rarely acknowledges the deaths of Palestinian civilians killed during its military operations, went into damage-control mode. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon promised President Bush a “thorough, credible, and transparent investigation.” Later Israel declared the killing a “regrettable accident” and blamed it on overzealous Corrie and the other activists working as human shields. Charges and countercharges flew back and forth until, like Rashomon, the facts of Rachel Corrie’s death dissolved into a half-dozen competing versions of the truth, none of them fully convincing.

Maybe, maybe not. But if there were any doubts that Israel deliberately killed Corrie, they were surely erased by the fatal shooting last spring of Shireen Abu Akleh, a Palestinian-American journalist who had worked for the Arabic language channel, Al Jazeera, for 25 years at the time of her death.



Israeli fugitive and family living in luxury Florida home bought with funds he plundered overseas


by David Sheen




The Rockefeller Way: The Family’s Covert ‘Climate Change’ Plan


by The Energy & Environmental Legal Institute



“Current Climate of Catastrophe”


with Jeffery Sachs





“Ukraine’s Clear Pattern Of War Crimes Condemned By Amnesty International”


with Jimmy Dore




“All the Lies That Are Fit to Print: The Media & the Ukraine War”


with Brian Becker and Walter Smolarek





“EU peacekeepers in Ukraine. Spy games. Lukashenko, Belarus invasion being prepared”


with Alex Christoforou and Alexander Mercouris






by Red Pill TV

(audio, 22:03)

Scott Ritter joins us on this exclusive interview to discuss the Russia Ukraine war, the conflict of Bakhmut, the bad feelings between Putin and Zelenskyy and how this war will end. Russia rained down over 80 missile on Ukraine last night after figuring out how to bypass their air defense systems. Scott Ritter and Stephen Gardner also discuss military predictions of Colonel Douglas Macgregor on how this war will end and Putin's next military moves. Scott Ritter is an American author, pundit, former United States Marine Corps intelligence officer, former United Nations Special Commission weapons inspector, and convicted sex offender. Ritter served as a junior military analyst during Operation Desert Storm.



Douglas Macgregor: “Ukraine IS LOSING, THIS IS IT”


by Red Pill TV

(audio, 34:13)



“Existential conflict”


with Alex Christoforou, Alexander Mercouris, Angelo Giuliano, and Brian Berletic






The Truth Barrier
“Our Profound Disrespect Of The Importance of Water For Health—Not Quantity, Quality"
by Celia Farber

“The Hidden Power of Water Documentary”: A Fascinating Conversation with Norbert Heuser and John B. Wells.