Bulletin N° 1127


RIP John Pilger

"Real Journalists Are Agents of People."


by Celia Farber


See also: “The World Has Lost John Pilger


“What They Said: Dr. Peter McCullough”


by Celia Farber

"Any time a bio-pharmaceutical product remains on the market, despite excess mortality, and mounting and mounting evidence suggesting greater and greater deaths are accumulating with each and every day that the COVID-19 vaccines are left on the market, that does qualify as mass negligent homicide for all of those who are responsible for manufacturing the vaccines, distributing them, administering them, and then promoting them; each and every person that ever encouraged, pressured, coerced, or threatened reprisal for one of these COVID-19 vaccines is complicit in a crime against humanity. And that crime is mass negligent homicide!"

-- Dr. Peter McCullough (Source Video)

Article by Harold Saive, at News Paradigm, here.

January 4, 2024

Grenoble, France





Subject: “Getting to Know You, Getting to Know All About You; Getting to Like You, Getting to Hope You Like Me . . . .”




Dear Colleagues and Friends of CEIMSA,

We are living in a historical conjuncture where the international class of millionaires and billionaires are more visible than ever before, and their well-publicized corporate interests are aimed against the interests of ordinary people. An ontological crisis has crystallized around the obstacle to “Solidarity” – whether it represents some form of  esprit de corps” or instead is focused on “class consciousness,” which must be premised on an understanding of the actual social conflicts that exist between warring social class interests, on the one hand, and on a knowledge of the nature of this struggle to overcome the obstacles which inhibit our collective class emancipation, on the other.

The cultural hegemony of the ruling class – with the indispensible aid of armies, police, schools, churches, clinics, courts, and media; i.e. the hierarchies of the military and police, the teachers, priests and pastors, the doctors and lawyers, etc. etc. – all combine to create a mental fog through which we are not intended to perceive our true interests, beyond the “get-along-go-along” status quo with which we identify so strongly.

Today, we are confronted with a revolution from above - echoes of the 1930s - which is no more than another preemptive strike by a segment of the ruling class to disarm us and if possible erase us from the face of the earth – the world has become Gaza and property values are falling along with the demographic declines, all of which guarantee good capitalist investments with future profits for the owners of corporate capital in the “New World Order”.






The 25+ items below reflect the class struggle that is now upon us and the slow awakening to the fact that class interests rule all of us – whether it is our own true interests or the corporate interests of the owners of capital. We find in the articles and essays below the many reactive responses to the oppression around us; but also, if we look, we find proactive attempts to seize power from the traditional rulers and actually aim to take control over our lives with a form of self-government. This can only be done collectively - from the bottom up - with class-conscious citizens who are no longer under the influence of ruling-class culture and the technocrats that manage it. It’s the school of hard knocks, but it offers a degree of Clear Thinking, with a little help from our friends (among whom are many of the authors below).

Please continue reading . . . .




Francis McCollum Feeley


Professeur honoraire de l'Université Grenoble-Alpes

Ancien Directeur des Researches

Université de Paris-Nanterre

Director of The Center for the Advanced Study

of American Institutions and Social Movements


The University of California-San Diego






“Henry Kissinger and Bill Gates: The ‘Secret Agenda’ of the So-called Elite and the COVID mRNA Vaccine. ‘Reducing World Population’?”


by Dr. Rudolf Hänsel

Important and timely article, first published on April 10, 2020. The late Henry Kissinger has played a key role in the formulation of the “Depopulation Agenda”

“The International” is the world-renowned battle song of the socialist labor movement. The English version of the original French text reads:

“Wake up, damned of this earth, who are still forced to starve! (…) Army of slaves, wake up! (…) Peoples, hear the signals! To the final battle! There is no supreme being, no God, no emperor or tribune to save us. To put us out of our misery, that is something we can only do ourselves.”

This call was made to the international labor movement after the violent suppression of the Paris Commune in May 1871. It was not issued to the ruling “Elite” of the exploiters and oppressors.

However, it is precisely this so-called elite that seems to be blowing to the last battle today, in that it is seeking to reduce the population (depopulation) by means of a compulsory “mass protective vaccination”. The pathogenic or even deadly composition of this vaccine, which will also contain Nano-chips to control humanity, has certainly already been mixed in the world’s secret laboratories.

Even the active euthanasia of elderly and sick fellow citizens by means of strong sleeping pills and opiates has already set these dark figures on their way.

Likewise a worldwide redistribution of general wealth from the bottom to the top, from the poor to the super rich. Should we citizens of this world, remembering these plans of the cabal, not recall to whom the call for the final battle was actually made?

Two of these “world citizens” who are involved in such sinister plans are the former US Secretary of State and Nobel Peace Prize winner Henry Kissinger and the wealthy US entrepreneur and patron of the arts Bill Gates.



More than 50 years ago, Kissinger was Secretary of State, head of the US National Security Council and author of an important US foreign policy document:

According to the [Kissinger] memorandum, depopulation should be “the highest priority in US foreign policy towards the Third World”, (…) because “the US economy needs large and growing amounts of raw materials from overseas, especially from the less developed countries” (Eggert, W. (2003).




In an opinion piece for the “Wall Street Journal, Kissinger called for

a first step to develop ‘new techniques and technologies for infection control and appropriate vaccines for large populations’. (…) In a second step, the focus should now be on ‘healing the wounds of the global economy’. (quoted in RT Deutsch)

The citizens of the world should therefore – whether they want to or not – be vaccinated and, in addition, it should be checked whether they have complied with this vaccination obligation.

In the RT (Deutsch article just mentioned), Nobel Peace Prize winner Kissinger is also referred to as a war criminal because, as the architect of the US aggression against Vietnam and other covert CIA secret operations, he is responsible for the death of millions of people.



Kissinger and the The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation seem to agree on the question of “mass protection vaccination”. On March 31, 2020, the “Washington Post” published an opinion article by Gates in which he describes his vision to vaccinate people around the world:

“To bring the disease to an end, we’ll need a safe and effective vaccine. If we do everything right, we could have one in less than 18 months — about the fastest a vaccine has ever been developed.

But creating a vaccine is only half the battle. To protect Americans and people around the world, we’ll need to manufacture billions of doses. (Without a vaccine, developing countries are at even greater risk than wealthy ones, because it’s even harder for them to do physical distancing and shutdowns.)

We can start now by building the facilities where these vaccines will be made. Because many of the top candidates are made using unique equipment, we’ll have to build facilities for each of them, knowing that some won’t get used. Private companies can’t take that kind of risk, but the federal government can. It’s a great sign that the administration made deals this week with at least two companies to prepare for vaccine manufacturing. I hope more deals will follow.

In 2015, I urged world leaders in a TED talk to prepare for a pandemic the same way they prepare for war — by running simulations to find the cracks in the system. As we’ve seen this year, we have a long way to go. But I still believe that if we make the right decisions now, informed by science, data and the experience of medical professionals, we can save lives and get the country back to work.

Is the vaccination program related to the objective of reducing world population?

In this context, let us recall Kant’s Enlightenment motto “Sapere aude!”: “Have the courage to use your own intellect!”



“James Corbett Redpills New Zealand”



The Corbett Report beams in from Japan to talk about COP28 (Conference of the Parties) which was recently held in Dubai. James Corbett and Paul Brennen discuss the globalist influencers there who are driving policy and events.



“Excess Deaths in 2023”


with Dr. John Campbell





“The Death of Science”


with Dr. John Campbell and Professor Angus Dalgleish


Get your copy of The Death of Science, https://gazellebookservices.co.uk/pro... Also by Professor Dalgleish, The Origin of the Virus: The hidden truths behind the microbe that killed millions of people, https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/185457106...



“COVID-19 Vaccines: Proof of Lethality. Over One Thousand Scientific Studies”


by SUN

Over One Thousand Scientific Studies Prove That the COVID-19 Vaccines Are Dangerous, and All Those Pushing This Agenda Are Committing the Indictable Crime of Gross Misconduct in Public Office.

Just over 12 months from deployment of the COVID 19 emergency use experimental vaccines,  scientific studies in the thousands, and reports of criminal complaints of assault and murder from the illegal, unlawful use of biochemical poisons made to police forces around the country, verify an assault on an unsuspecting UK population. Irrefutable science shows that the COVID 19 vaccine is not safe and not effective in limiting transmission or infection from the SARS-CoV-2, coronavirus pathogens.

The “safe and effective” false propaganda, put out by public officials who now are continuing to push this vaccine, is a clear breach of duty. A public office holder is subject to, and aware of, a duty to prevent death or serious injury that arises only by virtue of the functions of the public office.

Many have breached that duty and, in doing so, are recklessly causing a risk of death or serious injury, by carrying on regardless of the now-confirmed dangers associated with COVID 19 injections. Some of these risks are blood clotting, myocarditis, pericarditis, thrombosis, thrombocytopenia, anaphylaxis, Bell’s palsy, Guillain-Barre, cancer including deaths, etc.

All of these are confirmed in the following science-and-government-gathered data from the UK Health and Security agency on COVID 19 regarding vaccine damage.

The term “vaccine” was changed recently to incorporate this illegal, unlawful medical experiment to facilitate usage of mRNA technology that is demonstrably not a vaccine, and which contains biologically toxic nano-metamaterials associated with 5G urban data gathering capability.

Metal nanoparticulates are known in science to be genotoxic—a poison that can also cause sterilization. The dangers posed to the victims in the near term from this medical battery are now known. However, the long term lethality of this weapon is not as yet realized due to the debilitating effects it has on the immune system, causing  Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome(AIDS).

The Medicines and Healthcare (products) Regulatory Agency (MHRA) had prior warning of the expected large numbers of adverse reactions before the deployment—confirming the premeditated nature of the crime and public conduct offences then and now.

1.      Cerebral venous thrombosis after COVID-19 vaccination in the UK: a multicentre cohort study: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(21)01608-1/

2.      Vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia with disseminated intravascular coagulation and death after ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccination: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1052305721003414

3.      Fatal cerebral hemorrhage after COVID-19 vaccine: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33928772/

4.      Myocarditis after mRNA vaccination against SARS-CoV-2, a case series: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666602221000409

5.      Three cases of acute venous thromboembolism in women after vaccination against COVID-19: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2213333X21003929

6.      Acute thrombosis of the coronary tree after vaccination against COVID-19: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1936879821003988

7.      US case reports of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis with thrombocytopenia after vaccination with Ad26.COV2.S (against covid-19), March 2 to April 21, 2020: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33929487/

8.      Portal vein thrombosis associated with ChAdOx1 nCov-19 vaccine: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/langas/article/PIIS2468-1253(21)00197-7/

9.      Management of cerebral and splanchnic vein thrombosis associated with thrombocytopenia in subjects previously vaccinated with Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca): position statement of the Italian Society for the Study of Hemostasis and Thrombosis (SISET): https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33871350/

10.  Vaccine-induced immune immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia and cerebral venous sinus thrombosis after vaccination with COVID-19; a systematic review: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022510X21003014

… continued to 1011


Read more: 57 Top Scientists and Doctors Release Shocking Study on COVID Vaccines and Demand Immediate Stop to All Vaccinations



“Uncovering the Corona Narrative: Was Everything Carefully Planned?”


by Ernst Wolff

Why were worldwide measures taken which have caused one disaster after another and pushed humanity deeper towards the abyss instead of lifting them out of their misery.

This text was originally published in German in August 2021.


First published by Global Research on January 3, 2022


President Franklin Delano Roosevelt once said  “Nothing happens accidentally in politics. And when something happens, you can bet on it that it was exactly planned that way.” 


When one looks at what has happened in the last year and a half, these words are especially alarming. 

After studying this topic in detail for 18 months, I must say that there is an impressive number of signs and indications, pointing in exactly in that direction. It’s this, and the consequences thereof that I want to talk about today.

The current situation we find ourselves in is unique in the history of mankind. Never before has the whole world been thrown under the rule of this type of coercive regime as we are experiencing now. And never have so many measures been taken which at first glance appears so unintelligible, partly so nonsensical, and in many cases, so contradictory.

This is about the most serious health crisis in living memory, but the measures being used against this have not improved the situation, but continuously made things worse. Every doctor today can confirm the health condition of people, the majority of people, is worse than before the crisis.



“Before the International Criminal Court (ICC). The Corona Virus ‘Vaccines’. Nuremberg Code, Crimes against humanity, War Crimes and Crimes of Aggression”



by Hannah Rose, Dr. Mike Yeadon, Piers Corbyn, and et al.

Treaty of Rome Statute, Art. 15.1 and 53

International Criminal Court
Office of the Prosecutor
Post Office Box 19519
2500 CM The Hague
The Netherlands
EMAIL: otp.informationdesk@icc-cpi.int

Subject of complaint:

·         Violations of the Nuremberg Code

·         Violation of Article 6 of the Rome Statute

·         Violation of Article 7 of the Rome Statute

·         Violation of Article 8 of the Rome Statute

·         Violation of Article 8 bis3 of the Rome Statute

Based on the extensive claims and enclosed documentation, we charge those responsible for numerous violations of the Nuremberg Code, crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes of aggression in the United Kingdom, but not limited to individuals in these countries.


Prime Minister for the United Kingdom BORIS JOHNSON, Chief Medical Officer for England and Chief Medical Adviser to the UK Government CHRISTOPHER WHITTY, (former) Secretary of State for Health and Social Care MATTHEW HANCOCK, (current) Secretary of State for Health and Social Care SAJID JAVID, Chief Executive ofMedicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) JUNE RAINE, Director-General of the World Health Organisation TEDROS ADANHOM GHEBREYESUS, Co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation WILLIAM GATES III and Co-chair of theBill and Melinda Gates Foundation MELINDA GATES, Chairman and Chief executive officer of Pfizer ALBERT BOURLA, Chief Executive Officer of AstraZeneca STEPHANE BANCEL, Chief Executive Officer of Moderna PASCAL SORIOT, Chief Executive of Johnson and Johnson ALEX GORSKY, President of the Rockefeller Foundation DR RAJIV SHAH, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) DR ANTHONY FAUCI, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum KLAUS SCHWAB, President of EcoHealth Alliance DR PETER DASZACK



·         Hannah Rose – Lawyer and human rights activist

·         Dr Mike Yeadon – Qualified life science researcher with a degree in biochemistry in toxicology, and a research-based PhD in respiratory pharmacology, former Vice President and Chief Scientist of allergy and respiratory research at Pfizer

·         Piers Corbyn – Astrophysicist and activist

·         Mark Sexton – Retired Police officer

·         John O’Looney – Funeral Director and activist

·         Johnny McStay – Activist

·         Louise Shotbolt – Nurse and human rights activist

Legal representation and election of domicile

The applicants will be represented for the purposes of this procedure by Hannah Rose

Email: hannahroses111@hotmail.com




“How Israel Could Be STOPPED By South Africa - Its Overwhelming Genocide Case Explained”


with Owen Jones

(33 :38)

South Africa has filed a case against Israel in the International Court of Justice, accusing it of genocide in Gaza. The 84 page document offers an absolutely terrifying and overwhelming. Here I go through that document - and why it is one of the most important things written in our time, and why everyone needs to know what it says - before it's too late.

“Stakes Raised As Government Of South Africa Levels 80 Page Document Accusing Israel Of Genocidal Intent in ICJ: The Case Detailed
by Celia Farber
Interview With Lawyer Daniel Machover, Whose Parents Were Israeli Citizens Who Opposed Events In Palestine, Left After Six Day War; Israel Accuses South Africa Of "Advocating For The Devil."


“Spanish minister vows to bring Netanyahu to International Criminal Court”




 “The Lawyer Prosecuting the West and Israel”


by The Thinking Muslim with Tayab Ali


This interview was recorded a few hours before South Africa initiated its ICJ case - the Genocide Convention is discussed in detail here. When we consider the disgraceful actions of the Israeli state, it becomes evident that they operate in a system of impunity. From the very early days of this slaughter, the diplomatic, economic and military cover provided by the West has unleashed a genocidal war machine intent on ethnically cleansing Gaza and removing its indigenous people, the Palestinians, from their ancestral home. In an act of perverse precision, the Israeli war machine decimated Gaza’s archival buildings – as a symbol of its desire to erase Palestinian history. But what, if anything, can we do about this? My guest today, Tayab Ali, is a lawyer specialising in criminal trials. He is a partner at the legal firm Bindmans. He has been described as “an irresistible force – he’s fearless.” He is rated as a Super Lawyer by Thompson Reuters and recognised in Civil Liberties by The Legal 500. He has represented clients in the Supreme Court and European Court of Human Rights and at international political and legal institutions, including the United Nations, the International Criminal Court and the African Commission of Human and Peoples’ Rights.



“Taking Western leaders to court for Gaza War”


by Middle East Eye with Tayab Ali

Can Western leaders be held to account for their role in the Gaza war? This week on The Big Picture Podcast, we sit down with one lawyer determined to do just that, and who has already put many of them on public notice. Tayab Ali is Solicitor Advocate, a partner at the London Law firm Bindmans LLP and the director of the International Centre of Justice for Palestinians (ICJP). For years, Ali fought to bring Israeli politicians before British courts on charges of war crimes. These included former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak. In 2009, he successfully applied for UK court to issue an arrest warrant for Israeli foreign minister Tzipi Livni following the brutal Operation Cast Lead, which killed more than 1000 Palestinians in Gaza. In 2011 the British government controversially issued diplomatic protection for Livni to allow her to visit London on a speaking tour. Following the Hamas attack on October 7 which led to Israel’s war in Gaza, killing more than 18,000 people including 7000 children, Ali and his team published a public letter to British politicians, informing them of their intent to prosecute any lawmakers “aiding and abetting war crimes in Gaza”. They’re also supporting groups mounting a case at the High Court against the UK government over its arms exports to Israel.



INTERVIEW: “Educated to be stupid”


with George Galloway and Miko Peled


When your entire existence is justified by a lie you have to keep updating it, says author Miko Peled about Israel’s biblical claim to Palestine



Majority of Israeli Jews ‘support the removal of Palestinians from Gaza’


by Al Jazeera                                                     


Antony Loewenstein, an Australian-German freelance investigative journalist and author, says that even before October 7, the majority of Israeli-Jewish citizens favoured the relocation of Palestinians from Gaza. “Israeli-Jewish society has been radicalised,” Loewenstein said. “There was a poll just this week that found 70-80 percent of Israeli Jews support the idea of finding somewhere else for Palestinians in Gaza to be removed. Israel claims that this is somehow voluntary, which is nonsense. “Gaza is being made uninhabitable deliberately and therefore there are many other countries that are potentially being forced or strong-armed or offered other deals … to take in Palestinians.” Bribing other countries to take in Palestinians has been a decades-old policy of Israel, the author said. “As soon as the 1967 war happened there was a convening of the Israeli cabinet and there was a serious discussion at the highest levels to find ways to remove what they regarded as ‘excess Arabs’ that would dilute – in their view – the Jewish population,” he said. “It’s never really worked. Virtually no Palestinians wanted to leave, and no other nations have been bribed enough. But the plan has always been there and that has accelerated since October 7.”



Israeli Dissidents EXPOSE Genocidal Language


with Owen Jones




“‘Axis of Resistance’: Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis Challenge U.S. & Israeli Power in Middle East”


by Democracy Now!


We look at how Israel's war on Gaza has inflamed tensions in the Middle East and threatens to pull other countries into the fighting, including the United States. The Pentagon says it has intercepted a number of drones and missiles launched by Yemen's Houthi forces — known as Ansar Allah — in the Red Sea aimed at disrupting international shipping, with the group vowing to continue the attacks on ships in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza. The U.S. and Israel have also exchanged fire with groups in Lebanon, Iraq and Syria, and violence continues to increase in the occupied West Bank. The growth of forces openly fighting against Israel and the U.S. is a major development in the Middle East that most Western commentators do not fully understand, says Rami Khouri, a veteran Palestinian American journalist and a senior public policy fellow at the American University of Beirut. This "axis of resistance" is largely motivated by outrage over the treatment of Palestinians, he says. "The U.S. and Israel at some point need to acknowledge that the Palestinian people have rights that are equal to the Israeli people."




“Sacrificing for the Greater Good”



by Todd Hayen

I think many people believe that our society has gotten so complex, with so many people, and so much need for consumption of natural resources in order to be comfortable, that what the government is forcing on us now is required to survive.

This includes all the control, restrictions, forced vaccines, lockdowns, censorship of free speech, 15-minute cities, and a myriad of other restrictions and mandates. This belief is inanely stupid, but stupid is as stupid does. What can ‘ya say?

Hey, I’m really tired of pussy footing around all this garbage. I’m now calling a spade a spade and forgetting about being polite or politically correct. These people who believe this charade are destroying our lives, as well as destroying humanity itself.

I don’t wish harm to them (well, to the perpetrators I wish justice) but I am done trying to be nice about all this. Hear me, you damn SHEEP! Step up to the plate and do what your God-given brain was designed to do. Stop slobbering at the feet of mommy medicine and daddy dictator and take your life back. Enough is enough.

Whew. I’m glad I got that out.

I’ve been reading a lot of Patrick Wood lately, check him out if you haven’t already. I seem to be a bit slow to the draw with this stuff and often am the last to discover something that most of you have known about for decades.

Wood pulls us way up for the bird’s eye view of all of this, which is very helpful for me in order to get a better perspective. Of course, I’ve known about the effort at global centrist government from the Klaus Schwab perspective but wasn’t really aware of the beginnings of all of this with the Trilateral Commission founded by our dear friend David Rockefeller and his buddies Zbigniew Brzezinski and Jimmy Carter (who woulda thunk?) in the ‘70s. And of course, quite a bit was going on even before that date. The UN’s utopian/dystopian Sustainable Development goals, which include the smart city initiatives, Agenda 21, and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, was not something I was even aware of until relatively recently (2022 or so).

What is clear, in a broad general way, is the underlying carrot/stick approach to all of this. The carrot has been dangling around for decades, and we are just now beginning to get a teeny piece of the stick. Really good shrews (which I am not, my nose is clearly not long enough) knew what was going on since day one. Short nosed shrews, like me, need a bit of the stick to start to really figure it out. Sheep apparently need to be whacked silly before they will even notice. And the serious whacking has not yet begun.

Wood speaks of Antony Sutton, an early very long nosed shrew, who came up with “Sutton’s Paradox” (actually Wood may have come up with the adage that fits Sutton’s work and views). “The degree of personal response is inversely proportional to the length of time to personal pain.” This should be renamed, “The Sheep’s Credo.” The sheep are feeling very little of the stick these current days.

All of this looks absolutely wonderful to them. They are first told of the planet dying due to climate change (and of course, we are all at fault), they are clearly aware of poverty, racism, human rights and women rights violations around the world, and of course the dangers of disease, viruses, and pandemics. Then they are told their GloboCap organizations such as the UN, the WEF, and the WHO are out there to keep them safe and happy.

Just look at the 17 Sustainable Development goals. Who would argue that these are wonderful targets for a better world? End poverty, end hunger, foster gender equality, clean water for everyone—you would have to be a pretty cold not to agree the world would be a better place if these goals were achieved. What a nice fat juicy carrot. The first sign of the stick is realizing these carrot goals are a bit too wonderful. Sounds a trifle utopian to me, eh? And we all know, at least those of us with a brain aged older than 10 in its mental capacity—utopia = dystopia.

So, what’s the problem? If you have an idealistic sort of mind, why not pursue these lofty objectives? First of all, the folks heading up all of this have brains older than a 10-year-old. They know this is all bunk. They know it is carrot material, and the whole point is to get all of us “7-year-old mental equivalents” to come on board with it and bleat out, “tell me, tell me, what can I do to help? Tell me what I need to do, please, please, please, I want all of these things too!”

The answer? You tell me. You’ve heard it, “minimize your carbon footprint, buy electric cars, eat bugs, don’t travel so much, live in smart cities, take vaccines we don’t know dick about, recycle, pack it up and die, or commit suicide…” On and on and on. And that is just the beginning.

The problem here is first the unrealistic goals, that should be the first clue. But even if the goals were realistic, it is the manner in which all this is being carried out that presents the bigger problem. The goals are a ruse, a carrot, because the real goal is at the very least to create a central, unelected, unrepresentative, technocratic world government that will ultimately control every single aspect of our lives—including creating a synthetic body. And not to our benefit either, it will be a world created just for a very small elite group that is in control of every minutiae of life on the planet. This is only the beginning and can get pretty weird if you delve into all this, as I know many of you have. I’m not telling you the half of it. And as you descend into this rabbit hole you will start to feel you are in a very macabre science fiction horror film. Yes, it is that bad. It is nearly unimaginable.

“Oh, but we have to save the planet! Shouldn’t we be willing to make sacrifices to do that? Shouldn’t we be willing, for the good of others, to cut back on our consumption, restrict our freedoms, become slaves, er, servants to this system in order to make a better world??”

No. We do not. But it sure seems that way, doesn’t it?

Sure, part of the effectiveness in their game of manipulation comes from the fact that some of the problems the planet is facing regarding pollution, the wanton rape of its resources, starving humans, bad water, and the insane level of consumerism we are experiencing, has foundation in truth. Primarily because this agenda has created that very world—a world that has been in the works, in a conscious and intentional way, for quite some time.

But much of the horrific picture being painted by the agenda is simply not true. And even if it all were true, the way to go about remedying the situation is not how the globalists are proceeding. Their agenda is evil, it is genocidal, not only to humans, but to every living organism on earth, and it is entirely fabricated as a means to obtain control and exploitation over the population of the earth—at least what will be left of it once the first culling operation is completed.

Don’t buy the carrot for a second. The stick is sure to follow. And that stick is a humdinger.



“The Distortion of Science”


by Robert W Malone MD, MS

To support the globalist's Climate Change agenda.

Starting in the mid-20th century, companies began distorting and manpulating science to favor specific commercial interests.

Big tobacco is both the developer and the poster child of this strategy. When strong evidence that smoking caused lung cancer emerged in the 1950s, the tobacco industry began a campaign to obscure this fact.

The Unmaking of Science

The tobacco industry scientific disinformation campaign sought to disrupt and delay further studies, as well as to cast scientific doubt on the link between cigarette smoking and harms. This campaign lasted for almost 50 years, and was extremely successful… until it wasn’t. This tobacco industry’s strategic brilliance lay in the use of a marketing and advertising campaign (otherwise known as propaganda) to create scientific uncertainty and sow doubts in the minds of the general public. This, combined with legislative “lobbying” and strategic campaign “donations” undermined public health efforts and regulatory interventions to inform the public about the harms of smoking and the regulation of tobacco products.

Disrupting normative science has become a de rigueur component of the pharmaceutical industry business model. A new pharmaceutical product is not based on need, it is based on market size and profitability. When new data threatens the market of a pharmaceutical product, then that pharma company will try to sprout the seeds of scientific uncertainty and lack of proof. For instance, clinical trials can be easily coopted to meet specified end-points positive for the drug products. Other ways to manipulate a clinical trial include manipulating the dosing schedule and amounts. As these practices have been exposed, people no longer trust the science. Fast forward to the present, and the entire industry of evidence-based (and academic) medicine is now suspect due to the malfeasance of certain pharma players. In the case of COVID-19, Pharma propaganda and cooptation practices have now compromised the regulatory bodies controlling the pharma product licensing and deeply damaged global public confidence in those agencies.

We all know what climate change is. The truth is that the UN, most globalists and a wide range of world leaders” blame human activities for climate change. Whether or not climate change is real or that human activities are enhancing climate change is not important to this discussion. That is a subject for another day.

Most climate change scientists receive funding from the government. So they must comply with the government edict and policy position that human activity-caused climate change is an existential threat to both humankind and global ecosystems. When these “scientists” publish studies supporting the thesis that human activities cause climate change, they are more likely to receive more grant monies and therefore more publications- and therefore to be academically promoted (or at least to survive in the dog-eat-dog world of modern academe). Those who produce a counter narrative from the government approved one soon find themselves without funding, tenure, without jobs, unable to publish and unable to procure additional grants and contracts. It is a dead-end career wise. The system has been rigged.

And by the way, this is nothing new. Back in the day, during the “war on drugs, if a researcher who had funding by the NIH’s NIDA (National Institute of Drug Addiction) published an article or wrote an annual NIH grant report showing benefits to using recreational drugs, that would be a career ending move, as funding would not be renewed and new funding would never materialize. Remember, the NIH peer review system only triages grants, it does not actually chose who receives grant money. The administrative state at NIH does that! And anything that went against the war on drugs was considered a war on the government. Funding denied. This little truthbomb was conveyed to me - word of mouth- many years ago by a researcher and Professor who specialized in drug addiction research. Nothing printed, all heresy. Because that is how the system works. A whisper campaign. A whiff of a message on the wind.

The ends justify the means.   . . .

The new wrinkle in what has now happened with corrupted climate change activism/propaganda/”science” is that the manipulation of research is crossing disciplines. No longer satisfied with oppressing climate change scientists, climate change narrative enforcers have moved into the nutritional sciences. This trend of crossing disciplines portends death for the overall independence of any scientific endeavors. A creeping corruption into adjacent disciplines. Because climate change activists, world leaders, research institutions, universities and governments are distorting another branch of science outside of climate science. They are using the bio-sciences, specifically nutrition science, to support the climate change agenda. It is another whole-of-government response to the crisis, just like with COVID-19.

Just like with the tobacco industry’s scientific disinformation campaign, they are distorting health research to make the case that eating meat is dangerous to humans. Normal standards for publication have been set aside. The propaganda is thick and easily spotted.



“Climate Change: The Unsettled Science” – Part 2


A planet-earth ice cream


by Iain Davis

In Part 1 we questioned the fundamental principles said to underpin “the Climate Science™.” Specifically we considered the scientific validity of the claimed “consensus” and explored some of the many scientific doubts expressed about Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) theory and the so-called “greenhouse effect.”

We noted the contradictory layman’s explanation of AGW theory offered by some climate scientists. This apparent lack of basic knowledge should not simply be dismissed. “The” climate science is being exploited by a global public-private partnership as claimed justification to transform the world. The least we can expect is that the selected climate scientists understand their own theory.

With the 2023 publication of a series of policy briefs called Our Common Agenda, the United Nations (UN) announced that questioning “the Climate Science™” is tantamount to hate speech. As we discussed in Part 1, the legacy media has already adopted editorial policies that rule out any possible questioning of the climate science orthodoxy. Thus the internet is an important remaining public square where people can still ask questions.

Therefore, the UN asserted, efforts must be made to censor any and all scepticism expressed online:

The impacts of online mis- and disinformation and hate speech can be seen across the world, including in the areas of health [and] climate action. [. . .] A small but vocal minority of climate science denialists continue to reject the consensus position. [. . .] Strengthening information integrity on digital platforms is an urgent priority for the international community. [. . .] [M]easures that limit the impact of mis- and disinformation and hate speech will boost efforts to achieve a sustainable future.

The UN made absolutely no mention of the fact that many of the people it calls “climate science denialists” are scientists, including climate scientists. By omission and by misrepresenting anti-scientific statements about “consensus” as scientific arguments, the UN spreads disinformation globally.

The purpose of these articles—Parts 1 to 3—is to stimulate open and honest debate about climate change and climate science. They are not offered as conclusive rebuttals of the prevailing climate science. Based upon the inspiring Ph.D dissertation of Rob Jeffrey, they merely provide a limited record of some of the reasons to question the prevailing climate science and the climate change narratives we are all asked to accept without question by the UN and others.

These articles form a series. Please read Part 1 first to fully grasp the arguments made here.

Questioning AGW Theory Experimental Proof . . . .



“American Big Tech Has Enslaved US”


with Yanis Varoufakis and Aaron Bastani




“5G Danger: 13 Reasons 5G Wireless Technology Will Be a Catastrophe for Humanity”



by Makia Freeman

The 5G danger can’t be overstated. 

5G (5th Generation) is now being actively rolled out in many cities around the world. Simultaneously, as awareness over its horrific health and privacy impacts is rising, many places are issuing moratoriums on it or banning it, such as the entire nation of Belgium, the city of Vaud (Switzerland) and San Francisco (USA). Radiofrequency radiation (RF or RFR) and electromagnetic fields (EMF) are being increasingly recognized as new types of pollution – environmental pollution. Here are 13 reasons exposing the 5G danger, which could turn into an unmitigated health and privacy catastrophe if enough people don’t rise up to stop it.


1. 5G Danger: Hijacking Your Sweat Duct Antennae

The 5G network uses and broadcasts frequencies which affect our sweat ducts, which act as antennae. In other words, our largest organ, the skin, can be influenced and manipulated by 5G. As I reported in this the article 5G and IoT: Total Technological Control Grid Being Rolled Out Fast, scientist Dr. Ben-Ishai exposed the connection between 5G and our body’s sweat ducts in this video:

“[The 5G frequencies] will zap [us] with wavelengths that will interact with the geometrical structure of our skin We found that sweat ducts work like helical antennas … the sweat duct was an integral part of the mechanism for the absorption of energy, electromagnetic, between 75-100 GHz, and that if you changed the character of the sweat duct, i.e. made it work, you could actually change that absorption at some point, and if you could do that you could trace how a person is under stress.


2. 5G Danger: 5G Amplifies EMF Damage via VGCCs

Wireless radiation and EMF scientist Dr. Martin Pall has done groundbreaking research in explaining exactly how EMFs cause premature aging and injury to the human body, including damage to fertility, brains, hearts and even DNA! He pioneered research showing how EMFs activate the body’s VGCCs (Voltage-gated calcium channels) which causes them to release excess calcium ions into the cell. This then leads to nitric oxide (NO) and superoxide which react nearly instantaneously to form peroxynitrite and free radicals. Many studies like this show peroxynitrite damages DNA. Dr. Pall has stated unequivocally that the “5G rollout is absolutely insane.” 


3. 5G Danger: Pulsed Wave Far More Damaging than Continuous Wave Radiation . . . .



 “Bill Gates Plans for New Catastrophic Contagion”



by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Over time, it’s become clear that the globalist cabal seeking to implement a one world government repeatedly tell us what they’re about to do. Table top pandemic simulations, for example, are a form of dress rehearsal.

In 2017, Johns Hopkins Center of Health Security held a coronavirus pandemic simulation called the SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028 scenario. In October 2019, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in collaboration with Johns Hopkins and the World Economic Forum hosted Event 201.

As in the SPARS Pandemic scenario, Event 201 involved an outbreak of a highly infectious coronavirus, but the primary (if not sole) focus of the exercise was how to control information and keep “misinformation” in check, not how to effectively discover and share remedies.

October 23, 2022, Gates, Johns Hopkins and the World Health Organization cohosted “a global challenge exercise” dubbed “Catastrophic Contagion,” involving a novel pathogen called “severe epidemic enterovirus respiratory syndrome 2025” (SEERS-25), which primarily affects children and teens

Enterovirus D68 is typically associated with cold and flu-like illness in infants, children and teens. In rare cases, it’s also been known to cause viral meningitis and acute flaccid myelitis, a neurological condition resulting in muscle weakness and loss of reflexes. The virus they modeled in the Catastrophic Contagion simulation appears to be something similar to enterovirus D68, but worse.

Over time, it’s become clear that the globalist cabal seeking to implement a one world government repeatedly tell us what they’re about to do. They hold dress rehearsals in the form of tabletop exercises, and they’ve revealed their plans in various reports and white papers through the years.

I have been subscribed to the channel that posted the video above for some time now. She only has 10K subscribers but really gets some amazing content. I have no idea how she was able to secure this video as it is not widely circulated. Even more surprising is that her channel is not being taken down.

COVID Dress Rehearsals  . . . .



“Health Care as Wealth Care in America”


by Bill Astore




News from Underground by Mark Crispin Miller

“Fall ‘vaccine’ uptake an ‘abysmal’ 7%; more US pols pledge BANS on "vaccination"; TX AG Ken Paxton SUING Pfizer; 5G under fire in NYC; Walmart, Costco, Wegmans DROP self-checkout; & more”


by Mark Crispin Miller

Happy New Year to the growing resistance right here in the USA. and especially to those of us who'll work THIS year to make it SO big that it can't fail, no matter what new horrors they throw at us



“Italy bans fake meat, as Rome probes former Health Minister, who hid ‘vax’ deaths, for MURDER; German breakaway ‘kingdom’ bans ‘vaccination’; Slovenia reimbursing COVID fines; & more”


by Mark Crispin Miller



“In memory of children who "died suddenly" in the United States in 2023: Children under 2

From the archive of this year's weekly posts, the names and, often, faces of the dead, representing just a fraction of the total.”


by Mark Crispin Miller

 This is the first of 4 such compilations of child deaths this year.



“In memory of children who "died suddenly" in Canada in 2023: Children under 2”


by Mark Crispin Miller

 This is the second of four posts on the staggering number of child deaths in North America this year.



“In memory of the children who "died suddenly" in the USA and Canada in 2023: Children 2-10”


by Mark Crispin Miller

This is the third of four posts on the staggering number of child deaths in North America this year.



“In memory of the children who "died suddenly" in the USA and Canada in 2023: Children 11-20”


by Mark Crispin Miller

This is the last of four posts on the staggering number of child deaths in North America this year.



“In memory of those who ‘died suddenly’ in the United States and worldwide, December 19-December 25, 2023”


by Mark Crispin Miller

Athletes in the US (3), Venezuela, Paraguay, UK (2), Ireland, Germany, Italy (4); actors in the US, Canada, UK, Poland, Russia (2), Malaysia, NZ; teachers in the US, Suriname, Belgium; & more



“The propaganda for vaccines, ‘vaccines’ and all Big Pharma's other deadly wares would not work if we didn't idolize our doctors (and—through them—Big Pharma)”


by Mark Crispin Miller

Jerry Newfield on how doctors, having sold their souls, are very busy poisoning our minds and bodies



“Ovarian Cancers in COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated Women: Huge Tumors, Extremely Aggressive”



by Dr. William Makis




“Israeli Children Sing Of Annihilating Gaza And Seem To Have Been Taught Arabs Were Behind The Holocaust”


by Celia Farber




“The 100 year war on Palestine”


with Rashid Khalidi and Chris Hedges


All too often, the question of Palestine is framed as an eternal conflict arising from ancient ethnic or religious hatreds, with questions regarding the origins of the state of Israel and the legitimacy of land claims reduced to matters of scriptural interpretation. Such views entirely omit the actual history of Palestine and the Zionist movement. The colonization of Palestine, a process still playing out before our eyes to this day, has definite historical origins at the turn of the 20th century, when Zionism was born and the encroachment of Palestinian land began. Historian Rashid Khalidi, author of The Hundreds' Year War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917- 2017, joins The Chris Hedges Report for a look into this essential history, and how it can help us frame Israel's present war on Gaza.



 “Scenes of war shown in foreign media 'not shown' in Israel | Israel-Hamas war”


by Sky News with Gideon Levy


Haaretz columnist Gideon Levy told Sky News that Israeli media "systematically and voluntarily does not show" the scenes of the war in Gaza that foreign media are showing. He says that due to the lack of exposure in the country, it is "easier to support [the IDF] without any moral doubts" and that the majority are still in favour of continuing the war.



“A Message to Israeli, U.S. and NATO Soldiers and Pilots: ‘Disobey Unlawful Orders, Abandon the Battlefield’”


by Prof Michel Chossudovsky

It is not through “negotiations” with Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Biden, both of whom are responsible for “crimes punishable under International Law” that we will be able to put an end to the genocidal attack against the People of Palestine. 

What is required is a campaign which enables Israeli, U.S. and NATO combatants To Disobey Unlawful Orders” and “Abandon the Battlefield”.

Principle IV of the Nuremberg Charter  defines the responsibility of combatants to refuse the orders of Government or a superior … “provided a moral choice [is] possible“. 

What is required is to initiate a campaign in Israel and Worldwide to make that “moral choice” possible, to enable enlisted Israeli, American, and NATO service men and women to “Abandon the Battlefield”. 

See details below, with reference to legal documents. 

A.I. translation into Arabic

Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, December 27, 2023



CovertAction Bulletin: “True Horror of the Israeli Assault”


by Rachel Hu and Chris Garaffa

The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed HR 888, reaffirming the State of Israel’s right to exist by a vote of 412-1. And HR 894, which says the House “clearly and firmly states that anti-Zionism is anti-semitism has passed by a vote of 311-14 with 92 abstentions.

Imperialist media continues to make unsubstantiated claims about what the Palestinian resistance did or did not do on October 7th in a major new coordinated propaganda push. And, protests in support of Palestine, calling for a ceasefire, end of the siege of Gaza and an end to U.S. aid to Israel don’t seem to be slowing down at all as we approach two months from Al Aqsa Flood and get into the holiday season.

We’re joined by two Palestinian organizers to talk about the impact of the war on Palestinians in Palestine as well as in the U.S. Fatin Jarara is a community organizer with Al Awda NY, and Rania Mustafa is Executive Director of the Palestinian American Community Center.


Listen to this episode and all CovertAction Bulletin episodes on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music and other podcast platforms New episodes are distributed worldwide on all podcast platforms on Wednesdays at 9am EST.



 “What the IDF Did on Christmas”


with Judge Andrew Napolitano and  Max Blumenthal


Join investigative journalist Max Blumenthal and me as we peel back the layers of one of the most contentious issues in modern geopolitics: the Israeli Defense Forces' alleged human rights violations against Palestinians. Max, with his sharp analytical skills, unveils the chilling realities of Gaza, including accounts of torture and claims of organ theft, that stir a profound reaction internationally. Our candid conversation probes into the heart of these accusations, the difficulties faced in reporting such incidents, and the psychological impact they have on all involved—from the Palestinian community to the Israeli soldiers caught in the cycle of violence. These narratives weave a complex tapestry of suffering and societal perceptions that are rarely brought to light.

The discussion takes an even darker turn as we examine the targeting of journalists in Gaza, an issue that has captured global headlines and elicited responses from political figures such as U.S. Secretary of State Tony Blinken. This episode does not shy away from hard truths, dissecting the intertwining of U.S.-Israel relations and the military strategies that shape the conflict. From scrutinizing the most recent military deals to interpreting Prime Minister Netanyahu's strategic maneuvers, we lay bare the multifaceted nature of warfare and diplomacy. Closing on a note of international jurisprudence, we explore South Africa's unprecedented steps toward seeking justice at the International Court of Justice, presenting a glimmer of hope for accountability amidst the turmoil.




“The State of Israel is an Apartheid State and should not be allowed to exist”


by John Mearsheimer




“Netanyahu Lets Slip Israel's Real Plan”


with Owen Jones


Benjamin Netanyahu has made Israel’s true intentions gruesomely clear – and now there is no excuse for pleading ignorance.



“1,000 Children Have Undergone Amputations Without Anaesthesia in Gaza”



by Middle East Monitor

Some 1,000 children have had limbs amputated without anaesthesia in the Gaza Strip since Israel began its brutal bombing campaign on 7 October, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has said.

Read more: UNRWA Chief Says 70% of Gaza Victims Are Children, Women

It added that allowing the continued shelling of Gaza means greenlighting the killing of more children.

The Ministry of Health in the Gaza Strip has previously stated that nearly 70 per cent of the casualties of the aggression were children and women.

The Palestinian death toll from ongoing Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip has surged to 20,674, the Health Ministry in the territory said yesterday.

Ministry spokesman Ashraf Al-Qudra also said that 54,536 people had been injured in the months-long offensive.

The Israeli onslaught has left Gaza in ruins, with half of the coastal territory’s housing damaged or destroyed and nearly 2 million people displaced within the densely populated enclave amid acute shortages of food and clean water.



“Israel’s Crimes and Atrocities Committed in Gaza”



by Peter Koenig and Press TV

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says the Gaza war has exacted a “very heavy price” on the regime.

Netanyahu said Israel has no choice but to keep fighting to achieve its goals, including the elimination of Hamas and returning of its hostages. He made the comments after the Israeli army confirmed that 14 troops were killed in Gaza since Friday. It said 153 Israeli troops have been killed and nearly 500 others wounded since the beginning of Israel’s ground invasion in Gaza. Hamas says the number of Israeli army casualties is much higher.


PressTV: Israel has committed enormous crimes against humanity, causing more than 21,000 Palestinian casualties, since Netanyahu ordered a ground invasion in Gaza.

Please give us your views on these crimes and their consequences.

Peter Koenig (PK): Where to begin is the question. There is an abundance of crimes being committed as we speak

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) are wantonly targeting civilian populations.

Of the estimated more than 21,000 killed since October 7, at least two-thirds are women and children.

Coincidence? Of course not, there are no coincidences. Children are the future generation of Palestine, and women are the bearers of future generations. Eliminating them is an Israeli strategy.

More than 80% of all housing is destroyed, not to speak of infrastructure.

Read more: Explosive: Israel Bombing Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza, at Least 500 Dead, Hundreds Injured

Israel is withholding emergency shipments of food and water – literally attempting to starve Palestinians to death.

Israel is selectively cutting off electricity and means of communication – internet, telephone, television….

But these are just “statistics”, right?

Nevertheless, think about it, when you are celebrating New Year with friends and have good times — you may, of course. It is your right. 

But please, DO NOT forget Gaza and Palestine.



“To the slain journalists in Gaza who kept their eyes open so the world could see Israel's crimes”


by Maximillian Alvarez



“Empiricism vs. Ideology”


by Consortium News

If you examine evidence without pre-conceived notions your conclusions won’t fall neatly into camps but will be all over the political map.

An adherent of an ideology will approach an issue with a view to fitting the facts into a pre-determined outcome that serves the adherent’s interests. If you have no ideology but examine evidence with an open mind, the conclusions you reach would likely be all over the political map, not fitting consistently into any camp.



U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Vice Adm. Brad Cooper arriving in Bahrain for a virtual Red Sea security meeting with representatives of dozens of countries and the E.U. and NATO on Dec 19. (DoD photo by Chad J. McNeeley)


For instance, in an article published on Wednesday, CN columnist Patrick Lawrence looks at the decision by the Colorado Supreme Court to bar Donald Trump from the Republican primary ballot because the court says the U.S. Constitution does not allow an insurrectionist to run for public office. 

If you are an ideological Democrat, you will agree with the Colorado court because the outcome serves your interests: destroying Trump. You’ll find a way to fit the facts, no matter how much they might undermine the rule of law, into your ideology.  You hate Trump too much to be bothered with the legal niceities.  

Lawrence simply points out that Trump has not been convicted of taking part in an insurrection and it is not up to an appeals court to act as if he had. He sees this as a gross corruption of the judicial process. 


Abroad and at home, ideology ruled the U.S.

Because the entire concept of empiricism has been marginalized in these hyper-partisan times, both Republicans and Democrats would likely conclude from this that Lawrence supports Trump, but what he really supports are the facts and the law. 

Consortium News‘ viewpoints flow from study of the evidence, they do not precede it. On most issues, especially on foreign policy, our reporting and analysis are critical of all the major political parties in the West.  But sometimes we might fall into one camp or the other on a specific public matter. 

That’s why it’s hard to pin Consortium News down to an ideology. It’s because we don’t have one. If you think journalism should be free of ideology, please take this opportunity with just four days left in the 2023 tax year to make a deductible contribution today.




“Gaza starves as death toll climbs past 20,000”



by Maureen Clare Murphy



“Gaza Journalist Death Toll Reaches 105 as Israel Expands Assault”



by The New Arab


The number of journalists killed in Gaza by Israel since the outbreak of war has reached 105, according to the government media office in the strip.

Among them are Mohammad Khair al-Din and Ahmed Khair al-Din who were killed by “Israeli treachery” in Gaza, the office was cited as saying by Turkish news agency Anadolu.

Read more: Video: How Fruitless Is Collective Punishment? “Does the US support the Unbridled Invasion of Gaza by the Israeli Military?” Judge Andrew Napolitano with Philip Giraldi

It means more than one journalist has been killed a day on average since the launch of Israel’s war on the strip.

Israel’s relentless military campaign has killed more than 21,300 people in Gaza, with over 55,600 others injured.

Places of worship, residential buildings, ambulances, and hospitals have come under attack.

Israeli forces also detained Diaa al-Kahlout, the Gaza bureau chief for ­The New Arab’s Arabic-language edition, earlier in December.

The senior al-Araby al-Jadeed journalist was rounded up alongside hundreds of other Palestinian men, including his brothers and other relatives, in the town of Beit Lahia in northern Gaza.

The newspaper called for his freedom in a statement posted to social media on Tuesday.

“We in the al-Araby al-Jadeed family demand the immediate release of our colleague Diaa al-Kahlout, correspondent and bureau chief for the al-Araby al-Jadeed website and newspaper in Gaza, who has been detained by the [Israeli] occupation army since 7 December 2023,” the pan-Arab daily said.

“We also condemn and deplore the assassination, arrest, abuse, and torture journalists are being subjected to as they carry out their duty to convey the truth about the war crimes and genocide the occupation is committing in the Gaza Strip.”

On Sunday, The New Arab reported that a young Palestinian recently released from Beersehba Prison had said he saw al-Kahlout in the Israeli detention facility.



Neocon Debacle and Declining Empire”


with Richard Wolff                                                                                             





“Judge APPROVES Lawsuit Against CIA & Pompeo Over Assange Surveillance!”


with Jimmy Dore




“Constitutional Violations: Julian Assange, Privacy and the CIA”



by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

As a private citizen, the options for suing an intelligence agency are few and far between. The US Central Intelligence Agency, as with other members of the secret club, pour scorn on such efforts. To a degree, such a dismissive sentiment is understandable: Why sue an agency for its bread-and-butter task, which is surveillance?

This matter has cropped up in the US courts in what has become an international affair, namely, the case of WikiLeaks founder and publisher, Julian Assange. While the US Department of Justice battles to sink its fangs into the Australian national for absurd espionage charges, various offshoots of his case have begun to grow. The issue of CIA sponsored surveillance during his stint in the Ecuadorian embassy in London has been of particular interest, since it violated both general principles of privacy and more specific ones regarding attorney-client privilege. Of particular interest to US Constitution watchers was whether such actions violated the reasonable expectation of privacy protected by the Fourth Amendment.

Four US citizens took issue with such surveillance, which was executed by the Spanish security firm Undercover (UC) Global and its starry-eyed, impressionable director David Morales under instruction from the CIA. Civil rights attorney Margaret Ratner Kunstler and media lawyer Deborah Hrbek, and journalists John Goetz and Charles Glass, took the matter to the US District Court of the Southern District of New York in August last year. They had four targets of litigation: the CIA itself, its former director, Michael R. Pompeo, Morales and his company, UC Global SL.

All four alleged that the US Government had conducted surveillance on them and copied their information during visits to Assange in the embassy, thereby violating the Fourth Amendment. In doing so, the plaintiffs argued they were entitled to money damages and injunctive relief. The government moved to dismiss the complaint as amended.

On December 19, District Judge John G. Koeltl delivered a judgment of much interest, granting, in part, the US government’s motion to dismiss but denying other parts of it. Before turning to the relevant features of Koeltl’s reasons, various observations made in the case bear repeating. The judge notes, for instance, Pompeo’s April 2017 speech, in which he “‘pledged that his office would embark upon a ‘long term’ campaign against WikiLeaks.’” He is cognisant of the plaintiffs’ claims “Morales was recruited to conduct surveillance on Assange and his visitors on behalf of the CIA and that this recruitment occurred at a January 2017 private security industry convention at the Las Vegas Sands Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada.”

From that meeting, it is claimed that “Morales created an operations unit, improved UC Global’s systems, and set up live streaming from the United States so that surveillance could be accessed instantly by the CIA.” The data gathered from UC Global “was either personally delivered to Las Vegas; Washington, D.C.; and New York City by Morales (who travelled to these locations more than sixty times in the three years following the Las Vegas convention) or placed on a server that provided external access to the CIA”.

Koeltl preferred to avoid deciding on the claims that Morales and UC Global were, in fact, “acting as agents of Pompeo and the CIA”. Such matters were questions of fact “that cannot be decided on a motion to dismiss.”

A vital issue in the case was whether the plaintiffs had standing to sue the CIA in the first place. Citing the case of ACLU v Clapper, which involved a challenge to the National Security Agency’s bulk telephone metadata collection program, Koeltl accepted that they did. In doing so, he rejected a similar argument made by the government in Clapper – that the injuries alleged were simply “too speculative and generalized” and that the information gathered via surveillance would necessarily even be used against them. “In this case, the plaintiffs need not allege, as the Government argues, that the Government will imminently use their information collected at the Ecuadorean Embassy in London.” If the search of the conversations and electronic devices along with the seizure of the contents of the electronic devices “were unlawful, the plaintiffs have suffered a concrete and particularized injury fairly traceable to the challenged program and redressable by favorable ruling.”

Less satisfactory for the plaintiffs was the finding they had no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding their conversations with the publisher given that “they knew Assange was surveilled even before the CIA’s alleged involvement.” The judge thought it significant that they did “not allege that they would not have met Assange had they known their conversations would be surveilled.” Additionally, it “would not be recognized as reasonable by society” to have expected conversations held with Assange at the embassy in London to be protected, given such societal acceptance of, for instance video surveillance in government buildings.

This reasoning is faulty, given that the visits by the four plaintiffs to the embassy did not take place with their knowledge of the operation being conducted by UC Global with CIA blessing. In a general sense, anyone visiting the embassy could not help but suspect that Assange might be the object of surveillance, but to suggest something akin to a waiver of privacy rights on the part of attorneys and journalists aiding a persecuted publisher is an odd turn.

The US Government also succeeded on the point that the plaintiffs had no reasonable expectation to privacy regarding their passports or their devices they voluntarily left at the Embassy reception desk. In doing so, they “assumed the risk that the information may be conveyed to the Government.” Those visiting embassies must, it would seem, be perennially on guard.

That said, the plaintiffs convinced the judge that they had “sufficient allegations that the CIA and Pompeo, through Morales and UC Global, violated their reasonable expectation to privacy in the contents of their electronic devices.” The government even went so far as to concede that point.

Unfortunately for the plaintiffs, the biggest fish was let off the hook. The plaintiffs had attempted to use the 1971 US Supreme Court case of Bivens to argue that the former CIA director be held accountable and liable for violating constitutional rights.  Koeltl thought the effort to extend the application of Bivens inappropriate in terms of the high standing nature of the defendant and the context.  “As a presidential appointee confirmed by Congress […] Defendant Pompeo is in a different category of defendant from a law enforcement agent of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics.” More’s the pity.



WATCH: “New Year’s Eve Concert for Julian Assange


by Consortium News

British rock group Alabama 3, famed for the Sopranos theme, performs a concert dedicated to imprisoned WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange at one minute to midnight GMT, 6:59 pm EST. Watch it here (29:52).



“With Hearing Set, Time For Biden to Drop Assange Charges”


by Ann Wright

Ann Wright says Attorney General Garland must either drop the Trump-era case against the WikiLeaks publisher or move to indict The New York Times publisher on same charges.

President Joe Biden, you defeated Donald Trump, yet your administration has not rolled back all of the evil caused by your predecessor. 

Take the case of journalist Julian Assange.  

Under the Obama administration in which you, Biden, were vice president for eight  years, journalist and publisher Julian Assange was NOT prosecuted for publishing the Collateral Murder video of the U.S. Army murder by hellfire missile of Reuters reporters nor the classified Afghanistan and the Iraq War files.  

However, you and the Obama administration did prosecute and won conviction of U.S. Army PFC Bradley Manning for disclosing those classified materials.  

As you will know as former head of the Senate’s Judiciary Committee, journalists and publishers are protected by the First Amendment which allows them to publish classified materials given to them by whistleblowers.  But, that amendment does not protect those such as Manning, whom you prosecuted, who released classified information to a journalist.  

Fifty years ago, no U.S. publisher, including The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times or any other newspaper in the U.S. or abroad was prosecuted for publishing the classified history of the U.S. war on Vietnam, the Pentagon Papers [although Nixon tried].  

Daniel Ellsberg, who released the 4,000-page sordid, classified tale of U.S. military involvement, fully expected to be prosecuted as he was the one who gave classified information to the media.  

The Nixon administration’s theft of Ellsberg’s medical records torpedoed President Richard Nixon’s attempt at prosecuting Ellsberg [and the Times].  Nixon continued to rail against Ellsberg as “the most dangerous man in America” because he, Nixon, was unable to put Ellsberg in jail.


No publisher in the history of the United States had been prosecuted until the Trump administration came into power.

After WikiLeaks and other media published in 2017 “Vault 7,” a list and description of the mostly C.I.A. materials about C.I.A. hacking capabilities to ever come into the public domain, Trump’s Attorney General Bill Barr and C.I.A. Director Mike Pompeo decided to try a new legal theory, one that had never been used in U.S. history.  

Pompeo described WikiLeaks as a “non-state hostile intelligence service” and the Department of Justice charged non-U.S. citizen, Julian Assange, with espionage against the U.S. and demanded his extradition from England. 

A conviction of U.S. charges of espionage could result in Assange being sentenced to 175 years in prison.

At the time of the U.S. charges, Assange had requested asylum from the Ecuadorian government and had been protected by living in the Ecuadorian embassy in London for five years.




With a change in Ecuadorian government and under intense pressure from the British and U.S. governments, in April 2019, the new Ecuadorian administration allowed British police to break the embassy’s sovereignty and enter it.

London police carried Assange out of the embassy, put him into a police van and immediately locked him up in the highest security prison in the U.K., Belmarsh Prison. 

Prior to the police breaching the Ecuadorian embassy, Assange had been denied his razor for weeks.  His haggard appearance as he was carried out of the embassy was part of an orchestrated negative publicity campaign orchestrated by the British government and without a doubt, the U.S. government.

Imprisoned for Almost Five Years With No Conviction . . . .




Houthis blockade Red Sea block from US aid to Israel - Hezbollah bigly b0mbs Israel”


by AEK Media, with Scott Ritter


“If one has to refer to any of the parties as a terrorist state, one might refer to the Israeli government, because they are the people who are slaughtering defenseless and innocent Arabs in the occupied [Palestinian] territories, and we don’t regard that as acceptable...” - Nelson Mandela (1990)


“Panic in Israel! Four African Nations Block Israel's Access to Red Sea; This is Huge!”


by OpenmindedThinker Show





“Israel detains nurse after killing his children”



by Khuloud Rabah Sulaiman



“Sanctions On Israel Are The Only Hope”


with Owen Jones and Gideon Levy


Gideon Levy is a man of immense moral courage and leadership: the award-winning Ha'aretz columnist has spoken out against the atrocities committed against the Palestinian people, and has become an increasingly lone voice. Here he tells me how Israeli society has degenerated to a terrifying degree, why he has so little hope, the forgotten horrors of the West Bank - and why the only chance for a just peace will come from sanctions against Israel.


“Former Israeli sniper says war on Gaza is strengthening Hamas”




The recent killing of three Israeli hostages by the Israeli military has sparked a wider discussion on Israel's conduct in the Gaza Strip, where over 20,400 Palestinians have lost their lives. While we have heard from aid workers, civilians on both sides, and politicians, the voices of those intimately familiar with combat in the occupied territories have been largely absent. Breaking the Silence is an Israeli whistleblower group that gathers testimonies from former soldiers, shedding light on how the military occupation plays out on the ground. "Indiscriminate bombing is not a way forward, definitely not a way to shift public opinion within the Strip. But also not a way to move forward to a day after, where we don’t conduct our relationship with Palestinians in the West Bank or Gaza through the scope of our gun," says Avner Gvaryahu, executive director of Breaking the Silence and a former Israeli sniper.



CovertAction Bulletin: “Students Lead the Way for Palestine”


by Rachel Hu and Chris Garaffa

(audio, 42:58)

On November 26, three young Palestinian men were shot in Burlington, Vermont. Hisham Awartani, a junior at Brown University, released a statement that was read at a campus vigil saying, “This hideous crime did not happen in a vacuum. As much as I appreciate the love of every single one of you here today, I am but one casualty in a much wider conflict.”

Awartani’s friends Kinnan Abdalhamaid, a student at Haverford College and Tahseen Ahmad, a student at Trinity College, also remain in the hospital as of this recording and a suspect has been arrested and charged. Awartani went on to write,

“Had I been shot in the West Bank, where I grew up, the medical services which saved my life here would have likely been withheld by the Israeli army. The soldier who would have shot me would go home and never be convicted. I understand that the pain is so much more real and immediate because many of you know me, but any attack like this is horrific, be it here or in Palestine. This is why when you say your wishes and light your candles today, your mind should not just be focused on me as an individual, but as a proud member of a people being oppressed.”

On this episode, we’re focusing on students: (1) attacks on the young Palestinians in Burlington, (2) threats and harassment campaigns against college organizers, and (3) the role that students have played in ending apartheid and war, both historically and today.

Joining us is Roua Daas of Palestinian Youth Movement. Learn more about the Shut It Down for Palestine movement at ShutItDown4Palestine.org.



“US Students for Palestine Under Attack”


by Natalia Marques

On Dec. 5, the presidents of Harvard, MIT and the University of Pennsylvania were grilled in a congressional hearing relating to alleged instances of calls for the genocide of Jewish people — instances which were, in reality, Palestine solidarity protests led and organized by students. 

The fallout from this hearing, in which the presidents were repeatedly pressured by right-wing Congress members to denounce pro-Palestine students, has led to the resignation of one president and escalating calls by pro-Israel conservatives for the resignation of the other two.  The hearing also illustrated the repeated attacks on the student movement for Palestine in the U.S.

A particular focus of the pro-Zionist leaders of the hearing, such as Republican Elise Stefanik, was to push the university presidents to say that their students, in chanting “from the river to the sea” and “long live the intifada,” were calling for the genocide of Jewish people. 

“Will admissions offers be rescinded or any disciplinary action be taken against students or applicants who say, ‘From the river to the sea,’ or ‘ intifada,’ advocating for the murder of Jews,” Stefanik asked Claudine Gay, Harvard’s president. Within Stefanik’s question was the implication that pro-Palestine demonstrations at Harvard, led by students, were “advocating for the murder of Jews.”



“How U.S. Unions Are Grappling with Israel's War on Gaza”


with Jeff Schuhrke  and Bill Fletcher


Unions across the United States have begun to shift from a long history of supporting Israel to condemning the Israeli occupation of Palestine amid growing calls for a ceasefire in Gaza, where Israel's 80-day assault has killed over 20,000 people. As ceasefire demands from teachers to Starbucks workers are published across the country and a major march led in part by union organizers in New York called on members of Congress to stop taking campaign cash from pro-Israel lobbyists, we speak with longtime trade unionist Bill Fletcher and labor historian Jeff Schuhrke about the United States labor movement's history with Israel and Palestine, Biden's Zionism clashing with his union support, and the labor movement's "tailspin" about how to respond to the war on Gaza.




“Israel’s Government Attacks Ordinary Jews as Well as Palestinians”


by John Spritzler

From left to right: Ekaterina Kosina, Petr Aven, Jessica Kraft, Robert Kraft, Sara Netanyahu, Benjamin Netanyahu, Mikhail Fridman, and Natan Sharansky on the red carpet at the Genesis Prize ceremony, on June 20, 2019. (Haim Zach/GPO)

Netanyahu and some of his billionaire friends. [Source: timesofisrael.com]

The purpose of this article is to create unity instead of the current animosity between the good and decent people who identify as “pro-Israel” and the good and decent people who identify as “pro-Palestine.”

How? By demonstrating that the PURPOSE of Israeli government violence against Palestinians—including one of its openly declared purposes of enlarging Israel geographically while making the Palestinian population in it be as small as possible—is NOT, as Israeli leaders falsely claim, to make Jews safe but, on the contrary, to enrichen Jewish billionaires and facilitate their economic and political control of working class Israeli Jews.



 “Israel admits to ‘immense” amount of ‘friendly fire’ on 7 October”


by Electronic Intifada, with Asa Winstanley


See also: “Breaking news and analysis on day 69 of Gaza's Al-Aqsa Flood”





Israeli general killed Israelis on 7 October then lied about it


by Ali Abunimah and David Sheen


Video and witness accounts recently published by Israeli media reveal new details about how Israeli forces killed their own civilians in Kibbutz Be’eri on 7 October.

Last week, Israel’s Channel 12 released previously unseen footage of an Israeli tank firing at a civilian home in the settlement, just a few miles east of Gaza.

The new evidence shows that the Israeli commander on the scene, Brigadier General Barak Hiram, lied to a top Israeli journalist about what happened in the kibbutz that day, after Palestinian resistance fighters launched a large-scale assault on Israeli military bases and settlements across the boundary from Gaza.

This amounts to an attempted cover-up by a senior military officer, with media complicity.

But far from being held in any way accountable, Hiram is soon set to take up his new role as commander of the Gaza Division, the Israeli army brigade that was routed by Palestinian forces on 7 October.

Hiram resides in the settlement of Tekoa, built in violation of international law near the occupied West Bank city of Bethlehem.



India's Snub To U.S.' Anti-Houthi Force? New Delhi Says Not Part Of Any Red Sea Treaty


by Hindustan Times




India’s Turnaround on Palestine Has More Than Meets the Eye



by M. K. Bhadrakumar

Indian diplomacy is ending 2023 with a momentous turnaround. What began as a course correction necessitated by the torrential flow of events in West Asia is assuming strategic overtones. 

Truly, the aberration in India’s policies can be traced to the UPA rule (2004-2014) but it is under the period since then 2014 that they accentuated phenomenally and began creating contradictions undermining national interests. This aberration also led to a serious erosion of India’s strategic autonomy in a transformative international environment. 

India’s voting pattern in the United Nations with regard to the Israel-Palestine conflict is lately marked by a calibrated distancing from Israel. Only a few weeks ago, Israel’s ambassador in Delhi bullishly described the Indian stance as one of “100% support” to his country. But that is no more the case today. 

Delhi has rejected the repeated Israeli entreaties to declare Hamas as a terrorist organisation, marking its independent opinion regarding the ecosystem of resistance movements. Indeed, this is a highly significant distinction that Delhi is making vis-a-vis the Israeli and Western narrative about Hamas. Although India has not hesitated to condemn the violence directed against Israel on October 7, it refused to name Hamas. 

Considering that Hamas had a chequered past of receiving patronage from Israel, Tel Aviv has no right to expect Delhi to dance to its tunes. Equally, Hamas’ future is far from an open and shut case. The fact that Sinn Fein and Irish opinion has shown empathy towards Hamas, or that South Africa, which has itself been a victim of apartheid, has recalled its ambassador and diplomatic mission to Israel, calling the horrific Gaza killings as “genocide,” go to show that the embers of national liberation struggle are still burning.  

Although India expressed “solidarity” with the Israeli people over the brutal violence on October 7, it cannot condone the vastly disproportionate Israeli retaliation since then, blithely calling it a matter of Israel’s ‘right to self-defence’. On December 13, India voted in favour of a resolution in the UN General Assembly that demanded an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas conflict. 


Read more: India and Israel: The Arms Trade in Charts and Numbers

This was the first time India supported such a resolution since the war broke out more than two months ago. Such a stance puts India on the right side of history, as the 193-member UNGA overwhelmingly adopted the resolution at an emergency special session, with 153 nations voting in its favour.

A third aspect is that from a geopolitical perspective, Delhi has marked its distance from the US-Israeli campaign branding Iran as the instigator of extremist groups acting against Israel. Interestingly, on December 19, India was one of only thirty states — along with Russia and China — who voted against a UN resolution on “the human rights situation in Iran.”

The running thread here is that India has reverted to its traditional stance on the Palestine problem and jettisoned the tilt supportive of Israeli interests. The unprecedented unity among the Arab countries, the close coordination between Saudi Arabia and Iran, the huge groundswell of opinion in the Arab world against Israeli atrocities against the Palestinian populations in Gaza and West Bank — all this has created a new momentum in Middle East politics that has pitchforked the Palestine problem to the centre stage, which is something India cannot afford to ignore. 




“Eighty Years of Lies: President Franklin Roosevelt Told Public Pearl Harbor Was A Surprise Attack—However There Is Considerable Evidence Demonstrating Government Foreknowledge”


by Jeremy Kuzmarov

“The war that we have carefully for years
Catches us unprepared, amazed and indignant.
Our warships are shot
Like sitting ducks and our planes like nest-birds,
both our coasts ridiculously panicked,
And our leaders make orations. This is the
That hopes to impose on the whole planetary
An American peace.”

     – Robinson Jeffers, “Pearl Harbor.”

“This Pearl Harbor business has a terrible smell.

     – Admiral Chester Nimitz, Commander-in Chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet in World War II.


Eighty two years ago today—on what President Franklin Roosevelt termed a “date which will live in infamy”—Japanese forces attacked the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor off the coast of Hawaii, triggering U.S. intervention in World War II.



The Honolulu Star-Bulletin announces the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941. [Source: chiff.com]


Historian Samuel Elliot Morrison wrote that one could “search military history in vain for an operation more fatal to the aggressor.”  2,403 Americans were killed and 1,143 were wounded. Eighteen ships were sunk or run aground, including five battleships.

Of the American fatalities, nearly half were due to the explosion of the USS Arizona’s forward magazine after it was hit by a modified 16-inch (410 mm) shell.  



“The Long History of Zionist Proposals to Ethnically Cleanse the Gaza Strip”



by Mouin Rabbani

Senior Israeli leaders, including Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, are again publicly advocating the ethnic cleansing of the Gaza Strip. Their proposals are being presented as voluntary emigration schemes, in which Israel is merely playing the role of Good Samaritan, selflessly mediating with foreign governments to find new homes for destitute and desperate Palestinians. But it is ethnic cleansing all the same.

Alarm bells should have started ringing in early November when U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and other Western politicians began insisting there could be “no forcible displacement of Palestinians from Gaza.” Rather than rejecting any mass removal of Palestinians, Blinken and colleagues objected only to optically challenging expulsions at gunpoint. The option of “voluntary” displacement by leaving residents of the Gaza Strip with no choice but departure was pointedly left open. 

Ethnic cleansing, or “transfer” as it is known in Israeli parlance, has a long pedigree that goes back to the late-nineteenth-century beginnings of the Zionist movement. While the early Zionists adopted the slogan, “A Land Without a People for a People Without a Land,” the evidence demonstrates that, from the very outset, their leaders knew better. More to the point, they clearly understood that the Palestinians formed the main obstacle to the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine. This is for the simple reason that, to them, a “Jewish state” denotes one in which its Jewish population acquires and maintains unchallenged demographic, territorial, and political supremacy. 

Enter “transfer.” As early as 1895, Theodor Herzl, the founder of the contemporary Zionist movement, identified the necessity of removing the inhabitants of Palestine in the following terms: “We shall try to spirit the penniless population across the border by procuring employment for it in the transit countries, while denying it any employment in our own country … expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly.” David Ben-Gurion (née Grün), Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, and later Israel’s first prime minister, was more blunt. In a 1937 letter to his son, he wrote: “We must expel the Arabs and take their place.” 

Writing in his diary in 1940, Yosef Weitz, a senior Jewish National Fund official who chaired the influential Transfer Committee before and during the Nakba (“Catastrophe”), and became known as the Architect of Transfer, put it thus: “The only solution is a Land of Israel devoid of Arabs. There is no room here for compromise. They must all be moved. Not one village, not one tribe, can remain. Only through this transfer of the Arabs living in the Land of Israel will redemption come.” His diaries are littered with similar sentiments. 

The point of the above is not to demonstrate that individual Zionist leaders held such views, but that the senior leadership of the Zionist movement consistently considered the ethnic cleansing of Palestine an objective and priority. Initiatives such as the Transfer Committee, and Plan Dalet, initially formulated in 1944 and described by the pre-eminent Palestinian historian Walid Khalidi as the “Master Plan for the Conquest of Palestine,” additionally demonstrate that the Zionist movement actively planned for it. The 1948 Nakba, during which more than four-fifths of Palestinians residing in territory that came under Israeli rule were ethnically cleansed, should, therefore, be seen as the fulfillment of a longstanding ambition and implementation of a key policy. A product of design, not of war (historical Christmas footnote: the Palestinian town of Nazareth was spared a similar fate only because the commander of Israeli forces that seized the city, a Canadian Jew named Ben Dunkelman, disobeyed orders to expel the population, and was relieved of his command the following day).

That the Nakba was a product of design is further substantiated by the Transfer Committee’s terms of reference. These comprised not only proposals for the expulsion of the Palestinians but, just as importantly, active measures to prevent their return, destroy their homes and villages, expropriate their property, and resettle those territories with Jewish immigrants. Weitz, together with fellow Committee members Eliahu Sassoon and Ezra Danin, on June 5, 1948, presented a three-page blueprint, entitled “Scheme for the Solution of the Arab Problem in the State of Israel,” to Prime Minister Ben-Gurion to achieve these goals. According to leading Israeli historian Benny Morris, “there is no doubt Ben-Gurion agreed to Weitz’s scheme,” which included “what amounted to an enormous project of destruction” that saw more than 450 Palestinian villages razed to the ground.

The understandable focus on the expulsions of 1948 often overlooks the fact that ethnic cleansing remains incomplete unless its victims are barred from returning to their homes by a combination of armed force and legislation, and thereafter replaced by others. It is Israel’s determination to make Palestinian dispossession permanent that distinguishes Palestinian refugees from many other war refugees. 



“USS Liberty 1967: Israel Murdered U.S. Sailors and Tried to Sink Their Ship … A Failed False Flag Attack Against the U.S.”



by Washington's Blog

An Attempt to Drag America Into Israel’s War.

Fifty two years, on June 8, 1967, Israel attacked the American naval vessel USS Liberty in international waters, and tried to sink it.

After checking the Liberty out for 8 hours – and making 9 overflights with Israeli jets, within 200 feet … close enough for the pilots and the sunbathing Liberty sailors on deck to waive at each other.

Yet the Israelis attacked it with Mirage fighter jets, torpedoes and napalm.  The USS Liberty suffered 70% casualties, with 34 killed and 174 wounded.

The Israeli attack spanned two hours … as long as the attack on Pearl Harbor. The air attack alone lasted approximately 25 minutes: consisting of more than 30 sorties by approximately 12 separate planes using napalm, cannon, and rockets which left 821 holes in the ship.  The Israelis fired 30mm cannons and rockets into the boat.

Following the attack by fighter jets, three Israeli motor torpedo boats torpedoed the ship, causing a 40 x 40 foot wide hole in her hull, and machine-gunning firefighters and stretcher-bearers attempting to save their ship and crew. More than 3,000 machine-gun bullet holes were later counted on the Liberty’s hull.

After the attack was thought to have ended, three life rafts were lowered into the water to rescue the most seriously wounded. The Israeli torpedo boats returned and machine-gunned these life rafts at close range. This was followed by the approach of two large Israeli Army assault helicopters filled with armed commandos carrying what appeared to be explosive satchels (they departed after hovering over the ship for several minutes, making no attempt to communicate).

The Israelis clearly knew it was an American ship, tried to sink it, and tried to frame the Egyptians for the attack, as shown by the following evidence:

(1) The Liberty was flying a huge, brand new American flag. The flag was 5-by-8 feet.  The weather conditions were ideal to ensure the flag’s easy observance and identification, because it was clear and sunny, with a wind-speed which make for a constant ripple in the flag.  After the flag was shot up by the jets, the Liberty’s crew replaced it with a 7-by-13 foot American flag, which flew during the entire duration of the attack.

(2) The Liberty had a unique profile and didn’t look like any other boat, since it had more and bigger antennas – including large, high-tech dishes and giant towers – than any other boat in the world (it was an NSA spy ship).

(3) The Liberty was marked with uniquely American numbering and colors in front.

(4) The Israeli pilots shot out the Liberty’s communications equipment first, and specifically jammed the ship’s emergency radio signal … unique to American naval vessels in the 6th Fleet. The ships from other fleets and other nations used different frequencies, which the Israelis did not jam.

(5) The Israelis used unmarked fighter jets and unmarked torpedo boats during the attack.

(6) Recently-declassified radio transcripts between the Israeli attack forces and ground control show that – at least 3 times – an Israeli fighter jet pilot identified the craft as American, and asked whether ground control was sure he should attack.  Ground control repeatedly said, yes, attack the vessel.

(7) The Israeli torpedo boats methodically destroyed all of the Liberty’s liferafts one by one (which is a war crime).

(8) The only reason the Israelis did not successfully sink the Liberty and kill all of its crewmen was that one sailor duck-taped together antennae – and took many bullet wounds in the process – which enabled an emergency SOS to get out from the Liberty to American 6th Fleet.

Read more: New Evidence Proves Israel Attacked USS Liberty With Orders to Kill 294 Americans

See also: USS Liberty Dead In The Water BBC Documentary (1:07:14)



“Fierce resistance in areas Israel claims ‘absolute’ control”


by Electronic Intifada, with Jon Elmer




“Henry Kissinger Facilitated Genocide and War Crimes”


by Richard S. Dunn




History: “The Federal Reserve Cartel: Freemasons and The House of Rothschild” - Part II of a five-part series



by Dean Henderson

In 1789 Alexander Hamilton became the first Treasury Secretary of the United States.  Hamilton was one of many Founding Fathers who were Freemasons. 

He had close relations with the Rothschild family which owns the Bank of England and leads the European Freemason movement. 

George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, Ethan Allen, Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, John Brown and Roger Sherman were all Masons. 



Alexander Hamilton

Roger Livingston helped Sherman and Franklin write the Declaration of Independence.  He gave George Washington his oaths of office while he was Grand Master of the New York Grand Lodge of Freemasons.  Washington himself was Grand Master of the Virginia Lodge.  Of the General Officers in the Revolutionary Army, thirty-three were Masons.  This was highly symbolic since 33rd Degree Masons become Illuminated. [1]

Populist founding fathers led by John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and Thomas Paine– none of whom were Masons- wanted to completely severe ties with the British Crown, but were overruled by the Masonic faction led by Washington, Hamilton and Grand Master of the St. Andrews Lodge in Boston General Joseph Warren, who wanted to “defy Parliament but remain loyal to the Crown”.

St. Andrews Lodge was the hub of New World Masonry and began issuing Knights Templar Degrees in 1769. [2]



General Joseph Warren

All US Masonic lodges are to this day warranted by the British Crown, whom they serve as a global intelligence and counterrevolutionary subversion network.

(Their most recent initiative [2011] is the Masonic Child Identification Program (CHIP).  According to Wikipedia, the CHIP programs allow parents the opportunity to create a kit of identifying materials for their child, free of charge. The kit contains a fingerprint card, a physical description, a video, computer disk, or DVD of the child, a dental imprint, and a DNA sample.)

The First Continental Congress convened in Philadelphia in 1774 under the Presidency of Peyton Randolph, who succeeded Washington as Grand Master of the Virginia Lodge.  The Second Continental Congress convened in 1775 under the Presidency of Freemason John Hancock.

Peyton’s brother William succeeded him as Virginia Lodge Grand Master and became the leading proponent of centralization and federalism at the First Constitutional Convention in 1787.  The federalism at the heart of the US Constitution is identical to the federalism laid out in the Freemason’s Anderson’s Constitutions of 1723.  William Randolph became the nation’s first Attorney General and Secretary of State under George Washington.  His family returned to England loyal to the Crown.  John Marshall, the nation’s first Supreme Court Justice, was also a Mason. [3]

When Benjamin Franklin journeyed to France to seek financial help for American revolutionaries, his meetings took place at Rothschild banks.  He brokered arms sales via German Mason Baron von Steuben.  His Committees of Correspondence operated through Freemason channels and paralleled a British spy network.  In 1776 Franklin became de facto Ambassador to France.



“U.S. Intelligence: What Is America’s “Fourth Branch of Government” Up to?”



by Germán Gorraiz López

C. Wright Mills, in his book “The Power Elite” (1956), indicates that the key to understanding the American concern would be in the over-organization of his society.

Thus, the establishment would be “the elite group formed by the union of the political, military, economic, university and mass media sub-elites of the United States”, lobbies that would be interconnected by “a restless alliance based on their community of interests and led by military metaphysics” a concept based on a military definition of reality that would have transformed the economy into a permanent economic war and whose paradigm would be the Rockefellers by participating in financial lobbying, military and industry and one of whose members, David would be the driver of “Trilateral Commission” (TC) or Trilateral (1973).

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was created in 1947 by Harry S. Truman, replacing the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) to investigate administrative and fiscal files without judicial authorization and with the initial philosophy of providing the President with a second point of view drawn up by civilians compared to that provided by the military of the National Security Agency (NSA).

The CIA and the FBI Exposed. Historical Analysis

Until Eisenhower, the CIA was only the central intelligence organization for the United States government and was behind multiple insurgent training tasks and destabilizing governments contrary to Pentagon policies, but the military and financial lobbies (both fagged by the Zionist lobby) could not resist the temptation to create a de facto government that manipulated the intricacies of power, leading to the emergence of a new entity: the military-industrial complex, in Eisenhower’s words and the control of the United States Congress and Senate.

Eisenhower himself, a year before the end of his term, delivered a premonitory speech of the subsequent mutation of the initial “Campus” until the shadow government that guards American democracy today and from which all democratically elected presidents are held hostage:

“In government councils, we must be attentive to the acquisition of an illegitimate influence, whether or not projected by the military-industrial complex. The risk of the development of a usurped power exists and will persist. We will never allow the weight of this conjunction to threaten our freedoms or democratic processes”.

For his part, Kennedy, in a speech at Columbia University on November 14, 1963, admits that

there is strong pressure from US power groups to turn the office of President into something merely figurative”

and so, on November 21, 1963, he was forced to sign executive order 11490, “which allows in an emergency to provide the government with exceptional measures, even for any dictatorship” and shortly before leaving for Dallas commented to his intimate advisors: “We have to face the CIA…” while secretly preparing a meeting with Fidel Castro.

All this implied a clear plea to the CIA, a true shadow power-bearer and deeply entrenched in all the US power apparatus.

Thus, its leaders proceeded to the gestation of an endogenous plot that dealt with the Coup de Mano against the democratic legality of the American political system and culminated in the Assassination of Kennedy (Dallas, 1.963). Such a plot would be a work of labyrinthine engineering that would have as brains the aforementioned unofficial CIA and as necessary collaborators to the anti-Castro exile in Miami and its connections with the Mafia and the FBI of Hoover, Lee Harvey Oswald as a scapegoat and distraction exercise to deceive the hounds and as collateral damage the birth of a political system protected by the Fourth Power, remaining since then as hostages all successive US Presidents-elect.




“Robert Maxwell Was Never His Name: Robert Maxwell's Roots Reveal His Role As Useful Science Propagandist Between USSR and The ‘West’”


by Celia Farber

To Understand Ghislaine Maxwell, Look At Her Father, And Ask Who Jeffrey Epstein Really Was.

KGB Chief: Robert Maxwell Was “Kremlin’s Most Important Propagandist Of The Soviet System Abroad”

My feeling about Ghislaine Maxwell has always been that she has no identity.  She has no recognizable “humanity” because she was raised in a wealthy family in which psychotic values were perpetrated.  

The survivors of the Epstein nightmare—Virginia Guiffre, Maria Farmer and others—make clear that their worst wounds were inflicted by Ghislaine. That compared to her, Epstein was “nice.” That she was the “mastermind,” of the trafficking operation, but also, singularly sadistic.

That strange stare of hers seems like somebody just being ushered away from the scene of a car crash. Dis-associative.  She only has two, possibly three facial expressions. When, last night, I listened to her TED talk about her love of the oceans, I realized she is programmed, and unable to think for herself. She speaks of seeing a plastic hanger in the ocean, and being “devastated.” But it all seems like emotions borrowed from somebody else. Somebody, maybe, with a heart. 

“She’s the most narcissistic, evil, vain woman I’ve ever known,” Virginia Giuffre told 60 Minutes Australia. “And she’s finally been knocked off her pedestal.”



“The Mafia, CIA & Jeffrey Epstein Worked TOGETHER To Traffic Minors”


with Jimmy Dore and Whitney Webb


There is much more to the Jeffrey Epstein case than an island for sex trafficking, flight logs and a suspicious “suicide.” As journalist Whitney Webb unravels in her two-volume “One Nation Under Blackmail” series, ties between the CIA, organized crime, international arms dealers and sex traffickers date back to before World War II and the Epstein connection merely represents the latest chapter in an unbelievably sordid, many-tentacled tale of money, sex, violence, power and blackmail. Jimmy and Whitney discuss the historical connection between the military, the CIA and organized crime as well as Epstein’s ties to Bill Clinton, Bill Gates and Victoria’s Secret founder Les Wexner, among many other miscreants and malefactors.


“Blackmail? Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Gates Alleged Emails REVEAL CREEPY Conversations
by The Hill
Jessica Burbank and Robby Soave react to a report that Jeffrey Epstein sent "rambling" emails suggesting projects with Bill Gates. Originally aired July 25, 2023;   https://www.gstatic.com/youtube/img/watch/yt_favicon.png • ‘Rambling’ Emails Reveal CREEPY Corre...  #epstein #billgates
See also: https://www.bitchute.com/video/nrnryLpxp1Wg/


“‘Black Book’ Coming; Judge Ordres Release of 100 + Epstein Associates’ Names”


by The Hill


This segment originally aired December 21, 2023. Briahna Joy Gray and Robby Soave discuss a New York Judge's order to reveal a swath of court documents related to Jeffrey Epstein. 



“Tucker Carlson: “Liberals Will KILL TRUMP Before Letting Him Be POTUS Again”


by The Hill

Briahna Joy Gray and Robby Soave react to Tucker Carlson's recent comments on Donald Trump's future. Originally aired August 31, 2023.




“The End of the World as We Know It . . .”


by What Bitcoin Did, with Whitney Webb




“Leave the World Behind and Build a New One”


with Whitney Webb




 Stablecoins, CBDCs & AI Surveillance”


with Mark Goodwin and Whitney Webb





“How America Took Out the North Stream Pipe Line”


by Democracy Now!


UPDATE: We have blurred some imagery about 30 seconds into the video in response to a content warning from YouTube that severely limited the reach of this interview. What you see now is an edited version. For the uncensored version of this interview that aired on our show, visit democracynow.org.

 When the Nord Stream pipelines carrying natural gas from Russia to Germany were damaged last September, U.S. officials were quick to suggest Russia had bombed its own pipelines. But according to a new report by the legendary investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, it was the U.S. Navy that carried out the sabotage, with help from Norway. Citing a source "with direct knowledge of the operational planning," Hersh writes on his Substack blog that planning for the mission began in December of 2021. The White House and the Norwegian government have since denied the claims. Hersh joins us for an in-depth interview to discuss his report and says the U.S. decision to bomb the pipelines was meant to lock allies into support for Ukraine at a time when some were wavering. "The fear was Europe would walk away from the war," he says. Hersh won a Pulitzer Prize in 1970 for his reporting on the My Lai massacre. His reporting on CIA spying on antiwar activists during the Vietnam War era helped lead to the formation of the Church Committee, which led to major reforms of the intelligence community, and in 2004, he exposed the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal in Iraq.



“Russia winter missile strike; Medvedev hints regime change; Tymoshenko makes move”


with Alex Christoforou and Alexander Mercouris




Zelensky’s White House Visit Comes Amidst Escalation of Mafia Style Assassination Campaign Resulting in Murder of Ukrainian Socialist Party Leader”

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by Jérémy Kouzmarov

On December 12, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was again given the red-carpet treatment of a rock star as he made one of his regular visits to Washington, D.C. to plead for more U.S. military aid.

This time, however, the act of the former comedian had begun to grow thin as President Joe Biden was hamstrung by congressional Republicans intent on blocking further military aid to Ukraine, at least temporarily.[1]

During a press conference, President Biden implored Republicans to pass an aid bill to Ukraine before they break for the Holidays, stating that, if they did not do so, they would be giving Russian President Vladimir Putin “the greatest Christmas gift they could possibly give him.”

Biden’s comments reflected an attempt to guilt the Republicans by feeding off the demonized image of Putin cultivated in the media over the last decade.

Biden additionally warned that Putin was planning to bombard Ukraine’s electrical grid this winter if the U.S. did not act and that, with the aid, Ukraine could win.

The latter claims were delusional as Ukraine’s summer counteroffensive was a disaster ensuring that there is no hope that Ukraine will break through further Russian lines.

The New York Times reported on December 17 that with the “Ukrainian military facing mounting deaths and a stalemate on the battlefield, army recruiters were becoming increasingly aggressive in their efforts to replenish the ranks, in some cases pulling men off the streets and whisking them to recruiting centers using intimidation and even physical force.”[2]




“The Spark That Lit the Fire: The Untold Story of the October 7 Attacks”


by Ramzy Baroud

The dramatic, earth-shattering events in Palestine starting on October 7 have taken many people by surprise. However, attentive observers were not among them.

Few expected that Palestinian fighters would be parachuting into southern Israel on October 7; that instead of capturing a single Israeli soldier – as done in 2006 – hundreds of Israelis, including many soldiers and civilians, would find themselves captive in besieged Gaza.

The reason behind the ‘surprise,’ however, is the same reason that Israel is still reeling under collective shock, which is the tendency to pay close attention to political discourses and intelligence analyses of Israel and its supporters – while largely neglecting the Palestinian discourse.

For better comprehension, let us go back to the start.  . . . .



“‘If I must die, let it be a tale’: a tribute to Refaat Alareer



by Max Blumenthal

“I am going to use that marker to throw it at the Israeli soldiers, even if that is the last thing that I do,” Refaat Alareer vowed in one of his final interviews.

My friend Refaat Alareer was murdered by Israeli invaders in Shujaiya, east of Gaza City, on December 6. He is now among the more than 16,000 civilians killed by Israel in the besieged enclave since October 7.

Our correspondence continued off-and-on for the past nine years. In our final exchange, on November 27, as the bombing grew closer to his home, he told me, “Everything is running out. Food. Water. Cooking gas. Israel is bombing all sources of life. Solar panels, water tanks and pipes. Not one bakery is functioning.” 

Refaat was an author and educator who taught English literature at Gaza’s Islamic University, which has been completely destroyed. “Israel wants us to be closed, isolated—to push us to the extreme,” he explained to me. “It doesn’t want us to be educated. It doesn’t want us to see ourselves as part of a universal struggle against oppression. They don’t want us to be educated or to be educators.”

In one of his last public interviews, with Electronic Intifada, Refaat vowed that, if necessary, he would die by the same pen by which he lived: “I’m an academic. Probably the toughest thing I have at home is an Expo marker. But if the Israelis invade, if the paratroopers charge at us, going from door to door, to massacre us, I am going to use that marker to throw it at the Israeli soldiers, even if that is the last thing that I do.”

Refaat was a model of the resistance which Israel and its patrons aim to destroy. I tell his story in the passages below, which are excerpted from my 2015 book, The 51 Day War: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel.

The Teacher . . . .



“South Africa Accuses Israel of Genocide at World Court”


by Julia Conley

At the International Court of Justice, the post-apartheid government called for an expedited hearing on Israel’s actions and provisional measures to prevent further harm to Palestinians.

No one knows apartheid like those who fought it before,” said one Palestinian rights advocate on Friday in response to the news that South Africa had taken a “historic” step to hold Israel accountable for its relentless bombardment and violent years-long occupation of Gaza — calling on the International Court of Justice to declare that Israel has breached its obligations under the Genocide Convention.

[See: Craig Murray: Murder]

The Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) in South Africa said it is “gravely concerned with the plight of civilians caught in the present Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip due to the indiscriminate use of force and forcible removal of inhabitants” and called on the ICJ to take action to force Israel to “immediately cease” its current attacks on Gaza’s 2.3 million residents.



“Russia SHOCKING Message To Israel!”


by Tech Machine





“Mass graves, grave questions: Britain’s secret Srebrenica role”


by Kit Klarenberg

Widely ignored official reports and never-before-seen declassified files suggest shadowy British special forces operatives played a crucial role in one of the 20th century’s most notorious and controversial massacres.

In July 2023, few media observers took notice when influential British intelligence operative-turned-lawmaker Alicia Kearns issued a public call for Western boots on the ground in the former Yugoslavia.

Addressing a packed session of the House of Commons, Foreign Affairs Committee chair Kearns made the alarming call: “I…urge the Government: let us rejoin EUFOR, let us commit NATO peacekeepers to Brčko district, let us transition to a NATO-led peacekeeping mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina.”

The incendiary comments came during a parliamentary debate on Srebrenica Memorial Week, which commemorates the massacre of Muslim men and boys in Srebrenica by the Army of Republika Srpska (VRS), in July 1995.

Grave crimes were subsequently committed there, many of which remain unpunished. Yet three decades later, details of what happened that fateful month, including the total number of people killed and the exact nature of their deaths, remain uncertain. Whether the horror constituted genocide also remains a point of contention among legal scholars. 

Nonetheless, Western leaders have frequently invoked the event to justify illegal military interventions. Bombing campaigns targeting troublesome countries across the Global South are  frequently framed as righteous actions, concerned with preventing ‘another Srebrenica.’ For notoriously hawkish USAID administrator Samantha Power, this objective became the cornerstone of an insidious brand of liberal interventionism which has come to be known as “Responsibility to Protect.” 

But the exploitation of Srebrenica to justify further warfare is not limited to Washington. British officials are particularly keen promoters of this argument, with the hawkish intelligence operative turned parliamentarian Alicia Kearns providing the latest example. Today, Britain is the only country other than Bosnia and Herzegovina to officially commemorate the killings an act of genocide. Since the late 1990s, London has also been home to many NGOs that have promoted the claim that Srebrenica constituted an act of genocide.

However, in all the memorializing of the tragic events of July 1995 by British journalists, pundits and politicians, the presence of the SAS in the area at the time has stubbornly remained an open, unexplored secret.

Declassified British Ministry of Defence files reviewed by The Grayzone raise disturbing questions about London’s clandestine role in Srebrenica, such as how and why the MI6 knew an attack on the enclave was forthcoming before the VRS even planned it. Today, British citizens and residents of Bosnia still demand answers. 



“Break the Cycle: In 2024, Say No to Government Cruelty, Brutality and Abuse”


by John & Nisha Whitehead

Folks, it’s time to break the cycle of abuses—cruel, brutal, immoral, unconstitutional and unacceptable—that have been heaped upon us by the government for way too long.

Here’s just a small sampling of what we suffered through in 2023.

The government failed to protect our lives, liberty and happiness. The predators of the police state wreaked havoc on our freedoms, our communities, and our lives. The government didn’t listen to the citizenry, refused to abide by the Constitution, and treated the citizenry as a source of funding and little else. Police officers shot unarmed citizens and their household pets. Government agents—including local police—were armed to the teeth and encouraged to act like soldiers on a battlefield. Bloated government agencies were allowed to fleece taxpayers. Government technicians spied on our emails and phone calls. And government contractors made a killing by waging endless wars abroad.

The president became more imperial. Although the Constitution invests the President with very specific, limited powers, in recent years, American presidents have claimed the power to completely and almost unilaterally alter the landscape of this country for good or for ill. The powers amassed by each successive president through the negligence of Congress and the courts—powers which add up to a toolbox of terror for an imperial ruler—empower whoever occupies the Oval Office to act as a dictator, above the law and beyond any real accountability. The presidency itself has become an imperial one with permanent powers.

The cost of endless wars drove the nation deeper into debt. Policing the globe and waging endless wars abroad hasn’t made America—or the rest of the world—any safer, but it has made the military industrial complex rich at taxpayer expense.

The courts failed to uphold justice. Time and time again, the Supreme Court failed to right the wrongs being meted out by the American police state. A review of critical court rulings over the past decade or so, including some ominous ones by the U.S. Supreme Court, reveals a startling and steady trend towards pro-police state rulings by an institution concerned more with establishing order and protecting the ruling class and government agents than with upholding the rights enshrined in the Constitution.

The Surveillance State rendered Americans vulnerable to threats from government spies, police, hackers and power failures. Thanks to the government’s ongoing efforts to build massive databases using emerging surveillance, DNA and biometrics technologies, Americans became sitting ducks for hackers and government spies alike. Billions of people have been affected by data breaches and cyberattacks. On a daily basis, Americans were made to relinquish the most intimate details of who we are—our biological makeup, our genetic blueprints, and our biometrics (facial characteristics and structure, fingerprints, iris scans, etc.)—in order to navigate an increasingly technologically-enabled world. The Department of Homeland Security, which has led the charge to create a Surveillance State, has continued to deploy mandatory facial recognition scans at airports and gather biometric data on American travelers. Police were gifted with new surveillance gadgets. The Corporate State tapped into our computer keyboards, cameras, cell phones and smart devices in order to better target us for advertising. Social media giants such as Facebook granted secret requests by the government and its agents for access to users’ accounts. And our private data—methodically collected and stored with or without our say-so—was repeatedly compromised and breached.

Mass shootings claimed more lives. Mass shootings have taken place at churches, in nightclubs, on college campuses, on military bases, in elementary schools, in government offices, and at concerts. In almost every instance, you can connect the dots back to the military-industrial complex, which continues to dominate, dictate and shape almost every aspect of our lives.

The rich got richer, and the poor went to jail. Not content to expand the police state’s power to search, strip, seize, raid, steal from, arrest and jail Americans for any infraction, no matter how insignificant, the courts continued their practice of jailing individuals who are unable to pay the hefty fines imposed by the American police state. These debtors’ prisons play right into the hands of those who make a profit by jailing Americans.  This is no longer a government “of the people, by the people, for the people.” It is fast becoming a government “of the rich, by the elite, for the corporations,” and its rise to power is predicated on shackling the American taxpayer to a debtors’ prison guarded by a phalanx of politicians, bureaucrats and militarized police with no hope of parole and no chance for escape.

“Show your papers” incidents skyrocketed. We are not supposed to be living in a “show me your papers” society. Despite this, the U.S. government has introduced measures allowing police and other law enforcement officials to stop individuals (citizens and noncitizens alike), demand they identify themselves, and subject them to patdowns, warrantless searches, and interrogations.

Free speech was dealt one knock-out punch after another. Protest laws, free speech zones, bubble zones, trespass zones, anti-bullying legislation, zero tolerance policies, hate crime laws and a host of other legalistic maladies dreamed up by politicians and prosecutors (and championed by those who want to suppress speech with which they might disagree) conspired to corrode our core freedoms, purportedly for our own good. On paper—at least according to the U.S. Constitution—we are technically free to speak. In reality, however, we were only as free to speak as a government official—or corporate entities such as Facebook, Google or YouTube—allowed. The reasons for such censorship varied widely from political correctness, safety concerns and bullying to national security and hate crimes but the end result remained the same: the complete eradication of free speech.

Police became even more militarized and weaponized. Despite concerns about the government’s steady transformation of local police into a standing military army, local police agencies continued to acquire weaponry, training and equipment suited for the battlefield. There are now reportedly more bureaucratic (non-military) government civilians armed with high-tech, deadly weapons than U.S. Marines.

Schools turned into prisons. So-called school “safety” policies, which run the gamut from zero tolerance policies that punish all infractions harshly to surveillance cameras, metal detectors, random searches, drug-sniffing dogs, school-wide lockdowns, active-shooter drills and militarized police officers, turned schools into prisons and young people into prisoners.

The government waged a renewed war on private property.  . . . .




“US Congress: ‘We Stand With Genocide’”


by Corinna Barnard

U.S. lawmakers, in the last quarter of 2023, approved a series of resolutions smearing pro-Palestine activism as anti-Semitic and giving Israel PR cover for its open-ended killing spree, writes Corinna Barnard.

The Biden administration in the last three months of 2023 asked Congress to give Israel an additional $14 billion in military assistance on top of the $3.8 billion the U.S. allots every year; vetoed a ceasefire in Gaza at the U.N.;  circumvented Congress to sell weapons to Israel  and deployed warships to the waters off Gaza to prevent anyone from interfering with the Israeli regime’s campaign of atrocities there. 

Congress did not quite match the White House effort to comfort a genocidal Israel. The House approved a $14.3 billion package for the Netanyahu regime, but hinged it on off-setting cuts to the Internal Revenue Service and the bill was blocked in the Senate

But lawmakers did give Israel heavy-duty backup by stonewalling calls for a ceasefire. Rep. Rashida Tlaib, the sole Palestinian-American in Congress, and a few other lawmakers — all people of color— introduced a “Ceasefire Now” resolution on Oct. 16 that is only slowly gaining co-sponsors. A Data for Progress poll shows that while the majority of Americans support a ceasefire, that position has only marginal support in Congress.  



“Top Democrat-Linked PR Firm Tapped by Pro-Israel Groups to Control Gaza War Narrative”

Image https://www.mintpressnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/AP23291341403699_edited.jpg


by Kit Klarenberg



“Israel’s Genocide Betrays the Holocaust”



by Chris Hedges

Israel’s lebensraum master plan for Gaza, borrowed from the Nazi’s depopulation of Jewish ghettos, is clear. Destroy infrastrutrue, medical facilities and sanitation, including access to clean water. Block shipments of food and fuel. Unleash indiscriminate industrial violence to kill and wound hundreds a day. Let starvation — the U.N. estimates that more than half a million people are already starving — and epidemics of infectious diseases, along with the daily massacres and the displacement of Palestinians from their homes, turn Gaza into a mortuary. The Palestinians are being forced to choose between death from bombs, disease, exposure or starvation or being driven from their homeland.

There will soon reach a point where death will be so ubiquitous that deportation – for those who want to live – will be the only option.

Danny Danon, Israel’s former Ambassador to the U.N. and a close ally of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, told Israel’s Kan Bet radio that he has been contacted by “countries in Latin America and Africa that are willing to absorb refugees from the Gaza Strip.” “We have to make it easier for Gazans to leave for other countries,” he said. “I’m talking about voluntary migration by Palestinians who want to leave.” 

The problem for now “is countries that are willing to absorb them, and we’re working on this,” Netanyahu told Likud Knesset members.

In the Warsaw Ghetto, the Germans handed out three kilograms of bread and one kilogram of marmalade to anyone who “voluntarily” registered for deportation. “There were times when hundreds of people had to wait in line for several hours to be ‘deported,’” Marek Edelman, one of the commanders of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, writes in “The Ghetto Fights.” “The number of people anxious to obtain three kilograms of bread was such that the transports, now leaving twice daily with 12,000 people, could not accommodate them all.”

The Nazis shipped their victims to death camps. The Israelis will ship their victims to squalid refugee camps in countries outside of Israel. Israeli leaders are also cynically advertising the proposed ethnic cleansing as voluntary and a humanitarian gesture to solve the catastrophe they created. 

This is the plan. No one, especially the Biden administration, intends to stop it.

The most disturbing lesson I learned while covering armed conflicts for two decades is that we all have the capacity, with little prodding, to become willing executioners. The line between the victim and the victimizer is razor thin. The dark lusts of racial and ethnic supremacy, of vengeance and hate, of the eradication of those we condemn as embodying evil, are poisons that are not circumscribed by race, nationality, ethnicity or religion. We can all become Nazis. It takes very little. And if we do not stand in eternal vigilance over evil — our evil — we become, like those carrying out the mass killing in Gaza, monsters. 

The cries of those expiring under the rubble in Gaza are the cries of the boys and men executed by the Bosnian Serbs at Srebrenica, the over 1.5 million Cambodians killed by the Khmer Rouge, the thousands of Tutsi families burned alive in churches and the tens of thousands of Jews executed by the Einsatzgruppen at Babi Yar in Ukraine. The Holocaust is not an historical relic. It lives, lurking in the shadows, waiting to ignite its vicious contagion.   

We were warned. Raul HilbergPrimo LeviBruno BettelheimHannah ArendtAleksandr Solzhenitsyn. They understood the dark recesses of the human spirit. But this truth is bitter and hard to confront. We prefer the myth. We prefer to see in our own kind, our own race, our own ethnicity, our own nation, our own religion, superior virtues. We prefer to sanctify our hatred. Some of those who bore witness to this awful truth, including Levi, Bettelheim, Jean Améry, the author of “At the Mind’s Limits: Contemplations by a Survivor on Auschwitz and Its Realities,” and Tadeusz Borowski, who wrote “This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen,” committed suicide. The German playwright and revolutionary Ernst Toller, unable to rouse an indifferent world to assist victims and refugees from the Spanish Civil War, hanged himself in 1939 in a room at the Mayflower Hotel in New York City. On his hotel desk were photos of dead Spanish children.

“Most people have no imagination,” Toller writes. “If they could imagine the sufferings of others, they would not make them suffer so. What separated a German mother from a French mother? Slogans which deafened us so that we could not hear the truth.”



“War on Gaza, ‘Weaponizing Anti-Semitism’: Invoking the Holocaust to Justify Israeli War Crimes Dishonours Its Victims”



by Marco Carnelos

We write to express our dismay and disappointment at political leaders and notable public figures invoking Holocaust memory to explain the current crisis in Gaza and Israel.”

This is how an open letter recently published by a distinguished group of scholars of the Holocaust and antisemitism begins. Its main concern is that appealing to the memory of the Holocaust risks obscuring the understanding of antisemitism and dangerously misrepresents the causes of violence in Israel and Palestine.

The scholars quote several problematic statements and acts by Israeli, European and American officials in the context of Israel’s ongoing assault on Gaza following the Hamas-led attack on 7 October.

The Israeli ambassador to the UN donning a yellow star featuring the words “Never Again” while addressing the UN Security Council. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that “Hamas are the new Nazis” and framing the war on Gaza as a battle for western civilisation in the face of barbarism. And US President Joe Biden remarked that Hamas had “engaged in barbarism that is as consequential as the Holocaust”.

It is impressive how western leaders are following the same script, to the point of uttering blatant absurdities, like conflating Israel with Ukraine when it is Palestine that has been occupied by Israel for more than half a century and should be equated to Ukraine.

Israel is invoking the Holocaust to justify what is nothing more than a collective punishment of the people living in Gaza. Almost all of its political leadership promoted an irrational and malign narrative beginning with Israeli President Isaac Herzog, who said that “there are no innocent civilians in Gaza”. Not a single word of condemnation for such outrageous statements was uttered by those western leaders who proudly uphold the so-called rules-based world order.

‘Poisoned’ Political Climate

Predictably, the open letter was contested by another group of distinguished scholars of Nazi Germany, the Holocaust, Israel, and antisemitism. It was a poorly argued response that did not seem to grasp the concerns raised by the scholars and was convincingly dismantled in a counter-reply.

Amid a rising death toll of mostly women and children, the most the opposition letter could convey was a vague criticism of Israel’s “poor decisions”. Not a single shred of empathy for the ongoing humanitarian disaster was uttered.

Such insensitive positions have been echoed by unbelievable acts and behaviour by some European “democracies”. Peaceful public protests in support of Palestinian rights and asking for a ceasefire have been carefully watched and often hampered by authorities in the UK, France and, especially, in Germany. It is hard to ascertain if such behaviour is due to ignorance, laziness, fear or deliberate complicity with the Israeli government.

Read more: Israel and Its Allies Are Repurposing the Goals and Lies of 1948 – In Gaza in 2023



“Horrors in a hospital”


by The Electronic Intifada



“Gaza war takes medical apartheid to new extreme”


by Sewar Elejla

The Fourth Geneva Convention obligates an occupying power to ensure that proper medical supplies are provided and that hospitals and health services are maintained in the territory under occupation.

Israel is doing the exact opposite.

It is subjecting healthcare to collective punishment so that Palestinians are tortured, displaced and killed.

Israel has a long history of systematically undermining the health rights of Palestinians and utilizing destructive tactics to achieve its ends.

Israel practices medical apartheid.

Though not defined formally in international human rights law, the term “medical apartheid” has been used to describe similar situations of pervasive segregation and discrimination in healthcare, based on race and characterized by stark inequalities in healthcare accessibility, availability and quality.

Israel has been hampering the development of, destroying and openly targeting the Palestinian healthcare system. The system was built and supported mainly by international donors.

Strategically, Israel made Palestinian healthcare dependent on aid.

Over the years, Israel has been attacking health facilities, medical workers and ambulances in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

Since 7 October, Israel has repeatedly attacked hospitals and medical centers in order to push people out of Gaza. It has caused a scarcity of medical supplies, fuel and necessities such as food and water for the same purpose.

The estimated 800,000 people who remained in northern Gaza after Israel’s evacuation orders have been left without any healthcare apart from some field medical points that cannot provide anything beyond first aid. Hospitals have been put out of service after Israel attacked them, threatening the lives of patients, displaced people and healthcare personnel.

The same steps are being taken in southern Gaza.

Israel is now carrying out ethnic cleansing against Palestinians by wiping out the basics of life in the south. That includes healthcare infrastructure. . . . .




DEPOPULATION AGENDA (TLAV) https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/images/cleardot.gif


with Ryan Cristián




“American-Israeli Anthropologist Suggests that ‘We Are All Being Palestinized’” https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/images/cleardot.gif


by Jeremy Kuzmarov

Israel’s Expertise in Pacifying the Palestinians Is in High Demand by Capitalist Elites As Populations Around the World Grow Restive

As the world watches in horror Israel’s military assault on the people of Gaza, people are left to wonder why world leaders are not doing more to censure Israel and are allowing Israel to get away with mass killing.


From the Gazan Laboratory to the World's Borders: A Conversation with Jeff  Halper - ICAHD


Jeff Halper [Source: icahd.org]

Jeff Halper, an American-Israeli anthropologist who has written numerous books on Israeli history, has a clear answer.

He says that leaders of countries around the world are feeling more insecure as wealth is increasingly concentrated in the hands of a tiny capitalist elite and popular disaffection and the threat of rebellion grows.

Israel is revered precisely for its mastery of population-control techniques against the Palestinians, which many leaders want to emulate against dissident or minority groups within their own borders.

Part of Israel’s ace in the hole, according to Halper, is its development of a formidable weapons industry that allows it to supply high-tech weapons to countries around the world for the purpose of population control.

Israel is at the cutting edge in the development of surveillance satellites, weaponized and surveillance drones, Artificial Intelligence (AI) target identification systems, spyware gadgets and crowd control and cyberwarfare technologies, which it sells around the world.



“There Are Human Beings in Palestine. “Against Erasure” A Pictorial History of Palestinians”



by Kim Petersen

Review of Against Erasure

Against Erasure (Haymarket Books) is a book, edited by Teresa Aranguren and Sandra Barrilaro, that presents a pictorial history of Palestinians. The photos refute the often-heard canard that Palestine was a land without people. More importantly, the historicity of the photos humanizes the Palestinians. It seems ludicrous to anyone familiar with Palestinians that they would require humanization.

Click the pages below to access the Book: Against Erasure



“Devastating Economic and Social Crisis: A Majority of Germans Want A New Government and Early Elections”


by Ahmed Adel

More than half of German voters are so dissatisfied with Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s coalition government that they want early elections. The decline of Scholz’s coalition government also comes as German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius said that it would take Europe between five and eight years to recover its defensive capacity after disarming itself by sending weapons to Ukraine.

According to a survey by the German newspaper Bild and published by Bloomberg on December 16, 59% of Germans would prefer elections for a new parliament in 2024, while 27% oppose such a measure. Regular elections are scheduled for the fall of 2025.

The German government’s Advisory Council of Economists, known as the Five Sages, said,

“Germany’s current economic development continues to be affected by the energy crisis and the drop in real incomes.”

“That’s why our annual report this year is titled ‘Overcoming weak growth, investing in the future’,” said Monika Schnitzer, president of the Five Sages, when handing the document to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in November.

Berlin is currently the worst-performing large developed economy in the world, and the IMF and the European Union predict the German economy will contract this year. According to Euronews, the recession arose from the loss of cheap Russian natural gas because of the sanctions imposed by the European bloc. Due to this, industries felt an unprecedented shock.

See also: Scholz Hardens His Position Against Russia to Preserve His Political Power

It is recalled that Christian Kullmann, CEO of major German chemical company Evonik Industries AG, said in October that Germany risks “de-industrialisation” as high energy costs and government inaction on other chronic problems threaten to send new factories and high-paying jobs abroad.

The loss of cheap Russian natural gas needed to power factories “painfully damaged the business model of the German economy,” Kullmann said. 

Olaf Scholz, a Social Democrat; the Minister of Economy, Robert Habeck of the Greens; and the head of finance, Christian Lindner, leader of the Free Democrats, have not had an effective working relationship, raising questions about the viability of the three-party alliance formed after the 2021 elections.

Scholz’s governing coalition recently suffered crushing electoral defeats. In a context of growing voter frustration, the three government parties lost support in Bavaria and Hesse, where around a fifth of the German electorate resides.

At the same time, a candidate from the Russia-friendly Alternative for Germany (AfD) party won a city mayoral election for the first time on December 17. Tim Lochner won the second round of voting in Pirna, a town in the eastern state of Saxony, despite the state’s domestic intelligence agency attempting to deter voters from AfD by deeming the party to be right-wing extremists.

This again highlights the growing backlash against the ruling coalition, which not only significantly weakened Germany’s economy by imposing sanctions on Russia but weakened the collective strength of Europe’s defensive capabilities by sending weapons to Ukraine for a futile war effort.  

According to German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius, it will take Europe five to eight years to restore its defence capabilities because it must compensate Ukraine for the aid it lacks from the US.

“The defence industry will take time to get going. Right now, we have between five and eight years left to catch up in the military, industrial and social spheres,” Pistorius declared to the German newspaper Welt on December 16.

Pistorius added that in the next ten years, the United States will show more interest in the Pacific region than in Europe, so the Europeans themselves must become more involved in guaranteeing security in the region. To the question of whether Europe is preparing for the “worst case scenario,” in which Europeans compensate Ukraine for the aid it stopped receiving from the US, the minister said that the EU is discussing the issue. The fact that the discussions are still ongoing despite Europe demilitarising and ruining its own economy for a failed war effort against Russia shows that there are still large corners within the bloc in denial about the current situation.

The EU has been trying to reach a deal on €20 billion in military aid to Ukraine and aims to include another €50 billion in the EU budget to provide macro-financial assistance to Kiev over the next four years. However, the plans have met opposition from some Member States, notably Hungary.

Germany, under Scholz, has been a leading campaigner in Europe to impose sanctions on Russia and facilitate weapon movements to Ukraine. His predecessor, Angela Merkel, for 16 years helped Germany prosper through cordial trade relations with Russia, but only two years of Scholz has resulted in hostile ties with Moscow, an economy performing worse than sanctioned Russia, and political instability.



“Washington Fails to Deter India-Russia Ties as Trade Explodes to $50 Billion”


by Ahmed Adel

Trade between India and Russia exceeded $50 billion this year, Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar said, setting a new record by an astronomical amount. It comes as the South Asian and Eurasian Giants deepen their ties despite major attempts by Washington to prevent this.

“There is an X factor when it comes to the relationship between India and Russia, which has remained good and has enhanced to a Special and Privileged Strategic Partnership. I signed an agreement along with DPM Manturov for future units of the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project in Tamil Nadu. The bilateral trade between India and Russia can increase from the present $50 billion to $100 billion in the next few years,” said Jaishankar, while interacting with the Indian diaspora in Moscow on December 26 as part of his five-day visit and after explaining that trade exchange with Russia was previously between $12 billion and $14 billion.

“Our relationship with Russia has been stable over the past many decades as the leadership has taken care to nurture it, and there are strong people-to-people connections between our two nations. We support Russia for their BRICS Presidency and will continue to be their partner,” India’s top diplomat added.

Read more: Pivotal Moment in India-Russia Relations

He also indicated that India and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) – made up of Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia, and Kyrgyzstan – will begin negotiations on a free trade agreement at the beginning of 2024. Both countries already prepared a draft trade agreement in March 2020, but its consideration was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The fact that Jaishankar visited Moscow in the last week of the year to meet with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov and with the Russian Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov among others, demonstrates the importance that India places with its relationship with Russia, something to the immense frustration of the US.

The Biden administration has told foreign governments, including India, that now is not the time for “business as usual” with Russia, as the US President makes no secret of his efforts to try to isolate Moscow. Since the beginning of the Ukraine conflict, the Biden administration has been trying to disrupt Russia’s economy through sanctions and export control measures, which created hurdles in India’s trade ties with the country. Both countries have acknowledged that billions of dollars of payments are stuck in banks due to difficulties in transferring payments created by the sanctions.




“Cease-Fire Now! What I Said to the UN Security Council. Col. Ann Wright”


by  Colonel Ann Wright

Not many people have the opportunity to provide an oral and written statement to the United Nations Security Council. I had my chance on December 11, 2023, when I was asked as a retired U.S. Army colonel and a former U.S. diplomat to speak on weapons transfers in the Russia-Ukraine war.

I introduced myself as a U.S. taxpayer who was fed up with my tax money being used by the powerful and wealthy U.S. arms industry authorized by the U.S. government for sale to countries that are killing innocent civilians.

My statement to the Security Council was simple. Wars will never end as long as weapons transfers into the conflict area continue. I noted, as the Security Council well knows, that civilians will be the primary victims of the transfer of weapons.

I cited the two wars to which the U.S. is providing weapons: Russia-Ukraine and Israel-Gaza.

I took the opportunity to look across the horseshoe U.N. Security Council table and say to the Alternate Representative of the U.S. for Special Political Affairs in the U.N. and Alternate Representative of the U.S. for Special Political Affairs in the Sessions of the General Assembly of the U.N. Robert Wood that I was horrified by “shameful” U.S. veto of the cease-fire resolution for Gaza the previous Friday, December 8, 2023. At that point over 18,000 Palestinians had been killed by massive Israeli bombing using U.S.-provided 2,000-pound bombs, U.S. hellfire missiles, and other U.S.-provided weapons.

Two weeks later, on December 22, 2023, after five days of wrangling with the U.S. on the wording of another resolution, the U.N. Security Council adopted a watered-down resolution that calls for immediately speeding up aid deliveries to starving civilians in Gaza. The United States refused to agree to a tougher demand for an “urgent suspension of hostilities” between Israel and Hamas. It abstained in the vote, as did Russia, which wanted the stronger language. The resolution was the first on the war to make it through the council after the U.S. vetoed two earlier ones calling for humanitarian pauses and a full cease-fire.

See also: ‘Disastrous’: US Vetoes Cease-Fire Resolution at UN Security Council

The U.S. has provided Israel $317 billion in military aid, making it the largest recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II. The U.S. gives Israel $3.3 billion annually. The Biden administration wants to send another $10 billion to Israel.

As of late October, two months ago, the U.S. had delivered 36,000 rounds of 30-millimeter cannon ammunition, 1,800 M141 bunker-buster munitions, at least 3,500 night-vision devices, ammunition for AH-64 Apache helicopter gunships including about 2,000 Hellfire Laser Guided missiles, 57,000 155-millimeter High Explosive artillery shells, 20,000 M4A1 rifles, 5,000 PVS-14 night vision devices, 3,000 M141 hand-held bunker-buster munitions, 400 120- millimeter mortars, 75 of the Army and Marine Corps’ new Joint Light Tactical Vehicles, and 312 Tamir missile interceptors for the Iron Dome.

On the issue of the profitability of weapons transfers particularly in the Ukraine-Russia war, the topic I had been invited to speak on, I reminded the Security Council that in a December 7, 2023, press conference with the new U.K. Foreign Secretary David Cameron, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that over the last two years, the United States has provided $70 billion to support Ukraine and European allies have provided more than $110 billion.

Blinken also said,

“If you look at the investments that we’ve made in Ukraine’s defense to deal with this aggression, 90% of the security assistance we’ve provided has actually been spent here in the United States with our manufacturers, with our production, and that’s produced more American jobs, more growth in our own economy. So, this has also been a win-win that we need to continue.”

I reminded the Security Council that the win-win is not for civilians in conflict areas. The win-win is for the military industrial complex and the politicians and retired government officials who are offered senior positions in companies immediately after their retirements!

And it’s certainly not a win-win for the innocent civilians who are killed in these conflicts.



“Biden’s America Surrenders to War Criminal Netanyahu”


by Philip Giraldi

Vital US interests are sacrificed to avoid offending Israel and its Lobby

I don’t have anyone whom I would consider a friend who supports the genocide being carried out by Israel in Gaza. But my occasional interaction with the psychopaths who infest the US government and media and who are intimately connected by virtue of their political instincts as well as their personal interests in campaign donations and/or elevated salaries derived from Israel and its powerful lobby have plenty of sound bites to throw out to demonstrate their love of the Jewish state in all its manifestations.

They mouth the Pelosi-Schumer-Biden assertion that “Israel has a right to defend itself” and that Israel is “America’s closest ally” and “best friend,” all of which can readily be exposed as a series of self-serving lies and deliberate misinterpretations of international law. Beyond that, they inevitably cite their view that critics of Israel are fully responsible for what they choose to refer to as the ultimate evil of “surging anti-semitism.” In so doing they conveniently ignore the obvious fact that anger towards Jews collectively speaking is nearly always derived from the crimes against humanity committed by the Zionist political entity that now legally defines itself as Jewish.

I sometimes ask the friends of Israel what interest the United States has that would warrant our country becoming complicit in committing war crimes that, collectively speaking, amount to precursors for the complete expulsion or killing of millions of Palestinians from what remains of their homes. They try to weasel word their way avoiding the implications of that question by observing that the United States is not directly engaged in the conflict, an evasion that I belittle by pointing out that Washington is providing funding, arming and political cover for the more powerful and lethal party engaged in the conflict while also blocking attempts to bring about a ceasefire to comply with orders from that same party, which sure looks like direct involvement to me. I also point out that Israel is working hard to get the US military engaged against Hezbollah in Lebanon and also against Iran and is likely to be able to maneuver the stoneheads in and around the White House to do its bidding vis-à-vis both objectives.

So the big question has to be “Why does the United States engage in a conflict that inter alia has utterly ruined our country’s reputation worldwide and for which there is no real compelling national interest?” The answer is, of course unpalatable to many, but has to be that the US government is in many respects and vis-à-vis some of its designated national policies completely under the control of Israel and its powerful domestic as well as international lobby. This habitual bowing to force majeure has warped the thinking of the ambitious scallywags who seem to be present wherever one turns in places like Washington. How else does one explain the infamous and quite frankly ridiculous comment delivered at the 2018 Israeli American Council meeting by leading politician Nancy Pelosi, who said that

“I have said to people when they ask me if this Capitol crumbled to the ground, the one thing that would remain is our commitment to our aid…and I don’t even call it aid…our cooperation with Israel. That’s fundamental to who we are.”

The delusional Pelosi, who appears to have no “fundamental” attachment to the interests of the American people whom she represents, is unfortunately not unique in the halls of Congress, even less so in the Joe Biden White House, which might be regarded as the illustration of what happens when you appoint Zionists to nearly all key positions running your foreign, economic and national security policies. The degree of direct Zionist/Israeli control over the hapless Biden can best be illustrated by reviewing the course of the recent redrafting of a UN Security Council resolution authored by the United Arab Emirates that sought to bring about a suspension of the fighting and the urgent resumption of humanitarian supplies for Gaza. The US forced the revisions after coordination with Israel to permit the Israelis to continue to attack civilian targets and avoid entering into anything like a ceasefire, changing the word “suspension” in the original draft to the less demanding creation of “conditions for a sustainable cessation of hostilities.” Language authorizing the lead UN role in monitoring and delivering the assistance to the Gazans was also expunged leaving to belligerent Israel the task of completely controlling the distribution of any supplies allowed entry into the areas inside Gaza, which it is also simultaneously continuing to bomb, thereby slowing the stream of urgently needed supplies to a trickle while also killing hundreds more civilians.

See also: Does Israel Seek a “Final Solution for Palestinians?”

To be sure, it was the United States blindly supporting Israel that rendered what was a promising proposal to put an end to the multiplying civilian deaths toothless. Israel demonstrated just how high it regarded Joe Biden when it contradicted what the president said about the US being able to moderate some Israeli offensive action in Gaza. Netanyahu denied that, saying that he and his war cabinet were continuing to make all relevant decisions based on Israel’s own interests. Israel Defense Force (IDF) Chief of the General Staff General Herzi Halevi followed on with his own assessment that finishing the job in Gaza, i.e. totally destroying Hamas by whatever means it requires, will take “many more months.” The Israeli military has indeed visibly increased its efforts by opening up new “battle zones” inside Gaza, to include directly targeting the crowded and starving refugee camps outside the cities. The civilians are paying the price while a grinning Joe Biden is spending his New Year’s holiday in the American Virgin Islands.

Allowing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a known liar and habitual war criminal to tell the US government what to do is about as low as it gets, Mr. Biden! You should not only be ashamed, but more than that, humiliated, compelled to do ghastly things in support of your own fear of possible Jewish/Israeli reaction if you do not bow down before King Netanyahu. He and the band of inhuman monsters he has assembled in his cabinet have made no secret of their intention to remove the Palestinians from Palestine, either by forced emigration or by killing them if necessary. On Christmas Day, Prime Minister Netanyahu told a meeting of his Likud bloc “that he was still working on the ‘voluntary’ immigration of Gaza’s inhabitants to other countries.” His associates Itamar Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich have made it clear that the ethnic cleansing process will proceed even if it is not in any way voluntary. As Israel is the occupying power in the former Palestine, what is taking place is, as defined by the Geneva Conventions, the Genocide Convention and the UN Charter, a crime against humanity and the United States is completely complicit in it not to mention actually enabling the slaughter through its supplying of arms and money to the Israelis. It has recently been reported in the Israeli media that the United States has delivered an astonishing “10,000 tons of armaments and military equipment on 244 cargo planes and 20 ships” to sustain the Israeli homicidal assault against the people of Gaza. And to demonstrate its gratitude for the flood of weapons, America’s “best friend” and “closest ally” Israel has nevertheless complained “about a delay in the delivery of munitions.”



“Dark Times: You Can’t Defeat the Gaza resistance”


with George Galloway


Israel is trying to escalate the war, to bring the US in, says Professor Mohammad Marandi. But just as America supports the genocide regime, Iran supports the resistance.




“The anatomy of Zionist genocide”


by Yoav Litvin

What are the motivations behind Israel’s genocidal acts in Gaza, and what is the way forward?

On October 7, Hamas fighters breached the Gaza prison fence, launching a coordinated attack on at least seven Israeli military installations and more than 20 surrounding residential communities. Over 1000 Israeli citizens, both civilian and military, as well as dozens of foreign nationals, were killed in the attack. Some 240 others were taken captive. Caught off guard and in disarray, the Israeli military responded to the attack in a frenzy, firing indiscriminately on breached localities, slaying Israeli captives alongside Hamas fighters in the process. It took the Israeli forces nearly a day to recapture all lost territory and secure the Gaza perimeter.

Following Hamas’s unprecedented incursion, Israel’s public relations apparatus launched a misinformation campaign aimed at inciting fear and fury and began to spread unverified atrocity propaganda. The campaign, involving tales of babies being “beheaded en masse”, “burned” and “hung on a clothesline”, helped transform the Israeli public’s shock into genocidal tribalism and diverted attention from Israel’s political, intelligence and military blunders that paved the way for the attack in the first place. The campaign also helped the government garner crucial public support for mass mobilisation of reserve units which made the consequent full-scale ground invasion of the Gaza Strip possible.



Gaza death toll at 20,258 on 78th day of war

Tehran, IRNA – The Palestinian Health Ministry in Gaza has said that the total death toll from Israel’s attacks on the besieged territory since October 7 has reached 20,258.


by Islamic Republic News Agency

The ministry issued its statement on Saturday night, saying that 53,688 people have also been injured in Gaza since the Israeli regime unleashed its war 78 days ago.

Over the past 24 hours alone, 201 people lost their lives and 368 others were injured in Israeli airstrikes, according to the ministry.

Earlier on Saturday, the spokesman for the Gaza Health Ministry raised the alarm about an unimaginable catastrophe in the strip if more aid is not allowed into the territory.

“The occupiers are still using medical aid as a weapon to take more lives in the Gaza Strip. The enemy should be forced into allowing aid into Gaza before we enter an unimaginable disaster,” Ashraf al-Qudra said.

He said that 1,000 aid trucks are required to enter Gaza daily in order for the people there to meet their needs. That’s while, he added, 70 trucks a day are currently bringing aid to the territory.

The spokesman also said hospitals, including those in the southern city of Rafah, are struggling to treat the wounded due to severe shortage of medical supplies.   




“Archive Of MK Ultra Documents”


by Celia Farber

Archive is here. I’ve only looked at a few, but let’s bookmark this for future access.

We’re going to be looking at everything with new lenses in 2024, as we’ve discussed.

Read recently declassified documents: https://archive.org/details/mkultrafiles?and%5B%5D=subject%3A%22MKNAOMI%22



From the archive: “TORTURE AT ABU GHRAIB”

An Iraqi who was told he would be electrocuted if he fell off the box.


by Seymour Hersh

I am on vacation this week but thought it would be useful to republish a painful story I did two decades ago for the New Yorker about a group of US army soldiers who went out of control amid a war in Iraq that, so they were told, was being waged against the terrorism that struck America on 9/11. What the GIs did then are what any army does in war when hating and fearing the enemy is encouraged and runs through the ranks, from the lowest level grunts to the senior generals. It takes a special leader, as you will read about below, who confounds his superiors by not covering up the crimes of his soldiers and their most senior officers, and does so knowing that his career is over. Would that there were such fearless leaders in the Middle East today.

In the era of Saddam Hussein, Abu Ghraib, twenty miles west of Baghdad, was one of the world’s most notorious prisons, with torture, weekly executions, and vile living conditions. As many as fifty thousand men and women—no accurate count is possible—were jammed into Abu Ghraib at one time, in twelve-by-twelve-foot cells that were little more than human holding pits.  . . . .



“Mass Protests. Washington Is “Coordinating” the Actions of Both the Serbian Government and the Serbian Opposition. Dragana Trifkovic


by Dragana Trifkovic

Mass protests have begun in Belgrade. Opposition members and their supporters, who disagree with the results of the recent parliamentary elections, have taken to the streets, blocking roads and attacking government buildings. Law enforcement agencies are responding by trying to contain the unrest. The situation is heating up.

According to experts, an attempt is being made to stage a coup in Serbia on the model of Ukraine’s Maidan in 2014. Most experts believe that the actions of the Serbian opposition are coordinated by Brussels and Washington.

Is a political revolution possible in Serbia?

The director of the Center for Geostrategic Research, Dragana Trifkovic, gave the Public News Service her own take on the issue.


On December 17 of this year, parliamentary and local elections were held in Serbia. In my opinion, the purpose of organizing early elections was to legitimize the policies of the ruling regime, especially in relation to Kosovo and Metohija.

Let me remind you that the ruling regime signed the Brussels Agreement in 2013 and the Washington Agreement in 2020, according to which Serbia practically renounces its sovereignty and agrees with the decisions of the Albanian separatists supported by Washington.

Read more: Don’t Expect Kosovo to “Compromise” on Its “Independence” Anytime Soon

Also, in February this year, the Franco-German plan to recognize the sovereignty, territorial integrity and national symbols of an independent Kosovo was verbally adopted in the city of Ohrid. The United States believes that the verbal agreement of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic is sufficient to legitimize an independent Kosovo. At the same time, the Serbian president repeats that he will never recognize Kosovo’s independence but does not cancel already signed agreements and verbal consent.

It is important for the United States to finalize the Kosovo independence project after the elections, and to that end it is coordinating the actions of both the government and the opposition. This should be kept in mind when assessing the current situation in Serbia, where the protests and political instability are only part of a larger plan.

There are signs that Vucic has agreed to U.S. Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill’s request to cede power in Belgrade to the pro-Western opposition, but it is clear that he wants to keep power in Belgrade. I in no way support the intervention of a foreign factor in Serbia or violent protests. But the fact is that both the government and the opposition have the same political program – Serbia’s uncontested integration into the EU. The EU recently included Serbia’s commitment to recognize Kosovo’s independence in the European integration process.

In conclusion, we can see that the protests in Serbia are organized by the opposition because of the electoral irregularities, but they do not pose a threat to the regime unless they receive full support from the West, which they do not have at the moment. Therefore, the pro-Western opposition is used by the USA as a factor of control over the government, blackmailing the government to fulfill all the contracts signed regarding Kosovo.



“The Year of the Mindfuck


by C J Hopkins

Well, that’s pretty much it for 2023 … which I’m officially dubbing The Year of The Mindfuck.

I am doing that against the advice of my attorney, who is (a) trying to keep me out of German prison for as long as possible, and (b) trying to stop me from gratuitously alienating whatever remains of my former readership and going totally broke.

I’m not making that particularly easy for him.

The thing is, no one wants to hear that they have been mindfucked. People want to hear that other people have been mindfucked. Which … they have. Other people have been thoroughly mindfucked. But that doesn’t mean that other people — i.e., the people who want to hear that other people have been mindfucked, but not that they, themselves, have been mindfucked — haven’t also been mindfucked, which is what I’ve been mostly writing about in 2023, which, as Matt Taibbi put it in a blurb for one of my books, “probably this is not a profitable life choice.”

So it goes in the political satire racket. Sometimes you are hailed as a “prophet,” other times you’re scorned as a “dissension-sowing asshole,” censored into Internet oblivion by beloved billionaire free-speech defenders, and prosecuted for trumped-up “hate crimes.” It depends which way the wind is blowing.

It hasn’t been blowing my way this year.

On top of which, I’ve been pissing into it, the wind, at more or less every opportunity. I know it’s dumb, but I can’t seem to stop. Something about watching people being mindfucked over and over again “triggers” me, or punches my buttons, or something.

But enough about me … let’s get to the mindfucking. Due to the voluminosity of it, I won’t be able to review it all in detail but I’ll try to cover most of the mindfucking highlights.

Ready? OK, here we go.

The mindfucking started in January with the birth of the Musk Cult and the whitewashing of Twitter, and the trickle of “revelations” about “mistakes that were made” during the “Covid pandemic.” The Powers That Be needed to memory-hole the story of what actually happened (and didn’t actually happen) in 2020-2022 and enshrine the official Covid narrative in history. To achieve this they needed to mindfuck some people, not the Covidian cultists who they had already mindfucked, the other people, who they hadn’t been able to mindfuck. It was obvious that we were about to be subjected to The Mother of All Limited Hangouts.

If your memory of what actually happened (and didn’t actually happen) in 2020 is little hazy, here’s an excerpt from that column, which I published in January.

“In March and April of 2020, in the course of roughly five to six weeks, the majority of societies throughout the world were transformed into pathologized-totalitarian police states. A global ‘shock-and-awe’ campaign was conducted. Constitutional rights were suspended. The masses were locked down inside their homes, where they were subjected to the most massive official propaganda blitzkrieg in human history. Goon squads roamed the streets of Europe, the USA, the UK, Canada, Australia, Asia, the Americas, and elsewhere, beating and arresting people for being outdoors without permission and not wearing medical-looking masks. Corporate media around the world informed us that life as we knew it was over … a ‘New Normal’ was coming, and we needed to get used to it. The entire official pandemic narrative was rolled out during those first few weeks. Everything. Masks. Mandatory ‘vaccines.’ ‘Vaccination passports.’ The segregation of ‘the Unvaccinated.’ The censorship and demonization of dissent. Everything. The whole ‘New Normal’ package. It was rolled out all at once, globally.”

Now, over three years later, the facts are indisputably clear to everyone but the hopelessly brainwashed. There was no global epidemiological emergency … no legitimate justification whatsoever for that initial “shock-and-awe” campaign, or the totalitarian “New Normal” it ushered into being.



“American Journalism Has Lost A Giant: Rest In Peace Kristina Borjesson, Who Broke The Truth About TWA 800, And Was Exiled From CBS And The Profession Because Of it”


by Celia Farber

“As a journalist you have to always remember that you are a public servant.

If you back down, if you don’t try to find the truth, then you aren’t doing

your job. It’s a huge responsibility.”

—Kristina Borjesson

“On the afternoon of July 17, 1996, broadcast journalist Kristina Borjesson left work early after wrapping up a documentary on Fidel Castro for CBS. Her husband was at JFK International Airport, putting their 11-year-old son on a plane to visit relatives in France, and an exhausted Borjesson climbed into bed for a nap.

“All of a sudden the phone rang,” she says, “and I heard my neighbor’s voice say, ‘Was that your son’s plane that just went down?’” A Paris-bound Boeing 747 had exploded off the coast of Long Island, N.Y., just after 8:30 p.m., killing all 230 on board. “I can’t even describe to you that feeling,” says Borjesson (COM’80). “It was like hot oil was poured on my brain. I started dry-heaving.”

But her son was safe; his Air France flight was five minutes behind the doomed aircraft, TWA Flight 800. “For that moment, I knew what the family members of those victims were going through,” she says. “I lived it.”

The tragedy would remain part of Borjesson’s life for the next 17 years, the subject of her own on-again, off-again investigation. Her documentary, TWA Flight 800, which she wrote, directed, and produced, premiered on the EPIX cable TV channel last July. It is the first film, she says, to focus entirely on the forensic evidence, and it disputes the conclusions of the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), which spent four years investigating the accident.”



“Nineteen Years Ago, Journalist Gary Webb Was Murdered After Exposing CIA Drug Trafficking”


by Jeremy Kuzmarov

On December 10, 2004, the body of journalist Gary Webb, 49, was discovered in his home near Sacramento after a moving company worker found a note posted to his front door that read: “Please do not enter. Call 911 and ask for an ambulance.”

Webb’s death was listed as a suicide, but Webb was found with two bullet holes in the head, indicating that he was executed.[1]

In the days leading up to his death, Webb had told friends that he was receiving death threats, being regularly followed by what he thought were government agents, and that he was concerned about strange individuals who were seen breaking into and leaving his house.

In the late 1990s, Webb had written a series of stories for the San José Mercury News, which provided the basis for his book, Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion

In it, Webb detailed how the explosion of crack cocaine in South Central Los Angeles during the 1980s was sparked by two Nicaraguan émigrés, Danilo Blandón and Norwin Meneses, who sold huge amounts of cocaine to raise funds for a CIA-backed rebel army—the Contras.

Webb was a Pulitzer Prize winner whose “Dark Alliance” series went viral in the early days of the internet. It caused a firestorm that led to the resignation of CIA Director John Deutch after he was grilled by angry Black activists at a meeting in L.A.[2]




“WATCH: 2023 Year in Review – #SolutionsWatch


with James Corbett


It’s the end of another year, so you know what that means: it’s time to go back through every single edition of #SolutionsWatch for the year 2023 and go through feedback, updates and commentary on these ideas. What worked? What didn’t? What changed? How have you applied these ideas in your life? Find out in this lengthy year-end edition of everyone’s favourite solutions podcast.

Sources, shownotes and links – as well as audio versions and download options – can be found here. Previous episodes of #SolutionsWatch can be found here and here.



“‘A GUID NEW YEAR’ - MOATS with George Galloway”


with George Galloway




 “‘We Only Carry Seeds.’ A Christmas Tale of Pure Consciousness”



by Sigrid Hauser

Once upon a time, a man entered a store.

Behind the counter stood an angel, whom he asked: “What do you have to offer me?”

Read more: Conspirators for the Constitution: When Anti-Government Speech Becomes Sedition



“What We’ve Learned in 2023”


by Craig Murray

The author has no doubt we are in for a period of more propaganda, fake terrorist plots, false flag actual terrorism and agent provocateur-led terrorism.

We have learnt this year that there is no crime so startling, so obvious and so visible to the whole world, that the United States and Israel are not willing to commit brazenly and openly.

The massacre of 20,000 people includes the killing of babies and infants, the deliberate shooting of pregnant women and toddlers, the murder of old ladies in church and the execution of prisoners stripped naked.

This is all justified as “Israel’s right of self-defence”.

We have also seen the increasing rise of fascism as western governments crack down on their publics in order to curtail political resistance to the genocide. Activists Tony Greenstein, Mick Napier and I have all been harassed under the Terrorism Act.

I have left the country because I fear I am officially “under investigation” under the Terrorism Act and I fear I shall be arrested and placed in jail for two years awaiting trial. Numerous people have been arrested for expressing their horror at the massacre through placards, words or even songs that the police judge “offensive”.

Police action is often prompted by instruction from self-appointed Zionist vigilante organisations.

We are also seeing, exactly as I predicted, a replay of the “War on Terror” state Islamophobic propaganda. Do you remember the famous “ricin plot” where the ricin found was the trace level to be found in every kitchen?

The British government kept it Top Secret for two years that there was in fact no ricin. Or the non-existent Easter Bomb Plot where the “ingredient of improvised explosives” found turned out to be a bag of sugar?

In Germany they have a great deal of work to do to justify the world’s most extreme anti-Palestinian governmental racism, so they have invented a “Hamas terror plot” and arrested four young Muslims. No evidence at all that been produced to justify this.

Hamas has never, ever conducted any violent attack outside of Palestine and it has always been their policy not to do so – and it still is. The notion is ludicrous that at this time Hamas have decided to suddenly lose the propaganda war which they are winning worldwide, by attacking Germany.



“The Mess They Made of 2023”


by Patrick Lawrence



“The Best of Moats 2023”


with George Galloway

(audio, 1:55:34)




Children’s Health Defense – The Most Read Articles this year

https://childrenshealthdefense.org/wp-content/uploads/weekly-science-digest-12.22.2023-feature-1024x534.jpg https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/?utm_source=luminate&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=defender-wk&utm_source=luminate&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=defender-wk



unvaxxed pfizer flawed study feature


by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D.



Last American Vagabond




Global Research - Selected Articles, December 29, 2023

“Canadian Government Admits 48,780 Excess Deaths in 2022 (17% Increase in Mortality). There Is No Evidence COVID-19 Vaccines Saved a Single Life in Canada During 2021-2022”


by Dr. William Makis



Global Research - This Year's (2023) Most Popular Articles

“Pfizer’s ‘Secret’ Report on the COVID Vaccine. Beyond Manslaughter. The Evidence Is Overwhelming. The Vaccine Should be Immediately Withdrawn Worldwide”


by Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 24 , 2023



The Defender - Children’s Health Defense – January 3, 2024

“Florida Surgeon General Calls for Halt on COVID Shots + Watch: Authors of 'Canary In a Covid World' Speak Out + More”
