Bulletin N° 1110



“A Man Within”


by Jonathan 'Youri' Leyser


Featuring never before seen footage as well as exclusive interviews with his closest friends and colleagues. Born the heir of the Burroughs' adding machine estate, he struggled throughout his life with addiction, control systems, and self. He was forced to deal with the tragedy of killing his wife and the repercussions of neglecting his son. His novel, Naked Lunch, was one of the last books to be banned by the U.S. government. Allen Ginsberg and Norman Mailer testified on behalf of the book. The courts eventually overturned their decision in 1966, ruling that the book had an important social value. It remains one of the most recognized literary works of the 20th century. William Burroughs was one of the first to cross the dangerous boundaries of queer and drug culture in the 1950s, and write about his experiences. Eventually he was hailed the godfather of the beat generation and influenced artists for generations to come. However, his friends were left wondering, did William ever find happiness? This extremely personal documentary breaks the surface of the troubled and brilliant world of one of the greatest authors of all time. "William S. Burroughs: A Man Within" is the first and only posthumous documentary about this legendary figure.




Grenoble, France

Bastille Day 2023



Subject:  As a financial investment, ‘war is the health of the State’; as a ‘blood sport’ it has morphed into a ‘genocidal pathology.’




Dear Colleagues and Friends of CEIMSA,


A surrealistic view of life in the first quarter of the 21st Century might run along the lines of the following paranoid fantasy:


The Grim Reaper has taken on the identity of a genocidal assassin with a suicidal disposition. The contamination of food, soil, air, and water, is joined by sound pollution and now by mind pollution as major threats to humanity. Words acting like a virus, as William Burroughs once suggested in his experimental writings, can contaminate the brain and govern its function, independent of the host's inate capacity for reason, memory, feeling, and will. The normal functions of the brain can be subverted by such an invasive event that weakens the sense of self, and of any real social/historical context, to produce a pervasive toxic cast over perceptions, thus distorting objective reality beyond recognition and affecting individual behavior, accordingly.


Propaganda and psychological warfare play a role in this invasion, but the host carries the infection and transmits it to others, unaware of his/her role as a carrier of the virus.


How to build immunity in the midst of this pervasive fantasy.

First, to acknowledge that viruses and bacteria are a part of our ecosystem; they have been with us on this planet since the beginning of life, and we are sharing this space with so many other life forms - some harmful, some beneficial, most with symbiotic neutrality – that we barely understand. 


Whether we live in a hostile environment or in a beneficent environment is determined by the class structure of our upbringing and our learned capacity to deal with the various issues which affect our lives. (The ostrich approach to danger does not protect us from predatory behavior. And who are not the predators that despise us? How can they be identified and rendered harmless? How can we learn to protect ourselves from an environment in which their behavior is so highly valued?)


The current stage of technological development and the present state of Monopoly Capitalism have combined to present a problematic for our continued existence in class society, and major events of suicidal homicide are more easily conceivable, since human consciousness is found to be impaired to a large extent and class collaboration, at all costs, is rampant.


Is it simply a surrealistic view to perceive that an elitist “leadership” is preparing to take us all down a path toward self-destruction; that our natural instincts of survival have been weakened by what seems to be the culture of an invasive virus which operates to diminish our mental capacities to a lethal extent, and thereby facilitate our collaboration with those who threaten our very existence?


As Edward Slavsquat seems to believe: “At least we have each other (to talk to)...”



The 18 + items below might serve to restore our perception of reality, as governed by our survival instincts. We have much to overcome if we are to learn this fundamental lesson in history: "the all pervasive role of class struggle." Certain personalities from the period of the French Revolution might serve to remind us who we are, people such as Jacques Roux, Jean-Paul Marat, and Francois Babeuf demonstrated immunity to the counterrevolutionary rhetoric of their day. They stood for the humanity of ordinary people, against the murderous machinations of ruling class elitists and their army of dupes. They stand among the true heroes of the late 18th Century. The immunity they developed is to be forgotten only at our peril.




Francis McCollum Feeley


Professeur honoraire de l'Université Grenoble-Alpes
Ancien Directeur des Researches
Université de Paris-Nanterre
Director of The Center for the Advanced Study
of American Institutions and Social Movements
The University of California-San Diego




“Humanity in Hypnotic Thrall to a Techno-Industrial God”



by Julian Rose

On the side of an apartment high-rise block dominantly visible between buildings surrounding Brussel’s Gare du Midi railway station, the finishing touches are being made to an extraordinary piece of art. One can just perceive the figure in the cage extended out on the hydraulic arm of the vehicle which provides the platform from which the artist can apply his paints to this vast canvas.

The work depicts, as I grasp it, a shining techno-industrial mobile phone tower pinnacling out of the summit of a vast concrete temple flanked by two grand curving stairways, at the bottom of which is a platform covered with a great crowd of people. Above the tower wispy chemtrails have formed an X in the sky, while the bottom quarter of the artwork is dominated by a voluminous sea of red dotted with flecks of black.

The symbolism is powerful. The work might be titled “So here we are”. For yes, this is where we are – if by ‘we’ one understands the current materialistically imprisoned post industrial world – driven on by the relentless force of globalisation.

Brussels, still a remarkably human city by today’s standards, has the misfortune of housing the European Union HQ, which is not a very human conglomerate. And what goes on in it is equally devoid of humanity. For it is about being ‘big, central and dominating’.




Big, central and dominating is the future of the planet if you subscribe to the techno-industrial mind’s two dimensional determinism.

In the soothing words of Klaus Schwab and Yuval Noah Harari, it is to be an Information Technology/Artificial Intelligence future, in which Schwab tells us “we will have nothing and will be happy”.

The mobile phone tower and mast which tops the temple of techno-industrial prowess, is an ugly, spindly piece of steel which is an expression of dominance in its own right. The vast global infrastructure formed by these Saturnian steel structures carry with them a penetrating EMF amplified soup of toxicity.

It is this ‘network’ which acts as the gateway to the virtual reality world of those who depend on it for their ‘signals’. Signals that have an abstracted kind of dominance and pronounced tendency to thin the blood and blur the brain.

The majority of messages that come through this gateway concern how to get on in ‘the system’.

How to get from A to B faster; news faster; financial reports faster; connections with family and friends faster; everything faster.

Being permanently plugged-in to this hyper electromagnetic crossroads of life is said to be the only way to ‘stay in touch’, to be a participant in the mental matrix; to be part of ‘the programme’.

But already twenty years ago I decided to cut my ties with this programme. Dispensing with the mobile phone turned out to be an act of liberation, soon to be followed by the ousting of the TV.

Big Brother was consigned to the back seat and I saw that a life that belonged to myself still existed, all be it with the proviso that one prioritised one’s values with a solid dose of determination to be true to that which is ‘real’ in life.

Perhaps this is why I can see so clearly how those who continue to participate in the ‘programme’ are running blindly towards an uncompromisingly sheer cliff-face, and how their voracious demands on the natural environment are increasingly undermining her natural resilience.

I can see something particularly shocking – that this frenetic rush to the cliff face and the great consumption of finite resources it involves – has no other purpose than playing-out a quasi demonic fascination with ever more refined toys of distraction. Distraction from the real pulse of life.

Yet this techno-industrial suicide machine is staffed by humans who appear not to recognise that their joint mission is programmed to end in collapse.

On the contrary, they seem to think that by increasing the efficiency and speed of the means of travel, it will somehow consummate its own need to arrive at where it is headed for. Where or what that is – simply never gets asked.

However, the psychotic gods of insentient ‘progress’ who designed the programme have built into it a series of ‘events’ which reach a certain conclusion in something they call the Transhuman. A robotic state of computer connected and controlled brain power for those able to pay for it.




To pay for the right to be dehumanised and rendered devoid of the need – and indeed ability – to think. Freed from emotion and freed from a soul based link to one’s Creator.

Stations on the way to this dark point of human annulment are laid-out under the WEF creed known as ‘The Great Reset’. A ‘Reset’ from human to non human.

Here are some of stations along the Great Reset route to the Transhuman:

The cessation of food grown in soil and the manufacturing of synthetic food produced in laboratories (at least six of which are already in production).

The end of farming the land as we know it and the removal of redundant farmers and country dwellers into 5 and 6G controlled total surveillance ‘smart cities’.

Countryside and farm landscapes redesigned to accommodate ‘rewilding’ projects and gated access to designated ‘leisure sites’ for those who can afford access. 

The end of bank notes and coinage, replaced by a centrally controlled digital currency whose availability will depend upon one’s ‘social credit’ a la China.

The confiscation of one’s assets and private property with the option to ‘rent’ aspects of them back from the corporate state that is to become the new owner.

‘Self-autonomous’ 5G guided transportation systems operating between major cities.

100% surveillance via satellite and ‘the internet of everything’ and the profligate use of algorithms to pick-up any signs of resistance in communications.

The repression of true spirituality in favour of a ‘one world religion’.

Deliberate blurring of sexual delineation ‘man/woman’ and the decline of normal sexual reproduction.

Sperm-counts further reduced due to de-vitaminised synthetic GMO foods, vaccinations and polluted air and water –  population control.

Enforced ‘15 minute cities’ as centres of local authority control.

Designer gene-altered babies via laboratory cloning of DNA sequences and cell tissues.

The removal of certain words from the common language, particularly poetic and spiritual ones.

Real art reduced to pseudo art as an expression of the will of the state, including dark-side ritual.

‘Medical health’ seen as the sole domain of Big Pharma with natural medicine outlawed.

Further media/government control over the passing of public information.

There is more, much more.


“The Greatest History Never Told”

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola



* Ivor Cummins interviews Jacob Nordangard, a Swedish researcher and author, about The
Great Reset and plans for a totalitarian future

* The interview takes you on a journey from the late 19th century to present day, laying out
the nefarious path of how we ended up in the place we are today, on the verge of takeover
by a corrupted few

* Nordangard is the author of “Rockefeller: Controlling the Game,” a book that explores
how this prominent family funded and shaped key aspects of society, from environmental
and climate research to education, medicine, politics and agriculture, all using
propaganda techniques

* The Rockefellers’ goal was a transformation of the world’s economy, culture and
governments into a new world order — with the Rockefellers and their select cronies at
the helm

* Much of the new world order’s plans are based on crisis management, and the idea that a
great crisis will occur that will lead to the great transition, where globalists will swoop in
to save the day, transforming society into the promised paradise — which actually takes
away sovereignty


A common mantra was chanted by world leaders during the COVID-19 pandemic — a
Great Reset is necessary to “build back better” from the crisis and create a new
sustainable future. This future is one led by a powerful global cartel eager to gain
control over society and, ultimately, humanity.

But this message of a new world order swooping in to save the masses from a fearful

enemy didn’t start during the pandemic. Its origins go much deeper.

In the video above,1 Ivor Cummins, a biochemical engineer with a background in medical

device engineering and leading teams in complex problem-solving, interviews Jacob

Nordangard, a Swedish researcher and author who has a Ph.D. in technology and social

change, a Master of Social Science in geography and a Master of Social Science in

culture and media production.


Nordangard is the author of “Rockefeller: Controlling the Game,” a book that explores

how this prominent family funded and shaped key aspects of society, from

environmental and climate research to education, medicine, politics and agriculture, all

using propaganda techniques. Their goal was a transformation of the world’s economy,

culture and governments, into a new world order — with the Rockefellers and their select

cronies at the helm.


The interview takes you on a journey from the late 19th century to present day, laying

out the nefarious path of how we ended up in the place we are today, on the verge of

takeover by a corrupted few.


While the topics covered are a good primer, it is important to understand that the

interview fails to uncover any information on Rockefeller’s link to the Rothschild family,

who are exponentially wealthier, as they have been global bankers for centuries before

the Rockefellers started and are likely stealthily pulling their strings.


The Rockefellers’ Rise to Power

In the late 19th century, John D. Rockefeller became the richest man in the world. He

started Standard Oil Corporation in 1870, which soon came under re. In 1911, Standard

Oil was ruled an unreasonable monopoly and split into 34 companies, which became

Exxon, Mobil, Chevron, Amoco, Marathon and others.2


To improve his image and exert more world control, Rockefeller got into philanthropy,

allowing him to avoid taxation and put money into society in ways that would benet his

businesses. Rockefeller founded the University of Chicago and the Rockefeller Institute

for Medical Research, allowing him to set the research agenda to further their own



Then, in 1913, John D. Rockefeller set up the Rockefeller Foundation. Around the same

time, Andrew Carnegie, who was in the steel industry, also became very wealthy and set

up a foundation. Nordangard explains:3


“The idea was to have this money and make it work for … a new order of the

world and that was meant to be built on management philosophy, because they

thought that the government of the day was not ecient — it was inecient.

So they thought it's better for us to inuence the politics and direct it more

international, because that's a very important thing with the foundation of their

work … it was an internationalist course and that was just for it to create this

good world where we would have a big human family and all these buzzwords,

but it was more about business.”


Meanwhile, at the time, Rockefeller still had an image problem. The Foundation he

created under his named was deemed “a menace to the future political and economic

welfare of the nation.”


The Foundation, in partnership with Andrew Carnegie and educator Abraham Flexner,

then set out to centralize U.S. medical schooling, orienting it to the “germ theory” of

disease, which states that germs are solely responsible for disease and necessitate the

use of pharmaceuticals to target said germs.


With that narrative in hand, Rockefeller nanced the campaign to consolidate

mainstream medicine, adopt the philosophies of the growing pharmaceutical industry

and shutter its competition.


Rockefeller’s crusade caused the closure of more than half of U.S. medical schools,

fostered public and press scorn for homeopathy, osteopathy, chiropractic, nutritional,

holistic, functional, integrative and natural medicines, and led to the incarceration of

many practicing physicians.4


What many don’t realize, however, is that the Rockefeller Foundation was the precursor

to the World Health Organization and also played an important role in the transition of

the League of Nations to the United Nations.5,6


The Shapers of Our Future

In 1940, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund was set up to act as the philanthropic arm for the

ve Rockefeller brothers, the grandchildren of John D. Rockefeller — John, Nelson,

Laurance, Winthrop and David. It, too, echoed the same talk of world domination via a

new world order. In 1959, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund announced:7


“We cannot escape, and indeed should welcome, the task which history has

imposed on us. This is the task of helping to shape a new world order in all its

dimensions — spiritual, economic, political, social.”


Eventually, the Rockefellers, who were instrumental in setting up the United Nations,

came to view it as their own private club,8 and each of the grandsons became powerful

in their own right. Nelson Rockefeller became vice president of the U.S. while David

Rockefeller became the head of Chase Manhattan Bank, for instance. The Fund devoted

money to various activist groups to inuence public opinion, and also relied on

philanthropy as part of their propaganda.


In order to gain public trust and favor, however, you need to tell the truth. To do this, they

focused on recreating the perception of what’s true to match their agenda, so what they

said fell in alignment. If you notice any connection to what occurred during the

pandemic, with fact checkers called upon to reshape the truth to t an overarching

narrative, it’s not a coincidence.


In the beginning, there was public outrage against Rockefeller’s empire, with people

aware that he was ruining small businesses and trying to run the government. So, he

hired Ivy Lee, known as the father of PR, to massage his image. Soon, the media began

featuring images of Rockefeller hugging his grandchildren and giving away dimes to

poor children.9


Here again you’ll notice a connection to modern-day Bill Gates, who tried to monopolize

the early computer market with his software company Microsoft. Using PR and

philanthropy, he was able to change his ruthless corporate image to one of a generous

philanthropist. But, like Rockefeller, Gates uses his donations to grow his own wealth, as

the money spent on “charity” ultimately ends up beneting his own investments and/or

business interests.


Creating Problems of Global Scale

In order to establish a new world order, there needs to be problems that are global in

scope. The Rockefellers contacted inuential people to discuss what problems would

apply, settling on science as a buzzword, with global health and pandemics, along with

oceanography and meteorology, as areas in need of management. “They’re perfect to

make a global fear narrative,” Cummins says.10


He paraphrases a statement from Nick Hudson, chairman and founder of Pandemics

Data & Analysis (PANDA), who stressed the importance of scrutinizing any “global”

issue calling for the world to come together to solve it. As you can see, these issues

started decades ago, but really ramped up during the pandemic:11


“He says if you see anything coming out that's apparently a global problem that

we all together need to address, but the only permissible solution is a global

one and will involve handing more power authority to global organizations —

and if descent is in any way crushed or pushed against and censorship in any

way or there's a static idea of the science and a consensus claimed, which is

not science — it's the opposite of science.


Science is always debating. If … one or two or more criteria come together, he

said you do not need to look at the … you don't need to look at the math, you

don't need to look at the science. You know it's a scam if those conditions are



In the 1950s, the Rockefellers picked up Henry Kissinger, who mentored Klaus Schwab,

World Economic Forum cofounder and chairman.12 Kissinger recruited Schwab at a

Harvard international seminar, which was funded by the U.S. CIA.13


The Rockefellers and early WEF aliations can also be tied back to the Club of Rome, a

think tank that aligned with neo-Malthusianism — the idea that an overly large

population would decimate resources — and was intending to implement a global

depopulation agenda.


Then, in 1972, a United Nations meeting about climate change was held to come up with

a plan to manage the planet in a sustainable manner. This led to the creation of Agenda

21 (Agenda for the 21st Century)14 — the inventory and control plan for all land, water,

minerals, plants, animals, construction, means of production, food, energy, information,

education and all human beings in the world.


The Great Transition

Much of the new world order’s plans are based on crisis management, and the idea that

a great crisis will occur that will lead to the great transition, where globalists will swoop

in to save the day, transforming society into the promised paradise.

The idea of the great transition came about in 2002, as the 2000s were deemed crucial

years in pushing Agenda 21 forward. But the COVID-19 pandemic ultimately served this

purpose. Cummins explains:15


“It [the pandemic] truly was a trigger. It created horric dystopia mandates.

Anti-science became the new science. Every single thing in COVID was anti-

scientic. Essentially, in the end, we know that, but it was a trigger for a

massive splurge of all of their climate strategies, transgender society

atomization strategies have exploded and there's also a massive change in



We don't want to get into immigration in this discussion but it has been many

times identied as a way of breaking down nationalism … the United Nations …

made it clear we need to destroy national, we need to destroy sovereign nations



Meanwhile, WEF introduced stakeholder capitalism and its young global leaders

program, along with the idea of managing problems using public-private partnerships.

WEF’s “Young Global Leaders” program,16 which is essentially a ve-year indoctrination

into their principles, with a goal of creating world leaders who don’t answer to their

people but to their bosses at WEF.


Graduates include Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, France’s President

Emmanuel Macron, Alicia Garza, who cofounded the Black Lives Matter movement, and

even actor Leonardo DiCaprio.17 WEF’s annual “Global Risks Reports” started in 2004 to

outline the most severe risks we may face in coming years. They then put together

working groups, composed mostly of multinational corporations, work on the big



In 2019, WEF entered into a strategic alliance with the United Nations, which called for

the UN to “use public-private partnerships as the model for nearly all policies that it

implements, most specically the implementation of the 17 sustainable development

goals, sometimes referred to as Agenda 2030.” 18 Agenda 2030 is composed of 17

sustainable development goals with 169 specic targets to be imposed across the



The Great Reset Is Launched

Soon after the COVID-19 pandemic began, global leaders and WEF began calling for The

Great Reset. For instance, in June 2020, King Charles, then the Prince of Wales,

announced he was launching a “new global initiative, The Great Reset,” along with WEF

and His Royal Highness’ Sustainable Markets Initiative. 19 A tweet from Clarence House

stated: 20


 “#TheGreatReset initiative is designed to ensure businesses and communities

build back better’ by putting sustainable business practices at the heart of their

operations as they begin to recover from the coronavirus pandemic.”


Embedded in this future world order will be widespread digitization, data collection and

digital IDs intended to track and trace the global population. The United Nation’s Summit

of the Future is scheduled for 2024, honing in on “the triple planetary crisis,” the COVID-

19 pandemic and the Ukraine war to instill fear and propel their agenda forward.

Described as a “once-in-a-generation opportunity to enhance cooperation on critical

challenges and address gaps in global governance, rearm existing commitments

including to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the United Nations Charter,

and move towards a reinvigorated multilateral system that is better positioned to

positively impact people’s lives,” 21 — this is but one more checkmark toward reaching the

new world order the Rockefeller’s rst dreamed up so many years ago.


In order to survive in this brutal climate, a new societal contract will be necessary, they’ll

say — one in which we all become citizens of the world. As Cummins says: 22


“So, the citizens that were sovereign and national, we had all this beautiful

diversity around the world and people traveled between all cultures. We now are

all responsible as some kind of global pawns to help commit, to x the made-up

nonsense crises that they've created.”


And a big part of the plan will involve readying for the next crisis — and obeying their

orders on how to react when it occurs. They’ll put emergency platforms into place under

the promise that they’ll dissolve once the crisis is solved. But if the crisis never ends,

neither will their new authoritarian regime.


Nordangard adds, “It’s a very big part of this, so everyone should be prepared for a crisis,

and they will also have protocols that tell them what to do when the crisis hits …

everybody has to obey.”23 For more details and documentation of this important history

lesson that’s rarely told, be sure to pick up a copy of Nordangard’s book, “Rockefeller:

Controlling the Game.”


Sources and References
1 YouTube, Ivor Cummins, The Greatest History Never Told June 24, 2023
2,4 Bitchute, November 9, 2021

3,7 YouTube, Ivor Cummins, The Greatest History Never Told June 24, 2023, 4:54
5 YouTube, Ivor Cummins, The Greatest History Never Told June 24, 2023, 11:28
6 Journal of Modern European History August 1, 2014
8 YouTube, Ivor Cummins, The Greatest History Never Told June 24, 2023, 16:17
9 PR News August 24, 2020
10 YouTube, Ivor Cummins, The Greatest History Never Told June 24, 2023, 36:27
11 YouTube, Ivor Cummins, The Greatest History Never Told June 24, 2023, 44:54
12 YouTube, Ivor Cummins, The Greatest History Never Told June 24, 2023, 50:00
13 Unlimited Hangout March 10, 2022
14 YouTube, Ivor Cummins, The Greatest History Never Told June 24, 2023, 57:31
15 YouTube, Ivor Cummins, The Greatest History Never Told June 24, 2023, 1:14
16 WEF, Young Global Leaders
17 YouTube, Ivor Cummins, The Greatest History Never Told June 24, 2023, 1:26
18 YouTube, MintPress News, Whitney Webb, What Is the World Economic Forum? February 8, 2023, 4:30
19 Winter Oak April 15, 2022
20 Twitter, Clarence House June 3, 2020
21 United Nations, The Summit of the Future in 2024
22 YouTube, Ivor Cummins, The Greatest History Never Told June 24, 2023, 1:37
23 YouTube, Ivor Cummins, The Greatest History Never Told June 24, 2023, 1:38



Jeff Dunham Takes Aim at Joe & Hunter Biden in Hilarious Skit


with Jeff Dunham and a dummy




List of 30 ‘Elites’ That Support and Promote Worldwide Depopulation



by Michael Snyder and Alexander Light

There is a clear consensus among the global elite that overpopulation is the primary cause of the most important problems that the world is facing and that something desperately needs to be done about it. They truly believe that humans are a plague upon the earth and that we will literally destroy the planet if we are left to our own devices.

The following are 30 population control quotes which show that the elite truly believe that humans are a plague upon the earth and that a great culling is necessary. . . . 



Bohemian Grove Sacrifices Staffers


with James Corbett




“GCHQ, JTRIG, Five Eyes and COVIDcrisis PsyWar



by Robert W Malone MD, MS

How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations

UK Government Communications Headquarters, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England. Built 2002. Quote from the GCHQ website: “Employing over 6,000 people from a range of diverse backgrounds, we strive to keep Britain safe and secure by working with our partners in the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) and MI5. Our headquarters is based in Cheltenham, with regional hubs in Scarborough, Bude, Harrogate and Manchester”.

This substack article includes extensive references to 2014 Investigative reporting by Glen Greenwald (based on the Snowden disclosures) which were published in the “Intercept” prior to his departure from that organization, as well as information compiled by the WikiSpooks wiki (WikiSpooks, an encyclopedia of deep politics).

.These include:



·         The Art of Deception: Training for a New Generation of Online Covert Operations




“The WWIII Script on Macroaggressions


with James Corbett and Charlie Robinson






Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky shakes hands with Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda, next to, from left to right, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, US President Joe Biden, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at the NATO Summit on July 12 in Vilnius, Lithuania. / Photo by Paul Ellis, Pool/Getty Images.


by Seymour Hersh

Biden’s anxieties over the Ukraine War and the election in 2024 come into view

Let’s start with a silly fear but one that does signal the Democratic Party’s growing sense of panic about the 2024 Presidential election. It was expressed to me by someone with excellent party credentials: that Trump could be the Republican nominee and will select Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as his running mate. The strange duo will then sweep to a huge victory over a stumbling Joe Biden, and also take down many of the party’s House and Senate candidates.  

As for real signs of acute Democratic anxiety: Joe Biden got what he needed before the NATO summit this week by somehow turning Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan inside out and getting him to rebuff Vladimir Putin by announcing that he would support NATO membership for Sweden. The public story for Biden’s face-saving coup was talk about agreeing to sell American F-16 fighter bombers to Turkey.

I have been told a different, secret story about Erdogan’s turnabout: Biden promised that a much-needed $11-13 billion line of credit would be extended to Turkey by the International Monetary Fund. “Biden had to have a victory and Turkey is in acute financial stress,” an official with direct knowledge of the transaction told me. Turkey lost 100,000 people in the earthquake last February, and has four million buildings to rebuild. “What could be better than Erdogan”—under Biden's tutelage, the official asked, “finally having seen the light and realizing he is better off with NATO and Western Europe?” Reporters were told, according to the New York Times, that Biden called Erdogan while flying to Europe on Sunday. Biden’s coup, the Times reported, would enable him to say that Putin got “exactly what he did not want: an expanded, more direct NATO alliance.” There was no mention of bribery.

A June analysis by Brad W. Setser of the Council on Foreign Relations, “Turkey’s Increasing Balance Sheet Risks,” said it all in the first two sentences—Erdogan won re-election and “now has to find a way to avoid what appears to be an imminent financial crisis.” The critical fact, Setser writes, is that Turkey “is on the edge of truly running out of usable foreign exchange reserves—and facing a choice between selling its gold, an avoidable default, or swallowing the bitter pill of a complete policy reversal and possibly an IMF program.” 

Another key element of the complicated economic issues facing Turkey is that Turkey’s banks have lent so much money to the nation’s central bank that “they cannot honor their domestic dollar deposits, should Turks ever ask for the funds back.” The irony for Russia, and a reason for much anger in the Kremlin, Setser notes, is the rumor that Putin has been providing Russian gas to Erdogan on credit, and not demanding that the state gas importer pay up. Putin’s largesse has been flowing as Ergodan has been selling drones to Ukraine for use in its war against Russia. Turkey has also permitted Ukraine to ship its crops through the Black Sea.

All of this European political and economic double dealing was done openly and in plain sight. Duplicity comes much differently in the United States. ...



World War III Has Already Begun, but the Truth Is Being Withheld from the Public Until the Very Last Moment


by Mike Adams



NATO’s Scorched Earth in Ukraine


by Tony Kevin

Hope of a policy breakthrough in Vilnius, Lithuania towards peace in Ukraine, spearheaded by the war-weary East Europeans, seems to have drained away.

There is general acceptance in NATO that the Ukrainian summer offensives in Zaporizhie and again now in Bakhmut have failed to dent Russian defences, with horrific mortality in Ukrainian manpower and enormous destruction of Western-supplied equipment.

The West seems content to let Zelensky go on wasting Ukraine’s increasingly scarce military-age men in a process described by writer Raúl Ilargi Meijer as NATO’s assisted suicide of the Ukrainian nation.

The NATO unspoken strategy seems to be: we know Russia is inevitably winning in Ukraine, but we will make sure we and our Kiev proxies destroy as much as possible of Ukraine’s manpower and national wealth before Russia takes control of the country.

The Kakhovka dam is gone, and what is left of Zaporizhie Nuclear Power Plant seems increasingly at risk of West-assisted Ukrainian sabotage. These two huge assets were the pivots of Ukraine’s industrial and agricultural potential and wealth.

When Russia wins political control over the ruined land of Ukraine, and after it repudiates Western carpetbagging claims to asset ownership there, it will face a huge rebuilding job, comparable to the situation the Soviet Union faced in Ukraine after the 1944-45 vengeful scorched-earth actions by the retreating Nazi divisions.



“The Era of Nukes and No Diplomacy: ‘Crossing a Rubicon to Armageddon’”


by Jackson Lears


Professor Jackson Lears warns the Ukraine war has wrought “the ultimate technocratic fantasy: a winnable nuclear war.”



“Max Blumenthal DESTROYS Ukraine War Narrative At United Nations!”


with Jimmy Dore




The NeoCons' Proxy War "Against Ukraine": Nuclear War is On the Table. The Privatization of Ukraine


by Prof Michel Chossudovsky

In this article, I will be focussing on the NeoCon agenda, largely inspired by The Project for the New American Century. (PNAC).

The Neocons exert control over foreign policy. They are involved in bribing and manipulating politicians and decision-makers. They have played a key role in defining nuclear doctrine on behalf of powerful financial interests.  

The PNAC has called for establishing “Superiority in Nuclear Weapons” (applied to Russia) coupled with a profit driven expansion of the military industrial complex.

The NeoCon agenda, as formulated by the PNAC (2000) follows in the footsteps of The Cold War “Truman Doctrine” In the words of George Kennan:

“The day is not far off when we are going to have to deal in straight power concepts. The less we are then hampered by idealistic slogans, the better”

The NeoCons are not intent upon “Winning the War”.

Their agenda is to “Destroy Countries”.

It is a profit-driven agenda: “Destruction” leads to “Reconstruction”. What is at stake is the engineered economic and social destruction of sovereign nation states. The creditors are there to “pick up the pieces” and “appropriate real wealth”. 

The second part of this article will focus on the NeoCons’ agenda to “privatize countries” on behalf of the financial establishment. 

The privatization of Ukraine as an impoverished derelict Nation State has already commenced via the creation of the Ukraine Reconstruction Bank (URB) by BlackRock and JPMorgan. 

The Danger of Nuclear War 

The use of nuclear weapons is on the drawing board of the Pentagon. It has the support of the U.S State Department. 

Meanwhile legislation is being put forward in the U.S. Congress to initiate World War III. 

“Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) introduced on June 22nd a Resolution which if passed and signed by President Biden, … would commit the U.S. as the head of NATO to launch, on behalf of NATO, war directly against Russia (See Eric Zuesse, Duran, June 20, 2023)


The NeoCon Agenda:

The Project for the New American Century 

The NeoCons are firmly behind the Ukraine agenda. 

The Project for the New American Century (PNAC) dominates US foreign policy on behalf of powerful financial interests. 

The PNAC dispels the planning of “consecutive” military operations: it describes:

America’s “Long War” as follows: 

fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theater wars”

The conduct of  “Simultaneous theater Wars” is the backbone of America’s hegemonic Agenda.

It’s a project of global warfare. The PNAC controlled by the NeoCons also dispels the holding of real peace negotiations. 

The Nuclear Agenda and Global Warfare

The PNAC was published at the height of the presidential election campaign in September 2000, barely 2 months prior to the November 2001 elections.  It has become the backbone of US foreign policy. It is the basis for the carrying out a hegemonic global warfare agenda, coupled with the imposition of a “Unipolar World Order”. 



“Preemptive Nuclear War”: The Historic Battle for Peace and Democracy. A Third World War Threatens the Future of Humanity



by Prof Michel Chossudovsky


At no point since the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6th, 1945, has humanity been closer to the unthinkable. All the safeguards of the Cold War era, which categorized the nuclear bomb as “a weapon of last resort”, have been scrapped.

Let us also recall the unspoken history of America’s doctrine pertaining to the conduct of nuclear war. 

Barely six weeks after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the U.S. War Department released a Secret Plan on September 15, 1945 to  bomb 66 cities of the Soviet Union with 204 atomic bombs.

The September 1945 Plan was to “Wipe the Soviet Union off the Map” at a time when the US and the USSR were allies. Confirmed by declassified documents, Hiroshima and Nagasaki served as a “Dress Rehearsal” (see historical details and analysis below). 

Putin’s February 2022 Statement

Vladimir Putin’s statement on February 21st, 2022 was a response to US threats to use nuclear weapons on a preemptive basis against Russia, despite Joe Biden’s “reassurance” that the US would not be resorting to “A first strike” nuclear attack against an enemy of America: 

“Let me [Putin] explain that U.S. strategic planning documents contain the possibility of a so-called preemptive strike against enemy missile systems. And who is the main enemy for the U.S. and NATO? We know that too. It’s Russia. In NATO documents, our country is officially and directly declared the main threat to North Atlantic security. And Ukraine will serve as a forward springboard for the strike.” (Putin Speech, February 21, 2022, emphasis added)

In July 2021, the Biden administration launched its Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) which was formally announced in October 2022.

The 2022 NPR includes what is described as a “nuclear declaratory policy of the United States”.

The 2022 NPR largely confirms the nuclear options developed by the Obama and Bush administrations predicated on the notion of preemptive nuclear war raised in President Putin’s speech. 

The underlying US nuclear doctrine consists in portraying nuclear weapons as a means of “self defense” rather than as a “weapon of mass destruction”.

The NPR does not rule out the possibility of a “first strike” nuclear attack against Russia. According to the US Congress Research Service:  

“The NPR [2022] suggests that the United States may use nuclear weapons in circumstances that do not involve potential adversaries’ potential use of nuclear weapons. …The review also asserts that an ‘effective nuclear deterrent is foundational to broader U.S. defense strategy,’ but does not elaborate.  (…)”

“Should deterrence fail, ‘the United States would seek to end any conflict at the lowest level of damage possible on the best achievable terms’— language implying that the United States might use nuclear weapons for purposes other than deterrence.” (CRS Reports. US Congress 2022 NPR, emphasis added)

The Privatization of Nuclear War . . . .



Making Madness Normal in Wartime



by Norman Solomon



How Blackrock Investment Fund Triggered the Global Energy Crisis


by  F. William Engdahl

"Adherence to UN 2030 Sustainability Agenda". Colossal disinvestment in the trillion-dollar global oil and gas sector.

Most people are bewildered by what is a global energy crisis, with prices for oil, gas and coal simultaneously soaring and even forcing closure of major industrial plants such as chemicals or aluminum or steel. The Biden Administration and EU have insisted that all is because of Putin and Russia’s military actions in Ukraine. This is not the case. The energy crisis is a long-planned strategy of western corporate and political circles to dismantle industrial economies in the name of a dystopian Green Agenda. That has its roots in the period years well before February 2022, when Russia launched its military action in Ukraine.

Blackrock pushes ESG

In January, 2020  on the eve of the economically and socially devastating covid lockdowns, the CEO of the world’s largest investment fund, Larry Fink of Blackrock, issued a letter to Wall Street colleagues and corporate CEOs on the future of investment flows. In the document, modestly titled “A Fundamental Reshaping of Finance”, Fink, who manages the world’s largest investment fund with some $7 trillion then under management, announced a radical departure for corporate

investment. Money would “go green.” In his closely-followed 2020 letter Fink declared,




“In the near future – and sooner than most anticipate – there will be a significant re-allocation of capital…Climate risk is investment risk.” Further he stated, “Every government, company, and shareholder must confront climate change.” [i]

In a separate letter to Blackrock investor clients, Fink delivered the new agenda for capital investing. He declared that Blackrock will exit certain high-carbon investments such as coal, the largest source of electricity for the USA and many other countries. He added that Blackrock would screen new investment in oil, gas and coal to determine their adherence to the UN Agenda 2030 “sustainability.”

Fink made clear the world’s largest fund would begin to disinvest in oil, gas and coal.  “Over time,” Fink wrote, “companies and governments that do not respond to stakeholders and address sustainability risks will encounter growing skepticism from the markets, and in turn, a higher cost of capital.” He added that, “Climate change has become a defining factor in companies’ long-term prospects… we are on the edge of a fundamental reshaping of finance.” [ii]

From that point on the so-called ESG investing, penalizing CO2 emitting companies like ExxonMobil, has become all the fashion among hedge funds and Wall Street banks and investment funds including State Street and Vanguard. Such is the power of Blackrock. Fink was also able to get four new board members in ExxonMobil committed to end the company’s oil and gas business.



See also: Colossal Financial Pyramid: BlackRock and The WEF “Great Reset”



“A Global Digital Compact” – UN promoting censorship, social credit & much more


by Kit Knightly

Late last month the office of the United Nation’s Secretary General published a policy document on aims for the future of the internet.

A follow-up to the 2021 report “Our Common Agenda”, the new report’s title says it all really, “A Global Digital Compact”. That’s the goal, international legislation that would seek to control and enforce the use of digital technology.

The proposed clauses promote everything you’d expect them to promote.

Digital identities linked with financial access:

Digital IDs linked with bank or mobile money accounts can improve the delivery of social protection coverage and serve to better reach eligible beneficiaries. Digital technologies may help to reduce leakage, errors and costs in the design of social protection programmes

Environmental or climate change-based social credit systems:

Sensors and monitors connected to the Internet of things, cloud-based data platforms, blockchain-enabled tracking systems and digital product passports unlock new capabilities for the measurement and tracking of environmental and social impacts across value chains.”

Public-Private Partnership:

Partnerships between States, private sector and civil society leverage the capacity of digital tools to provide solutions for development across the Sustainable Development Goals. Examples include the Digital Public Infrastructure Alliance, the Coalition for Digital Environmental Sustainability and public-private partnerships for disaster response.”

Countering online “harm”:

Disinformation, hate speech and malicious and criminal activity in cyberspace raise the risks and costs for everyone online […] we must strengthen accountability for harmful and malicious acts online.

Those are the obvious ones, there’s also more sneaky, insidious language regarding “equity” and “access”. The report is concerned there are many people in the world (mostly the developing world) who don’t have regular access to the Internet.

This concern would be more honestly expressed in the language of control – people who don’t consume digital media can’t be hypnotised, people who don’t communicate online can’t be censored, and people who don’t rely on digital banking can’t be controlled.

To sum up, the Digital Global Compact is a piece of globalist legislation serving the final aim of globalist policy: Control of all aspects of life, achieved by inserting a digital filter between people and reality.

Banking, communication, media consumption, shopping. Every interaction you have will be through a digital membrane which can both monitor your exchanges with the world and – if deemed necessary – deny you access to that world.

An interesting final point to note is the words the report doesn’t use. “Globalist” and “globalism” do not appear once, “vaccine passports” or “vaccine certificates” are likewise not mentioned. Neither are “social credit” or “central-bank digital currency”. They are discussed, but not mentioned.

They seem to be avoiding buzzwords they know will trigger resistance or set off alarm bells. Would they have done that before the skeptics started winning the Covid conversation? I don’t think so.

You don’t have to take my word for any of this, of course, you can read the whole report yourself.




Stella Assange — ‘Julian Is a Deterrent’


with Russell Brand


Stella Assange told a packed house at Westminster Central Hall in London Thursday night that her imprisoned husband has become a “deterrent” to stop other journalists from publishing secrets. 

Stella Assange spoke at the end of an event with Russell Brand, Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger, discussing the Twitter Files. Transcript below.(Video of Stella Assange by Cathy Vogan. Brand did not permit video recording of the discussion of the Twitter Files.)



“Ellsberg’s Day in Court for Assange


by Craig Murray



Why Julian Assange Must Be Freed


by Matt Taibbi



Ben & Jerry's, CodePink Co-Founders Arrested in DC Demanding Freedom for Julian Assange


by Brett Wilkins



WATCH: “Approaching a Climax”


with Stella Assange, Kristinn Hrafnsson, Matt Taibbi and John McDonnell




“Journalists Abandoned Julian Assange and Slit Their Own Throats”


by Chris Hedges

The failure by journalists to mount a campaign to free Julian Assange, or expose the vicious smear campaign against him, is one more catastrophic and self-defeating blunder by the news media.



“New Censorship, Blacklists: The Death of Journalism”


with Chris Hedges, Stella Assange, and Matt Kennard





The COVID Pandemic and the mRNA Vaccine: What Is the Truth? Dr. Russell L. Blaylock



by Dr. Russell Blaylock

The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most manipulated infectious disease events in history, characterized by official lies in an unending stream lead by government bureaucracies, medical associations, medical boards, the media, and international agencies.[3 , 6 , 57]

We have witnessed a long list of unprecedented intrusions into medical practice, including attacks on medical experts, destruction of medical careers among doctors refusing to participate in killing their patients and a massive regimentation of health care, led by non-qualified individuals with enormous wealth, power and influence.

For the first time in American history a president, governors, mayors, hospital administrators and federal bureaucrats are determining medical treatments based not on accurate scientifically based or even experience based information, but rather to force the acceptance of special forms of care and “prevention”—including remdesivir, use of respirators and ultimately a series of essentially untested messenger RNA vaccines.

For the first time in history medical treatment, protocols are not being formulated based on the experience of the physicians treating the largest number of patients successfully, but rather individuals and bureaucracies that have never treated a single patient—including Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, EcoHealth Alliance, the CDC, WHO, state public health officers and hospital administrators.[23 , 38]

The media (TV, newspapers, magazines, etc), medical societies, state medical boards and the owners of social media have appointed themselves to be the sole source of information concerning this so-called “pandemic”.

Websites have been removed, highly credentialed and experienced clinical doctors and scientific experts in the field of infectious diseases have been demonized, careers have been destroyed and all dissenting information has been labeled “misinformation” and “dangerous lies”, even when sourced from top experts in the fields of virology, infectious diseases, pulmonary critical care, and epidemiology.

These blackouts of truth occur even when this information is backed by extensive scientific citations from some of the most qualified medical specialists in the world.[23] Incredibly, even individuals, such as Dr. Michael Yeadon, a retired ex-Chief Scientist, and vice-president for the science division of Pfizer Pharmaceutical company in the UK, who charged the company with making an extremely dangerous vaccine, is ignored and demonized. Further, he, along with other highly qualified scientists have stated that no one should take this vaccine.

Dr. Peter McCullough, one of the most cited experts in his field, who has successfully treated over 2000 COVID patients by using a protocol of early treatment (which the so-called experts completely ignored), has been the victim of a particularly vicious assault by those benefiting financially from the vaccines. He has published his results in peer reviewed journals, reporting an 80% reduction in hospitalizations and a 75% reduction in deaths by using early treatment.[44] Despite this, he is under an unrelenting series of attacks by the information controllers, none of which have treated a single patient.

Neither Anthony Fauci, the CDC, WHO nor any medical governmental establishment has ever offered any early treatment other than Tylenol, hydration and call an ambulance once you have difficulty breathing. This is unprecedented in the entire history of medical care as early treatment of infections is critical to saving lives and preventing severe complications. Not only have these medical organizations and federal lapdogs not even suggested early treatment, they attacked anyone who attempted to initiate such treatment with all the weapons at their disposal—loss of license, removal of hospital privileges, shaming, destruction of reputations and even arrest.[2]

A good example of this outrage against freedom of speech and providing informed consent information is the recent suspension by the medical board in Maine of Dr. Meryl Nass’ medical license and the ordering of her to undergo a psychiatric evaluation for prescribing Ivermectin and sharing her expertise in this field.[9 , 65] I know Dr. Nass personally and can vouch for her integrity, brilliance and dedication to truth. Her scientific credentials are impeccable. This behavior by a medical licensing board is reminiscent of the methodology of the Soviet KGB during the period when dissidents were incarcerated in psychiatric gulags to silence their dissent.

Other Unprecedented Attacks . . .




Pandemic Leaders Were Biodefense Puppets and Profiteers



by Debbie Lerman

Scandalous incompetence. Profound stupidity. Astounding errors. This is how many analysts – including Dr. Vinay Prasad, Dr. Scott Atlas, and popular Substack commentator eugyppius – explain how leading public health experts could prescribe so many terrible pandemic response policies.

And it’s true: the so-called experts certainly have made themselves look foolish over the last three years: Public health leaders like Rochelle Walensky and Anthony Fauci make false claims, or contradict themselves repeatedly, on subjects related to the pandemic response, while leading scientists, like Peter Hotez in the US and Christian Drosten in Germany, are equally susceptible to such flip-flops and lies. Then there are the internationally renowned medical researchers, like Eric Topol, who repeatedly commit obvious errors in interpreting Covid-related research studies. [ref]

All of these figures publicly and aggressively promoted anti-public health policies, including universal masking, social distancing, mass testing and quarantining of healthy people, lockdowns and vaccine mandates.

It seems like an open-and-shut case: Dumb policies, dumb people in charge of those policies. 

This might be true in a few individual cases of public health or medical leaders who really are incapable of understanding even high school level science. However, if we look at leading pandemic public health and medical experts as a group – a group consisting of the most powerful, widely published, and well-paid researchers and scientists in the world – that simple explanation sounds much less convincing. 

Even if you believe that most medical researchers are shills for pharmaceutical companies and that scientists rarely break new ground anymore, I think you’d be hard-pressed to claim that they lack basic analytical skills or a solid educational background in the areas they’ve studied. Most doctors and scientists with advanced degrees know how to analyze simple scientific documents and understand basic data. 

Additionally, those doctors and public health professionals who were deemed experts during the pandemic were also clever enough to have climbed the academic, scientific, and/or government ladders to the highest levels.

They might be unscrupulous, sycophantic, greedy, or power-mongering. You might think they make bad moral or ethical decisions. But it defies logic to say that every single one of them understands simple scientific data less than, say, someone like me or you. In fact, I find that to be a facile, superficial judgment that does not get to the root cause of their seemingly stupid, incompetent behavior.

Returning to some specific examples, I would argue that it is irrational to conclude, as Dr. Prasad did, that someone like Dr. Topol, Founder and Director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute, who has published over 1,300 peer-reviewed articles and is one of the top 10 most cited researchers in medicine [ref] cannot read research papers “at a high level.” And it is equally unlikely that Anthony Fauci, who managed to ascend and remain atop the highest scientific perch in the federal government for many decades, controlling billions of dollars in research grants [ref], was too dumb to know that masks don’t stop viruses.

See also: Why Are We Being Deceived About COVID?



The Covid-19 Vaccine Applied at the Level of the Entire Planet. It’s A Criminal Undertaking


by Prof Michel Chossudovsky

I have just read an important article by Dr. Emanuel Garcia focussing on how many deaths are associated with the Covid mRNA vaccine since the outset of the Vaccine program in mid-December 2020.

Emanuel Garcia rightfully says that the “evidence is there. It is overwhelming”.

But that evidence is by no means complete. It is fragmented. It does not provide a broader picture of what is happening at the level of the entire planet. 

Scientists and medical doctors have documented the tragic circumstances of vaccine related deaths of numerous people in all walks of life and age groups, including children and new born.

Emanuel begs the question  “So IS the truth getting out? Or isn’t it?”

Numerous individual cases of Covid-19 vaccine related mortality are carefully documented on a daily basis: Musicians, Singers, Pilots, Athletes, High School Children, Children from 5 to 12 Years Old, Newly Born babies, Vaccinated Pregnant Women, the list is long. 


See the outstanding analysis of Dr. William MakisBelow is a selection of recent articles: 

Musicians and Singers Dying Suddenly in May and June 2023. The Trend Is Accelerating.

By Dr. William Makis, June 30, 2023


Nursing Students, Pharmacy Students, Medical Students Are Dying Suddenly. Ongoing Consequences of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Mandates

By Dr. William Makis, June 28, 2023


Young Drivers (COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated) Are Having Medical Emergencies and Crashing While Driving

By Dr. William Makis, June 26, 2023

The Broader Picture



Transverse Myelitis: Severe Neurological Injury Caused by COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines. Nine Horror Stories



by Dr. William Makis

Transverse Myelitis (TM) is a rare neurological disorder of the spinal cord, caused by inflammation and occurring across one spinal segment, leading to severe motor, sensory and autonomic dysfunction.

The mechanism of injury is inflammation of the spinal cord causing damage to the myelin sheath of the nerves.

2023 June 23 – Calgary, AB – 14 year old Alexander McNeil, who is fully COVID-19 vaccinated (his 4 year old brother is the only unvaccinated family member), became paralyzed from belly button down on June 23, 2023 and was diagnosed with transverse myelitis and swelling throughout his entire spinal cord. (click here)



“Excess heart deaths”


with Dr. John Campbell




Young Teachers (COVID-19 Vaccinated) Who Died Suddenly During April 2023 to May 2023. 14 Sudden Deaths Examined


by Dr. William Makis

When documenting sudden deaths of COVID-19 vaccine mandated professions like doctors, nurses, athletes, police officers, firefighters, military, bus drivers, pilots, or University and College students, it is easy to forget that in late 2021 and early 2022, teachers were mandated to take COVID-19 vaccines as well, or they faced losing their jobs and their entire teaching careers.

These 14 sudden deaths are just examples of what happened to many of those teachers. . . .




Danish Medical Agency and Serum Institute Tracked EU Pfizer Shots According To SEAs And Found That Some Were Highly Damaging, Some Likely Placebo—Promises Further Investigation


by Celia Farber

“We've known about this for a long time. There had to be placebos because those people had to be the promoters. The ones who promote the shot by saying "I got the shot and nothing happened to me." Then there were shots just meant to cripple and maim. Then there were the killer shots. All by design.”



Killing Us Softly



by Todd Hayen

We have, for quite some time, been exposed to a myriad of silent killers. These are the subtle murderers of both the physical body as well as the spirit.

I used to think most of these killers were unintentional and merely the result of ignorance or a non-existent understanding of the non-material world of spirit. I also felt that science was rather inept in detecting subtle shifts of emotion, such as depression or “just not feeling well.” All such “measurements” were simply too nuanced to show up in their metrics.

Now I believe a lot of what I am speaking of is intentional. We are intentionally being eliminated or, at the very least, intentionally being made ill. Humanity is purposefully being murdered.

That’s a rather radical assumption, eh? Well, let’s just put it aside for the moment if this bothers you. I can make a good argument even if you are unwilling to accept that extreme notion. And, as the eminent Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung used to often say to his patients, “Well, I could be wrong.”

There are many obvious things out in the world that are killing us softly…and not all of them so softly. Pollution is a big one; the air we breathe and the water we drink are toxic—probably more toxic than we are led to believe (that’s the “softly” part). Then on the toxic list we’ve got most of what we eat, the obvious being fast food, the not so obvious being processed food, and the really soft culprit being GMO. There are more “obvious killers” out there as well, I just don’t have the space to include all of them.

Some of the more “not so obvious” things, which some of you may have issue with, are things like 5G, and really any EMF pollution, which even includes radio waves. Most medicine is toxic, doctors themselves can be quite toxic and guilty of killing us softly, although I still would bet most of them do this unintentionally (how many times have you read statistics that “deaths due to doctors, hospitals, and pharmaceuticals” rank in the top five of global killers?) There are so many things on this list it would take volumes to present them all.

Actually, I would not be surprised if every single thing we encounter every day is chemically toxic in some way (meaning it is responsible for destroying the tissue of our physical body). Fun stuff.

I think a lot of people out there are not really aware of most of these things, or think the damage they may inflict is so minimal it really doesn’t amount to much. Well, as they say, things add up.



New Docs Link CIA to Medical Torture of Indigenous Children and Black Prisoners


by Orisanmi Burton



CourageousDiscourse With Peter McCullough, M.D., M.P.H.”


with Dr. Paul Thomas


Dr. Peter McCullough’s appearance on ‘With the Wind’ consists of a jam-packed conversation about gain-of-function, the U.S. government, adverse events, natural immunity, the childhood vaccination schedule, autism and more. Viewers won’t want to miss this educational episode on CHD.TV!



“Toxicity of Our Food Supply”


with Kelly Ryerson




The US Meat Supply May Soon be Widely Contaminated with mRNA Proteins From Biotech “Vaccines”


by Mike Adams

There’s soon going to be another reason to either choose vegetarian food options or get your meat from local, trusted sources: mRNA vaccines are about to be heavily implemented across the meat industry, with cattle, chickens, pigs, goats and other livestock targeted for regular mRNA injections.

As we’ve seen with human beings, mRNA injections can:

1.      Circulate throughout the entire body and end up in blood and organs.

2.      Cause the body to produce toxic proteins which can cause toxic effects.

3.      Clog arteries and end up killing or harming people from strokes or heart attacks.

4.      Alter chromosomes and cause permanent genetic changes to the organism.

Hypodermic needles, it turns out, aren’t the only way these mRNA instructions can be introduced into the human body. They can also be swallowed, or they can enter through skin contact. Merely handling raw meat contaminated with mRNA products is likely the equivalent to being exposed to “shedding” from vaccine recipients. And even though stomach acid likely destroys mRNA sequences, there is absorption that takes place in the mouth, under the tongue, which is why many medications and supplements — including CBD oils and zinc — are often best absorbed under the tongue rather than being swallowed.

Thus, merely introducing mRNA-vaccinated animal meat products into your mouth, if not fully cooked, may expose you to a kind of “food shedding” of mRNA products that can be absorbed into your blood and circulated throughout your body. This can include proteins which are alien to the human body.

International Science Journal Publishes Article Calling for COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines to be Reclassified as Gene Therapies

Pfizer, Bayer and other pharma giants have already announced mRNA vaccines for meat animals

As Dr. Robert Malone revealed in a recent substack article, Big Pharma giants began announcing mRNA vaccines for animals as early as 2016. From his story:

·         Bayer Partners with BioNTech to Develop mRNA Vaccines, Drugs for Animal Health (May 10, 2016)

·         SEQUIVITY: Custom Swine Vaccines, using RNA vaccines (Merck website, January, 2023)

·         Acquisition Expands and Complements Merck Animal Health’s Strong Vaccine Portfolio(Merck press release, November, 2015)

·         NSW fast tracks mRNA FMD and Lumpy Skin Disease vaccines (in cattle) (Australian government)

·         A Foot and Mouth Disease mRNA Vaccine Deal Has Been Signed Between the NSW Government and US Company Tiba Biotech (Tiba Biotech press release)

It’s clear that the ranch animal industry is about to be overtaken by mRNA vaccines, which will likely kill a shocking number of ranch animals (and promote increasing infertility) as well as contaminate the meat supply with mRNA artifacts such as spike proteins. Consider this a kind of “ranch animal depopulation” agenda to eliminate meat and force people onto mealworms and crickets (see below).

Soon, if you eat conventional meat products, you will be eating the biotech production results of mRNA mass “vaccination” of animals.

If you eat meat, know where it comes from




Below are four items describing protocols for detoxification treatment against  Spike Proteins that should be discussed with a trusted healthcare worker:


COVID Intel 1 July 2023

Covid Vaccine Injury Treatment: Fasting for 48-72 Hours Creates Autophagy


by Dr. William Makis


The goal of this short article is to introduce the idea of prolonged fasting as a powerful means of getting rid of the toxic spike protein and spike protein damaged cells, in those who are either COVID-19 vaccinated or suffering from long COVID.

The key process to eliminating spike protein via fasting is: autophagy.

Autophagy only starts to get activated around 24 hours of fasting, with a maximum effect around 72 hours, a 3-day fast, beyond which there are diminishing returns.

I also believe that a dysfunctional immune system is the driving force behind most COVID-19 vaccine injuries.

Interestingly, a reboot of the immune system also requires a 72-hour fast.

Finally, stem cell production that occurs during a 72 hour fast can also contribute to repairing the damage done by the COVID-19 spike protein.

My goal is to try a 3-day fast in the coming weeks and write about my experiences.



The official US government view:

“Why do COVID vaccines use mRNA?

Instead, mRNA vaccines use mRNA created

in a laboratory to teach our cells

how to make a protein—or even just

a piece of a protein—that triggers

an immune response inside our bodies.”

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (.gov)

https://www.cdc.gov › vaccines › how-they-work



What is the literature on fasting & COVID-19 vax injuries? 

The benefits of fasting on COVID-19 vaccine injuries, are now being looked at seriously in the scientific literature with a number of new papers coming out:

·         June 19, 2023 – Matthew Halma et al – Exploring therapeutic applications of Autophagy in spike protein related pathology

·         May 17, 2023 – Matthew Halma et al – Strategies for the Management of Spike protein related pathology

·         Dec. 2022 – Horne et al – Association of period fasting with lower severity of COVID-19 outcomes

·         March 2022 – Bhatti et al – The impact of dawn to sunset fasting on immune system and its clinical significance in COVID-19 pandemic

COVID-19 Spike protein damage: 

·         Spike protein creates blood clots, damages blood vessel walls and causes inflammation

·         Spike protein damages mitochondria (causes decreased energy production, accumulation of reactive oxygen species)

·         Spike protein blocks damaged mitochondria from being cleared by the body

·         Spike protein creates aggregates of abnormal proteins

·         spike protein fragments can produce amyloid proteins (click here)

·         spike protein destroys gut microbiome (click here)

·         spike protein causes severe immune system dysfunction, which can lead to autoimmune diseases and cancer (click here)


·         autophagy is the body’s way of removing abnormal proteins, damaged cellular components, damaged cells.

·         autophagy is stimulated by fasting, heat therapy (sauna), ozone therapy, hyperbaric oxygen therapy

·         autophagy is also stimulated by: coffee, resveratrol, turmeric, metformin




“New safe form of immunization”


with  Dr. John Campbell and Professor Robert Clancy, 11 July 2023





“New form of immunization”


with Dr. John Campbell, 13 July 2023





“What Happens To Your Body When You Eat 2 Cloves Every Day | Cloves Benefits”


by Healtness


Discover the incredible health benefits of cloves and the transformative effects they can have on your body in this video. By incorporating just two cloves into your daily routine, you can unlock a wealth of positive changes that promote overall well-being. Cloves, renowned for their aromatic and rich flavor, are more than just a spice. They are packed with powerful compounds that can enhance your health in numerous ways. In this video, we delve into the specific benefits that come from consuming two cloves every day. Cloves are known for their exceptional antioxidant properties, which help combat free radicals and protect your body from oxidative stress. By incorporating cloves into your diet, you can boost your immune system, reduce inflammation, and slow down the aging process. Cloves have been found to possess antibacterial properties, making them effective in fighting infections and promoting oral health. They can help alleviate toothaches, freshen your breath, and support gum health. Cloves also offer potential benefits for digestion. They have been traditionally used to aid in digestion, relieve flatulence, and improve overall gut health. Additionally, cloves have shown promise in managing blood sugar levels, making them beneficial for individuals with diabetes or those at risk of developing the condition. In this video, we not only explore the scientifically-backed benefits of cloves but also provide tips on how to incorporate them into your daily routine. Don't miss out on the incredible benefits of cloves. Subscribe to our channel to stay updated on the latest health-related topics and discover natural remedies that can transform your well-being.





“America Has Just Destroyed a Great Empire”         


by Michael Hudson

Herodotus (History, Book 1.53) tells the story of Croesus, king of Lydia c. 585-546 BC in what is now Western Turkey and the Ionian shore of the Mediterranean. Croesus conquered Ephesus, Miletus and neighboring Greek-speaking realms, obtaining tribute and booty that made him one of the richest rulers of his time. But these victories and wealth led to arrogance and hubris. Croesus turned his eyes eastward, ambitious to conquer Persia, ruled by Cyrus the Great.

Having endowed the region’s cosmopolitan Temple of Delphi with substantial silver and gold, Croesus asked its Oracle whether he would be successful in the conquest that he had planned. The Pythia priestess answered: “If you go to war against Persia, you will destroy a great empire.”

Croesus therefore set out to attack Persia c. 547 BC. Marching eastward, he attacked Persia’s vassal-state Phrygia. Cyrus mounted a Special Military Operation to drive Croesus back, defeating Croesus’s army, capturing him and taking the opportunity to seize Lydia’s gold to introduce his own Persian gold coinage. So Croesus did indeed destroy a great empire, but it was his own.

Fast-forward to today’s drive by the Biden administration to extend American military power against Russia and, behind it, China. The president asked for advice from today’s analogue to antiquity’s Delphi oracle: the CIA and its allied think tanks. Instead of warning against hubris, they encouraged the neocon dream that attacking Russia and China would consolidate U.S. control of the world economy, achieving the End of History.

Having organized a coup d’état in Ukraine in 2014, the United States sent its NATO proxy army eastward, giving weapons to Ukraine to fight an ethnic war against its Russian-speaking population and turn Russia’s Crimean naval base into a NATO fortress. This Croesus-level ambition aimed at drawing Russia into combat and depleting its ability to defend itself, wrecking its economy in the process and destroying its ability to provide military support to China and other countries targeted for seeking self-dependency as an alternative to U.S. hegemony.



Racism & US Empire


by Norman Solomon

A recent Justice Department report concluded that “systemic” racial bias in the Minneapolis Police Department “made what happened to George Floyd possible.”

During the three years since a white police officer brutally murdered Floyd, nationwide discussions of systemic racism have extended well beyond focusing on law enforcement to also assess a range of other government functions.

But such scrutiny comes to a halt at the water’s edge — stopping short of probing whether racism has been a factor in U.S. military interventions overseas.

Hidden in plain sight is the fact that virtually all the people killed by U.S. firepower in the “war on terror” for more than two decades have been people of color. This notable fact goes unnoted within a country where — in sharp contrast — racial aspects of domestic policies and outcomes are ongoing topics of public discourse.

Certainly, the U.S. does not attack a country because people of color live there. But when people of color live there, it is politically easier for U.S. leaders to subject them to warfare — because of institutional racism and often-unconscious prejudices that are common in the United States.

Racial inequities and injustice are painfully apparent in domestic contexts, from police and courts to legislative bodies, financial systems, and economic structures. A nation so profoundly affected by individual and structural racism at home is apt to be affected by such racism in its approach to war.

Many Americans recognize that racism holds significant sway over their society and many of its institutions. Yet the extensive political debates and media coverage devoted to U.S. foreign policy and military affairs rarely even mention — let alone explore the implications of — the reality that the several hundred thousand civilians killed directly in America’s “war on terror” have been almost entirely people of color.

Sympathy Skewed by Race, Ethnicity . . . .  



To deny Russia adopted coercive COVID vaccination is to deny reality


by Edward Slavsquat

In a very lively livestream with Rolo Slavskiy on Thursday, Aussie Cossack (real name: Simeon Boikov) claimed the Russian government has never “forced” COVID vaccines on in its citizenry—including military personnel.

He is wrong, and if he cares about the truth—which I’m sure he does—he will correct this false claim.

Before I type another word, I want to apologize to my readers for having to revisit a topic I’ve covered 10,000 times in agonizing detail. I mean this sincerely: I’m very sorry. However, as you will soon discover, it is necessary for me to restate observable reality for the 10,001st time.

So instead of being annoyed with me, please pity me, and be grateful that you are not me—a lowly blogger trapped in an internet Sisyphus torture simulation probably designed by DARPA to make me go insane and do something really crazy, like turn off my computer and go for a walk.

The exchange between Slavskiy and Boikov should be watched in full. But for our purposes I would like to draw your attention to comments Boikov made starting at around the 11:10 mark, after Rolo recommended my blog . . . .



What if the largest experiment on human beings in history is a failure?


by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A report from an Indiana life insurance company raises serious concerns.

A seasoned stock analyst colleague texted me a link today, and when I clicked it open, I could hardly believe what I was reading.  What a headline.  “Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64”.  This headline is a nuclear truth bomb masquerading as an insurance agent’s dry manila envelope full of actuarial tables.




Russia from the Right: A conversation with Rolo Slavskiy


by Edward Slavsquat

Today I have the great pleasure of sharing an interview with Mr. Rolo Slavskiy conducted via Telegram chat. (We are constantly typing messages to each other, but this particular internet conversation was intended for public consumption.)

Slavskiy needs no introduction. Since launching his blog last year, he’s been dropping payloads of mischievous and inconvenient musings on the unsuspecting heads of doe-eyed Western Russia Watchers.

I first met Rolo in Moscow—I think in 2016. We reconnected during the Virus Scam, and like Captain Renault and Rick Blaine, but with blogs, we soon embarked on a beautiful friendship (I am Rick in this metaphor, obviously).

In many respects we are polar opposites (and just to be clear: his views are his alone), but our Multipolar Blog World is unstoppable, and it would be futile to resist us.



“How I learned to stop worrying & love the ruble”


by Edward Slavsquat

Is a ‘weak’ ruble bad? Depends!


 “WTF Just Happened in Russia?” with Rolo Slavskiy


with James Corbett

(audio, 1:23:28)



“Creating Havoc in Moscow: Wagner's PMC "Short-Lived" Rebellion against Putin. Who Was Behind It?”


by Peter Koenig



“Russian (Melo)drama


by Patrick Lawrence





by Seymour Hersh

The Russian ‘revolt’ that wasn’t strengthens Putin’s hand



The end of the Wagner overture


with George Galloway




Casualties of Russian ‘Civil War’: Beltway Experts


by Max Blumenthal and Wyatt Reed



The "Wagner Coup" Failure, The Transparent Misinformation Complex & The Transgender Movement Facade


with Ryan Cristián




The Failed Ukrainian Peace Deal


by Abdul Rahman

Vladimir Putin displayed copies of the collapsed draft treaty from last year at a recent meeting with a peace delegation of leaders of several African nations led by South African President Ramaposha.



“Russia's 'Coup' Is Actually Biden's Disaster”


with Robert Scheer and Ray McGovern





Ukraine Destroyed the Kakhovka Dam: A Forensic Assessment



by Thomas Palley

The Kakhovka dam was a massive two-mile-long structure that dammed the Dnieper River which bisects Ukraine. It was built by the Soviet Union in 1956 and raised the Dnieper by 16 meters (52 feet), creating the Kakhovka Reservoir. The dam was destroyed on 6 June 2023, resulting in massive flooding downstream on both sides of the river which created a social and environmental disaster. The city of Kherson, located near the river’s mouth with the Black Sea, was also flooded.

Both Ukraine and Russia deny blowing up the dam and blame the other. At this stage, all the evidence is circumstantial and conjectural, but a forensic assessment of that evidence overwhelmingly suggests Ukraine destroyed the dam. Despite that, US and Western European politicians and media have uniformly sought to implicate Russia as the perpetrator.

In multiple ways, the dam’s destruction echoes the 2022 destruction of the Russian-owned Nord Stream 2 pipeline. That pipeline was a piece of civilian infrastructure; was destroyed by an explosion; its destruction caused a massive environmental disaster; Ukraine denies any role; many European governments claimed Russia had blown up its own pipeline; and Western media either explicitly claimed Russia had done it (Time) or tendentiously sought to implicate Russia (New York Times, Guardian).

The evidence: a forensic assessment . . . .



How The FBI Worked With Ukrainian Intelligence To Pressure Big Tech to Censor Americans


by Reclaim the Net

See also the ‘Interim Staff Report of the Committee on the Judiciary and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government’ (July 10,2023):  https://judiciary.house.gov/sites/evo-subsites/republicans-judiciary.house.gov/files/evo-media-document/fbi-sbu-staff-report-7.10.23-sm.pdf

And also the ‘Press Release’: https://judiciary.house.gov/media/press-releases/documents-reveal-fbi-colluded-compromised-ukrainian-intelligence-agency-0



Leaks reveal FBI helps Ukraine censor Twitter users and obtain their info


by Aaron Maté



'Twitter Files' Matt Taibbi says FBI, IRS are targeting him | The Chris Hedges Report


with Chris Hedges


On March 9th, 2023, Matt Taibbi appeared before Congress regarding the revelations uncovered by the "Twitter Files," which demonstrated the US federal government and social media companies worked together to censor information and accounts unfavorable to US interests. The same day, an IRS agent visited Taibbi's home in New Jersey. Matt Taibbi joins The Chris Hedges Report to discuss the case opened against him, as well as the role of the FBI and multiple law enforcement and intelligence agencies in the Foreign Influence Task Force which identified accounts and stories for censorship from Twitter.



FBI Director Wray REACTS To Being GRILLED, as Full Extent of FBI Censorship is Revealed


by Reclaim The Net






News from Underground by Mark Crispin Miller

In memory of those who "died suddenly" in the United States and worldwide, July 4-July 10, 2023


by Mark Crispin Miller

Pro athletes in US (4), Costa R., France, Denmark, Spain, Belarus, Kenya, Australia; musicians in US (2), UK, Neth., Finland, Hungary, Spain (2), China, S. Korea; clerics in US, Colombia, Eire; & more



In memory of those who ‘died suddenly’ in the United States and worldwide, June 20-June 26, 2023


by Mark Crispin Miller

Musicians in US (3), Canada, UK (2), France, Germany, India; journos in US (3), Norway, Poland, Spain, Italy; clerics in US (2), Canada, Brazil, Poland; doctors in Canada, Mexico, UK, France; more



Patriot Front unmasked as FEDS pretending to be white supremacists, to help the state crack down on (what they call) ‘the right’—the latest twist on Operation Gladio, which did that to the left


by Mark Crispin Miller

The FBI is very busy doing with "white supremacy" exactly what it did with "Islamic terrorism," and, before that, the "communist threat"—i.e., creating the ILLUSION of a clear and present danger



Another ‘conspiracy theory’ bites the dust: CDC altered MN death certificates listing COVID "vaccine" as a cause of death


by Mark Crispin Miller

Also in Minnesota, Dr. Scott Jensen came under official fire repeatedly for spreading the "disinformation" that MN was pushing doctors to falsify death certificates to list COVID-19 as cause of death.



36 bodybuilders "died suddenly" in 2022


by Mark Crispin Miller

We're told (of course) that steroids are to blame; though bodybuilders have abused steroids for many years, yet never did they drop dead in such numbers until after you-know-what.



MCM on the Jimmy Dore Show!


by Mark Crispin Miller

We talked at first about my lawsuit, and then moved on to the precarious state of free speech today, the fanaticism of "the liberal media," Noam Chomsky, and much else



Video: The Covid-19 “Killer Vaccine” and the Worldwide Depopulation Agenda



by Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Caroline Mailloux

See Sept. 2021 Video @ https://www.bitchute.com/video/uBzx3eYozeXz/


From our knowledge of country level mortality as well as from carefully documented studies and sample surveys, the global implications of the “killer vaccine” on humanity are beyond description. What has been imposed on 184 countries is a Depopulation Agenda, a criminal undertaking (accepted by corrupt national governments) which is unprecedented in the history of …

The Planet's 8 Billion People: To Save Lives, the Covid-19 Vaccine Must be Discontinued Worldwide, Without Delay.





UK is weaponizing banking now


by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The gloves are off, and bank-government collusion is now in plain sight for all to see. First we had the abrupt, arbitrary and capricious weaponization of the Canadian banking system by the WEF-trained young leaders Justin Trudeau and his (former journalist) finance minister Chrystia Freeland. <By the way, just announced is that Trudeau is promoting Freeland to deputy Prime Minister.> And now we have the British banks directly interfering with British politician and political commentator Nigel Farage (well known as a leader of the Brexit movement). Nigel is being completely frozen out of his accounts and any ability to engage in banking activities in the UK.



“Marxism 101: How Capitalism is Killing Itself”


with Dr. Richard Wolff




“Civil War”


with Abby Martin and Immortal Technique


Legendary rapper Immortal Technique joins Abby to discuss the escalating tensions of the post-Trump era, the duopoly playing Americans, right-wing cooptation of conspiracy theory and deep-state critique, teaching real history and much more. Support Immortal Technique's grassroots organization Rebel Army Runs at https://www.rebelarmyruns.com Keep Empire Files independent & ad-free (and get exclusive bonus content) at https://www.Patreon.com/EmpireFiles



Watch “George Orwell – A Warning to Mankind Documentary”


by The People Profiles




“Age of Economics - Full interview”


with Noam Chomsky


Age of Economics: in the first part of this project a diverse group of global thinkers answers 8 fundamental questions about economics and capitalist civilization. (Interview number 6)

·         0:00 - Prologue

·         01:31 - Intro

·         01:49 - 1. Why does economics matter?

·         07:33 - 2. What are the differences between economic science and economic engineering?

·         18:35 - 3. What role does economics play in society? Does it serve the common good?

·         26:42 - 4. Economics provides answers to problems related to markets, efficiency, profits, consumption and economic growth. Does economics do a good job in addressing the other issues people care about: climate change and the wider environment, the role of technology in society, issues of race and class, pandemics, etc.?

·         30:46 - 5. As we live in an age of economics and economists – in which economic developments feature prominently in our lives and economists have major influence over a wide range of policy and people – should economists be held accountable for their advice?

·         33:54 - 6. Does economics explain Capitalism? How would you define Capitalism?

·         40:22 - 7. No human system to date has so far been able to endure indefinitely - not ancient Egypt or Rome, not Feudal China or Europe, not the USSR. What about global Capitalism: can it survive in its current form?

·         44:54 - 8. Is Capitalism, or whatever we should call the current system, the best one to serve the needs of humanity, or can we imagine another one?



“The Federal Debt Trap: Issues and Possible Solutions”



by Ellen Brown



“Prof. Richard Wolff on Consumerism, Fetishism, and the Opiate of the Masses”


with Richard “RJ” Eskow




“Trickle-up economics!”


with George Galloway and Richard Wolff




“All Biden does is pretend  . . . that we’re strong -  presented in the fantastic language of a dream that might have been true in the 1970s.”


with Richard Wolff




“Is This the Beginning of the End?”


with Richard Wolff




“Cutting the Crap About Crypto”


with Richard “RJ” Eskow and Richard Wolff






“Who is Behind ‘Fake News’? Mainstream Media Use Fake Videos and Images”


by Prof Michel Chossudovsky

Author’s Note

Independent media is under attack Worldwide. 

Censorship is now routinely applied.  In recent developments, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) has launched indictments to Criminalize Dissent, namely to Weaponize Censorship.

Moreover, readers on social media (including Global Research) are “warned not to go onto certain sites”.

Those who say the truth are tagged as “conspiracy theorists”.  

Our analysis confirms that the mainstream media are routinely involved in distorting the facts and turning realities upside down. 

They are the unspoken architects of “Fake News”.  The Lie becomes the Truth. 

Propaganda under Nuremberg is a crime against humanity 

One area of routine distortion which is the object of this article (and which cannot be refuted) is the use of fake videos and images by the mainstream media. 


Four Notorious Cases of  Media Distortion . . . .



“JAW-DROPPING: NY Times’ Latest Covid Lie Is Unbelievable”


with Jimmy Dore




“BBC fails the probity test again”


with George Galloway




Deconstructing Marianna in Conspiracyland – Part 1


by Iain Davis

In the introduction to this exposé of “Marianna in Conspiracyland” we discussed the evidence which proves that the BBC is a state broadcaster. It is not “independent,” as it falsely claims; its “reporting” spreads disinformation on behalf of the government and, as we shall see, the government’s “partners.”

Please read the introduction before reading Part 1.

The “Marianna in Conspiracyland” podcast series is a 10 part alleged investigation into the purported activities of the so-called “conspiracy movement.” It is presented by the BBC’s disinformation and social media correspondent Marianna Spring.

In Episode 1, titled “Entering Conspiracyland,” Marianna claims there is a societal schism between politically moderate people and a minority who, she alleges, have been “drawn in by disinformation laced with hate.” We are then informed that hippies in the Devon market town of Totnes have “crossed over” to the “far right.”

Leaving aside the comical implausibility of these claims—ordinary people are engaged in “hate” and stoned hippies are now Nazis—at least we get an inkling of where Conspiracyland is heading. The main theme is evidently terror as the BBC attempts to inculcate fear of this “minority” among the BBC audience.

Marianna says that the series is about “the people at the core of the conspiracy theory movement.” The difficulty she faces in investigating this “movement” is that there is no such thing as a “conspiracy theory movement.” Not in the UK, nor anywhere else.

“Conspiracy theorist” is simply a propaganda label applied to people who hold anti-Establishment opinions. We will explore this in more depth as we examine “Marianna in Conspiracyland,” but you can read a history of the development of the propaganda label here.

There certainly is a loose coalition of people who are trying their best to alert their fellow citizens to the fact that their government, and government propagandists like the BBC, are lying to them. I count myself as among them. We could, I suppose, be described as a political movement but only in the loosest possible sense as we don’t subscribe to any unifying political ideology.

In 2014 two political scientists, Joseph E. Uscinski and Jospeph Parent, carried out large-scale demographic survey of US people who they labelled “conspiracy theorists.” They measured everything from basic demographics to political ideology and more. The political scientists found virtually nothing to distinguish “conspiracy theorists” from the general population.

From a demographic perspective, including stated political ideology, beyond being slightly older than the average population age and with black and Hispanic people being marginally the most likely to hold anti-Establishment opinions, there was nothing to identify any cohesive group of people called “conspiracy theorists.”

That is to say, there is no evidence that “conspiracy theorists” even exist as an identifiable social group. The people labelled as such were no more likely to be “far right” or “far left” than anyone else in US society.

Equally this does not exclude people with either “far right” or “far left” political views from subscribing to what Marianna Spring calls “conspiracy theories.” It is just that the evidence clearly shows that people who are labelled as “conspiracy theorists” have no predisposition to extremism or extreme political views.



Has there ever been a better liar than Dr. Fauci?


by Mark Crispin Miller

And how did he come by that awful skill? Was he born with it, or did he somehow learn it from the Jesuits who taught him, or .... ?




The Syrian Refugees in Germany Face Danger



by Steven Sahiounie

Lebanese clans living in Germany, who are involved in drug trafficking, have caused death and mayhem. The German police responded to a massive brawl which broke out on June 16 in front of a restaurant in Essen that left a 23-year-old Syrian man dead, several German police officers injured, and 150 Lebanese arrested.

The Lebanese clans operate in Germany as a mafia while controlling drug smuggling and distribution. The police used water cannons and a helicopter to try to contain the violence.

A Syrian family became involved in a dispute with the Lebanese, and the fight began involving hundreds of people on both sides of the conflict, and spread to other areas.

Syrian refugees number 800,000 according to a March 2021 survey. It is the largest refugee community in Germany.

The largest influx of Syrian refugees arrived in Germany from walking on foot across Europe after taking Turkish smuggling boats to Greece in the summer of 2015 when about 350,000 arrived asking for asylum. From the outset, the illegal smuggling activity is what got them to Germany. They were rewarded for breaking European immigration laws.

The Syrians since then have continued to arrive. The fighting in Syria has been over since 2017, but the country was never allowed to rebuild because of US and EU sanctions which prevent any reconstruction or creation of new jobs.  The Syrians are economic migrants. They are not fleeing war, they are fleeing poverty and the sanctions which are designed to keep the Syrian people suffering.  The US and EU foreign policy on Syria is to keep the citizens so poverty stricken, that they will rise up and overthrow the Damascus government.  That was unable to be accomplished by the terrorists that the US and NATO employed since 2011, and it will not be possible now that the terrorists are gone.

Read more: “Diplomatic relations with Syria should be restored and sanctions lifted”: Interview with Gunnar Lindemann, German Parliament Member



“Understanding the Iranian Narrative. Censorship and Women’s Rights”


by Hügo Krüger

On 26 June 2022 Zar Amir Ebrahimi won the Best Actress award at the Cannes Film Festival for her role in the film Holy Spider, the story of a journalist, in misogynistic Iran, who investigates a serial killer murdering prostitutes. As Ebrahimi took her prize, she announced that “Iran’s next revolution will be brought on by women taking back the freedoms denied to them in the Islamic republic”.

Then a few months later, on 16 September 2022, an Iranian girl of Kurdish origin named Mahsa Amini died in a hospital in Tehran, allegedly at the hands of Iran’s Morality Police. The story immediately spread on social media, with the Twitter hashtag Mahsa Amini being retweeted almost 40 million times by the end of September 2022. Supporters of “The Iranian Government” and opponents of “The Iranian Regime” contested the details surrounding her death from the get go, such as the autopsy report saying that she died from cerebral hypoxia; the video released by the authorities that shows her collapse in front of the morality police; and her father’s refusal to accept that her past medical history had anything to do with her death.

Women inside Iran started burning their hijabs in protest of Iran’s mandatory dress codes and outright discriminatory rules towards women in general, resulting in a crackdown by the Iranian Government. In response to the protest, Iran arrested many protestors, including teenagers, but it’s also worth noting that about 22,000 protestors were later pardoned by the Supreme Leader, even though they probably should never have been jailed. The protesters were joined by Iranians in the diaspora with sympathy rallies taking place in Europe and North America. The Protest in Berlin at the end of October was particularly significant as it attracted up to 80,000 people – larger than any protest that took place within the Islamic Republic of Iran.

As a recent Mossad report admitted, the Iranian Protests have peaked, noting that the largest crowd inside Iran only attracted about 45,000 participants. The Israeli Intelligence Report blames ‘the winter’ as the culprit for decline, but it’s worth reflecting if there aren’t other reasons and if the Iranian Government doesn’t enjoy wide support from the larger public.

We have been told stories that the government is about to be toppled, but are these reports actually true?

I have travelled twice to Iran with my wife who is from Isfahan, first in 2021 during the Covid19 pandemic and again in 2023 following the death Mahsi Amini. Both visits were for one month on end and covered a variety of cities such as Tehran, Qom, Isfahan, Bushehr, Shiraz, Rasht, Zanjan, and Ramsar and also many small towns and rural areas. I have no particular affection for the Iranian government or “regime” as some prefer to call it, but I am sceptical with regard to the overall mainstream media story that the Iranian Government is about to be toppled.

I base my opinion on these two visits as well as the conversations that I have had with Iranians in my family in law, Iranians living inside of the country and those within the diaspora – many of them are not necessarily involved in a political movement.

History of the Hijab . . . .




“‘Greater Israel’: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East”



by Israel Shahak and Prof Michel Chossudovsky

The Infamous "Oded Yinon Plan". Introduction by Michel Chossudovsky

The current Netanyahu government is committed to the “Greater Israel” and the “Promised Land”, namely the biblical homeland of the Jews.

(See our analysis below). Benjamin Netanyahu is pressing ahead to formalize “Israel’s colonial project”, namely the appropriation of all Palestinian Lands. 

His position defined below consists in total appropriation as well as the outright exclusion of the Palestinian people from their homeland:

“These are the basic lines of the national government headed by me: The Jewish people have an exclusive and unquestionable right to all areas of the Land of Israel. The government will promote and develop settlement in all parts of the Land of Israel — in the Galilee, the Negev, the Golan, Judea and Samaria.”

The Nakba

Commemoration on May 13, 2023: The Nakba. 75 years ago on May 13, 1948. The Palestinian Catastrophe prevails. In a 2018 report, the United Nations stated that Gaza had become “unliveable”:

With an economy in free fall, 70 per cent youth unemployment, widely contaminated drinking water and a collapsed health care system, Gaza has become “unliveable,[in 2018] according to the Special Rapporteur on human rights in the Palestinian Territories”

The above UN assessment dates back to 2018. Under Netanyahu, Israel is currently proceeding with the plan to annex large chunks of Palestinian territory “while keeping the Palestinian inhabitants in conditions of severe deprivation and isolation.“

Creating conditions of extreme poverty and economic collapse constitute the means for triggering the expulsion and exodus of Palestinians from their homeland.  It is part of the process of annexation.

“If the manoeuvre is successful, Israel will end up with all of the territories it conquered during the 1967 war, including all of the Golan Heights and Jerusalem and most of the Palestinian Territories, including the best sources of water and agricultural land.

The West Bank will find itself in the same situation as the Gaza strip, cut off from the outside world and surrounded by hostile Israeli military forces and Israeli settlements.” (South Front) 

“Greater Israel would create a number of proxy states. It would include parts of Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, the Sinai, as well as parts of  Iraq and Saudi Arabia.”

“Palestine Is Gone! Gone! راحت فلسطينThe Palestinian plight is savagely painful and the pain is compounded by the bafflingly off-hand dismissal and erasure by Western powers of that pain, Rima Najjar, Global Research, June, 7, 2020 

Michel Chossudovsky,  June 10, 2021, July 13, 2023



Jenin Invasion Day 2: As Israeli Army Withdraws, Palestinian Resistance Claims Victory


by Mondoweiss / Palestine Bureau



The Jenin Operation Didn't End. Phase Two Has Already Begun


by Mondoweiss / Palestine Bureau

As Israel’s 48-hour onslaught on the Jenin refugee camp last week entered its denouement, former Israeli Brigadier General Tamir Hayman discussed the operation’s objectives during an INSS podcast. He came away with two primary aims: the restoration of the Israeli army’s “operational freedom” — the ability of the army to enter any part of the West Bank unchallenged and unmolested by resistance — and, most notably, to facilitate the conditions for the return of the Palestinian Authority to the camp.

Hayman couched his explanation in the language of desiring to ameliorate the “lack of efficiency” of the PA in containing “the cycle of revenge” perpetuated by the Palestinian resistance, meaning that the army would have to go in and undercut the influence of the resistance groups by taking out their so-called infrastructure (their ability to manufacture IEDs and other means of resistance). But he leaves much unsaid in this formulation — the Palestinian resistance remains alive and well in the camp precisely because the operation did not aim to eradicate it but merely removed a few of its guns and eliminated a handful of labs. In other words, it’s unclear how this narrow and much-touted “achievement” would facilitate the return of PA influence.

The answer lies not in the tactical military objectives of the operation but in its broader political goals — to engage in a theatrical display of wreaking havoc and destruction in the camp, unrelated to operational necessity in the field. The army’s D-9 bulldozers tore up streets and demolished homes not only to satisfy the calls of the bloodthirsty Israeli right for retribution, but to create the opportunity for the PA to roll in with reconstruction aid. Whether this was an intentional part of the army’s operation is irrelevant — in reality, this is its Phase Two and the inauguration of Israel’s soft counterinsurgency effort.

This is also nothing new. After its destruction in 2002, Jenin refugee camp’surban redesign” took place amidst a concerted colonial counterinsurgency campaign. It brought back the PA security forces into the camp to police the resistance, while foreign money streamed in as part of what Linda Tabar calls “bureaucratic humanitarian aid,” turning Jenin into Tony Blair’s “model economic and security zone.” This is the same strategy that the INSS regards as the exercise of “soft power,” which in conjunction with military power (alternating between “the carrot and the stick”) is how the Israeli army’s Central Command has strived to maintain the “status quo” since 1967 — creeping colonization coupled with colonial pacification. It sees the continued existence of the PA as crucial to maintaining that status quo.


Israel’s Absentees’ Property Law Allowing the Confiscation of Vast Amount of Properties Left Behind by Palestinian Arab Refugees


by Khaled Mouammar

According to The Associated Press  the Legal and Administrative Matters Law, enacted by Israel in 1970 after the occupation of East Jerusalem in 1967, allowing Jews to reclaim properties that were Jewish before the formation of the Israeli state in 1948. Jordan controlled the area between 1948 and the 1967 war:

Israeli authorities evicted a Palestinian family from a contested apartment in Jerusalem’s Old City on Tuesday, capping a decades-long legal battle that has come to symbolize the conflicting claims to the holy city.

Activists say the Ghaith-Sub Laban family’s removal is part of a wider trend of Israeli settlers encroaching on Palestinian neighborhoods with the government’s backing and cementing Israeli control by seizing property in contested east Jerusalem.

Israel describes the eviction as a simple battle over real estate, with settlers claiming the family was squatting in an apartment formerly owned by Jews.

There is no equivalent right in Israel for the hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Arabs, who fled or were forced from their homes during the hostilities surrounding Israel’s establishment in 1948, to return to lost properties.



Israel Cannot Rebut Apartheid


by Vijay Prashad

On 24 June 2023, Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) Herzl Halevi, Chief of Shin Bet (Intelligence) Ronen Bar, and Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai released a joint statement. They pointed to ‘violent attacks… by Israeli citizens against innocent Palestinians’, which they characterised as ‘nationalist terror in every sense’. Such a statement is rare, particularly the description of the violence as ‘nationalist terror’ and the rendering of Palestinian victims as ‘innocent’. Typically, high-ranking officials in the Israeli government portray such attacks as retaliation for terror attacks by Palestinians.

Three days before this statement, the US government said it had heard ‘troubling reports of extremist settler violence against Palestinian civilians’. Settler groups – or, more accurately named, Israeli nationalist terrorist groups – have been running rampages across the West Bank alongside the Israeli armed forces, killing Palestinians at will to sow fear in this part of Palestine and urging further ethnic cleansing, euphemistically referred to as ‘demographic engineering’.

Israeli violence against Palestinians is not new, but it has been escalating rapidly. From January to May of this year, the United Nations calculated that Israeli forces have killed 143 Palestinians (112 in the West Bank and 31 in Gaza) – more than twice the number of Palestinians killed in the same period last year. In 2022, 181 Palestinians were killed in total (151 in the West Bank and 30 in Gaza). Meanwhile, UN agencies found that 2022 was the sixth year of consecutive annual increases in settler attacks, which have been rising since 2006, after the Second Intifada was crushed by Israel. In 2009, the UN warned that 250,000 Palestinians in 83 communities in the West Bank ‘are at risk of heightened violence’ from Israeli settlers. They called these ‘price tag’ attacks because the settlers want to exact a high price from Palestinians for their existence in lands that Israelis call Judea and Samaria.



“Why Israel Is Afraid of Hezbollah”


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, second from left, between U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham, at left, and
U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman, en route to the Golan Heights in March 2019 for an Israeli briefing on the military situation in the region. (Matty Stern/U.S. Embassy Jerusalem)



The emergence of a disciplined resistance movement in Lebanon not only brought military defeat to Israel and the rise of Hezbollah, it heralded a new era of Arab assertiveness.

Israel is in trouble. Its military-strategic doctrine — predicated on the use of massive force to subjugate the Arab population — has resulted in successive massacres intended to instill fear in the hearts of all Arabs. In his book The Revolt, former Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin admitted this brutal practice was official Zionist policy.

But times have changed, and Israel does not scare Arabs anymore.

The 2006 Israel-Hezbollah War, also known as the July war in Lebanon, was the watershed, as were the recent successive Israeli wars in Gaza. The perception of the Israeli army has been altered beyond repair.

Gone are the days when Arabs accepted defeat in a matter of hours at the hand of the Israeli army. Also gone are the days when Arab populations harbored little faith in Arab fighters. Scenes of those fighters with their hands over their heads in surrender belong to the 1967-era of the Six Day War, not today.

In July 2006, Arab fighters reversed the trend by instilling fear, not only in the hearts of Israeli soldiers, but also in the hearts of Israelis.

A Hezbollah cross-border raid on July 12, 2006, left three Israeli soldiers dead, with two other Israeli soldiers taken by Hezbollah to Lebanon.  Five more were killed in Lebanon, in a failed rescue attempt. The Israelis launched a ground invasion of Southern Lebanon, imposing an air and naval blockade, while Hezbollah continued to launch rockets into northern Israel and engage the Israelis in guerrilla warfare.

After a U.N. Security Council resolution backed by both Israeli and Lebanese governments in August, the conflict ended with the Lebanese army deployed in Southern Lebanon, the blockade lifted, and by October 2006, most Israeli troops had withdrawn from the country.

Not Spooked by PLO




Israel was not frightened of Lebanon when the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) had its base there after the PLO and its Fatah brigade arrived in 1971 following expulsion from Jordan.

The PLO was a menace to Israel, but did not pose a threat. Its leader, Yasser Arafat, never developed a strategy to confront Israel and his military commanders were woefully unsuccessful in devising a strategy of resistance. Arafat’s mind was more on diplomacy and U.N. forums.

It has been repeatedly predicted that Israel would launch another war after the 2006 Israel-Hezbollah War, seeking revenge for its humiliating defeat in the 34-day conflict.

It was said there was no way Israel could afford to let the results of the war stand.  But it hasn’t happened.

In my youth in Lebanon, Arabs were genuinely scared of Israel. They were misled to believe the Israeli army was invincible and that resisting the Israeli occupation forces was tantamount to suicide. Two factors contributed to this myth among the Arabs.




NATO Commits to Kiev’s “Fast Track Membership” and Cluster Bombing to WWIII



by Joachim Hagopian



Seymour Hersh's Direct Knowledge Source On Turkey's U-Turn, And The NATO Expansionist Frenzy


by Celia Farber

"Biden had to have a victory and Turkey is in acute financial stress."



“NATO Throws A Furious Zelensky Under The Bus”


with Ron Paul


NATO's message to Ukrainian president Zelensky at its Vilnius summit was essentially, "you keep fighting and we'll keep sending weapons. But no NATO Membership." Zelensky was furious when this became clear and he lashed out. Slowly it is becoming obvious that NATO and the US means to fight Russia down to the last Ukrainian without getting their hands dirty. Next move?



“Reality smacks NATO in Vilnius. Zelensky trapped. Biden, take Crimea or else”


with Alex Christoforou and Alexander Mercouris




Germany, Second Arms Supplier to Ukraine After U.S. The Controversial History of Germany’s Eastern Borders



by M. K. Bhadrakumar

The hypothesis that the Anglo-Saxon axis is pivotal to the proxy war in Ukraine against Russia is only partly true. Germany is actually Ukraine’s second largest arms supplier, after the United States. Chancellor Olaf Scholz pledged a new arms package worth 700 million euros, including additional tanks, munitions and Patriot air defence systems at the Nato summit in Vilnius, putting Berlin, as he said, at the very forefront of military support for Ukraine. 

German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius stressed, “By doing this, we’re making a significant contribution to strengthening Ukraine’s staying power.” However, the pantomime playing out may have multiple motives. 

Fundamentally, Germany’s motivation is traceable to the crushing defeat by the Red Army and has little to do with Ukraine as such. The Ukraine crisis has provided the context for accelerating Germany’s militarisation. Meanwhile, revanchist feelings are rearing their head and there is a “bipartisan consensus” between Germany’s leading centrist parties — CDU, SPD and Green Party — in this regard. 

In an interview in the weekend, the CDU’s leading foreign and defence expert Roderich Kiesewetter (an ex-colonel who headed the Association of Reservists of the Bundeswehr from 2011 to 2016) suggested that if conditions warrant in the Ukraine situation,  Nato should consider to “cut off Kaliningrad from the Russian supply lines. We see how Putin reacts when he is under pressure.” Berlin is still smarting under the surrender of the ancient Prussian city of Königsberg in April 1945. 

Stalin ordered 1.5 million Soviet troops supported by several thousand tanks and aircraft to attack the crack Nazi Panzer divisions deeply entrenched in Königsberg. The capture of the heavily fortified stronghold of  Königsberg by the Soviet army was celebrated in Moscow with an artillery salvo by 324 cannons firing 24 shells each.  

Evidently, Kiesewetter’s remarks show that nothing is forgotten or forgiven in Berlin even after 8  decades. Thus, Germany is the Biden Administration’s closest ally in the war against Russia. The German government has stated its understanding for the Biden administration’s controversial decision to supply Ukraine with cluster ammunition. The government spokesman commented in Berlin, “We are certain that our US friends did not make their decision lightly, to deliver this sort of munition.” 

Read also: Did Germany Just Officially Declare War on Russia?



Sweden Joins NATO! And Why That’s A Very Bad Thing."


with Jimmy Dore




“Col. Macgregor: Ukraine is being ANNIHILATED (Exclusive Interview)”


with Stephen Gardner





How (and When and Why) to Cite Your Sources


with James Corbett




“The Internet Is Dead. Long Live the Internet”



by James Corbett




The Last American Vagabond Archives – Spring 2023




The Corbett Report - Archives

“Further Down the David Kelly Rabbit Hole”


Dr. David Kelly did not commit suicide on Harrowdown Hill in Oxfordshire 20 years ago. He was murdered. We all know that by now, or at least we should know that by now. But the real question is: why was he murdered. Was it really about sexed-up dossiers and 45 minute claims? Or were there even darker secrets to be concealed? As old hands of The Corbett Report will know by now, the rabbit hole goes deep, and today we go even further into the rabbit hole of David Kelly's death.



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 “War and War Crimes: A Historical Perspective”




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