Bulletin N° 1098 


“The instinct of workmanship, and the state of industrial arts”


by Veblen, Thorstein, 1857-1929




Subject: The Past, The Present, and The Future and how they interface.





April 10, 2023



Dear Colleagues and Friends of CEIMSA,

As a college friend once told me, if you realize how much you are oppressed, suppressed, and repressed there is much you can do to change the world. It just requires focused attention and the will to act. Perhaps he oversimplified, but there is a grain of truth in what he said. Thorstein Veblen seems to have drawn the same conclusion in his 1914 book:


The Instinct of Workmanship and the State of the Industrial Arts



         CHAPTER I                                                           PAGE



Introductory…………………………………………..……………………………………..………………... i


Contamination of Instincts in Primitive Technology ………………………………………. 38


The Savage State of the Industrial Arts ………………………………………………………… 103


The Technology of the Predatory Culture …………………………….……………………… 138


Ownership and the Competitive System ………………………………………………….. 187


The Era of Handicraft …………………………………………………………………………...… 231


The Machine Industry …………………………………………………………………………….. 299




In chapter 4, “The Technology of the Predatory Culture,” Veblen writes: “The members of the community come to work each for his own interest in severalty, rather than for an undivided interest in the common lot.  . . . The sentiment of common interest, itself in good part a diffuse working-out of the parental instinct, comes at the best to converge upon the glory of the flag instead of the fullness of life of the community at large, or more commonly it comes to be centered in loyalty, that is to say in subservience, to the common war-chief and his dynastic successors.”(p.161)


This notion of “the contamination of instincts” through contact with various institutions in “a predatory society” driven by a system of “pecuniary interests” is developed in chapter 5, “Ownership and the Competitive System,” beginning on page 204.



The Competitive System
Dominated by the tradition handed down from the beginning of the nineteenth century, current  economic theory has habitually made much of accumulated goods as the prime requisite of industry. In industrial enterprise as it was then carried on the prevailing unit of organisation was the private firm, with partnership concerns making up a secondary and less commonplace element in the business community. Ordinarily and typically these private firms and partnerships owned a certain material equipment employed in industry and they took the initiative in industrial enterprise on the ground of this ownership; hiring the workmen, buying materials and supplies, and selling the products of the establishment. Credit relations, such as go to the creation and conduct of a modern corporation, were still of secondary consequence, being resorted to rather as an expedient in emergencies than as the initial move and the substantial ground of business organisation; the measure of the concern's magnitude and consequence was still (typically) its unencumbered ownership of the material equipment, the size of the plant and the numbers of its hired workmen. It follows by easy consequence that in the practical business conceptions of that time the equipment of material means, which embodies the concern's assets and affords the ground of its initiative and its rating in the business community, should commonly be rated as the prime mover in industry and the chief productive factor. So, also, the theoretical speculation that drew on that business traffic for its working concepts came unavoidably to accept these tangible assets, the community's material equipment,—implements, livestock, raw materials, means of subsistence,—as the prime agency in the community's economic life. As is true for the working conceptions and principles of industrial business, so also in the theoretical formulations of the economists, the community's immaterial equipment of technological proficiency is taken for granted as a circumstance of the environment conditioning the community's economic life,—the state of the industrial arts and the current workmanlike aptitudes and efficiency.
As the phrase runs, "given the state of the industrial arts."

This is good, homely, traditional common sense; it reflects the habitual practical run of affairs in the Industrial community of that recent past. Such was the attitude of practical men toward industrial matters at the time when the current economic situation took its rise. But such a conception is no longer so true to the practical exigencies of the immediate present, nor do the men of affairs to-day habitually see these matters in just this light; although the principles of the law that govern industrial enterprise still continue to embody these time-worn conceptions, to which the economists also continue to yield allegiance. Like other elements of habitual knowledge this conception of things is drawn from past experience—chiefly from a past not too remote for ready comprehension—and it carries over the frame of mind out of which it arose.

In the earlier days of the machine industry, then, say, in the closing quarter of the eighteenth century, the conduct of industrial affairs was in the hands of business men who owned the material equipment and who directed the use of this equipment and turned it to account for their own gain, on the prescriptive ground of such ownership. Discretion and initiative vested in the capitalist-employer, who at that time, (typically) combined ownership of the plant with a somewhat immediate supervision and control of the industrial processes. The directive control of industry, covering both the volume and the character of the procesess and output, was in the typical case directly bound up with the ownership of the material equipment as such,—as tangible assets, not as corporation stock-holdings. Since then changes have come over the business situation, particularly through an extensive recourse to credit, such that this time-worn conception will no longer answer the run of current business practice, particularly not as touches that large-scale enterprise that now rules industrial affairs and that is currently accepted as the type of modern business enterprise.


Among the assumptions of a hundred years ago was the premise, self-evident to that generation of thoughtful men, that the phase of commercialised economic life then prevailing was the immutably normal order of things. And the assumptions surrounding that preconception were good and competent for a formulation of economic theory that takes such an institutional situation for granted and assumes it to be unchanging, or to be a terminus ad quem. But for anything like a genetic account of economic life, early or late, capitalistic or otherwise, such assumptions and the theoretical propositions and analyses that follow from them are defective in that they take for granted what requires to be accounted for. Theoretical speculation that presupposes the (somewhat old-fashioned) institutions formerly governing ownership and business traffic, and assumes them to have the immutable character and indefeasible force de facto which is assigned them de jure, and that likewise assumes as immutable a passing phase in the "state of the industrial arts," may serve passably for a theory of how business affairs should properly arrange themselves to fit the conditions so assumed; and such, indeed, has commonly been the character of theoretical formulations touching industry and business. And as should fairly be expected, in the speculations of the economists, these theoretical formulations have also commonly been accompanied by a parallel line of remedial advice designed to show what preventive measures should be applied to prevent the run of business practice from doing violence to these assumed conditions that are held to be immutably normal and indefeasibly right.

Now, since in the received theories the accumulated “productive goods" are conceived to be the most consequential factor in industry, and therefore in the community's material welfare and in the fortunes of individuals, it logically follows that the discretionary ownership of them has come to be accounted the most important relation in which men may stand to the production of wealth and to the community's livelihood; and the pecuniary transactions whereby this ownership is arranged, manipulated and redistributed are held to be industrially the most productive of all human activities.

It is only during the nineteenth century that this doctrine of pecuniary productivity has been worked out into finished shape and has found secure lodgment in the systematic structure of economic theory—in the current theory of "the Function of the Entrepreneur;" but it is also only during this period that business enterprise (pecuniary management) has come to dominate the economic situation in a substantially unmitigated degree, so that the material fortunes of the community have come to depend on these pecuniary negotiations into which its "captains of industry" enter for their own gain. In the sense that no other line of activity stands in anything Hke an equally decisive relation of initiative or discretion to the industrial process, or bears with a like weight on the material welfare of the community, these business negotiations in ownership are unquestionably the prime factor in modern industry. But that such is the case is due to the peculiar institutions of modern times and to the peculiar current state of the industrial arts ; and the former of these peculiar circumstances is conditioned by the latter.

It is not practicable to assign a hard and fast date from which this modern era began, with its peculiar scheme of economic life and the economic conceptions that characterise it. The date will vary from one country to another, and even from one industrial class to another within the same country. But it can be said that historically the modern era begins with the rise of handicraft; it is along the line of growth marked out by the development of handicraft that the modern technology has emerged, together with that industrial organisation and those pecuniary conceptions of economic efficiency and serviceability that have gradually come to their current state of maturity on the ground afforded by this technology. What historically Hes back of the era of handicraft is not of a piece with the economic situation of modern times; nor is it characteristic of the Western civihsation, as contrasted with the agricultural and predatory civilisations of antiquity.

As indicated in an earlier chapter, in speaking of the decay of the predatory (feudalistic) regime and its servile agricultural organisation of industry, when peace and order supervene the instinct of workmanship by insensible degrees and in an uncertain measure supplants the invidious self-regarding sentiments that actuate the life of prowess and servility characteristic of that culture; so that workmanship comes again into the foreground among the instinctive propensities that shape the community's habitual interest and so bend the course of its institutional growth and determine the bias of its common sense.

The habitual outlook and the bias given by the handicraft system are of a twofold character—technological and pecuniary. The craftsman was an artificer engaged in mechanical operations, working with tools of which he had the mastery, and employing mechanical processes the mysteries of which were familiar to his everyday habits of thought; but from the beginning of the era of handicraft and throughout his industrial life he was also more or less of a trader. He stood in close relation with some form of market, and his proficiency as a craftsman was brought to a daily practical test in the sale of his wares or services, no less than in the workmanlike fashioning of them. Also, the price as well as the workmanlike quality of the goods presently became subject of regulation under the rules of the crafts; and the petty trade which grew up as an occupation accessory to the handicraft industry was itself organised on lines analogous to the crafts proper and was regulated by similar principles; the trader's work being accounted serviceable, or productive, in the same general sense as that of anyother craftsman and being recognised as equitably entitling those who pursued it to a fair livelihood.

The handicraft system was an organised and regulated system of workmanship and self-help; and under the conditions imposed by its technology proficiency in the latter respect was no less indispensable and no less to the purpose than in the former. Both counted equally and in combination toward the successful working of the system, which is a practicable plan of economic life only so long as the craftsmen combine both of these capacities in good force and only so long as the technological exigencies admit the exercise of both in conjunction. The system broke down so soon as the state of the industrial arts no longer enabled the workmen to acquire the necessary technological proficiency and do the required work at the same time that they each and several were able to oversee and pursue their individual pecuniary interests. With the coming on of a wider and more extensively differentiated technological scheme, and with wider and remoter market relations, due in the main to increased facilities of transportation, these necessary conditions of a practicable handicraft economy gradually failed, and the practice of industrial investments and
the larger commerce then gradually supplanted it.

The discipline of everyday Hfe under the handicraft economy was a discipline in pecuniary self-help as well as in workmanship. In the popular ideal as well as in point of practical fact the complete craftsman stood shrewdly on his individual proficiency in maintaining his own pecuniary advantage, as well as on his trained workmanship; and the gilds were organised to maintain the craft's advantages in the market, as well as to regulate the quality of the output. The craft rules governing the quality of the output of goods were in the main enforced with a view to the maintenance of price, and so with a view to securing an adequate livelihood for the craftsmen. Efficiency in the crafts came in this way presently to be counted very much as the modern "efficiency engineers" would count it, —proximately in terms of mechanical performance, ultimately in terms of price, and more particularly in terms of net gain. So that the habits of life ingrained in the gildsman, and in the community at large where the gild system prevailed, comprised as a main fact a meticulous regard for details of ownership and for pecuniary claims and obligations. It is out of this insistent, pervasive, and minutely concrete discipline in the practice and logic of pecuniary detail that there have arisen those "natural rights" of property and those "business principles" that have been taken over by the later era of the machine industry and capitalistic investment.

The rules of the gild, as well as the larger legislative provisions that had to do with gild regulations, were avowedly drawn with a view to securing the gildsman in a fair customary livelihood, and the measures logically adopted to this end were designed to secure him in the enjoyment and disposal of the returns of his work as well as in his right to pursue his trade within the rules laid down for the collective welfare by the gild. With due training in this logic of the handicraft system it became a plain matter of common sense that the craftsman should equitably be entitled to whatever he can get for his work under the conventionally settled rules of the trade, and should be free to make the most of his capacities in all that pertains to his pursuit of a livelihood; and the like principles (habits of thought) apply to the traffic of the petty trade; which, being presently interpreted in terms of contract and investment, has come to mean the right to do business and to enjoy and dispose of the returns from all bargains made in due form.

Presently, as the technological situation gradually changed its character through extensions and specialisation in appliances and processes—perhaps especially through changes in the means of communication and in the density of population—the handicraft system with its petty trade outgrew itself and broke down in a new phase of the pecuniary culture. The increasingly wide differentiation between workmanship and salesmanship grew into a “division of labour" between industry and business, between industrial and pecuniary occupations, a disjunction of ownership and its peculiar cares, privileges and proficiency from workmanship. By this division of labour, or divergence of function, a fraction of the community came to specialise in ownership and pecuniary traffic, and so came to constitute a business community occupied with pecuniary affairs, running along beside the industrial community proper, with a development of practices and usages peculiar to its own needs and bearing only indirectly on the further development of the industrial system or on the state of the industrial arts.

Master-workmen with means would employ other workmen without means, and might or might not themselves continue to work at the trade. Petty traders or hucksters, nominally members of some craft gild, would grow wealthy with the increasing volume of traffic and would organise a more and more extensive household (sweatshop) industry to meet the increasing demands of their market; or they might become jobbers, carry on more far-reaching trade operations over a longer term, withdraw more distantly from the actual work of the craft, and in the course of a generation or two (as, e. g., the Fuggers) would grow into merchant princes and financiers who maintained but a remote and impersonal relation to the crafts. Or, again, the associated merchants (as, e. g., those of the Hansa) would establish depots and agents, ''factories," that would gradually assemble something of a working force of craftsmen to sort, warehouse and finish the products which they handled, at the same time that they would exercise an increasingly close and extensive oversight of the industries from which these products were derived; until these depots, under the management of the factors, in some cases grew into factories in somewhat the modern acceptance of the term. In one v/ay and another this trading or huckstering traffic, which had been intimately associated with the handicraft industry and gild life, branched off in the course of time as the industries advanced to a larger scale and a more extensive specialisation; and this increasing "division of labour" between workmanship and salesmanship led presently to such a segregation of the traders out of the body of craftsmen as to give rise to a business community devoted to pecuniary management alone.

But the principles on which the new and larger business was conducted were the same as those on which the earlier petty trade had been carried on, and therefore the same in point of derivation and tenor as had been worked out by long experience within the handicraft system proper. Business traffic was an outgrowth of the handicraft system, and it was in as secure a position in respect of legitimacy and legal and customary guaranty as the industrial system from which its principles were derived and from which its gains were drawn.

The source from which the new line of businessmen drew the accumulations of wealth by force of which they were enabled to do business is somewhat in dispute; but however interesting a question that may be in its own right, it does not particularly concern the present inquiry, and the Hke is true for the still more interesting and spectacular phenomena that marked the growth and decline of that early business era that ran its course within the life-history of the handicraft system. Throughout that great period of business activity on the continent of Europe that gathered head in the sixteenth century and that closed in decay and collapse in the seventeenth, the principles (habits of thought) which underlay, authenticated and animated the business community and its pecuniary traffic continued to be much the same as animated the body of craftsmen in their pecuniary relations from the beginning of the era of handicraft to its close. Such, in its turn, was also the case with the later business era that set in with the great industrial advance of England in the Eighteenth Century, and such continued to be the case through the greater part of its life-history in the Nineteenth Century. Of the latterday and latest developments in business practice and principles the like cannot unhesitatingly be said, but this too is a matter that does not immediately concern the inquiry at this point. But the principles of the new and larger business were the same as had been slowly worked out under the system of petty trade. These business principles have proved to be very tenacious and stable, even in the face of apparently adverse technological circumstances, coming as they do out of a long and rigorous habituation of very wide sweep and having acquired the authenticity due to formal recognition in legal decisions and to the painstaking definition given them in the course of a protracted and exacting struggle against the institutional remnants of the feudal system. These circumstances attending the genesis and growth of modern business principles have led to their being formulated in a well-defined conceptual scheme of customary right and also to their embodiment in statutory form. To this, perhaps, they owe much of their tenacious resistance to latterday exigencies that have tended to modify or abrogate them. In their elements, of course, these business principles are even older than the era of handicraft, being substantially of the same nature as that sentimental impulse to self-aggrandisement that lies at the root of the predatory culture and so makes the substantial core of all pecuniary civilisations.

The distinguishing mark of any business era, as contrasted with the handicraft economy, is the supreme dominance of pecuniary principles, both as standards of efficiency and as canons of conduct. In such a businesslike community efficiency is rated in terms of pecuniary gain; and in so far as business principles rule, efficiency in any other direction than business traffic can claim recognition only in the measure in which it may be reduced to terms of pecuniary gain. Workmanship, therefore, comes to be rated in terms of salesmanship. And the canons of workmanship, and even of technological efficiency, fall more and more into pecuniary lines and allow pecuniary tests to decide on points of serviceability.

The instinct of workmanship is accordingly contaminated with ideals of self-aggrandisement and the canons of invidious emulation, so that even the serviceability of any given action or policy for the common good comes to be rated in terms of the pecuniary gain which such conduct will bring to its author. Any pecuniary strategist—"captain of industry"—who manages to engross appreciably more than an even share of the community's wealth is therefore likely to be rated as a benefactor of the community at large and an exemplar of the social virtues; whereas the man who works and does not manage to divert something more from the aggregate product to his own use than what one man's work may contribute to it is visited not only with dispraise for having fallen short of a decent measure of efficiency but also with moral reprobation for shiftlessness and wasted opportunities. So also, to the current common sense in a community trained to pecuniary rather than to workmanlike discrimination between articles of use, those articles which serve their material use in a conspicuously wasteful manner commend themselves as more serviceable, nobler and more beautiful than such goods as do not embody such a margin of waste. Under this system of business principles, in one way and another, the sense of workmanship is contaminated in all its ramifications by preconceptions of pecuniary merit and invidious distinction. But what is here immediately in question is its deflection into the channels of gainful business, together with the more obvious consequences that follow directly from the substitution of differential gain in the place of material serviceability as the end to which the instinctive propensity of workmanship so comes to drive men's ideals and efforts under the discipline of the pecuniary culture.

For the purposes of a genetic inquiry into this modern business situation and its bearing on the sense of workmanship and on the technological phenomena in which that instinct comes to an expression, it is necessary summarily to recall certain current facts pertinent to the case: (a) It is a competitive system; that is to say it is a system of pecuniary rivalry and contention which proceeds on stable institutions of property and contract, under conditions of peace and order. (b) It is a price system, i. e., the competition runs in terms of money, and the money unit is the standard measure of efficiency and achievement; hence competition and efficiency are subject to a rigorous accountancy in terms of a (putatively) stable money unit, which is in all business traffic assumed to be invariable. (c) Technologically this situation is dominated by the mechanical industries; so much so that even the arts of husbandry have latterly taken on much of the character of the mechanic arts. Hence a somewhat thoroughgoing standardisation of processes and products in mechanical terms; which for business purposes has with a fair degree of success been made convertible into terms of price, and so made subject to accountancy in terms of price. (d) Hence consumption is also standardised, proximately in mechanical terms of consumable products but finally, through the mechanism of the market, in terms of price, and like other price phenomena consumption also is competitively subject to and enforced by the like accountancy in terms of the money unit. (e) The typical industries, which set the pace for productive work, for competitive gains, and through the standard rates of gain ultimately also for competitive consumption, are industries carried on on a large scale; that is to say they are such as to require a large material equipment, a wide recourse to technological insight and proficiency, and a large draught on the material resources of the community.  (f) This material equipment—industrial plant and natural resources—it held in private ownership, with negligible exceptions; the noteworthy exceptions to this rule, as e. g., harbours, highways, and the like, serving chiefly as accessory means of industry and so come in chiefly as a gratuitous supplement to the industrial equipment held in private ownership and used for competitive gain. (g) Technological knowledge and proficiency is in the main held and transmitted pervasively by the community at large, but it is also held in part—more obviously because exceptionally—by specially trained classes and individual workmen. Relatively little, in effect a negligible proportion, of this technological knowledge and skill is in any special sense held by the owners of the industrial equipment, more particularly not by the owners of the typical large-scale industries. That is to say, the technologically proficient workmen do not in the typical case own or control any appreciable proportion of the material equipment or of the natural resources to which this technological knowledge and skill applies and in the use of which it takes effect. (h) It results that the owners of this large material equipment, including the natural resources, have a discretionary control of the technological proficiency of the community at large, as well as of those special lines of insight and skill that are vested in these specially trained expert men in whom a specialised proficiency is added to the general proficiency that is diffused through the community at large, (i) In effect, therefore, the owners of the necessary material equipment own also the working capacity of the community and the usufruct of the state of the industrial arts. Except for their  effective ownership of these elements of productive efficiency their ownership of the material equipment of industry would be of no effect. But the usufruct of this productive capacity of the community and its trained workmen vests in the owners of the material equipment only with the contingent qualification that if the community does this work it must be allowed a livelihood, whereby the gross returns that go in the first instance to these owners suffer abatement by that much. This required livelihood is adjusted to a conventional standard of living which, under the current circumstances of pecuniary emulation, is in great part—perhaps chiefly— standardised schedule of conspicuous waste.

In what has just been said above, the view is implied that the owners of the material means, who are in great part also the employers of workmen and are sentimentally spoken of as "captains of industry," have, in effect and commonly, but a relatively loose grasp of the technological facts, possibilities, and requirements of modern industry, and that by virtue of their business training they are able to make but a scant and uncertain use of such loose ideas as they have on these heads. To anyone imbued with the commonplaces of current economic theory it may seem that exception should dutifully be taken to this view, as being an understatement of the businessmen's technological merits. In current theoretical formulations the businessman is discussed under the caption of '^entrepreneur," "undertaker," etc., and his gains are spoken of as "wages of superintendence," "wages of management," and the like. He is conceived as an expert workman in charge of the works, a superior foreman of the shop, and his gains are accounted a remuneration for his creative contribution to the process of production, due to his superior insight and initiative in technological matters. This conception of the businessman and his relation to industry has stood over from an earlier period, the period of the small-scale industry of handicraft and petty trade, when it still was true that the owner-employer, in the typical case, kept a personal oversight of his workmen and their work, and so filled the place of master-workman as well as that of buyer and seller of materials and finished goods. And such a characterisation of the businessman and his work will still hold true in the modern situation in so far as he still is occupied with industry conducted on the same small scale and continues to fill the place of a foreman of the shop. But under current conditions—the conditions of the past half century—and more particularly under the conditions of that large-scale industry that is currently accounted the type of modern industry, the businessman has ceased to be foreman of the shop, and his surveillance of industry has ceased effectually to comprise a technological management of its details; and in corresponding measure this traditional theoretical conception of the businessman has ceased to apply.

The view here spoken for, that the modern businessman is necessarily out of effectual touch with the affairs of technology as such and incompetent to exercise an effectual surveillance of the processes of industry, is not a matter of bias or of vague opinion; it has in fact become a matter of statistical demonstration. Even a cursory survey of the current achievements of these great modern industries as managed by businessmen, taken in contrast with the opportunities offered them, should convince anyone of the technological unfitness of this business management of industry. Indeed, the captains of industry have themselves latterly begun to recognise their own inefficiency in this respect, and even to appreciate that a businessman's management of industrial processes is not good even for the business purpose—the net pecuniary gain. And it is all the more ineffectual for the purposes of workmanship as distinct from the businessmen's gains. So, a professional class of "efficiency engineers" is coming into action, whose duty it is to take invoice of the preventable wastes and inefficiencies due to the business management of industry and to present the case in such concrete and obvious terms of price and percentage as the businessmen in charge will be able to comprehend. These men, in a way, take over the functions assigned in economic theory to the "entrepreneur;" in that they are men of general technological training and insight, who go into their inquiry on the ground of workmanship, take their data in terms of workmanship and convert them into terms of business expediency, somewhat to the same purpose as the like work of conversion was done by the owner-employers under that small-scale system of industrial enterprise from which the current theoretical concept of the "entrepreneur" was derived. It is then the duty of these efficiency engineers to present the results so obtained, for the conviction and guidance of the businessmen in charge, who thereupon, if their business training has left them enough of a sense of workmanship, will give permissive instructions to the expert workmen in direct charge of the industrial processes to put these statistically indicated changes into effect. It is the testimony of these efficiency engineers that relatively few pecuniary captains in command of industrial enterprises have a sufficient comprehension of the technological facts to understand and accept the findings of the technological experts who so argue for the elimination of preventable wastes, even when the issue is presented statistically in terms of price. These men go about their work of ascertaining the efficiency, actual and potential, of any given plant, process, working force, or parcel of material resources, by the methods of precise physical measurement familiar to mechanical engineers, and as an outcome they have no hesitation in speaking of preventable wastes amounting to ten, twenty, fifty, or even ninety per-cent, in the common run of American industries. The work of the efficiency engineers being always done in the service of business and with a view to business expediency, their findings bear directly on the business exigencies of the case alone, and give definitive results only in terms of price and profits. How much greater the ascertained discrepancies in the case would appear if these findings could be reduced to terms of serviceability to the community at large, there is no means of forming a secure conjecture. That the discrepancy would in such case prove to be appreciably greater than that shown by the price rating is not doubtful. Under such an appraisal, where the given industrial enterprises would be brought to the test of net serviceability to the community instead of the net gain of the interested businessmen, many industrial enterprises would doubtless show a waste of appreciably more than one hundred per cent of their current output, being rather disserviceable to the community's material welfare than otherwise.

That the business community is so permeated with incapacity and lack of insight in technological matters is doubtless due proximately to the fact that their attention is habitually directed to the pecuniary issue of industrial enterprise; but more fundamentally and unavoidably it is due to the large volume and intricate complications of the current technological scheme, which will not permit any man to become a competent specialist in an alien and exacting field of endeavour, such as business enterprise, and still acquire and maintain an effectual working acquaintance with the state of the industrial arts. The current technological scheme cannot be mastered as a matter of commonplace information or a by-occupation Incidental to another pursuit. The same advance to a large and exhaustive technological system, in the machine industry, that has thrown the direction of industrial affairs into the hands of men primarily occupied with pecuniary management has also made it impossible for men so circumstanced at all adequately to exercise the oversight and direction of industry thereby required at their hands. And the ancient principles of self-help and pecuniary gain by virtue of which these men are held to their work of business enterprise make it also impossible for them adequately to surrender the discretionary care of the industrial processes to other hands or to permit the management of industry to proceed on other than these same business principles.

This technological infirmity of the businessmen assuredly does not arise from a lack of interest in industry, since it is only out of the net product of industry that the business community's gains are drawn—except so far as they are substantially gains of accountancy merely, due to an inflation of values. Perhaps no class of men have ever been more keenly alert in their interest in industrial matters than the modern businessmen; and this interest extends not only to the industrial ventures in which they may for the time be pecuniarily “interested," but also and necessarily to other lines of industry that are more or less closely correlated with the one in which the given businessman's fortunes are embarked; for under modern market conditions any given line of industrial enterprise is bound in endless relations of give and take with all the rest. But this unremitting attention of businessmen to the affairs of industry is a business attention, and, so far as may be, it touches nothing but the pecuniary phenomena connected with the ownership of industry; so that it comes rather to a training in the art of keeping in touch with the pecuniary run of business affairs while avoiding all undue intimacy with the technological facts of industry, —undue in the sense of being in excess of what may serve the needs of a comprehensive short-term outlook over market relations, and which would therefore divert attention from this main interest and befog the pecuniary logic by which businessmen are governed.

Probably, also, no class of men have ever bent more unremittingly to their work than the modern business community. Within the business community there is properly speaking no leisure class, or at least no idle class. In this respect there is a notable contrast between the business community and the landed interest. What there is to be found in this modern culture in the way of an idle class, considered as an institution, runs back for its origins and its specific traits to a more archaic cultural scheme; it is a survival from an earlier (predatory) phase of the pecuniary culture. In the nature of things an idle life of fashion is an affair of the nobility (gentry), of predatory antecedents and, under current conditions, of predatory-parasitic habits; and as regards those modern rich men who withdraw from the business community and fall into a state of otium cum dignitate, it is commonly their fortune to be assimilated by a more or less ceremonial induction into the body of this quasi-predatory gentry or nobility and so assume an imitative colouring of archaism.


The business community is hard at work, and there is no place in it for anyone who is unable or unwilling to work at the high tension of the average; and since this close application to pecuniary work is of a competitive nature it leaves no chance for any of the competitors to apply himself at all effectually to other than pecuniary work. This high tension of work is felt to be very meritorious in all modern communities, somewhat in proportion as they are modern; as is necessarily the case in any work that is substantially of an emulative character. It spends itself on salesmanship, not on workmanship in the naive sense; although the all-pervading preoccupation with pecuniary matters in modern times has led to its being accounted the type of workmanlike endeavour. It concerns itself ultimately with the pecuniary manipulation of the material equipment of industry, though there is much of it that does not bear immediately on that point. The exceptions under this broad proposition are more apparent than real, although there doubtless are exceptions actual as well as apparent. In such a case the business transactions in question are likely to bear on the ownership of certain specific elements of the immaterial technological equipment, as e. g., habits of thought covered by parent-right or mechanical expedients covered by franchise. Beyond these there are elements of "good-will" that are subject of traffic and that consist in preferential advantages in respect of purely pecuniary transactions having to do not with the material equipment but with the right to deal with it and its management, as e. g., in banking, underwriting, insurance, and the phenomena of the money market at large.

But the mature business situation as it runs today is a complex affair, large and intricate, wherein the effective relations in which business traffic stands to workmanship and to the community's immaterial equipment of technological knowledge at large are greatly obscured by their own convolutions and by the institutional arrangements and convictions to which this traffic has given rise. So that the matter is best approached by way of a genetic exposition that shall take as its point of departure that simpler business enterprise of early modern times out of which the larger development of the present has grown by insensible accretions and displacements.

Business enterprise came in the course of time to take over the affairs of industry and so to withdraw these affairs from the tutelage of the gilds. This shifting of the effectual discretion in the management of industrial affairs came on gradually and in varying fashion and degree over a considerable interval of time. But the decisive general circumstance that enforced this move into the modern way of doing was an advance in the scope and method of workmanship. What threw the fortunes of the industrial community into the hands of the owners of accumulated wealth was essentially a technological change, or rather a complex of technological changes, which so enlarged the requirements in respect of material equipment that the impecunious workmen could no longer carry on their trade except by a working arrangement with the owners of this equipment; whereby the discretionary control of industry was shifted from the craftsmen's technological mastery of the ways of industry to the owner's pecuniary mastery of the material means. In the change that so took place to a larger technological scale much was doubtless due to the extension of trade, itself in great part an outcome of technological changes, directly and indirectly. For the craftsmen and their work the outcome was that recourse must be had to the material equipment owned by those who owned it, and on such terms as would content the owners; whereby the usufruct of the workmen's proficiency and of the state of the industrial arts fell to the owners of the material equipment, on such terms as might be had.**  So it fell to these owners of the material means and of the products of industry to turn this technological situation to account for their own gain, with as little abatement as might be, and at the same time it became incumbent on them each and several competitively to divert as large
a share of the community's productive efficiency to his own profit as the circumstances would permit.



**NOTE To complete the sketch at this point, even in outline, it would be necessary to go extensively into the relations of ownership and control (largely indirect) in which the owners of land and natural resources, the Landed Interest, had stood to the industrial community of craftsmen before this transition to the business era got under way, as also into the further mutual relations subsisting between the landed interest, the craftsmen and the business community during this transition to a business regime. In the most summary terms the pertinent circumstances appear to have been that from the beginning of its technological era the handicraft community, with its workmanship and its technological attainments, was in an uncertain measure at the discretionary call of the landed interest, largely in an impersonal way through channels of trade and on the whole with decreasingly exacting effect as time went on; and the industrial community at large had by no means emancipated themselves from this control when the era of business enterprise set in; for the landed interest continued to draw its livelihood from the mixed agricultural and handicraft community, and the products of handicraft still continued to go chiefly as supplies to the landed interest in return for the means of subsistence controlled by the latter; and long after the businessmen had taken over the direction of industry the claims of the landed interest still continued paramount in the economic situation, and industry still continued to be carried on largely with a view to meeting the requirements of the landed interest.(pp.204-230)




The 22 + items below are articles and essays taken from the Anglophone social media this week which reflect the vital concerns of free citizens throughout the world. Any attempt to block such conversations in a violation of human rights, no matter what degree of sophisticated technology is applied. Indeed, the world is changing and so must we. The International Workingmen's Association (IWA), also known as the First International (1864–1876), published as its first axiomatic the unequivocal statement: “the emancipation of the working classes must be conquered by the working classes themselves; that the struggle for the emancipation of the working classes means not a struggle for class privileges and monopolies, but for equal rights and duties, and the abolition of all class rule”…. This Association was eventually dissolved following the massacre by French troops of the Paris Commune in May 1871.


Together, we seem to be witnessing today the end of an illusion: “Socialism in one country.”





Francis McCollum Feeley


Professeur honoraire de l'Université Grenoble-Alpes
Ancien Directeur des Researches
Université de Paris-Nanterre
Director of The Center for the Advanced Study
of American Institutions and Social Movements
The University of California-San Diego



News from the Front Lines

“Switzerland stops the COVID vaccines, Spike protein kills brain cells, AAPS updates, Twitter at war with Substack


by Robert W Malone MD, MS



Possession Is Nine Tenths of Your Soul


by Emanuel Pastreich

The entire Earth is haunted by a specter, the specter of the complete possession of the human and the natural worlds by a band of unaccountable overlords. Those self-appointed global rulers, the billionaires, supported by the politicians and public intellectuals that they play with for sport, have carved out for themselves a separate reality where within they make up new rules for governance, local, national, and global, and then pass those rules down to us.

Central to this project is the radical alteration of the concept of possession.

Their audacious claim of possession of everything has been successful because it appears to be supported by all institutions of government, by universities and newspapers of repute, and other prominent international organizations which previously had legitimacy.

The billionaires have systematically laid down the foundations for this claim of ownership, using diverse tools, whether it be the control of our minds through constant bombardment with advertisements, the launch of natural assets companies (NAC) on Wall Street that claim private ownership of the oceans and the land, of the water and the air, of every aspect of the natural world, or  the ownership of our bodies through the patenting of DNA and the claim of the right to force citizens to accept injections of privately-patented substances that alter the physical, genetic, and psychological state of the individual.  

Through some magic process at the World Economic Forum the imperative to become modern and to be competitive as part of some imagined fourth industrial revolution gives these unaccountable authorities complete possession of all aspects of our existence.  

Such a claim to unlimited possession of everything only works if the concepts of possession that we have relied on from the distant past are erased and the citizen loses all sense of affiliation with local or national, ethnic or spiritual, roots that might offer an alternative concept of ownership.

The billionaires, above all, do not want any concept of ownership that is linked to a sense of belonging, or of participation. The concept that we own the land, the waters and the myriad plants and animals only in that we belong to that land and to those waters, and we are responsible to them, is a vision of our world with ancient roots which cannot be tolerated by the high priests of the World Economic Forum.  

Unlimited possession by multinational corporations, and by the governments that they have taken over, can only be achieved if all sense of belonging for people is torn to shreds, leaving behind no organizations of substance that can oppose this takeover except for the toothless controlled opposition that the global elite have prepared for us in advance–the Jeffery Sachs and Warren Buffets of the world.

Belonging, after all, is the central concept of the United States Constitution. Without the imperative that the citizen must belong to the republic, the property rights defined by that document are reduced to a travesty. Such was the intended consequence of corporations replacing the citizen with the consumer and the Constitution with markets over the past four decades.

Ultimately, the claim by the individual, the family, or the community to possess a house, a river, or a mountain, to be entitled to clean air or to healthy food that does not destroy the body, has been undermined by multinational interests who isolate individual from friends and family, from community members and like-minded people, thereby destroying any trace of belonging and encouraging a one-way hypnotic relationship with far off celebrities, cute pictures of fat cats, and glimpses of fashion and food, pornography and violence.

Fashion magazines, TV dramas, movies, cartoon characters, and video games induce an indulgent narcissistic cult of the self within which the individual competes against everyone. Personal possessions, not community solidarity, become the primary goal in life.

The ability of unaccountable multinational corporations to own everything, from farmland to houses, from transportation and phone lines, to the internet and media, is rarely questioned, and an alternative system is never suggested by any public intellectual.

Gone from our society is sharing and cooperation, serving those less fortunate, or for standing together for the common good against the greedy few.

The battle ground was well prepared by the corporate consulting firms before the first shot was fired, so as to facilitate this horrific final takeover.

The disenfranchisement of entire populations is not new in human history, but the current project is unprecedented in its scale and in its speed. If we were to look for a parallel, the destruction of the civilizations of North and South America by the Spanish, the Portuguese, the French, and the English from the 16th century to the 19th century is most apposite.

Just as was true then, this time a handful of private interests (like Blackrock, the modern equivalent of the British East India Company) have set out to destroy all customs, learning, institutions, values, and concepts in the nations targeted. But this time it is not the Aztecs and the Iroquois who are being targeted. This time, all civilizations on the Earth are fair game in the radical shift of ownership being planned by supercomputers.

The wild bid of the billionaires to buy up all farmland in the United States, Ukraine, Russia, and most every country, using the fake money cooked up by multinational investors using the cover of the Federal Reserve, and other central banks, resembles the process by which England and Spain claimed ownership of the “New World” by magic, introducing the alien, and completely artificial, concept of real estate.

They made up their own maps back in London or Madrid, just as billionaires make up cryptocurrency and derivatives in London and New York, and then used those maps to claim ownership of vast swaths of forest and plains, mountains and bays. The key to their success was the use of false authority, backed by pay-to-play public intellectuals, to define who owned what.

It was a financial operation, and it was often a military operation when force was needed to assure acceptance of the new order. But above all, then and now, the takeover was an ideological operation, an epistemological move whereby the concept of ownership, and of nationhood, were violently, but silently, remade by the imperialists sitting in their lavish parlors.

The first step toward taking possession of everything today was for the billionaires to take control of money, and of the institutions that defined its value: the Federal Reserve, the Department of Treasury, departments of economics and business at universities, economic experts, and the newspapers of repute that report on the economy.  


"The World Economic Forum": Please Share
by Robert Malone MD, MS
Plus a link to the Updated WEF List…
Those of us in this movement sometimes forget that for most people, the World Economic Forum (WEF) is a meeting in Davos where the rich and famous like to hang out once a year. They have no idea of what the WEF truly is about and what it has accomplished over the course of the last 50 years. Even those of us who follow the WEF can forget what their true mission is, and how deeply they are involved in crafting the new world order, ergo: The Great Reset.
The is truth is that transnationalist companies want control of world governance. The Great Reset is a planned attempt to redistribute all the world’s wealth and power into the hands of corporations, billionaires, banks and and most of all, the World Economic Forum’ leadership. The “Great Reset” plans to use the fourth industrial revolution to further their own ambitious plans of world dominance.
Industry 4.0
The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) is a term used to refer to the next generation of technological advances; where it is anticipated that the differences between physical, digital and biological technologies disappear. This is a world where machines and computers evolve independently, where new biological entities and evolutionary changes are being controlled by artificial intelligence, where brain waves can be manipulated. It is, quite literally, a brave new world.
It is a world where transhumanism has become a reality. The boundaries between man and machine are blurred. This is the world of nightmares, of a dystopian future of overloads and underlings; of the “technologically augmented” and the “normies.” Of physicals, virtuals, machines, and overlords.
What truly sets Industry 4.0 technologies apart is the novel way in which hardware, software and connectivity are being reconfigured and integrated to achieve ever-more ambitious goals, the collection and analysis of vast amounts of data, the seamless interaction between smart machines, and the blurring of the physical and virtual dimensions of production (Industry Analytics Platform).




Turning Tides: The US Congress and Julian Assange


by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

“Every government is run by liars and nothing they say should be believed.” — I.F. Stone

The US Congress and Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, have what can only be regarded as a testy relationship.  Its various members have advocated and condoned his farcical prosecution, demanded his lifelong incarceration, even assassination, taking issue with his appetite for publishing unsavoury, classified details about the US imperium.  He who gives the game away on cant will be punished.

One shrill voice, touching on delirium, was Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman, former Senate Homeland Security Committee Chairman.  His response to the Cablegate release was more than a touch unhinged.  “WikiLeaks’ deliberate disclosure of these diplomatic cables is nothing less than an attack on the national security of the United States, as well as that of dozens of other countries.”

Lieberman thought the disclosure of such State Department treasure “an outrageous, reckless and despicable action that will undermine the ability of our government and our partners to keep our people safe and to work together to defend our vital interests.  Let there be no doubt: the individuals responsible are going to have blood on their hands.”

On December 1, 2010, Rep. Candice Miller (R-MI) was also forthright before fellow House Representatives in arguing that both WikiLeaks and its founder “should be facing criminal charges; and his Web site, which he uses to aid and abet our terrorist enemies, should be shut down to defend our national security.”  Showing an astonishing latitude of muddled understanding, Miller urged the Obama administration to treat “WikiLeaks for what it is – a terrorist organization, whose continued operation threatens our security.”

The previous day, Arizona Republican Rep. Trent Franks bleated in the House that Assange had “provided a wealth of aid and comfort to groups that are at war with the United States of America.”  It was simply not possible for Franks to envisage that Assange might have engaged in an exercise of transparency.  “The reality is that his desire to promote himself has outweighed his concern for scores and perhaps hundreds of innocent lives that he has endangered with his reckless publicity in this kind of stunt in the guise of some greater cause.”

See, also: Australian PM Tells US to Drop Charges Against Julian Assange



Rep. Rashida Tlaib Calls for End of Julian Assange Extradition


by Rep. Rashida Tlaib

Rep. Rashida Tlaib is collecting signatures from her colleagues in the House for a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland, calling for the Department of Justice to drop the charges against Julian Assange. The Intercept obtained both the letter to House members and the letter addressed to Garland. Both are printed below.



Watch “Congress Calls For Assange’s Freedom!”


with Jimmy Dore




Row Breaks Out Over Assange in Australian Senate


by Joe Lauria


Greens Party Senator David Shoebridge asked the foreign minister a direct question in Parliament last Thursday: Did the Australian prime minister raise the case of Julian Assange with the president of the United States last month when they met and did he ask for the charges against Assange to be dropped?

Wong did not answer the question. She said Australia could not intervene in the legal process of another country and sarcastically asked Greens Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, who spoke out, whether he wanted the Australian military to intervene against a court.

In the face of Wong’s comments, Assange’s father, John Shipton, and his wife, Stella Assange, have continuously argued that the case is political and needs a political, and not a legal resolution.

Despite Wong’s statement, the Australian government has through diplomatic intervention won the release of six Australian citizens from foreign jails since 2007: David Hicks (U.S./Guantanamo), Melinda Taylor (Libya), James Ricketson (Cambodia), Sean Turnell (Myanmar), Kylie Moore-Gilbert (Iran), and Peter Greste (Egypt).



Craig Murray: Evan Gershkovich & Julian Assange


by Craig Murray

Some of us have warned again and again that the prosecution of the WikiLeaks publisher made life more dangerous for journalists operating in difficult conditions worldwide. We were ignored.

Russia should release Evan Gershkovich; if as part of a prisoner swap it should be speedily concluded.

Gershkovich was arrested in Ekaterinburg while investigating the Wagner Group. Ekaterinburg is one of Russia’s grimmest, most mafia-dominated and least open cities, which I have myself visited specifically to investigate the murders of local Russian journalists.

That was dangerous enough without the complications of a war and the fact Gershkovich was planning to visit the location of a nearby tank factory (it is unclear whether he got to carry out this plan).

I am not in the least surprised he was arrested, but I would have hoped he would simply be deported, or have his visa cancelled like Luke Harding. A journalist from a country openly supplying the enemy in an active war could hardly complain if deported. It is part of the game.

Let us not forget that Russia is still allowing Western journalists to operate inside Russia, while most countries in the West, including the U.K., have closed down all Russian media outlets and canceled the visas of their journalists.



Video: “The Covid Lockdown is an Act of Economic Warfare against Humanity”


with Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Prof. Michel Chossudovsky





The COVID Plandemic Politics: A History

Covid’s Third Birthday – A Retrospective Weekend”


by Catte Black

Recently, prominent “anti-vaxxer” Michael Yeadon publicly stated he does not believe there was ever a new disease called “covid.

This should not be regarded as a controversial position, and the fact that it is seen as such only illustrates the amount of confusion and bewilderment that most people still suffer when it comes to understanding what the “covid” operation really was.

Once you look at the acknowledged facts – and I mean the officially acknowledged facts – clearly and without pre-existing emotional bias, the fact that “covid” never existed as anything but a name becomes not simply obvious but unavoidable.

It’s right there. Written in the hand of authority. Hiding in plain sight like one of those number tests they use for diagnosing color blindness.

If you’re not “covid-blind” you can read it right off the page in everything the UN, WHO, CDC and every government agency has published.



The PTB openly admit “covid” symptoms are indistinguishable from flu.


They openly admit no test exists to specifically identify or diagnose it.


Yet they ask you to believe they still somehow know it exists.


And most people did & do believe it. In defiance of logic and basic common sense.


This is the state of derangement we are dealing with and it remains highly concerning. Even those “awake” enough to question the “vaccines” and oppose the lockdowns still seem to think the existence of the disease per se is an established fact.


And “disease” is the key word here. We’re not talking about whether a specific virus exists, whether or not any viruses exist, or debating terrain vs germ theory. These are interesting and potentially valuable discussions, but not relevant to Covid, as there is no point in debating a cause for something that does not exist.


The most important point – only important point – is that nobody was sick with anything new. It was usual symptoms repackaged, usual sickness rebranded.


Because unless we comprehend what “covid” really was we will be powerless to grasp and combat the ongoing agenda that this fake pandemic spearheaded, as it continues to roll out.

So, to help spread a little more understanding we are running a mini-retrospective this weekend – which marks three years since the UK was first forced into a destructive and unnecessary lockdown – aimed at reminding everyone of what “covid” was, and what it was not.


Starting with an updated edition of our Covid Cribsheet, and including new articles on the origins of Covid, the absurd headlines we were expected to believe and revisiting the early days of the roll-out.



“40 Facts You NEED to Know: The REAL Story of ‘Covid’”


by Kit Knightly

We first published our hugely popular cribsheet in September of 2021 in response to dozens – even hundreds – of reader requests for sources and data. It was intended as a resource and link dump as much as an article, and intentionally free of interpretation, editorialising or opinion.

The response was incredible, within weeks it became our most-viewed article of all time, and it has maintained steady traffic ever since.

But time moves on, and as new data was published and new facts came to light, it became clear we needed to update the piece – not just in terms of facts, but in terms of approach.

So, here are all the updated key facts and sources concerning the alleged “pandemic”, to help you get a grasp on what has happened to the world since January 2020, and assist in the enlightenment of any of your friends who might be still trapped in the New Normal fog.


SymptomsDiagnosis & PCR Tests“Cases” & “Deaths”LockdownsVentilatorsMasksVaccinesMortality DataPlanning & DeceptionMotives & ProfitsConclusion


Part I: Symptoms . . .



“Anti-Human Agenda”


with Meryl Nass and James Corbett


“This is an anti-human agenda” — how One Health efforts point to a deglobalization scheme, with hosts Meryl Nass, M.D., and James Corbett. They expose the corruption in the World Health Organization and pose their perspectives on how Big Oil’s ties to climate affairs are worth considering. Watch the exchange on ‘Good Morning CHD’!



“Wuhan’s ‘Mystery Illness’ is Covid’s Foundational Lie”


by Kite Knightly

Recently, while researching our updated edition of 40 Facts, I came across this article from Time magazine, one that I had apparently missed when it was first published and that had somehow escaped my notice in the following three Covid-centric years.

The article demonstrates how, from the very beginning, the covid narrative was a psy-op construct, that never made any internal sense.


It focuses on the work of Chinese virologist Dr Zhang Yongzhen, and how he and his team (allegedly) isolated the Sars-Cov-2 virus and sequenced its genome. The article frames Zhang as a hero whose “bravery” alerted the world to a scary new threat.

It’s just a story, of course – a piece of narrative fiction rather than journalism – but it does reveal a key facet of the pandemic psy-op roll-out.


The foundational lie, the original sin: Covid’s “mysterious” origins.


Every psychological operation has one underlying weakness – an uneven seam where the manufactured lie is forcibly joined to inescapable reality.


For 9/11 this is simple physics – asymmetrical damage cannot cause symmetrical collapse. For JFK it is the alleged number of bullets causing a known number of wounds, alongside the president’s head going back and to the left.


Oftentimes, the main thrust of any accompanying propaganda is to distract from these irreconcilable ideas. Place a selective distorting lens over certain hard-coded physical realities that forces people to question things they would never usually question.


Those weren’t really explosions – they just sounded like it.


His head didn’t really go backwards – it just looked like it did.

…you get the idea.


For “covid”, this fractured disconnect can be located very specifically to Wuhan in December 2019.


The alleged timeline of the “discovery” of Covid is pretty well known, but here is a quick recap:


·         In mid-December 2019, 4 people were admitted to Wuhan hospital with pneumonia. By the end of the month, that number had grown to 27.

·         One unnamed doctor decides this pneumonia is “mysterious”, and sends one sample from one patient to Dr Zhang of the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center for analysis.

·         Dr Zhang tests this single sample, from just one of 27 alleged patients with pneumonia, immediately finds a “new coronavirus”, and at once decides it must be the cause of this “mystery”.


There are numerous problems with this story, and indeed the timeline of events that speedily followed – from the sequencing to the modelling to the development of testing assays.


But strangest of all is the question the official narrative never even attempts to answer:


Why were they looking at all?

That’s the break with reality.

Why did that doctor in that hospital suddenly decide there was a mystery that needed an explanation?


What was there to mark out those few patients as different from any of the other 450 million people who get pneumonia every year?

The Time article claims vaguely that this pneumonia was “peculiar”, other contemporary publications called it “mystery pneumonia”. They never really explain the nature of this “mystery”.


The WHO called it pneumonia of “unknown aetiology, while the CDC said it was an “atypical pneumonia-like illness that does not respond well to standard treatments”.


But “the standard treatment” for pneumonia is antibiotics if you think it’s bacterial, or bed rest and fluids if you think it’s viral. The vast majority of the time it gets better on its own in a couple of weeks…just like “Covid”.


Some articles remarked that the “mysterious pneumonia” was symptomatically unique, without ever going into details. But we now know that’s not true. “Covid” has never been symptomatically different from the majority of common respiratory diseases.


The WHO even said in their initial press release, on January 8th 2020:

The symptoms reported among the patients are common to several respiratory diseases, and pneumonia is common in the winter season;

That sentence is completely true…so-called “covid pneumonia” is just – pneumonia.


So why did the doctors in China ever consider it worth a second look?

Why did anyone think this perfectly normal pneumonia must have an abnormal cause?

None of this makes any sense. None of it ever made any sense.


You can keep looking for the answer, keep asking “why did they think this pneumonia was different?”, and find nothing but a tangle of vague assertions that don’t hold up to any kind of analysis.


There was no reason for that doctor to think those patients were suffering from anything other than a normal, seasonal respiratory infection.

His alleged actions are not those of a rational real-life person, they are the scripted behavior of an actor who needs to perform a particular function for only one reason – so the rest of the movie can happen.


We’re back to that one big lie, the invitation to suspend disbelief and accept a contradiction in terms, just like 9/11 and JFK.


For the “pandemic” narrative it’s this: Covid might look and feel and act like the flu – but it’s actually special and different.”


That’s always going to be the faultline when you simply make up a new disease.

What’s more, they clearly always knew this would be the weak spot in their story, so they hurried through it. They needed to fast-track their “new disease” into existence so they discovered it, named it, sequenced it, published it, and could test for it…all in less than three weeks.


It was fast, “very, very fast” Zhang acknowledges in Time. Too fast, really. They spoiled the ending, revealed the killer before the murder had even happened.


The world has moved pretty quickly in the last three years, changed to the point of being almost unrecognisable, and if you want to understand how it all started you have to travel back in time. Past vaccines and ventilators. Past passports and PCRS.


Past Pfizer and Fauci and flattened curves…back to the very beginning.

All the way back to Wuhan, China, December 2019. Where, we are told, one doctor saw four cases of stereotypical pneumonia and called it “mysterious”, and one virologist started looking for something he had no reason to think even existed, and just so happened to find it.


This article is part of our Covid – Three Years On” series.



“Italy 2020: Inside Covid’s Ground Zero”


by Michael Bryant

On the third anniversary of the WHO declaring “Covid” a “pandemic”, we take a detailed look at how Italy provided the perfect platform for creating, and then spreading, the Covid narrative.

Three years ago the Western World came to a standstill. The official Covid-19 narrative depicted a strange suddenly-super-spreading, deadlier-than-flu virus hailing from China that landed in Northern Italy.

On February 20, 2020 the first alleged case of Covid-19 was discovered in the West in the Lombardy town of Codogno, Italy. Later that day the Italian government reported their first “Covid-19 death.”

Dramatic media reports emerging from Northern Italy were hammered into and onto the Western psyche giving the impression there was a mysterious “super spreading” and “super lethal” novel virus galloping across the region infecting and killing scores of people.

Harrowing reports out of Bergamo, a city in the alpine Lombardy region of Northern Italy, spoke of coffins stacked high, covid-related deaths growing relentlessly” and the alarming need for military assistance to remove the grim volume of dead bodies piling up.

In early March 2020 hospitals in Northern Italy were reporting a “tsunami of deaths” due to the Covid crisis and overcrowded conditions due to “fighting the coronavirus outbreak”, which were pushing hospitals and staff to the breaking point as doctors were “taking the dead from morning until night.”

Using the entire machinery of the state, Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte began issuing a rolling set of government decrees culminating in Italy becoming the first country in the world to implement a national lockdown. These mandates would set the stage for lockdowns throughout the Western world.

Three years later a comprehensive evaluation of the story about the alleged Italian medical emergency in Spring 2020, reveals a tale of the disturbing epidemiological history of Northern Italy, mass media manipulation and deceptive reporting utilized to create the illusion of a new epidemic.

A multitude of questions and inconsistencies surrounding the Italian story soon surfaced. Ascribing this strange set of convergent circumstances to a viral event strained credulity.

Were these overcrowded conditions in Italian hospitals genuinely the result of a unique viral pathogen or were there other causal factors?

Were these anomalous spikes in excess deaths in Northern Italy verifiably caused by the arrival and spread of a novel deadly virus?

How was it that this virus spread across thousands of kilometers within days and peaked synchronously in selected locations?

How was it that this virus was able to spread so fast across thousands of kilometers, peaking at the same time in those selected locations, yet wasn’t contagious enough to spread to nearby locations?

How was it that this virus waited for a government decree and only then began to create excess death?

How was it possible that all countries in the West and beyond adopted similar “health” measures as carried out in Italy, virtually “overnight”, measures that resembled a de facto police state rather than medical initiatives?

Why Italy?

A brief timeline of the series of events as they unfolded in Northern Italy in Spring 2020:

·         January 31, 2020 – The Italian Council of Ministers declares a 6-month national emergency handing the coordination of the COVID-19 emergency responses to the Head the Civil Protection Department, following the detection of the first two COVID-19 positive people in Rome – two Chinese tourists traveling from Wuhan;

·         February 20, 2020 — First Covid-19 case of Italian citizen diagnosed in Codogno. 78-year-old Adriano Trevisan, a retired bricklayer from the village of VoEuganeo near Padua in the Veneto region became the first Covid death of a European recorded. The deceased tested positive for the virus and died in the hospital while being treated for pneumonia.

·         February 23, 2020 – The Italian government introduces the first movement and access/exit restrictions around hotspots, known as ‘lockdown red zones.’ On this same day the Italian Ministry of Health issued PCR testing guidance to 31 labs across Italy. Cases surge.

·         February 25, 2020 – Further restrictive measures introduced across Italy.

·         February 27, 2020 – A National Surveillance system, coordinated by the ISS (National Institute of Health) is set up to oversee the collection and collation of daily data.

·         March 1, 2020 – Creation of ‘lockdown red zones’ expands.

·         March 4, 2020 – Nationwide closure of schools and universities are declared in Italy.

·         March 8, 2020 – Decree Of The President Of The Council Of Ministers expands restrictions to all Lombardy and large areas of Northern Italy.

·         March 9, 2020 – The government of Italy under Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte extends the lockdown to the whole of Italy restricting the movement of the population except for necessity, work, and health circumstances.

·         March 11, 2020 – The World Health Organization declares the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak a global pandemic. Italy declares closure of all restaurants, pubs, theaters and social activities.

·         March 18, 2020 – European Central Bank announces huge money printing program to keep the financial system functioning. 750 billion euro bailout given to financial sector to fight the “coronavirus crash.”

·         March 22, 2020 – Cessation of all non-essential productive activities, complete lockdown, factories are closed and all nonessential production is halted across Italy.

·         March 25, 2020 – Further restrictions imposed to people’s movements except for essential reasons (e.g. work, health and getting supplies).

·         March 27, 2020 – Peak in number of daily Covid deaths in Italy.

·         April 9, 2020 – Liquidità’ Decree goes into full effect, including temporary measures to facilitate access to loans, support business continuity and corporate liquidity and measures to support export, internationalization and business investment.

·         May 4, 2020 – Reopening of most factories and various wholesale businesses, within pre-set health safety protocols.


While such a chronology can serve to refresh our memory and provide a coherent understanding of the sequence of events, it is not a substitute for real history.

As they say – the devil is in the details.

The details in Northern Italy start with massive pollution problems and the accompanying long-standing chronic health conditions which have afflicted the region for years.


Pollution and Chronic Illness

Everyday life in the Lombardy region is bedeviled with dangerous living conditions and health challenges– numerous acute health problems facing an aging population have been documented for a long period of time.

The Po River Valley in Northern Italy is cited as having the worst air quality in all of Europe. The air quality in the region has been deteriorating for many years. The cities in the Po River Valley are cited as having the highest mortality burdens associated with air pollution in all of Europe.

Along with the sheer volume of pollutants, the Po River Valley is known for its unique characteristics of low winds and prolonged episodes of climatic inversions turning it into a holding tank for atmospheric pollution.

The Lancet Planetary Health report from January 2021 estimated death rates associated with fine particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide pollution in 1000 European cities. Brescia and Bergamo in the Lombardy region held the morbid distinction of having the highest death rate from fine particulate matter in Europe. Two other Northern Italian cities, Vicenza and Saronno placed fourth and eighth respectively, in the list of top ten cities in this category.

These locations correspond precisely with the highest incidents of upper respiratory infections occurring in Northern Italy as reported in the official pandemic narrative.

Ongoing and accelerating “epidemics” of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis(a severe and progressive lung disease), interstitial lung disease and high rates of bronchial and lung cancer were signature epidemiological features of Northern Italy long before an alleged virus ventured onto the scene.

In the Lombardy region there is also an ongoing asbestos problem from occupational asbestos exposure in the 1960s and 1970s. A 2016 study, “Incidence of mesothelioma in Lombardy, Italy: exposure to asbestos, time patterns and future projections”, predicted a rise of malignant mesothelioma (MM), an aggressive and deadly form of cancer primarily impacting the linings of the chest and abdomen.

This study documented a high burden of MM in both genders in the Lombardy Region, reflecting extensive occupational (mainly in men) and non-occupational (mainly in women) exposure to asbestos in the past. Incidence rates are still increasing; a downturn in occurrence of MM is expected to occur after 2019.”

A further study, “Investigating the impact of influenza on excess mortality in all ages in Italy during recent seasons (2013/14–2016/17 seasons)”, reveals that rates of death due to the common flu have increased markedly over the past decade. This study described a nearly fourfold increase in flu mortality during the covered time period. By the 2016/17 season the totals skyrocketed to 24,981 excess deaths attributable to flu epidemics.

Adding to the ongoing problems of air pollution, residents in the Po River Valley are plagued by high levels of industrial livestock runoff in rivers and tributaries.



AUDIO: “How “Covid” turned hospitals into killing machines”


with Jesse Zurawell and Michael Bryant


Independent journalist and researcher Michael Bryant returns to Perspective to discuss a neglected aspect of the pandemic – how hospitals abused DNR orders and ventilators to create “covid deaths”, the legislation and guidelines that financially incentivised the process.


Published as part of our Covid: Three Years On season. You can read our contemporary piece on “Cash 4 Covid” practices here, and read Michael’s article on Italy’s role in establishing the “pandemic” narrative here.


TNT Radio is a 24/7 internet radio station, available here. You can also listen to back-episodes of Perspective here and follow host Jesse Zurawell on Telegram here.



The Pfizer Vaccine: A Tale of Two Reports. “Money vs. Mortality”


by Prof Michel Chossudovsky

“Profits in the billions of dollars are the driving-force behind this diabolical agenda. “Killing is Good for Business”. What we are witnessing is a crime against humanity on an unprecedented scale, affecting the lives of the entire population of our  planet”.


This morning I received an interesting document: Pfizer 2022 Full Year Financial Report, which in my mind as an economist trained in correlation analysis raises some important issues.


There are two Pfizer reports

One deals with Money, the other which is “confidential” deals with Mortality and Morbidity resulting from the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 Vaccine.   


The Full Year Revenues Report is a public document. It assesses Pfizer’s impressive “financial performance”. It is also intended to be consulted by potential investors, reported by financial analysts and the media. 


The second is Pfizer’s “Confidential” Report which gives you a glimpse of the “performance” of Pfizers’s Covid-19 Vaccine: i.e. mortality and morbidity.  Released in October 2021 under Freedom of Information.  You were not supposed to see it. And it is not reported by the media.


It is nonetheless in the public domaine


Is there a causal relationship between Pfizer’s record of $100.3 billion revenues (full year 2022) and the mRNA vaccine’s upward trend in adverse events and mortality Worldwide, affecting 8 billion people.  


Is there a relationship?   Is there a correlation. It’s statistics 101. 

This upward trend in mortality and morbidity is the source of tremendous profit resulting from the enforcement of the mRNA vaccine by national governments all over the World. The evidence is overwhelming. It is the largest vaccine program in World history targeting the entire World population of 8 billion people. 







No brakes on Moscow’s biosecurity charade

Anna Popova and Tatyana Golikova, flanked by their army of insufferable masked Virus Nannies. March 24, 2023.


by Riley Waggaman

The masterminds behind Moscow’s Sanitary Shield—a medley of PCR testing facilities and “vaccine” development centers—met in late March to review the progress of their not-fit-for-purpose biosecurity Iron Curtain.

Anna Popova, head of Rospotrebnadzor—Russia’s federal agency for protecting “human well-being”, and the country’s de facto COVID Cops—told the gathering of public health bureaucrats that great strides had been made over the past two years:

16 new reagents for diagnosing infections have been developed, 153 PCR centers across the country have been equipped, equipment has been purchased for 48 sequencing centers, and four platforms have been created to quickly develop vaccines. The Perimeter epidemiological monitoring system has been launched at more than 240 border crossing points.

Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova—who is not only a selfless public servant, but also a seasoned “pandemic” profiteer—said more needed to be done to ensure the “epidemiological well-being of the population”:

In order to monitor the variability of pathogens of infectious diseases, it is necessary to ensure the establishment of six new sequencing centers this year. By the end of 2023, 54 such centers should be operational. [We will also] increase the number of vaccine development platforms to six, and develop 23 new test systems for diagnosing infections in 60 minutes; there will be a total of 39 test systems. [We will] provide 19 institutions of Rospotrebnadzor with nine new mobile rapid response laboratories, and continue updating the national electronic catalog of microorganisms. By 2025, it should contain more than 40 thousand strains.

The ultimate goal, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin, is to create an anti-virus “shield” that will be able to “develop its own test systems within four days,” as well as “create an effective domestic vaccine in the shortest possible time.”

In other words: Russia’s strategy to ward off alleged biosecurity threats revolves around PCR testing and the rapid deployment of “vaccines.”


Russians are also “dying suddenly”
by Edward Slavsquat

Russian activists document "sudden deaths" among young athletes
Since the start of the global genetic injection campaign in 2021, media reports detailing the “sudden deaths” of athletes have gradually become part of the new normal.
It’s a worldwide phenomenon—and Russia is no exception, according to #HowManyMustDie, a collaborative project launched by STOPVACZISM, STOPPANIKA, and Anna Rudneva’s “Raising Awareness” channel.
On April 3, the group published a list of young Russian athletes who had “died suddenly”:


Køvíd & the decline of the West


by Edward Slavsquat

A conversation with writer & journalist Modeste Schwartz



“Ignorance is Bliss"


by Todd Hayen



John Pilger's Tips For “Seeing Through Propaganda”


with Katie Halper


Journalist John Pilger explains how to see through propaganda, especially the most dangerous of all, which is the propaganda that claims to be "objective reporting."



FLASHBACK: Meet Lee Harvey Oswald, Sheep-Dipped Patsy (2013)


with James Corbett




“A State of Never-Ending Crisis: The Government Is Fomenting Mass Hysteria”


by John Whitehead

“This country has been having a nationwide nervous breakdown since 9/11. A nation of people suddenly broke, the market economy goes to shit, and they’re threatened on every side by an unknown, sinister enemy. But I don’t think fear is a very effective way of dealing with things—of responding to reality. Fear is just another word for ignorance.”
Hunter S. Thompson, gonzo journalist

We have become guinea pigs in a ruthlessly calculated, carefully orchestrated, chillingly cold-blooded experiment in how to control a population and advance a political agenda without much opposition from the citizenry.

This is mind-control in its most sinister form.

With alarming regularity, the nation is being subjected to a spate of violence that terrorizes the public, destabilizes the country, and gives the government greater justifications to crack down, lock down, and institute even more authoritarian policies for the so-called sake of national security without many objections from the citizenry.

Take this latest shooting in Nashville, Tenn.

The 28-year-old shooter (a clearly troubled transgender individual in possession of several military-style weapons) opened fire in a Christian elementary school, killing three children and three adults.

Already, fingers are being pointed and battle lines are being drawn.

Those who want safety at all costs are clamoring for more gun control measures (if not at an outright ban on assault weapons for non-military, non-police personnel), widespread mental health screening of the general population, more threat assessments and behavioral sensing warnings, more CCTV cameras with facial recognition capabilities, more “See Something, Say Something” programs aimed at turning Americans into snitches and spies, more metal detectors and whole-body imaging devices at soft targets, more roaming squads of militarized police empowered to do random bag searches, more fusion centers to centralize and disseminate information to law enforcement agencies, and more surveillance of what Americans say and do, where they go, what they buy and how they spend their time.

This is all part of the Deep State’s master plan.

Ask yourselves: why are we being bombarded with crises, distractions, fake news and reality TV politics? We’re being conditioned like lab mice to subsist on a steady diet of bread-and-circus politics and an endless spate of crises.

Caught up in this “crisis of the now,” the average person has a hard time keeping up with and remembering all of the “events,” manufactured or otherwise, which occur like clockwork in order to keep us distracted, deluded, amused, and insulated from reality.

As investigative journalist Mike Adams points out:

“This psychological bombardment is waged primarily via the mainstream media which assaults the viewer by the hour with images of violence, war, emotions and conflict. Because the human nervous system is hard wired to focus on immediate threats accompanied by depictions of violence, mainstream media viewers have their attention and mental resources funneled into the never-ending ‘crisis of the NOW’ from which they can never have the mental breathing room to apply logic, reason or historical context.”

Professor Jacques Ellul studied this phenomenon of overwhelming news, short memories and the use of propaganda to advance hidden agendas. “One thought drives away another; old facts are chased by new ones,” wrote Ellul.

All the while, the government continues to amass more power and authority over the citizenry.

When we’re being bombarded with wall-to-wall news coverage and news cycles that change every few days, it’s difficult to stay focused on one thing—namely, holding the government accountable to abiding by the rule of law—and the powers-that-be understand this.

Yet as John Lennon reminds us, “nothing is real,” especially not in the world of politics.

In other words, it’s all fake, i.e., manufactured, i.e., manipulated to distort reality.

Much like the fabricated universe in Peter Weir’s 1998 film The Truman Show, in which a man’s life is the basis for an elaborately staged television show aimed at selling products and procuring ratings, the political scene in the United States has devolved over the years into a carefully calibrated exercise in how to manipulate, polarize, propagandize and control a population.

This is the magic of the reality TV programming that passes for politics today.

As long as we are distracted, entertained, occasionally outraged, always polarized but largely uninvolved and content to remain in the viewer’s seat, we’ll never manage to present a unified front against tyranny (or government corruption and ineptitude) in any form.

The more that is beamed at us, the more inclined we are to settle back in our comfy recliners and become passive viewers rather than active participants as unsettling, frightening events unfold.

Reality and fiction merge as everything around us becomes entertainment fodder.

We don’t even have to change the channel when the subject matter becomes too monotonous. That’s taken care of for us by the programmers (the corporate media).

“Living is easy with eyes closed,” says Lennon, and that’s exactly what reality TV that masquerades as American politics programs the citizenry to do: navigate the world with their eyes shut.

As long as we’re viewers, we’ll never be doers.

Studies suggest that the more reality TV people watch—and I would posit that it’s all reality TV, entertainment news included—the more difficult it becomes to distinguish between what is real and what is carefully crafted farce.

“We the people” are watching a lot of TV.

On average, Americans spend five hours a day watching television. By the time we reach age 65, we’re watching more than 50 hours of television a week, and that number increases as we get older. And reality TV programming consistently captures the largest percentage of TV watchers every season by an almost 2-1 ratio.

This doesn’t bode well for a citizenry able to sift through masterfully-produced propaganda in order to think critically about the issues of the day, whether it’s fake news peddled by government agencies or foreign entities.

Those who watch reality shows tend to view what they see as the “norm.” Thus, those who watch shows characterized by lying, aggression and meanness not only come to see such behavior as acceptable and entertaining but also mimic the medium.

This holds true whether the reality programming is about the antics of celebrities in the White House, in the board room, or in the bedroom.

It’s a phenomenon called “humilitainment

A term coined by media scholars Brad Waite and Sara Booker,humilitainment” refers to the tendency for viewers to take pleasure in someone else’s humiliation, suffering and pain.

Humilitainment” largely explains not only why American TV watchers are so fixated on reality TV programming but how American citizens, largely insulated from what is really happening in the world around them by layers of technology, entertainment, and other distractions, are being programmed to accept the brutality, surveillance and dehumanizing treatment of the American police state as things happening to other people.

The ramifications for the future of civic engagement, political discourse and self-government are incredibly depressing and demoralizing.

This is what happens when an entire nation—bombarded by reality TV programming, government propaganda and entertainment news—becomes systematically desensitized and acclimated to the trappings of a government that operates by fiat and speaks in a language of force.

Ultimately, the reality shows, the entertainment news, the surveillance society, the militarized police, and the political spectacles have one common objective: to keep us divided, distracted, imprisoned, and incapable of taking an active role in the business of self-government.

Look behind the political spectacles, the reality TV theatrics, the sleight-of-hand distractions and diversions, and the stomach-churning, nail-biting drama, and you will find there is a method to the madness.

How do you change the way people think? You start by changing the words they use.

In totalitarian regimes—a.k.a. police states—where conformity and compliance are enforced at the end of a loaded gun, the government dictates what words can and cannot be used.

In countries where the police state hides behind a benevolent mask and disguises itself as tolerance, the citizens censor themselves, policing their words and thoughts to conform to the dictates of the mass mind.



How Covid lockdowns primed the current financial crisis


by Christian Parenti

The lockdowns and the stimulus required to keep the economy alive helped drive inflation. Then the Fed jacked up interest rates. And all hell broke loose.

On Friday March 10th, 2023, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) died of Covid. Alright, it’s a little more complicated than that, but Covid lockdowns followed by massive government stimulus were a critical – and massively under-acknowledged – factor in propelling the bank’s demise.

At the heart of the crisis is the gigantic pile of low-interest debt that was issued during the height of the pandemic. While private-sector pandemic-era debt like corporate bonds also soared, US government debt like Treasury bonds piled up.

In a nutshell, during the pandemic the government issued enormous amounts of extremely low interest government debt — about $4.2 trillion of it. But now interest rates, including on government debt, are higher than they have been in 15 years and investors are dumping their old low-interest debt. As they dump, the resale price of the old debt goes down. The more it declines, the more investors want to dump. And thus, a panic is born. 

To understand the problem fully, the question of US government debt has to be put into its larger context, which is: the pandemic response as a whole.

When news of the Covid virus first broke in December 2019, the 2 Year Treasury bond was being offered at 1.64% interest; the 10 year was at about 1.80%, and the resale value of such bonds on secondary markets was strong. Then, in March 2020, as Covid cases and deaths spiked, the US began to shutter its economy with panicked lockdowns that were supposed to “flatten the curve” or slow the spread of the virus and thus protect the hospitals. But Covid was politicized and the lockdowns were extended.  

As the lockdowns dragged on, the US economy began to collapse, shrinking at a record-shattering annualized rate of 31.4% during the second quarter of fiscal year 2020.

To avoid total economic devastation, the federal government began massive debt-financed spending. In March 2020, Trump signed into law the $2.2 trillion economic stimulus bill the CARES Act, or Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security. Then, in March 2021, Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Act which contained $1.9 trillion more in Covid relief. Finally, in April 2021, another trillion or so of Covid relief arrived in the Consolidated Appropriations Act. 

Thanks to these laws, every industry and most people received public money. There was increased and extended unemployment payments, as well as the so-called “stimmy checks” or stimulus payments to everyone earning under $75,000 a year (about half the population). The Paycheck Protection Program spent almost a trillion dollars. The Provider Relief Fund doled out $178 billion to the healthcare system. 

All this debt spending kept millions of people in their homes, and helped feed, employ, and care for millions more. The measures allowed hundreds of thousands of businesses to stay afloat even as many thousands of others went under. The impact of the spending on Americans’ well-being was generally positive. For a moment, the US child poverty rate was cut in half, falling to 5.2%. 

But the economically destructive lockdowns were not necessary and did not work. Covid fanatics maintain that the lockdowns were unavoidable because the virus is so deadly. That, however, is uninformed. Last year I explained in detail how the Lockdown Left got the Covid crisis wrong. Not a single critic has challenged any of the facts I presented so there is little point in rehashing them all here. 

Those who advocated an alternative to ham-fisted lockdowns, like the authors of the Great Barrington Declaration, which called for “focused protection” of vulnerable groups like the elderly, were viciously targeted in a reputation destruction campaign covertly orchestrated by former NIH director Francis Collins and de facto Covid czar Anthony Fauci. Never mind that the document’s authors were three eminently qualified scientists: Sunetra Gupta, professor of Theoretical Epidemiology at Oxford University; Jay Bhattacharya, professor of medicine at Stanford; and Martin Kulldorff, formerly a professor of medicine and biostatistics at Harvard. They were portrayed as far-right cranks who were almost eager to see millions die. But now, they have been vindicated.

Ultimately, the federal government spent $4.2 trillion propping up the economy that it was simultaneously choking to death with lockdowns. These two contradictory pressures laid the groundwork for the recent bank failures. Government mandated lockdowns hit the economy like a body blow. Factories closed, small businesses went under, ports and logistic hubs reduced operations, and about 2 million mostly older workers simply resigned. But at the same time, the federal government injected vast amounts of purchasing power into the economy, thus boosting consumption.




Voice of warning from the archives:



with Michael Parenti – May 16, 1999




The Answer to “Full Spectrum Dominance”


by Roger McKenzie

Imagine the uproar if China or Russia — or any other country for that matter — said it aimed to exercise military control over land, sea, air, and space to protect its interests and investments.

This amazingly has been the stated United States policy since 1997.

Full spectrum dominance, as the doctrine is known, is the reason the United States behaves the way that it does on the international stage.

The United States demands that the world bow down to its leadership. A failure to do so is met with the full force of the international military-industrial complex controlled by the U.S.  government.

Enforcement has included everything from the funding of opposition forces in sovereign nations, the removal or even assassination of political leaders who refuse to toe the line, economic sanctions, and military intervention.

Of course, there are choices to be made by the United States about which approach — or combination of approaches — it might take. There are also decisions to be made about the degree of action within each approach.

But fundamentally the point is that Washington believes it has a right to inflict on the rest of the world its interpretation of democracy — which seems to essentially amount to agreeing with whatever course of action the United States wants to take.

So, what is full spectrum dominance really for?

There’s a famous scene in the Oscar-winning film Reds where the great revolutionary journalist and activist John Reed, played by Warren Beatty, was asked at a dinner what the war in Mexico he had just returned from was all about. Before sitting down he said just one word: “profits.”

The United States is interested in safeguarding the profits of monopoly capital, which carries politicians in Washington around in its pockets like loose change.

No Room for Rivals



US Diplomacy — War, Never Peace


by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies



War Mongering, CIA-Linked Think-Tank Calls For World War III

Hillary “the hawk” Clinton at 2013 Atlantic Council awards ceremony. [Source: mronline.org]


by Valeriy Krylko

Fellows at the Atlantic Council advocate bombing and confronting Russia, while eschewing any opportunities for peace.


The Atlantic Council is an American think tank, founded in 1961, which lies at the heart of what 27-year CIA veteran Ray McGovern and whistleblower termed the Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-Media-Academia-Think Tank Complex (MICIMATTC).

Its close ties to the CIA were evident when its former executive vice-president, Damon Wilson, was appointed CEO of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a CIA offshoot that promotes propaganda and supports dissidents in countries whose governments have been targeted by the U.S. for regime change.

Former CIA Director James Woolsey is listed as a lifetime director of the Atlantic Council, while former CIA Directors Leon Panetta, Robert Gates and David Petraeus are also listed on its Board, along with such war criminals as Henry Kissinger, and Condeleezza Rice.

Over the past decade, the Atlantic Council has published countless reports on Russia’s kleptocracy and disinformation under President Vladimir Putin, and has hosted anti-Russian dissidents and Belarusian opposition figures such as Svetlana Tikhanovskaya who called for more aggressive imperial intervention by the U.S. in Belarusian politics

One of its fellows, Michael Weiss, spreads his anti-Russia invective as an editor at the popular online media outlet, The Daily Beast. He helps run a neo-McCarthyite website, PropOrNot that promotes the worst kind of fear mongering imaginable while attacking independent media outlets, including the Ron Paul Institute, for allegedly advancing Russian propaganda.

In 2015, the Atlantic Council helped prepare a proposal for arming the Ukrainian military with offensive weaponry like Javelin anti-tank missiles—the same year that it presented its Distinguished Leadership Award to Marillyn Adams Hewson, then the CEO of Lockheed Martin, which produces Javelin missiles and many other strategic weapon platforms.



“Rigorous” Maidan massacre exposé suppressed by top academic journal


by Kit Klarenberg

A peer-reviewed paper initially approved and praised by a prestigious academic journal was suddenly rescinded without explanation. Its author, one of the world’s top scholars on Ukraine-related issues, had marshaled overwhelming evidence to conclude Maidan protesters were killed by pro-coup snipers.

The massacre by snipers of anti-government activists and police officers in Kiev’s Maidan Square in late February 2014 was a defining moment in the US-orchestrated overthrow of Ukraine’s elected government. The death of 70 protesters triggered an avalanche of international outrage that made President Viktor Yanukovych’s downfall a fait accompli. Yet today these killings remain unsolved.

Enter Ivan Katchanovski, a Ukrainian-Canadian political scientist at the University of Ottawa. For years, he marshaled overwhelming evidence demonstrating that the snipers were not affiliated with Yanukovych’s government, but pro-Maidan operatives firing from protester-occupied buildings.

Though Katchanovski’s groundbreaking work has been studiously ignored by the mainstream media, a scrupulous study he presented on the slaughter in September 2015 and August 2021 and published in 2016 and in 2020 has been cited on over 100 occasions by scholars and experts. As a result of this paper and other pieces of research, he was among the world’s most-referenced political scientists specializing in Ukrainian matters.

In the final months of 2022, Katchanovski submitted a new investigation on the Maidan massacre to a prominent social sciences journal. Initially accepted with minor revisions after extensive peer review, the publication’s editor effusively praised the work in a lengthy private note. They said the paper was “exceptional in many ways,” and offered “solid” evidence in support of its conclusions. The reviewers concurred with this judgment.

However, the paper was not published, a decision Katchanovski firmly believes to have been “political.” He filed an appeal, but to no avail.



Nordstream 2: Seymour Hersh feeds the fake binary


by Kit Knightly

Back in October 2022, when the Nordstream 2 sabotage was first hitting the headlines, I predicted the following:

The “official story” will never prove who bombed the pipeline one way or the other and is not intended to. Resolution is not desired. Instead, Team A will encourage us to blame Team B, and vice versa. The MSM will report evidence implicating Russia, while other evidence suggesting NATO were responsible will be “leaked”. Both narratives will be fed just enough to keep the argument going for as long as required and in any direction chosen.”


Fast forward to now, and the big story over the last couple of days – at least in alternate media circles – has been Seymour Hersh’s publication of a new article for the first time in quite a while.

The article, based entirely on “leaked” information from one anonymous “insider” source, claims that the United States military sabotaged the Nordstream 2 pipeline, and had been planning to do it since before the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Forgive me but, how is this news?

After all, Joe Biden said “if Russia invades, there will be no Nordstream 2”. Victoria Nuland, speaking more plainly, stated on January 27th:

If Russia invades Ukraine, one way or another, Nord Stream 2 will not move forward.”

The phrase “one way or another” is barely ambiguous there. Obviously, if the pipe was sabotaged, the Americans did it. That was never in question, really.

But that’s the real question isn’t? Was the pipe sabotaged?

Sure, both sides say the pipe was sabotaged. But both sides said Covid was a real threat, and both sides said masks worked, and both sides said their vaccines were safe.

All they’ve done, for the past 3 years, is lie. About everything. Most importantly, both sides have told the exact same lies.

So, why should we go back to reporting the news on their terms?

Let’s have a reality check, shall we? Here’s what we actually know about the Nordstream 2 situation:

·         It is not currently transporting gas.

·         The “sabotage” has driven up the cost of energy all across Europe.

·         Reducing the use and increasing the cost of fossil fuels is a major part of the “Great Reset” agenda.

·         Both NATO and Russia are willful participants in that agenda.

That’s it. That’s all we know. Based on that, we can’t rule out the possibility Nordstream 2 was “sabotaged” in full agreement from both sides.

We don’t even know it was “sabotaged” at all. Because all we’ve been allowed to see is some bubbles. An image you could create in a few seconds by going to OpenArt and typing “bubbles on surface of ocean”.

Whatever actually happened, all we know is that it’s off, and our gas is more expensive. Again.

Hersh’s story seems to be an exercise in a special kind of journalism – telling people what they already know, or suspect, under the guise of providing new information.

“Revelations” from “former” insiders that actually reinforce the underlying assumptions of the mainstream narrative by supplying a controlled “alternative” point of view.

The official mainstream position is that Russia blew up their own pipeline. There is no evidence to support this, it is simply stated.

Now, Hersh has supplied the official alternative position – that the US did it – with a narrative of their own. There is no evidence to support this counter-narrative either, it is likewise simply stated.

Say it with me: It’s a fake binary. One I actually exactly predicted back in October.

Two apparently conflicting faith-based positions, both built on scant drip-fed evidence and both selling the same line: That the “sabotage” of Nordstream 2 was the result of international conflicts which accidentally furthered the great reset agenda.

But given what we’ve all seen over the last three years, isn’t the alternative more likely? That it was an act designed to further the great reset, camouflaged behind potentially performative international conflict?

Arguing over whether Putin or Biden blew up Nordstream 2 is living in a fake reality built on false assumptions supplied by proven liars.

The one silver lining of Covid is that it forced so many people to wake up and live in the real world. Let’s go back there, shall we?



UN Council Rejects Nord Stream Sabotage Probe


with Stefano Vaccara and Robert Wood




“Significant Portion” of UK Lethal Aid for Ukraine Stays Secret


by Matt Kennard

A significant proportion of our lethal aid [for Ukraine] is procured overseas

and for both operational and commercial reasons, the detail of these contracts

will not be published,” the Ministry of Defence (MoD) has told Parliament.

The announcement raises suspicion that Britain is sending more controversial weaponry to Ukraine that it does not want made public.

Declassified first reported last week that the U.K. was sending ammunition containing depleted uranium to Ukraine. Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, responded by announcing he would station tactical nuclear weapons in neighbouring Belarus. 

The MoD said the only contracts it will publish will be those with British companies for equipment replenishing existing stockpiles. 

It is unclear which foreign companies the government does not want to reveal its contracts with — or what weapons systems they are for.

The U.K. provided £2.4bn in military equipment to Ukraine in 2022 — more than any country other than the United States. It has committed to providing the same amount in 2023.

The U.K. has supplied 10,000 anti-tank weapons, including 5,500 NLAWs, which are designed by Saab in Sweden and made by French arms manufacturer Thales in Belfast. The U.K. has also provided Javelin and Brimstone missiles. 

U.K. lethal aid to Ukraine has also included thousands of surface-to-air missiles including Starstreak, again produced by Thales. 

“The U.K. arms export regime is defined by a chronic lack of transparency,” Katie Fallon, advocacy manager at Campaign Against the Arms Trade (CAAT), told Declassified

“That the public might never know how a large part of the weaponry budgeted for Ukraine is being spent, not only raises the risk of corruption, profiteering and procurement of inappropriate equipment, but it also reduces the ability of the U.K. public to provide badly needed scrutiny of government actions taken in their name.”




Zelensky’s Latest Trip to Poland Was Super Significant


by Andrew Korybko

Zelensky’s visit is intended to shape the course of the NATO-Russian proxy war over the next three months ahead of the bloc’s summit in early July. Warsaw’s role in forthcoming events will powerfully influence what Kiev does during this crucial moment in that conflict, hence the timing with which the Ukrainian leader decided to meet with his counterpart. For as carefully as Zelensky is planning everything, however, he might still fail in reversing his side’s fortunes.


Symbolism & Substance

Zelensky’s first state trip to Poland since the start of Russia’s special operation last year took place earlier this week, during which time he was awarded with his host country’s highest civilian honor, the Order of the White Eagle. His visit occurred at a crucial moment in the NATO-Russian proxy war, which adds an element of intrigue to it, as does its symbolism. The present piece will thus analyze the aforesaid in order to better understand the importance of Zelensky’s latest trip.


The Latest Military-Strategic Dynamics

To begin with, the NATO chief declared in mid-February that his bloc is in a so-called “race of logistics”/“war of attrition” with Russia, one which Moscow is winning as evidenced by its continued military resilience and Zelensky’s remark late last month about running out of ammunition. Wagner founder Prigozhin also recently claimed victory in the Battle of Artyomovsk/“Bakhmut” after his group captured that city’s administrative center, which prompted a policy reversal from the Ukrainian leader.



Finland Formally Joins NATO, Doubling Alliance's Border with Russia


by Dave DeCamp / Antiwar.com

Finland formally became the 31st member of NATO on Tuesday, officially ending the country’s post-World War II policy of neutrality and raising tensions between Helsinki and Moscow.

“Finland has today become a member of the defense alliance NATO. The era of military non-alignment in our history has come to an end. A new era begins,” the Finnish presidency said in a statement.

The ascension into NATO was completed during a ceremony attended by Finnish Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg.

Finland joining NATO more than doubles the alliance’s territory that borders Russia. Moscow has said it will respond by beefing up its military presence in the region and will take more measures if other NATO countries deploy military assets to Finnish territory.

“The Kremlin believes that this is another aggravation of the situation. The expansion of NATO is an infringement on our security and Russia’s national interests,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in response to the news.

A major motive for Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine was NATO’s post-Cold War expansion and the alliance’s cooperation with Kyiv following the 2014 coup that ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.

At the ceremony, Blinken appeared to say he was thankful that Putin invaded Ukraine because it motivated Finland to apply for NATO membership.

“I’m tempted to say this is maybe the one thing that we can thank Mr. Putin for because he once again here precipitated something he claims to want to prevent by Russia’s aggression, causing many countries to believe that they have to do more to look out for their own defense and to make sure that they can deter possible Russian aggression going forward,” Blinken said.



A Look Back at the American Experience in World War I Shows the Danger of Where We May Be Headed


by Jeremy Kuzmarov

So far the 2020s have been a very bad time for American democracy, with the January 6, 2021, riots, censorship on Twitter, Facebook and in the classrooms, rising anti-Russian fervor resulting from the conflict in Ukraine, COVID-19 lockdowns, declining newspapers and marginalization of anti-war voices.


Still, as bleak as things are, they are not quite as bad as during World War I, as Adam Hochschild reminds us in his book, American Midnight: The Great War, a Violent Peace, and Democracy’s Forgotten Crisis (New York: Mariner Books, 2022).


Hochschild, a founder of Mother Jones magazine, has written eleven books, including such classics as King Leopold’s Ghost and To End All Wars (both finalists for the National Book Critics Circle Award), which, respectively, explored the sadism of Belgian colonialism in Central Africa and the folly of global leaders that provoked World War I.


American Midnight follows up the latter very well in detailing what he calls the “overlooked but startlingly resonant period between World War I and the Roaring Twenties, when the foundations of American democracy were threatened by war, pandemic and violence fueled by battles over race, immigration, and the rights of labor.”


The book begins by spotlighting the experience of eleven members of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) who had the audacity of trying to organize oil field workers near the rugged oil boom city of Tulsa, Oklahoma, just after the Great War had broken out.


The IWW was the country’s most militant union, which advocated for worker-controlled industry.


While playing cards one night at the IWW local headquarters, the men were arrested, charged and found guilty of vagrancy, and then taken to a railroad crossing where robed members of the Knights of Liberty tied their hands with rope, stripped them of their clothing, marched them at gunpoint and tied them to trees, whipped them until their backs bled and then brushed hot tar on their backs and chests.


The ringleader of the pogrom was thought to be city father W. Tate Brady—who also coordinated Tulsa’s infamous 1921 race massacre. He announced that he was carrying out the attack “in the name of the outraged women and children of Belgium [which Germany had invaded in starting World War I].”

W. Tate Brady [Source: prweb.com]

The Knights of Liberty had the support of the Tulsa Daily World, the voice of the state’s oil industry, which published an editorial the afternoon of the attack stating: “The first step in the whipping of Germany is to strangle the I.W.W. Kill ’em, just as you would kill any other kind of a snake….It is no time to waste money on trials and continuances and things like that. All that is necessary is the evidence and a firing squad.”

Irrational Hysteria . . .




Germany prosecutes citizen for condemning aid to Ukrainian Nazis


with Max Bmumenthal and Hinrich Bücker, founder of Berlin’s COOP Antiwar Cafe




“The New Normal Left”


by CJ Hopkins



WATCH: “Finding Mental Health”


with James Corbett




Roger Waters V. the Machine: Inside the Pink Floyd Frontman's Battle For Free Speech in Germany


by Jessica Buxbaum

Roger Waters is facing pushback from Germany. City authorities have canceled his upcoming concert over claims the Pink Floyd frontman is anti-Semitic. Yet activists say his experience is not an isolated incident when it comes to support for Palestine.

In February, Frankfurt’s City Council canceled Waters’s concert scheduled for May 28, stating in a press release that the musician “is considered one of the most widely spread anti-Semites in the world.” City officials cited Waters’ advocacy for a cultural boycott of Israel as one of the reasons for his alleged anti-Semitism. When reached for comment, Frankfurt City Council referred MintPress News to its aforementioned press release.

Waters responded by pursuing legal action against the city for his event cancellation. “My lawyers are taking steps to ensure that my concerts in Munich and Frankfurt in May 2023 take place as contracted,” Waters said.

Munich had filed a motion to cancel his upcoming concert but voted against the measure on March 22. In a statement to MintPress News, the city council said canceling Waters’ concert “would be illegal and would violate supreme court decisions.” A similar motion was tabled in Cologne.

Waters also addressed the anti-Semitism allegations and his views on Israel. In a statement, Waters said:

I want to state for the record and once and for all that I am not and never have been antisemitic and nothing that anyone can say or publish will alter that. My well-publicized views relate entirely to the policies and actions of the Israeli government and not with the peoples of Israel.”

In addition to Waters’ legal threats, more than 20,000 artists, writers, and public figures have signed a petition demanding Waters perform in Frankfurt.

“The officials vilifying Waters are engaging in a dangerous campaign that purposely conflates criticism of Israel’s illegal and unjust policies with antisemitism,” the petition reads. “This conflation perpetuates the antisemitic trope which presents Jews as a monolith who blindly support Israel.”




Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD) and the Turkey-Syria Earthquake: An Expert Investigation is Required


by Prof Michel Chossudovsky

Destruction, social devastation and the loss of life. Our thoughts

are with the people of Turkey and Syria.

The latest reports point to a death toll in Turkey and Syria well in excess of 50,000, more than half a million injured, tens of thousands of people missing. The social devastation and destruction is beyond description. The first and second earthquakes on February 6, 2023 in Kahramanmaras province in Southern Turkey were respectively of the magnitude of 7.6 and 7.8 (Richter scale).

A third earthquake of a magnitude of 6.3 was recorded on February 20th. 

In Turkey, some 530,000 people have been evacuated from the disaster area. Ankara confirms that “173,000 buildings have so far been recorded as collapsed or severely damaged, with more than 1.9 million people taking refuge in temporary shelters or hotels and public facilities.

In the words of President Recep Tayyip  Erdogan: ““We are living through the most painful days in our history”. 

In Syria, the earthquakes have largely affected the cities of Aleppo, Lattakia and Hama which are within proximity of Syria’s Northwestern border with Turkey. The latest announced death toll in Syria was 5,914, with 8.8 million people affected. 

President Bachar Al Assad underscored that US-NATO has been at war with Syria for almost 12 years, while emphasizing that “Syria has not been an earthquake area for about two and a half centuries”.

In this article, Part I will focus on the History of Earthquake Activity in Turkey, while underscoring the fact that prior to the February 6, 2023 earthquake, there was no recent evidence or historical record of “major earthquake” activity in Southern Anatolia. 

Part II will provide a Review of Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD).

Part III will focus on The Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques, ratified in 1977 by the UN General Assembly.

What is significant in regards to the Turkey-Syria earthquake disaster is that the 1977 UN Convention (cited above) contains provisions for the conduct of an investigation in regards to “destruction, damage or injury” incurred by the “State Parties”, under the auspices of a UN “Consultative Committee of Experts”.

There are also provisions in the Convention for referral to the United Nations Security Council on behalf of the “State Parties”. These issues are  outlined in Part IV. 



US Occupiers Lash Out as Syria War Draws to an End


by M.K. Bhadrakumar

Washington is worried about a peace between Damascus and its estranged Arab neighbors — as well as Turkey — that is marginalizing the U.S. and its allies, writes M.K. Bhadrakumar




The Macron Decree That Ignited France


by Muhammed Shabeer

When it bypassed Parliament and forced through pension system changes, Macron’s government exposed the anti-democratic deterioration in the Fifth Republic’s dual-executive system, writes Muhammed Shabeer.

Over 2 million people hit the streets across France on Tuesday, denouncing the controversial pension reforms pushed by President Emmanuel Macron’s government.

The reforms were forcibly passed in the National Assembly on March 16 using Article 49.3 to bypass the parliamentary vote. The move has further weakened the legitimacy of the reforms, already detested by the majority of the French working class.

While the government, headed by Macron and Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne, narrowly survived a no-confidence vote on March 20, the approval rating of the president has plummeted along with political good will for his neo-liberal Renaissance (RE) Party, as anger against the anti-worker pension reforms rages across the country. 

The pension reforms, proposed by the government on Jan. 10, increase the retirement age from 62 to 64 and stipulate a mandatory 43 years of service for entitlement to full pension and benefits.

The groundbreaking mobilizations and work stoppages on Tuesday marked the 10th major action since Jan. 19 and trade unions reiterated their demand for the withdrawal of the reforms.

Left-wing opposition groups are also gearing up toward a national referendum on the issue. The coalition of trade unions has called for larger mobilization and strikes on April 6 as well.

The government has shown no leniency towards the protesters and unleashed security forces to quell them.

Trade unions, including the General Confederation of Labor (CGT), have condemned the government’s insensitivity towards mediation with the unions, as well as Macron’s outright refusal to roll back the reforms. 



Police Violence. Has France become a Police State? Bastille 2.0?: 3.5 Million People Mobilize against Macron


by  Prof Michel Chossudovsky

Bastille 2.0? 

The Storming of the Bastille occurred in Paris on the afternoon of July 14, 1789. The Bastille was a medieval armory, fortress, and political prison. It was the symbol of Royal Authority under the reign of King Louis XVI.

The French monarchy was obliged to accept the authority of the newly proclaimed National Assembly as well as endorse the fundamental rights contained in the “Declaration des Droits de l’Homme et du Citoyen” (Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen), formulated in early August 1789.

More than 230 years later, these fundamental rights (Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité) are now being contravened by corrupt governments in France under Macron and around the world on behalf of a totalitarian and illusive financial establishment.



French Governments Have a History of Bypassing Parliament


by Mathias Bernard

Far from constituting an exception, March 16 marks the 100th time under France’s Fifth Republic that the executive has drawn on special powers to force through an unpopular measure, writes Mathias Bernard

Emboldened by united trade unions, the tug of war between the street and the government over Emmanuel Macron’s pension reform had mostly taken on the form of strikes and demonstrations since mid-January.

However, the government’s decision to bypass the lower chamber by invoking Article 49.3 of the French constitution on March 16 has now sharply pitted Macron’s relative majority against opposition parties. On March 20, it survived a critical no-confidence vote by a mere nine votes, precipitating the adoption of the bill and prompting thousands to pour into the streets in spontaneous protests.

Meanwhile, an ever-growing majority of French people and protesters reject legislation that would increase the minimum retirement age from 62 to 64.

Far from constituting an exception, March 16 marks the 100th time under France’s Fifth Republic that the executive chose to draw on special powers to force through an unpopular measure. President Macron used the article once in his first term (2017-2022), and 11 times since the start of his second term, in June 2022.

Introduced in the Fifth Republic’s Constitution in 1958 authored by Michel Debré, Article 49 paragraph 3 of France’s Constitution – known widely as “49.3” – was intended to “rationalise” the parliamentary system and resolve crises and deadlocks by handing over the reins to the executive.

Regardless of their affiliation, successive French governments over the last 20 years have almost systematically resorted to it to pass projects that profoundly modify the country’s welfare system or labour regulations — even if it means backing down afterwards under pressure from the street.



« Situation sociale en France, divers »

Des manifestations sont, quoi qu'il en soit, prévus dans les jours qui viennent, notamment une grande au 6 avril.
La plupart de ces manifestations sont sur des mots d'ordres légitimes mais limités. Jamais les divers manifestations des mondialistes ne sont pas mise en cause : Big Pharma, Entrée en guerre contre la Russie, "climatisme", ...Les grands syndicats n'ont jamais soutenu les soignants suspendus, ni se sont opposés au PASS, ni s'opposent à l'engrenage dans la guerre ... et aucune vision critique sur le narratif climatique.
Des violences : des casseurs/bruleurs ici ou là. Souvent s'en prennent aux personnes comme vous ou moi. Cela ne dessert pas la cause des manifestants. Je me demande s'il ne sont pas manipulés par le pouvoir pour discréditer le mouvement. Avec pour but derrière donner un prétexte pour déclencher l'article 16 de la constitution.

On peut y participer tout de même. et discuter ...
Voilà un excellent discours décrivant ce qui se passe dans la tête de macron. A ne pas rater 7'30'' seulement

Le mépris et le mensonge assumés : contre-discours du 22 mars 2023
Manifestations les jours qui viennent

Un site où un grand nombre sont répertoriés, je ne les cite pas tous, mais vous pouvez consulter le lien.



jeudi 6 avril 2023 à 14h Manifestation interprofesionnelle à Grenoble
Cours Jean Jaurès / Tram Alsace Lorraine - Retour place Verdun et prolongeons son occupation.
Qui attaque la France ? Le discours-choc d'Asselineau à l'occasion des 16 ans de l'UPR
La Bulgarie refuse d’envoyer des armes en Ukraine et rejoint la position neutre de la Hongrie et de l’Autriche

Covid-19 : les soignants non vaccinés vont être réintégrés, confirme le ministère de la Santé
Mais cela semble traîner ... et on ne parle pas d'autres professions (pompiers, ...
Communication Grelive

Bonjour à tous, nous organisons une soirée conférence le mardi 04 avril 2023 au 4, place Henri Chapays à Fontaine à partir de 18H30.
A 19h00, nous recevrons Jean François Guilhaudis, Professeur honoraire (relations internationales et droit international) de l'Université Grenoble Alpes, auteur, entre autres, de Relations internationales contemporaines (aux éditions Lexis Nexis).
Il dirige depuis 2014, avec le professeur Louis Balmond, PSEI (Paix et sécurité européenne et internationale), revue numérique en libre accès.
Il nous parlera de la question des armes biologiques qui font leur retour au premier plan des spécialistes en partie à cause de la crise covid.
L'exposé tentera d'expliquer les raisons de ce retour à "la une", les problèmes qui se posent, leur degré de gravité, les moyens dont on dispose ou manque, pour les traiter, et de faire le point de la situation en ce début 2023.
Mais ces points d'actualité, parfois techniques, ne peuvent être abordés valablement, qu'après que l'on ait situé les armes biologiques, parmi les armes de destruction massive, et exposé la manière dont armement et désarmement ont évolué, en ce qui les concerne, depuis la seconde guerre mondiale.
Après cette conférence, un repas sera proposé par Grégory ainsi que des rafraîchissements et des desserts.
De plus nous mettrons en vente une vingtaine de pains bio.
Files de gauche : bientôt interdites aux séniors !

Après avoir emm... les non-vaccinés, maintenant les vieux ...
Vidéos du conseil scientifique indépendant (chaque jeudi) archivés ici
Les synthèses du CSI sont disponibles ici pour les pressés : (mais depuis quelque temps il n'y a pas eu de faites)
Derniers Conseils Scientifiques Indépendants
CSI N°95 16/03/2023

Invité : Annelise Bocquet, Docteur en Biologie-Santé.
Sujet : L'immunodéficience induite par la Spike.
Discutant : Dr Pascal Mensah, collaborateur en recherche sur immunothérapie low-dose.
CSI n°96  23/03/2023
Invité : Damien Jeanne, historien
Sujet : Les semeurs de maladie en temps d'épidémie
Discutant : Dr Vincent Reliquet, médecin
CSI n°97  30/03/2023
Invité : Vincent PAVAN, Mathématicien
Sujet : 12 fois plus contagieux : histoire d'un indicateur truqué
 Discutant : Dr Jerome Sainton

Autres sources d'information :
Canal Telegram de RSA Grenoble
Europeans United Francophones

Anonyme Citoyen

il y en a certainement d'autres :
Qui attaque la France ? Le discours-choc d'Asselineau à l'occasion des 16 ans de l'UPR



“French Streets and American Sofas”


by Patrick Lawrence

You might be Brazilian or Malian or Singaporean, it is remarkable the world over to watch the French explode into the streets of dozens of cities and towns to protest the imperial president residing in Élysée Palace. It is altogether singular to follow the demonstrations against Emmanuel Macron as an American. The French are still citoyens and take to their streets and public squares. Americans long ago cashed in their citizenship to live as consumers—and take to their sofas no matter how abusively political elites treat them, no matter how many wars they start, no matter how corrupt the financial system, no matter how many people live in poverty, no matter how grotesque the “defense” budget, no matter how poisoned the environment, no matter… let me not go on. 

Please pass the Fritos and turn on the big game. 

They burned city hall in Bordeaux last week. The Place de la Concorde, where the French protested the monarchy in 1789, is again shoulder-to-shoulder every day and night. Video footage records fires, barricades, appalling confrontations with baton-wielding CRS, the French riot police. Uncollected garbage is everywhere in the capital. The luxury shops along the grand boulevards have boarded up their windows. 

This started, of course, as a protest against Macron’s plan to raise the retirement age in France from 62 to 64 as part of a sweeping reform of the pension system. I have heard many Americans ask, “Two years? What’s the big deal?” 


French Protesters STORM BlackRock’s Paris Headquarters!
with Jimmy Dore



“Macron & Ursula, disaster trip to Beijing”


with Alex Christforou and Alexander Mercouris






with Richard Wolff     




“Operation Choke Point 2.0”


with James Corbett


The specter of Operation Choke Point 2.0 has just been raised in a recent House Financial Services Committee meeting. But what was Operation Choke Point 1.0? And why should we be concerned about this latest attempt to debank "disfavoured individuals," anyway? Find out all the details in this week's edition of The Corbett Report podcast.




Why Is Israel Attacking Syria Nearly Everyday Now?


by Robert Inlakesh



Why does Israel get to do this?


with Jimmy Dore




Israel crosses another red line


with Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate




The fight to Boycott is not over


by Selma Dabbagh



Netanyahu’s Power Grab Is Shattering the Myth of a United, Democratic Israel


by Miko Peled

A few observations on things surrounding the issue of Israel. For reasons that are hard to understand at this point, the rapprochement between Iran and Saudi Arabia has had very little mention in the Israeli press. Considering its importance and potential impact on the region, it is difficult to see how Israel is hardly moved by this development. There was an expectation that Saudi Arabia would normalize relations with Israel. However, now the kingdom not only has not done so, but they are also building bridges with Iran, Israel’s biggest nemesis. It is a slap in the face of the U.S. and Israel and may soon be seen as diplomatic and intelligence failures of epic proportions.

The American attitude towards Israel has been consistently supportive, and of course, it is expected that it will continue to be supportive in the foreseeable future. $3.8 billion goes to Israel uninterrupted, even though Amnesty International has labeled it an apartheid regime. In fact, the U.S. support for Israel is not just “aid”; it is complicity in crimes against humanity as Israel continues to oppress the Palestinians.

Governments around the world discuss recognizing Palestine within the borders of 1967 – and some have already done so. However, the borders were created by Israel and have nothing to do with Palestine. Recognizing Palestine within these borders only legitimizes the Israeli crimes of 1948. There is one Palestine, and its borders are clear: the Jordan River in the east and the Mediterranean in the west. Palestine borders Syria and Lebanon in the north and the Gulf of Aqaba in the South.

Any recognition of a part of Palestine is really a recognition and legitimization of the apartheid state of Israel. If the U.K. – or any other government – was serious about supporting the Palestinian cause, they would recognize



More than ‘Democracy’ is at Stake in Israeli Protests


by Richard Falk

There are two interwoven conflicts currently playing out in Israel, but neither, despite the Western liberal spin, relates to the threatened demise of Israeli democracy. That concern presupposes that Israel had been a democracy until the recent wave of extremism arising from the new Netanyahu-led Israeli government’s commitment to ‘judicial reform.’ A euphemism hid the purpose of such an undertaking, which was to limit judicial independence by endowing the Knesset with the powers to impose the will of a parliamentary majority to override court decisions by a simple majority and exercise greater control over the appointment of judges. Certainly, these were moves toward institutionalizing a tighter autocracy in Israel as it would modify some semblance of separation of powers, but not a nullification of democracy as best expressed by guaranteeing the equal rights of all citizens regardless of their ethnicity or religious persuasion.

To be a Jewish State that confers by its own Basic Law of 2018 an exclusive right of self-determination exclusively on the Jewish people and asserts supremacy at the expense of the Palestinian minority of more than 1.7 million persons undermines Israel’s claim to be a democracy, at least with reference to the citizenry as a whole. As well, Palestinians have long endured discriminatory laws and practices on fundamental issues that over time have come to have its government process widely identified as an apartheid regime that is operative in both the Occupied Palestine Territories and Israel itself. If language is stretched to its limits, it is possible to regard Israel as an ethnic-democracy or theocratic democracy, but such terms are vivid illustrations of political oxymorons.

Since its establishment as a state in 1948, Israel has denied equal rights to its Palestinian minority. It has even disallowed any right of return to the 750,000 Palestinians who were coerced to leave during the 1947 War, and are entitled by international law to return home, at least after combat has ceased. The current bitter fight between religious and secular Jews centering on the independence of Israel’s judiciary is from most Palestinian points of view an intramural squabble, as Israel’s highest courts through the years have overwhelmingly supported the most internationally controversial moves ‘unlawfully’ restricting Palestinians, including the establishment of settlements, denial of right of return, separation wall, collective punishment, the annexation of East Jerusalem, house demolitions, and prisoner abuse.

On a few occasions, most notably with respect to reliance on torture techniques used against Palestinian prisoners, the judiciary has shown slight glimmers of hope that it might address Palestinian grievance in a balanced manner, but after more than 75 years of Israel’s existence and 56 years of its occupation of Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, this hope has effectively vanished.

Nevertheless, Israel’s control of the political narrative that shaped public opinion allowed the country be to be legitimized, even celebrated by hyperbolic rhetoric as ‘the only democracy in the Middle East,’ and as such, the one country in the Middle East with whom North America and Europe shared values alongside interests. In essence, Biden reaffirmed this canard in the text of the Jerusalem Declaration jointly signed with Yair Lapid, the Prime Minister at the time, during the American president’s state visit last August. In its opening paragraph, these sentiments are expressed: “The United States and Israel share is an unwavering commitment to democracy…”

In the years before Israel’s election last November resulted in a coalition government regarded as the most right-wing in the country’s history, the U.S. government and diaspora Jewry have been at pains to ignore the devastating civil society consensus that Israel was guilty of inflicting an apartheid regime to maintain its ethnic dominance was subjugating and exploited Palestinians living in Occupied Palestine and Israel. Apartheid is outlawed by international human rights law, and treated in international law as a crime with a severity second only to genocide. Notable opponents of the extreme racism of South Africa, including Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu, and John Dugard have each commented that Israeli apartheid treats Palestinians worse than the cruelties that South Africa inflicted on their African majority population, which was condemned at the UN and throughout the world as internationally intolerable racism. Allegations of Israeli apartheid have been documented in a series of authoritative reports: UN Economic and Social Commission for West Asia (2017), Human Rights Watch (2021), B’Tselem (2021), and Amnesty International (2022). Despite these condemnations, the U.S. Government and liberal pro-Israel NGOs have avoided even the mention of the apartheid dimension of the Israeli state, not daring to open the issue for debate by refuting the allegations. As Dugard pointed out when asked what was the greatest difference between fighting apartheid in South Africa and Israel, he responded: “..the weaponization of antisemitism.” This has been borne out in my own experience. There was opposition to anti-apartheid militancy with respect to South Africa but never the attempt to brand the militants as themselves wrongdoers, even ‘criminals.’

From these perspectives, what is at stake in the protests, is whether Israel is to be treated as an illiberal democracy of the sort fashioned in Hungary by Viktor Orban, diluting the quality of the procedural democracy that had been operative for Israeli Jews since 1948. The new turn in Israel gestures toward the kind of majoritarian rule that has prevailed for the last decade in Turkey, involving a slide toward an outright intra-Jewish autocracy. Yet we should note that in neither Hungary nor Turkey have governance structures of an apartheid character emerged, although both countries have serious issues involving discrimination against minorities. Turkey has for decades has rejected demands from its Kurdish minority for equal rights and separate statehood, or at least a strong version of autonomy. These instances of encroachment on basic human rights at least have not occurred within a framework of settler colonialism that in Israel has made Palestinians strangers, virtual aliens, in their own homeland where they have resided for centuries. Racism is not the only reason to dissent from the democracy-in-jeopardy discourse, dispossession may be the more consequential one. If native people were to be asked whether they worried about the erosion or even the abandonment of democracy in such settler colonial ‘success stories’ as Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the U.S. the question itself would have no current existential relevance to their lives. Native peoples were never meant to be included in the democratic mandate that these encroaching national cultures adopted so proudly. Their tragic fate was sealed as soon as the colonial settlers arrived. It was in each instance one of marginalization, dispossession, and suppression. This indigenous struggle for ‘bare survival’ as distinct peoples with viable culture and ways of life of their own making. Its destruction amounts to what Lawrence Davidson has called ‘cultural genocide” in his pathbreaking book of 2012, which even then included a chapter condemning Israel’s treatment of Palestinian society.

Underneath the encounter among Israeli Jews, which allegedly discloses a chasm so deep as to threaten civil war in Israel lies the future of the settler colonial project in Israel. As those that have studied ethnic dispossession in other settler colonial contexts have concluded, unless the settlers manage to stabilize their own supremacy and limit international solidarity initiatives, they will eventually lose control as happened in South Africa and Algeria under very different schemes of settler domination. It is this sense that the Israel protests going on need to be interpreted as a double confrontation. What is explicitly at stake is a bitter encounter between secular and ultra-religious Jews the outcome of which is relevant to what the Palestinians can expect to be their fate going forward. There is also the implicit stake between those who favor maintaining the existing apartheid arrangements resting on discriminatory control but without necessarily insisting on territorial and demographic adjustments and those who are intent on using violent means to extinguish the Palestinian ‘presence’ as any sort of impediment to the further purification of the Jewish state as incorporating the West Bank, and finally fulfilling the vision of Israel as coterminous with the whole of the ‘the promised land’ asserted as a biblical entitlement of Jews as interpreted by way of a Zionist optic.

It is a mystery where Netanyahu, the pragmatic extremist, stands, and perhaps he has yet to make up his mind. Thomas Friedman, the most reliable weathervane of liberal Zionism weighs in with the claim that Netanyahu for the first time in his long political career has become an ‘irrational’ leader that is no longer trustworthy from the perspective of Washington because his tolerance of Jewish extremism is putting at risk the vital relationship with the U.S. and discrediting the illusion of reaching a peaceful resolution of the conflict by of diplomacy and the two-state solution. Such tenets of a liberal approach have long been rendered obsolete by Israeli settlements and land grabs beyond the 1948 green line.

Politically, Netanyahu needed the support of Religious Zionism to regain power and obtain support for judicial reform to evade being potentially held personally accountable for fraud, corruption, and the betrayal of the public trust. Yet ideologically, I suspect Netanyahu is not as uncomfortable with the scenario favored by the likes of Itamar Ben-Gvir and Benezel Smotrich as he pretends. It allows him to shift blame for dirty deeds in dealing with the Palestinians. To avoid the dreaded South African outcome, Netanyahu seems unlikely to oppose another final round of dispossession and marginalization of the Palestinians while Israel completed a maximal version of the Zionist Project. For now, Netanyahu seems to be riding both horses, playing a moderating role with respect to the Jewish fight about judicial reform, while winking slyly at those who make no secret of their resolve to induce a second nakba (in Arabic, ‘catastrophe’), a term applied specifically to the 1948 expulsion. For many Palestinians, the nakba is experienced as an ongoing process rather than an event limited by time and place with highs and lows.

My guess is that Netanyahu, himself an extremist when addressing Israelis in Hebrew, has still not decided whether he can continue to rise both horses or must soon choose which to ride. Having appointed Ben-Gvir and Smotrich to key positions vesting control over Palestinians and as the chief regulators of settler violence it is pure mystification to consider Netanyahu as going through a political midlife crisis or finding himself a captive of his coalition partners. What he is doing is letting it happen, blaming the religious right for excesses, but not unhappy with their tactics of seeking a victorious end of the Zionist Project.

Liberal Zionists should be deeply concerned about the degree to which these developments in Israel give rise to a new wave of real antisemitism, which is the opposite of the weaponized kind that Israel and its supporters around the world have been using as state propaganda against critics of state policies and practices. These targeted critics of Israel have no hostility whatsoever to Jews as a people and feel respectful toward Judaism as a great world religion. Rather than respond substantively to criticisms of its behavior, Israel has for more than a decade deflected discussion of its wrongdoing by pointing a finger at its critics and some institutions, especially the UN and International Criminal Court, where allegations of Israeli racism and criminality have been made on the basis of evidence and scrupulous adherence to existing standards of the rule of law. Such an approach, emphasizing the implementation of international law, contrasts with the irresponsible Israeli evasions of substantive allegations by leveling attacks on critics rather than either complying with the applicable norms or engaging substantively by insisting that their practices toward the Palestinian people are reasonable in light of legitimate security concerns, which was the principal tactic during the first decades of their existence.



Israel’s long war between the generals and extremists is not going away


by Jonathan Cook

Israel edged closer to civil war over the weekend than at any point in its history. By Monday night, in a bid to avert chaos, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu agreed to put a temporary halt to his plans to neuter the Israeli courts.

By then, city centres had been brought to a standstill by angry mass protests. The country’s attorney general had declared Netanyahu to be acting illegally. Crowds had besieged the parliament building in Jerusalem. Public institutions were shuttered, including Israel’s international airport and its embassies abroad, in a general strike. That was on top of a near-mutiny in recent weeks from elite military groups, such as combat pilots and reservists.

The crisis culminated with Netanyahu sacking his defence minister on Sunday evening after Yoav Gallant warned that the legislation was tearing apart the military and threatening Israel’s combat readiness. Gallant’s dismissal only intensified the fury.

The turmoil had been building for weeks as Netanyahu’s so-called “judicial overhaul” moved closer to the statute books.

At the end of last week, he managed to pass a first measure, which shields him from being declared unfit for office - a critical matter given that the prime minister is in the midst of a corruption trial. But the rest of his package has been put on pause. That includes provisions giving his government absolute control over the appointment of senior judges and the power to override Supreme Court rulings

It is hard to see a simple way out of the impasse. Even as Netanyahu bowed before the weight of the backlash on Monday, the pressure began mounting on his own side.



Netanyahu surrounds himself with extremists promoting violence


by Michael F. Brown



The violent nature of the new political concoction created by Netanyahu


by Ramzy Baroud

By his own admission, Israel’s new Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich is a “fascist homophobe”. This declaration, which he made on January 16, should be enough to accentuate the violent nature of the new political concoction created by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last December.

Though Smotrich is not the only politician in Netanyahu’s cabinet with a track record of violence, both real and rhetorical, he is a special case. Unlike his boss, Smotrich does not feel the need for doublespeak or occasional diplomacy.

In recent months, Smotrich has become internationally famous, not because of his financial genius that could resolve Israel’s impending financial problems as a result of the weakening of the country’s legal system. Nor does the man have the answers, or even interest, in confronting Israel’s inherent socio-economic equality. None of this. Smotrich is mostly popular for his racism.

In 2016, Smotrich made headlines when he suggested that Jewish and Palestinian women should be separated in maternity wards. His logic is as bigoted as it was foolish: “My wife really isn’t a racist, but after giving birth she wants to rest and doesn’t want those mass parties that are the norm among the families of Arab women after birth.”

At that time, Smotrich was a Knesset member, representing the Jewish Home party, before later joining the Union of Right-Wing Parties, Yamina, the Jewish Home and Yamina, again, and, finally, his current Religious Zionist Party. This indicates that Smotrich, himself an illegal Jewish settler from Kedumim, near the Occupied West Bank city of Qalqiliya, found an ideological home in most of Israel’s current rightwing political platforms.

In Israel’s right-wing parties, racism is an important prerequisite to succeed in politics.  In fact, this is precisely how Itamar Ben-Gvir rose from being a youth leader of the extremist Kach party to becoming the country’s national security minister. Now, both characters, Smotrich and Ben-Gvir, hold the keys to the fate of many Palestinian communities, and both are eager to expand illegal Jewish settlements, regardless of the illegality of such action, and the bloodbath resulting from it.

When hundreds of illegal Israeli Jewish settlers torched the Palestinian village of Huwwara on February 26, burning many homes, killing one Palestinian and wounding over 100 others, Smotrich, now a minister, had something to say about the violence. He objected, not to the pogrom against a peaceful Palestinian community, but because, in his view, the village should have been “wiped out” by the Israeli army, not settlers.

Smotrich later explained his comments as a “slip of the tongue in a storm of emotions”, but such an unconvincing statement was a result of a compromise, due to practical concerns over Smotrich’s travel access to various western countries. When mainstream western media quickly bypassed Smotrich’s outright call for genocide in Huwwara, the man returned to his old, racist language.

There is “no such thing as Palestinians because there’s no such thing as the Palestinian people,” Smotrich preached to an enthusiastic crowd of supporters on March 19, during a recent visit to France. “The Palestinian people is an invention that is less than 100 years old,” he added.

To make matters worse, Smotrich was speaking from a podium that featured a map of the so-called ‘Greater Israel’, which includes modern-day Jordan and other Arab lands. Three days later, the Jordanian Parliament voted in favor of a resolution that recommends the expulsion of the Israeli ambassador in Amman.

But where is Washington amid this Israeli political chaos? Following the Huwwara comments, US State Department Spokesman Ned Price referred to Smotrich’s comments as “repugnant” and called on Netanyahu to publicly disavow them. Of course, neither Netanyahu reined in Smotrich, nor did the US challenge Israel any further. Not even official Israeli calls for the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians seem to impact the ‘unbreakable bond’ between Washington and Tel Aviv.

But throughout the discussion and rage over Smotrich’s comments, many of us, wittingly or otherwise, ignored some fundamental facts about racism in Israel and its founding Zionist ideology:

First, Smotrich is a high-ranking elected official and a member of the most stable government in Israel in years. He is not an aberration. His extremist ideology is now the mainstream thinking in Israel’s “most rightwing government in history”.

Second, Smotrich’s call for the destruction of Huwwara is not an alien position in Israel’s history of ethnic cleansing and “incremental genocide”. Aside from the destruction and depopulation of over 500 villages and towns in historic Palestine during the Nakba of 1947-48, Israel’s colonial expansion in the Occupied Territory is a continuation of the same violent legacy. Every illegal Israeli Jewish settlement in the West Bank and East Jerusalem stands atop Palestinian land, be it the ruins of an ethnically cleansed village, an orchard or a privately owned farm. Numerous Huwwaras had to be ‘wiped out’ for this colonial regime to be sustained.

Third, the map of the so-called “Greater Israel” is not a recent invention, neither by Smotrich, Ben-Gvir nor even Netanyahu himself. In fact, it is older than the state of Israel, as it was adopted by Zionist Revisionist groups, such as the Betar movement and the Irgun, who played a critical role in the establishment of Israel over the ruins of Palestine.

And, finally, the racist notion that Palestinians do not exist, although functional in terms of dehumanizing Palestinians, is also an old trope. It is directly linked to the old Zionist slogan that Palestine was a “land without a people for a people without a land”. Many derivatives of this racist colonial slogan were uttered by Israeli politicians throughout the years, the most famous of which being that of former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir in an interview with the Sunday Times in 1969. “There were no such thing as Palestinians … They did not exist,” she said.

Though the world may have grown less tolerant of such racism, Israel itself remained the same. Indeed, the Smotrich and Ben-Gvir generation is but the logical descendant of that of David Ben-Gurion and Golda Meir. Therefore, condemning Smotrich’s comments, while continuing to embrace Israel and celebrate Zionism is not only hypocritical, but also useless.

Smotrich knows this well, thus his continued racism, desire for colonial expansion, and outright call for the destruction of entire Palestinian communities.



Israel Assaults Worshippers In Al-Aqsa Mosque, Threatens Multi-Front War


by Robert Inlakesh (April 5, 2023)

During the early hours of Wednesday morning, Israeli occupation police forces raided the al-Aqsa Mosque compound and severely beat a number of worshippers at the site. The raid was carried out in order to prevent Palestinian worshippers from remaining inside the Holy Site, at times when extremist Israeli settlers planned to storm the area. The response to the horrifying Israeli attack sparked instant Palestinian retaliation.

On Wednesday, Israeli occupation forces raided the al-Aqsa Mosque compound, the third Holiest site for Muslims, at around 12:00 am. Israeli forces opened fire on worshippers, primarily in the Qibli prayer hall area, shooting worshippers with rubber-coated steel bullets, tear gas, and threw stun grenades. Videos quickly began to emerge from the scene of the Israeli assault, showing occupation forces repeatedly beating defenseless worshippers, already laying on the ground, who attempted to use plastic chairs to defend against being beaten with batons. Palestinian medical workers were, for hours, blocked from attending to the injured, which included elderly men, Palestinian guards, and women. The Red Crescent reported that as many as 450 Palestinians had been either injured, arrested, or both.





Face the facts: Israel relies on settler violence

One of many cars destroyed by Israeli settlers during the Huwwara pogrom. 

Shadi Jarar’ah APA images


by Ahmed Abu Artema



Israel's protest movement can't succeed without embracing Palestinian liberation


with Marc Steiner

(audio, 30:26)



“How Zionism helped the Nazis perpetrate the Holocaust”


by Asa Winstanley



Hopelessly devoted to Israel


by David Cronin



UK drowns criticism of Netanyahu with trade deal


by Tim Llewellyn

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrives in the UK this week on the first day of Ramadan.

He is guaranteed a warm welcome by the British government, whose job it is to see that any criticism of his extremist, racist administration is drowned in talk of a lucrative trade deal, the “malign influence” of Iran and the “scourge of anti-Semitism.”

And he is guaranteed a loud welcome by those who see Netanyahu for what he is: the prime minister of an international law-breaking nation that intends to end the struggle for Palestinian rights.

This is a prime minister whose government includes senior ministers who recommend the total removal of, or second-class status for, all Palestinians, from river to sea. Netanyahu himself has been clear that Jews have an “exclusive and indisputable right” to all historic Palestine, including 1967 occupied territory.

Obfuscation is at the heart of British efforts to ignore all this and to disguise Netanyahu’s visit as crowning a triumphant UK-Israel trade and cooperation deal, signed on Tuesday, and estimated to be worth more than $8.5 billion (we do not know how this is split), covering security, technology and cybersecurity.

Political emphasis in the agreement, dubbed the “2030 roadmap for UK-Israel bilateral relations,” is on anti-Semitism and Iran.

The matter of the rapid descent into killing and chaos, exacerbated and prompted by the new Israeli power constellation of Zionist settlers and religious extremists that Netanyahu oversees, will, it appears, be a muted add-on. The document stresses only the need for “all parties” to end the violence.

Nowhere in this trade deal is there any hint that Israel is for the 56th year violating international law in its occupation and oppression of the West Bank and Gaza Strip and what has become the de facto annexation of their lands (to which the finance minister Bezalel Smotrich has added Jordan).

There is no vital requirement that any such agreement should carry with it severe and practicable restrictions, at the very least on British trade with and investment in Jewish settlement concerns on the West Bank.

It can all be presented as business as normal, it appears, by trying to create significant space between the Israeli prime minister and the extremists by his side in cabinet. But this is as unreal as everything else that informs Britain’s policy of privileging Israel despite the evidence: Netanyahu, after all, came to power again by gaining the support of racist outliers.



For Israelis, Ethnic Cleansing Palestinians is Fine, But Judicial Reform is a Red Line


by Miko Peled

The successful mobilization of hundreds of thousands of Israelis to stand up against the Netanyahu government is proof of one thing: Israelis do not want to end the oppression and killing of Palestinian people.

Israeli society has never seen such ongoing massive anti-government protests. So it is clear that had Israelis wanted to, they could have mobilized around lifting the brutal and inhumane blockade Israel has imposed on Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip, or the release of political prisoners or any of the myriad mechanisms Israel uses to oppress and terrorize Palestinians.



Palestine refugees from Syria lose hope in Gaza


by Ruwaida Amer

Refugees from Syria have been protesting in Gaza for better conditions. 

Youssef Abu Watfa APA images

It was not the way it was meant to be.

When Alaa Barakat came to Gaza from Syria in 2012, he had hoped for a brighter future.

But going from Syria’s conflict to Gaza turned out to be swapping one troubled place for another.

“We lived a very happy life in Syria [until the fighting started],” Barakat, 52, told The Electronic Intifada. “I had a job and a house. I provided my children with everything they needed.”

According to Gaza’s Department of Refugee Affairs, 365 Palestinian-Syrian families came to Gaza in 2012-2013 to escape Syria’s fighting.

For many, the choice of Gaza now feels like the wrong decision. Many wish they had tried to go elsewhere.

Barakat is originally from Gaza and still has family there, but he was born in Syria and is now assessing his options. He wants to save his children from a difficult life in Gaza, but sees no easy way of securing this.

“My friend returned to Syria with his disabled children because he felt he couldn’t raise them [in Gaza]. He has found the conditions [in Syria] much worse.”

He and his family’s constant homelessness is taking its toll, and refugee agencies, whether UNRWA, the body specifically for Palestine refugees, or UNHCR, the body that cares for all refugees, are of only limited help.

“Do you think I can pay rent for a house and meet the expenses of five people by driving a taxi?” Barakat, a father of four, said.



How Israeli cyber weapons are taking over Latin America


by Jessica Buxbaum

Salvadoran police bought the cyber surveillance technology through EyeTech Solutions, one of the main Israeli intermediaries selling spyware across Latin America. The majority of the offensive cyber market’s transactions are executed through intermediaries, who often receive a 12-15 percent commission. The Mexico-based Israeli firm is run by Yaniv Zangilevitch, a former spy official in the Israeli army and personal friend of Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele.

Often intermediaries establish contracts due to their connections with government officials, as is the case of Samuel Weinberg. Weinberg’s relationship with former Secretary of Public Security Genaro García Luna helped him secure several business agreements. García Luna was found guilty in the United States last week for drug trafficking and organized crime. Now, the Mexican Financial Intelligence Unit is investigating the Weinberg family for their relationship with García Luna, as well as their involvement with companies selling products involved in political espionage scandals.The Weinbergs could not be reached for comment.



Solar energy lights up Gaza

It’s estimated that at least a third of Gaza’s population and more than 50 percent of its businesses now use solar panels.

Ashraf Amra APA images


by Khuloud Rabah Sulaiman and Rakan Abed

Ahmed al-Haj, the owner of al-Bahhar seafood restaurant along the coast near Gaza City, uses solar energy to run his restaurant and his nearby fish farm.

Fish farms are electricity-intensive endeavors. Seawater must be regularly pumped into the tanks, and water propellers must operate nonstop to provide a healthy environment for the fish. Without electricity, the fish cannot thrive.

Before the solar panels were installed in 2010, al-Haj was paying nearly $42,000 in operating costs each year, the bulk of it going to fuel to keep the electricity on.

His operating costs had risen substantially when Israel imposed its siege on Gaza in 2007. And al-Haj, like all other residents of Gaza, has faced protracted power outages that reduce the quality of living and make it near impossible to run a profitable business.




Do You Have the JFK Secret Society Speech? - Questions For Corbett #099


with James Corbett


Paul writes in to ask if I have the full JFK "secret society" speech. Why, yes, I do! And guess what? The full speech shows that those highly-edited two-minute YouTube videos you saw back in the day were misleading at best and downright dishonest at worst. Wait until you hear what JFK was actually saying.


Silence As Ukraine/Israel Continue To Kill Abroad, Vinyl Chloride In Woman's Urine & The MAGA Trap


with Ryan Cristián





“GMOs For Thee, Not For Me!”


with James Corbett and James Evens Pilato




What Trump’s Indictment Means


by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

President Donald Trump is being arraigned on the basis of sealed charges.  It is unclear why the charges are sealed.  Imagine arresting someone on the basis of charges kept from the person.  It happens in America as it did in Stalin’s Soviet Union.

Perhaps the charges are kept secret so that the media can defame Trump by reporting that his arrest is “related to his alleged involvement in a hush money payment and subsequent cover-up involving a purported affair with adult film star Stormy Daniels,” as Sputnik International reported this morning.  Note that Sputnik is a Russian news service and not part of the US media’s campaign against President Trump. But as the charges are sealed, Sputnik only has the US presstitutes’ account of the indictment.  The account is totally false.

Trump is not arrested for paying extortion money to a porn star, who saw her opportunity for extortion when Trump was announced as a presidential candidate.  No affair has been proven.  It is ordinary for people being extorted pay up in order to avoid controversy that presstitutes would turn into fact.

See, also: It Is Official–the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Is Weaponized. The Alleged January 6, 2021 “Attack on the Capitol”



“Banana Republic”


by Robert W Malone, MD, MS

To Jill and Robert, It feels like an unraveling.

The indictment of President Trump is making headlines across the world - everyone has a strong opinion, from the state sponsored media lambasting Trump and any MAGA protesters to the hysterics of the Twitteri calling out the hypocrisy of the far-left prosecution.

Frankly, for me - it just feels wrong on so many levels. Not having to do with guilt or innocence of the individual, but what this prosecution says about our government.

It has been years since Trump was first investigated on these charges. Prosecutors have looked at the case over the years and have decided that either there wasn’t enough to move forward on or that the break in public trust wasn’t worth the crimes committed. In either case, the US government has never indicted a sitting or ex president.

Then there are the charges - The indictment lists a total of 34 felony counts, with a maximum of 134 years in prison. This seems rather extreme…

As primary season is just getting started, it all feels like this is all about the 2024 election cycle.


In life, we all have choices to make. Sometimes we make the wrong choice. Right now, our government is making a very wrong choice.

Because it seems like everything in our government is about winning the next election. Not about right and wrong. Let alone about good governance.

Which brings me to a related point. That is the use or overuse of specific words to label anything not left, as “conservative” or “far-right”.



Trump Derangement Syndrome Returns


by Margaret Kimberley

If democrats were smart, Donald Trump would be a disgraced former president, forgotten by all but his most ardent admirers. But they aren't smart and they may have given him a political resurrection.

Donald Trump is back in the news. He is facing a 34-count indictment for paying people to be silent about his private life. What should be fodder for the gossip pages has instead resulted in  criminal charges, an historic precedent for a former president. The amount of news coverage is surpassed only by the level of glee created by scenes of his arrest.

Trump is certainly a polarizing figure, more so perhaps than any other president. His unexpected win over Hillary Clinton in 2016 resulted in trauma for millions of people who have never recovered and they still allow the man they dislike to live rent free in their heads.

As this columnist has pointed out, neither Trump nor any other president has ever faced consequences for their worst offenses, crimes against humanity. George Bush invaded Iraq, Barack Obama destroyed Libya. Both men enjoy popularity and have no reason to fear any kin of censure for killing thousands of people. Trump also committed such crimes in office, such as killing up to 40,000 Venezuelans through his sanctions regime, and assassinating Iranian general Qasem Soleimani. As with his predecessors, those crimes go unpunished.

Trump’s prosecution is obviously political. He is charged with falsifying business records , which can be treated as a misdemeanor but Manhattan’s district attorney says he sought to avoid taxes and influence an election, allowing him to charge Trump with felonies. The Justice Department already declined to charge Trump with election interference. It seems that District Attorney Alvin Bragg looked for something, anything, that would rise to the level of a felony charge. One doesn’t need to be a Trump supporter to conclude that thumbs were on the scales of justice.

The arraignment was a typical media and political circus. Conservative Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene came to protest and proclaimed Trump’s innocence, while Congressional Black Caucus member Jamaal Bowman showed up for the purpose of shouting her down. Bowman yelled that Greene should, “Take her ass back to Washington,” and added with rhetorical flourish, “Do something about gun violence. Do something about affordable housing. Do something about childhood poverty.” The same could be said of Bowman, who along with his colleagues does nothing to address any of those issues, and who refuse to confront Joe Biden who was marketed as “the most progressive president since FDR,” while emergency SNAP nutritional benefits end and millions may be thrown off of Medicaid , as the pandemic era automatic enrollment ends.

Bowman and others of his ilk make far too much of the impact of the Trump indictmentcalling it, “... one step toward accountability,” and adding, “... America needs a reckoning and I think Trump is essential to that reckoning, when you consider his rhetoric, his behavior and his policies.” This country certainly needs a reckoning, for many reasons, but there is nothing about Trump being criminally charged for offenses that had nothing to do with his office, that addresses the terrible wrongs that are committed by this system every day.



Lying about Lying: Why We Must Revisit the Definition of “Fake News”


by Ramzy Baroud

The phrase ‘fake news’ continues to be deployed routinely in US politics. In a polarized political atmosphere, both Republicans and Democrats distrust media organizations affiliated with opposing parties. This means that most of what is uttered or written by CNN is ‘fake news’ for Republicans, and much of what appears in Republicans-affiliated media is ‘fake news’ for Democrats.

The phrase is now so prevalent and has multiple meanings to the point that it is impossible to agree on a common definition. Even ‘fact checking’ organizations or news desks contribute to the troubling phenomenon of ‘fake news’ by selectively fact-checking news and information affiliated with one side of the political aisle while ignoring the other.

Some traced the ‘fake news’ story to a small Eastern European town called Veles in Macedonia. This particular claim is associated with Craig Silverman, a media editor at Buzzfeed. “We ended up finding a small cluster of news websites all registered in the same town,” Silverman was quoted by the BBC. The objective of these websites seemed mostly financial, ‘clickbait’ as they are called, to lure in unsuspecting users to seemingly unlikely headlines.

Later, the term became very political. It was former US President Donald Trump who publicized the term, transforming it into the major phenomenon seen today. Mike Wendling of the BBC, however, claimed that it was Trump’s staunch rival in the 2016 US Presidential elections, Hillary Clinton, who first used the term in a speech in December of the same year.



The Donald Trump Problem


by Chris Hedges

Donald Trump — facing four government-run investigations, three criminal and one civil, targeting himself and his business — is not being targeted because of his crimes. Nearly every serious crime he is accused of carrying out has been committed by his political rivals. He is being targeted because he is deemed dangerous for his willingness, at least rhetorically, to reject the Washington Consensus regarding neoliberal free-market and free-trade policies, as well as the idea that the U.S. should oversee a global empire. He has not only belittled the ruling ideology, but urged his supporters to attack the apparatus that maintains the duopoly by declaring the 2020 election illegitimate.

The Donald Trump problem is the same as the Richard Nixon problem. When Nixon was forced to resign under the threat of impeachment, it wasn’t for his involvement in war crimes and crimes against humanity, nor was it for his illegal use of the CIA and other federal agencies to spy upon, intimidate, harass and destroy radicals, dissidents and activists. Nixon was brought down because he targeted other members of the ruling political and economic establishment. Once Nixon, like Trump, attacked the centers of power, the media was unleashed to expose abuses and illegalities it had previously minimized or ignored.

Members of Nixon’s re-election campaign illegally bugged the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee in the Watergate office building. They were caught after they broke back into the offices to fix the listening devices. Nixon was implicated in both the pre-election illegality, including spying on political opponents, as well as attempting to use federal agencies to cover up the crime. His administration maintained an “enemies list” that included well known academics, actors, union leaders, journalists, businessmen and politicians.

One 1971 internal White House memo entitled, “Dealing with our Political Enemies” — drafted by White House Counsel John Dean, whose job it was to advise the president on the law — described a project designed to “use the available federal machinery to screw our political enemies.”

Nixon’s conduct, and that of his closest aides, was clearly illegal and deserving of prosecution. There were 36 guilty verdicts or guilty pleas associated with the Watergate scandal two years after the break-in. But it was not the crimes Nixon committed abroad or against dissidents that secured his political execution but the crimes he carried out against the Democratic Party and its allies, including in the establishment press.

“The political center was subjected to an attack with techniques that are usually reserved for those who depart from the norms of acceptable political belief,” Noam Chomsky wrote in The New York Review of Books in 1973, a year before Nixon’s resignation.

As Edward Herman and Chomsky point out in their book, “Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media:”

The answer is clear and concise: powerful groups are capable of defending themselves, not surprisingly; and by media standards, it is a scandal when their position and rights are threatened. By contrast, as long as illegalities and violations of democratic substance are confined to marginal groups or dissident victims of U.S. military attack, or result in a diffused cost imposed on the general population, media opposition is muted and absent altogether. This is why Nixon could go so far, lulled into a false sense of security precisely because the watchdog only barked when he began to threaten the privileged.”

What led to the unraveling of Nixon’s government, and what lies at the core of the attacks against Trump, is the fact that, like Nixon, Trump’s targets included “the rich and respectable, spokesmen for official ideology, men who are expected to share power, to design social policy, and to mold popular opinion,” as Chomsky noted about Nixon at the time. “Such people are not fair game for persecution at the hands of the state.”

This is not to minimize Trump’s crimes. Trump — nearly even in the polls with President Joe Biden in the 2024 presidential race — appears to have committed several misdemeanors and serious felonies.

In November 2022, the Department of Justice appointed a special prosecutor to investigate Trump’s retention of classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago home in Florida and any potential criminal liability resulting from that act, as well as any unlawful interference with the transfer of power after the 2020 presidential election.

Separately, a district attorney in Georgia is working with a special purpose grand jury in relation to Trump’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election result. A key piece of evidence is the notorious phone call between Trump and Georgia’s Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, in which the president kept insisting he needed more votes to be found. Charges in this case could include conspiracy to commit election fraud, racketeering and pressuring and/or threatening public officials.

The Manhattan district attorney has been investigating the $130,000 Trump used to pay off the porn star Stormy Daniels, with whom Trump allegedly had a sexual relationship. This payment was misreported in the Trump Organization’s records as a legal retainer in violatation of campaign finance laws.

Finally, New York Attorney General Letitia James is bringing a civil lawsuit alleging the Trump Organization lied about its assets in order to secure bank loans. If the attorney general’s lawsuit is successful, Trump and other members of his family may be barred from doing business in New York, including buying property there for five years.

Trump’s alleged offenses should be investigated. Though, the cases involving Daniels and the retention of classified documents seem relatively minor and similar to those committed by Trump’s political opponents.

Last year, Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign and the DNC agreed to pay a fine of $8,000 and $105,000 respectively, for mislabelling a $175,000 expenditure on opposition research, namely the long-discredited “Steele Dossier,” as “legal expenses.” The improper retention of classified documents has typically resulted in a slap on the wrist when other powerful politicians have been investigated. Clinton, for example, used private email servers instead of a government email account when she was secretary of state. The FBI concluded that she sent and received materials classified as top secret on her private server. Ultimately, FBI director James Comey declined to prosecute her. Trump’s former vice president Mike Pence and Biden also had classified documents at their homes, though we are told this may have been “inadvertent.” The discovery of these classified documents, rather than triggering outrage in most of the media, initiated a conversation about “overclassification.” Former CIA director David Petraeus was given two years probation and a $100,000 fine after he admitted to providing highly classified “black books” that contained handwritten classified notes about official meetings, war strategy, intelligence capabilities and the names of covert officers to his lover, Paula Broadwell, who was also writing a fawning biography of Petraeus.



Trump’s Indictment and the Downfall of America


by Karen Hunt



“Now Do Bush”: Trump Arraignment Contrasts Typical Immunity for US Leaders


by Jessica Corbett



How The Rich Are Prepping For End Times, And Why


with Lee Camp


The ultrarich are prepping for doomsday right now. France is on fire. The U.S. ruling elite and the mainstream media they own are avoiding reporting on it. The American rich want to exploit the workers more and more, and facing the wrath of the “common man and woman” is their greatest fear. So they have been increasingly coming up with ways to avoid the guillotines.

The ruling class knows what’s coming: social instability caused by a combination of the climate crisis, banks failing, the soul-killing inequality of late-stage capitalism, and the impending dilution of the petrodollar.

So what’s going on here?

Think of it this way – When you’re on a ship or in a building, and you see all the rats running toward you, you know there’s some horrible shit behind them because they’re the first ones to flee. You see rats running; you run with them! Well, the rats of our society are beginning to flee. The richest of the rich are making a run for it.

The rats, I mean the rich, are fleeing to higher ground or sometimes to multimillion-dollar underground bunkers.

The decline of the petrodollar is a major factor driving their fear. The U.S. has been able to control much of the world for close to a century because every country has needed to hold dollars in order to buy crude oil. The petrodollar system allowed the U.S. to create a virtually endless supply of dollars. They just printed whatever they wanted. A trillion dollars a year for the military? Easy. Trillion-dollar subsidies for Big Oil? Cool! Four trillion dollars for Wall Street crooks during the pandemic. Of course!

This didn’t create cataclysmic inflation because no matter how much they printed, there would always be demand for those dollars abroad. If almost any other country printed that much money, their currency would have collapsed faster than Morgan Spurlock’s career.




Fascism Denial American Style: Exceptionalism in the Ivory Tower


by Anthony DiMaggio

It borders on cliché the number of times historians lament how “fascism” is an over-used term. But Sinclair Lewis, writing about the specter of fascism a century ago, understood something most historians don’t – that U.S. intellectual culture is loathe to acknowledge fascist undercurrents in this country. I attribute this hostility to intellectuals’ belief that their nation is an exceptionalist democracy – hence fascism “can’t happen here.”

Historian Bruce Kuklick’s Fascism Comes to America is a great example of an academic bemoaning the abuse of “fascism” in U.S. discourse, despite the book refusing to engage with evidence that suggests the opposite. One should read this review, not so much as an indictment of his book, but as an indictment of a larger intellectual culture that’s elevating this book to the status of a serious work of scholarship, while ignoring critical scholarship that’s already been published on fascism in America.

Kuklick writes that he’s interested in “the spectacle of fascism in the United States.” Which is to say he thinks it should be understood as a concept that political thinkers and practitioners use time and time again to further their own personal political agendas. He talks of fascism as something that exists in “the imagination” of Americans – leaving his readers with the distinct impression that there’s little substantive meaning to the term outside of it being wielded as a weapon against one’s opponents. Kuklick says as much multiple times in his book, writing that fascism is one of those “political swear words” that people use to malign others. Throughout our history, he argues, “people who did not like someone else’s politics could always find in that politics enough to label the other fellow a fascist.”

For Kuklick, fascism discourse is “a growth industry.” He cites examples throughout modern history in film and other popular culture mediums, including Stanley Kubrick’s Dr. Strangelove, Philip Roth’s The Plot Against America, and Philip Dick’s The Man in the High Castle. Kuklick believes that discourses on fascism are an American “obsession” – which would suggest a lack of rationality in our political culture. He elaborates by saying about U.S. discourse that “political talk” in America “is puzzling, artful distortion. Much of politics is linguistic theater, the showy and indiscriminate ejaculation of words. The evaluations of officials, entertainers, and pundits have a crooked relation to reality, and the scholarly analysis of politics is conducted with these evaluations.” This is not the sort of language used by someone who thinks the U.S. is suffering from a threat of rising fascism today.

There are at least three major problems with this book. First, the available evidence pertaining to contemporary political discourse suggests the author is far off base when he claims that fascism is an abused term and that it’s a massive growth industry. Second, there’s little to no effort in this book to seriously engage with recent scholars who argue, contrary to Kuklick, that fascist politics are ascending in the era of Trump. By refusing to adequately address these competing works (or address them at all), Kuklick fails to demonstrate why warnings about fascism should classified as imagined, embellished, paranoid, or wrong. Third, the author’s dismissal of a fascist threat speaks to his, and other privileged academics’ disconnect from the struggles that repressed people face, as related to white nationalism, rightwing demagoguery, and patriarchal-authoritarian politics.

Marginal Scholarship . . .



The Tragic U.S. Choice to Prioritize War Over Peacemaking


by Medea Benjamin - Nicolas J. S. Davies

In a brilliant Op-Ed published in the New York Times, the Quincy Institute’s Trita Parsi explained how China, with help from Iraq, was able to mediate and resolve the deeply-rooted conflict between Iran and Saudi Arabia, whereas the United States was in no position to do so after siding with the Saudi kingdom against Iran for decades.

The title of Parsi’s article, “The U.S. Is Not an Indispensable Peacemaker,” refers to former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright’s use of the term “indispensable nation” to describe the U.S. role in the post-Cold War world. The irony in Parsi’s use of Albright’s term is that she generally used it to refer to U.S. war-making, not peacemaking.

In 1998, Albright toured the Middle East and then the United States to rally support for President Clinton’s threat to bomb Iraq. After failing to win support in the Middle East, she was confronted by heckling and critical questions during a televised event at Ohio State University, and she appeared on the Today Show the next morning to respond to public opposition in a more controlled setting.

Albright claimed, “..if we have to use force, it is because we are America; we are the indispensable nation. We stand tall and we see further than other countries into the future, and we see here the danger to all of us. I know that the American men and women in uniform are always prepared to sacrifice for freedom, democracy and the American way of life.”

Albright’s readiness to take the sacrifices of American troops for granted had already got her into trouble when she famously asked General Colin Powell, “What’s the use of having this superb military you’re always talking about if we can’t use it?” Powell wrote in his memoirs, “I thought I would have an aneurysm.”

But Powell himself later caved to the neocons, or the “fucking crazies” as he called them in private, and dutifully read the lies they made up to try to justify the illegal invasion of Iraq to the UN Security Council in February 2003.

For the past 25 years, administrations of both parties have caved to the “crazies” at every turn. Albright and the neoconsexceptionalist rhetoric, now standard fare across the U.S. political spectrum, leads the United States into conflicts all over the world, in an unequivocal, Manichean way that defines the side it supports as the side of good and the other side as evil, foreclosing any chance that the United States can later play the role of an impartial or credible mediator.

Today, this is true in the war in Yemen, where the U.S. chose to join a Saudi-led alliance that committed systematic war crimes, instead of remaining neutral and preserving its credibility as a potential mediator. It also applies, most notoriously, to the U.S. blank check for endless Israeli aggression against the Palestinians, which doom its mediation efforts to failure.

For China, however, it is precisely its policy of neutrality that has enabled it to mediate a peace agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabia, and the same applies to the African Union’s successful peace negotiations in Ethiopia, and to Turkey’s promising mediation between Russia and Ukraine, which might have ended the slaughter in Ukraine in its first two months but for American and British determination to keep trying to pressure and weaken Russia.

But neutrality has become anathema to U.S. policymakers. George W. Bush’s threat, “You are either with us or against us,” has become an established, if unspoken, core assumption of 21st century U.S. foreign policy.

The response of the American public to the cognitive dissonance between our wrong assumptions about the world and the real world they keep colliding with has been to turn inward and embrace an ethos of individualism. This can range from New Age spiritual disengagement to a chauvinistic America First attitude. Whatever form it takes for each of us, it allows us to persuade ourselves that the distant rumble of bombs, albeit mostly American ones, is not our problem.

The U.S. corporate media has validated and increased our ignorance by drastically reducing foreign news coverage and turning TV news into a profit-driven echo chamber peopled by pundits in studios who seem to know even less about the world than the rest of us.

Most U.S. politicians now rise through the legal bribery system from local to state to national politics, and arrive in Washington knowing next to nothing about foreign policy. This leaves them as vulnerable as the public to neocon cliches like the ten or twelve packed into Albright’s vague justification for bombing Iraq: freedom, democracy, the American way of life, stand tall, the danger to all of us, we are America, indispensable nation, sacrifice, American men and women in uniform, and “we have to use force.”

Faced with such a solid wall of nationalistic drivel, Republicans and Democrats alike have left foreign policy firmly in the experienced but deadly hands of the neocons, who have brought the world only chaos and violence for 25 years.

All but the most principled progressive or libertarian members of Congress go along to get along with policies so at odds with the real world that they risk destroying it, whether by ever-escalating warfare or by suicidal inaction on the climate crisis and other real-world problems that we must cooperate with other countries to solve if we are to survive.

It is no wonder that Americans think the world’s problems are insoluble and that peace is unattainable, because our country has so totally abused its unipolar moment of global dominance to persuade us that that is the case. But these policies are choices, and there are alternatives, as China and other countries are dramatically demonstrating. President Lula da Silva of Brazil is proposing to form a “peace club” of peacemaking nations to mediate an end to the war in Ukraine, and this offers new hope for peace.



Two Decades and $90 Billion US Dollars Later: Dissecting The Afghan Military's Total Collapse


by Kit Klarenberg

In February, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) published an extensive investigation into the spectacular collapse of the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces’ (ANDSF), which the U.S. spent two decades and $90 billion building. In common with previous SIGAR reports, it offers a remarkably uncompromising, no-punches-pulled assessment, exposing corruption, incompetence, lies, and delusion every step of the way.

At the report’s core is a highly detailed timeline of the ANDSF’s – and, therefore, the Afghan government’s – disintegration. That SIGAR was able to construct such a painstaking obituary is nothing short of miraculous, for the Special Inspector General was stonewalled and obstructed at every turn by the agencies it is officially charged with scrutinizing.

The Pentagon and State Department rejected SIGAR’s jurisdiction over them, declined to review interim drafts of the report, denied access to their staff, and “mostly” refused to answer requests for information. “Very few” documents SIGAR asked for were turned over, and material disclosed “was often not materially relevant to our objectives.”

In lieu of cooperation from the guilty parties, SIGAR conducted a panoply of probing interviews with U.S. and Afghan officials. While often unnamed, their admissions and analysis provide stunning insight into conversations, deliberations, and machinations hidden from public view at the time. Together, these accounts help explain how the ANDSF, much-vaunted by the White House until its demise, failed so spectacularly.

It is a highly cinematic retelling that is part thriller, part farce. Take, for example, a former “senior Afghan national security official” recounting the morning of August 15, 2021, the day Kabul fell. As Americans rushed to depart the country, en route to a meeting with President Ashraf Ghani, he was told by the Presidential Protective Service chief that the Taliban, contrary to promises not to enter the city, had done so.

In the president’s office, the pair scrambled to draft an official statement to be transmitted domestically and internationally on the group’s unwelcome arrival. A secretary was asked to request some green tea from catering, as was customary in such meetings:

He went and brought the tray himself. Wait a minute, what happened to the server? He said, there’s no one left. People in our offices had abandoned and they had gone…[By around] 10 or 11, we no longer had a consolidated security force.”

This mass walkout was evident in every state apparatus. The president contacted the head of the National Security Directorate, the Afghan government’s primary intelligence service, which was created in the early 2000s by the CIA, requesting he rally operatives “to keep order in Kabul.” The Directorate chief regretfully informed him that the formerly 500-strong force tasked with managing the city’s defense now numbered less than 20 people.



Profits of Doom: Military Contractors Rob Us Daily


by Tom H. Hastings

It’s Budget Season in DC and the swamp is in full bloom.

Republicans refuse to offer a budget. Why is that? After all, they are demanding that Biden and his Democrats promise to make major cuts because Republicans are sooooo concerned about the debt ceiling, even though they are largely responsible for much of the massive national debt.

What the Republicans don’t want to reveal is that their budget won’t cut the huge items that do nothing for our communities. What the Rs want to cut are relatively small budgets that actually help working Americans.

But again and again they vow to “stay strong” on “national defense,” and will vote to increase the DoD budget, already the largest in the world by far, eclipsing the combined total of all our adversaries plus a few of our allies.

Naturally, Kevin McCarthy is pronouncing on the Biden budget as DOA and on what great things his Republican budget will do, like cut Pentagon spending by…some amount that changes every time he makes another hollow promise. Other Rs have given him dire warnings against such pork trimming. McCarthy himself says that the areas to cut in the DoD budget are anything that has any whiff of “wokeism,” including all efforts to make the military, for once, a bit less of an environmental polluter and consumer.

Meanwhile, the rightwing media, including nouveau conservative Politico, frames this debate as a country that should cut Social Security and Medicare but leave the Pentagon budget alone. Indeed, they refer to those trust budgets as “drivers” of the debt and the smaller food and housing assistance budgets as “entrenched,” as though sensible working Americans would like to see them cut but the darn libs won’t yield.

Meanwhile, the war profiteers are gobbling up big bites from your paychecks.

Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Boeing, General Dynamics, and other Pentagon contractors make outrageous levels of profits, due to a number of corrupt practices that riddle the military procurement practices, Congress, and the corporate benefactors. One hundred percent of their profits are paid for with the taxes removed from your pay, usually before you ever see it. Look at your pay information and you’ll see why the Pentagon budget is a key factor in naming it a pay “stub.”

I mean, we are still in a great deal of federal debt just for the illegal Iraq invasion and occupation, accounting for some nine percent of the debt. That was a Republican war, voted for and then voted for again and again with “budget supplementals,” but those prudent Rs somehow overlook that.



The Pentagon's Budget from Hell


by William D. Hartung

Somehow, when it comes to Congress and the mainstream media, the true strangeness of the Pentagon budget always is missing in action. Despite arguments about the small things, just about everyone accepts that the United States must have a monstrous, all-powerful military and a military budget beyond compare (beyond, in fact, all comprehension). And nothing seems to truly dent that sensibility. Somehow, the fact that the Pentagon has been utterly incapable of winning — yes, actually winning! — a war that matters (or even half matters) since World War II never fully seems to penetrate, not even on the 20th anniversary of the disastrous invasion of Iraq, America’s own Ukraine. (Only former president George W. Bush, who launched that invasion, gets it, however subliminally.)

The lesson is all too clear: the more that’s spent on our military and the more potentially destructive it gets, the less it’s actually able to accomplish. Despite all but obliterating North Korea from the air, it couldn’t beat that country’s military (aided by China’s) in the early 1950s; it lost disastrously to distinctly under-armed rebels in Vietnam in the 1960s and early 1970s; and did so again more recently to the half-baked forces of the Taliban in Afghanistan. The response of Congress to such disasters in this century: rewarding the Pentagon with yet more barrels of money.

Think of it this way: in a world where billionaires are running rampant and grabbing ever more wealth, the Pentagon is going to outdo them all and, if nothing changes in the coming years, as TomDispatch regular William Hartung notes today, become the world’s first trillionaire. Imagine that! Something that might once have seemed inconceivable is now almost unstoppable, a future trillion-dollar military budget. And with that in mind, let Pentagon expert Hartung introduce you to that imposing trillionaire-in-the-making that has had just one great success in the twenty-first century: taking Congress captive. Tom Feeley


“Congress Has Been Captured by the Arms Industry, And We're Paying the Price (and What a Price It Is!)” . . .




The Banking Crisis, Housing Insecurity and Preparing for the Coming Economic Collapse


with Lee Camp and James Fauntleroy




Professor Richard Wolff: The Brink Of Economic Collapse and The Path Forward


with Kim Iversen and Richard Wolff




The Corbett Report

“Party Like It's 1907”

by James Corbett

Interview of James Corbett by Graham Smith



“Most U.S. banks are technically near insolvency, and hundreds are already fully insolvent”


by Nouriel Roubini

In January 2022, when yields on US 10-year Treasury bonds were still roughly 1% and those on German Bunds were -0.5%, I warned that inflation would be bad for both stocks and bonds. Higher inflation would lead to higher bond yields, which in turn would hurt stocks as the discount factor for dividends rose. But, at the same time, higher yields on “safe” bonds would imply a fall in their price, too, owing to the inverse relationship between yields and bond prices.

This basic principle – known as “duration risk” – seems to have been lost on many bankers, fixed-income investors, and bank regulators. As rising inflation in 2022 led to higher bond yields, ten-year Treasuries lost more value (-20%) than the S&P 500 (-15%), and anyone with long-duration fixed-income assets denominated in dollars or euros was left holding the bag. The consequences for these investors have been severe. By the end of 2022, US banks’ unrealized losses on securities had reached US$620 billion, about 28% of their total capital (US$2.2 trillion).

Making matters worse, higher interest rates have reduced the market value of banks’ other assets as well. If you make a ten-year bank loan when long-term interest rates are 1%, and those rates then rise to 3.5%, the true value of that loan (what someone else in the market would pay you for it) will fall. Accounting for this implies that US banks’ unrealized losses actually amount to US$1.75 trillion, or 80% of their capital.

The “unrealized” nature of these losses is merely an artifact of the current regulatory regime, which allows banks to value securities and loans at their face value rather than at their true market value. In fact, judging by the quality of their capital, most US banks are technically near insolvency, and hundreds are already fully insolvent.

To be sure, rising inflation reduces the true value of banks’ liabilities (deposits) by increasing their “deposit franchise”, an asset that is not on their balance sheet. Since banks still pay near 0% on most of their deposits, even though overnight rates have risen to 4% or more, this asset’s value rises when interest rates are higher. Indeed, some estimates suggest that rising interest rates have increased US banks’ total deposit franchise value by about US$1.75 trillion.

But this asset exists only if deposits remain with banks as rates rise, and we now know from Silicon Valley Bank and the experience of other US regional banks that such stickiness is far from assured. If depositors flee, the deposit franchise evaporates, and the unrealized losses on securities become realized as banks sell them to meet withdrawal demands. Bankruptcy then becomes unavoidable.

Moreover, the “deposit-franchise” argument assumes that most depositors are dumb and will keep their money in accounts bearing near 0% interest when they could be earning 4% or more in totally safe money-market funds that invest in short-term treasuries. But, again, we now know that depositors are not so complacent. The current, apparently persistent flight of uninsured – and even insured – deposits is probably being driven as much by depositors’ pursuit of higher returns as by their concerns about the safety of their deposits.

In short, after being a non-factor for the last 15 years – ever since policy and short-term interest rates fell to near-zero following the 2008 global financial crisis – the interest-rate sensitivity of deposits has returned to the fore. Banks assumed a highly foreseeable duration risk because they wanted to fatten their net-interest margins. They seized on the fact that while capital charges on government-bond and mortgage-backed securities were zero, the losses on such assets did not have to be marked to market. To add insult to injury, regulators did not even subject banks to stress tests to see how they would fare in a scenario of sharply rising interest rates

Now that this house of cards is collapsing, the credit crunch caused by today’s banking stress will create a harder landing for the real economy, owing to the key role that regional banks play in financing small and medium-size enterprises and households. Central banks therefore face not just a dilemma but a trilemma. Owing to recent negative aggregate supply shocks – such as the pandemic and the war in Ukraine – achieving price stability through interest rate hikes was bound to raise the risk of a hard landing (a recession and higher unemployment). But, as I have been arguing for over a year, this vexing trade-off also features the additional risk of severe financial instability.

Borrowers are facing rising rates – and thus much higher capital costs – on new borrowing and on existing liabilities that have matured and need to be rolled over. But the increase in long-term rates is also leading to massive losses for creditors holding long-duration assets. As a result, the economy is falling into a “debt trap,” with high public deficits and debt causing “fiscal dominance” over monetary policy, and high private debts causing “financial dominance” over monetary and regulatory authorities.



“OPEC / Russia, production cuts. Japan breaks oil ceiling”


with Alex Christforou and Alexander Mercouris




The Capital of the Multipolar World: A Moscow Diary


by Pepe Escobar

How sharp was good ol’ Lenin, prime modernist, when he mused, “there are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen”. This global nomad now addressing you has enjoyed the privilege of spending four astonishing weeks in Moscow at the heart of an historical crossroads – culminating with the Putin-Xi geopolitical game-changing summit at the Kremlin.

To quote Xi, “changes that haven’t been seen in 100 years” do have a knack of affecting us all in more ways than one.

James Joyce, another modernity icon, wrote that we spend our lives meeting average and/or extraordinary people, on and on and on, but in the end we’re always meeting ourselves. I have had the privilege of meeting an array of extraordinary people in Moscow, guided by trusted friends or by auspicious coincidence: in the end your soul tells you they enrich you and the overarching historical moment in ways you can’t even begin to fathom.

Here are some of them. The grandson of Boris Pasternak, a gifted young man who teaches Ancient Greek at Moscow State University. A historian with unmatched knowledge of Russian history and culture. The Tajik working class huddling together in a chaikhana with the proper ambience of Dushanbe.

Chechens and Tuvans in awe doing the loop in the Big Central Line. A lovely messenger sent by friends extremely careful about security matters to discuss issues of common interest. Exceptionally accomplished musicians performing underground in Mayakovskaya. A stunning Siberian princess vibrant with unbounded energy, taking that motto previously applied to the energy industry – Power of Siberia – to a whole new level.

A dear friend took me to Sunday service at the Devyati Muchenikov Kizicheskikh church, the favorite of Peter the Great: the quintessential purity of Eastern Orthodoxy. Afterwards the priests invited us for lunch in their communal table, displaying not only their natural wisdom but also an uproarious sense of humor.

At a classic Russian apartment crammed with 10,000 books and with a view to the Ministry of Defense – plenty of jokes included – Father Michael, in charge if Orthodox Christianity relations with the Kremlin, sang the Russian imperial anthem

after an indelible night of religious and cultural discussions.


Syria war: After Iran-Saudi deal, could China be the key to peace?


by Kamal Alam

Earlier this month, China brokered a deal to restore diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran for the first time since 2016, aiming to settle a longstanding bilateral dispute.

While it is too early to determine whether this will lead to a complete thaw in the four-decade rivalry between Riyadh and Tehran, an immediate beneficiary of the Chinese-led initiative is Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, whose diplomatic clout in the region has been further strengthened.

Within days of the deal with Iran, the Saudis announced a restoration of diplomatic ties with the Syrian government, and Assad took another trip to the UAE, following his visit to Oman a month earlier. Indeed, Assad has slowly but surely re-emerged on the diplomatic scene, despite US pressure on the region to isolate Damascus. 

Now, as China takes a more assertive economic diplomacy role in the Middle East, Syria remains key to Saudi Arabia’s desire to cool regional tensions.

Saudi Arabia presented the last obstacle to Syria’s return as a key player in the Arab world - a thaw that began with a hug between the Bahraini and Syrian foreign ministers at the United Nations in 2018. 

While Riyadh has watched from the sidelines as other Arab countries embraced Damascus, it has finally joined the fray, perhaps on the back of the Chinese- and Russian-led realignment of the Middle East.  

Two years ago, I wrote an article for Middle East Eye about the history of Saudi-Syrian ties, and the centrality of this relationship with regards to stabilising Lebanon. Despite major differences, they have always managed to maintain an amicable working relationship, which peaked during their anti-Saddam alliance in the first Gulf War, and again when Riyadh welcomed Assad several years after the 2005 assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. 

The time has now come again for another warming in Saudi-Syrian relations.

Flexing muscles . . .



Xi-Putin Summit: Strategy Meeting for the Coming East-West War?

“We got a pretty lady to shill it but they still don’t want it, boo-hoo” — FSB


by Prof. Joseph H. Chung

The Xi-Putin Summit (March 22-24) was a strategic summit of two “non-western” super powers. The outcome of the summit will have far-reaching implications for the future of mankind.

What the two leaders decided upon will be a strategic factor in the choice between a unipolar world and  a multipolar world.

The Western media did not say much about the summit. This was to be expected. They seem to believe that their god-given mission is to demonize China and Russia and other nation states which are not Washington’s “vassal countries”.

The incessant demonization of China and Russia “does not make the West an Angel”. One can also demonize the West. There are several reasons for this.

It is about time for the mainstream media to have some decency in informing people about the truth so that humanity can choose the right kind of regime and leaders.

To be frank, I am disappointed with the media, especially the leading TV stations and the so called elite newspapers. I am sure that they knew what was going on during the summit, but they did not share what they knew with the public.

In this paper, I will be focussing on the following questions:

·         Why the summit?

·         What was the nature of the agreement?

·         Is it feasible to create the multi-polar world?

Why the Summit




Russians outplay digital IDs, again


by Edward Slavsquat

A nationwide boycott threatens another Kremlin-endorsed cattle tag

The Fan ID system debuted during the 2017 Confederation Cup and 2018 World Cup, which were hosted by Russia. Issued as laminated badges, Fan IDs served as visas for foreign football enthusiasts, and granted free travel in public transport. The ID was also deployed during the 2021 European Championship—St. Petersburg hosted seven matches of the tournament.

After the success of the World Cup, Russian President Vladimir Putin called for Fan ID to become a permanent fixture of cultural and sporting events in the country.

Fan ID had a clear benefit for foreign visitors to Russia, but its advantages were more difficult to ascertain when it was retooled as a domestic ID for sports fans.

Alexander Dyukov, president of the Russian Football Union, said in 2019 that using Fan ID in the RPL would be expensive, pointless and inconvenient.

Besides, Russian stadiums were equipped with sophisticated CCTV cameras and other fancy security gadgets. What would be the point of forcing spectators to obtain a special ID just to watch athletes kick a ball around?

Dyukov’s level-headed approach to football security prevailed until November 2021—when 408 fans were detained at VEB Arena stadium for participating in an unauthorized pyrotechnics display.

Curiously, the stadium’s CCTV cameras had been disabled, “forcing” police to make indiscriminate arrests. State media claimed hackers were responsible for the bizarre surveillance camera outage, but the incident was never investigated.

Almost overnight, Fan ID was back on the menu.

As Vedomosti reported:

“After this incident, law enforcement agencies had an important trump card in their hands. If cameras in stadiums fail, then Fan IDs could be an important tool for identifying an individual and determining personal responsibility.”


The rest is history . . .



“Russian journalist targeted in Saint Petersburg café” &  Legally we took Bakhmut.”


with Alex Chreistoforou and Alexander Mercouris





Filings Reveal Amazon Spent Over $14 Million to Bust Union in 2022 Alone


by Sharon Zhang

As Amazon Labor Union’s groundbreaking labor movement gained momentum — and, in some ways, faltered — in 2022, Amazon was busy shelling out millions of dollars to anti-union consultants in order to ensure that the union movement would fail, new filings show.

As first reported by HuffPost, new financial disclosures filed on Friday with the Department of Labor show that Amazon spent $14.2 million on anti-union consultants. These consultants are hired by companies seeking to bust union efforts, advising them on ways to skirt or violate federal laws in order to crush labor organizing.

It is common for union-busting companies to spend large sums of money to hire such consultants, who help the company carry out classic anti-union moves like holding mandatory anti-union meetings, which Amazon has done in droves; Labor experts have estimated that union busting is so widespread that it has created an anti-union industry that rakes in $430 million yearly.

Even in this context, Amazon’s spending is astonishingly high.



In Defense of the LA Education Workers’ Strike


by Glenn Sacks

The enemies of labor unions and public education are unhappy, and I can’t say I blame them.

Service Employees International Union Local 99 had been battling the Los Angeles Unified School District for a decent contract for three years, but when they struck–and when United Teachers Los Angeles struck in solidarity with them–SEIU quickly won the contract they had long sought.

From the political right there has been a predictable backlash against the 65,000 Los Angeles education workers who struck March 21-23. What follows is a defense of our unions and our strike against some of our opponents’ main accusations.


SEIU & UTLA Are Greedy

For two+ years conservatives have correctly pointed to the ravages of inflation (“Bidenflation”) and its insidious assault on our living standards. Yet, strangely, when it comes to the SEIU and UTLA, all this is forgotten.

Witness these comments on SEIU’s demand for a 30% salary increase:

+ SEIU “walked off the job this week because they want a massive 30% pay hike.” (Southern California News Group Editorial Board)

+ [SEIU wants] “a whopping 30% across-the-board pay raise” (Aaron Withe, CEO of the Freedom Foundation)

+ “SEIU Local 99 is demanding a whopping 30% increase in wages for school employees (Lance Christensen, California Policy Center)

However, the 30% raise the SEIU sought covers four years–7.5% a year. This is hardly unreasonable: according to the US Social Security Administration, prices rose 5.9% in 2021 and 8.7% in 2022. So far this year inflation is running at 6.2%.

Moreover, inflation impacts lower wage workers like those in SEIU more heavily than people with higher wage jobs. It’s difficult for such workers to handle inflation by cutting back their spending when they’re already spending 95% of their take-home pay on basic necessities.

ULTA’s demand for a 10% a year raise is also being panned.



Communism, Islam, & Serving Our Neighbors


by D. Musa Springer

Ibn Umar reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said:

 “The most beloved people to Allah are those who are most beneficial to people. The most beloved deed to Allah is to make a Muslim happy, or remove one of his troubles, or forgive his debt, or feed his hunger. That I walk with a brother regarding a need is more beloved to me than that I seclude myself in this mosque in Medina for a month. Whoever swallows his anger, then Allah will conceal his faults. Whoever suppresses his rage, even though he could fulfill his anger if he wished, then Allah will secure his heart on the Day of Resurrection. Whoever walks with his brother regarding a need until he secures it for him, then Allah Almighty will make his footing firm across the bridge on the day when the foundations are shaken.”



The Happiness of Others


by Patrick Lawrence

For Americans, admitting that people in other parts of the world have and want different things from what they have and want can, in its subtle way, be devastating to their view of the world.




 “Reclaiming Our Country”


by Chris Hedges

We are undergoing the most vicious class war in U.S. history. Social inequality has reached its most extreme levels of disparity in over 200 years, surpassing the rapacious greed of the era of the robber barons. The legislative, executive and judicial branches of government, along with the media and universities, have been seized by a tiny cabal of billionaires and corporations who pass laws and legislation that consolidate their power and obscene wealth at our expense. We are sacrificial victims, whether on the left or the right, helpless before this modern incarnation of the Biblical idol Moloch.

In 1928, the top one percent held about 24 percent of the nation’s income, a percentage that steadily declined until 1973. By the early 1970s the oligarchy’s assault against workers was accelerated in response to the rise of popular mass movements in the 1960s. The billionaire class and corporations poured billions into political parties, academia, think-tanks and the media. Critics of capitalism had difficulty finding a platform, including on public broadcasting. Those who sang to the tune the billionaires played were lavished with grants, book deals, tenured professorships, awards and permanent megaphones in the commercial press. Wages stagnated. Income inequality grew to monstrous proportions. Tax rates for corporations and the rich were slashed until it culminated in a virtual tax boycott. 

Today, the top 10 percent of the richest people in the United States own almost 70 percent of the country’s total wealth. The top 1 percent control 32 percent of the wealth. The bottom 50 percent of the U.S. population hold 3 percent of all U.S. wealth. 

These ruling oligarchs have us, not to mention the natural world, in a death grip. They have mobilized the organs of state security, militarized the police, built the largest prison system in the world and deformed the courts to criminalize poverty. We are the most spied upon, watched, photographed and monitored population in human history, and I covered the Stasi state in East Germany. When the corporate state watches you 24-hours a day you cannot use the word liberty. This is the relationship between a master and a slave.



The Need for Independent Left Leadership

Photo: Communist Party USA Archives


by Sudip Bhattacharya

Leftists in the U.S. must forge independent formations. Electoral politics are still a dead end.

In March, it was reported that the Biden administration is planning to re-introduce a Trump-era measure on immigration detentionpolicy along the U.S.-Mexico border. This policy would mean the detainment of families crossing the border in overcrowded ICE detention facilities rather than the current policy of allowing them to wait for their asylum trial while staying with family and friends or in some other location, albeit wearing a monitor.

“Children should be released from ICE detention with their parents immediately,” Biden had said when condemning the samehideous policy when it had been introduced by the explicitly racist Trump administration. Somehow, now, it’s okay to traumatize migrants fleeing from countries ruined by far-right regimes our politicians have often propped up, not to mention escaping from ruinous neoliberal policies that have spread to all corners of the globe.

If this were to go through, this would be yet another broken promise by Biden and his acolytes inside the White House. From increasing funding for the police, to ending a possible strikeamong railway workers desperate for a day off, the Biden administration has been a laundry list of failed stances on policies that would have improved the living and working conditions of many of its alleged constituents.

“Election seasons are reality-creation festivals, during which the two corporate parties pretend to put forward different visions of the national and global destiny,” the imitable Glen Ford once wrote, “When, in fact, they answer to the same master and must pursue the same general strategy.”

Grace Dean at Bloomberg writes, “The financial-services sector gave $982.8 million in party-coded contributions across 2019 and 2020 through both individual employee donations and PACs, the report said. Of this, 47% went to Republicans and 53% went to Democrats.”

The GOP is the blunter interpretation of capitalist greed and id. It is a party now of white nationalists, and nihilism to a degree, a party of crass businessmen and white resentment that had been allowed to fester since Reagan’s rise to political infamy. That said, the Democrat party leadership itself, along with Biden, who has a long illustrious career of being a conservative pro-segregation type, are beholden to financial and other business interests. Because of such interests and their support for the party’s top-tier, progressive policies on labor, on empire, on issues surrounding migration and reproductive rights will never come about, let alone see the light of day when it comes to some reform in Congress, the so-called house of the people.

Massive changes in government policy won’t happen so long as the U.S. left works within the party system, thus allowing the masses to do the same, voting in candidates all the while private enterprise and industry amasses more and more power for itself. Instead, if the left is serious about improving the lives of the masses, especially black and brown, there is no other avenue towards that end apart from disrupting the daily churn of major corporations and businesses and those government agencies that prioritize their interests.



Finding Your Whiteness in a Time of Crisis: The Reeducation of Norman Finkelstein


by Jon Jeter

Norman Finkelstein was a highly respected academic, but his latest book is a racist "544-page temper tantrum." 

Norman Finkelstein first crossed my radar nearly 20 years ago, if memory serves, when a Stanford University professor introduced me to his 2000 book, The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering, which contends that Elie Wiesel and his ilk have appropriated the murder of six million Jews to extort Western support for the Zionist project.

But if the book was a revelation, so too was the author. Despite possessing a voice that sounds approximately like two seals fornicating while dragging their claws against a chalkboard, Finkelstein, the Jewish son of Holocaust survivors, impressed me with his ferocious advocacy of Palestinians living under Israeli occupation. My admiration only deepened in 2007 when the Harvard Law Professor (and uber Zionist) Alan Dershowitz pressured administrators at Depaul – a Jesuit University in Chicago with a middling reputation– to deny tenure to Finkelstein.

I recall watching a televised interview with Finkelstein after he had reached a settlement with the university, and although he was clearly still nursing deep wounds from the ordeal, invoked his “hero” Paul Robeson, who had endured far worse. I remember him taking a deep breath and concluding:

“So I’ll be okay.”

It was a statement of uncommon grace, and moved me visibly, so much in fact, that my girlfriend at the time would accuse me of having a “man-crush” on Finkelstein.

I pleaded the fifth.



Mexico's AMLO Calls Out US 'Oligarchy' at Biden's Democracy Summit


by Ben Norton

Mexico’s leftist President Andrés Manuel López Obrador used the US government’s “Summit for Democracy” to indirectly call out Washington’s hypocrisy: “The oligarchy reigns with the façade of democracy”, he said, calling for “greater equality” and “separation of economic and political power."



The European Union's Digital Trade Rules: Undermining European Policy to Rein in Big Tech


by Deborah James / Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR)

Executive Summary

This report shows how Big Tech companies are working to constrain the ability of EU democratic bodies to regulate their activities in the public interest through “trade” agreements, which are binding and permanent. 

Digitalization is the defining economic transformation of our time. The benefits to society are well-known, but the harms caused from the expansion of Big Tech’s are still being understood. The EU has started to recognise the urgent need rein in some of Big Tech’s most pernicious practices. The Digital Services Act (DSA), the Digital Markets Act (DMA), along with the Data Act, the Data Governance Act (DGA) and the Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act) are first steps towards ensuring that the digital sector of the economy operates under the same framework of fair play and the public interest as the rest of the economy. 

The same EU that is advancing new laws governing the digital economy is promoting a digital trade policy that contradicts, and would severely constrain, current and future public interest policymaking in the EU and beyond. 

Through a number of bilateral and regional trade agreements Big Tech is seeking to maintain a policy environment which favors private control of technological resources and practices, and data, for supernormal profit. Control over data – and in particular, the ability to transfer data across borders – and keeping their algorithms or source codes secret are the top goals of Big Tech in any “digital trade” agreement. 




The So Far Non-Existent Vulkan Leaks


by Craig Murray

Thirty named journalists at three major papers are covering “bombshell” revelations about Russian cyberattacks in a manner worth examining.   

The GuardianThe Washington Post and Der Spiegel have today published “bombshell” revelations about Russian cyber warfare based on leaked documents, but have produced only one single, rather innocuous leaked document between them (in The Washington Post), with zero links to any.


Where are these documents and what do they actually say? Der Spiegel tells us:

“This is all chronicled in 1,000 secret documents that include 5,299 pages full of project plans, instructions and internal emails from Vulkan from the years 2016 to 2021. Despite being all in Russian and extremely technical in nature, they provide unique insight into the depths of Russian cyberwarfare plans.”


Ok, So where are they?


The media houses have cooperated on the leaks, and the articles have been produced by large teams of journalists in each individual publication.


The Guardian article is by Luke Harding, Stilyana Simeonova, Manisha Ganguly and Dan Sabbagh. The Washington Post Article is by Craig Timberg, Ellen Nakashima, Hannes Munzinga and Hakan Tanriverdi. Der Spiegel’s article is by 22 named journalists!


So that is 30 named journalists, with each publication deploying a large team to produce its own article.

And yet if you read through those three articles, you cannot help but note they are (ahem) remarkably similar.

From Der Spiegel:

“ ‘These documents suggest that Russia sees attacks on civilian critical infrastructure and social media manipulation as one-and-the-same mission, which is essentially an attack on the enemy’s will to fight,’ says John Hultquist, a leading expert on Russian cyberwarfare and vice president of intelligence analysis at Mandiant, an IT security company.”


From The Washington Post:

“ ‘These documents suggest that Russia sees attacks on civilian critical infrastructure and social media manipulation as one and the same mission, which is essentially an attack on the enemy’s will to fight,’ said John Hultquist, the vice president for intelligence analysis at the cybersecurity firm Mandiant.”


From The Guardian:

“John Hultquist, the vice-president of intelligence analysis at the cybersecurity firm Mandiant, which reviewed selections of the material at the request of the consortium, said: ‘These documents suggest that Russia sees attacks on civilian critical infrastructure and social media manipulation as one and the same mission, which is essentially an attack on the enemy’s will to fight.’ ”


Note that it is not just the central Hultquist quote which is the same. In each case the teams of 30 journalists have very slightly altered a copy-and-pasted entire paragraph.



The ICC’s Selective Prosecution

ICC Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan during a conversation in Brussels with E.U. foreign ministers that included the investigation of war crimes in Ukraine. (Raoul Somers/Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs,CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons)


by Marjorie Cohn

On March 17, a little more than one year after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Karim Khan, chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), announced that the Pre-Trial Chamber (PTC) had issued an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin for the commission of war crimes in Ukraine. The PTC also issued an arrest warrant for Maria Lvova-Belova, commissioner for children’s rights in the Office of the President of the Russian Federation, for the same war crimes.

While the U.S. celebrates the arrest warrant against Putin, it has pressured the ICC to refrain from prosecuting Israelis and Americans. There is a double standard in the ICC’s treatment of the situations in Ukraine and Palestine. This is largely due to political coercion by the United States, which isn’t even a party to the ICC’s Rome Statute.

The PTC confirmed that there are “reasonable grounds” to believe that Putin and Lvova-Belova unlawfully deported and transferred “at least hundreds of” Ukrainian children from occupied areas of Ukraine to the Russian Federation, in violation of article 8(2)(a)(vii) and article 8(2)(b)(viii) of the Rome Statute.

Khan had opened an investigation into the situation in Ukraine on Feb. 28, 2022, finding a “reasonable basis to believe that both alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity have been committed in Ukraine.” The arrest warrants were issued one year later — lightning speed for the ICC.

Contrast that with the ICC’s handling of the investigation of war crimes in Palestine.

After Seven Years, No Charges . . .



“The crumbling of international law”


with Rein Müllerson, Alexander Mercouris and Glenn Diesen





China's Historical Destiny Is to Stand With the Third World


by Vijay Prashad / Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research

On 20 March 2023, China’s President Xi Jinping and Russia’s President Vladimir Putin spent over four hours in private conversation. According to official statements after the meeting, the two leaders talked about the increasing economic and strategic partnership between China and Russia – including building the Power of Siberia 2 pipeline – and the Chinese peace initiative for the war in Ukraine. Putin said that ‘many of the provisions of the peace plan put forward by China are consonant with Russian approaches and can be taken as the basis for a peaceful settlement when the West and Kiev are ready for it’.

These steps towards peace have not received a warm welcome in Washington. Ahead of Xi’s visit to Moscow, John Kirby, the spokesperson for the US National Security Council, declared that any ‘call for a ceasefire’ in Ukraine by China and Russia would be ‘unacceptable’. As details of the meeting emerged, US officials reportedly expressed fear that the world might embrace China and Russia’s efforts to secure a peaceful resolution and end the war. The Atlantic powers are, in fact, redoubling their efforts to prolong the conflict.

On the day of the meeting between Xi and Putin, the United Kingdom’s minister of state at the Ministry of Defence, Baroness Annabel Goldie, told the House of Lords that ‘[a]longside our granting of a squadron of Challenger 2 main battle tanks to Ukraine, we will be providing ammunition including armour-piercing rounds which contain depleted uranium’. Goldie’s statement came on the twentieth anniversary of the US-UK invasion of Iraq, in which the West used depleted uranium on the Iraqi population to deleterious effect. In reference to the UK’s provision of depleted uranium to Ukrainian forces, Putin said that ‘it seems that the West really has decided to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian – no longer in words, but in deeds’. In response, Putin said that Russia would deploy tactical nuclear weapons to Belarus.



Milley Says the US Should Attack Iran's IRGC Quds Force

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III, Army Gen. Mark A. Milley, chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff; and Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) Michael J. McCord provide testimony at a Senate Armed Services Committee budget hearing, Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C., March 28, 2023. (DoD photo by Chad J. McNeeley)


by Dave DeCamp / Antiwar.com

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley told Congress on Wednesday that the US should be targeting Iran’s Quds Force, a branch of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), following a drone attack in Syria that killed a US contractor.

“We do know that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard [Corps], and specifically their Quds Force … that group there is what we need to be targeting, and targeting them very harshly over time, and that’s exactly what we plan on doing,” Milley said, according to Al-Monitor.

The Pentagon said the drone that hit a US base in Syria last week was of “Iranian origin” but provided no evidence for the claim. President Biden ordered airstrikes against facilities the Pentagon said were used by groups affiliated with the IRGC, referring to Shia militias that operate in Syria.

According to Iranian media, Tehran denies that the US targeted facilities aligned with Iran and says the airstrikes hit a “rural development center and a grain center.” The Pentagon later claimed the strikes targeted “two IRGC-Quds Force targets” and estimated at least eight militants were killed in the airstrikes, but said they weren’t Iranian. Other unconfirmed reports put the death toll at 19.



Watch “'I Don't Believe You': Tom Cotton Accuses Sec. Lloyd Austin Of Withholding Information”






Atlanta's "Cop City" is a Blueprint for America's Future


with Taya Graham and  Stephen Janis / The Real News Network




Sub-Imperialism and Multipolarity: Brazil’s Dilemma


by Justin Podur

In the Open Veins of Latin America Eduardo Galeano described an 1870 genocidal war of regime change waged on Paraguay by a Triple Alliance of its neighbors, Argentina, Uruguay, and Brazil, on behalf of British imperialism. The target, nationalist president Solano Lopez, died in battle. The country lost 56,000 square miles of territory. Paraguay’s population was reduced by 83.3 percent. By the end, Galeano wrote: “Brazil had performed the role the British had assigned it.” Before the intervention, “Paraguay had telegraphs, a railroad, and numerous factories manufacturing construction materials, textiles, linens, ponchos, paper and ink, crockery, and gunpowder… the Ibycui foundry made guns, mortars, and ammunition of all calibers… the steel industry… belonged to the state. The country had a merchant fleet… the state virtually monopolized foreign trade; it supplied yerba mate and tobacco to the southern part of the continent and exported valuable woods to Europe… With a strong and stable currency, Paraguay was wealthy enough to carry out great public works without recourse to foreign capital… Irrigation works, dams and canals, and new bridges and roads substantially helped to raise agricultural production. The native tradition of two crops a year, abandoned by the conquistadors, was revived.” After the war: “it was not only the population and great chunks of territory that disappeared, but customs tariffs, foundries, rivers closed to free trade, and economic independence… Everything was looted and everything was sold: lands and forests, mines, yerba mate farms, school buildings.”

Summarizing all this, Galeano wrote: “Paraguay has the double burden of imperialism and subimperialism.”

Subimperialism,” Galeano continued, “has a thousand faces.” Paraguayan soldiers joined an intervention against the Dominican Republic in 1965, under the command of a Brazilian general, Panasco Alvim. Paraguay “gave Brazil an oil concession on its territory, but the fuel distribution and petrochemical business [was] in U.S. hands.” The U.S. also controlled the university, the army, and the black market as well, of which Galeano wrote: “Through open contraband channels, Brazilian industrial products invade the Paraguayan market, but the Sao Paulo factories that produce them have belonged to U.S. corporations since the denationalizing avalanche of recent years.”

Elaborating on Brazil’s sub-imperial function since 1964, Galeano wrote: “A very influential military clique pictures the country as the great administrator of U.S. interests in the region, and calls on Brazil to become the same sort of boss over the south as the [U.S.] is over Brazil itself.”

Ruy Mauro Marini Analyzes the Phenomenon . . .




Boomerang – Big Business Style


by Ralph Nader

One measure of corporate power’s dominance is its 24/7 relentless, profit-driven capacity to strike back and prevail over reforms or other efforts designed to give the people voice and fairness.

Here are some examples that should give us pause in touting civic victories:

A few years ago, during lunch with the formidable, creative Brian Lamb – founder of C-Span, I asked whether, after decades of blanket coverage of Congressional sessions, accessible to millions of people, Congress was an improved institution. After all, as Justice Louis Brandeis once wrote: “sunlight is the best disinfectant.” His reply: “No.” Such is the ever-growing grip of corporate lobbyists directly on and inside Congress, compared to the unorganized sovereign people back home.

The massive government investment in developing important pharmaceuticals over the decades, followed by free giveaways of these discoveries to drug companies, was supposed to reduce the corporate cost of discovering and testing new medicines and thereby reduce what companies like Pfizer, Merck and Eli Lilly would charge patients. No way – Americans, who paid for these discoveries, are charged record-high prices for pharmaceuticals – higher than in any other country in the world.

To add insult to injury, American drug firms exported production of many of these medicines to China and India for importing back to the U.S. for a greater profit than might come from U.S. production. One result – the national security nightmare of our country not producing any antibiotics here at home!

During the second Bush Administration, Congress cut the tax rate sharply to induce U.S. companies to bring home tens of billions of stored dollars in return for businesses promising to invest this money in productive enterprise and wage gains. Result – A double-cross. Instead, the companies bought back their own stock, pumped up executive compensation and funded mergers.

Years ago, Congress passed legislation allowing business corporations to deduct up to ten percent of their taxable income for charitable contributions. The lawmakers thought this would unleash large sums of money to help the needy in addition to educational and civic initiatives.

Result: Only a tiny number of major corporations exceed the one percent level of charitable donations. Hugely profitable companies give to charitable activities at a fraction of one percent. Apple is one of them, headed by CEO Tim Cook who makes $833 A MINUTE!

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) does not require companies to disclose their percentage of charitable contributions. Institutional and individual shareholders should introduce resolutions to compel the top brass to do so. Such resolutions should win a majority of votes and open the door to the shame and embarrassment of stingy companies. In such a “soft area,” this may be enough to spring tens of billions of dollars for “good works.” Wake up perpetrators of “good works!” All you have to lose is your perennial red ink.

President Bill Clinton produced another unintended boomerang when in 1993, he got through Congress a revenue rule prohibiting deductibility for any corporate boss who received annual compensation above $1 million a year. However, the rule came with a giant “loophole.” As Sarah Anderson of the Institute for Policy Studies wrote in a report you should read (https://ips-dc.org/executive-excess-2016-wall-street-ceo-bonus-loophole/): “So-called ‘performance’ pay, including stock options and certain bonuses, would be exempted from the deductibility cap.”

Result: Executive compensation via deviously calculated stock options and bonuses skyrocketed, and, combined with a Reaganite elimination of SEC restrictions over stock buybacks in 1982, led to the gigantic waste of trillions of dollars of corporate profits poured (shareholder money) into unproductive stock buybacks.

Corporate bosses have a personal interest in stock buybacks. As Steve Clifford showed in his book The CEO Pay Machine: How It Trashes America and How to Stop It, the bosses developed metrics for raising their pay that just happened to coincide with the stock buyback and stock option racket.

The emergence of the Pentagon-developed Internet was supposed to even a playing field between the haves and the have-nots by making access, retrieval, and transfer of knowledge and informed advocacy virtually free. It was supposed to give power to the people.

Result: Addictive trivia to the masses, information overload and the rise of the Wardens of the Internet Gulag – Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and the rest of these unregulated control freaks who distribute your personal information anywhere in the world for big profits.




“Soviet-Chinese Style Censorship Happening In America!”


with Jimmy Dore




Watch “Louisiana Sues Biden For Censoring Americans’ Free Speech”


with Jimmy Dore




Jeremy Corbyn Leaves Labour Party, Will Run As Independent!


with Jimmy Dore





News from Underground by Mark Crispin Miller

“In memory of those who "died suddenly" in the United States and worldwide, March 27-April 3, 2023”


by Mark Crispin Miller



“Another Norfolk Southern train derails in Ohio”


by Mark Crispin Miller

You heard it here first: All those "accidental" spills of toxic chemicals could soon "explain" why millions of Americans have cancer (from their "vaccinations")

Either shipping personnel from coast to coast are SUDDENLY incompetent, or all such "accidents" are quite on purpose, and in keeping with the globalist campaign to kill us off, and end America



“Pope Francis hospitalized with "heart problems" (and/or lung infection); Berlusconi has leukemia; Labour MP Luke Pollard has skin cancer; singer John Farnham has mouth cancer”


by Mark Crispin Miller

Spanish footballer Sergio Aguero's arrhythmia during Twitch stream, Juanfran Moreno's kidney failure; Aussie footballer Jai Serong's "heart problems"; Brazilian footballer Carlos falls ill mid-game



“New US Vit D research”


with Dr. Joseph Campbell




“Mass Formation Psychosis?”


with Rising, The Hill TV


Joe Rogan : “Big Pharma BRAINWASHED The Left, Created MASS FORMATION PSYCHOSIS.”




The Corbett Report: Open Source Intelligence News


by James Corbett



The Defender – April 5, 2023

Children’s Health Defense- News &Views




The Defender – April 7, 2023

Children’s Health Defense- News &Views


CDH.TV - April 10, 2023
Children’s Health Ddefense, Live, Video, Audio





 “Russia is still complicit in the Great Reset”


by Edward Slavsquat

"Russia & the Great Reset - Resistance or Complicity?" — one year later



“BRICS rising as neocons destroy the west”


with Alex Christforou, Alexander Mercouris, and Jeffrey Sachs





Friday Funnies: “The True Nature of Government”


by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Mr" Conspiracy Theory is at it again...