Bulletin N° 1105





Grenoble, France

June 7, 2023




Subject : Update: The Politics of Censorship, Past and Present.




Dear Colleagues and Friends of CEIMSA,

We take this opportunity, while presenting the Alternative Anglophone social media articles and essays this week, to inform readers of the struggle which continues to develop in the UK and the USA against censorship as described in three items received in recent mails from Mark Crispin Miller, Jimmy Dore, and CJ Hopkins:


 “The latest on my libel suit at New York University, and why the outcome matters to us all (CORRECTED)”


by Mark Crispin Miller

My case is ironclad. In order to dismiss it, a lower court has set a precedent that poses a grave threat to academic freedom and free speech in the United States

Mark Crispin Miller


“How The Guardian Newspaper Became A Pro-War Garbage Rag.”
with Jimmy Dore and Matt Kennard


“An Open Letter to Ella Irwin, Head of Twitter’s Trust and Safety (and Censorship) Department”
by CJ Hopkins


Crisis capitalism exists as the leitmotif for the political and cultural expressions of class struggle and its many sublimations and circuitous evasions. 



The following 21 + items are articles and essays from the Alternative Anglophone social media, many of which acknowledge the efforts at censorship imposed by the technology produced by the late capitalist state on journalists, investigative reporters, as well as scientists and artists in support of today’s dominant ideology of “population control,” (i.e. eugenics, genocide, and war-for-private-profit) – old, senile ideals which spring anew from today’s ruling class interests.




Francis McCollum Feeley


Professeur honoraire de l'Université Grenoble-Alpes
Ancien Directeur des Researches
Université de Paris-Nanterre
Director of The Center for the Advanced Study
of American Institutions and Social Movements
The University of California-San Diego





Watch “Kissinger at 100: New War Crimes Revealed in Secret Cambodia Bombing That Set Stage for Forever Wars”


with Nick Turse and Greg Grandin


A bombshell new investigation from The Intercept reveals that former U.S. national security adviser and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger was responsible for even more civilian deaths during the U.S. war in Cambodia than was previously known. The revelations add to a violent résumé that ranges from Latin America to Southeast Asia, where Kissinger presided over brutal U.S. military interventions to put down communist revolt and to develop U.S. influence around the world. While survivors and family members of these deadly campaigns continue to grieve, Kissinger celebrates his 100th birthday this week. “This adds to the list of killings and crimes that Henry Kissinger should, even at this very late date in his life, be asked to answer for,” says The Intercept’s Nick Turse, author of the new investigation, Kissinger’s Killing Fields. We also speak with Yale University’s Greg Grandin, author of Kissinger’s Shadow: The Long Reach of America’s Most Controversial Statesman.



Video: A Jewish-Russian Proxy President: Zelensky Transformed into a Nazi?


by Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Silview Media


Absolutely stunning,

An Astute Intelligence Op.

A Russian Jew transformed into a Nazi?

See the video below. 


Zelensky is Jewish. He supports the Nazi Azov Battalion, the two Nazi parties, which have committed countless atrocities against the Jewish community in Ukraine.  

He belongs to a Russian-Jewish family. He was brought up as a native Russian speaker, who until recently was not fluent in Ukrainian. 

And now this Jewish-Russian proxy president wants to “ban everything Russian”, including the Russian language, the Russian media, the teaching of Russian in the schools.

He has been instructed by Washington to lead Kiev’s Neo-Nazi government, which is portrayed by the U.S. mainstream media including the NYT as a democracy. 

Zelensky also plans to ban Russian composers including Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev, Shostakovich, Borodin, Glinka, Rimsky-Korsakov, and many more.

He has ordered the removal of 100 million books by Russian authors, including Tolstoy, Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Gorky, from Ukraine’s libraries.

Meanwhile, the Kiev neo-Nazi regime (supported by US-NATO) has endorsed the writings of Stepan Bandera as well as Adolph Hitler’s Mein Kampf

Zelensky has also betrayed his family. Many of his relatives were the victims of the Nazi holocaust.  

In a twisted irony, days before he assumed office, “he …laid flowers on the grave of his grandfather, Semyon Ivanovich Zelensky, who fought in the Soviet Union’s Red Army during World War II”.

It was May 9 — Victory Day in Ukraine — and a day of “thanksgiving,” he wrote in a Facebook post.

“[Semyon] went through the whole war and remain[s] forever in my memory one of those heroes who defended Ukraine from the Nazis,” he wrote. “Thanks for the fact that the inhuman ideology of Nazism is forever a thing of the past.

Thanks to those who fought against Nazism — and won.”  (quoted in Washington Post, emphasis added)

High Treason.

My Grandfather: “one of those heroes who defended Ukraine from the Nazis”. 

What a liar and a criminal,

Sponsored by America and Europe, Zelensky is promoting Nazism in Ukraine. 



Ukraine Admits Murdering "Quite a Few" Russian Civilians Who Back Putin and His Invasion


by Zero Hedge

A senior Ukrainian official has admitted that his country has assassinated “quite a few” Russian civilians who support Putin and his war to assert control of the Donbas region. In interviews first reported by The Times of London, Major General Kyrylo Budanov, who heads Ukraine’s military intelligence service, also promised more attacks are to come. 

“We’ve already successfully targeted quite a few people,” said Budanov. He didn’t name any of the victims, but said “there have been well-publicized cases everyone knows about, thanks to the media coverage.”

Since the February 2022 invasion of Ukraine, several prominent Russian supporters of the invasion — and many innocent bystanders — have been killed or wounded in the campaign. 

One of the most prominent such attacks happened last August, when a car bomb killed journalist Darya Dugina — in a possible attempt to kill her father, the political scientist-philosopher Aleksandr Dugin. 

Like her father, Darya was a vocal supporter of Putin and his invasion. Both she and her father were sanctioned by the United States after the war began. Given her profile, it’s possible Ukraine may have intentionally murdered her in a sinister two-for-one act of punishment.  


Read more: Ukraine: A Wider War Is in Prospect?


Most recently, novelist Zakhar Prielepin was wounded in a May 6 car-bombing, and Russian military blogger Vladen Tatarsky was killed at an April public appearance after a woman presented him a statuette with a bomb concealed inside it. Fifteen others were injured. 



“Total Indirect Death Toll in the U.S. ‘War on Terror’ is 4.5 Million”

by Bharat Dogra

When the Brown University (USA) based Costs of War project had estimated the direct deaths resulting from violence (actual fighting, bombing etc.) caused by the USA’s post 9/11 ‘War on Terror’ at about 920,000 (a little less than a million, or 0.9 million) then many people were shocked by this. However even at that time the project researchers had cautioned that this was merely the number of deaths which were directly caused in the conflicts. They had added that if all the indirect deaths related to the war on terror are also counted (for example deaths caused later by diseases resulting from destruction of sanitation and health facilities in the bombings), then the number of these deaths may turn out to be much higher, in fact it may be several times more.

Now, in mid-May, this project has also released its estimates of the indirect deaths caused in the War on Terror. These indirectly caused deaths have been estimated at 3.6 to 3.7 million. If these are added to the direct deaths caused earlier, the total number of deaths in the War on Terror goes up to 4.5 million to 4.6 million. So the total number of deaths is about 5 times the number of direct deaths.



“Rearmament & Europe’s Welfare”

“The Whirling Ear” by Alexander Calder, Mont des Arts, Brussels, 2019. (Ninara/Flickr, CC BY 2.0)


by Patrick Lawrence

Let’s see how Europeans respond when they are told their peace dividend is henceforth to be spent on the machinery of war — when it’s “howitzers instead of hospitals” now, as a New York Times article puts it.  

Maybe you recall all the post–Cold War talk of a “peace dividend” and maybe you don’t: It depends on when you took up residence on this mortal coil.

The term arose as the Soviet Union disintegrated and was commonly mentioned during George H.W. Bush’s presidency, 1989–1993. A dramatic reduction in defense spending, and a corresponding increase in expenditures on education, health care, and so on, was put around as one of Bush I’s outstanding achievements. That was the peace dividend. 

The thing you need to know about all the talk of a peace dividend back then is that it was all talk. And the thing you need to know now, with Cold War II in more or less full swing and the proxy war against Russia raging in Ukraine, is that there is no longer any need to know anything about the peace dividend.

As we speak, it takes its place as an artifact of another time, a curiosity in the way of … what? … maybe Eisenhower’s promise of free electricity in his “Atoms for Peace” speech, delivered at the United Nations in 1953. 

The New York Times published a remarkable piece on this topic last week under the headline, “The ‘Peace Dividend’ Is Over in Europe. Now Come the Hard Tradeoffs.” There are two ways to read this lengthy report, text and subtext. 

On one hand, it tells us exactly what the headline promises: European leaders, in response to the Ukraine crisis, now plan to dump a lot more money into the weapons of war and a lot less into the social-democratic apparatus — welfare programs, social programs, cultural programs — in which European citizens have long taken pride. 

On the other, this piece has a special message for Americans: There shall be no more daydreaming about how good the Danes or the French have it. The military-industrial complex has crossed the Atlantic. Neoliberalism has won. It is indeed the end of history.

It is “TINA” time: “There is no alternative,” as Margaret Thatcher famously used to say. The future will be no different from the present. 



Did Bellingcat get Ukrainian forces killed?


by Kit Klarenberg



Elon Musk is right: Bellingcat is a Western ‘psy-op’


by Aaron Maté

The Twitter CEO draws establishment media outrage for criticizing a NATO state propaganda outfit.

Twitter CEO Elon Musk has triggered headlines by claiming that the website Bellingcat, a trusted source for establishment US media outlets, engages in “psyops.”

Musk invoked Bellingcat’s role in “psychological operations” while expressing skepticism about the group’s claims that the mass shooter in Allen, Texas was motivated by white supremacist views. Prominent voices came forward to defend Bellingcat as a “a great journalistic organization” (CNN anchor Jake Tapper), and “a treasure trove of hugely important investigative journalism” (Yale professor Timothy Snyder).

While the available evidence supports Bellingcat’s findings about the Allen gunman, Musk is correct about the group overall. With complete uniformity, Bellingcat’s media cheerleaders omit that the group is funded by NATO states and their contractors. And just as Musk suggested, Bellingcat has regularly promoted propaganda that advances its backers’ foreign policy objectives.

Since 2017, Bellingcat’s top financial donors have included the National Endowment for Democracy, a U.S. government organization founded by Ronald Reagan’s CIA chief, Bill Casey. From its inception, the NED has served as a front for US intelligence operations, including destabilization and regime change in targeted states. “A lot of what we do today was done covertly twenty-five years ago by the CIA,” the NED’s first director, Allen Weinstein, told the Washington Post in 1991. NED board members have included veteran neoconservative bureaucrats Elliott Abrams and Victoria Nuland.

The NED conceals its funding for Bellingcat, to the point where a search of its database does not return any results. For several years, Bellingcat also refused to specify its NED funding, until finally admitting that the US government organization was its highest “non-profit” donor: more than €112,000 in 2020 and €212,000 in 2021. (Bellingcat has potentially received more NED funding via other conduits, according to Declassified UK).

Bellingcat takes in more money from other Western governments and cut-outs, including the Dutch Postcode Lottery. Bellingcat was a founding partner in the Open Information Partnership (OIP), which is funded by the UK government’s Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office, FCDO. Another OIP partner, Zinc Network, which is funded by the UK and US governments, has given Bellingcat at least €160,000.

Bellingcat also rakes in donations from firms that profit from from NATO-backed regime change operations. These include the scandal-plagued foreign aid profiteer Adam Smith International (ASI), one of the largest recipients of UK government contracts abroad. In 2017, a UK government agency suspended all future contracts with the company over what it called “inappropriate” conduct and “serious lack of judgement”, including fabricating glowing testimonials about its aid services. As The Grayzone has reported, ASI and another private Bellingcat donor, Chemonics, have received Western contracts to aid and abet sectarian insurgents in the regime change war against Syria.

A number of Bellingcat’s staffers and contributors have NATO intelligence and military backgrounds, including the UK army, the GCHQ, the Royal United Services Institute, the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, and the Pentagon.

Bellingcat founder Eliot Higgins spent several years as a Nonresident Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council, the arms industry and government-funded think tank that serves as NATO’s de-facto lobbying arm in Washington. During his tenure, Higgins encouraged the US government to make better use of open-source data, which happened to become Bellingcat’s professed specialization. Higgins’ collaborators at the Atlantic Council included John E. Herbst, the former US Ambassador to Ukraine; Frederic Hof, a former US special envoy to Syria who has vocally advocated regime change there; and Ben Nimmo, a former NATO press officer who now serves as “Global Lead for Threat Intelligence” at Facebook’s parent company Meta.

While partnering with a network of NATO state sources and receiving their lavish funding, Bellingcat’s own state partners have privately raised doubts about the group’s credibility. A leaked assessment produced for the UK Foreign Office by Zinc Network concluded that: “Bellingcat was somewhat discredited, both by spreading disinformation itself, and by being willing to produce reports for anyone willing to pay.”

When I shared Zinc’s leaked assessment on Twitter this week, Higgins responded by characteristically blaming Russia.

“I was told,” Higgins wrote, that “a third party organisation who put together this report based it on a Sputnik article and a claim by a Russian journalist.”




CIA Officers Admitted the Agency Ran Drug Traffic During Indochina Wars


by Jeremy Kuzmarov



“Messing With the Merchants of Death”


by Jack Gilroy



“The Truth is Coming Out: Warning! The United States Is BEING DESTROYED From Within”


with Col. Douglas Macgregor


 Colonel Douglas Macgregor shares devastating details about the Ukraine-Russia war, but also outlines the danger facing the United States financial system, government, corporate donor corruption and the military-industrial-congressional complex. The corruption within the US government has reached a dangerous and sickening level.



Zelensky travels, Zaluzhny's star fading, Intel Chief Budanov gains power


with Alex Christoforou and Alexander Mercouris




“Ukraine's neoliberalism on steroids, Europe’s economic suicideC


with Radhika Desai, Michael Hudson, and economic geographer Mick Dunford




The EU Can’t Keep Its Story Straight About U.S Sanctions against the Import of Russian Fuel


by  Andrew Korybko

The EU only has two choices when it comes to India selling refined Russian fuel: it can either retain the present arrangement for the pragmatic sake of all parties’ pecuniary interests, or it can ban the import of these products for ideological reasons at the expense of the aforesaid.

EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell sparked a scandal earlier this week when he criticized India for selling refined Russian fuel to Europe, ominously warning that “we have to act.” This implied threat prompted Indian External Affairs Minister Dr. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar to remind everyone to “Look at EU Council regulations, Russian crude is substantially transformed in the third country and not treated as Russian anymore. I would urge you to look at Council’s Regulation 833/2014.”

Borrell responded shortly after by sharing “Some Clarifications On The Circumvention Of EU Sanctions Against Russia” on the European External Action Service website. According to him, “The EU’s measures have no extraterritorial effect, meaning they only apply to European entities.” He also reaffirmed that “Once refined, these products are no longer treated as Russian but as Indian and we cannot prevent Indian refineries selling them to an EU operator, or to an intermediary.”

Nevertheless, Borrell then added that


See also. BRICS++ Plan to Undermine US Dollar Hegemony: Italy-Algeria: The Extraordinary “Mined Bridge”, Useful for Energy Supply to Europe?

“We in the EU don’t buy Russian oil, but we buy the diesel obtained by refining this Russian oil somewhere else. This has the effect of circumventing our sanctions and our member states should take measures to deal with this.”



UK media admits, 'shock and awe' sanctions have failed


with Alex Christoforou and Alexaqncder Mercouris




“The Ukraine Refugee Question”


by Seymour Hersh

Last Saturday the Washington Post published an exposé of classified American intelligence documents showing that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, working behind the back of the Biden White House, pushed hard earlier this year for an expanded series of missile attacks inside Russia. The documents were part of a large cache of classified materials posted online by an Air Force enlisted man now in custody. A senior official of the Biden administration, asked by the Post for comment on the newly revealed intelligence, said that Zelensky has never violated his pledge never to use American weapons to strike inside Russia. In the view of the White House, Zelensky can do no wrong. 

Zelensky’s desire to take the war to Russia may not be clear to the president and senior foreign policy aides in the White House, but it is to those in the American intelligence community who have found it difficult to get their intelligence and their assessments a hearing in the Oval Office. Meanwhile, the slaughter in the city of Bakhmut continues. It is similar in idiocy, if not in numbers, to the slaughter in Verdun and the Somme during World War I. The men in charge of today’s war—in Moscow, Kiev, and Washington—have shown no interest even in temporary ceasefire talks that could serve as a prelude to something permanent. The talk now is only about the possibilities of a late spring or summer offensive by either party.

But something else is cooking, as some in the American intelligence community know and have reported in secret, at the instigation of government officials at various levels in Poland, Hungary, Lithuania, Estonia, Czechoslovakia, and Latvia. These countries are all allies of Ukraine and declared enemies of Vladimir Putin.

This group is led by Poland, whose leadership no longer fears the Russian army because its performance in Ukraine has left the glow of its success at Stalingrad during the Second World War in tatters. It has been quietly urging Zelensky to find a way to end the war—even by resigning himself, if necessary—and to allow the process of rebuilding his nation to get under way. Zelensky is not budging, according to intercepts and other data known inside the Central Intelligence Agency, but he is beginning to lose the private support of his neighbors.



“Odessa and Kharkiv fall under Russian control and authority”


with Col. Douglas Macgregor


Col Douglas Macgregor Straight Calls - Ukraine news today and in-depth discussion of current geopolitical events in the United States of America. Colonel Douglas Macgregor's Ukraine Russia war update, Russian offensive, Ukraine counter offensive, Ukraine latest news, Ukraine war news, Ukraine war video footage, Ukraine Russia news, Russia Ukraine war update and Ukraine war 2023.



Where Did All the Money Go? Ukraine's Organized Military Loses Major Stronghold City to Russian Mercenaries


by Jordan Schachtel


Five months ago to this day, Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelensky delivered what has now become an infamous address to the U.S. Congress. During his speech, Zelensky boldly declared the city of Bakhmut as his country’s “stronghold in the east,” adding, “the fight for Bakhmut will change the trajectory of our war for independence and for freedom.”

Zelensky then presented Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris with a flag he claimed was from soldiers in Bakhmut, which at the time was a hotly contested battle ground. He said to thunderous applause:

See also: Video: Ukraine War: The Battle for Bakhmut



“NATO’s Latest Stunt To Keep Ukraine War Going”


with Jimmy Dore


Former U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson recently traveled to Texas in an effort to maintain support among prominent elected Republicans for the Ukraine War. Johnson notably traveled to Kiev during the early days of the war to tell Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that the NATO powers would not support a peace deal with Russia.



Ukrainian banker offers cash for drone terror in Russia


by Alexander Rubinstein

Days before a failed drone assassination targeting Putin, Ukrainian banking baron Volodymyr Yatsenko offered a $500,000 bounty to any weapons maker able to land a drone in Red Square during Moscow’s upcoming Victory Day parade. 

On April 23, a Ukrainian drone laden with 30 Canadian-made C4 explosive blocks crashed near Rudnevo Industrial Park in Moscow. Ukraine-based operators deployed the 37 LB arsenal in a failed bid to assassinate Russian President Vladimir Putin, who was scheduled to visit Rudnevo that day. 

The drone ultimately failed to hit its target, crashing roughly 12 miles from its intended destination. Russian media reported authorities discovered three similar unmanned aircrafts in the surrounding area. By the time the Canadian-manufactured bombs arrived in Moscow, the government in Ottawa had provided Kiev with nearly 6 billion dollars worth of aid to support Ukraine’s fight against Russia’s military. 



Ukrainian media asks 'who should be next' after car bombing of Russian writer


by Alexander Rubinstein

A Ukrainian media group partnered with BBC, Der Spiegel and other Western outlets polled readers on which Russian intellectual should be assassinated following a car bomb attack on writer Zakhar Prilepin. The Biden administration has greenlit Kiev’s campaign of terror.

Hours after Russian writer and activist Zakhar Prilepin was nearly killed in a targeted car bomb, a popular Ukrainian news agency submitted a poll that asked its readers, “Who do you think should be next in the Russian pantheon of scum propagandists?”

It’s open season on Russian intellectuals supportive of the government’s war effort, according to Ukrainian news agency UNIAN. Following a car bomb intended to kill Russian novelist Zakhar Prilepin in the Nizhny Novgorod region of Russia, the outlet polled its audience on Telegram, providing a list of names of prominent Russians that could be assassinated. 

Excluding the two reported assassination attempts on Russian President Vladimir Putin, Prilepin is the third high-profile Russian to be targeted for assassination by Ukrainian agents. His maiming follows the car bombing that killed Dariya Dugina, which was intended for her father, the Russian nationalist philosopher Alexander Dugin, and the bombing of a public event featuring Vladlen Tatarsky, who ran a popular Telegram channel. The Telegram post by UNIAN explicitly references Dugin, Tatarsky, and Prilepin.



Blowback: Italian police bust Azov-tied Nazi cell planning terror attacks


by Alexander Rubinstein, November 15, 2022

The arrest of Italian neo-Nazis affiliated with the Ukrainian Azov Battalion highlights the terrifying potential for blowback from the Ukraine proxy war

Italian police announced a series of raids against the neo-Nazi Order of Hagal organization. Accused of stockpiling weapons and planning terror attacks, the group has established operational ties to the Ukrainian Azov Battalion.

Five members of an Italian neo-Nazi organization known as the “Order of Hagal” were arrested on November 15th while an additional member remains wanted by authorities. He happened to be in Ukraine, fighting Russian forces alongside the Azov Battalion, which has been formally integrated into the Ukrainian military. 

The “Hagal” members are accused of plotting terrorist attacks on civilian and police targets. A sixth member of the Hagal group, now considered a fugitive, is in Ukraine and embedded with the Azov Battalion, a neo-Nazi paramilitary group that has been incorporated into the Ukrainian National Guard. 

Members of the Order of Hagal reportedly maintained “direct and frequent” contacts over Telegram with not just the Azov Battalion, but also the neo-Nazi Ukrainian military formations Right Sector and Centuria, “probably in the view of possible recruitment into the ranks of these fighting groups,” according to Italian media.

The police investigation was launched in 2019 and has included extensive computer searches and wiretapping; tactics which have revealed members of the group’s intent on carrying out violent acts in Italy. 



Neo-Nazi terror threat grows as Ukraine fighters jailed in France


by Kit Klarenberg, May 8, 2023

The arrest of two heavily armed French neo-Nazis returning from Ukraine highlights a looming problem for NATO states sponsoring the proxy war, and their conspiracy of silence on the nature of the threat.

On April 24th 2023, two French neo-Nazis were jailed for 15 months, nine of which were suspended, for possessing assault rifle ammunition. The pair had returned to Paris from Ukraine two days earlier, and were arrested at customs.

Both were on the radar of French domestic spying agency DGSI, which held files on them for endangering state security. According to the French outlet Mediapart, one was a veteran of Chasseurs Alpins (Alpine Hunters), France’s elite mountain infantry force. He was thrown out of the military after his neo-Nazi sympathies were exposed online. The other is a notorious local far-right activist.

As in many other Western countries, hundreds of French citizens have traveled to Kiev to take up arms against Russia since it invaded Ukraine in February 2022. According to the DGSI, at least 30 of the French foreign fighters are known fascists. 

This shocking outflow has failed to generate any English-language media interest, however, save for March 2022, when far-right militant Loïk Le Priol was deported home from Hungary en route to Ukraine, to face charges of murdering Argentinian rugby player Federico Martín Aramburú in Paris.

It was inevitable that some of the French Neo-Nazis who managed to make the journey to Kiev had pre-existing links with Azov Battalion, Ukraine’s notorious Neo-Nazi paramilitary. In January 2022, Paris banned the white supremacist group Zouaves. Its members had violently attacked anti-racist protesters disrupting a rally for far-right presidential candidate Eric Zemmour the previous month. The movement’s leader, Marc de Cacqueray-Valmenier, traveled to Ukraine in December 2019 to meet with representatives of Azov, and attend its training camps.

Since the war in Ukraine began, Ouest Casual, a still-extant Telegram channel linked to Zouaves, has published a steady stream of tributes to Ukrainian soldiers, repeatedly denouncing the “Asiatic contingents of Soviet imperialism once again sweeping across Europe,” and “Putin’s Islamist dogs,” in reference to Chechen fighters. Bordeaux Nationaliste, a violent Neo-Nazi group closely linked to Zouaves, has regularly organized collections of equipment for the fight.


Washington creates a powder keg in Kiev

The two newly jailed Neo-Nazis were reportedly “asked all day” by police following their arrest why they carried military equipment, possession of which is absolutely illegal under French law, into the country. An obvious answer is that the pair were planning to bring the terror of Ukraine’s battlefields back home with them.

In November, Alex Rubinstein reported for The Grayzone on how Italian police had arrested five members of the local neo-Nazi group, Order of Hagal, which maintains operational ties to Azov Battalion. They were stockpiling weapons, including ammunition, tactical gear, and a grenade launcher, and planning terror attacks. A sixth member, then-fighting alongside Azov in Ukraine, remained wanted.

The neo-Nazis had been monitored intensively by Italian authorities since 2019. One – reported to be “dangerously close to far-right Ukrainian Nationalist groups” – was planning an attack on a police station in Naples, while the fugitive Azov fighter had a shopping mall in the same city in his crosshairs.

In an intercepted January 2021 conversation, the former boasted he “would make a massacre like the one in New Zealand,” referring to the Christchurch spree shooter who murdered 51 Muslims two years earlier. That individual had emblazoned his flak jacket and the cover of his manifesto, which mentioned Ukraine, with Azov’s ubiquitous “black sun” logo. 

As a 2020 investigation by West Point Military Academy’s Combating Terrorism Center found, that manifesto became a popular online currency among Ukrainian paramilitary groups, and was even translated into Ukrainian and sold as a book by a 22-year-old living in Kiev. The Center noted that Ukraine “holds a particular attraction for white supremacists–ideologues, activists, and adventurers alike,” explicitly due to the emergence of Azov and other state-backed fascist elements.

It was the first time since the defeat of the Nazis that “an overtly far-right white nationalist militia” anywhere in the world was “publicly celebrated, openly organizing, and [had] friends in high places.” Support from Petro Poroshenko’s government and Ukrainian security services – “despite well-documented reports of human rights abuses” – was “electrifying to far-right individuals and groups in Europe, the United States, and further afield,” the investigation noted. Fascists duly flocked in droves to Kiev to join Azov, and/or receive training.

The US and its international vassals have been keen to encourage and facilitate the proliferation of neo-Nazism in Ukraine. Throughout the Cold War, the CIA and MI6 adopted a covert policy of encouraging ultra-nationalist elements in Ukraine to undermine communist rule. In the years after the US-backed 2014 Maidan coup, numerous far-right militias received high-level military training from Washington, London, and Ottawa. Support from the West has only increased since Russia’s invasion.

Two groups that received extensive practical and material support from NATO states in recent years are Centuria and Right Sector. The indicted members of Italy’s Order of Hagal reportedly maintained “direct and frequent” contacts with both, along with Azov, seeking “possible recruitment into the ranks of these fighting groups,” according to local media.


Well-established blowback from US covert ops in Europe . . . . 



Secret Document: Germany’s Bundeswehr is Preparing to Wage War on Russia


by Prof Michel Chossudovsky and news.de


While there are divisions within NATO, Germany’s Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock  –who assiduously studied foreign policy in Klaus Schwab’s WEF Forum of Young Global Leaders (YGL)– confirmed in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) (January 25, 2023), that Germany and its allies [NATO] are at war with Russia: 

“Baerbock’s comments come on the heels of nearly a year of direct Russophobic narrative, including openly declared plans for war with Russia.

In mid-November 2022, Der Spiegel published a leaked German Defense Ministry document [68 pages], revealing that the Bundeswehr is preparing for war with Russia [See below]

The secret document titled “Operational guidelines for the Armed Forces” was drafted by Germany’s Chief of Staff, General Eberhard Zorn. 

“He stressed the need for a “mega-reform” of the German military and clearly identified Russia as an “immediate threat”. Infobrics



Screenshot from Der Spiegel, November 14, 2022

Translation of the above (From German by Global Research)

Feared confrontation with Russia   

Preparation for “forced war” – The Bundeswehr must become significantly more powerful”

In a confidential strategy paper, General Chief of Staff Zorn swears that the Bundeswehr will face tough years ahead. A conflict with Russia is becoming more likely. The troops must concentrate fully on defence [Abwehr] against an attack.

What this bold statement suggests is that Germany and its allies should “defend themselves” (plural) against a Russian attack.

See also the contradictory statement of  Germany’s Foreign Minister:


“The most important is that we do it together, we are fighting against Russia” 



“I did Nazi that coming” - The Grayzone Friday live, May 26, 2023


with Max Blumenthal and Aaron Maté


Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate discuss the failed cross-border raid by anti-government Russian neo-Nazis armed with US heavy equipment, the media's strange spin on the fall of Bakhmut, the BBC's spooky new disinformation unit, and the dystopian DIAA app rolled out by USAID and the Ukrainian govt in DC this past week.



“Russians are dying. It's the best money we've ever spent,” Lindsey Graham tells Zelensky, while Hillary makes fun of Putin's height


by Mark Crispin Miller

Those two—and they are not the only ones—should be confined to Walter Reed, for our protection.

Whereas most of “our free press” ignored the senator’s horrendous crack (as reported by Ukraine, although he hasn’t disavowed it), they’re now all barking about Russia’s warrant for his arrest—which he, brave man, declares “a badge of honor.”

This disgusting spectacle comes six days after Hillary Clinton—formerly the US Secretary of State (!)—got many laughs with a derisive public riff about “short guy” Vladimir Putin, whom she also called “narcissistic,” “messianic” and “authoritarian” (an apt description of the woman who, in a TV interview, exulted in the violent death of Muammar Qaddafi—“We came, we saw, he died!”—and proposed a drone strike against her critic Julian Assange).



China says clash with US would be 'unbearable disaster for the world’


by Chen Lin and Kanupriya Kapoor





“Dark Clouds over America: the Weekly Wrap-Up”


with reallygraceful




“The War on Reality (Revisited)”


by CJ Hopkins

Reality isn’t what it used to be. It never really was, but that’s another story. This one isn’t about reality per se. It’s about the War on Reality, the one we’re in the middle of, the war that started when the War on Terror was cancelled in the Summer of 2016. It’s actually an extension and an evolution of the War on Terror, and the War on Populism, and the rollout of the New Normal in 2020 … but that is also another story. I want to focus on the war that is raging currently, on the Internet, in people’s workplaces, homes, among friends and families, and in people’s heads. I’m pretty sure you know the war I’m talking about, regardless of which “side” you feel you are on.

The War on Reality is a civil war, but it is much more than just a civil war. It is an asymmetrical, polymorphous, metastatic, multiplicitous war. An ontological free-for-all. It has no conventions or rules of engagement. There are no battle lines. The battle is everywhere. Alliances shift from day to day. It is chaos, unrelenting, inescapable chaos. An omnipresent, immaterial, omnipotent organism attacking itself. It is continual, and completely unwinnable. It is unwinnable because it has already been won. It ended in victory the moment it began, and now we’re doomed to go on fighting it forever, or until some less ethereal leviathan is born, or reborn, out of its ashes.

Unfortunately, that’s rather likely, the less ethereal leviathan scenario. It may not come about in my lifetime — and, selfishly, I’m hoping it doesn’t — but this state of affairs cannot continue indefinitely. As I wrote in an essay in June of 2021

“The global capitalist ruling classes are implementing a new official ideology, in other words, a new ‘reality.’ That’s what an official ideology is. It’s more than just a set of beliefs. Anyone can have any beliefs they want. Your personal beliefs do not constitute ‘reality.’ In order to make your beliefs ‘reality,’ you need to have the power to impose them on society. You need the power of the police, the military, the media, scientific ‘experts,’ academia, the culture industry, the entire ideology-manufacturing machine. There is nothing subtle about this process. Decommissioning one ‘reality’ and replacing it with another is a brutal business. Societies grow accustomed to their ‘realities.’ We do not surrender them willingly or easily. Normally, what’s required to get us to do so is a crisis, a war, a state of emergency, or … you know, a deadly global pandemic. During the changeover from the old ‘reality’ to the new ‘reality,’ the society is torn apart. The old ‘reality’ is being disassembled and the new one has not yet taken its place. It feels like madness, and, in a way, it is. For a time, the society is split in two, as the two ‘realities’ battle it out for dominance. ‘Reality’ being what it is (i.e., monolithic), this is a fight to the death. In the end, only one ‘reality’ can prevail.”

I wrote that almost two years ago, in the relative calm before the storm of fascistic, hate-drunk mass hysteria and systematic official persecution that was unleashed on “the Unvaccinated” in the months that followed. If your memory of 2021 is hazy, my year-end column, The Year of the New Normal Fascist, or this video compilation by Matt Orfalea might help sharpen it back up. Since then, the madness of the reality-changeover in progress has intensified, albeit somewhat more subtly … or at least Keith Olbermann is not shrieking hatred like a meth-addled Goebbels anymore.



“Dr. Buttar outed mysterious death of Top virologist years ago”

by Jonathan Otto

I don´t know if you have been noticing this….

 But there is a huge increase in the silencing and mysterious deaths of those who speak the truth!

 Back in early 2022, the late Dr. Rashid Buttar pointed out how Luc Montagnier, who was a Nobel Laureate and considered to be the number 1 highest-rated virologist in the world, mysteriously died a month prior.

 And if you think it couldn't be any weirder, here's what Dr. Buttar said about the Dr. Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test:

 “He died in August of 2019, just a few months, you know. So, he dies in 2019, and then in October 2019, they had Event 201, the mock simulation for a worldwide pandemic caused by a coronavirus. 

 And the following month in November of 2019, they had the perfection of the patent, that was issued to Pirbright corporation in Europe, which is controlled by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, 

 Which issued a patent on COVID-19, not on a vaccine or on treatment, but on the virus itself on the pathogen itself, which, how can you do that? You can't patent a naturally recurring substance, right?”

 This begs the question…. WHY is this happening?

 If these so-called “vaccines” are so deadly (which they are), WHY would they be pushed and viscously try to silence those who stand in their way?

 Dr. Rashid Buttar said it best….

I've always felt that it was something that was designed to reduce human population.”

You will learn all of this in more detail inside my new eBook…. At zero cost…

>>>Download Poisoned: A Deep Dive Into the Mass Bioweapon & Envenomation Agenda


Inside this value-packed ebook, you will learn:


·        The TRUTH behind the mass poisoning and its link to the Global Agenda

·        A deep dive into Dr. Rashid Buttar´s tragic story

·        How the Global Governments are silencing those who speak out on the truth

·        The BEST ways to detox from vaccine poisoning before the effects worsen

·        Proven natural medicines for envenomation and how to effectively implement them

·        And more! 


As Dr. Buttar said “We all know that there's a huge issue on the planet right now with people having integrity. It's just not something that is - It's difficult to find it.”....

 Which is why we need to learn the authentic truth from actually experts,

 Because this life-changing information CANNOT be found anywhere else!

 And here's the best part: 

With this amazing eBook, you’re also getting F.REE VIP access to my newest series, Disease in Reverse.


Inside this BRAND-NEW docuseries, I’ve interviewed over 40 experts to share the uncensored truth about natural and highly effective ways to reverse diseases. 

 This docuseries starts in June and it will feature breakthrough after breakthrough…

 Now, be warned:

 Most doctors never share this vital information with their patients, which is why our country is so sick… They either don’t know or don’t care how to treat the body as a  completely interconnected living organism.

 But our world-class holistic experts hold nothing back. 

 All you need to do?

 >>>Download Poisoned: A Deep Dive Into the Mass Bioweapon & Envenomation Agenda (And get a complimentary VIP pass to our newest docuseries, Disease in Reverse)


To your health,

 Jonathan Otto


“Arrested For Accusing Bill Gates Of Epstein Connections – Peter Flaherty Reacts!”


with Jimmy Dore


In a video that has gone viral and then some, Peter Flaherty of the National Legal and Policy Center (NLPC) stepped up to the microphone at the recent Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting in Omaha, Nebraska, but then his mic was suddenly cut and he was promptly arrested as soon as he brought up Bill Gates’ connection to Jeffrey Epstein. So at least someone is getting arrested in connection to Epstein, even though it’s just a corporate stockholder calling out the nefarious activities of billionaires.



“James O’Keefe Addresses Being Fired After Exposing Pfizer Lies”


with Jimmy Dore


When notorious guerrilla journalist James O’Keefe was fired from Project Veritas, the organization he founded well over a decade ago, rumors swirled about what he had done to run afoul of the organization’s board. Many speculated that O’Keefe had chosen an ill-advised target — Pfizer — and was paying the price for challenging such a powerful institution.



“Raided By The FBI! – James O’Keefe Speaks Out!”


with Jimmy Dore and James O’Keefe




What the hell is going on with the UK Labour Party?


by Jon Greenaway

After a decade of austerity, with inflation still running at 10% and a country going through the biggest fall in living standards in the last 60 years, it is an understatement to say that the current conservative UK government is profoundly unpopular. Yet, even as former government ministers are announcing their plans to leave politics—presumably for more profitable employment elsewhere—and with current MPs under investigation for violating ethical standards for public officials, the mood of voters regarding a possible Labour government seems gloomy at best.
On the surface, this lackluster attitude may seem slightly strange: the regional elections on May 4 saw the Conservative party
lose over 900 local councilors and national polling shows that the Labour party has enjoyed a 15-point lead since January. Despite these rosy predictions, Keir Starmer’s position as the next prime minister does not yet seem like a done deal. Polling may be healthy for the larger Labour party, but Starmer’s personal polling is hardly inspiring. Pollsters warn that the Conservatives are closing the gap, and a hung parliament (a general election in which no party has a majority) is becoming more likely. Late last year, the Labour party reported a £5 million financial deficit and an exodus of nearly 100,000 members. On top of all of that, in April 2022, the National Executive Committee (NEC) of the party passed a motion that would block the former leader of the party, Jeremy Corbyn, from standing as a Labour candidate in the next general election. To get a better understanding of this current disarray, it’s best to start with Labour’s current leader: Keir Starmer.

Sir Keir Starmer and the Labour Right . . . .



“31 billionaires are worth more than the US Treasury has in cash”


by Matt Egan

Cash levels at the US Treasury are tumbling toward a dangerously low level as Washington waits until the last minute to raise the debt ceiling.

As of the close of business on May 25, Treasury had just $38.8 billion in cash, according to the latest federal data. That’s down from more than $200 billion earlier this month and nearing the bare minimum level of $30 billion.

For context, 31 billionaires are each worth more than the federal government’s $38.8 billion in cash, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.

Some of them, like fashion mogul Bernard Arnault – are worth a lot more. Arnault, the chairman of luxury goods maker LVMH, has a net worth estimated at $193 billion. Tesla billionaire Elon Musk is worth $185 billion and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos has a net worth of $144 billion.

The list of 31 billionaires worth more than Uncle Sam’s cash total includes household names like Michael Dell, legendary investor Warren Buffett and Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg, as well as billionaires with lower profiles such as French billionaire Francois Pinault and Chanel chairman Alain Wertheimer.




“Linoleic Acid - The Most Destructive Ingredient in Your” Diet


by Joseph Mercola



Toxic Contagion – Funds, Food and Pharma


by Colin Todhunter

In 2014, the organisation GRAIN revealed that small farms produce most of the world’s food in its report Hungry for land: small farmers feed the world with less than a quarter of all farmland. The report Small-scale Farmers and Peasants Still Feed the World (ETC Group, 2022) confirmed this.

Small farmers produce up to 80% of the food in the non-industrialised countries. However, they are currently squeezed onto less than a quarter of the world’s farmland. The period 1974-2014 saw 140 million hectares – more than all the farmland in China – being taken over for soybean, oil palm, rapeseed and sugar cane plantations.

GRAIN noted that the concentration of fertile agricultural land in fewer and fewer hands is directly related to the increasing number of people going hungry every day. While industrial farms have enormous power, influence and resources, GRAIN’s data showed that small farms almost everywhere outperform big farms in terms of productivity.

In the same year, policy think tank the Oakland Institute released a report stating that the first years of the 21 century will be remembered for a global land rush of nearly unprecedented scale. An estimated 500 million acres, an area eight times the size of Britain, were reported bought or leased across the developing world between 2000 and 2011, often at the expense of local food security and land rights.

Institutional investors, including hedge funds, private equity, pension funds and university endowments, were eager to capitalise on global farmland as a new and highly desirable asset class.

This trend was not confined to buying up agricultural land in low-income countries. Oakland Institute’s Anuradha Mittal argued that there was a new rush for US farmland. One industry leader estimated that $10 billion in institutional capital was looking for access to this land in the US.

Although investors believed that there is roughly $1.8 trillion worth of farmland across the US, of this between $300 billion and $500 billion (2014 figures) is considered to be of “institutional quality” – a combination of factors relating to size, water access, soil quality and location that determine the investment appeal of a property.

In 2014, Mittal said that if action is not taken, then a perfect storm of global and national trends could converge to permanently shift farm ownership from family businesses to institutional investors and other consolidated corporate operations.

Why this matters . . . .  



“Global WAR-NING! Geoengineering Is Wrecking Our Planet and Humanity”


by Prof. Claudia von Werlhof, Dr. Rosalie Bertell, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Josefina Fraile, Elana Freeland, Maria Heibel, Claire Henrion, Conny Kadia, Linda Leblanc, and Vilma Rocío Almendra Quiguanás



“The High Costs of Military Air Shows”

A Short History. Squandering the Planet’s Increasingly Scarce Fossil Fuels for our Amusement


by Dr. Gary G. Kohls

The US Navy’s “Blue Angel” fighter jet squadron are scheduled to “perform” at Duluth, Minnesota’s military air show on July 15/16, 2023. The economic and environmental costs of such pro-military propaganda stunts that heavily contribute to the trillion dollar annual “defense department” budgets and federal deficit crises and the promotion of the aggressive militarization of our nation by such things as this weekend’s National Memorial Day celebration that was sponsored by Lockheed Martin Corporation, one of the largest, most profitable military weapons manufacturers in the world that depend on war-readiness, military dominance, massive deficit spending and “keeping our nation safe”.

Incidentally, Lockheed’s stock price today is $450 per share and is scheduled to pat a $3 quarterly dividend at the end of this quarter. Witnessing the over-the-top patriotic propaganda of the Memorial Day concert in Washington, D.C. today, I felt it was necessary to re-issue an old Duty to Warn article,  which was published by Global Research on July 10, 2019.

Dr. Gary G. Kohl, May 29, 2023 


In 1825, long before anybody even thought about air flight, the US Navy began operations in the Pensacola, Florida area, when the federal government built a naval yard on Pensacola Bay.

90 years later, in 1914, the naval yard became home to the Navy’s first permanent air station. Since that time, NAS (Naval Air Station) Pensacola has served as the primary training base for naval aviators and has housed the Blue Angels aerobatic programs, which will be giving 61 shows at 32 locations from March through November of 2019. The two Blue Angel shows in Duluth are scheduled for July 20 – 21, 2019.

The US Navy pilots that came back in one piece from World War II returned flush with pride for doing their part in winning the war in the Pacific. So, in 1946, the Navy established a base of naval air operations on the shores of the Gulf of Mexico where the Blue Angels began training pilots to perform aeronautic stunts to entertain the public (Pentagon budgetary costs partially offset by attendance fees). The airshow were done partly for recruiting future pilots, partly for raising unit morale, partly to gain the support of congresspersons who vote on military budgets and, one supposes, to further glorify America’s military conquests in the eyes of the public.

The United States Air Force (USAF) shortly established a similar air base in Texas, where the first Thunderbird team began doing air shows for public entertainment in 1953.




“The Mafia, CIA & Jeffrey Epstein Worked TOGETHER To Traffic Minors”


with Jimmy Dore and Whitney Webb

There is much more to the Jeffrey Epstein case than an island for sex trafficking, flight logs and a suspicious “suicide.” As journalist Whitney Webb unravels in her two-volume “One Nation Under Blackmail” series, ties between the CIA, organized crime, international arms dealers and sex traffickers date back to before World War II and the Epstein connection merely represents the latest chapter in an unbelievably sordid, many-tentacled tale of money, sex, violence, power and blackmail. Jimmy and Whitney discuss the historical connection between the military, the CIA and organized crime as well as Epstein’s ties to Bill Clinton, Bill Gates and Victoria’s Secret founder Les Wexner, among many other miscreants and malefactors.




“Mischief-Making in Pretoria-Moscow-Washington Foreign and Trade Policies”


by Patrick Bond

Has the South African government unequivocally sided with Russia, as witnessed not just in February’s joint military exercises (alongside China) but also in allegedly selling weapons to Moscow late last year? Will the relationship prevent President Cyril Ramaphosa from having Vladimir Putin arrested at the Johannesburg summit, in late August, of the Brazil-Russia-India-China-Johannesburg bloc – as the International Criminal Court arrest warrant (for abuse of captured Ukrainian children) requires? And will any of these factors threaten the single largest component of South Africa’s export trade, the African Growth and Opportunity Act duty-free imports to the United States, worth several billion dollars last year alone?

During the current fog of war, with its accompanying military profiteering racket, it is entirely predictable for South African politicians to have a go at seeding the clouds of doubt. Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana was among the most evasive, on May 14, when deflecting the furious U.S. State Department claim that South Africans loaded weaponry destined for Russia on the ship Lady R, at a Cape Town naval base in December 2022: “If it did happen as the Americans claim, it could be a conduct of people who were mischief makers.”

Who would make mischief from lethal arms dealing, and what are the broader economic implications?

The world’s leading military profiteer remains the United States. And in spite of White House and State Department rhetoric about the “battle between democracies and autocracies,” the latter are favoured arms customers by President Joseph Biden’s administration. As The Intercept’s Stephen Semler concluded last week after reviewing official 2022 trade data, Biden “has helped increase the military power of a large number of authoritarian countries… The U.S. sold weapons to at least 57 percent of the world’s autocratic countries in 2022.” The likes of Saudi Arabia, Israel and Egypt top the list. In the process, reported Axios, “The U.S. accounted for 40% of total [arms] exports from 2018-2022, up from 33% in the previous five years, while Russia declined from 22% to 16%.”

Other military mischief makers include South Africa’s own arms dealers, led by the parastatal agency Denel and the Paramount Group. But Obed Bapela, the deputy head of the African National Congress foreign policy committee which has insisted on abstentions when the United Nations votes on Russia’s invasion, recently claimed on SAfm national radio, “I was with the management of Denel, I was there last week Friday. Denel has not been in production for the past three years.”

In reality, Rheinmetall-Denel Munitions (RDM) is a major joint venture in Somerset West which has been producing and selling quite a bit of deadly weaponry, including in recent weeks. While the firm deniesproviding Putin with ammunition (as RDM’s are apparently non-compatible with Russian guns), according to DefenceWeb there has been “an uptick in business, most likely due to the war in Ukraine. In December 2022, for example, RDM announced a NATO country order for 155 mm Assegai ammunition.”




How deep is Russia's demographic hole?


by Edward Slavsquat

Deep enough for the Kremlin to warn of "problems of an insurmountable nature"



“At least we have each other”


by Edward Slavsquat

Edward's weekly news roundup & open thread (June 4, 2023)



“‘Pro-Russia’ does NOT mean anti-globalist”


by Catte Black

For the first six years of our eight-year existence OffG was routinely described as “pro-Russian” by detractors and supporters alike. We were cited on RT and one editor was invited to work for them (they declined). We were classified semi-politely as “Russian disinfo” by certain fact-checkers, and condemned as “Russian trolls” who “found a home for their hate” by less scrupulous media.

There were repeat insinuations that we were controlled by the Russian government.

We weren’t, of course. And we aren’t now.

We were “pro-Russian” to the extent that we supported their eminently rational geopolitics over the crazy confrontationalism of the Washington neocons which seemed to be driving the world to war. We were “pro-Russian” in that this counter-propaganda struggle represented probably 90% of our output for our first five years.

We were “pro-Russia” on issues such as Ukraine, the Odessa Massacre, MH17, Syria, the Panama Papers, the Skripals, the Russiagate lies, Luke Harding’s nonsense, the Guardian’s sometimes hilarious Russophobia, and much much more

because being “pro-Russia” at that time meant being pro-peace, pro-rule of law, pro-truth.

But we were never “pro-Russian” to the extent of picking a side or feeling any sense of loyalty that transcends our independent ethical judgement. We were never funded to hold certain opinions, in fact we have never been funded by any benefactors or donors beyond the minuscule percentage of our readers (less than 0.05%) who are generous enough to send us a few tips in return for our free output. We struggle to survive in fact. Can’t afford to pay our wonderful contributors, who never complain about that.

So, why are you not “pro-Russia” at this time?

Well, let’s just remind ourselves of some hard facts.

* In 2020 the Russian leadership and its elites revealed themselves to be an integral part of the fake pandemic “coup”.

* They employed the same fear and deception tactics we saw in the West, in China, in fact in almost every country in the world.

* They initiated the same unnecessary and deeply anti-human isolation and lockdown policies.

* They initiated the same unnecessary and deeply damaging mask policies

* They initiated the same unnecessary and potentially genocidal “vaccine” policies, incentivising and coercing vast numbers of Russian people into getting an untested possibly very dangerous chemical brew injected into their bodies.

Should anyone be “pro” any of this?




News from Underground by Mark Crispin Miller

“In memory of those who "died suddenly" in the United States and worldwide, May 22-May 29, 2023”


by Mark Crispin Miller

Musicians in Mexico, Cuba, Peru, UK, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Slovakia, Italy, Algeria; actors in the US, Canada (2), Germany, Slovakia, Spain, China; cops in Poland, Turkey, New Zealand; more



“As German study finds that "vaccination" causes cancer (!), another study has been rushed out to "prove" that COVID is the cause”


by Marc Crispin Miller

It's getting ever harder to suppress the fact that "vaccination" has induced a global plague of "rare," aggressive cancers; so the propagandists will now try to change the subject



“Canadians, what you don't know is killing you! This (real) journalist tells how the CBC became the lethal propaganda mill it is today”


by Marc Crispin Miller

This testimony by Rodney Palmer is a MUST-SEE not just for all Canadians, but for anyone, worldwide, who wants to know exactly how a free press turns—is turned—into its opposite



“Figure skater Piper Gilles has ovarian cancer; goalie Heinz Lindner has testicular cancer; cyclist Jan Polanc retires ("heart irregularities"); cricketer Heath Streak treated for cancer, and more…”

by Marc Crispin Miller




“MLB pitcher David Hess's cancer has returned; pro wrestler BLK Jeez has multiple myeloma; "Rory McIlroy confirms illness heading into PGA"; Philly sportscaster John Kincaide has colon cancer”


by Marc Crispin Miller

“MLB world reacts to vomiting pitcher" (Amir Garrett of the Kansas City Royals); LSU's Sa'Mayah Smith collapses at the White House



“See how ‘safe’ those ‘vaccines’ are, how ‘rare’ the deaths and crippling injuries”


by Marc Crispin Miller

Too many "anecdotal" horrors to keep believing Fauci, Pfizer, Biden, Trump, "our free press" or any of the others that deny, deny, deny, deny the FACT of this worldwide extermination drive



Stillbirths are skyrocketing in the Post-Covid Vaccination Era, leaked Hospital Email reveals


by Ethan Huff

An employee at a hospital in Fresno, Calif., leaked an email to the media showing that stillbirth rates have been spiking ever since the introduction of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines.”

In August of this year, there were 22 stillbirths at the facility, the email revealed. And the trend is only expected to continue, it went on to state. (Related: Some of Canada’s most-vaccinated areas saw a 28-fold increase in stillbirths due to covid injections.)

So far in September, there have been seven stillbirths, though at the time of reporting only eight days had passed in the month. Extrapolated to October, we would expect the total number of stillbirths at the hospital in September to be around 40, or more than twice that of August.

Prior to Operation Warp Speed, the average number of stillbirths per month at the hospital in question was less than one. Only about two deaths every three months were reported at the facility prior to the rollout of Fauci Flu shots.

See also: “Women Have Lost Their Children”: COVID Vaccines Cause 16,633% More Miscarriages Compared to Flu Vaccines



“Two UK Babies Dead From Myocarditis: Total of 16 Babies Developed “Severe Myocarditis” in Wales & England, Eight Ended Up in Intensive Care”


by Dr. William Makis



“Paul Simon's ‘sudden’ hearing loss; ‘Sam Smith abruptly ends concert’; Celine Dion cancels tour; Jimmy Buffett hospitalized, postpones concert; Enrique Iglesias cancels show”


by Marc Crispin Miller

George Thorogood cancels tour because of "very serious medical condition"; Rainbow Kitten Surprise cancels shows because "one of our members is in a medical crisis"



“Ophthalmologists Now Ethically Obligated to Denounce COVID-19 Vaccines, as 20,000 New Eye Disorders Are Reported”


by Lance Johnson

Ongoing processor vaccine related eye disorders first reported two year ago in May 2021


In just a few months, the World Health Organization received approximately 20,000 reports of new eye disorders that occurred post covid-19 vaccination. These reports include 303 cases of blindness and 1,625 cases of visual impairment! The European drug monitoring agency had never recorded such a severe spike in eye injuries until after the experimental vaccines were launched. These reports were collected by VigiBase and analyzed by the Uppsala Monitoring Centre in Uppsala, Sweden.

About half of the new eye disorders were additionally reported to the U.K.’s Yellow Card adverse event reporting system, which was set up to monitor the influx of adverse events that were anticipated during this live, experimental vaccine study. Back in 2020, the vaccine makers had already entered into liability-free contracts with governments around the world. This has enabled mass vaccine injury with no recourse or accountability and set up the framework for a historic, worldwide holocaust.

Ophthalmologists need more training to properly recognize and report vaccine injury

These experimental vaccines are designed to cause inflammation throughout the body, by reprogramming human cells to produce inflammatory spike proteins that are derived from the bio-weapon itself. Eye damage is merely a symptom of this inflammation, a sign of more serious problems to come with capillaries and autoimmune issues. The inflammatory conditions caused by the vaccines provide a new revenue stream for various industries within the medical system, including ophthalmology.

See also: 19,916 ‘Eye Disorders’ Including Blindness Following COVID Vaccine Reported in Europe



Since last August, 27 comedians have "died suddenly" (and four more fell gravely ill)


by Marc Crispin Miller

Always a tough business, comedy has been especially tough these past 9+ months, as we can see from these reports out of the US, Canada, Japan, UK, Italy, Spain, India, S. Korea and elsewhere



“4 off-duty nurses save the lives of people "dying suddenly" of heart attacks; 150 planes grounded by American Airlines alone; 330 "COVID" papers withdrawn for scientific flaws”


by Marc Crispin Miller

These numbers don't lie, although "the science" crafted to "explain" them does.



“These three minutes of Jimmy Dore onstage are worth more than the last three years of Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, Seth Myers, SNL & Sarah Silverman COMBINED”


by Mark Crispin Miller

Here Dore channels Lenny Bruce, Mort Sahl, Richard Pryor, George Carlin, Joan Rivers and Bill Hicks, whose material was NOT dictated by the CIA's Comedy Desk




“Sucharit Bhakdi & the prosecution of ‘thought crime’”


by Off-Guardian

Eminent and influential “covid” skeptic Dr Sucharit Bhakdi is about to be prosecuted tomorrow, May 23, under German law for:

1.      having incited hatred against a religious group and attacked the human dignity of others by insulting and maliciously disparaging that religious group, while acting in concert in a manner likely to disturb the public peace; and

2.      having publicly trivialized an act committed under the rule of National Socialism of the kind described in Section 6 (1) of the International Criminal Code in a manner likely to disturb public peace.

Now you may or may not agree with Bhakdi’s statements regarding the Jews and Israel. It’s your free right to do either.

You might think he doesn’t go far enough in condemning Israel, or you might think he goes too far. You might think he expressed himself clumsily and without due regard for the difference between Jewish people and the arguably criminal Israeli state. You might think it’s a stretch to describe modern Israel as “worse” than the Nazis, or you might think it’s more than accurate.

But all of that is missing the real point, which is – Bhakdi is being prosecuted for expressing an opinion.

That’s all.

Despite the weasel wording of the accusation, he wasn’t calling for or threatening acts of violence, he wasn’t even “acting in concert” to “disturb the peace” – he was just telling people what he thought.

The real question here isn’t do you agree with him, it’s do you, or any of us, want to live in a world in which a person can be penalized by the state, fined or put in prison, for the thoughts in their head?

For thought crime?

This is why Bhakdi deserves your support.

Because his case illustrates the real intent behind the criminalizing of selective avenues of thought. And it has nothing to do with respecting the dead or preventing another Holocaust.

In fact this, from ‘Mr Sebastian Willing’ makes it too clear what the real agenda is:

By putting the vaccination—which is demonstrably harmless—against the Corona virus on par with the Holocaust, he is belittling the genocide of the National Socialists in the 3rd Reich

As must be clear to everyone, even Mr Willing, Bhakdi does not agree the “vaccination” is “harmless”. This is his entire point. He is absolutely not belittling the genocide of the Nazis, quite the reverse, he is giving his opinion that the vax will end up being another genocide just as terrible.

This is, of course, his real crime, and the one that can never be stated, because even discussing that possibility is simply too dangerous for the agenda-managers right now.

For sources for everything quoted here and for more info on the case go to Doctors for Covid Ethics here and here.      


“FDA Finds Evidence of Serious Safety Signal for COVID Vaccines in Young Kids — Says It Proves Shots Are ‘Safe’”


by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D.


Young teens who received the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine have a higher risk of heart inflammation, according to a new U.S. Food and Drug Administration study — researchers said the study’s results provide “additional evidence for the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines in the pediatric population.”



“Myocarditis Not Recovered in 80% at 6 Months after Vaccination”


by Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

Worrisome Serial MRI Results in Adolescents after Primary mRNA Series”



“The Covid ‘Killer Vaccine’. People Are Dying All Over the World. It's A Criminal Undertaking”


by Prof Michel Chossudovsky



“Don’t let them rewrite history: Ventilators KILLED people…and it was no accident”


by Kit Knightly

A new study from Northwestern University has concluded that the majority of “Covid19” patients put on ventilators were actually killed by bacterial pneumonia, not the alleged virus.

You can read that paper here.

This should not come as a shock to any regular OffG reader – or indeed anyone who tried to keep themselves informed during the “pandemic”. Mechanical ventilation is not a treatment for respiratory infection, and quite often makes the situation worse.

Deliberate, institutional misuse of mechanical ventilation probably killed huge numbers of patients during the so-called “first wave”. We cover this in great detail in our “40 Facts” covid cribsheet.

Predictably enough, though, mainstream talking heads are not ready to admit this, and the Northwestern paper has produced a wave of somewhat fevered revisionism among the dwindling covidiot class.



Graphene COVID Kill Shots: Let the Evidence Speak for Itself


by Dr. Ariyana Love

I compiled all the evidence we have into this article that prove Graphene Oxide, Graphene Hydroxide and other Graphene variants are in fact being injected into people by governments and Big Pharma.

This evidence was discovered and proven numerous times already by independent research teams, scientists, Biotech whistleblowers and the few ethical Journalists remaining.

There’s a concerted effort by the pharmaceutical cartel funded “fact checkers,” Big Tech platforms and mainstream media, to hide the evidence and slander the people bringing this to light.

Once you go over the evidence provided here, you must take action for the safety of you and your families.

Serve all war criminals participating in this COVID death jab program with a Notice of Liability for the murders they are committing.

This is definitive action that any person can take, worldwide.

The notices are already drafted by legal teams so why not use them and let our enemies be on the defensive. The criminals will be reminded of the Nuremberg trials, and informed that they will be brought to justice. They need to cease and desist from acting knowingly and willfully in mandating “vaccine” death jabs and enforcing them. The evidence to the danger is clear and deaths have been proven. Anyone administering or mandating these “vaccine” kill shots are doing so without Informed Consent.

Compilation of Evidence . . . .




“Economic Update: Varoufakis Critique of Capitalism Today”


with Richard Wolff and Yanis Varoufakis


Yanis Varoufakis, elected member of the Greek parliament, joins the program and offers his original, critical perspectives on (1) the banking crisis, (2) the decline of the US empire and US capitalism, (3) the mass uprisings of the French and Greek working classes in Europe, (4) the collapse of Europe's efforts to shape an independent (from the US and China) economic position, and (5) class struggle inside China.



“The Debt Ceiling is Political Theater”


by Rachel Hu and Chris Garaffa

(audio, 55:29)

The “debt ceiling” crisis playing out between President Biden and Congressional Republicans is manufactured by capitalism to justify spending cuts to critical social programs while continuing to bail out big businesses and fund the Pentagon’s endless war drive.

This comes after the taxpayer-funded bailouts of Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank and First Republic Bank show the willingness of the capitalist system to do everything it can to keep itself afloat.

To talk about the debt ceiling, bank bailouts, inflation and more, we’re joined by Chris Caruso from the Kairos Center for Religions, Rights & Social Justice.



“A Conduit for Eco-Money Laundering and Crime”


by Robert W Malone MD, MS

How the Climate Emergency Fund justifies their actions




“Conference on Propaganda and COVID-19”


by Jerry Alatalo

This weekend PANDA in association with the Portuguese Society of Integrative Medicine, are sponsoring a conference on Propaganda and mental health, with a focus on the recent Covid19 psy-op.

Speakers will include regular OffG contributor Dr Piers Robinson, Mark Crispin Miller, Mattias Desmet and many more. You can view the full programme and list of of speakers through their website, and the conference will streamed live here.




The Pentagon Has Been Recolonizing University Campuses—Why Aren’t More Students Protesting?


by Jérémy Kouzmarov

Once upon a time getting a college degree meant reading classic literature and philosophy, learning about history and politics, studying mathematics and science, learning new languages, and debating the great issues of the day in student forums.

The billionaire class and Pentagon, however, do not want young people to think critically, or to be worldly and idealistic.

They want the university to function as a breeding ground for creation of a docile, technically skilled workforce that they can control, and as a laboratory for the development of new weapons systems and testing ground for those weapons that can help them dominate the world.


Recolonizing the Campus

On April 5, Massachusetts Peace Action and the War Industries Resistance Network hosted a webinar on the militarization of higher education featuring Michael T. Klare, the national security correspondent for The Nation magazine.

Klare warned about the Pentagon’s drive to recolonize American universities and exploit academia’s expertise for the development of new weapons, including hypersonic and robotic weapons.

According to Klare, the military-industrial-academic complex first emerged during World War II and was expanded during the Cold War when the Pentagon developed a significant presence on American campuses.

Among other things, it financed academic research in nuclear physics and radar and missile technologies, and helped to develop the hydrogen bomb along with many other weapons systems that caused methodical devastation in the Korean and Vietnam Wars.

The political awakening of the 1960s led to large-scale student protests, which influenced many universities to sever their ties with the Pentagon, or move military-related research facilities off campus.

However, since the declaration of the War on Terror and new great-power competition with Russia and China, the Pentagon is now moving back on campus with limited pushback as the government attempts to wage an “all-society struggle” to ensure U.S. military supremacy.


Developing the Weapons of the Future  . . . .




FACT SHEET: The Palestine Problem: Test Your Knowledge, Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, 1967


by The Editors, The Black Agenda Review

Do you know that the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) published a fact sheet in 1967 detailing the truth about the history of Zionist, British, and U.S. aggression against the Palestinian people? Read it below to learn more – and help to fight for a free Palestine!

In the summer of 1967, the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) published a fact sheet in their newsletter titled, “The Palestine Problem: Test Your Knowledge.” Focusing on the history of the formation of the Zionist state of Israel through the expulsion of the Palestinian people and the expropriation of their land, the piece was structured as a series of thirty-two answers to the question, “Do you know?” Placed under a section titled, “Third World Round Up,” the editors made the bold claim that “Since we Afro-Americans are an integral part of The Third World (Africa, Asia, Latin America, American Indians and all persons of African descent), then it is indeed necessary for us to know and understand what our brothers are doing in their homelands.”

“The Palestine Problem” was published soon after the end of the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, a war which had captured the western imagination and in which the media showed little support for the Palestinians. Ethel Minor , the editor of the SNCC Newsletter, had a particular interest in the Palestinian struggle. She had met Palestinian organizers as a student at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champagne and in Brazil, and she felt the need for African Americans to follow Malcolm X’s lead to have an international orientation to Black struggle. She joined SNCC, and for two years organized a reading group in Lowndes County, Alabama, around the Palestinian issue.

The reading group, which had Stokely Carmichael/Kwame Toure and H. Rap Brown as members, read one book a month on the Palestine problem, focusing particularly on writings by the architects of Zionism - Herzl, Ben-Guirion, etc. It was through these readings that these young people discovered, in the words of Ture, “the close military, economic, and political alliance between the Israeli government and the racist apartheid regime in South Africa.”

But most importantly, the reading group learned about the undemocratic establishment of the Zionist state through a collusion of European and U.S. imperial machinations that used the United Nations to consecrate the illegal removal of Palestinians from their lands and the merciless stripping of their sovereignty. They were also shocked both at the UN’s capitulation to the west, and the refusal to acknowledge the viewpoints of the African and Asian states who stood against the dismemberment of Palestine.

“The Palestine Problem” ignited a national firestorm and SNCC faced a violent backlash, including claims of anti-semitism. Significantly, the staff of SNCC’s Atlanta bureaus and the editors of the SNCC Newsletter argued that the article was published for internal discussion within the organization in the face of the reality that “the white American press seldom, if ever, gives the true story about world events in which America is involved.” Nevertheless, the article was distributed nationally and garnered widespread rebuke - including  from the integrationists liberal Black civil rights personalities Martin Luther King, Bayard Rustin, and Roy Wilkins, who were afraid of offending their northern liberal supporters, many of which were staunch supporters of the Zionist state.

It is now 2023. May 15th was the 75th anniversary of the NAKBA, the catastrophe inflicted upon the Palestinian people. The Zionist entity continues its brutal occupation and its racist terror. Meanwhile, as time passes, its government becomes more extreme and right-wing. But the U.S. and its European junior partners continue to support this terrorist state with not only funding, but with media propaganda that hides both the Zionist state’s brutal origins and its ongoing genocidal policies - all the while demonizing Palestinian resistance.

Do you know: the U.S. and the rest of the West “have prevented the world from knowing the truth of the Palestine Arab refugees who were and still are the victims of Zionist, British, and U.S. aggression against them?” Well, read the SNCC factsheet (reprinted below) to learn more – and help to fight for a free Palestine!



The Palestine Problem: Test Your Knowledge



Unveiling a Dark History: Nakba's Tragedy Continues Unabated after 75 Years


by Miko Peled

Even with all the protests and mentions of Nakba Day on social media, commemorating this horrific, sad event is nowhere near where it ought to be. Arguably one of the darkest and most awful chapters in the long history of Palestine, the Nakba needs to be fully commemorated in every capital in the world.

The politicization of the ethnic cleansing of Palestine and the consequent installment of an apartheid regime to govern it is such that few countries dare even to mention these crimes against humanity.

The full scope of the Nakba, a combination of several crimes against humanity, is yet to be understood.

To begin with, the Nakba is a tragedy that began over seventy-five years ago and continues in full force. Furthermore, the full extent of the crimes committed in the early Nakba, from 1947 to 1952, is still being uncovered.

The latest discovery was just published in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz. According to the article, David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s first prime minister, ordered chemicals to be used to poison wells in Palestinian villages.

Newly found mass graves and testimonies of Zionist terrorists like Yerachmiel Kahnovich, who admitted in a recent YouTube video that he shot an anti-tank missile into the Dahmash mosque in Lyd in June 1948, are still being uncovered. Kahnovich single-handedly murdered over one hundred people taking refuge in the mosque as Lyd was undergoing a brutal ethnic cleansing. As the years go by, more testimonies like his are opening up. We should remember and appreciate that both the perpetrators and the victims of the acts that took place during the early period of the Nakba are getting old and will soon be gone.



“The US and UK are complicit with the Israeli apartheid and racist regime.” Interview with Sami, the Bedouin


by Sami the Bedouin and Steven Sahiounie

The armed conflict between the Palestinian people of the West Bank and Gaza continues against the Israeli forces who maintain the over 5 million residents under a brutal military occupation, with no human rights, and no freedom in sight.

Steven Sahiounie of MidEastDiscourse interviewed Sami, the Bedouin, a Palestinian writer and blogger. He is originally ethnically cleansed from Ashdod, in Occupied Palestine, but living as a refugee in the West Bank Occupied Palestine. As an activist for Palestine, he has been arrested several times and spent some years in the zionist jails for resisting the zionist occupation. He’s been blogging exclusively about Palestine in different sites and in his blog www.samibedouin.wordpress.com


Steven Sahiounie (SS):   Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered the targeted assassinations of three leaders of Islamic Jihad in Gaza. It appears Netanyahu did so for his own benefit, because he faces huge domestic political issues. What is your view on this situation?

Sami the Bedouin (SB):  Netanyahu didn’t invent, or start the Israeli assassination policy against the Palestinian leaders and activists; he just continued a systematic and continuous state-sponsored policy. Steering the attention away from the Israeli internal dilemma and saving Netanyahu from the masses of demonstrating Israelis could be a side and temporary result for attacking Gaza but we can’t blame only Netanyahu for that longstanding policy, or even the current wave of assassination that was decided and carried out by the Israeli cabinet, ie, the whole Israeli government, plus, there was a massive support from the whole Israeli political spectrum for the killing, although most of the victims were civilians.   

Now, to understand the Israeli systematic assassination policy you have got to know that it is an integral part of all the Israeli governments as “Israel” has been using Death Squads even before it was established, and once it was terrorist groups of Lehi, Irgun, and Stern. Most of the Zionist leaders were directly involved in this systematic policy and the assassins mostly become the top leaders of “Israel”, like Begin, Shamir, Sharon, Barak, Livni, Bennett, Shaked and the list is endless. 

This policy was started as early as 1930s when the Jewish National Fund JNF had compelled an inventory that included the topographic location of each village with detailed information including husbandry, cultivated land, number of trees, quality of fruit, average amount of land per family, number of cars, shop owners, Palestinian clans and their political affiliation, descriptions of village mosques and names of their imams, civil servants and more. The final inventory update was finished in 1947 with lists of “wanted” persons in each village targeted in 1948 for search-and-arrest operations with those seized summarily shot on the spot in cold blood. 

The assassination policy is an Israeli built-in strategy in order to weaken the Palestinian leadership within the major Zionist target of committing what is known to be a political genocide against the Palestinian people to deprive it from its able leadership to pave the way to subordinate, submissive and compromising leadership. 



With the turn of a key, everything changes

A boy looks out over the destruction in the aftermath of an Israeli airstrike on Gaza on 13 May.


by Mahmoud Alyazji

Life in Gaza can change in the blink of an eye, like a key turning in a lock.

Just last week, I was excited about my university quiz, an upcoming performance on stage, and the photography course I teach to a group of children.

Then, the key turns, and I wake up with just one burning question: will I survive?

Tuesday morning, the first day of Israel’s assault, my father shook me and my younger brother awake.

“We need to move the goods from our shop to a safer location,” he said, keen to salvage the clothes he sells from his store in al-Shujaiya.

I couldn’t help feeling skeptical. What new location would be any safer? It would have the same sky that the warplanes fly in, the same sky that brings death and destruction to our city. No place or time makes us feel safer in war.

“Let’s move,” my dad insisted while helping me up.

In the car, I saw the usual war scenery. The streets were crowded with people rushing to buy supplies for the week. Bakeries were crowded. The smell of stress and war hung thick in the air, and I couldn’t escape the constant drone of the news channel reporter’s voice in the background.

I despise that voice, a constant reminder of the destruction and terror that surrounds us.

With each passing moment my heart raced faster. Each tall building we drove by could be struck and fall on the car. I kept imagining a missile striking us. In the blink of an eye, we would never see our mother again. Our bodies would be stiff and black, an ugly way to die. The terrifying things I had seen in previous wars and on social media haunted me all the way to the shop.

But terror gave way to profound disappointment and frustration when we drove past my university. The talent show that we had been eagerly preparing for had been snatched away from us by the cruel hands of Israel. I was no longer filled with thrill and delight.



‘Apartheid’ Designation Ignored as Israel Kills Children in Gaza Again


by  Bryce Greene

Israel’s recent bombing of the Gaza Strip from May 9–13 killed 33 Palestinians, including seven children. FAIR looked at coverage of these attacks from the Washington Post, New York Times and CNN, and didn’t find a single reference to Israel as an apartheid state, despite this being the consensus in the human rights community.

Since apartheid is the overriding condition that leads to Israel’s violent outbursts, and since the US has vigorously supported Israel for the last 60 years, US media should be putting it front and center in their coverage.  Omitting it allows Israel to continue to portray any violence from Palestinians as a result of senseless hostility, rather than emerging from the conditions imposed by Israel. For audiences, that distortion serves to justify Israel’s attacks on civilians and continued collective punishment of all Palestinians.

The term apartheid originated with the South African system of systematic racial segregation, which was not unlike Jim Crow in the United States. Apartheid is considered a crime against humanity—defined in the UN’s Apartheid Convention as “inhuman acts committed for the purpose of establishing and maintaining domination by one racial group of persons over any other racial group of persons and systematically oppressing them.”

The term has been increasingly applied to the Israeli apparatus of checkpoints, segregation, surveillance, arbitrary detentions and extrajudicial murders that it uses to oppress Palestinians. In particular, the exclusion of most Palestinians under Israeli control from participation in Israeli politics, under the pretense that Palestinian areas either are or someday will be independent, mirrors the disenfranchisement of Black South Africans through the creation of fictitious countries known as bantustans.

Human Rights Watch published a report in 2021 titled A Threshold Crossed: Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution. That same year, the leading Israeli human rights organization, B’Tselem, labeled Israel’s rule “a regime of Jewish supremacy from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.” Amnesty International published a major report in 2022 on “Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians.”

After the biggest, most respected human rights organizations labeled Israel an apartheid state, much of the US political establishment erupted in bipartisan indignation in defense of Israel. The New York Times actually refused to even mention the Amnesty International report for 52 days (Mondoweiss, 3/24/22).



Israel kills municipal worker, resistance fighters in Nablus


by Tamara Nassar

Israeli occupation forces attacked Balata refugee camp on Monday morning, killing three Palestinians and injuring others.

Muhammad Bilal Zaytoun, 31, a cleaner with the Nablus municipality, was returning home from work when Israeli soldiers raided the Balata refugee camp in Nablus, an occupied West Bank city.

As Zaytoun stepped out of a municipal vehicle, Israeli soldiers fired at him without warning even though he posed no danger, according to the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR).

The Israeli invaders shot him in the chest, hand and leg, and left him “to bleed for 20 minutes without providing him [with] first aid.”

He was killed in “cold blood,” the human rights group said.



One year later, Israel has yet to answer for Shireen Abu Akleh's assassination


by Chris Hedges

Veteran Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu-Akleh was covering an Israeli raid on Jenin Refugee Camp in her official capacity as a reporter for Al Jazeera on May 11, 2022, when an unnamed Israeli sniper fired a bullet into the thin space between the back of her helmet and her flak jacket, killing her. At the time, Abu-Akleh was fleeing Israeli gunfire directed towards her and other observing journalists, including Al Jazeera producer Ali Al-Samudi, who was wounded moments before Abu-Akleh’s death.

One year later, Israeli military forces have issued an 
apology for killing Shireen Abu Akleh. This follows countless reports from journalist eyewitnesses, analyses by multiple international outlets, condemnation from world governments, and a joint investigation which determined Israeli forces deliberately targeted Abu Akleh. Israel’s admission thus reflects a definitive loss of the narrative battle over the course of a full year rather a morally-directed decision. Al Jazeera Front Lines senior producer Kavitha Chekuru joins The Chris Hedges Report to discuss Abu Akleh’s assassination and the status of her case one year later.

Kavitha Chekuru is a senior producer for Al Jazeera’s Front Lines, which released the documentary The Killing of Shireen Abu Akleh last December.



Berliner Zeitung interview


with Roger Waters



“How The Israel Lobby Destroyed Jeremy Corbyn”


with Katie Halper, Roger Waters & Asa Winstanley




“The Anti-Anti-Semitism Follies”


by CJ Hopkins

Roll up, roll up, because it’s time once again for The Anti-Anti-Semitism Follies! That’s right, folks, it’s everyone’s favorite unintentionally slapstick theatrical revue, featuring an all-star line-up of uproarious propagandists, side-splitting corporate media clowns, babbling British Labour MPs, the all-singing, all-dancing Berlin Police Department, and other zany anti-anti-Semites! Grab your popcorn and sit back and watch as they hunt down dastardly “Holocaust relativizers,” insidious critics of the State of Israel, and anyone who has ever used the word “globalism.” Hilarious high jinks are sure to ensue!

But, seriously, folks, this is no joke. We are in a bona fide State of Anti-Semitism Emergency! Throughout Western Europe, Israel, the UK, and coastal areas of the USA, the Anti-Semitism Alert Level has been bumped up to ORANGE! According to “anonymous Intelligence sources,” crackerjack Anti-Anti-Semitism commandos are en route to Torquay in the South of England, where rumor has it Roger Waters, John Cleese, Mel Brooks, and other notorious anti-Semites have gathered in a shabby seaside hotel and are staging some sort of hatred-inciting “Nazism Glorification Contest.”

Roger holds the lead, currently. Following his recent performances in Berlin, the police have opened an official criminal investigation into his … well, his clothing. “We are investigating suspected incitement to hatred,” a Berlin police spokesperson told the AFP. I’m not joking. The official ground for this investigation is the “dictator” costume Roger Waters has been wearing in his shows for over 40 years. You’ll recall this costume from the album The Wall



“Israel's Religious Demographic Crisis (and why it's only going to get worse)”


by Nebula


Watch my exclusive follow-up video to this one on Israel's population and politics: https://nebula.tv/videos/wonderwhy-is... In this video, I take a look at the current demographic crisis that is ongoing in Israel. The judicial reform that's been in the news lately might be an early sign of what's to come. The country will likely become more and more polarised as the demographics of the country change, and the population of the country become divided on what the future of the country should be. Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 0:48 Jews 1:52 Jewish state 2:46 Arabs 4:04 Democratic state 5:35 Secular state 7:26 Status Quo 10:45 Religious fertility rates 12:28 Russian Jews 14:52 Settlements 17:09 Religious Zionists 21:17 2023 judicial reform 23:30 International relations 24:24 Conclusion 24:59 Companion video over on Nebula



Israeli attacks ensure generations of trauma

Israel killed at least seven children in its attacks on the Gaza Strip beginning 9 May 2023.


by Ahmed Nehad



“Israeli Extremists Storm al-Aqsa Mosque Complex”


by Juan Cole

The Israeli newspaper Arab 48 reports that dozens of Israeli squatters, with Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir at their head, stormed the al-Aqsa Mosque complex early on Sunday morning from the Moroccan Gate. They were closely guarded by Israeli police, who imposed restrictions on the entry of Palestinians.

It was the second time since Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu made Ben-Gvir a cabinet minister that he has stormed the grounds of al-Aqsa Mosque. This time he led his fellow fanatics to the area in front of the Buraq Mosque, a subterranean chamber with a ring on its wall where Muslims believed that the Prophet Muhammad tied his donkey, Buraq, before ascending from that place to the outskirts of heaven. The al-Aqsa Mosque Compound, which includes the Dome of the Rock and the Buraq Mosque, is the third holiest spot for the 1.8 billion Muslims worldwide.

Although many Jews call it the “Temple Mount,” there is no reason to believe that Solomon’s temple ever stood there. There are many disputes about where exactly the Second Temple stood, but Israeli archeologists have concluded that the al-Aqsa Mosque does not stand within the area of the ancient Temple. The Israeli religious establishment has decreed that no Jew should step foot there because there are human remains somewhere in the area. This may be a reference to the Zealots killed by Roman troops when they took the Second Temple in 70 CE and destroyed it.



Israel views children's lives as irrelevant

The destruction caused in Nuseirat refugee camp during Israel’s latest attack on Gaza.


by Haidar Eid

In its latest attack on Gaza, Israel killed at least 33 Palestinians within five days.

The attack was accompanied by calls from Israel’s government ministers – including the overt fascists Itamar Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich – for greater violence, in effect the intensification of genocide.

Gaza has long been acquainted with Israel’s policies of extermination. Yet not a single action has been taken against Israel by any Arab country nor by any Western “democracy.”

The failure of the United Nations to hold Israel accountable for its crimes indicates complicity. That is precisely why Palestinian civil society issued its 2005 call for boycott, divestment and sanctions.

Such appeals are not addressed to the sanctimonious “international community” but rather to solidarity groups and other civil society organizations around the world. Palestinians have advocated effective campaigning – with the aim of compelling Israel to end its aggression against Gaza and the West Bank.

The apartheid state of Israel would not be able to commit all its war crimes against Palestinians in general – and Gazans in particular – without the full impunity offered by the “international community.” That is a glaring fact.

It is unnecessary to remind the “civilized world” that Israel has mounted a continuous wave of attacks against the civilian population in Gaza..

In September 2007, Gaza was declared an “enemy entity.”

Israel prevented a wide range of food and basic materials from being imported into Gaza. It was even revealed that Israeli bureaucrats decided how many calories people in Gaza could consume.

Fuel and electricity were cut, too. Gaza has endured an electricity crisis for many years.

Concentration camp

Israel has turned Gaza into the largest concentration camp in the world.



Israel Uses Its Civilians As Human Shields During Its Attack On Gaza


by Robert Inlakesh

Israel’s latest assault on the besieged Gaza Strip resulted in the murder of 33 Palestinians, a third of them women and children, in a “targeted assassination” campaign, again, with a majority of those killed being civilians. Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, attempted to score a domestic political victory, however, the plot didn’t quite go to plan.

In the early hours of Tuesday morning last week, at around 2:00AM, Israeli fighter jets began bombarding the besieged Gaza Strip. Three prominent leaders of the second most powerful armed group in the territory, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement (PIJ), were killed along with their wives and children in the initial strikes. Although Western corporate media attempted to brush over this fact, it is a violation of international law to break a ceasefire agreement by murdering none-active combatants along with their families. There were no legal proceedings, no plausible threat to the Israeli side, and the regime failed to produce any evidence that killing the individuals they targeted would prevent any future threat — in fact they demonstrated the very opposite.

Tel Aviv notified the United States government about its intentions and Washington did not prevent the attack, making them complicit in the war crimes committed. The Israeli military also used American aircraft in order to carry out its assassination campaign.

In total, 33 Palestinians were killed, roughly a third of them women and children, with over 110 suffering wounds from the Israeli onslaught, 38 of whom were children. On the other side, 1 Israeli was killed by Palestinian retaliatory rocket fire, with a number of others injured. It is expected that Israel is again hiding their combatant deaths, after a gag order was placed on the destruction of military sites during the confrontation. Among the hundreds of sites bombarded by the Israelis was the Beit Lahia Cemetery, an act which was condemned by Gaza’s Ministry of Waqf and Islamic Affairs as “a flagrant violation of the sanctity of the dead”. Ninety-four Gazan families, comprising 535 people, lost their sources of livelihood in Gaza due to the bombings, a further 800 people were displaced, with 940 buildings damaged and 15 residential blocks, containing over 50 apartments, being completely destroyed.

A Strategic Israeli Failure



“Shutting Down the Israeli Arms Industry”


with Lowkey and Huda Amori


Even as Israel’s war against Palestine continues unabated, a new movement has arisen in the United Kingdom, challenging the Israeli war machine – and it has been winning some impressive victories.

Founded in 2020, Palestine Action is a grassroots activist movement that seeks to end British complicity in Israeli war crimes by shutting down arms manufacturing sites across the U.K. Today, Lowkey welcomes back Palestine Action co-founder Huda Amori to talk about the rise of her organization that has taken the country by storm and has weapons manufacturers fleeing. Born in the U.K., Amori is a Palestinian-Iraqi whose father was chased out of his home by Israeli soldiers in 1967, and forced to flee, without even a pair of shoes.

Decades later, Amori has found a way to fight back, using direct action to occupy and shut down Elbit Systems, Israel’s largest arms firm. With the help of the community in her native Oldham, Amori and Palestine Action’s occupation has forced Elbit Systems to leave the town and sell their factory at a substantial loss. Last summer, they abandoned their London headquarters. And last winter, the British Ministry of Defence canceled around £280 million (around U.S.$350 million) of contracts with the company.



“Israel’s Latest Hasbara Scheme Enlists High School Students as Trolls Against Palestine”


by Jessica Buxbaum




“Here’s Why Police Oversight Boards Always Fail”


with Jimmy Dore




Shutdown or Not, the Police State Will Continue to Flourish


by John Whitehead

“There is no more dangerous menace to civilization

than a government of incompetent, corrupt, or vile men.”
Ludwig von Mises

Once again, the police state is up to its old tricks, stoking tensions over whether or not the government is forced to shut down, even partially, due to a default on the national debt.

Yet while these political games dominate news headlines, send the stock market into a nosedive, and put federal employees at risk of having to work without pay, nothing about these high-handed theatrics will diminish the immediate and very real dangers of the American Police State with its roadside strip searches, government surveillance, biometric databases, citizens being treated like terrorists, imprisonments for criticizing the government, national ID cards, SWAT team raids, censorship, forcible blood draws and DNA extractions, private prisons, weaponized drones, red light cameras, tasers, active shooter drills, police misconduct and government corruption.

Default or not, war will continue. Drone killings will continue. Surveillance will continue. Censorship and persecution of anyone who criticizes the government will continue. The government’s efforts to label dissidents as extremists and terrorists will continue.

Police shootings will continue. Highway robbery meted out by government officials will continue. Corrupt government will continue. Profit-driven prisons will continue. And the militarization of the police will continue.

Indeed, take a look at the programs and policies that will not be affected by a government default on its debt leading to a possible shutdown, and you’ll get a clearer sense of the government’s priorities, which have little to do with serving taxpayers and everything to do with amassing money, power and control.

Surveillance will continue unabated. On any given day, whether you’re walking through a store, driving your car, checking email, or talking to friends and family on the phone, you can be sure that some government agency, whether the NSA or some other entity, is listening in and tracking your behavior. Police have been outfitted with a litany of surveillance gear, from license plate readers and cell phone tracking devices to biometric data recorders. Technology now makes it possible for the police to scan passersby in order to detect the contents of their pockets, purses, briefcases, etc. Full-body scanners, which perform virtual strip-searches of Americans traveling by plane, have gone mobile, with roving police vans that peer into vehicles and buildings alike—including homes. Coupled with the nation’s growing network of real-time surveillance cameras and facial recognition software, soon there really will be nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.

Global spying will continue unabated. The NSA’s massive surveillance network, what the Washington Post refers to as a $500 billion “espionage empire,” will continue to span the globe and target every single person on the planet who uses a phone or a computer. The NSA’s Echelon program intercepts and analyzes virtually every phone call, fax and email message sent anywhere in the world. In addition to carrying out domestic surveillance on peaceful political groups such as Amnesty International, Greenpeace and several religious groups, Echelon has also been a keystone to the government’s attempts at political and corporate espionage.

Egregious searches will continue unabated. Under the pretext of protecting the nation’s infrastructure (roads, mass transit systems, water and power supplies, telecommunications systems and so on) against criminal or terrorist attacks, Transportation Security Administration (TSA) task forces (comprised of federal air marshals, surface transportation security inspectors, transportation security officers, behavior detection officers and explosive detection canine teams) will continue to do random security sweeps of nexuses of transportation, including ports, railway and bus stations, airports, ferries and subways. Sweep tactics include the use of x-ray technology, pat-downs and drug-sniffing dogs, among other things.

The undermining of the Constitution will continue unabated. America’s so-called war on terror, which it has relentlessly pursued since 9/11, has chipped away at our freedoms, unraveled our Constitution and transformed our nation into a battlefield, thanks in large part to such subversive legislation as the USA Patriot Act and National Defense Authorization Act. These laws—which completely circumvent the rule of law and the constitutional rights of American citizens, re-orienting our legal landscape in such a way as to ensure that martial law, rather than the rule of law, our U.S. Constitution, becomes the map by which we navigate life in the United States—will continue to be enforced.

Militarized policing will continue unabated. Thanks to federal grant programs allowing the Pentagon to transfer surplus military supplies and weapons to local law enforcement agencies without charge, police forces will continue to be transformed from peace officers into heavily armed extensions of the military, complete with jackboots, helmets, shields, batons, pepper-spray, stun guns, assault rifles, body armor, miniature tanks and weaponized drones. Having been given the green light to probe, poke, pinch, taser, search, seize, strip and generally manhandle anyone they see fit in almost any circumstance, all with the general blessing of the courts, America’s law enforcement officials, no longer mere servants of the people entrusted with keeping the peace, will continue to keep the masses corralled, under control, and treated like suspects and enemies rather than citizens.

SWAT team raids will continue unabated. With more than 80,000 SWAT team raids carried out every year on unsuspecting Americans for relatively routine police matters and federal agencies laying claim to their own law enforcement divisions, the incidence of botched raids and related casualties will continue to rise. Nationwide, SWAT teams will continue to be employed to address an astonishingly trivial array of criminal activity or mere community nuisances including angry dogs, domestic disputes, improper paperwork filed by an orchid farmer, and misdemeanor marijuana possession.

Overcriminalization will continue unabated. The government bureaucracy will continue to churn out laws, statutes, codes and regulations that reinforce its powers and value systems and those of the police state and its corporate allies, rendering the rest of us petty criminals. The average American now unknowingly commits three felonies a day, thanks to this overabundance of vague laws that render otherwise innocent activity illegal. Consequently, small farmers who dare to make unpasteurized goat cheese and share it with members of their community will continue to have their farms raided.

The shadow government— a.k.a. the Deep State, a.k.a. the police state, a.k.a. the military industrial complex, a.k.a. the surveillance state complex—will continue unabated. This corporatized, militarized, entrenched bureaucracy that is fully operational and staffed by unelected officials will continue to call the shots in Washington DC, no matter who sits in the White House or controls Congress. By “government,” I’m not referring to the highly partisan, two-party bureaucracy of the Republicans and Democrats. Rather, I’m referring to “government” with a capital “G,” the entrenched Deep State that is unaffected by elections, unaltered by populist movements, and has set itself beyond the reach of the law.

These issues are not going away.



“Cops keep making unjustified arrests, but these victims are fighting back—and winning”


with Taya Graham and Stephen Janis


Police Accountability Report hosts Taya Graham and Stephen Janis break down some recent cases of bad arrests covered by PAR and share with viewers how our reporting has actually lead to progress. We also explore new ways of analyzing policing to explain why it continues to lead to suffering and bad outcomes in communities across the country.



‘We Do Not Need a School for Assassins’: Hours of Public Comment Unanimously Against ‘Cop City’


by Alex Binde

Atlanta, GA — Hundreds of Atlantans spoke out against the proposed authorization of $33.5 million taxpayer dollars for the Atlanta Police Foundation to fund the construction of ‘Cop City’ during the public comment section at city council on Monday. The council is expected to vote on the funding on June 5.

The public comment lasted over seven hours and the nearly 300 community members who had the opportunity to speak were unanimous in their opposition to ‘Cop City’, which if built, would be an 85-acre urban warfare police training compound in the South River Forest in DeKalb County, Georgia.

The Atlanta Public Safety Training Center (‘Cop City’) will cost at least $90 million total, with most of the funding flowing from corporations such as Coca-Cola, Chick-fil-A, Cox Enterprises, UPS, Home Depot, Waffle House, Wells Fargo and more.

During the hours-long public comment, many of the same points were brought up by Atlanta residents about what the $33.5 million could go toward instead — affordable housing, repairing roads, improving the electrical grid, the healthcare system, education, family leave, after-school programs, building community centers, community outreach, etc.




US troops in Somalia rise to 900, House votes not to withdraw


by Ann Garrison and Jamal Abdulahi




“From Yellow Journalism to China Bashing, the Media’s Enduring Role in Promoting War”


by John Pilger

In 1935, the Congress of American Writers was held in New York City, followed by another two years later. They called on ‘the hundreds of poets, novelists, dramatists, critics, short story writers and journalists’ to discuss the ‘rapid crumbling of capitalism’ and the beckoning of another war. They were electric events which, according to one account, were attended by 3,500 members of the public, with more than a thousand turned away.

Arthur Miller, Myra Page, Lillian Hellman, and Dashiell Hammett warned that fascism was rising, often disguised, and writers and journalists were responsible for speaking out. Telegrams of support from Thomas Mann, John Steinbeck, Ernest Hemingway, C Day Lewis, Upton Sinclair and Albert Einstein were read out.

The journalist and novelist Martha Gellhorn spoke up for the homeless and unemployed and ‘all of us under the shadow of violent great power.’

Martha, who became a close friend, told me later over her customary glass of Famous Grouse and soda: ‘The responsibility I felt as a journalist was immense. I had witnessed the injustices and suffering delivered by the Depression, and I knew, we all knew, what was coming if silences were not broken.’

Her words echo across the silences today: they are silences filled with a consensus of propaganda that contaminates almost everything we read, see and hear. Let me give you one example:

On 7 March, the two oldest newspapers in Australia, the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, published several pages on ‘the looming threat’ of China. They coloured the Pacific Ocean red. Chinese eyes were martial, on the march and menacing. The Yellow Peril was about to fall down as if by the weight of gravity.”




“Russian medicine is controlled by the WHO”


by Edward Slavsquat

A conversation with Russia's Independent Association of Doctors



« Moscow's WHO masochism »

Unpacking Russia's performance at the 76th World Health Assembly


by Edward Slavsquat

On May 22, Russia’s Deputy Minister of Health Sergey Glagolev addressed the 76th World Health Assembly, held in Geneva, on behalf of Moscow and Minsk.

His speech wasn’t very long, so I’ve decided to break it down line-by-line:

·         “On behalf of the Union State of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, I have the honor to congratulate the member countries of the organization, and all WHO employees, on the anniversary of our Organization and note its role in strengthening the health of the world’s population.”

The WHO is “strengthening the health of the world’s population”? Citation desperately needed.

·         “We hope that this organization and its member states are able to develop and achieve their goals, primarily the SDGs [Sustainable Development Goals], progress towards which has been slowed down by the coronavirus pandemic.”

Second sentence of the speech, and Moscow is already preaching about SDGs.

·         “We note that over the past three years, the pandemic has been an unprecedented challenge to the whole world, revealing many problems and vulnerabilities. Unfortunately, in overcoming the current pandemic, when the highest degree of cohesion, mutual assistance, coherence of actions and the rejection of selfish practices were required, some countries preferred to look for the guilty and politicize the situation. Nevertheless, despite all the difficulties and problems that have been revealed, the world managed to cope with this severe blow and save millions of lives, which became possible only thanks to mutual support and cooperation.”

Russia’s natural population decline totaled more than 1 million people in 2021—a figure that hasn’t been seen since 1945. This impressive crime was accomplished by suspending routine medical care, forcing an unproven genetic injection on the population, and by waging a sustained campaign of socioeconomic terrorism (in the form of QR codes, arbitrary restrictions on businesses, etc.).

It’s cute that Moscow is now sermonizing about how the world just barely “coped” with the “pandemic”.

Yes, how could we have survived without the life-saving guidance of the WHO?

If anything, the Russian people should be applauded for heroically “coping” with their government’s murderous “public health” policies. The same holds true in all countries, obviously.

As for the “politicization” of COVID—is Moscow still complaining that there weren’t enough vaccines, ventilators, and masks for Africa? Maybe?




Discussing video games with Russia's #1 chess player


by Edward Slavsquat

Part of a new series: Edward's Russia Storytime!



A.I. is Going to Revolutionize Everything: With GPT-5, the U.S. is "In The Lead"


by Karsten Riise

World Will Be Left Behind US in AI

With the release of GPT-4 a few months ago, the US took the lead over China in AI.

The US is now moving fast not only to cement its lead, but also to significantly increase its lead in AI. Essentially, China, Russia, India, and even the EU will be left totally behind in this extremely powerful technology.

US Computing Advantage

The cost in fast computing power has turned out to be massive. Especially when you consider the future load of commercial use. In fact, AI developers will try to not upscale their models too much in order to contain the computing load. The chip embargo on China and Russia is meant to leverage the US advantage in raw computing power for AI.

The A.I. Tsunami = US Strategic Success

US Development Speed

To expand its lead, the US is also moving fast to develop the next generation of even more powerful AI, the GPT-5 model. GPT-5 will probably be the complete breakthrough in commercial and advanced use of AI. Based on GPT-5, a long range of commercial products already in development will be released. Not only will GPT-5 have new capabilities, even more importantly, GPT-5 will be far more reliable, give more correct answers, and behaving to users the way the US state wants to. This includes of course censoring out what users are not wanted to know or even to ask. Expect GPT-5 already in 2024.

US Secrecy



G20 policy advisors are tired of America’s self-serving ‘rules-based international order’


by Igor Makarov

Last week, in Mumbai, I attended the Think 20 interim conference. It describes itself as an “idea bank” for the G20 that brings together think tanks and high-level experts to discuss policy issues relevant to the group. 

The recommendations involved are far from trivial. The world is in a series of simultaneous structural crises right now: the economy, debt levels, sustainable development goals and, separately, climate change. Above all, it is also engulfed in a crisis of global governance, the basic architecture of which was developed in a different era (when there was a different balance of power between countries, in which they had different objectives).

The main target of criticism were international financial institutions. The problem is not so much the effectiveness with which they are run by developed countries (although this has also been much debated), but that they are not up to the task of pooling large amounts of money for common purposes. The world has sufficient financial resources to address many sustainable development issues, but they cannot be directed to where they are needed. 

For example, the cost of capital in the developed (mostly Western) world has averaged 1.5-2% over the past five years, but it has been at 8% in Asia, 16% in Africa and 22% in sub-Saharan Africa. Tightening monetary policy in the West only exacerbates the situation for developing countries. The role of  international financial institutions is not so much to provide aid to poor states but to help channel sufficient private savings around the world into development projects, taking on some of the risks of investors. 

India, as it happens, complains that the World Bank has provided only peanuts in funding (just a few billion dollars), relative to its over $3 trillion economy, in nominal US dollar terms. 

The second necessity is digitization. The focus is on digitizing services and public infrastructure (as opposed to the manner in which it can be used for industry in the US and Europe). An example of how this can work is the digital ID system being developed in India, which is linked to a bank account. As a result, there are now four times more digital transactions in the South Asian country than in China, and 11 times more than in the US and Western Europe combined.

The aim is twofold: to make it easier to include more people (especially women) in economic activity, and to stimulate innovation. Developing countries will be less and less able to host Western industries (which was the Chinese growth model), so innovation will have to be built up through services, especially as new technologies will allow global companies to outsource more and more. 

Multilateralism is essential. However, the question is to what extent the US, on the one hand, and China, on the other, are ready for it. 

The former is more interested in the results of its next election, and the cycle itself, than in global problems; while the latter sees its participation in solving them so far only in the form of China-centric formats such as the Belt and Road Initiative. There was one attempt to attack Russia for undermining a well-functioning world order – by an Anglo-American participant, who was immediately rebuked rather harshly by a Brazilian and then an Indian moderator.

In general, any talk of a “rule-based order” in Mumbai was visibly tiresome. In just a few years, I have seen a clear shift from delegates declaring the crisis of this kind of order to key people asking who should actually make the rules. 

The general impression is that the successive presidencies of Indonesia, India, Brazil and South Africa, from 2022-2025, (with very active interaction between them) of the G20 will be maximized by these countries to shape a new narrative, which of course will not automatically translate into reforms of global governance, but will serve as constant pressure for these changes. 





“America’s Wars and the US Debt Crisis”


by Jeffrey D. Sachs

To surmount the debt crisis, America needs to stop feeding the Military-Industrial Complex, the most powerful lobby in Washington.
In the year 2000, the U.S. government debt was $3.5 trillion, equal to 35% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). By 2022, the debt was $24 trillion, equal to 95% of GDP. The U.S. debt is soaring, hence America’s current debt crisis. Yet both Republicans and Democrats are missing the solution: stopping America’s wars of choice and slashing military outlays.

Suppose the government’s debt had remained at a modest 35% of GDP, as in 2000. Today’s debt would be $9 billion, as opposed to $24 trillion. Why did the U.S. government incur the excess $15 trillion in debt?

The single biggest answer is the U.S. government’s addiction to war and military spending. According to the Watson Institute at Brown University, the cost of U.S. wars from fiscal year 2001 to fiscal year 2022 amounted to a whopping $8 trillion, more than half of the extra $15 trillion in debt. The other $7 trillion arose roughly equally from budget deficits caused by the 2008 financial crisis and the Covid-19 pandemic.

Facing down the military-industrial lobby is the vital first step to putting America’s fiscal house in order




“Journalists for Sale: Tucker, Teixeira and Taibbi (w/ Patrick Lawrence)”


by Diego Ramos and Max Jones


ScheerPost’s own Max Jones and Diego Ramos are back with another video interview except this time it is under the official name for their show: Journalists for Sale. We hope the irony isn’t lost on our readers and we are excited to bring this weekly interview show to the site and our other platforms.



“Durham Report Reveals the Real Threat to ‘Democracy’ – The FBI Weaponized by Democrat Party Affiliated Elites”


by Ajamu Baraka

Donald Trump calls Russiagate a "hoax" but it is in fact much worse. The manufactured scandal was part of successful efforts to intimidate, to censor, and to discredit opposition to state narratives. Russiagate is used to make the case for the proxy war in Ukraine. Here in the US it plays a role in subjugating the Black liberation movement. It is the 21st century version of COINTELPRO.

                        “trenches of ideas are more powerful than weapons.” (Jose Marti)

                        “...the American public was scammed.” (Donald Trump)


Six years and millions of dollars later, the “Durham report” released on May 15th confirmed once again what a few of us had the nerve to argue before all of the reports and stories that subsequently emerged – that “Russiagate” was the most massive fraud ever perpetrated on the U.S. public by a section of the capitalist rulers and represented a maturing of a form of U.S. neofascism unique to this historical moment. 

The public may have forgotten that during the Trump Administration U.S. Attorney General Bob Barr assigned John H. Durham as special counsel to review the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation of the Trump campaign.  The Durham report, as it is being referred to in the media, corroborated many of the conclusions reached by Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report in 2019. Among the findings in the Horowitz report, was evidence suggesting that the FBI made what was referred to as “basic, fundamental, and serious errors” in applying for a warrant to surveil the Trump campaign.

However, the Durham report went further suggesting that the US Justice Department and FBI “failed to uphold their mission” when they launched their initial investigation of former president Donald Trump. What the report alluded to and what is important to remind the public of, is that the “investigation” by the FBI of the Trump campaign constituted a full-blown counterintelligence campaign. Dubbed “Crossfire Hurricane,” the investigation of a presidential contender from one of the two major parties allowed to conduct national presidential campaigns without overbearing legal constraints, was truly unprecedented.

The Durham report was quite explicit: 



The Pirate Stream: Dialectical Dissidents - Episode 15


with Ryan Cristián


Video Source Links (In Chronological Order):

·         Corporate Press Predictably Silent as Bilderberg Kicks Off: Here is Who’s Attending and What They’re Discussing – The Free Thought Project

·         Home – Press For Truth

·         US senator introduces bill to create a federal agency to regulate AI | CNN Business

·         New Tab

·         Self-Checkout Machines Are Now Begging For Tips | ZeroHedge

·         New Tab

·         The Deadly LNP/Spike Protein Design & The New modRNA Ferritin Nanoparticle Universal Flu Injection

·         Internet-of-nano-things (IoNT) driven intelligent face masks to combat airborne health hazard – ScienceDirect

·         Biodegradable Cationic and Ionizable Cationic Lipids: A Roadmap for Safer Pharmaceutical Excipients – Jörgensen – 2023 – Small – Wiley Online Library

·         Feds Starts Enrolling Volunteers for mRNA Flu Vaccine Trial

·         Clinical trial of mRNA universal influenza vaccine candidate begins | National Institutes of Health (NIH)

·         Genetically engineered ‘Magneto’ protein remotely controls brain and behaviour | Science | The Guardian

·         Flipping a Switch Inside the Head : Seek

·         Preclinical studies support Army’s pan-coronavirus vaccine development strategy | Article | The United States Army

·         Military’s Expanded Role in 5G Could Lead to ‘Mass Data Collection, Tracking and Monitoring’ of U.S. Citizens • Children’s Health Defense

·         Humans Can Harvest Energy to to Power 6G | How 6G Works

·         New Tab

·         Graphene Oxides Decorated with Carnosine as an Adjuvant To Modulate Innate Immune and Improve Adaptive Immunity in Vivo | ACS Nano

·         New Tab

·         (44) LastAmericanVagabond on Twitter: ““The new science of CRISPR: How gene-editing tech is about to change food, children and vaccines forever” .. I guess the illusion of our involvement is no longer necessary. Is this what you want? https://t.co/GjS5ZIKYVz https://t.co/GYHm7Yyw2t” / Twitter

·         New Tab

·         (46) Dr. Thomas Binder, MD on Twitter: “❗️Please share widely ❗️ Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi’s Warning to the World Great discussion of @NassMeryl c/o @ChildrensHD with Prof. em. Sucharit Bhakdi and Michael Palmer MD of @Drs4CovidEthics, about the fundamental flaws of the useless and life-threatening mRNA “vaccination”… https://t.co/OLulZhlqEz” / Twitter

·         (38) aussie17 on Twitter: “Must watch: Prof Sucharit Bhakdi explains @Kevin_McKernan findings that bacterial DNA being used in the experimental mRNA vaccines is going to “shake the world!” https://t.co/AnrXdVVtrk” / Twitter

·         (8) 𝐙𝐮𝐤𝐮𝐧𝐟𝐭𝟑𝟕 – Bernd F. – F wie Freiheit! 🗽 on Twitter: “Am nächsten Dienstag, am 23.05.23 findet der Prozess gegen Prof. Dr. Sucharit #Bhakdi statt. Der lächerliche Vorwurf: Volksverhetzung! 😤 Der Rechtsstaat steht einmal mehr auf dem Prüfstand. Deshalb sage ich: #IStandWithBhakdi #IStandWithSucharit #TeamBhakdi‼️ Wer noch? ✋️ https://t.co/1X1X4hXj7K” / Twitter

·         (45) Taylor Hudak on Twitter: “Three people filed complaints against Prof. Bhakdi, on the same day, July 14, 2021, all citing the same exact statements made by Prof. Bhakdi during an interview recorded in April that year To understand more about the Sucharit Bhakdi case, see here: https://t.co/F6JixwSgKu https://t.co/iHemCESTB6” / Twitter

·         (8) Pierre Kory, MD MPA on Twitter: “I was not a whistleblower per se, but as someone who has publicly spoken “inconvenient” scientific truths during Covid (leading to the loss of 3 jobs, the end of my academic career, and probable loss of my license), I can identify with this man. But I would do it again in a…” / Twitter

·         New Tab

·         (42) LastAmericanVagabond on Twitter: “Weren’t we called “dangerous spreaders of misinfo” when merely stating this was a possibility? Well, now it is a literal reality. If you are not aware, this “deny-then-ignore” scenario happens often. Apply this new awareness to the dismissals of today. https://t.co/vD5gP7amNt” / Twitter

·         New Tab

·         (39) Glenn Greenwald on Twitter: “A newly released Harris-Harvard poll conclusively demonstrates how radically out of touch is liberal corporate media with the views of Americans. It’s not just that corporate media rejects Americans’ views. They don’t permit those views to be heard. https://t.co/Lor6QSUnl6” / Twitter

·         New Tab

·         (13) What is the Difference Between mRNA and modRNA?

·         Creative Artists Uniting for the Sovereignty of Everyone Tickets, Sat, Jun 3, 2023 at 11:00 AM | Eventbrite





Top News Archives - The Last American Vagabond




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“RUSSIAGATE'S MISSING PIECES: What was not said in the Durham Report?”

by Seymour Hersh
The first thing to understand about John Durham is that he was a fearless prosecutor who went after organized crime and put in prison retired and active FBI agents who protected the mob for money or other enticements. One of the agents he stopped had enabled James “Whitey” Bulger Jr., once one of America’s most wanted men, the Winter Hill Gang boss who evaded arrest for sixteen years.
In his forty-five years as a state and federal prosecutor in Connecticut and Virginia, Durham worked often and closely with FBI agents, especially on cases that involved violations of federal racketeering statutes.
Durham also handled two inquiries into the CIA’s conduct in the War on Terror, and he did so without angering his superiors in the executive branch. In one case he was asked to investigate the alleged destruction of CIA videotapes of detainee interrogations, the so-called torture tapes. His final report on the matter remains secret, and he recommended that no charges be filed. He was later asked to lead a Justice Department inquiry into the legality of the CIA’s “enhanced interrogation techniques” that resulted in the death of two detainees. In that case, he was told that officers who were given and obeyed what were determined to be illegal orders—there were many of those after 9/11—could not be prosecuted. No charges were filed.
Durham’s 306-page report was made public on May 15, and it pleased no one with its focus on the obvious. The journalist Susan Schmidt, whose byline was a must-read when she was a reporter for the Washington Post, pointed out on Racket News that Durham said the FBI would have done less damage to its reputation if it had scrutinized the questionable actions of the Clinton campaign in 2016: the Feds “might at least have cast a critical eye on the phony evidence they were gathering.”
Schmidt was highlighting a moment in Durham’s report where he hints at the real story: Russiagate was a fraud initiated by the Clinton campaign and abetted by political reporters in Washington and senior FBI officials who chose to look the other way. Durham writes: “In late July 2016, US intelligence agencies obtained insight into Russian intelligence analysis alleging that US Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton had approved a campaign plan to stir up a scandal against US Presidential candidate Donald Trump by tying him to Putin and the Russians’ hacking of the Democratic National Committee.” 




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“Durham Report Indicts FBI For Role in Russiagate Scam But is Silent About the CIA”
 Jeremy Kuzmarov

New investigation should be opened that examines pivotal role played by the Agency in scandal that was used to mobilize liberal support for regime change in Russia and war in Ukraine.





“On April 25, 1945, U.S. and Russian Soldiers Shook Hands and Made a Pledge For Peace”
 Joseph Wolff

There is No Reason it Cannot Happen Again.

[Below is a speech given by Joseph Wolff, the son of Joseph Polowsky, an American GI from Chicago during World War II who was involved in the famous Elbe River link-up at the end of the war and became a lifelong peace activist, to commemorate the 78th anniversary of the Elbe River link-up.—Editors.]





“Woody Guthrie Prize Given to Punk Rock Group that Supports Escalation of Ukraine War and Overthrow of Russian Government”
 Jeremy Kuzmarov

As a proponent of peaceful relations with the Soviet Union, Woody Guthrie would likely be rolling over in his grave if he knew how his heirs betrayed his name.





“Former DEA Agent Details How the CIA Concealed Identity of Two 9/11 Hijackers Granted Visas to the U.S. From the FBI”
 Joshua Shoenfeld

Dan Christensen, an investigative reporter and editor of the Florida Bulldog, has written an important article on the CIA’s concealment of the identities of two alleged hijackers, Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdhar, from the FBI.

Unfortunately, the mainstream media and alternative media have mostly ignored this story to date.





“Senate Report: Nearly 700 Former High-Ranking Pentagon and Other Government Officials Now Work at the Top 20 Defense Contractors”
 Jeremy Kuzmarov 

Ideally, Elizabeth Warren’s report would precipitate a much larger congressional investigation of the military-industrial complex modeled after the 1934 Nye Committee hearings.




“FBI Has Evolved Into Organized Crime Outfit that Operates Above the Law”
 John Kiriakou 

The FBI in Los Angeles is the same as the FBI in Washington and in New York and in Peoria and everywhere else. They’re liars. They’re deceivers. They’re criminals. Nothing has changed since the days of COINTELPRO. Whether you’re a Proud Boy or the passive renter of a safety deposit box, you have to worry about the FBI lying you into prison or into the poorhouse.





“The Pentagon Has Been Recolonizing University Campuses—Why Aren’t More Students Protesting?”
 Jeremy Kuzmarov 

Once upon a time getting a college degree meant reading classic literature and philosophy, learning about history and politics, studying mathematics and science, learning new languages, and debating the great issues of the day in student forums.

The billionaire class and Pentagon, however, do not want young people to think critically, or to be worldly and idealistic.





“It’s a Long Way From New York City: On the Beat in Donetsk With Political Satirist Randy Credico”
Arnaud Develay

Randolph “Randy” Credico has been around the block.

Friend of luminaries such as Roger Waters, George Galloway and the late William Kunstler (to name but a few), Randy has been relentlessly committed to defend the proverbial “little guy” while taking on the powerful.

As a media personality who understands instinctively the power of narrative, Randy initially could not wrap his mind around the reality that the Western media stood mum about the constant shelling faced by the people in Donbas for these last nine years.





“Taking the Capitalist Road Was the Wrong Choice For Ukraine, Says Ukraine Expert”
 Natylie Baldwin 

Renfrey Clarke is an Australian journalist. Throughout the 1990s he reported from Moscow for Green Left Weekly of Sydney. This past year, he published The Catastrophe of Ukrainian Capitalism: How Privatisation Dispossessed & Impoverished the Ukrainian People with Resistance Books.

In April, [Natylie Baldwin] had an email exchange with Clarke. Read the transcript...





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“The Debt Ceiling is Political Theater”
Rachel Hu and Chris Garaffa

The “debt ceiling” crisis playing out between President Biden and Congressional Republicans is manufactured by capitalism to justify spending cuts to critical social programs while continuing to bail out big businesses and fund the Pentagon’s endless war drive.

This comes after the taxpayer-funded bailouts of Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank and First Republic Bank show the willingness of the capitalist system to do everything it can to keep itself afloat.

To talk about the debt ceiling, bank bailouts, inflation and more, we’re joined by Chris Caruso from the Kairos Center for Religions, Rights & Social Justice

Listen →