Bulletin N° 1125

“The Illusionist”


by Sylvain Chomet, based on the work of Jacques Tati


The Illusionist (French: L'Illusionniste) is a 2010 animated film written and directed by Sylvain Chomet. The film is based on an unproduced script written by French mime, director and actor Jacques Tati in 1956. Controversy surrounds Tati's motivation for the script, which was written as a personal letter to his estranged eldest daughter, Helga Marie-Jeanne Schiel, in collaboration with his long-term writing partner Henri Marquet.

In 1959 Paris, an out-of-work illusionist packs his belongings, including an ill-tempered rabbit, and moves to London. Unable to compete with modern entertainment, such as rock and roll, he plies his trade at smaller gatherings in bars, cafés, and parties. He accepts the invitation of a drunken party patron to visit a remote Scottish island, where he entertains the locals. Staying in a room above the pub, he meets a girl, Alice, who is captivated by his illusions and kindness, including a gift of red shoes.


“The Fall Of Minneapolis”


Produced by Liz Collii; written and directed by Dr. JC Chaix


Events So Horrendous, You Wonder If An Entire City Can Become Possessed.

The Fall of Minneapolis, is both depressing and redemptive; Hard to watch, yet one of the finest documentaries I’ve seen in a very long time. Finally a documentary that does not feel like propaganda or ego-driven esoterica. Where you can connect to the people speaking, emotionally as well as factually. Where things are clear, and everything is in the film for a reason, but the reason is never to manipulate you. . . .

It opens with a lengthy segment in which you see the entire footage from several cameras of “George Floyd’s” arrest, detainment, and transfer to an ambulance.

There is absolutely no excessive cruelty, no apparent venomous, racist, murderous spirit afoot, nothing except four police officers trying to get a very tall, muscular man to enter and remain in a police car after he is arrested for using counterfeit money. He’s cuffed but fighting wildly, screaming, seeming to be having paranoid hallucinations; It’s all incredibly sad, even before they burn down Minneapolis.

It will blow your mind to hear the true facts about all this, and to see the incredibly sinister backdrop, and cast of phony, preening globalist whores in positions of MN who made sure the police were destroyed, along with the city.  




December 10, 2023

Grenoble, France  



Subject: Class Struggle spirals once again out into the domain of psy-ops, promoting mass fear and genocide. ('Got no one to talk to, nothing to say' : life among the criminally insane.)  


Dear Colleagues and Friends of CEIMSA,

Incorporated into communication theory are the rules of logical thinking which stipulate that legitimate propositions must be well defined and “falsifiable”– which is to say provable of being either true or false. While dialectical materialism offers an alternative procedure to positivist logic as a method of reasoning, the two methods are not mutually exclusive. Instead, they complement one another to produce deeper understanding of the world and the events which have produced the present phenomena under study.


If the methods of formal logic and dialectical materialism are essential tools to escape the clutches of superstition and mass hysteria, equally essential is the scientific practice of postulating theories that can be accepted or rejected according to findings after a rigorous examination by the above methods.


Two predominant theories today which are useful in examining current events are: 1) Social Darwinism, i.e. “the survival of the fittest” theory, and 2) the Marxist theory of “historical materialism”.  The former is the straight forward proposition that “might makes right” in the amoral struggle of survival, that the strongest always prevail; the latter simply postulates that “material conditions influence ideas MORE THAN ideas influence material conditions”.  


Like all scientific examinations there is a tautological aspect in both the positivist and the dialectical materialist methods of inquiry, where we find the conclusion embedded in the question. The “discovery” we are looking for often comes as no surprise, and a heavy dose of skepticism is recommended to reinforce our immune system and reduce our susceptibility to contagious enthusiasms which might have fatal consequences.


The “material conditions” that have an indelible influence on ideas include conflicts of social-class interest, which presuppose the material reality of men, women, and children capable of recognizing and rationally pursuing their own class-interests which are governed by the conditions in which they live, and ultimately by their social class relationships, as opposed to interests derived from a "fase consciouness", or "le désir desiré par le corps plein sans organ" (i.e. the objectives of advertising and propaganda campaigns "normally" pursued by corporate interests), as formulated by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guatarri in their groundbreaking book, l'Anti-Oedipe (1972). For more on this research, we invite readers to visit our past : Ceimsa Bulletins N°386, N°752 and N°803.


Our present use of abstractions is justified by the thoroughness of the answers it produces. Collective identities, other than social-class interest - such as national identity, ethnic identity, religious identity, gender identity, etc., etc... - are undeniably political forces which cannot be ignored, but taken separately each one of these sets of cultural ideas can serve to distort an understanding of how we got to where we are, and what it will take to improve our lives at present and in the future. Here we are encouraged to exam our complete history, the unfolding of events and constraints which has coughed us up onto this continent of contradictions. The theory of historical materialism requires that we examine the “fundamental contradictions” in social class relationships from the past and come up with a collective understanding of how new ideas are born from new material relationships.


Class struggle involves psychological manipulations, and while people who have discovered they have been manipulated and understandably resent that they were duped, a wider understanding is that everybody has been manipulated in one manner or another. One historical example of the practice of dialectical materialism is stated by Lenin - an expert on the subject - who is reported to have once commented, to the effect : The best way to destroy an opposition is to lead it.


We are living in a carnivalesque house of mirrors, where nothing is what it appears to be. By returning to the fundamentals of analysis, using methods of both formal logic and dialectical materialism, we might observe that throughout recorded time the ruling classes have sought control over their military, their police, their ideological institutions such as schools, religious doctrines, the production sites and market places for commodities and services, as well as over intellectual and artistic production. Usually that which was beneficial for the ruling class, during any period of history, was promoted while all that was perceived as detrimental to their collective class interests was suppressed in one way or another. This does not exclude the many Pyrrhic victories throughout history, where the alternative was revolution – “the world upside-down!”


This general pattern of behavior can be seen repeatedly across generations and across geographical space, differing only with the specificity of the moment and its context. Conflicts of class interest are universal; how they are resolved in particular circumstances can differ greatly, however, depending on the larger contexts in which confrontation occurs.


The paranoid clutching onto power when you are bankrupt is the material for satire and ridicule. It is the venal path to collective suicide, both imaginary and real  . . . .



The 21+ items below are articles and essays selected this week from the critical Anglophone alternative social media which serve to demonstrate the depth of the crisis we are now entering and the various off-ramps which the ruling class facilitates to prevent grassroots movements from uniting to challenge their political and economic power. Meanwhile it is increasingly felt among a growing segment of populations that the world is over-ripe for revolution, while agent provocateurs continue to ply their trade to provoke “pre-mature revolutions”, ending in suicidal revolts (both imaginary and real) that spur the further development of repressive technology and feed the repressive military-media-medical-congressional-surveillance industrial complex as a whole.





Francis McCollum Feeley


Professeur honoraire de l'Université Grenoble-Alpes

Ancien Directeur des Researches

Université de Paris-Nanterre

Director of The Center for the Advanced Study

of American Institutions and Social Movements


The University of California-San Diego




“Look Up! Wake Up, People! You Are Being ‘Suicided in Warp Speed’”



by Peter Koenig

Don’t look up lest you could see what nobody wants you to see – namely the Big-Big Lie. As time goes on and Agenda 2030, alias The WEF’s Great Reset progresses, the asteroid approaching Mother Earth is ever moving closer, is an ever greater risk for the destruction of our planet. Its ever more obvious. And we all feel it – we feel the heat of the approaching meteor. 

Yet, we are afraid to look up. We are even told there is a comet approaching that could destroy us all. We are scared, but we don’t look up to see the ever-growing enormity. Because if we would, we would have to take measures to stop the meteor from hitting our planet.

It would “disturb” our comfort; we would have to stand up, we would have to act in unison to muster the strength to bring about a change in the direction of the asteroid, to save our planet.

We seem to be scared out of our minds – so much so, that we’d prefer the ostrich-behavior, looking down, even sticking our heads in the sand – not to see the obvious.

Literally, the destruction of our lives. The longer we wait the lesser our chances to deviate the “colossal monster” approaching us. We know it, deep down, our innermost intuition tells us that there is something mighty wrong with what is approaching.

Doing nothing is like committing suicide. Because the warning signals have been there and here and everywhere – for years, not just since January 2020, when the meteor was first sighted and officially registered.

Cognitive dissonance and FEAR, yes, repeated FEAR, is their greatest instrument of intimidation.

They don’t hide the comet. But it’s up to us to look up and see it, to do whatever it takes to swerving its trajectory away from our Mother Earth. We can do it – we can still do it.

This call for attention, for looking up, is not meant to spread more fear. Quite the contrary.

By seeing your enemy, by looking him in the eye, you gain strength and lose fear. By doing this collectively, as a solidarity unit of humans – facing the lies and stepping finally away from the lies that have swallowed our lives for decades, for centuries, probably for at least the last 2000 years – then we will be able to breathe fresh air. New Energy.

“Don’t Look Up”

Don’t Look Up is the title of a 2021 released movie about a comet that approaches Mother Earth threatening to destroy her.

The comet is a metaphor for the horrendously forceful corporate finance-digital power engineered covid and climate change crises about to destroy Mother Earth. The movie is yet another warning.

It tells us: Do look up! Look the Monster right into its expressionless, cold killer-face.

That’s a step WE have to take in order to stop it. And we can stop it.



 “Conspiracy Theory (1997) - Film, Literature and the New World Order”


with James Corbett




“The Belmarsh Tribunal D.C (January 20, 2023):The Case of Julian Assange


with Amy Goodman and Srecko Horvat


On January 20, 2023, Democracy Now! livestreamed the Belmarsh Tribunal from Washington, D.C. This event featured expert testimony from journalists, whistleblowers, lawyers, publishers and parliamentarians on assaults to press freedom and the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.



LIVE: “DC Belmarsh Tribunal for Assange


with Ryan Grim and Amy Goodman

from the National Press Club in Washington D.C. on Saturday Dec 9 at 2pm EST – 7pm GMT, the Belmarsh Tribunal for imprisoned journalist Julian Assange



“Sustainable surveillance”


by  Edward Slavsquat

A centralized hub for storing and processing data from all video surveillance systems in Russia's urban areas will help Moscow identify unipolar faces.

For every 100 Russians there are 0.8 CCTV cameras keeping the Russian Federation safe and effective, according to Russia’s Ministry of Digital Development. Of course, it would be better if there were 100 CCTV cameras for every 0.8 Russians but Rome wasn’t built in a day.

It’s one thing to have a bunch of friendly cameras pointed at everyone—a good thing, don’t get me wrong. But it’s quite another thing to be able to hook all these cameras up to a Multipolar Safety Hive that will keep everyone safe for centuries to come. And that’s why the Russian government’s plan to connect the country’s CCTV cameras to a conveniently centralized safety center is a no-brainer:

The Ministry of Digital Development proposes to include in the national project “Data Economy” an initiative that involves the creation of a national platform for storing and processing information from all urban video surveillance systems in the Russian Federation. […]

But what prompted this ambitious safety plan? The Ministry of Digital Development was reportedly displeased by the fact that only half of the CCTV cameras installed across Russia using state funds were connected to regional systems. Even more troubling: Regional authorities don’t have access to face-data from private cameras. “Private” and safety cannot coexist!

To rectify these problems, the ministry wants to create a national platform that can tap into preexisting face-surveillance hubs operated at the regional level. If your camera is located in an urban area, participation in this centralization scheme will be mandatory. (Thank you for your cooperation.)


“The Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect or, Why idiots continue to trust the media when they are demonstrably wrong about everything

by James Corbett

"Trauma Nation"
by Todd Hayen
We now are all suffering from acute trauma, in a trauma nation. I would venture to say in a trauma world, but I am not certain of conditions in countries such as India, Indonesia, much of the Middle East or the like. I do think the trauma I am speaking of is present in most of Europe, the UK, North America, Israel, Australia and probably in many other places. Anywhere the vaccine rollout occurred, as well as anywhere that experienced lockdowns, social distancing, school closures, etc. That leaves few places trauma-free.
What is trauma? The Oxford Dictionary defines it as a deeply distressing or disturbing experience. If this is accurate then my only response is “duh”—of course we have all been traumatized. There is no doubt that we have all experienced a deeply distressing and disturbing experience. Many experiences, in fact, over many, many years.
But have we all experienced these traumas? And have all of us experienced the same number of traumatic events, and have we all responded the same way to them? No, of course not. We are all individual human beings, and the traumas are also varied, and each has a unique impact. Let me present this idea in rather broad strokes. First, I will divide us all into two groups that each have roughly similar ideas and beliefs. You know where I am going with this, so without further ado, here they are: Sheep and Shrews. (Click on the link if you are not familiar with my sheep/shrew terminology.)
I do not think I need to spend time defining these two groups. There are of course outliers in addition to the main group—those who are quasi-sheep, those who are quasi-shrews, and those who really don’t fit into either group. But just for simplicity’s sake let’s say there are only two groups—and you and I belong in one or the other.
I will start with these two distinctions in order to say that each of these groups experience the trauma that has come to all of us in different ways. The sheep for the most part experience this trauma internally. They don’t really know what is happening. They may say, “oh my, Covid was horrible, the pandemic really affected me.” But they are only describing the fake version of the crises—the ridiculous infection rate, the ubiquitous fear of death, the ventilators, the hospitals, the lockdowns, the fake drugs, the social distancing, the masks. Vaccines coming on the scene were not part of the sheep trauma, they were actually the savior that descended from heaven to save the hoards from sure destruction. Now, for sheep, the trauma is largely over—the external fake one at least. The internal one is really just starting, but they still don’t know it.  

Isolated Putin
with Alex Christoforou and Alexander Mercouris
(20 :49)



Kissinger (1923-2023)

For one hundred years he lived among his follow humans on this planet, and before he died he participated in the murder of millions of them while pursuing his career in corporate America. He died very wealthy – a “Realist,” and a lonely misanthrope.


“Tariq Ali buries Henry Kissinger”


with Tariq Ali




“Henry Kissinger and His Legacy”


with Ray McGovern




“Henry Kissinger, preserving empire and power”


with Greg Grandin





“Case Against Henry Kissinger: War Crimes Prosecutor Reed Brody on Kissinger”


with  Reed Brody




“Henry Kissinger and the Moral Bankruptcy of U.S. Elites”


with Alex Christoforou and Alexander Mercouris




“Meet Henry Kissinger” (2009)


with James Corbett





“Putin mourns death of ‘extraordinary and wise’ Henry Kissinger”


by Edward Slavsquat

"I will undoubtedly retain the fondest memory of him" Putin wrote in a message expressing his condolences to Kissinger's wife



“Remembering Kissinger’s Victims”



by Joe Bader

Historian Greg Grandin, in his 2015 biography of Henry Kissinger, estimated that Kissinger’s policies were responsible for 3-to-4 million deaths around the world — from Vietnam to Pakistan, to Indonesia, to Chile, to southern Africa, to the Middle East.

Grandin’s damning indictment against the former U.S. national security adviser and secretary of state is powerful and overwhelming.

But large numbers like 3 to 4 million mask the very real pain, terror and tragedy suffered by those individuals and their families. Look at the cases of Charles Horman, Frank Teruggi and Ronni Moffit.

All three were Americans killed by the Chilean military junta backed by Kissinger and Nixon that overthrew the democratically-elected socialist government of Salvador Allende.

[Related: Kissinger as Nixon’s ‘Messenger Boy’]

Horman and Teruggi were journalists in Chile in 1973 when the coup happened. They were taken to the infamous National Stadium in Santiago where they were executed along with thousands of Chileans. Their story was painfully yet meaningfully represented in the 1982 film Missing with Jack Lemon and Sissy Spacek.

See also: Kissinger and Me

Ronni Moffit was a researcher at the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, D.C., who was riding in a car with her husband Michael Moffit and the former Chilean diplomat Orlando Letelier in Sheridan Circle, Washington, when their car exploded.

It was determined that a bomb was planted by agents of the Chilean secret police most likely under orders from junta leader General Augusto Pinochet.

The record indicates that Kissinger told Pinochet in a phone conversation in June of 1976 that his regime was a victim of leftist propaganda on human rights:

“In the United States as you know we are sympathetic with what you are trying to do here. We want to help, not undermine you. You did a great service to the West in overthrowing Allende.”

A few months later, Moffit and Letelier were murdered. Letelier’s lower torso was blown away and his legs were severed. Moffit’s larynx and carotid artery were slashed by a piece of shrapnel and she drowned in her own blood.

Most Americans today don’t know about these murders or the names of the three victims mentioned above. After all, it was almost 50 years ago and people have become inured to the many atrocities committed at home and abroad since then.

The death of Henry Kissinger allows us to remember that his 3 to 4 million victims are not just amorphous entities but individuals who had names, families, lives, hopes and dreams. They did not deserve to die miserable deaths.

My wish would be that anyone who praises Kissinger or cites his “accomplishments” must also acknowledge his victims and know some of their names. 

In particular, American media figures, politicians and prognosticators should know who Horman, Teruggi, and Moffit were, how they died, and who was responsible for their deaths. Their families, friends, and descendants certainly know and deserve to have their pain and loss acknowledged.

Kissinger never had to answer for his crimes or face his victims’ families. There is nothing we can do about this now that he is dead. But we can at least insure that his crimes and misdeeds are never forgotten.




Economic Update: “American's Self Image VS Reality”


with Richard Wolff




“Israel-Palestine War: The Big Picture”


with Peter Koenig


Some “experts” say with full conviction Hamas is winning this war.

They base it on Hamas having achieved a ceasefire which they consider is already a “win”. And then they said getting Israel to accept a 2-day extension is a further sign of Hamas upper-hand.

That is just wishful thinking. An illusion at best. It would be desirable. But, with Israel’s Defense Forces (IDF) armed to the teeth with western — mostly US — state-of-the-art weapons, plus top secret service advice from Mossad, CIA and UK’s MI6 (Military Intelligence, section six), such ideas are way detached from reality.



First, in this, like in most other wars, there is no winner. There are only losers.

Second, instead of dividing the world in pro or con the one or the other warrying party, the typical “divide to conquer” propaganda, we should all vouch for PEACE.

Having said this, it is undeniable that Palestine has lived through some kind of a “Holocaust” for the last 75 years, since the creation of Israel in 1948 – sponsored by the UK, in connivance with the then brand-new UN, backed by the US.

The UN, created in 1945, had only 51 member countries, and was then already under full control of the “top winner” of WWII, the USA.

The Israeli crackdown on Palestine became even more severe when, on June 5, 1967, Israel launched an attack against Egyptian forces in response to Egypt’s closing of the Suez Canal for Israeli shipping. Jordan and Syria joined the conflict.

By June 11, Israel defeated all three and occupied the Sinai Peninsula, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights. The United States pressed for a ceasefire to prevent the risk of a Soviet intervention. See this.

This was the beginning of Palestine’s – especially Gaza’s – colonization.



“‘The Horror! The Horror!’, Revisited in Palestine”


by Pepe Escobar



In Pictures: ‘Hell on Earth’ in Gaza


by Al Jazeera



'Israel' massacres hundreds in residential areas across Gaza Strip

'Israel' massacres hundreds in residential areas all over Gaza Strip


by Al Mayadeen

Israel' has renewed its targeting of civilians in residential areas, killing more than 100 people in the Jabalia refugee camp in one go.

The President of the Islamic University, Dr. Soufian Tayeh, and his family were among those murdered in cold blood, according to our correspondent. Mohammad Farjallah, a photojournalist, was also martyred in a strike in a northern area of the Gaza Strip.

Being underequipped and under the threat of Israeli targeting, the Palestinian Civil Defense is still unable to retrieve the bodies of martyrs still trapped under the rubble.

On his part, the Director of Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital, Khalil al-Duqran, told Al Mayadeen that the hospital has exceeded its capacity, as the number of wounded people surpassed the number of hospital beds available at the facility. He confirmed that the hospital is suffering from extreme shortages in medical supplies and fuel. 

"We previously urged the world to transfer all injured individuals abroad and to open the Rafah border crossing for the entry of medical supplies," however, al-Duqran's pleas fell on deaf ears, while the world idly watches as "Israel" massacres Gazans.

On its part, the Palestinian Civil Defense reported the martyrdom of 20 Palestinians after Israeli bombs hit a residential building in Hay al-Zaytun, in Gaza City.




“Gaza death toll from Israeli attacks tops 15,200”


by MEM



“Mass Assassination Factory, Israel Using AI to Generate Targets in Gaza, Increasing Civilian Toll”


with Amy Goodman and Yuval Abraham


We look at a new report that reveals how Israel is using artificial intelligence to draw up targets in its military assault of Gaza. The report's author, journalist Yuval Abraham, has found that the IDF's increasing use of AI is partly a response to previous operations in Gaza when Israel quickly ran out of military targets, causing it to loosen its constraints on attacks that could kill civilians. In other words, the "civilian devastation that is happening right now in Gaza" is the result of a "war policy that has a very loose interpretation of what a military target is." This targeting of private homes and residences to kill alleged combatants means that "when a child is killed in Gaza, it's because somebody made a decision it was worth it." It has turned the Israeli military into a "mass assassination factory," with a "total disregard for Palestinian civil life," continues Abraham, who also notes that, as an Israeli journalist, his reporting is still subject to military censors. We also discuss another recent report revealing that Israel may have received intelligence about Hamas's planned attack more than a year in advance of October 7, but ignored it.



“Russia Gives Israel A FINAL WARNING - Stop The Attack Now!!”


by Douglas Macgregor, with surveilScott Ritter






“The 100 year war on Palestine” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZ55JmOlSdg

with Chris Hedges and Rashid Khalidi




“Will the Israelis perpetrate a clandestine 9/11-style terrorist attack in the US?”



by Jad Melki

The second intifada, which started in September 2000, prompted unprecedented awareness of the Palestine liberation cause, especially in the US and Europe. I was a student back then at Kent State University—a university historically known for its activism and powerful protests, particularly the anti-Vietnam war demonstration in the 1960s and 1970s. It just happened that the same year the university commemorated the 50th anniversary of the Kent State University massacre, where the US soldiers shot and killed four students and wounded nine others in an attempt to dispel a major anti-war demonstration. 

The spirit of activism was so palpable that year. I could clearly feel the shift in solidarity and support in favor of the Palestinian cause on US campuses, thanks to the many Arab-American student groups that were established across American universities, but also due to the brutality of the Israeli occupation and its genocidal tendencies. A peak watershed moment that swung the pendulum in Palestine’s favor and exposed Zionist lies and brutality was the killing of Muhamad al Durra. The short video of 12-year-old Muhamad and his father crouching behind a small barrier, pleading for help, while Israeli snipers kept shooting at them, became the icon of the second intifada. The video “went viral” at a time when social media did not exist yet. It was the dawn of the internet and hard to predict that 23 years later, social media will show thousands of Muhamad Al-Durras being killed in cold-blood by the Israeli apartheid regime.

The Zionist movement in the West was so terrified from this sudden uptick in solidarity with Palestine on US campuses that the Israeli allocated millions of dollars in the past two decades to monitor University faculty, intimidate students, and target both with false “anti-Semitic” accusations and other fabrications. Dozens of groups, with direct ties to Israeli intelligence and its US lobbying arm AIPAC, were established for that particular purpose, including Camera on Campus, Canary Mission, and the Israel on Campus Coalition.  These groups illegally spy on US citizens and target any pro-Palestine students and faculty, especially the pro-Palestine Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement. Their goal was to avoid another wave of solidarity similar to the one triggered by the second intifada. 

And although the small pro-Palestine liberation wave in 2000 quickly subsided, it was not due to the pro-Israeli campus spy groups. It took a much bigger event.

Exactly one year after the second intifada, the September 11 terrorist attacks happened, and overnight much of the pro-Palestine sympathy and solidarity evaporated or was subordinated by the overwhelming news of the attacks by Al-Qaeda, an extremist group that was originally created, funded and supported by the CIA and the Saudi regime to fight the Russians in Afghanistan. It had nothing to do with Palestinians nor with Iraqis, but the US used it as a pretext to destroy Iraq—based on the weapons of mass destruction lie and other baseless fabrications. The Israelis too used 9/11 as a pretext to continue their ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, build more illegal settlements, steal more land, and imprison more Palestinians.

Today, again, the Israeli genocidal apartheid regime is losing the media narrative on an unprecedented global scale, and millions of Westerners are becoming aware of the 75-year-old injustice Palestinians have faced under the brutal Israeli occupation. All the Israeli lies and propaganda are not helping its case or hiding its crimes. People worldwide are becoming more educated about this historic injustice. The Israelis are running out of tricks, and all their millions of dollars invested in spying campus groups and lobbying pollical arms that fund thousands of US and European politicians’ election campaigns are falling flat on their faces. Even their attempt to fund a US politician with 20-million dollars to run against the outspoken Palestinian-American congresswoman Rashida Tlaib backfired, and the bribe was turned down by senate candidate Hill Harper, in a rare honorable stance in US politics, which is notoriously influenced by donations from lobbying and special interest groups. 

Even the historically pro-Israeli mainstream Western media were not able to counter the deluge of images disseminated on social media that has exposed the Israeli war on hospitals, bakeries, schools, and children in Gaza. But I have no doubt the Israelis will do something about this. It will be big, evil and murderous, designed to attract massive media attention and counter the enormous wave of pro-Palestine solidarity in the US—the country that has spent over 130 billion dollars of its taxpayer money to sustain this racist apartheid regime, money that could have gone to maintaining the crumbling US infrastructure or to support the declining education and healthcare systems in that country.

I am concerned that the Israeli Mossad will secretly conjure up a terrorist attack in the US or another Western country, at the scale of the 9/11 attacks, or even worse, in order to distract from their genocidal crimes in Palestine and in an attempt to win back the media narrative.



“Netanyahu will commit genocide to protect his political career”


by Dan Cohen




“The death rattle of American domination”


by Roqayah Chams

Palestinians are agents of history in “Israel’s” war of attrition, and they are refusing to abide by their occupier’s terms.





“‘We Are All Palestinians’”: COP28 Activists Demand Ceasefire in Gaza, Defying Protest Restrictions”


with Amy Goodman


Despite strict limits on protest in the United Arab Emirates, as well as United Nations rules at the climate conference known as COP28 now underway in Dubai, over 100 people demonstrated on the sidelines of the summit Sunday in solidarity with Palestine to demand a ceasefire in Gaza. Some held banners with watermelons painted on them, a known symbol of the Palestinian movement, to circumvent a ban on Palestinian flags. Protesters were barred from chanting phrases like “from the river to the sea” and “Free Palestine” and were not permitted to say “Gaza,” “Palestine” and “Israel” or name any other nation. Several still did so in defiance. Democracy Now! is broadcasting from COP28 this week, and we feature voices from the protest.



“The weapons Israel tests on Palestinians will be used against all of us”


by Chris Hedges


As Antony Loewenstein explains, Palestine has been a testing ground for repressive technologies exported around the world, from spy software to killer drones.



“Russia Warns Israel: ‘Cease Fire Now or Else!’”


by Geopolitics TV


Amid the Israel-Hamas war, a big question looms large: What will happen, especially to women and children who find themselves in the middle of all this chaos?

This fight has not just caught the eye of countries all around the world, but it's also making leaders take a stand – either in support or against – in a situation where politics and doing what's right clash. As this battle rages on, leaders from different parts of the world are speaking up and showing where they stand, making clear their opinions on an issue that's loaded with history and a whole bunch of different aspects. But not everyone is taking sides; some countries are choosing to stay neutral, which shows how tricky it is to deal with situations like these. One leader who's had something to say about this is Russia's President, Vladimir Putin. What he thinks adds an interesting twist to the ongoing talks about the Israel-Hamas issue. Being a big shot on the world stage, Putin's take on the Israel-Hamas conflict carries weight. His expression of worry adds to the seriousness of the situation and the possible far-reaching effects. As the entire world grapples with the complexities of this challenging situation, the significance of dialogue and seeking peaceful solutions becomes increasingly apparent. Can these conversations and efforts for peace truly prevent a further downward spiral and safeguard those most vulnerable in the midst of this turmoil?



“GENOCIDE 2.0 - MOATS with George Galloway”


with George Galloway





with Jackson Hinkle


·         05:35 Introduction #Gaza #Palestine #Genocide

·         06:55 MOATS Monologue #Palestine #Gaza

·         35:30 Max Blumenthal on #Palestine #Gaza #Biden

·         1:05:40 Haz Al-Din on #Venezuela #Guyana #Ukraine #Palestine

·         1:31:58 Dan Cohen on #Gaza #Palestine #Netanyahu #IDF #Israel


·         Follow Jackson Hinkle on X: https://x.com/JacksonHinklle and https://rumble.com/c/TheDiveWithJacks...

·         Follow Max Blumenthal on X: https://x.com/MaxBlumenthal and YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@thegrayzone7996

·         Follow Haz Al-Din on X: https://x.com/InfraHaz YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@infraredshow

·         Follow Dan Cohen on X: https://x.com/dancohen3000 and https://www.uncaptured.media



“On the Path to Self-Destruction”


with Col. Karen Kwiatkowski


Ltc. (ret.) Karen U. Kwiatkowski is a retired U.S. Air Force officer whose assignments included duties as a Pentagon desk officer and various roles for the National Security Agency. After retiring, she became a noted critic of the U.S. involvement in Iraq. Kwiatkowski is known for her insider essays denouncing a corrupting political influence on military intelligence, especially leading up to the 2003 Iraq. In 2012, she challenged incumbent Bob Goodlatt in the Republican primary for Virginia’s 6th district in the U.S. House of Representatives.



“Biden White House diplomacy backfire. Tracking the USS Eisenhower”


with Alex Christoforou and Alexander Mercouris





“The Pearl Harbor Conspiracy and the Truth About the ‘Day of Infamy’”


by Dr. Gary G. Kohls

A congressional commission investigated the surprise attack and determined that there was a failure of the command structure at Pearl Harbor, and heads rolled, despite the protestations from the commanders, who pleaded total ignorance of foreknowledge of the attack. The families of the accused and de-frocked naval officers refused to believe the conclusions of the commission.

And then, decades later, what really happened at Pearl Harbor was revealed, when secret Naval documents were finally released through the Freedom of Information Act. At that time, investigative journalists and historians discovered that the blame for the devastating sneak attack should have been directed much higher up in the chain of command, in fact, all the way to the White House. Historian Robert B. Stinnett’s book, entitled Day Of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor supports alternative conclusions.

In an essay published in 2000 on LewRockwell.com, Stinnett says in his concluding remarks:

“ …my research of U.S. naval records shows that not only were [commanding officers] Kimmel and Short cut off from the Japanese communications intelligence pipeline, so were the American people. It is a cover-up that has lasted for nearly 59 years.

“Immediately after December 7, 1941, military communications documents that disclose American foreknowledge of the Pearl Harbor disaster were locked in U.S. Navy vaults away from the prying eyes of congressional investigators, historians, and authors. Though the Freedom of Information Act freed the foreknowledge documents from the secretive vaults to the sunlight of the National Archives in 1995, a cottage industry continues to cover up America’s foreknowledge of Pearl Harbor.” The entire essay can be read here.



“NATO is an empty shell. Ukraine & Israel as vehicles for a big war”


with Scott Ritter




“German cops go ballistic on pro-Palestine protestors. Fascism returns? »


by Belal Awad, Leo Erhardt, Dan Avram, and Arne Büttner


Israel's war on Gaza has unleashed a torrent of worldwide denunciation. Many western governments are cranking up repression of pro-Palestine activists in response. In Europe, Germany has set a grim bar in brutalizing protestors and violating their civil liberties. The Real News reports from Berlin's largely Arab and Muslim Sonnenallee neighborhood.



 “The White House’s Secret Surveillance Program Breaks All the Laws”


by John & Nisha Whitehead

“We are rapidly entering the age of no privacy, where everyone is open to surveillance at all times; where there are no secrets from government.”
--William O. Douglas, dissenting in Osborn v. United States (1966)

The government wants us to believe that we have nothing to fear from its mass spying programs as long as we’ve done nothing wrong.

Don’t believe it.

It doesn’t matter whether you obey every law. The government’s definition of a “bad” guy is extraordinarily broad, and it results in the warrantless surveillance of innocent, law-abiding Americans on a staggering scale.

For instance, it was recently revealed that the White House, relying on a set of privacy loopholes, has been sidestepping the Fourth Amendment by paying AT&T to allow federal, state, and local law enforcement to access—without a warrant—the phone records of Americans who are not suspected of a crime.

This goes way beyond the NSA’s metadata collection program.

Operated during the Obama, Trump and now the Biden presidencies, this secret dragnet surveillance program (formerly known as Hemisphere and now dubbed Data Analytical Services) uses its association with the White House to sidestep a vast array of privacy and transparency laws.

According to Senator Ron Wyden, Hemisphere has been operating without any oversight for more than a decade under the guise of cracking down on drug traffickers.

This is how the government routinely breaks the law and gets away with it: in the so-called name of national security.

More than a trillion domestic phone records are mined through this mass surveillance program every year, warrantlessly targeting not only those suspected of criminal activity but anyone with whom they might have contact, including spouses, children, parents, and friends.

It’s not just law enforcement agencies investigating drug crimes who are using Hemisphere to sidestep the Fourth Amendment, either. Those who have received training on the program reportedly include postal workers, prison officials, highway patrol officers, border cops, and the National Guard.

It’s a program ripe for abuse, and you can bet it’s getting abused.

Surveillance, digital stalking and the data mining of the American people—weapons of compliance and control in the government’s hands—haven’t made America any safer, and they certainly aren’t helping to preserve our freedoms.

Indeed, America will never be safe as long as the U.S. government is allowed to shred the Constitution.

The Fourth Amendment was intended to serve as a protective forcefield around our persons, our property, our activities, our communications and our movements. It keeps the government out of our private business except in certain, extenuating circumstances.

Those extenuating circumstances are spelled out clearly: government officials must have probable cause that criminal activity is afoot (a higher legal standard than “reasonable suspicion”), which is required by the Constitution before any government official can search an individual or his property.

Unfortunately, all three branches of government—the legislatures, courts and executive offices—have given the police state all kinds of leeway when it comes to sidestepping the Fourth Amendment.

As a result, on a daily basis, Americans are already being made to relinquish the most intimate details of who we are—our biological makeup, our genetic blueprints, and our biometrics (facial characteristics and structure, fingerprints, iris scans, etc.)—in order to clear the nearly insurmountable hurdle that increasingly defines life in the United States: we are now guilty until proven innocent.

Warrantless, dragnet surveillance is the manifestation of a lawless government that has gone rogue in its determination to do whatever it wants, whenever it wants, the Constitution be damned.

Dragnet surveillance. Geofencing. Fusion centers. Smart devices. Behavioral threat assessments. Terror watch lists. Facial recognition. Snitch tip lines. Biometric scanners. Pre-crime. DNA databases. Data mining. Precognitive technology. Contact tracing apps.

What these add up to is a world in which, on any given day, the average person is now monitored, surveilled, spied on and tracked in more than 20 different ways by both government and corporate eyes and ears.

This creepy new era of government/corporate spying—in which we’re being listened to, watched, tracked, followed, mapped, bought, sold and targeted every second of every day—has been made possible by a global army of techno-tyrants, electronic eavesdroppers, robotic snoops and digital Peeping Toms.



“Economic Changes in the World”


with Jeffrey Sachs, Alexander Mercouris and Glenn Diesen





“GENOCIDE 2.0” - MOATS ep. 296


with George Galloway




“Dan Cohen on the Israeli Genocide of Gaza”


by The Community Church of Boston, with Dan Cohen




“Israeli October 7 posterchild was killed by Israeli tank, eyewitnesses reveal”



by Max Blumenthal

Eyewitnesses to the October 7 hostage standoff in Kibbutz Be’eri have exposed Israel for misleading the world about the killings of 12-year-old Liel Hetzroni, her family and her neighbors.

Update: A video transcript of Yasmin Porat’s testimony translated by David Sheen for Electronic Intifada follows this article.

In a desperate bid for international sympathy, the Israeli government has sought to stir outrage over the killing of a 12-year-old girl during the Hamas-led attack on southern Israel on October 7. 

“This little girl’s body was burned so badly that it took forensic archeologists more than six weeks to identify her,” the Israeli Foreign Ministry declared on its official Twitter/X account. “All that remains of 12 year old Liel Hetzroni is ash and bone fragments. May her memory be a blessing.



“10 Questions About Gaza”(Parts 1 & 2)




by Simon Elmer

I and the public know
What all schoolchildren learn,
Those to whom evil is done
Do evil in return.
W. H. Auden

Here are ten questions everyone should try to answer before adding their unconditional or qualified support to the genocide being perpetrated in Gaza, and which UK politicians, journalists and Zionists have refused even to ask, let alone to answer.

This article is my attempt to answer them.

1. What is a Jew?

Their barbaric acts are acts of evil. There are not two sides to these events. There is no question of balance. I stand with Israel. We stand with Israel. The United Kingdom stands with Israel against this terrorism today, tomorrow, and always.”
Rishi Sunak, UK Prime Minister (9 October, 2023) . . . .



INTERVIEW: “We’re going to die on our land”


with George Galloway and Arab Barghouthi


The two-state solution is dead, when 98% of Israelis think it’s ok to kill women and children says Arab Barghouthi.




 “Bloodbaths Change The World - 9/11”(Parts 1 & 2)




by Peter Hanseler


Israel dominates the global media to an almost unseen extent. Only almost, because one event 22 years ago surpassed everything else in terms of media hype: 9/11. What both events have in common is that politicians and the media ruthlessly exploit people’s shock to achieve their goals or to generate clicks and thus rake in money. Most articles have one thing in common: they are based on emotions. We write about geopolitics. Geopolitical analyses must be based on facts. If the basis is emotionally charged, the analysis is worthless, regularly leads to false results and gives culprits and masterminds tools to work with, which they should not have under any circumstances.

In this second part of our series, we discuss this and more based on the most publicized terrorist attack of the 21st century.

In Part 1, we established that President Truman lied through the teeth not only to his own people but to the entire world by dropping the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki not as claimed to save hundreds of thousands of American soldiers’ lives, but to show the world and Stalin who would be the master of the house after World War 2. 

For this marketing stunt, Truman cold-bloodedly sacrificed 200,000 Japanese, most of them civilians. His own people were emotionally well prepared for this atrocity. Since the attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941, the American government and the media poisoned the soul of the Americans with the most vicious racist propaganda. This hate speech against everything Japanese allowed the American state, among other things, to put hundreds of thousands of American citizens with Japanese roots into concentration camps: American citizens, mind you.

Everyone should therefore be aware, even today, that the so-called “fundamental constitutional rights”, which seem beyond reproach, rights that a constitution grants to its citizens, have no more value than a membership in a tennis club: they can be taken away at any time. This happened and still happens after 1945.

In 1945, the majority of us were not yet born. However, our generation was swept away by an event in September 2001 that changed the world forever.

We will highlight four aspects in this article: First, what life was like before 9/11, using my own personal memories and perceptions as an example. Second, we highlight social changes that 9/11 brought us. Third, we discuss the geopolitical consequences.

Finally, in the third part, which will be published shortly, we will highlight a few facts that make you doubt that the attack happened as claimed.

Life before 9/11



“Israel-Hamas war updates: Communications cut amid southern Gaza offensive”


by Edna Mohamed, Farah Najjar and Urooba Jamal

Follow the latest on the Israeli war on Gaza, and the wider Israeli-Palestinian conflict, on our new live page, here.

The number of displaced Palestinians arriving at Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis continues to increase. To see images and read testimonies, see our photo gallery here.

Israel has told Palestinians to evacuate parts of southern Gaza as it continues to bombard the area, but civilians have virtually nowhere to go. Read our explainer here.

Fact or fiction? Israeli maps and AI do not save Palestinian lives, writes Professor Marc Owen Jones. Read more about why he believes so in this opinion piece.



Isreal Nightmare! Iran Finally Launched Horrifying Ai Drones That Shocked Israel”


by Geopolitics TV


Have you ever stopped to wonder about a world where the skies aren't ruled by human pilots but rather by super-smart machines? Well, that's exactly what's got everyone talking lately. Iran has just revealed that they've launched these super-advanced drones powered by artificial intelligence, and it's making waves, especially in Israel. Now, here's the big question on everyone's minds: Are we on the brink of a major change in how wars are fought, where smart machines do most of the heavy lifting? Let's break it down a bit. These drones aren't your usual ones; they're super smart, like, sci-fi movie smart. And the big deal here is not just about technology; it's about how it could shake up things in Israel and beyond. Imagine robots flying around, making decisions, and patrolling the skies. It's like something out of a futuristic movie, but it's happening right now. So, as we dive into what's going on, we need to unravel what this means for the stability of Israel, the right and wrong of it all, and even how wars might look in the future. The introduction of these advanced AI drones is a real game-changer, prompting us to ponder some significant questions. It's got us all pausing and wondering: how does this whole artificial intelligence thing fit into the messy, real-world business of countries not getting along?



A Discussion on Palestine and Israel on the Revolutionary Blackout Network


by Black Agenda Radio





“The Fed Pauses: What Comes Next?”


by Michael Lebowitz

After hiking rates by 5.25% since March 2022, the Fed is in a wait-and-see period, commonly deemed a pause. Since the Fed started hiking rates, inflation has declined meaningfully but remains moderately above the Fed’s 2% target. The economy continues to thrive, fueled by a strong labor market.

Despite the good news, a dark cloud lingers on the horizon. The Fed’s primary fear is that the lag effect of prior rate hikes has yet to impact the economy fully. They desire a soft landing, implying little economic degradation. But a much stronger downturn can’t be ruled out in their minds or ours. Given the odd juxtaposition between strong economic growth and recession fears, a Fed pause is the most likely action.



“Economic Update: The U.S. Military Machine & What It Costs”


with Richard Wolff and Norman Solomon




“The Pentagon Fails Its Audit Again—and Again and Again and Again and Again and Again”


by Lindsay Koshgarian

The Pentagon repeated its history of audit failure for the sixth consecutive year, unable to account for $1.9 trillion of its $3.8 trillion in assets. Despite the failures, Congress continues to increase Pentagon spending every year. Since the first failed audit in 2018, Congress approved approximately $3.9 trillion in Pentagon spending, with billions flowing unaccounted for.



“The Effects of Pulsed Microwaves And Extra Low Frequency Electromagnetic Waves on Human Brains? Governments Routinely "Classify Information" Pertaining to the Manipulation of the Human Nervous System”


by Mojmir Babacek

In the year 1962 the American scientist Allan H. Frey carried out experiments with pulsed microwaves, which produced clicking, buzz, hissing or knocking sounds in the heads of people at a distance of up to several thousands yards. In his report, he also wrote that with the change of parameters he can produce pins and needles sensation or perception of severe buffeting in the head and claimed that this energy “could possibly be used as a tool to explore nervous system coding… and for stimulating the nervous system without the damage caused by electrodes“ (see this).

In other words, Allan Frey was on the path to finding the way how to manipulate the human nervous system at distance. This was quickly understood by the U.S. Government. For the next two decades Frey, funded by the Office of Naval Research and the U.S. Army, was the most active researcher on the bioeffects of microwave radiation in the country. Frey caused rats to become docile by exposing them to radiation at an average power level of only 50 microwatts per square centimeter. He altered specific behaviors of rats at 8 microwatts per square centimeter. He altered the heart rate of live frogs at 3 microwatts per square centimeter. At only 0.6 microwatts per square centimeter, he caused isolated frogs’ hearts to stop beating by timing the microwave pulses at a precise point during the heart’s rhythm (see this and this).

In 1975, Allan Frey published  his research on blood-brain barrier in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, where blood-brain barrier (protecting brain from poison entering it together with blood) of rats, illuminated by pulsed radiofrequency, allowed dye to penetrate into their brains. His findings were confirmed by 13 different laboratories in 6 countries and with the use of different animals.

In 2012, Allan H. Frey wrote an article  where he described how the American Brooks Air Force falsified his experiment by selecting a contractor, who injected the dye into the intestines instead of into the blood, and in this way made sure that the dye will not appear in the brain. This was supposed to help the U.S. Air Force to obtain the aproval of people to build radars in their vicinity. According to Frey, the same Brooks Air Force Base later tried to “discredit unclassified research in the microwave area” in order to cover “a classified microwave-bio weapons program.”

Allan Frey concluded: “funding for open microwave-bio research in the United States was essentially shut down.” For that matter the general public (in the whole world) does not know anything about the possibility to control their brain activity at distance by the effects of pulsed microwaves on their nervous system until now.

In March 2021, the American scientist James C. Lin wrote an article on Havana syndrome, where he wrote that this trouble caused to American diplomats and government agents in Cuba and elsewhere, was most probably produced by pulsed microwaves (see this).

On December 5 2020 the U.S. Academy of sciences published a study on Havana syndrome, where it stated:

“Overall, directed pulsed RF (radio frequency) energy, especially in those with the distinct early manifestations, appears to be the most plausible mechanism in explaining these cases among those that the committee considered.”

But on March 2, 2023 the American television CNN published an article on the report of the 7 U.S. intelligence agencies. It said that “there is no credible evidence that a foreign adversary has a weapon or collection device that is capable of causing the mysterious incidents“ (Havana syndrome). In this way the U.S. intelligence agencies tried deny the validity of the scientific report by U.S. Academy of Science and to hide from the world general public the fact that pulsed microwaves can be used to attack their minds.

There is a large body of scientific experiments proving that extra low frequencies of electromagnetic radiation can produce effects in the human nervous system. What is common to microwaves and extra long electromagnetic waves is that both of them carry electric and magnetic fields. The neurons are full of ions and this electrolyte can easily function as an antenna, in which electromagnetic waves will produce electrical currents, which are essetial parts of nervous impulses in the brain.

At the International Conference on Nonlinear Electrodynamics in Biological Systems in 1983, sposored among others by the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research and the Office of Naval Research, Friedeman Kaiser from the Institute of Theoretical Physics at the University of Stuttgart lectured on effects of extra low frequencies of electromagnetic waves on the human nervous system or “extreme high sensitivity of certain biological systems to very weak electromagnetic signals.” He stated:

“In the brain wave model… The external stimulus may only serve as a trigger to start an internal response signal… The system obeys the external drive, it oscillates with the external frequency…the slow external drive leads to an increasing modulation of the amplitude with the external frequency.”

He called this phenomenon “entrainment“ and suggested that “excitations of the proposed types could possibly lead to changes in the behavior and function of biosystems” (pg. 394). There is no better explanation for the Friedman Kaiser’s lecture than that the ELF electromagnetic frequencies produce electrical currents in the electrolyte inside of the nervous tissue. In the closing speech at that conference Samuel Koslov, a leading personality of the mind control project Pandora of the American Navy declared:

”If much of what we have heard is indeed correct, it may be not less significant to the nation than the prospects that faced the physics community in 1939 when the long-time predicted fissionability of the nucleus was actually demonstrated. You may recall the famous letter of Albert Einstein to President Roosvelt. When we’re in a position to do so in terms of our proofs, I would propose that an analogous letter is required” (pg. 596). 

Already in 1980 John B. Alexander, former director of the U.S. Los Alamos National Laboratory in his article in the Military Review on remote control of human brain’s activity, wrote:

”whoever makes the first major breakthrough in this field will have a quantum lead over his opponent, an advantage similar to sole possession of nuclear weapons.”

In 2014, Chinese scientists published the results of an experiment in which they searched for microwave conductivity of electrolyte solutions. In the introduction they stressed that their experiment “plays an important role in investigating the interaction between electromagnetic waves and biological tissues that have high water content and a significant concentration of ions.” For their experiment they used a solution of salt. The chemical formula of salt is NaCl. It means it contains atoms of sodium and chloride. Ions of both of those atoms play an important role in the firing of nerve cells. The experiment proved that this electrolyte is conductive for microwaves up to  20 GHz frequency (see this). It is highly reasonable to expect that if those microwaves are pulsed in the frequencies of the frequencies of activity of neurons in the brain they will be “entrained“ to oscillate with those frequencies.

The MCS America organization, which fights against pollution, confirms this conclusion in its study on Electromagnetic Fields Sensitivity. The study states:

“The body can collect the signal and turn it into electric currents just like the antenna of a radio set or a cell phone. These currents are carried by ions… flowing through the living tissues and in the blood vessels (a system of tubes full of an electrically-conducting salty fluid that connect almost every part of the body) when these currents impinge on cell membranes, which are normally electrically charged, they try to vibrate in time with the current” (let us note that a neuron is a cell as well).

The veracity of those “speculations“ or “conspiracy theories“ is confirmed by the experiment, where 20 volunteers were exposed to the pulses of 217 Hz used in cell phone telephony and at the recordings of their electroencephalograms evoked potentials (or simply told electrical currents in the frequency) of 217 Hz were found (see this) or another one, where cell phone microwaves pulsed in 11 to 15 Hz produced changes in EEG during the sleep in 30 volunteers (see this). As well Australian scientists found out that:

“Not only could the cell phone signals alter a person’s behavior during the call, the effects of the disrupted brain-wave patterns continued long after the phone was switched off (see this).”

To complete this information it is necessary to say that the nervous system functions digitally and nervous actions differ by frequency and number of nervous impulses in which great number of neurons synchronize their action. In this way the activity of the human brain can be completely controlled including the thoughts. Robert Becker, who has been twice nominated for the Nobel prize for his research on electric potentials in organisms published in 1985 a book “Body Electric“, where he quoted the experiment, which was released voluntarily on basis of Freedom of Information Act. The author of the experiment J. F. Schapitz stated:

“In this investigation it will be shown that the spoken word of hypnotist may also be conveyed by modulated electromagnetic energy directly into the subconscious parts of the human brain — i. e. without employing any technical devices for receiving or transcoding the messages and without the person exposed to such influence having a chance to control the information input consciously.”

In one of the four experiments subjects should have been given a test of hundred questions, ranging from easy to technical ones. Later, not knowing they were being irradiated they would be subjected to information beams suggesting the answers to the questions they had left blank, amnesia for some of their correct answers and memory falsification of their correct answers. After 2 weeks they had to pass the test again. The results of those experiments were never published. But evidently already at this time the secret services were working on technologies how to impose thoughts to human beings with the use of pulsed microwaves to transmit into human brains human speech in ultrasound frequencies, which the brain perceives, but the human being does not realize this since it is not hearing the speech.

For governments it is not difficult to pulse the cell phone signals in the brain frequencies and in this way manipulate the thoughts of their own or foreign citizens. The difference between pulsed microwaves and extra long electromagnetic waves is that pulsed microwaves can be targeted on one person (or the whole nation if cell phone signals are pulsed in brain frequencies) while extra long electromagnetic waves, transmitted in brain frequencies, with their length up to 300 hundred thousands kilometers will reach brains in large areas. For sure so far the legislations around the world (except the Chile and Brazil) do not prohibit such actions to the governments or anybody else on human brains (for example Elon Musk is building system of 20.000 satellites around the planet and working on neuralink research at the same time).

Neurotechnologists around the world, who do not dare to disclose the national security information they had to sign, before starting research in the area, are calling for creation of legislations protecting people against such manipulations of their minds (see this).

The proposal of such legislation presented to the European Union, signed by 11 world organizations, you can find at the address (see this).




“BOMBSHELL Censorship Report Reveals Efforts To Prevent ‘ANOTHER 2016’”


by Michael Shellenberger

Journalist and C.B.R. Chair in Politics, Censorship, and Free Speech at the University of Austin Michael Shellenberger weighs in on his latest reporting on an "anti-disinformation group" called Cyber Threat Intelligence League.



“This Was 'The Most Alarming Thing' Discovered In The Twitter Files”


with Matt Taibbi


At today's House Weaponization of the Federal Government hearing (Dec. 1), Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) questioned Matt Taibbi about the Twitter Files.



COP28: The Globalist Agenda Has Never Been More Obvious


by Kit Knightly

As of this morning, we are four days into the two-week climate change summit in Dubai.

Yes, as we can all note for the thousandth time, literal fleets of private jets have descended on the desert so that bankers and billionaires can talk about making sure we don’t drive anymore or eat too much cheese.

What’s on the agenda? Globalism – and it’s never been more obvious.

President of Brazil Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva essentially said as much:

The planet is fed up with unfulfilled climate agreements. Governments cannot escape their responsibilities. No country will solve its problems alone. We are all obliged to act together beyond our borders,”

Thursday’s opening remarks were predictably doom-laden, with His Royal Highness Charles III and UN Secretary-General António Guterres falling into a traditional good cop/bad cop hustle.

Charlie warned that we are embarking on a “vast, frightening experiment”, asking “how dangerous are we actually prepared to make our world?”

While Tony offered just the barest, thinnest slice of hope to world leaders:

It is not too late […] You can prevent planetary crash and burn. We have the technologies to avoid the worst of climate chaos – if we act now.”

The rest of the two weeks will doubtless be committed to lobbyists, bankers, royals and politicians deciding exactly how they are going to “act”. Or, more accurately, how they are going to sell their pre-agreed actions to their cattle-like populations.

They are literally telling us their plans, all we have to do is listen.

For example, Friday and Saturday were given over to the “World Climate Action Summit”, at which over 170 world leaders pledged support for Agenda 2030.

The COP28 website proudly boasts about it:

On 1 and 2 December, 176 world leaders gathered for the World Climate Action Summit (WCAS), signaling a new era of climate action on the road to 2030.

That would be 176 global leaders out of roughly 195 countries, so they have over 90 per cent of the world covered.

Among the agreements and pledges signed at the summit so far is the “Emirates Declaration on Sustainable Agriculture, Resilient Food Systems and Climate Action”. Which, according to the BBC, pledges to:

take aim at planet-warming food”

We’ve all played this game long enough to know what that means, haven’t we?

It means no more meat and dairy, and a lot more bugs and GMO soy cubes.

They never say that, of course. In fact, they never mention any specific foods or practices at all [you can read the whole declaration here].

Instead, they just use phrases like “orient policies [to] reduce greenhouse gas emissions”, or “shifting from higher greenhouse gas-emitting practices to more sustainable production and consumption approaches”

Maintaining plausible deniability via vague language is part of the dance, but anyone paying attention knows exactly what they are talking about.

It doesn’t stop there. World leaders have also agreed to establish a “loss and damage fund”, a 430 million dollar resource for developing countries that need to “recover” after being “damaged” by climate change.

Ajay Banga, head of noted charitable organisation the World Bank, is all in favour of the idea and will be supporting the plan by agreeing to “pause” debt repayments from any government impacted by climate change.

We know how this works, we saw the same thing in the IHR amendments following Covid – it’s a bribe pool. One that serves to both further the narrative of climate change and instruct policy in the third world. Any developing nation’s government that wants a slice of that pie will have to publicly talk about all the negative impacts climate change has on their country.

At the same time, to get the money, they will almost certainly have to agree to “adopt climate-friendly policies” and/or submit their climate policies to an “independent panel of experts” appointed by the UN.

Right on cue, the President of Kenya has already spoken up:

In eastern Africa, catastrophic flooding has followed the most severe drought the region has seen in over 40 years…A tendency to ignore Africa’s developmental and industrial needs is no longer a tenable position…Turning Africa into a green powerhouse is not just essential for the continent, it is also vital for global industrialisation and decarbonisation.”

…you can almost see the dollar signs in his eyes.

Alongside the food pledge and loss fund, we have the Global Renewables and Energy Efficiency Pledge, which aims to increase reliance on “green energy”. Over 120 countries signed that one.

And then there’s the Global Methane Pledge, which has been signed by 155 governments as well as 50 oil companies.

These companies represent around half the world’s oil production, and just want to help the planet, they have no financial stake in this situation at all.

There’s the smaller Declaration on Climate, Relief, Recovery and Peace, which was signed by only 70 countries (and 39 NGOs). That one emphasizes the link between war and carbon emissions and aims toboost financial support for climate resilience in war-torn and fragile settings”, whatever that means in real terms I’m not sure.

And, of course, 124 countries (including the EU and China) have signed the inevitable ‘Declaration on Climate and Health’.

It is funded to the tune of 1 BILLION dollars from donors such as the Rockefeller Foundation, and supposedly aims to:

better leverage synergies at the intersection of climate change and health to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of finance flows.”

…which might be the worst sentence anyone has ever written.

I’ve written about the agenda behind linking climate change to public health enough for one lifetime. You can read a deeper analysis of the topic here, here and here…and here and here and here.

All this is going to culminate in what they call the “Global Stocktake. Essentially this is a mid-term report for the Paris Agreements, which can be “leveraged to accelerate ambition in their next round of climate action plans due in 2025”.

Whatever “leveraged to accelerate ambition” turns out to mean, you can be sure all of the attending governments will happily comply.

That includes every government in NATO, the European Union and BRICS by the way.

That includes the USA and China. That includes Russia and Ukraine.

That includes Israel…and Palestine.



An inconvenient truth


with Drs. John Campbell and Claire Craig


Have you ever felt the covid story did not entirely add up? Expired contains multiple eye-opening revelations about covid with compelling evidence that provides a coherent, sober and clear explanation that better fits the data we have so far. Meticulous research by pathologist Dr Clare Craig sheds light on the largely overlooked evidence of airborne virus transmission, examining twelve related beliefs on spread, lockdowns, asymptomatic infections, and masks. In addition, Expired champions the importance of Western ethical principles, damaged by pandemic actions and calls for their restoration. The covid debate has proved incredibly polarising. One side believed every intervention was saving lives, while the other emphasised the harms caused. Biased modelling based on a worst-case scenario led to fearful assumptions presented as fact. By dint of sheer repetition these ‘facts’ became unquestionable. Those scientists who dared to question were proclaimed dangerous. Welcome to Cloud-Covid-Land. Let’s bring back nuance. It’s time to return to reality."





“Seventeen Covid Pandemic Lies We’ve Been Told”



by Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null

Looking back over the past three years and ten months since the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in Wuhan, the world has been on a roller coaster ride torn between competing and warring scenarios about what took place, how and why.

For those who promulgated the official narratives composed by the World Health Organization and governmental health ministries, medical dissenters constituted an “infodemic” of misinformation that criticized the institutional authority and scientific evidence embodied in the official policies that were supposed to protect public health.

On the other side of the fence, dissenting medical voices observed a potential “plandemic”—a pre-planned and orchestrated effort to take full advantage of a viral outbreak in order to serve ulterior motives and goals. 

Aside from the “infodemic versus plandemic” debate, what is now certain is that much of what our federal health officials and their mainstream media mouthpieces told us during these three-plus years was patently false and untrue. 

In fact, in retrospect, it was more of stream of ad hoc beliefs and wishful thinking instead of an public health strategy based upon hard scientific facts.

Therefore, we are listing many of the most egregious errors, and more likely intentional lies, that the American people have been indoctrinated into believing with a brief analysis and the evidence to lay these pandemic mythologies to rest:

1. Lockdown of COVID-19 Positive Individuals and Social Distancing Will Curtail the Pandemic . . . .



The case for COVID vaccine world-wide genocide: A critical examination of the evidence and the call for a public hearing.


“‘Vaccination’” is the greatest evil in the history of humanity, as these new studies variously PROVE


by Marc Crispin Miller

This IS a global Holocaust, and there is NO denying it; so we can't let "our free press," OR our governments, ignore, belittle or distort this overwhelming evidence. All these studies are significant; but the first two here under “New Zealand” are especially important, so—please—share this compilation far and wide.….




"Winston Smith" arrested by New Zealand police (UPDATED)


by Mark Crispin Miller

While some started questioning his data (as ALL scientific data should be questioned), New Zealand's police have moved abruptly, and dramatically, against the whistle-blower, along with someone else

3 déc. 2023

UPDATE: Igor Chudov has updated his post, having revised his initial “skeptical” opinion (scroll down).

Liz Gunn reports that the police descended on the homes of both the whistle-blower himself, and someone else involved with publicizing his testimony:



Bombshell Video: The “COVID Pandemic” Was the Result of Extensive Media Propaganda: "Nobody Is Safe, BE AFRAID!"



by Matt Orfalea, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, and Prof Michel Chossudovsky

Outstanding video production by Matt Orfalea.

From the outset in January 2020 we have been accused by the mainstream media of  “spreading disinformation”.

Who was spreading “fake news”? 

Who was behind the fear campaign? Amply documented, there never was a Covid-19 pandemic. 

“Least we forget how intensely we were lied to by the government, medical, and media establishments, watch this 11-minute collection of celebrities, medical officials, media, and politicians blaming the “COVID Threat” on the unvaccinated. (Dr. Paul Craig Roberts)


“Let us be under no illusions, the Covid Jab is not only “experimental”, it’s a Big Pharma “killer vaccine”. The mainstream media has indulged in systematic propaganda with a view to sustaining The Big Lie.

We are living the most serious crisis in World history: An unprecedented crime against humanity applied Worldwide. More than 14 billion doses of the mRNA vaccine have been marketed and distributed to a World population of 8 billion people.

When the Lie Becomes The Truth. There is no moving Backwards” (Prof. Michel Chossudovsky)


VIDEO by Matt Orfaleo: Mainstream Media Propaganda to the n-th degree:



On the nature of the pandemic and what the mainstream media has failed to report see the following:


Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was A Pandemic. The Data Base is Flawed. The Covid Mandates including the Vaccine are InvalidBy Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 14, 2023



The Covid “Killer Vaccine”. People Are Dying All Over the World. It’s A Criminal UndertakingBy Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 24, 2023



“The WHO Confirms that the Covid-19 PCR Test is Flawed: Estimates of ‘Positive Cases’ are Meaningless. Both the Lockdown and the “Vaccine” Have No Scientific Basis”



by Prof Michel Chossudovsky

Author’s Note and Update

The World has been in a state of crisis for more than three years despite the fact that the WHO and the CDC (with the usual innuendos) have unequivocally confirmed that the RT-PCR test used to justify every single policy mandate including lockdowns, social distancing, the mask, confinement of the labor force, closure of economic activity, etc. is flawed and invalid.

The same applies to the rollout of the mRNA Vaccine in December 2020. 

This article was first published on March 21, 2021 focussing on the WHO’s Mea Culpa dated January 20, 2021.

The WHO advisory was then followed a few months later by the bombshell decision of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)  (July 21, 2021) to withdraw the PCR test as a valid method for detecting and identifying SARS-CoV-2.  

As of December, 31 2021, the PCR test is longer considered valid by the CDC in the U.S. 

For more details see

Bombshell: CDC No Longer Recognizes the PCR Test As a Valid Method for Detecting “Confirmed Covid-19 Cases”?




Establishment Blames YOU For The World Wide Immigration Crisis!


with Jimmy Dore and Neil Oliver


Scottish political commentator Neil Oliver issued another of his signature blistering verbal assaults on the elite global interests seeking to divide everyday people and have us attacking one another rather than the rich and powerful who should be the target of our ire. This time Oliver was responding to efforts to paint Irish citizens who reacted with anger to violent crimes committed by immigrants in their community as “far-right.” Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss how Oliver’s commentary aligns with The Jimmy Dore Show’s repeated refrain about not blaming your neighbor for problems caused by the establishment and the powerful.



Is Ireland really sticking its neck out for Gaza?


Ireland’s Micheál Martin told Benjamin Netanyahu that Ireland is not hostile to Israel during a recent visit. (Israeli government photo)


by David Cronin

The people of Gaza can “go to Ireland or deserts,” an Israeli government minister has said over the past few days.

As a proud Dubliner, I’d like to believe that Amichai Eliyahu, the minister in question, did not choose Ireland at random when he expressed that genocidal wish – a wish accompanied by a now infamous warning that using nuclear weapons is an option in the current war.

Hopefully, Eliyahu is rattled by the outpourings of solidarity toward Palestinians displayed by ordinary Irish folk.

It should be emphasized that the solidarity comes from the streetsl. Contrary to impressions, the Dublin government has actually adopted quite a weak stance.

Yes, Ireland has been among the European Union states most critical of Israel. But given that the common EU position was to depict the horrors Israel inflicts on Gaza as defensive, a minor deviation from it is hardly worthy of celebration.

Proof of the gulf between elite and grassroots opinion could be seen a few days ago.

Protests in various Irish towns have demanded the expulsion of Dana Erlich, Israel’s ambassador to the country. Rather than expelling her, Fianna Fáil – the largest party in Ireland’s ruling coalition – invited Erlich to its annual conference last weekend.



“Ben Gurion Canal: US Supports Israel’s Gaza War Over A Trade Route”


with Robert Inlakesh




“Does Hamas Use Human Shields? The Evidence”


with Robert Inlakesh




“A Blunt Message for Israel”


with Samuel Moncada, Venezuela’s ambassador to the U.N., addressing the General Assembly on Tuesday, Nov. 28, 2023.


This is a rare example of a very direct message delivered by one government to another at the United Nations.



“Gaza Divides the World”


by Patrick Lawrence

As the crisis unfolds, the brute exercise of power by the U.S. and Israel has catalyzed world reactions. A significant transformation in global diplomacy is underway.



“Immortal Technique on Gaza, the Hip-Hop Industry and More . . .”


by Alan Macleod

(audio, 55:54)

It is now two months since Hamas’ surprise attack and Israel’s brutal response, and there are few signs that the slaughter will let up any time soon. The violence has captured the world’s attention and become the top story across the globe.

Unsurprisingly, then, the entertainment world has taken sides too. In the wake of the October 7 assault, more than 700 celebrities signed an open letter pledging support to the government of Israel. On the other hand, the hip-hop community has displayed solidarity with Gaza, with over 600 artists joining the Musicians for Palestine movement.

Joining MintCast host Alan MacLeod today to talk about Gaza and the music industry is Immortal Technique. Immortal Technique is an independent rapper and activist widely regarded as one of his generation’s most respected and gifted artists. He has used his platforms on social media to constantly speak out about the situation and educate his huge audience about colonialism, capitalism and imperialism. You can follow him on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.




“Released Palestinians reveal horrors in Israeli prisons



by Tamara Nassar

As Palestinian teens and women were liberated in a groundbreaking prisoner exchange agreement between Hamas and Israel, chilling accounts emerged of dire conditions in Israeli prisons.

Detainees gave testimonies on how Israeli prison authorities subjected them to food deprivation, medical negligence, regular beatings and menacing threats aimed at them and their families.

Despite many of the prisoners being released from different prisons across historic Palestine with no way of communicating with one another prior to their release, their accounts have been consistent.

For seven consecutive days starting 24 November, prisoners were exchanged between Hamas and Israel as part of a temporary truce which was extended twice but collapsed on 1 December as Israel resumed massacring Palestinians in Gaza.

A total of 240 Palestinian prisoners were released by Israel as part of this deal – including 107 children, 65 teens 18 and older and 68 women.

The vast majority of Palestinians released had never been charged with a crime, and most had been in Israeli detention for less than one year, The New York Times reported.



“How Israel starved a sick child of oxygen”


Amublance crews have been targeted during Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza. 

Atia Darwish APA images


by Sewar Elejla

Al-Nasr pediatric hospital in northern Gaza is among the medical institutions which Israel has attacked over the past two months.

As well as taking care of patients, the hospital became a shelter for displaced people in the early stages of the current war.

A few weeks after the war began, al-Nasr hospital was subjected to heavy shelling. Shrapnel flew toward medical staff and the displaced.

Staff could not give adequate treatment to the wounded. Transferring patients to al-Shifa, Gaza’s largest hospital, was “kind of impossible,” Soher, a doctor at al-Nasr hospital, said.

“There was a fear that ambulances would be targeted.”

Around midnight on 6 November, the laundry department at al-Nasr hospital was hit by an Israeli airstrike.

“My heart dropped,” Soher said. “It was unimaginable – a hospital bombed directly.”

“I looked out the window,” she added. “Suddenly, the courtyard was full of dust. You could hear screams echoing everywhere. And the alarm barely stopped.”

Soher’s own family was taking refuge in the hospital at the time, as their home had been targeted. “The women were in a room, while the men were in a tent in the courtyard.”

Following the airstrike, Soher tried to locate her relatives.

“I quickly put on my white coat, covered my head and went straight down to check if any of them were injured,” she said. “I found my father, grabbed his hand and asked about everybody. He reassured me that they were fine.”

Once she had seen her dad, Soher, a fellow doctor and a nurse ran towards the emergency department. Reaching it involved running through the courtyard, which was under continuous shelling.

The scene at the emergency department was harrowing.

“I saw a decapitated female body and doctors trying to revive her sister nearby. I had to wrap a child’s wound with gauze despite how it needed stitches. There was no choice. A girl with an amputated arm and a woman with shrapnel in the chest needed a transfer to al-Shifa but it was impossible. All of this happened amid a communications blackout with no way to reach anyone, including ambulances.”

Despite the shelling, some families did succeed in calling ambulances from the neighboring Rantisi children’s hospital. Eventually, some wounded people were brought to al-Shifa.

Terrified . . . .



In memory of Dr. Refaat Alareer



by The Electronic Intifada

We express our shock, anger and deep sadness at the murder by Israeli occupation forces of our friend and colleague Dr. Refaat Alareer in an airstrike in Gaza City on 6 December.

Refaat was killed along with his brother, sister and four of her children when his sister’s home was attacked. Refaat and his family members are now among more than 17,000 Palestinians killed in Israel’s ongoing genocide.

We express our deep condolences to Refaat’s wife, Nusayba, and their children and other surviving family members, to all his students and former students of whom he was so proud, and to everyone who loved him.

Refaat and his family had already been displaced within Gaza several times after his home was bombed in October.

A proud son of Gaza City’s Shujaiya district, Refaat was a professor of English literature at the Islamic University of Gaza.

He was a co-founder of We Are Not Numbers, a project launched in Gaza after Israel’s 2014 attack, to mentor and support young writers in the besieged territory to tell their stories to the world.



“Why are colleges "civil" to Israel?”


by Rod Such



“Spyware exposé lets Israel off the hook”



by Refaat Alareer

Pegasus: How a Spy in Your Pocket Threatens the End of Privacy, Dignity, and Democracy by Laurent Richard and Sandrine Rigaud, Henry Holt and Co. (2023)

The TV host Rachel Maddow describes Pegasus and the story it tells as “freaking compelling stuff.”

Maddow writes – in the book’s introduction – that “it’s an edge-of-your seat procedural about the heroes who found this dragon and then set out to slay it.”

Authored by Laurent Richard and Sandrine Rigaud from the investigative journalism group Forbidden Stories, Pegasus is the outcome of a probe initiated by the leak of 50,000 possible surveillance targets.

The investigation aimed to uncover the unlawful usage of Pegasus spyware against noncriminal figures, including human rights activists and journalists. Pegasus was developed by the Israeli company NSO – the initials of Niv, Shalev and Omri, its founders’ first names.

The book’s authors do a fine job providing readers with an insider’s perspective of the events during the investigation.

The Pegasus investigation team was led by Forbidden Stories and Amnesty International’s Security Lab and involved a partnership with 17 media organizations worldwide to reach out to journalists and gather evidence of Pegasus attacks.

The book documents the tremendous efforts by Amnesty’s cybersecurity specialists, Claudio Guarnieri and Donncha Ó Cearbhaill, to design the security protocols that kept the investigation under wraps until publication and develop the forensic tool used to trace Pegasus in infected mobile phones.

Pegasus raises ethical worries around licensing the spyware to clients with poor human rights records and highlights the cases of journalists who have been abused by their governments, such as Omar Radi (from Morocco), Khadija Ismayilova (from Azerbaijan), and “the golden get” – as Dana Priest from The Washington Post described it – the case of Jamal Khashoggi and evidence implicating Pegasus in his murder.

The style of Pegasus is mostly anecdotal or exploratory, which allows for engaging storytelling. The personal connections to the story are emphasized.

Without doubt, the book can appeal to a broader audience beyond technology experts, given that the authors avoid technical jargon and explain complex concepts in a way that is easy to understand.

Pegasus is a tool for hacking and monitoring smartphones, compromising individuals, groups, and even entire governments. It can turn a device that we carry in our pockets or handbags every day into a spy.

The use of the spyware was initially reported in 2016. Over time, it has become more technically sophisticated with advanced features that enable it to infect phones without any action required from the target.

Rachel Maddow outlines in the book’s introduction the enormous amount of information that Pegasus can steal: “That includes all text and voice communications to and from the phone, location data, photos and videos, notes, browsing history, even turning on the camera and the microphone of the device while the user has no idea it’s happening.



“Buying Israel's weapons is a bigger EU priority than aiding Palestinians”


Ursula von der Leyen stresses her devotion to the arms industry. (European Defence Agency)


by David Cronin

Spare us the sham heroics of Samantha Power.

With a depressing sense of inevitability, the USAID boss flew to Egypt this week. The plane taking her was supposedly full of aid for Gaza’s displaced people.

With all that generosity, we are supposed to forget that the US is abetting genocide. Israel is committing a holocaust with American weapons.

Ursula von der Leyen is playing a similar game.

She is constantly pointing to the European Union’s “humanitarian assistance” for Palestinians, while stressing her full solidarity for Israel.

As we enter a season of goodwill, what could be kinder than giving a few tents to people whose homes have been destroyed with the EU’s encouragement?




“Israel Reopens Gaza Slaughterhouse”



by Chris Hedges

The skies over Gaza are filled — after a seven-day truce — with projectiles of death. Warplanes. Attack helicopters. Drones. Artillery shells. Tank shells. Mortars. Bombs. Missiles. Gaza is a cacophony of explosions and forlorn screams and cries for help beneath collapsed buildings. Fear, once again, is coiling itself around every heart in the Gazan concentration camp.

By Friday evening, 184 Palestinians — including three journalists and two doctors — had been killed by Israeli air strikes in the north, south and central Gaza, and at least 589 injured, according to the Ministry of Health in Gaza. Most of them are women and children.

Israel will not be deterred. It plans to finish the job, to obliterate what is left in the north of Gaza and decimate what remains in the south, to render Gaza uninhabitable, to see its 2.3 million people driven out in a massive campaign of ethnic cleansing via starvation, terror, slaughter and infectious diseases. 

The aid convoys, which brought in token amounts of food and medicine — the first batch was shrouds and coronavirus tests according to the director of al-Najjar hospital — have been halted.

No one, least of all President Joe Biden, plans to intervene to stop the genocide. Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited Israel last week, and while calling for Israel to protect civilians, refused to set conditions that would disrupt the $3.8 billion Israel receives in annual military assistance or the $14.3 billion supplemental aid package.

The world will watch passively, muttering useless bromides about more surgical strikes, while Israel spins its roulette wheel of death. By the time Israel is done, the 1948 Nakba

, where Palestinians were massacred in dozens of villages and 750,000 were ethnically cleansed by Zionist militias, will look like a quaint relic of a more civilized era. 

Nothing is off limits. Hospitals. Mosques. Churches. Homes. Apartment blocksRefugee camps. Schools. Universities. Media offices. Banks. Sewer systems. Telecommunications infrastructure. Water treatment plants. Libraries. Wheat mills. Bakeries. Markets. Entire neighborhoods. Israel’s intent is to destroy Gaza’s infrastructure and daily kill or wound hundreds of Palestinians.

Gaza is to become a wasteland, a dead zone that will be incapable of sustaining life. 



“The Gaza War, ‘Big Money’ and the Insidious Role of the World Economic Forum”



by Ernst Wolff

After a temporary lull in the fighting in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli government’s war against Hamas resumed in full force on 4 December. Under the pretext of eradicating the “terrorist threat: once and for all, the Israeli army is once again showing no consideration for the Palestinian civilian population.

It is now clear to any unbiased observer that this is no longer a matter of defense, but of targeted destruction – a destruction in which thousands of innocent victims, including countless children, are willingly accepted.

Why? What and, above all, who is behind this monstrous inhumanity? 

Some background events that are largely withheld from the general public by the mainstream media, but which may also be decisive for the future development of the conflict, could shed light on this. 

Natural Gas Discoveries Off Gaza 



“New Catastrophic Plight in Gaza: Israel’s Attacks Leave More Than 5,000 Palestinians Disabled”



by Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor

More than 5,000 Palestinians have become disabled since 7 October due to Israel’s ongoing attacks on the Gaza Strip, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor and the Disabilities Representative Persons Network (DRPN) said in a joint statement issued Thursday.

Israel’s air and artillery strikes and forced eviction policy have had catastrophic effects on people with disabilities in the Gaza Strip, including increased risk of death, difficulties evading attacks, and difficulties meeting basic needs.

The Euro-Med Monitor team’s preliminary statistics indicate that over 40,000 Gaza Strip residents have been injured during Israel’s attacks. The human rights group noted that at least 5,000 of these individuals have disabilities that put their lives in danger because of the dire lack of access to medical care and the collapse of the health system.

Significantly, prior to 7 October, over 130,000 people in the Gaza Strip were already disabled. The majority of these people suffered their disabling injuries during one or more of the frequent Israeli military operations on the Strip, which began more than 20 years ago. Due to Israel’s illegal blockade of Gaza since 2006, they endured extremely difficult living conditions due to a lack of assistive devices such as wheelchairs, crutches, and artificial limbs, as well as inadequate rehabilitation programmes.

According to Euro-Med Monitor and the DRPN, disabled people were subjected to numerous grave violations that affected different aspects of their rights, and their suffering has only intensified during the frequent ongoing Israeli attacks.

People with disabilities have distinct needs that remain unmet in the wake of Israel’s deadly attacks, posing a serious risk to their lives and exacerbating their suffering by contributing to the decline of their physical and mental health.

People with mobility impairments—especially those who have lower limb paralysis—struggle the most, because they depend on medical supplies on a daily basis to perform even the most basic tasks.

Those with disabilities including quadriplegia and muscular dystrophy require electricity to operate respiratory devices, clinical air mattresses, and food grinding devices for clinical nutrition. These needs cannot be met, however, as Israel has been cutting off fuel and electricity supplies to the Strip.

Palestinians with various disabilities are unable to evacuate areas safely and quickly enough to save themselves in the wake of intense Israeli attacks. This is particularly true for those who are physically disabled and unable to move around on their own, as well as those who have mental, visual, or hearing impairments and are unable to hear or understand what is going on around them.

Power and Internet outages present additional difficulties for disabled people seeking to access important information that may help them determine where, when, and how to flee to a safe shelter, as everyone tries to survive on their own during the initial lead-up to and aftermath of a strike, leaving people with disabilities behind.



The Nakba 2.0: Issa Amro's Insider Account of Israeli Torture in Hebron


with Mnar Adley, Alan Macleod, and Issa Amro


Editor’s Note: Dear Readers, MintPress News’ YouTube channel was recently demonetized, and many of our videos made age-restricted. We would greatly appreciate your support by becoming a member of our Patreon page so that we can continue to bring you important stories like this one. Much of the work that we do is supported by viewers like you.

Coming back to his house on October 7, world-renowned activist Issa Amro was dragged away by 15 armed Israelis, blindfolded, gagged, and cuffed so tightly he now needs an operation on his hands. The settlers and soldiers kept him imprisoned for days, beating and torturing him, constantly simulating his execution.

Speaking with MintPress News, Amro told the story of what life is like for Palestinians living in the West Bank city of Hebron. “In my city where I live now, since October 7, there is a curfew,” he told Mnar Adley and Alan MacLeod.

But this curfew is far more restrictive than others. Palestinian families – those who have not already fled the genocidal Israeli violence – are given only six hours a week to leave their homes. They are not even allowed out into their own yards. This means that school has stopped, work has ended, and life is on pause.

In those six hours, Palestinian families must buy all their food, pick up essentials such as medicine and conduct any social activities. But being outside is dangerous, as they have to pass though multiple checkpoints with armed guards and AI smart shooters pointing guns at them. Violence from vigilante settler groups is also a danger.

“It’s scary to walk alone between armed soldiers and armed settlers, all of them pointing their guns at you. Then, when you come back, it takes them five to ten minutes to search every person,” Amro said, revealing that the guards wanted to go so far as to cut open his potatoes and tomatoes to check for “weapons.”

“It’s a kind of jail” right now, Amro said, although he notes that being in jail is considerably safer than being a Palestinian in Hebron right now.

Issa Amro is an activist and the co-founder of the grassroots group Youth Against Settlements. He has led campaigns of non-violent civil disobedience against apartheid and Israeli occupation and has been recognized and given awards by international organizations, including the United Nations. He joins MintPress to chronicle recent Israeli attempts to force Palestinians from their homes and their ancestral land.




Outrage as US Congress Slams University Chiefs Over Supposed ‘Anti-Semitism’ on Campuses


by Julia Conley

Naomi Klein, the writer and activist, has led calls for supporters of a permanent cease-fire in Gaza to stay focused on Israel’s mass killing of civilians and to resist the “smoke and mirrors” of Congressional hearings this week that sought to distract from Israel’s “genocidal violence.” 

“The distraction machine is in overdrive,” said Klein on social media after more than a day of reaction to the presidents of three top universities being hauled before Congress on Wednesday to testify at a House hearing titled “Holding Campus Leaders Accountable and Confronting Antisemitism.”

Republican members including Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) demanded to know whether the presidents of the University of Pennsylvania, Harvard University, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) would discipline students for “calling for the genocide of Jews.”



“The Official Story of Oct 7”


Hamas is a Terror Organization protest in front of the BBC offices in London on Oct. 18. (Nizzan Cohen, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 4.0)


by Caitlin Johnstone

The official story is that on Oct. 7, thousands of evil Hamas terrorists broke out of their walled-in enclave and killed approximately 1,200 Israelis for no reason other than because they were evil and wanted to kill Jews.

Nothing was done by the Israeli government to provoke this attack, and nothing of any relevance happened prior to this date.

The attack was as undefended as could possibly be; Israeli defense forces did not respond for nine hours despite having received ample warning that an attack was coming for months, from both their own intelligence services and from Egyptian intelligence

No attempt was made to warn the Nova music festival of an impending attack despite Israeli security forces being aware the day before that an attack was coming, resulting in hundreds of deaths and captured hostages. 

The attack was met with so little resistance that Hamas themselves were reportedly surprised by how many Israelis they were able to capture and kill, their surprise perhaps due to the fact that they’d spent two years training right out in the open less than a mile from the border for an air, sea and land attack using motorized paragliders, drones and motorboats. This is all perfectly normal and not suspicious at all. 

Also not at all suspicious is that 100 percent of the 1,200 Israeli deaths on Oct. 7 are being attributed to Hamas despite Israeli media and eyewitness testimony reporting that the IDF was firing indiscriminately into areas full of Israelis

The burned bodies you see in photos of the Oct. 7 devastation were with absolute certainty burned by Hamas, despite the Israeli government’s acknowledgement that it had previously misidentified hundreds of dead Hamas fighters as Israeli because they’d been so badly burned by IDF fire that their corpses were unrecognizable. 

(The official story of Oct. 7 also previously included narratives about beheaded babies, babies cooked in ovens and babies ripped from the wombs of pregnant mothers, and you were an evil, Jew-hating Holocaust denier if you doubted them, but those narratives have since been walked back and are no longer part of the official story, so belief in them is now optional.)



Peddling Propaganda About al-Shifa


by Gareth Porter

Gareth Porter begins his dissection of a U.S. journalist’s unequivocal backing of Israel’s justification for closing down Gaza’s largest hospital with a simple test: Who is the source?

The argument over the Israeli accusation that Hamas used Gaza’s al-Shifa Hospital as a shield for its military effort against the Israel Defense Forces has continued, even as the headlines have shifted to the Israel-Hamas prisoner swap. 

On Nov. 23, well-known author and online journalist Fred Kaplan weighed in forcefully in favor of the Israeli charge.

In a post on “X,” Kaplan, who writes a weekly column on defense and foreign affairs for Slate magazine, posted a comment supporting the conclusion of an article in the Israeli daily Haaretz unequivocally supporting the IDF’s position.  

Kaplan’s post declared, “Clear evidence in Ha’aretz (which is often critical of Israel govt), that Hamas used tunnels under Al-Shifa hospital as a command center.”   

With that, Kaplan defended the IDF’s justification for closing down Gaza’s largest hospital while carrying out a war designed to destroy vast areas of the world’s most densely populated urban enclave. That hard-line view does not stand up to closer scrutiny.  

The Haaretz article in question fails to provide a convincing case for the Israeli government’s claim that Hamas was using the tunnel under al-Shifa Hospital as command center, and therefore that the hospital was being used as a ‘human shield.” Instead it merely shows that the article’s author, Janiv Kubovich, military correspondent for Haaretz, reflects the IDF view of the conflict on the Haaretz staff. 


Daniel Hagari in March 2023. (IDF Spokesperson’s Unit, Wikipedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0)

Kubovich does not cite a single piece of evidence for Hamas’ culpability in using the hospital for military purposes that did not come directly from the military spokesman.

The reporter recommended by Kaplan with such high confidence relied completely on the most self-interested sources imaginable on the issue — the IDF’s leading propagandist. It is a source lacking in any independent judgment. 

The IDF’s position on Gaza’s hospitals, as articulated by its chief spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, has been extremely rigid and unyielding, in line with the Israeli policy aim of imposing maximum human costs not only on Hamas but on the entire civilian population of Gaza.

That policy requires that all the hospitals must be shut down, and the society be systematically deprived of food and fuel and put under military pressure. 

First Rantisi Hospital, Then al-Shifa 




“Just Like 9/11? Suspicious Israeli Stock Market Activity Hints at Foreknowledge of October 7 Attack


by Kit Klarenberg

Hearkening back to the days preceding the 9/11 attacks, suspicious stock market activity suggests that someone with prior knowledge of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood sought to capitalize on the events on October 7.

A new academic study has made a shocking and highly controversial finding. Suspicious Israeli stock market activity in the days preceding Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on October 7 indicates that a particular party had foreknowledge of the impending attack and used that information to directly profit from the panic that ensued.

The paper, authored by Robert J. Jackson Jr. of  New York University School of Law and Joshua Mitts of New York University School of Law, concludes that based on a “significant spike” in short selling of listed Israeli companies, persons unknown were aware of the operation was impending, and sought to profit illicitly. Short selling – or shorting – allows traders to bet a stock will perform poorly and reap rewards if they’re correct.

Shorting is a relatively rare practice compared to traditional trading and with good reason. Losses can be vast if forecast poor performance doesn’t materialize, and many investment advisors warn against engaging in the practice under any circumstances. Strikingly though, the academics found shorting of Israeli companies in days immediately before October 7 “far exceeded short selling that occurred during numerous other periods of crisis, including the recession following the financial crisis, the 2014 Israel-Gaza war, and the COVID-19 pandemic.”

The pair argue this activity may reflect attempts by Hamas operatives to profit from, if not outright finance, their forthcoming attack, an allegation eagerly taken up by Hebrew newspaper Haaretz. Meanwhile, Israeli finance rag Globes attacked the study, claiming “huge errors” by its authors in overestimating the profits of individuals who shorted Israeli stocks. The pair mistakenly quoted returns in agorot, a denomination of Israeli currency, as shekels – in pennies as dollars in U.S. terms – leading them to inflate investor returns by a magnitude of 100.

Yet, the outlet acknowledged a “consistent rise in short trading balances on [Israeli] shares prior to the outbreak of the war.” Moreover, the Israeli government has taken the paper’s findings so seriously that an official investigation has been launched to ascertain the truth. As we shall see, there is good reason to believe that if someone sought to enrich themselves due to foreknowledge of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, it is unlikely they were connected to Hamas.

The paper notes numerous historical precedents for such activity, which “occurs in gaps in U.S. and international enforcement of legal prohibitions on informed trading.” Research on “profitable trading on the basis of information about coming military conflict” is an underdeveloped academic field. Such lack of oversight and scrutiny around shorting by Western regulators and watchdogs may explain who profited this time and why.





News from Underground by Mark Crispin Miller

The killing of George Floyd was a gigantic lie that actually killed Minneapolis, while helping keep us all at one another's throats”



This powerful documentary demands that we all take a deeper look into that propaganda masterpiece (along with all the others that have put us where we are today)



“Mark Sheppard has SIX "massive heart attacks"; Billy Bean "battling cancer"; Kelly Ripa, Craig Melvin, Savannah Guthrie absent from TV; Michael B. Jordan's odd car crash; Lil Wayne's swollen face”


by Mark Crispin Miller



“In memory of those who "died suddenly" in the United States and worldwide, November 28-December 4, 2023”


by Mark Crispin Miller

Musicians in Canada, Peru, Bolivia, Uruguay, Ireland, Netherlands (2), Germany, Sweden, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, China, Malaysia; teachers in US, Canada, Italy; nurses in US (2), Brazil, Italy (2); more



“Pope Francis and Stephen Colbert are still sick; TV judge Frank Caprio has pancreatic cancer; Rep. Glenn Thompson (R-PA) has prostate cancer; Ken Hudson Campbell ("Home Alone") has tumor in his mouth”


by Mark Crispin Miller

Jesse Montana, friend of reality TV star Ariana Madix, has a brain tumor; "Former Fox 5 reporter [San Diego] battles rare cancer"



“If those ‘green’ billionaires are so afraid of ‘global warming,’ why do they still own huge oceanside estates?”


by Mark Crispin Miller

Just as they took OFF their masks when (they thought) nobody was looking, so do their private planes and seaside mansions show that what they SAY and what they DO are two entirely different things



“In memory of those who ‘died suddenly’ in the United States and worldwide, November 28-December 4, 2023”


by Mark Crispin Miller

Musicians in Canada, Peru, Bolivia, Uruguay, Ireland, Netherlands (2), Germany, Sweden, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, China, Malaysia; teachers in US, Canada, Italy; nurses in US (2), Brazil, Italy (2); more




“Guyana and Venezuela: The Crisis of Imperialism Currently Unfolding on South America's Caribbean Coast”



by Tamanisha John

Despite the reality of US intervention causing inhumane conditions in the region, Venezuela’s push for the annexation of Guyana’s Essequibo region prioritizes its own political objectives, heightening tensions with the US and leaving the Guyanese people without a say in their own fate.

This week Venezuela will hold a referendum on annexing Guyana’s Essequibo region, claiming that it wants to rescue those Guyanese in Essequibo “mired in misery, in abandonment.” While Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro speaks to a real concern impacting the Guyanese people – the external capture of governance in the country by ExxonMobil and US Southern Command (Westervelt 2023) – Maduro’s statement shows a real disregard for Guyana and Guyanese people while amplifying a rightist tendency in Venezuelan politics that historically aimed to cement Venezuelan nationalism under the guise of anti-communist security objectives. Maduro is not standing with Guyanese workers or Amerindian peoples in Essequibo. In fact, Venezuela has not consulted these communities in its annexation push at all (Clash! Collective 2023). No amount of “left” proselytizing by Venezuela changes this fact. 

Given the reliance of Guyana, and the Caribbean region more generally, on the West for both security objectives, goals, and funding – it should not come as a shock that Venezuela’s referendum alongside these broadcasts by Maduro have been interpreted by Guyana as aggressive – heightening security tensions between both countries. Venezuela’s actions, Guyanese Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo notes, makes his incumbent PPP/C party more welcoming towards the establishment of foreign military bases in Guyana to “protect Guyana’s national interest” (France 24, 2023).

Whereas many Western headlines attribute Venezuela’s annexation claims on Guyana to Maduro’s failings as leader, and headlines in Guyana attribute Venezuela’s annexation claims today on the oil find by Exxon – I reject all claims that solely attribute Maduro’s stance towards Guyana on the internal domestic political calculations that he is making in Venezuela. Venezuela’s domestic situation was already negatively impacted prior to Maduro gaining power, given Western sanctions and attempts to undergird the Venezuelan economy.  Headlines in Guyana are more accurate noting the change in Maduro’s position post oil. However these headlines tend to downplay the role of ExxonMobil in Guyana’s offshore oil discovery and the subsequent security calculations that Venezuela has had to make from 2013 to the present since that discovery. ExxonMobil is not a neutral actor in the region; it belongs to a state that has tried to institute regime change in Venezuela for decades. It is this latter point, I contend, that is pushing Venezuela’s annexation pronouncements. 




“Video shows Washington cops corner man parked in his driveway—for a traffic stop


by Taya Graham and Stephen Janis


A 911 call about donuts left a Bellingham man trapped in his own driveway by local police, who kept looking for new reasons to question him.



Videos like this which starkly illuminate Israel’s genocidal slaughter of children in Gaza...


by Max Blumenthal




“‘Team B and the Jerusalem Conference: How Israel Helped Craft Modern-Day ‘Terrorism’”


by Kit Klarenberg

Since Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza began, Zionist officials, pundits, journalists, and their Western opposite numbers have endlessly invoked the sinister specter of “terrorism” to justify the industrial-scale slaughter of Palestinians. It is because of “terrorism,” twice-failed U.S. Presidential candidate and unconvicted war criminal Hillary Clinton representatively wrote for The Atlantic on November 14 that “Hamas must be permanently erased.” Destroyed hospitals and schools and civilians killed en masse are reasonable “collateral damage.” Such is the unparalleled evil of “terrorists.”

Yet, the relentless stream of heart-rending clips documenting the Israeli Occupation Force (IOF) Holocaust deluging social media feeds the world over, and the ever-ratcheting child death toll has compelled countless citizens to ask, “If Hamas are terrorists, then what are Zionists?” It is surely no coincidence YouTube recently yanked the official video of a groundbreaking track by renowned rapper and MintPress News contributor Lowkey, “Terrorist?” posing this precise question.

“Terrorist?” was released in 2011, at the height of the U.S. Empire’s “War on Terror.” Then, the purported global threat of “terrorism” was exploited throughout the West to savage civil liberties at home and wage relentless illegal military “interventions” abroad. Mainstream usage of the term precipitously plummeted thereafter. It is only now regaining popular currency due to the Gaza genocide.

This is no accident. As we shall see, Israel – and specifically its veteran leader, Benjamin Netanyahu – was fundamental to concocting the mainstream conception of “terrorism,” explicitly to delegitimize anti-imperial struggles while validating Western state violence directed at oppressed peoples across the Global South. The impact of this informational assault can be felt in every corner of the world today – not least Gaza.

In fact, one might reasonably conclude the specific foundations of Nakba 2.0, which is unfolding in grisly real-time right now, were laid decades ago as a result of the connivances of Netanyahu, the international Zionist lobby, and the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. What follows is the little-known history of how “terrorism” came to be. A majority of the world’s population – the Palestinian people in particular – live with the mephitic consequences every day.



“Grinning Israeli War Vets Admit To R@ping & Murdering Palestinians


with Jimmy Dore


A widely forgotten — or perhaps a better term would be “ignored” — episode in the history of Israel’s founding is the “Nakba” when thousands of Palestinians were forcibly driven from their homes. A short clip from a documentary about the Nakba has been making the rounds on social media in which Israeli veterans of the fighting describe the horrific war crimes they committed and for which they never faced any consequences. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to The Dive host Jackson Hinkle about the stunning and appalling admissions coming from the elderly men, many of whom smile as they detail the atrocities they committed.




“Dying to Be Free: Releasing Palestinian Captives is Not a Numbers Game”


by Ramzy Baroud

There is a reason why Palestinians are keen on releasing their prisoners, despite the heavy price they continue to pay for their freedom.

It may seem rational to ask the question: what is the point of releasing a few Palestinian detainees from Israeli prisons if the price of doing so is the death of over 15,000 Palestinians in Gaza?

Even if all Palestinian prisoners – numbering about 7,000 – are released, they would not even amount to 30 percent of the total number of Palestinian dead and missing so far in the ongoing Israeli genocide in the Strip.

The logic may sound even more puzzling when we consider that, between October 7 and November 28, Israel detained over 3,290 Palestinians in the West Bank and Occupied East Jerusalem.

Namely, the number of Palestinian women and children detainees released – following several prisoner swaps between Palestinian Resistance and the Israeli army in the period between November 24 and November 30 – is insignificant compared to those who were detained during the same period.

But mathematical equations are irrelevant in liberation wars. If we resort to this kind of logic, then perhaps it is more rational for colonized nations and oppressed groups not to resist in the first place because doing so could multiply the harm inflicted upon them by their colonizers and oppressors.

While Israelis see their captives, whether civilians or military, held in Gaza in terms of numbers, Palestinians approach the issue from an entirely different perspective.

All Palestinians are captives, according to the reality on the ground, because all Palestinians are victims of Israeli colonialism, military occupation and apartheid. The difference between being a prisoner in Megiddo, Ofer, or Ramleh prison, for example, and being a prisoner in an isolated, walled-off Palestinian town under Israeli military Occupation in Area C in the West Bank is rather technical.

True, those in Megiddo are subjected to more violence and torture. They are denied proper food, medicine, and the freedom to move about. But how is that fundamentally different from the incarceration of 2.3 million people living in Gaza now?

Some would even argue that living in Gaza during a time of genocide is more confining and far less safe than being a political prisoner in Israel under ‘normal’ circumstances.

So clearly, the issue is not related to numbers but to power relations.




“Meet George Soros” (2010)


with James Corbett




“The Schizotocracy, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love The New Normal Reich”



by JC Hopkins

Well, 2023 is almost in the books, and things couldn’t be going better for the New Normal Reich. It’s been a long, strange seven years, but we’re finally back to the Global War on Terror, which, as you may recall, was abruptly preempted in 2016 by the War on Populism, which, as you may recall, was abruptly preempted in 2020 by the Apocalyptic Pandemic, which, as you may recall, was what ushered The New Normal Reich into being and brought us full-circle.

Anyway, here we are, back in The Global War on Terror, or the War on Horror, or The War on Whatever … Islamic terrorism, Russia, Trump, disinformation, racism, hate speech, conspiracy theories, anti-Semitism, anti-vaxxerism, transphobians, Communists, cultural Marxists, radical wokesters, the Cult of Musk, neo-Covidians, Zionazis, climate-change deniers, decapitated baby rapers … it doesn’t really matter. Pick an enemy and join the Roman Orgy of Hatred!

The schizotocracy couldn’t care less which side of whatever you think you are on.

Yes, that’s right, “the schizotocracy.” I’ve coined a new name for the supranational network of global corporations, nominally-sovereign governments, non-governmental governing entities, media conglomerates, oligarchs, etc., that comprise the global-capitalist system that is driving the course of events in our time. I’ve coined this new name for those of my readers who suffer apoplectic seizures whenever I write about “global capitalism” (or “GloboCap,” as I sometimes jokingly call it) and its predictable evolution into “The New Normal Reich.”

I’ll tell you about the “schizotocracy,” but, first, here’s an excerpt from an essay I wrote about that predictable evolution back in 2017 …



“Beware the ‘Autism Friendly City’”


by Sinéad Murphy

On 6th November, Dublin launched its Autism Friendly City plan in a bid to become the world’s most autism friendly capital city.

‘It’s a really exciting day,’ Dublin’s Lord Mayor said. ‘I do hope where Dublin leads, the rest of the country can follow also because it’s so, so important that we are inclusive and, at the moment, we still have a long way to go.’

Sixteen years ago, the French collective The Invisible Committee predicted that imperial expansion in the twenty-first century would rely on bringing into the fold those previously on the edges of Western societies: women, children and minorities.

‘Consumer society,’ they wrote, ‘now seeks out its best supporters from among the marginalized elements of traditional society.’

The Invisible Committee summarized this latest phase of empire as ‘YoungGirl-ism’ – the strategic championing of young people, of women and of those disadvantaged by disability, illness, or ethnicity.

Though the aim of YoungGirl-ism is to bring the general population under a new kind of control, societies’ focus on cherishing previously marginal cohorts has the look of emancipation and progress. For this reason, The Invisible Committee explained, women, children and minorities ‘find themselves raised to the rank of ideal regulators of the integration of the Imperial citizenry.’

If the theory of the YoungGirl was unsettling at the time of its publication, its prescience is now borne out, as versions of the mechanism it describes dominate the societal breakdown that is the objective of government policies worldwide.

YoungGirl-ism has too many aspects to summarize here. Let it suffice to suggest the following:

·         That the drive to nurture our children continues to license a level of surveillance of people and censorship of the materials to which they have access that ought to be anathema in any society purporting to be free, and that the messaging of the general population by government, corporations and legacy media has become so simplistic as to constitute a widespread infantilization.

·         That the rage to acknowledge and be sensitive to women’s experiences supports the ongoing emotionalizing of work and of public debate and increases institutional control over human reproduction.

·         That centralised solicitousness for those characterised as ‘vulnerable’ has excused a degree of micro-management of our lives hitherto unimaginable and is the ongoing rationale for biochemical interference with the healthy population including children and the unborn.

·         And that the promotion of all forms of sexual expression and identification has robbed us of our most fundamental designators, making us a stranger in our mother tongue which regularly denounces us as bigots.

The Invisible Committee proposed their theory of the YoungGirl as what they called ‘a vision machine.’ There is no doubt that familiarity with its structure sheds much light on what might otherwise pass as disparate and well-meaning social and political enterprises.




George Galloway Archives – December 5, 2023




Al Jazeera English Archives – December 6, 2023




Global Research: Selected Articles:

“5G and the Irradiation of Dogs, Cats and Birds; Peace Coalition Floods US Senate with Demands Ceasefire in Gaza in Day of Action . . . .”




Children’s Health Defense , CHD .TV – December 9, 2023

“The Great Taking: Do Central Banks have a system in place to take everything from everyone?” “The Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race”
