Bulletin N°1138



“The Holy Mountain” – 1973


by Alejandro Jodorowsky


A heavily symbolic depiction of top-down cultural change leading nowhere.






(Les maîtres du temps)

 [English Version]

French animation by René Laloux


(1:18 :41)

This film an animated science fiction movie about a rescue mission of a young boy, lost on a hostile and strange planet. The movie features a wonderfully unique art direction that is used to create a strange but fascinatingly atmospheric universe – even if the animation quality for movements and characters' facial expressions are of a noticeably lower quality. The ominous 1980s synth score also efficiently brings the hostile locations to life. Plot-wise the movie lacks a thorough exposition and the ending may seem rushed to some viewers – but the central ideas are intriguing and the main plot twist is still believable and emotionally touching. Overall, Les Maîtres du temps is a wonderful example of how an imaginative art direction can create a thrilling science fiction epic.





Subject: Capitalism creates a society of schizophrenics: the theory and the evidence. (The dominant ideas of any moment in history are nothing more than the ideals held by the ruling class.)*

26,200+ Nose Drawing Stock Illustrations, Royalty-Free Vector Graphics &  Clip Art - iStock | Nose sketch, Nose outline, Ear


* "The ruling ideas are nothing more than the ideal expression of the dominant material relationships, the dominant material relationships grasped as ideas; hence of the relationships which make the one class the ruling one, therefore, the ideas of their dominance"

-- from The German Ideology, Marx and Engels offer up the possibility

that  one can address the real conditions of human existence,

outside of ideological mystification.






May 8, 2024



 Dear Colleagues and Friends of CEIMSA,

The magnum opus written by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari,   Capitalisme et schizophrénie 1 : L’Anti-Œdipe (1972) and  Capitalisme et schizophrénie 2 : Mille plateaux, (1980), has truly come of age in our era of surrealistic  indifference to genocides.

In this two-volume essay, the authors paint a picture of a complex capitalist machine producing desires that are desired by le corps plein sans organs.


According to Former Assistant Secretary of The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development Catherine Fitts, the received  ideas of desiring real estate capital for investment is part of the mechanism by which men lose their souls and adopt, as an “ethical code,” the principle that ends justify the means, and subsequently they act mechanically to fulfill the desire to accumulate capital at any cost.


Today’s spectacle of “genocide” in Gaza is no more than a public display by Western allies of the wider ruling-class policy of depopulation in the quest for private profits, while the others passively watch the images of violence (i.e. the applied technology fulfilling its intended design to serve the pathology of the corporate imperative: to create investment opportunities which yield maximum private profits, in this case the monetization of mass murder).


Yes, le désire desiré par le corps plein sans organs is coming to get you, also! It's the system we all live in, according to GD and FG --the civilized, the nomads, and the barbarians-- all of us are being played, and sooner or later we will be twisting in the wind - a perverse form of equality for all, indeed!



Is it any wonder that the oppressed, together with those who would be a voice for the oppressed, are despised by their elitist operators who wish them to be “pacified”?


These sentiments are expressed both verbally and non-verbally in everyday life.


“George Galloway MP  - Nearly 40 years a’ fighting for justice in Parliament”


with George Galloway



“Danny Kruger MP - Speech on Excess Deaths - 18 April 2024”


with Danny Kruger



“WEF Young Leaders Speech Is Pure Evil!”


with Jimmy Dore



“Michel Chossudovsky on the Hiroshima Nagasaki Dress Rehearsal”


with James Corbett


“Confronting the ‘Ugly Sounds’ of Corrupt Politicians. Beethoven's Ninth Symphony. First Performed in Vienna 200 Years Ago”
by Prof Michel Chossudovs
(with audio recording)




The 24+ items below offer critical views and analyses of current events which affect our lives. This controversial material, taken from the critical Anglophone social media, should inspire debates and stimulate the appetite to discover our own authentic desires in order to break loose, once and for all, from the reproduction mechanism of a “reality” contrived through class domination which serves the exclusive interests of a very small portion of the population to the detiment of all.





Francis McCollum Feeley


Professeur honoraire de l'Université Grenoble-Alpes
Ancien Directeur des Researches
Université de Paris-Nanterre
Director of The Center for the Advanced Study
of American Institutions and Social Movements
The University of California-San Diego





“Fighting Monsters”


by CJ Hopkins

So, I gave a little speech about art, and war. The Internationale Agentur für Freiheit, a Berlin art and cultural association, asked me to do that to open their exhibition, Make Art Not War. I couldn’t turn them down.

As my readers may have noticed, I haven’t had very much to say about “The War on Hamas,” or “The War on Gaza,” or “The Liquidation of Gaza,” or whatever you want to call it. (It doesn’t look like much of a “war” to me, but then, nothing really has for quite a while.)

I wrote about it in October and November of last year. And I said a few things about it in my speech. But, mostly, I’ve been trying to keep my mouth shut. I don’t have much to contribute to the … well, I can’t really call it a discussion, or debate, or an argument. It feels like people screaming slogans into each other’s faces, accusing each other of this and that, and calling each other names, and so on. Which … I get why people are inclined to do that. I’m not. But I get why other folks are. So, I think it’s best if I just shut my pie hole (as much as possible) and let folks do that.

It isn’t going to change what’s happening. GloboCap (or whatever you call the system we’re all living under) has been occupying, destabilizing, and restructuring the Middle East for decades. It’s not going to stop. It is going to continue. As the restructuring of the West is going to continue.

GloboCap doesn’t have anything else to do.

Anyway, before I ramble on any further, here’s the English version of the speech I gave at the exhibition. Many thanks to those of you who attended … and apologies again for my German. I’ll get the hang of it one of these days.

Fighting Monsters . . . .



“‘The West should be ashamed’: Ai Weiwei on art, politics and human rights”


by Middle East Eye

 (18:19) – with transcript and archives

“An artist that isn’t an activist is a dead artist.”

He’s viewed as one of today’s most influential contemporary artists. And in this interview, Ai Weiwei, the Chinese artist, activist and dissident, gets personal on Real Talk. Weiwei speaks on why he believes that art should be political, his childhood in China, and why the West ‘should be ashamed’ of the global refugee crisis.



“‘Hilarious’: Chinese Diplomat Lectures Dick Cheney on Politics”


by SyrianaAnalysis


This segment from the Arab Strategy Forum in 2019 discusses The Global Order 2030: The United States & China.



“Madkind vs. Mankind. A Race Against Time. Madkind’s Digitalization, A.I. Momentum, Economic Chaos and More…”



by Julian Rose

'The will for life’ and ‘the will for no life’. Both are wrestling their way towards becoming the dominant reality of this era.



“Secretary of State Blinken Barfs U.S. Hubris All Over Beijing Officials”


by Joachim Hagopian

Throughout the two-year-two-month long war in Ukraine, as a crucial Russian ally, China has supported Putin’s strategic military objective to de-Nazify and demilitarize the nation led by an unscrupulous, greedily corrupt US/NATO backed Kiev regime.

A few months back, China even offered to broker a potential negotiated peace settlement as a much needed off ramp exit for Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, but the US adamantly rejected it. So late last week, when US Secretary of State Antony Blinken traveled to Beijing to meet with counterpart Wang Yi and China’s leader Xi Jinping, topping Antony’s agenda was placing increased pressure on China to cut off existing trade agreement with Russia, to stop sending materials that could indirectly support Russia’s war-making capacity.

Unlike US/West, China has not sent any weapons per se to Russia used on the Ukraine battlefield, yet an April 26th Washington Post   accuses:

[China supplies] machine tools, drone parts, semiconductors and other items that are key to fueling the Kremlin’s war in Ukraine.

Within hours after the US fired yet another shot across the bow at China amidst its hybrid economic war against its chief archrival Beijing, Blinken was there to chide China for supporting Russia’s war.

Last Wednesday, the US signed into law an ultimatum that China must either sell its own social media giant TikTok to a non-Chinese company within nine months, or have it banned in the US.

Then literally a couple hours later after essentially banning a Chinese company from doing business in the US, Blinken was meeting face-to-face with the top Beijing leadership strongly urging the Chinese government to provide “a level playing field” for US firms in China.

His unipolar display of hypocrisy is recklessly, limitlessly, outrageously insane. But then that’s exactly how the unipolar United States is used to operating globally.

On Monday April 29th, China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian claimed that the latest US actions are infringing on China’s own national sovereignty, adding:

We urge the US to respect China’s core interests and major concerns, and not to implement these negative articles concerning China. Otherwise, China will take strong and resolute measures to safeguard our sovereignty, security and development interests.

Lin Jian confronted Blinken’s audacity to accuse China of exporting goods to Russia that allegedly helps Moscow produce weapons used in Ukraine, while for many months China has pushed for a negotiated peace settlement in Ukraine. In exact opposite, stark contrast throughout this protracted war, the US has alienated itself as the prime instigator, keeping the conflict going and growing, in effect, subjecting the world to risking a far wider regional war, potentially spreading throughout Europe as WWIII. Lin Jian confronted:

China’s right to normal trade and economic exchanges with countries in the world, including Russia, on the basis of equality and mutual benefit should not be interfered with or disrupted. The US keeps pouring munitions into Ukraine while blaming our normal trade with Russia. It is pretty clear who exactly is fueling the flame and aggravating the crisis.

Lin Jian called Washington out on its obvious double standard hypocrisy. After meeting with the Chinese Foreign Ministry officials, Blinken then self-righteously pleaded his feeble case to the world media:

Russia would struggle to sustain its war in Ukraine without China’s support… Fueling Russia’s industrial base not only threatens Ukrainian security, it threatens European security. Beijing cannot achieve better relations with Europe while supporting the greatest threat to European security since the end of the Cold War. As we told China for some time, ensuring transatlantic security is a core US interest. In our discussions today, I made clear that if China does not address this problem, we will.

Again, this frame of reference that Russia threatens the security of Europe is groundlessly false.

For many decades it has been the US/West/NATO that has always been the relentless aggressor, constantly and provocatively poking to bait Moscow into a wider conflict and war. All the while, Putin has demonstrated zero interest in a war against Europe, NATO or the US.

This is the West’s favorite propaganda lie to stoke fear and population control justifying the US war machine through more divide and rule deception, always to ensure a designated enemy is readily in place for waging nonstop Rothschild bankster wars. This over-the-top twisted US hubris and unilateral exceptionalism is used to still pretend the US is the world’s only superpower, in order to continue belligerently getting away with its globalist role as world policeman and bully. In reality, the US is now a far more weakened and diminished has-been of a power. In desperation of losing its hegemonic control, today the globalists have the US backed up into a corner with its back against the wall, financing and fighting wars on three separate warfronts, and on the verge of secretly committing US boots on the ground in each.

READ MORE: US Hegemony No Longer Threatens the World

Speaking of which, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin just admitted to Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz that by the US building a military beachhead pier in Gaza under the oft-used, flimsy humanitarian excuse, US soldiers are likely to draw enemy fire. Austin actually quibbled over boots being on the ground when US soldiers are on the offshore pier. But according to an April 26th Associated Press article, a gunfire exchange between US military boots on the ground and enemy combatants in Gaza has already occurred. With the Israeli Defense Force set to launch its Rafah ground invasion, for all intents and purposes, despite the Biden lie, the US already deploys boots on the ground in Gaza engaged in combat in a regional Middle East war. Following its elites’ marching orders, the US is stuck in another losing quagmire of lost war defeats in both Ukraine and Gaza. During an election year, the Biden regime is humiliated and by the week, growing more desperate as the grim reality sinks in.

US neocon interventionism has lost war after war after war – Vietnam, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, and now Ukraine and Gaza.

Bottom line, this aggressive US foreign policy demanded by the bloodline puppet masters unfolding, has failed in all regions of the globe by intended design.





“War and Peace ‘Made in America’: Adolph Hitler is "The Torchbearer of Democracy" in Ukraine”



by Prof Michel Chossudovsky

Author’s Introduction

The two Neo-Nazi parties of Ukraine’s so-called coalition government are actively supported by “the international community” namely our governments.

Amply documented, the 2014 EuroMaidan US Sponsored Coup d’Etat was carried out with the support of the two Nazi factions: Svoboda and Right Sektor.

The U.S. Congress has allocated more than 60 billion dollars in military aid, which will in large part be managed by Kiev regime’s Nazi faction which exerts its power in the realm of intelligence, internal affairs, national security and the military, in liaison with its U.S.-NATO sponsors. 



Dmytro Yarosh (Centre) EuroMaidan Coup d’Etat


Flash Back to  Nazi Germany’s Occupation of Ukraine (1941-1944)


The term “Neo-Nazi” is misleading. These two parties from an ideological standpoint are not “New”. The Neo suffix is misleading. 

These two “Neo-Nazi” entities Svoboda and Right Sektor which are are actively collaborating with Western governments  are full-fledged Nazi parties, historically aligned (going back to World War II) with the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) of Stepan Bandera (OUN-B)

At the outset of Operation Barbarossa, (June, 22 1941) in coordination with the death squads (Einsatzgruppen) of Nazi Germany, members of the OUN-B were instrumental in the killings in the City of Lviv, Western region of Galicia, resulting in the massacre and deportation of more than 100,000 Jews:  

The Lviv pogroms were the consecutive pogroms and massacres of Jews in June and July 1941 in the city of Lwów. (Lviv, Lvov) in German-occupied Eastern Poland/Western Ukraine (now Lviv, Ukraine). The massacres were perpetrated by Ukrainian nationalists (specifically, the OUN), German death squads (Einsatzgruppen), and urban population from 30 June to 2 July [1941].”

While Stepan Bandera had announced the creation of a Nazi Ukrainian State, which pledged “to work with Nazi Germany”, Adolph Hitler disapproved of the proclamation. Despite Bandera’s arrest, the members of OUN-B actively collaborated with the Wehrmacht’s occupation forces (1941-1944).

In Ukraine: “..up to a million Jews were murdered by Einsatzgruppen units, Police battalions, Wehrmacht troops and local Nazi collaborators” (emphasis added)

On September, 1 1941, the Nazi-sponsored Ukrainian newspaper Volhyn wrote, in an article titled Let’s Conquer the City, namely Lviv:

“All elements that reside in our land, whether they are Jews or Poles, must be eradicated.

We are at this very moment resolving the Jewish question, and this resolution is part of the plan for the Reich’s total reorganization of Europe.

The empty space that will be created, must immediately and irrevocably be filled by the real owners and masters of this land, the Ukrainian people”.

The map below is the territory under Nazi Germany occupation (1942) extending from Galicia to Kiev and Odessa.

It indicates cities with Jewish ghettoes, the locations of major massacres. In this regard, the Janowska concentration camp was established in the outskirts of Lviv in September 1941.

Lviv had a Jewish population of 160,000. The Janowska camp combined “elements of labor, transit, and extermination”.

“By the time Soviet forces reached Lviv on 21 July 1944, less than 1 per cent of Lviv’s Jews had survived the occupation


SEE VIDEO: War and Peace in America.(30:38)

By Michel Chossudovsky and Caroline Mailloux. Our Governments are aligned and supportive of Ukraine’s Nazis Movement which collaborated with Nazi Germany and was actively involved in crimes against humanity (1941-1944). What are the implications? 


Holocaust Denial? 

The OUN-B was complicit in the crimes of Nazi Germany. Our governments –which claim to be firmly committed to social democracy– are actively supporting a Ukrainian Nazi movement which collaborated with Nazi Germany’s occupation forces during World War II. 

That is  the unspoken truth which is embedded in our history, casually ignored by  both the media and Western Europe’s “Classe politique”.

By ignoring the World War II legacy of Stepan Bandera’s OUN-B and casually describing him as an anti-Soviet Nationalist, both the mainstream media as well as our governments, are complicit in what might be described as “holocaust denial”.

Flash Forward: Collaborating with Today’s Nazis  . . . .



“Conflict in Ukraine Perpetuated by Private and Corrupt Interests Linking Zelensky and the Bidens “


by Uriel Araujo

With regards to the ongoing Israeli military campaign in Gaza, the point of Benjamin Netanyahu’s supposed personal and political interests in the perpetuation of the military occupation has been raised by several analysts and journalists. Marc Champion, for example, writing for Bloomberg, highlighted the fact that the Israeli Prime Minister is currently “fighting corruption charges in court” (it being implicit that it is of course usually harder to investigate and to condemn incumbent national leaders). Netanyahu, in addition, will “face a political reckoning over Oct. 7’s security failures as soon as the war in Gaza ends.”

Thus, writes Champion, “under cover of the country’s blinding rage and deep yearning for long-term security, Netanyahu is fighting to secure his own political survival.” Champion and other analysts may or may not be spot on, with regards to Netanyahu’s motivations and calculations. The point is that personal, private and business interests (sometimes even involving shady deals) may indeed shape, to some degree, foreign policy decisions. And the issue is more outstanding in Ukraine than perhaps anywhere else.

By October 2023, the European Union (EU) and the United States had made over $160 billion (and counting) in commitments to Ukraine (including tens of billions in arms – many of which ended up in black markets, by the way).

One may recall that already in 2021 Amos Hochstein was especially appointed by US President Joe Biden as the US Senior Advisor for Energy Security, with a focus, back then, on reducing the “risks” Nord Stream 2 posed, from an American perspective. Today, the Russian-German Nord Stream 2 pipeline is gone (have been criminally exploded as it was), and Hochstein, when not busy threatening Lebanon with war, (“learn from Gaza”) is currently preoccupied with the seemingly lost cause of Saudi-Israel normalization. Volumes could be written on those issues, but let us focus here on Eastern Europe.

Can Washington Simultaneously Handle Two War Theaters? Zelensky’s Failed Bid to Meet Netanyahu Signals Ending of Western Interest?

Back in 2021, I commented on how American geopolitical and geoeconomic interests, pertaining to selling its own (more expensive) liquefied natural gas to Europe, were inextricably linked with private interests, which included corruption scandals involving Biden’s own family and his aforementioned protégé Hochstein – who is a former member of Naftogaz’ supervisory board, this being the largest national oil and gas company in Ukraine, also involved in a number of scandals.

I’ve also written on the  deals involving Ukrainian investment company Dragon Capital and the American multinational investment company BlackRock, as well as the evidence implicating the Democrat Party and the Bidens.

In many of these episodes, Hunter Biden, the incumbent president’s son plays a role:  the once ridiculed biolabs allegations, and many other accusations once deemed as mere “conspiracy theories” gained traction within the US media, were weaponized by the Republicans, and keep haunting the current American presidency to this day.

As I wrote before, in August 2021, a Ukrainian Parliament’ member denounced a corruption ring within the aforementioned Naftogaz: interestingly, his testimony included alleged leaked audio records of then US Vice President Biden offering the then Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko a billion dollars as part of a secret deal to dismiss the former Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, who was investigating the business activities of Biden’s son in the country.

Considering all that, it would not be too far-fetched at all to apply to the Biden’s administration, the same reasoning Marc Champion applied (with or without merit in this case) to Netanyahu’s one: the Bidens certainly seem to have lots of business and personal reasons to desire the perpetuation of a conflict in Ukraine, from which American arms’s manufacturers also profit.

Taking this reasoning further, this “personal” angle becomes even more evident when it comes to Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky. We know that already in June 2022, Ukrainian Army Brigadier General Volodymyr Karpenko admitted his nation had lost almost 50% of all weapons and equipment it received, and we know much of it has been smuggled to criminal and terrorist groups, Ukraine being “a longtime hub of arms trafficking”, as  John Hudson, writing for the Washington Post, once described it.

Ukraine is also an import transit destination for drugs such as heroin. It has the third highest criminality score of 33 countries in Europe.





 “This Is Your Problem Now”: US Leaving Ukraine to Its European Allies “to Do the Dirty Work”


Éric Denécé, director of the French Centre for Intelligence Studies


by Ahmed Adel

GR Introductory Note

The dirty work concept is embedded in U.S foreign policy.

Let your allies do the Dirty Work for You.  

It is worth noting that at the outset of Bush’s Second Term, Vice President Dick Cheney dropped a bombshell, hinting, that Israel would, so to speak: be doing the dirty work for us  without US military involvement and without us putting pressure on them “to do it”.  

In relation to Ukraine, Washington is inciting its EU-NATO allies to act so to speak on their behalf. 

M. C. GR. April 25, 2024

Washington is Pragmatic 

Washington is pragmatic and will abandon Europe with the Ukrainian conflict they caused, said Éric Denécé, director of the French Centre for Intelligence Studies. Likewise, he stressed that Russia had no choice but to launch its special military operation against Ukraine.

The expert noted that it is impossible not to notice the US’ role in unleashing the conflict in Eastern Europe but stressed that policymakers in Washington are very pragmatic and will not get directly involved in a battlefield that is not favourable to them.

READ MORE: More Than Half of Americans Criticise Financing $61 Billion to Ukraine

“When they notice things are not going well, they do not hesitate to turn back and do a 180-degree turn. They are preparing for this – it is not yet seen, but I think it will soon become clear – they were preparing to give him a damn warm-up to Europe and say: this is your conflict now,” Denécé told the French network TVL on April 20.

Furthermore, the analyst emphasised that the US greatly contributed to the Russia-Ukraine war, among other things, with its NATO enlargement policy and the start of fighting in Donbass in 2014. He stressed that Russia’s intervention “did not come out of nowhere.”

Regarding the current phase of the conflict, the director lamented that the Europeans are facing a problem they do not want.

“And from now on, we Europeans will find that we have to deal with a situation that we did not cause and that we did not want,” he stressed.

After months of discussion, the US House of Representatives approved a bill on April 20 to provide almost $61 billion to Ukraine—$23.3 billion to replace defence articles and services, $13.8 billion to purchase advanced weapons systems, and $11.3 billion to US military operations in the region.

For his part, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov declared that the new US aid package to Ukraine will not change the situation on the battlefield but will instead increase the number of Ukrainian deaths.

This aid package was approved amid statements by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that Ukraine would lose without Western help. Also, in mid-April, European allies could not agree on supplying Kiev with air defence systems.

According to the president of the State Duma (Lower House of the Russian Parliament), Viacheslav Volodin,

“The US no longer believes in the victory of the Kiev regime. Therefore, they are ready to give only money on credit, which Ukraine will have to return, or not even their own money when it comes to the transfer of Russian assets to Kiev.”

Washington is desperately attempting to freeze the conflict to fix the current situation. Western media has been pushing the false narrative of a stalemate since Ukraine’s failed counteroffensive in the summer of 2023. In fact, Ukraine’s situation is so precarious that the US does not necessarily want its victory but instead for the country to serve as a constant source of problems for Russia and even the EU.

The US aid package was paralysed for months due to conflicts between Democrats and Republicans, and after receiving approval from the House of Representatives, the bill has now been moved to the Senate for a vote. Subsequently, it will be presented to US President Joe Biden for his signature. Once the bill is signed, the law will come into force.

It is recalled that in the first weeks after the start of the special military operation, Zelensky seemingly appeared more willing to negotiate, but under pressure from Western allies, including the US, he decided to give up on a peace agreement. Now, these very same allies that encouraged the Kiev regime to continue fighting a futile war are not providing, or are incapable of providing, the means for Ukraine to fight Russia.

As Denécé highlighted, the US is slowly abandoning Ukraine so that it will become exclusively a European problem. With Donald Trump leading the polls ahead of the US Presidential elections in November, Washington’s abandonment of Kiev will only be sped up if the former president is to return to the White House.

This would be especially disastrous for the European Union, which has destroyed its economy due to the boomerang effect of the US-led sanctions on Russia, has exhausted its weapon stocks for no advantage to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and is dealing with millions of Ukrainian refugees. Yet, Europe will only have itself to blame for blindly following Washington’s reckless Russophobic policies, which were obviously only going to hurt the bloc and not Russia or the US, who, as Denécé highlighted, “do not hesitate to turn back and do a 180-degree turn” when things are not going well.



“Canadian state apparatus and Zionist vigilantes team up”


by The Canada Files' Newsletter

May 01, 2024

In committee, Canadian parliamentarians and bureaucrats expose colonial attitude towards Africa

May 1, 2024: Canadian parliament's colonial attitude towards Africa has spilled out to the public. Parliament committee hearings in April showcased rampant colonial attitudes from parliamentarians, bureaucrats, business elites and professors towards Africa.

Desires expressed included:

·         An MP calling for Canada to 'help bring democracy' to an African country;

·         A military college professor calling for Canada to help force the Wagner Group out of Africa;

·         And more

Aidan Jonah's article is an eight-minute read. Full story:


The War Measures Act and pro-Palestine protesters are about to get an unwelcome introduction

April 28, 2024: A faction of Canada's ruling class is setting the stage for an invocation of the War Measures Act on pro-Palestine protests, reflected by calls from prominent Canadian Zionists in parliament, media & Israel activism.

Marthad Umucyaba explains 👇


Support The Canada Files!

The Canada Files has achieved much in its four years of existence. Yet to grow into a sustainable journalism institution and continue doing critical anti-imperialist journalism, we need more consistent financial supporters.

Help us do this journalism, by joining 85 other people in becoming a consistent financial supporter (monthly or annual donations are considered for this number). One-time donations are valued as well: https://donorbox.org/the-canada-files

Canadian state apparatus conspires with Zionist vigilantes to dox and spy on pro-Palestine community

April 25, 2024: Pro-Palestine Canadians face doxing and spying, as a Zionist vigilante organization's Toronto branch - endorsed by a Conservative MP - and the Kahanist, Meir Weinstein, step up their harassment of pro-Palestine Canadians.

Marthad Umucyaba for The Canada Files: https://www.thecanadafiles.com/articles/canadian-state-apparatus-conspires-with-zionist-vigilantes-to-dox-and-spy-on-pro-palestine-community

“Canada and Palestine: The War on Zionism,”

Video Episode 3 - April 26, 2024

The show is co-hosted by Aidan Jonah and Laith Marouf.


Show topics:

·         The evolving situation in Palestine,

·         Canadian elites' support to Israel,

·         Canadian resistance to this support.

Also, a Canadian MP is calling for Canada to 'help bring democracy' to an African country.



“Clare Daly EXPOSES The EU's Selective Sanctions Regime”


by Neutrality Studies




“Ukraine Broken! NATO Crumbles!”


with Scott Ritter




“As NATO Gathers Troops Near Russia Border, Putin Issues New Warning Over”


by Hindustan Times








with Ryan Cristián from TLAV (the last american vagabond)

(16 :18)



“Dr. Pierre Kory on Tucker Carlson: ‘The Data is Screaming’”


by FLCCC Alliance, March 14, 2024

(video, 49:36)

Why are young and healthy people dying at an alarming rate? That was just one of many questions FLCCC Alliance Co-Founder Dr. Pierre Kory explored with Tucker Carlson this week.

For those already following The FLCCC Alliance, you’ll know that the topic of plummeting life expectancy has been hot on our lips for some time. It took a while, but mainstream media outlets are finally warming up to the fact that our medical system is severely flawed.

Dr. Kory and Tucker covered a lot of ground, shining a bright light on topics many would have dismissed as conspiracy not long ago. Spreading awareness on vital health-related issues is the mandate of FLCCC, one that Dr. Kory takes very seriously judging by his recent appearances and published articles.

In addition to interviews like this on Tucker and his recent talk with Russell Brand, Dr. Kory has been published in The Hill (twice in the last few months, but who’s counting?) and, along with FLCCC co-founder Dr. Paul Marik, is a monthly contributor to The National Desk with Jan Jeffcoat.

In all of those appearances, Dr. Kory tells the story of his clinical experience treating “long vax” patients. If the vaccines are truly safe and effective, why is our collective health at an all-time low? It’s a question that FLCCC is dedicated to answering.


“Medical Expert: COVID Vax Killed More Americans Than Vietnam”
with Tucker Carlson and Dr. Pierre Ko





“One Video Lists Many Fertility Damaging Properties Of Ivermectin: What Can We Conclude?”


by Celia Farber

(video, 58:39)

I Believe It Is Curative, (Antiparasitic,) AND Destructive To Fertility.

We don’t know his name, and he takes a contemptuous tone, (about “truthers,” and “Conservatives,” who “fell for” Ivermectin,) but the matter is on the table.

Is Ivermectin, as some voices have been saying, for some times, a dangerous insecticide and “poison?”


I believe both are true: Ivermectin stopped death (“saved lives”) and Ivermectin had severe adverse effects on fertility. That is what all the available evidence says to me.

“Tim Truth” compares Ivermectin enthusiasts to Jim Jones devotees. (!)

Think about spirit and frequency, always.

Remember what I always ask: What is the spirit behind? You just listen to the voice, and feel it.

The spirit behind revealing that certain rock star anti-parastics in the post Covid era are “poisons” and “insecticides” is generally intellectually contemptuous and superior. I know it well.

It can also be “correct.”

What I think is: We’re human beings, and we sought many ways to stay alive, keep our loved ones alive, in a time of great terror and stress, and Ivermectin came up as one of the tools, and by way of this, we also got serious about de-worming.

We’re not “idiots,” or cult followers. But it may be better to return to the tries and true—the pine tree  . . . .



“Don't Be Angry | NY Times and Vaccine Harm”


with DR. Mobeen Seyed


Today I will like to share these two important articles. A study demonstrating that anger for 8 minutes can cause vascular health issues that may lead to cardiovascular disease events in the long run. And, the second is an article in NY Times about the vaccine harm.



“Time to End the Proposed WHO Treaty Now”


by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A letter signed by every single Republican Senator demands that President Biden withdraw US support from the proposed Pandemic Treaty and IHR Amendments. The Senators call upon Biden to:

  1. Withdraw support for the current IHR amendments and pandemic treaty negotiations.
  2. Shift focus to comprehensive WHO reforms that address its persistent failures without expanding its authority.
  3. Should Biden ignore this advice, the Senators demand that President Biden submit any pandemic-related agreement to the Senate for its advice and consent.


The full letter with all of the signatures can be found here.

There was a House bill introduced (HR1425) titled: “No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act. This bill would have established that any convention or agreement on pandemic-related issues reached by the World Health Assembly (WHA) shall be deemed to be a treaty requiring the advice and consent of the Senate.

Unfortunately, the bill was sent to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, which never voted on it. Near as I can tell, this has essentially killed that pending legislation. This is called a pocket-veto.





“Outrageous excess deaths”


with Dr. John Campbell

Direct link to TV Parliament site, https://parliamentlive.tv/Event/Index...

That this House has considered the covid-19 pandemic response and trends in excess deaths; and calls on the covid-19 inquiry to move onto its module 4 investigation into vaccines and therapeutics as soon as possible. We are witnesses to the greatest medical scandal in this country in living memory, and possibly ever: the excess deaths in 2022 and 2023. Its causes are complex, but the novel and untested medical treatment described as a covid vaccine is a large part of the problem. I have been called an anti-vaxxer, as if I have rejected those vaccines based on some ideology. I want to state clearly and unequivocally that I have not: in fact, I am double vaccinated and vaccine-harmed. Intelligent people must be able to tell when people are neither pro-vax nor anti-vax, but are against a product that does not work and causes enormous harm to a percentage of the people who take it. I am proud to be one of the few Members of Parliament with a science degree. It is a great shame that there are not more Members with a science background in this place; maybe if there were, there would be less reliance on Whips Office briefings and more independent research, and perhaps less group-think. I say to the House in all seriousness that this debate and others like it are going to be pored over by future generations, who will be genuinely agog that the evidence has been ignored for so long, that genuine concerns were disregarded, and that those raising them were gaslit, smeared and vilified. One does not need any science training at all to be horrified by officials deliberately hiding key data in this scandal, which is exactly what is going on. The Office for National Statistics used to release weekly data on deaths per 100,000 in vaccinated and unvaccinated populations—it no longer does so, and no one will explain why. The public have a right to that data. There have been calls from serious experts, whose requests I have amplified repeatedly in this House, for what is called record-level data to be anonymised and disclosed for analysis. That would allow meaningful analysis of deaths after vaccination, and settle once and for all the issue of whether those experimental treatments are responsible for the increase in excess deaths. Far more extensive and detailed data has already been released to the pharma companies from publicly funded bodies. Jenny Harries, head of the UK Health Security Agency, said that this anonymised, aggregate death by vaccination status data is “commercially sensitive” and should not be published. The public are being denied that data, which is unacceptable; yet again, data is hidden with impunity, just like in the Post Office scandal. Professor Harries has also endorsed a recent massive change to the calculation of the baseline population level used by the ONS to calculate excess deaths. It is now incredibly complex and opaque, and by sheer coincidence, it appears to show a massive excess of deaths in 2020 and 2021 and minimal excess deaths in 2023. Under the old calculation method, tried and tested for decades, the excess death rate in 2023 was an astonishing 5%—long after the pandemic was over, at a time when we would expect a deficit in deaths because so many people had sadly died in previous years. Some 20,000 premature deaths in 2023 alone are now being airbrushed away through the new normal baseline. Shocking things happened during the pandemic response. In March 2020, the Government conducted a consultation exercise on whether people over a certain age or with certain disabilities should have “do not resuscitate” orders, known as DNRs, imposed upon them. A document summarising the proposals was circulated to doctors and hospitals; it was mistakenly treated as formal policy by a number of care homes and GPs up and down the country, who enacted it. At the same time, multiple hospitals introduced a policy that they would not admit patients with DNRs, because they thought that they would be overwhelmed. The result was that people died who did not need to die while nurses performed TikTok dances.

Transcript  . . . .



“The mRNA Vaccine Jab: Genocidal Projects and Degrees of Complicity. "Disease X" is Looming”




by Mark Taliano

As mRNA jabs kill and maim(1) more and more people, the next (already announced)  plandemic,  “Disease X”, is looming around the corner. And yet, as explained by Prof Michel Chossudovsky,

“There is no such thing as  “Disease X”. It’s a hypothetical construct by a WHO expert committee (2017-2018) of virologists and disease analysts. It was then envisaged in the Clade X Simulation (May 2018) and Event 201 Simulation of a Pandemic (October 2019). Both events were held under the auspices of the John Hopkins Center for Heath Security with the support of the Gates Foundation.”(2)

The complicit mainstream Establishment continues to deny and negate the unfolding and catastrophic COVID injection mortalties and morbidities, even as Dr. McCullough has publicly characterized the COVID jab roll-out as “mass negligent homicide” and Prof. Rancourt and colleagues have assessed the global death-toll from COVID injections to be about 17 million deaths. Hence, comparisons to nazism are legitimate.


Nazi SS doctors occupied a central role in the death camps. They were the first to decide who would live and who would be granted a temporary reprieve. They killed in the name of “racial hygiene”, they thought it was for the good of the people and the country. They added an illusory “legitimacy” to a mass-murdering project.

Do Western doctors consciously or unconsciously believe that depopulation is necessary and that they are providing a service to humanity, by “killing in the name of healing”?

Do they tacitly accept the notion that “bad batches”(3) are necessary to thin targeted populations? Catherine Austin Fitts, former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Develpoment for Housing, has suggested as much.

In an interview with Greg Hunter on USA watchdog.com, Fitts remarks that,

“we were seeing far fewer adverse events in wealthy neighbourhoods as opposed to poor neighbourhoods. There were clearly marked differences in different places.”

What if they (doctors) rationalize that their government and the College of Physicians would not lie to them and that therefore questioning the dogma is dangerous or worse?

Questioning the dogma certainly is dangerous since doctors who do speak out ARE persecuted and DO risk losing their licences. Doctors Trozzi, McCullough, and Jensen are examples of outspoken physicians who have endured seemingly unreasonable persecution from their Medical Associations.

Are doctors falsely conflating  jab injuries with ‘long COVID”? The error in this logic is exposed by Prof. DOLORES CAHILL here(4). Cahill argues that the messenger RNA treatment could induce a “cytokine storm” (antibody dependent reaction/ immuno-priming) once the patient has been exposed to the wild virus, or even a common cold. Such reactions could occur months after the injection, she explains.

Similarly, jab-induced impaired immunity could lead to turbo-cancers, as explained by Dr. Makis.

The late Dr. Arne Burkhardt and others have, through autopsies done correctly, proven causality between COVID injections and morbidities and mortalities. See this(5) and this.(6) But again, these findings are being censored and apparently ignored.

Are medical professionals aware of the COVID injection dangers but choosing to psychologically adapt to their situation as opposed to confronting it?  Are they engaging in a Faustian Bargain?

Robert Jay Lifton in The Nazi Doctors(7) describes psychological doubling as the means by which Nazi doctors at Auschwitz chose evil:

“Doubling”, argues Lifton, “was the psychological vehicle for the Nazi doctor’s Faustian bargain with the diabolical environment in exchange for his contribution to the killing; he was offered various psychological and material benefits on behalf of privileged adaptation.”

Certainly, doctors and medical professionals are on the front lines of the current global jab genocide, but, as Lifton argues, “Genocidal projects require the active participation of educated professionals – physicians, scientists, engineers, military leaders, lawyers, clergy, university professors and other teachers – who combine to create not only the technology of genocide but much of its ideological rationale , moral climate, and organizational climate.”(8)

So we are all complicit, in varying degrees, when we comply with toxic/genocidal government diktats and mandates.

Totalitarianism and genocide end when we all “step into our sovereignty”, when we all refuse to comply with proven anti-health measures that include the administration of ineffective, proven dangerous mRNA injections.


Young Women with Stage 4 Cancers After COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination. Solution? Screening Age For Great Cancer Now Dropped From 50 to 40
by Dr. William Makis
Apr. 30, 2024 – Breast cancer screening age officially lowered from 50 to 40, amid worrying rise of disease in young women
The age that women should begin regular breast cancer screening has dropped from 50 to 40, according to new official guidance from the US’ chief disease prevention body.
The US Preventive Services Task force (USPSTF) finalized Tuesday the draft recommendation from last year, amid rising cases of the disease in women under 50.
Recommendations from the group are almost always adopted as best practice by physicians across the US.
For instance, the same agency lowered the minimum colonoscopy screening age from 50 to 45 last year.
The ruling reverses longstanding guidance recommending women start regular screening, done through a specialist x-ray called a mammogram, at age 50. 
Dr John Wong, USPSTF vice president, cited a rise in breast cancer cases in women under 50, which recent research shows has increased by three percent per year.
This includes actress Olivia Munn, who was diagnosed with the disease at age 43 after an initial test missed her tumor.
‘There is clear evidence that starting screening every other year at age 40 provides sufficient benefit that we should recommend it for all women in this country to help them live longer and have a better quality of life,’ Dr Wong, a primary care physician at Tufts Medical Center in Massachusetts, said.
USPSTF has previously said an extra 20 million women in their 40s would benefit from a mammogram every two years.


‘The True 'Efficacy' of COVID-19 'Vaccines'”
by Dr. Mark Trozzi
International Covid Summit - Presentation to the Parliament of Romania - Recorded November 18, 2023.
In this November 2023 presentation given in the Romanian Parliament, I provided evidence regarding the true efficacy of Covid-19 “vaccines”.
Other International Crisis Summit experts there revealed many details regarding the unprecedented deaths and injuries that follow these injections.
For my presentation, I set aside the monumental side effects, to evaluate the supposed purpose of the injections: to stop or reduce covid-19 infections. Here is the video of that presentation, as well as the same material in written format.


The True “Efficacy” of COVID-19 “Vaccines”
Covid-19 experimental genetic injections have been referred to as “safe and effective vaccines” though they do not satisfy that definition or those claims. They are physically not like any vaccine ever administered before.  . . . .


Not Safe, Not Effective
They do not block infection. They do not block transmission. They were predictably a failure and should not have been administered at all. The manufacturers’ clinical trials were inadequate, flawed, and in my opinion fraudulent. Efficacy claims to the public were deceptive.  . . . .


Predictable Failure and Persecution of Whistleblowers 
Why, as early as 2020, before the covid injection campaigns started, did many doctors and scientists around the world, including myself, endure great professional and financial persecution, in the process of warning you against these injections? It’s because they were predictably harmful! Prior to the global experiment, the predicted efficacy of these injections was very poor.  
There are many mechanisms of injury and death from the injections which my colleagues will describe to you, and I will gladly discuss during our interactions. These include general immune system dysfunctions that worsen all infectious diseases and cancers. 
However, the subject of this article is specifically these injections’ impact on frequency or severity of covid-19 infections. Though as we note they fail to meet the definition of vaccines, we will describe their efficacy in terms of how effective are they at reducing coronavirus infections. 
There efficacy was predictably bad. Here are a few of the reasons:  .  .  .  .



“Official Denial”


with Dr. John Campbell


Direct link to Hansard https://hansard.parliament.uk/Commons...

Let me move to some of the questions that we must raise and answer today, openly and transparently, and with full access to ONS record-level data. I am not saying that that should be disclosed to all and sundry, but surely the Government cannot defend the position that they are not willing to release that information to interested clinicians and clinical academics as a minimum. Those are the people who need to interrogate the data. It is of little relevance to me—I do not have the means or academic ability to interpret it—but it is something that interested clinical academics should have access to. Let me move on to what we know about some of the issues surrounding mRNA technology. We know that it does not replicate locally, as we were assured it would do on launch. It metastasises to distant tissue, and replicates spike protein systemically distant from the site of administration. That is problematic for a number of reasons. According to the University of London Professor of Oncology, and principal of the Institute for Cancer Vaccines and Immunotherapy, Professor Angus Dalgleish, this has precipitated various serious and sometimes fatal consequences due to antibody development mediated by the spike protein. I will not go into the detail of that, but at a meeting convened by the hon. Member for North West Leicestershire, Professor Dalgleish told us that the UK Government and their agencies are in serious denial about this issue, resulting in many deaths being poorly understood. Let me give a couple of examples. Vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia is one of the principal causes of blood clot formation, which can cause stroke, pulmonary emboli, and other cardiac-related events including heart attacks, all of which can be life-limiting or fatal. Another antibody linked to the Toggle showing location of Column 528 spike protein exerts an effect on myelin, and is associated with Guillain-Barré syndrome and transverse myelitis, which is a swelling around the spinal cord. Professor Dalgleish believes that that constitutes medical negligence, because the facts are there for all to see. He contends that many deaths are as a direct result of unnecessary vaccination. Furthermore, he advises that there are a greater number of yellow cards in MHRA for covid vaccines than for all other vaccines recorded, and nothing has really been done. In a recent written answer to me, it was confirmed that the MHRA has received 489,004 spontaneous suspected adverse drug reaction reports relating to the covid-19 vaccine, up to and including 28 February this year. Across the United Kingdom, 2,734 of those reports were associated with a fatal outcome. Of course the true number is unknown—that is the nature of yellow card reporting, as only a fraction of adverse events are reported—and that is probably because of limited public awareness about some of the potential consequences and complications of vaccines, and the well-understood under-reporting of those adverse events. That is important, because the yellow card system is a key element of safe and effective clinical care. If things are not being evaluated properly, I can think of no greater betrayal of the MHRA’s clinical governance responsibility. I suggest that accountability for that must be swift and decisive. The rigorous assessment of these data is essential and must be actioned urgently. Will the Minister now engage with the MHRA and invite it to come to the House to explain the facts on these reports? Another issue, which arises from a further written question that I tabled, relates to the role of the MHRA. It has a crucial role—in fact, it is a statutory function—to provide post-marketing surveillance and to operate the yellow card system, but the Minister responded to my question about the assessment of the potential implications of the BMJ article “Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is ‘likely’ responsible for deaths of some elderly patients, Norwegian review finds” by stating: “The MHRA communicates safety advice based upon consideration of the totality of evidence from all relevant information sources, rather than the strengths and limitations of individual data sources.” Surely, a fundamental step in any meta-analysis of published data is to interrogate the robustness of those data and for the public to have confidence that that is happening.



“Biggest Crime in the History of Medicine”


with Dr. Boz [Annette Bosworth, MD]

615K subscribers




“Do Vaccines Make Us Healthier?”


by Dr. Peter McCullough

We can all accept that a better diet, fitness, body weight, and good sleep all would contribute to improvements in human health. But what about medical interventions that are applied to us as children and some continuing into adulthood. Products injected into us with no way of getting them out of the body?

The COVID-19 crisis and the mass vaccination debacle has caused all of us to re-evaluate the ever-expanding childhood and adult CDC ACIP vaccine schedule and similar programs outside of the United States.

Here is some key input from film-maker Greg Glaser of Do Vaccines Make Us Healthier?

“Americans remember churches locked down during Covid-19 but liquor stores kept open. They remember strangers with nose swabs pointing at their children. And they remember vaccine mandates for work and school. Americans do not want to repeat those Covid-19 experiences in the future. The people want recognition of their right to decline vaccination and testing. Americans are also interested to learn how the health of the vaccinated compares to the unvaccinated.

This new video “Do Vaccines Make Us Healthier?”, updated for 2024, catalogues important control group science to answer the question, and discusses a legal solution being introduced in the 2024 Congress: [insert your links to Rumble and X]

One of the most important lessons of Covid-19 is that America is a better place when people are nice to one another. Indeed, the clear majority of Americans (2/3) oppose all vaccine mandates for school entry, even for vaccines other than Covid-19. See e.g., Des Moines Register Poll (2022) (“Just 34% of Iowa adults now say all children should be required to receive standard shots unless they have a doctor-signed statement showing they have a medical reason not to be vaccinated, the poll shows. That’s down from 59% who supported such a requirement in 2015, when the Iowa Poll asked a similar question about childhood vaccinations.”) 

READ MORE: Protecting Individual Rights in the Era of COVID-19

SEE Video:

“Do Vaccines Make Us Healthier?”


by Greg Glaser




“Key Ingredient in Pfizer and Moderna COVID Shots Aids Cancer Development, New Study Shows”


by Dr. Joe Wang

The role that a key ingredient in the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine plays in cancer development has been analyzed in a comprehensive review newly published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal. The conclusion: The specific form of this ingredient, pseudouridine, that Pfizer and Moderna use to make their vaccines aids cancer development.

N1-methyl-pseudouridine (I will call it pseudoU in this article) is a critical component of the mRNA vaccine. Pfizer and Moderna chemically introduce pseudoU into their vaccines to make the mRNA molecules last longer in the human body (escaping degradation by enzymes), and to avoid suppression by the innate immune system, the body’s first line of defense against foreign invaders.

The study, titled “Review: N1-methyl-pseudouridine: Friend or foe of cancer?” is authored by five scientists from Mexico, UK, Canada, United States, and Saudi Arabia and was published in the May 2024 issue of International Journal of Biological Macromolecules.

PseudoU Aids Cancer Development

Messenger RNA is a single-stranded molecule made up of four types of nucleotides: A, C, G, and U. In their vaccines, Pfizer and Moderna replace all the “U” nucleotides with pseudoU, a chemically modified version. The invention was praised by many in the field.

However, since pseudoU is not native to the human body, is it safe?

For their study, the five scientists analyzed data in an article published in the peer-reviewed journal Frontiers in Immunology in October 2022, where a group of researchers in Thailand, using a melanoma mouse model, tested cancer development with mRNA vaccines. They found that all mRNA vaccines in which pseudoU replaced “U” stimulated cancer growth and metastasis (spread of cancer cells). The higher the percentage of pseudoU, the more severe the cancer growth.

Both the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines replace “U” with pseudoU 100 percent. This greatly contributed to the effectiveness of the COVID vaccines compared to unmodified mRNA vaccines, according to a 2021 study titled “The Critical Contribution of Pseudouridine to mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines.”

The body’s immune system can recognize the “U” component of foreign mRNA and trigger a cascade of immune responses. But substituting “U” with pseudoU removes that recognition and decreases innate immunogenicity, allowing cancer cells to grow uncontrollably.

Claims by Pfizer and Moderna

The review article concluded that Pfizer and Moderna emphasized only the positive aspects related to replacing “U” with pseudoU when launching their vaccines. The new design makes the mRNA more stable, leading to more S (spike) protein produced and a more desirable immune response against SARS-CoV-2. The vaccine makers did not, however, provide information on the potential harms of the S protein, which is a known toxin, or on the potential side effects of avoiding an innate immune response.

I, for one, felt misled.

When I first learned that Pfizer was developing an mRNA-based vaccine, my reaction was “Oh, at least it’s not going to do much harm, as mRNA normally lasts only a few minutes in the body.” As a messenger, mRNA’s job is to deliver the message (of making a protein) and then quickly disappear.

My assumption was reinforced when the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention claimed: “After the body produces an immune response, it discards all of the vaccine ingredients, just as it would discard any substance that cells no longer need.”

Excess Deaths in Japan Hit 115,000 Following Third COVID Shot; New Study Explains Why

Well, it turns out the mRNA is not what I thought.

By replacing every “U” with pseudoU, Pfizer and Moderna designed their vaccines to stay in the body longer to produce the S protein to trigger immune responses. The problem is that the modification made the molecules too stable, and thus they stay in the body for far too long.

Some of the consequences of this are now beginning to emerge.

S Protein Causes Cancer  . . . .



“How Pfizer and Moderna Control Vaccine Discourse”


by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Pfizer financed consumer, medical and civil rights organizations that lobbied for COVID jab mandates, thereby creating the false appearance of broad support

Moderna controls the vaccine debate and influences vaccine policy by working with a third party nongovernmental organization (NGO) called Public Good Projects (PGP), which monitors and censors online discussions about the COVID shots on Moderna’s behalf.

Moderna has also retained an online monitoring company called Talkwalker that uses artificial intelligence to monitor and flag vaccine-related conversations across 150 million websites across the globe.

Oftentimes the information flagged and/or censored as “misinformation” is factually accurate. It’s flagged/censored simply because it has the potential to create “vaccine hesitancy” or contradicts the “safe and effective” narrative

As vaccine resistance grows, Moderna is ratcheting up its surveillance operation, with a focus on coercive or forced vaccination policies. Documents show Moderna is tracking elected officials that object to vaccine mandates, as well as new laws that restrict vaccine mandates.


In late April 2023, investigative journalist Lee Fang published evidence showing Pfizer had financed consumer, medical and civil rights organizations that lobbied for COVID jab mandates,1,2 thereby creating the false appearance of broad support.

Special interest groups paid by Pfizer to push for mandates and other coercive vaccine policies included the Chicago Urban league (which argued the jab mandate would benefit the Black community), the National Consumers League, the Immunization Partnership, the Advertising Council and a long list of universities and cancer, cardiology, rheumatology and medical science organizations.

The coercive measures and subsequent mandates — which have since been reversed by the courts — allowed Pfizer to become the first drug company in history to break $100 billion in annual sales.

Moderna Uses NGO to Censor Vaccine Discussions

In a November 20, 2023, Unherd article3 cowritten with journalist Jack Poulson, Fang turns his attention to Moderna, detailing what Moderna is doing to control the vaccine debate and influence vaccine policy.

Just like the federal government has been working with the Stanford Internet Observatory and NewsGuard to circumvent First Amendment free speech rights,4 Moderna has been secretly working with a third party nongovernmental organization (NGO) called Public Good Projects (PGP) to monitor and censor online discussions about the COVID shots — anything that might hurt Moderna’s bottom line.

According to documents seen by Fang and Poulson, PGP works closely with social media platforms, government agencies and news websites to identify and shut down “misinformation.”

“With PGP, Moderna is monitoring a huge range of mainstream outlets, as well as unconventional ones, such as the Steam online gaming community and Medium,” Fang and Poulson write.

PGP has had a particularly robust influence over Twitter. Before Elon Musk bought the company, PGP had backdoor access to Twitter’s data. It also helped Twitter formulate its pandemic-related speech policies. Internal Twitter emails show PGP’s misinformation team was in frequent contact with Todd O’Boyle,5 then-director of Twitter’s public policy team.

“Their intention, as we have gleaned from the emails exchanged, was not only to combat misinformation, but also to affect the content and tenor of public debate,” Fang and Poulson write.

“While PGP identified some obvious falsehoods … many tweets flagged as misinformation were simply critical of vaccine passports and other policies designed to coerce vaccination.

Moderna’s corporate intelligence and marketing team has worked closely with PGP again this year in its bid to shape the vaccine discourse as take-up drops off a cliff.

The partnership expanded again in October with an official training program, developed by Moderna and PGP, alongside the American Board of Internal Medicine, to help healthcare workers identify medical misinformation.

The online course, called the ‘Infodemic Training Program,’ represents an official partnership between biopharma and the NGO world. But none of PGP’s recent work with Moderna is disclosed on its website or in the Infodemic Training Program.”

Moderna Uses AI to Flag and Erase Bad PR





"Military and Moral Failures": How Iran's Israel Strike Reshaped the Region Forever”


by Kit Klarenberg

On April 13, Iran, alongside Lebanon’s Hezbollah and Yemen’s Ansar Allah, executed Operation True Promise, a vast wave of drone, cruise and ballistic missile strikes on Israel, launched in retaliation to Tel Aviv’s criminal bombing of Tehran’s Damascus embassy less than two weeks earlier, which killed two Iranian generals. As a result, history was made, and the world – particularly West Asia – will never be the same again.

“This action was hugely significant. Now, the Israelis will have to be extremely careful about what they do in Syria against Tehran. The regional balance of power has permanently shifted away from the Zionists. Tel Aviv will never recover at all. It is the end of them. They have destroyed themselves. They are seen as a regime that has no place in the civilized world, a Nazi state, across the entire globe,” geopolitical expert Dr. Mohammad Marandi tells MintPress News.



Pepe Escobar: “Russia and Iran Brace for War as Leaked Israeli F-35 Attack Shocks World”


with Danny Haiphong and Pepe Escobar


Geopolitical analyst and journalist Pepe Escobar discusses his reporting on a leak that sent shockwaves across social media which detailed a possible Israeli nuclear attack on Iran. We discuss what this all means for the Middle East and the broader war to come.



“As the Tide Turns Towards Justice for Palestine, Where Does the Palestinian Diaspora Stand?”



by Barbara Nimri Aziz

The Palestinian diaspora, particularly those living in the US, should not be overlooked as a player in calls for the freedom of Palestine.

A new generation of professional Americans of Palestinian origin have worked tirelessly for a half century to document and update a largely unresponsive US public on conditions in their occupied homelands. Their efforts had seemed fruitless; the risks they took were high; the difference they made hardly registered. Today, coalitions they built, the quiet admiration they earned, the skills they acquired, the resources they provided, must be recognized as preparing the ground on which expanding support rests. Albeit it has come with immense suffering and martyrdom by Gazan residents in past months.

Despite a US veto of Palestinian membership in the UN; despite dismissals of elite college presidents; despite major media’s unmitigated coverup of Israeli war crimes; despite accelerated funding for the Israeli war machine; despite a US congressional resolution banning the chant “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”; despite small crowds in early demonstrations against Israel’s genocide on Gaza; despite individuals risking careers and friendships to defend free speech as a hallmark of American democracy; despite the obfuscation of truths about Israeli apartheid policies by independent journalists; despite the weaponization of the charge of antisemitism – public protests continue.

Last week, US-based protests which had lagged behind those elsewhere in the world took a new turn. Student encampments at Columbia University were assaulted by New York City police, with over 108 arrests and suspensions. By the beginning of May similar protests had erupted at more than 75 colleges across the nation. They continue, despite more arrests, a hostile media and threats from university administrations. International universities are joining in.

We’ve seen nothing like this since students opposed the Vietnam war. Conditions today are very different. In the 1960s the US military draft was in effect and cellphone cameras were non-existent. There were no live feeds of war carnage overseas. And apartheid was a concept limited to South Africa’s white regime. Doubtless commentators will be discussing analogies and contrasts between current uprisings against the Gaza genocide (notwithstanding increased daily killings and ethnic cleansing underway in the Occupied West Bank) and protests related to Vietnam and South Africa.


The groundswell of public outrage expressed in current campus revolts seems to indicate a real turning point. Some reasons for the shift are obvious; others less so. First, is the availability of painful, even horrifying, images and stories arriving direct from Gaza residents via Twitter, TikTok and other social media.

These expose truths masked by the lies and biases in major media. Unimaginable barbarity to the degree underway in Gaza since October has never been witnessed so widely. Targeting of medical staff, journalists and aid workers alongside the staggering death toll of children is, literally, shocking.

READ MORE: Where Should Palestinians Search for Justice?



“Palestinian Lawyer On The Endless String Of Crimes Suffered By Palestinians”


with Diana Buttu


Diana Buttu is a Palestinian-Canadian lawyer and activist for the Palestinian people. In this powerful testimony, she recounts the immense injustices suffered by Palestinians every day and the horrors Palestinians in Gaza have to endure with the full consent of the International community. Clare Daly and Mick Wallace invited Diana as the third speaker on April 9, 2024, at the Left Group of the EU Parliament.



“No crime so great Israel’s Western partners won’t continue to facilitate it”


with George Galloway




“Renowned Gaza surgeon killed in Israeli detention


by Maureen Clare Murphy

The death of a leading Gaza surgeon has brought renewed attention to the widespread and systematic abuses endured by thousands of Palestinians in Israeli lockup.

Dr. Adnan al-Bursh, the 50-year-old head of orthopedics at Gaza City’s al-Shifa hospital, was killed in Ofer Prison in the West Bank on 19 April, according to the Palestinian Authority. His death was first reported on Thursday after a released detainee said al-Bursh had been tortured and killed.

The Israel Prison Service issued a statement on 19 April saying that a detainee had died in Ofer prison but did not mention the detainee’s name or cause of death. A spokesperson for the prison service later confirmed to media that the statement had referred to al-Bursh.

The surgeon’s body is being held by Israel, four Palestinian human rights groups – Addameer, Al Mezan, Al-Haq and the Palestinian Center for Human Rights – said on Friday.

The groups said that Israel released more than 60 Palestinian prisoners and detainees via the Kerem Shalom crossing, some of them displaying “visible signs of physical torture.”

Israeli authorities also transferred the body of 33-year-old Ismail Abdelbari Khader. Dr. Marwan al-Hams, the director of Al-Najjar Hospital in Rafah, southern Gaza, said that Khader’s body bore “torture marks … on his wrists, as well as swelling in his shoulders, knees and chest.”





“Gaza live: Gaza death toll tops 34,600”




“Israel Uses Foreign Mercenaries in Gaza”


by Steven Sahiounie

The US are trying to make the Kurds partners with Israel. But, many Kurds take the side of the people of Gaza and the Palestinian resistance. The international community is not only silent about Israel’s genocide but also sends foreign mercenaries to fight alongside Israel Defense Forces (IDF) in Gaza.

The IDF summoned hundreds of reserve soldiers to reinforce its ranks in preparation for its ground attack on the Gaza Strip. To bolster their Israeli ranks the IDF promoted an influx of people holding Israeli passports and living in foreign countries.

However, the Spanish newspaper, El Mundo, reported that Tel Aviv contacted international security contractors to provide fighters to perform military tasks during its ongoing war in Gaza.

Pedro Diaz Flores Corrales, aged 27 years, is a former soldier in the Spanish army and had previously fought as a mercenary in both Ukraine and Iraq. In addition to this, he is known for belonging to a fascist political group, the so-called Neo-Nazi movement, according to the Middle East website ‘Monitor’.

The group is involved in illicit arms trafficking, as well as mercenary exploitation.

Corrales justified his decision to fight alongside the IDF, and said that each participant in the fighting receives about 3,900 euros ($4,187) a weekly salary, and perks associated with the tasks they perform.

El Mundo reported that it had seen pictures of Corrales surrounded by mercenaries of different nationalities, including French, Germans, and Albanians, and even American Marines or members of the Special Forces who fought in Iraq, Afghanistan, Mali, or Kosovo.

Last October, French media circulated news about a large number of French fighters joining the fight alongside the IDF.

A report by the Euro-Mediterranean Observatory revealed in the past the presence of hundreds of European mercenaries who volunteer for military service in the ranks of the IDF, as part of special forces, especially in the Gaza Strip.

Organizations directly linked to right-wing Jewish and Christian groups within Europe are organizing projects and campaigns to invite Europeans to join the IDF, as well as to join campaigns to support illegal settler operations against Palestinians in the West Bank.

Intending to use them in tunnels of Hamas, Israel offers Kurdish PKK terrorists $ 2,200 to join the frontlines in its genocidal war against Palestinians with thousands of terrorists and mercenaries already transported to Israel.

The Israeli government made a contract with PKK terrorists, with whom they agreed to a salary of 9 thousand Israeli shekels ($2,200) in addition to $25,000 of compensation in case of death or injury.

Israel intends to use PKK terrorists in its land attack on Gaza as it does not want to send its own soldiers into the tunnels of Hamas. Nearly 2,000 terrorists and mercenaries from Europe, Iraq, Syria and the US have moved into Israel. Peshmerga forces from northern Iraq have also been sent to the frontlines in Israel.

Calls are being made to recruit militants to fight for Israel, and many organizations have been carrying out extensive activities, such as: the “Kurdish-Israeli Friendship Union” founded by Mordehay Zaken, the “Kurdish Institute” and the “Israeli Jewish Kurds” organization.

Israeli organizations have been negotiating with Peshmerga to send Kurds from northern Iraq to Israel, reminding them of the support given by the Tel Aviv regime to them since 1958.

In Ayn al-Arab, an Israeli colonel and his team of seven people have been carrying out activities to find people experienced in urban warfare. The mercenaries recruited from Iraq and Syria were given Israeli citizenship identities. These were then transported to Israel by three planes. The last flight took off on October 29 from Erbil. Eight of those whom Israel sent to the front were killed in Gaza.

READ MORE: Will Palestine Ever be Free? Understanding Elite Strategy in the Global Context



“Israel will invade Rafah because no one will stop them”


with George Galloway and Scott Ritter


US students step up the battle, trespassing but so what? The anti-war movement, missing in action, can go to hell. And Netanyahu and the hell about to be released on Rafah



“Israel’s war on Gaza live: Israel seizes Rafah crossing, cuts off aid route”

Smoke rises after an Israeli strike

This video may contain light patterns or images that could trigger seizures or cause discomfort for people with visual sensitivities.

by Stephen Quillen and Nils Adler





 “U.S. Hypocrisy Laid Bare as Biden Admin Claims ICC Can’t Prosecute Israel”


by Democracy Now !




“Northern Gaza in ‘full-blown famine’, UN food agency chief says | Israel War on Gaza News”


by Al Jazeera

Northern Gaza is experiencing a “full-blown famine”, the head of the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has said, and warned that it is “moving its way south”.

In an interview with NBC News set to air on Sunday, Cindy McCain said that her remarks are based on what the WFP has seen and experienced on the ground. UN officials and aid agencies have for months warned of such a scenario.

Keep reading

list of 4 itemslist 1 of 4

UN chief urges Israel and Hamas to reach ceasefire deal in Gaza

list 2 of 4

US increases pressure on Israel over Gaza aid as truce talks continue

list 3 of 4

Turkey says it halts trade with Israel over Gaza aid access

list 4 of 4

Gaza will need largest post-war reconstruction effort since 1945, UN says

end of list

“It’s horror. It’s so hard to look at and it’s so hard to hear,” McCain told the US broadcaster’s Meet the Press programme.

“What we are asking for and what we continually ask for is a ceasefire and the ability to have unfettered access, to get in safe through the various ports and gate crossings,” she said, according to a video clip of the interview.

On Saturday, a delegation from Palestinian group Hamas was in Egypt to continue negotiations on a ceasefire amid an uptick in international pressure for a deal to be reached.

Hamas’s spokesman Osama Hamdan said there had been “some forward steps”.

Yet Israel has threatened to launch its ground invasion of Rafah in the southernmost tip of the enclave, which is home to more than 1.4 million displaced Palestinians who have fled the Israeli military’s relentless bombardment in other parts of the Gaza Strip.

Israel has severely restricted the entry of critical humanitarian supplies into Gaza despite warnings from its allies and the United Nations of a looming famine in parts of the Palestinian territory. Its military has also repeatedly attacked and killed Palestinian civilians waiting to collect aid in the Strip.

This week it reopened the Beit Hanoon (Erez) crossing into northern Gaza, but Israeli settlers attacked two aid convoys sent by Jordan. The UN has said the amounts remain insufficient to meet the vast and growing needs of Gaza’s starving population.

The UN-backed Integrated Food Security Phase Classification has previously warned that more than 70 percent of Gaza’s 2.3 million population is facing “catastrophic hunger” any time between mid-March and May.



“ICC (Int’l Criminal Court) is Finished”


with Alex Christoforou and Alexander Mercouris




“BIBI Threatens Retaliation if Israel Faces War Crime Charges for Attacks in Gaza”


by The Hill




USA, Israel Exposed For Threatening International Criminal Court Chief?


by Hindustan Times




“Expose: Israel's secret threat to ICC and US & Turkey May Sever Ties, back up Palestine”


with Ray McGovern and




“ICC Blow To Netanyahu? Int'l Court Rejects Pressure From U.S. Amid Gaza Arrest Warrant Fears”


by Times of India




“UNRWA commissioner-general gives update on situation in Palestine”


by We Love Africa


The UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini holds a press conference in Geneva on Tuesday, April 30, covering the latest developments and the ongoing situation in Gaza. The agency supports around 5.6 million registered Palestinian refugees. Earlier this year, Israel alleged some UNRWA staff took part in the October 7 Hamas attack, leading to 16 countries suspending aid to the organization. On Friday, the UN closed one case and suspended four others, citing a lack of evidence, with eight cases ongoing. Last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called for UNRWA to be shut down.



“Haaretz columnist Gideon Levy condemns Al Jazeera shutdown in Israel”


with Gideon Levy






“Winston Churchill: Hero for the Western World, Racist Criminal for the Rest of the World”



by  Chaitanya Davé

Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill was born on November 30, 1874, at Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire. He attended Harrow and Sandhurst before embarking on army career, seeing action in India, and Sudan. He became conservative MP in 1900, but in 1904 joined the Liberal Party. He was cabinet member from 1908, and First Lord of the Admiralty from 1911 until the disastrous expedition in early part of WW I. He served on Western Front for a while, before joining the government again from 1917-1929.

During 1930s, he was politically isolated for his opposition to Indian self-rule, support for Edward VIII and warnings about the rise of the Nazis.

He replaced Neville Chamberlain as prime minister after WW II broke out when his fame as inspirational wartime leader was well established.

Then in 1945, Churchill lost power but became prime minister again in 1951 and continued as prime minister until 1955. He died on January 24, 1965, and was given a state funeral and became a great British icon to British people.

Winston Churchill is hailed as a hero of World War II in America and rest of the western nations—except Germany—for leading Britain through her darkest hour. But his dark side is conveniently ignored and so, not that well-known. 

George W. Bush kept a bust of Churchill near his desk in the White House, attempting to foolishly associate himself with the war leader’s heroic stand against fascism. But Barack Obama had it returned to Britain. It is not hard to guess why: His Kenyan grandfather, Hussein Onyango Obama, was imprisoned without trial for two years and was tortured on Churchill’s watch, for resisting Churchill’s empire. 

A 2002 nationwide BBC poll voted Churchill the “greatest Briton ahead of Shakespeare, Darwin or Elizabeth I.

Again, BBC carried out a poll in 2012 on the hundred greatest Brits.

As a result, Winston Churchill emerged as the greatest Briton. So, there is no question that, in the minds of most Brits, even today, Winston Churchill is the greatest of them all. But with the publication of books such as Madhushree Mukerjee’s award winning “Churchill’s Secret War: The British Empire and the Ravaging of India during World War II”, or India’s MP, Dr. Shashi Tharoor’s Book, Inglorious Empire, it should be clear to everyone that the “Greatest Briton” was not only a racist war criminal who committed crimes against humanity but also deserves a more special epithet, that of a “genocidal dictator”. Shashi Tharoor further writes:

“This (Churchill) is the man who the British insist on hailing as some apostle of freedom and democracy, when to my mind he is really one of the more evil rulers of the 20th century only fit to stand in company of the likes of Hitler, Mao and Stalin”.

Tharoor writes further that when Britain arrived on its shores, India’s share of the global economy was 23 percent. By the time the British left India, it was down to below 4 percent. Why? Simply because India had been governed for the benefit of Britain. Britain’s rise for 200 years was financed by its depredations in India.

Churchill vs Hitler

Hitler killed some 6 million Jews by gassing them with cyanide poison gas while Winston Churchill was responsible for killing 4.3 million or more Indians in West Bengal by starvation. Slow death by starvation is the most horrible death than a death in few minutes by poison gas. So how can Churchill be better than Hitler?

\If instead of gassing millions of Jews, Hitler simply starved them to death, would he be kinder and more humane? Either the British people were negligently unaware of Churchill’s heinous crimes or they were simply morally bankrupt to elevate Churchill as the greatest Briton. At least, the Germans don’t celebrate Hitler’s life.

They rightly condemn him.  . . . .



“History of World War II: Operation Barbarossa: Myths and Reality”



by Dr. Jacques R. Pauwels

War against the Soviet Union was what Hitler had wanted from the beginning. He had already made this very clear in the pages of Mein Kampf, written in the mid-1920s. As a German historian, Rolf-Dieter Müller, has convincingly demonstrated in a well-documented study, it was a war against the Soviet Union, and not against Poland, France, or Britain, that Hitler was planning to unleash in 1939. On August 11 of that year, Hitler explained to Carl J. Burckhardt, an official of the League of Nations, that “everything he undertook was directed against Russia”, and that “if the West [i.e., the French and the British] is too stupid and too blind to comprehend this, he would be forced to reach an understanding with the Russians, turn and defeat the West, and then turn back with all his strength to strike a blow against the Soviet Union”.

This is in fact what happened. The West did turn out to be “too stupid and blind”, as Hitler saw it, to give him “a free hand” in the east, so he did make a deal with Moscow — the infamous “Hitler-Stalin Pact” — and then unleashed war against Poland, France, and Britain. But his ultimate objective remained the same: to attack and destroy the Soviet Union as soon as possible.

Hitler and the German army commanders were convinced they had learned an important lesson from World War I. In 1918, in the final stages of World War I, mobile warfare resumed after years of stalemate in the trenches. That is when the Allies, whose unlimited access to colonial resources, including petroleum, had allowed them to construct and use thousands of tanks, trucks, and airplanes and thus “float to victory on a wave of oil”, as one of their leaders put it. Germany, on the other hand, had been prevented by a Royal Navy blockade from importing these vital raw materials, had therefore not provided its army with similar modern equipment and weapons, and thus went down to defeat.

Hitler and his generals knew that it would be impossible to win a new modern war without motorized equipment, but Germany had a highly developed industry, quite capable to produce huge numbers of tanks, airplanes, and trucks to transport the infantry. But fighting and winning a new modern war would also require sufficient stocks of strategic raw materials, especially petroleum and rubber, which Germany lacked. It was decided to tackle this crucial problem in two ways. First, by importing plenty of petroleum and rubber, creating huge stockpiles for use whenever the dogs of war would be unleashed and further imports were likely to be prevented by a new British blockade. Most of this came from the world’s greatest exporter of oil at the time, the US. Second, it was decided to start producing synthetic petroleum and rubber from coal, a raw material abundantly available in Germany.

These preparations were supposed to enable Germany to win the coming war. It was still considered vital to keep the war as short as possible, since the stockpiles of fuel were likely to dwindle fast, the potential for wartime imports (from friendly countries such as Romania) was limited, and synthetic rubber and oil could not be expected to be available in sufficient quantities. To win a new edition of the “Great War”, Germany would therefore have to win it fast, very fast. This is how the Blitzkrieg concept was born, that is, the idea of warfare (Krieg) fast as lightning (Blitz). The Blitzkrieg approach called for synchronised attacks by waves of tanks and airplanes to pierce the enemy’s defensive lines, behind which enemy troops could be expected to be massed; deep penetration into hostile territory; rapid movement of infantry units not on foot or by train, as in the Great War, but in trucks; and the German spearheads swinging back to bottle up and liquidate entire enemy armies in gigantic “encirclement battles”. Blitzkrieg meant motorized war, making full use of the massive numbers of tanks, trucks, and planes cranked out by German industry, but also burning gargantuan amounts of imported and stockpiled petroleum and rubber.

In 1939 and 1940, the Blitzkrieg duly worked its magic, as the combination of excellent equipment and plentiful fuel permitted the Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe to overwhelm the Polish, Dutch, Belgian, and French defences in a matter of weeks; Blitzkriege, “lightning-fast wars”, were invariably followed by Blitzsiege, “lightning-fast victories”. By the summer of 1940, Germany looked invincible and predestined to rule the European continent indefinitely. As for Britain, the German high command had never been asked to prepare plans to invade that country. Why not? Hitler had always yearned for a continental war against the Soviets and counted on British political leaders such as Chamberlain, known to be virulently anti-Soviet, to watch approvingly from the sidelines. London’s infamous policy of “appeasement” confirmed this expectation, until Chamberlain, under pressure from public opinion, felt compelled to side with Poland in its conflict with Hitler over Gdansk. Under these circumstances, Hitler decided to postpone his planned eastern war so he could deal with Poland and the Western powers first. That is why he proposed a deal to the Soviets, whose offers to establish a common anti-Hitler front had repeatedly been rebuffed by London and Paris. The infamous “Pact”, which they concluded with Hitler in August 1939, offered them extra space and time to prepare for a Nazi attack they knew to be merely postponed until a later date.



“France 1939–1945: From Strange Defeat to Pseudo-Liberation”



by Dr. Jacques R. Pauwels

This essay provides a class-analysis interpretation of France’s role in World War II. Determined to eliminate the perceived revolutionary threat emanating from its restless working class, France’s elite arranged in 1940 for the country to be defeated by its “external enemy,” Nazi Germany.

The fruit of that betrayal was a victory over its “internal enemy,” the working class. It permitted installing a fascist regime under Pétain, and this “Vichy-France”—like Nazi Germany—was a paradise for the industrialists and all other members of the upper class, but a hell for workers and other plebeians. Unsurprisingly, the Resistance was mostly working class, and its plans for postwar France included severe punishment for the collaborators and very radical reforms. After Stalingrad, the elite, desperate to avoid that fate, switched its loyalty to the country’s future American masters, who were determined to make France and the rest of Europe free for capitalism. It proved necessary, however, to allow the recalcitrant leader of the conservative Resistance, Charles de Gaulle, to come to power. In any event, the “Gaullist” compromise made it possible for the French upper class to escape punishment for its pro-Nazi sins and to maintain its power and privileges after the liberation.



In 1914, most if not all European countries were not yet full-fledged democracies but continued to be oligarchies, ruled by an upper class that was a “symbiosis” of the landowning aristocracy (allied with one of the Christian Churches) and a bourgeoisie (i.e., upper-middle class) of industrialists, bankers, and such. Universal suffrage did not even exist yet in Britain or Belgium, so the upper class was firmly in power. In the “lower houses” of parliaments, this elite increasingly had to put up with pesky representatives of socialist (or “social-democratic”) and other plebeian parties, but it managed to maintain control. More importantly, it continued to monopolize non-elected state institutions such as the executive (usually a monarch), the judiciary, the diplomatic corps, the upper houses of parliaments, the higher ranks of the civil service, and above all, the army. (The secret services were only later to become important in this respect.)

The upper class, demographically a tiny minority, was not fond of democracy. After all, democracy means the rule of the demos, that is, the poor and restless majority of the people, the presumably dumb and cruel and therefore frightful “masses.” Particularly distressful for the upper class was the fact that, under the auspices of socialist parties and labor unions, the industrial working class had been agitating successfully for democratic reforms on the social as well as political level, such as a widening of the voting franchise, limitation of the working hours, higher wages, and social services such as paid holidays, pensions, and free or at least inexpensive health care and education.

The Working Class

The working class, then, was the driving force behind the ongoing, seemingly irresistible democratization process. Aristocrats and bourgeois feared that the democratic reforms the labor movement had been able to wrest from them were slowly undermining the established order or, worse, that a collapse of this order could suddenly come about via revolution. Indeed, most working-class parties subscribed to Marxist socialism and championed, at least in theory, the kind of revolution that was to bring about the “great transformation” from capitalism to socialism. The Paris Commune of 1871 and the Russian Revolution of 1905 had provided foretastes of such a cataclysm, and the many strikes and other eruptions of unrest in the years leading up to 1914 loomed like a kind of revolutionary writing on the wall. In this context, war was increasingly seen as the great antidote to revolution and democracy. It is mainly, though not exclusively, for this reason that the European upper class wanted war, prepared for war, and, in 1914, took advantage of a tragic but relatively unimportant incident in the Balkans to unleash war (Pauwels, 2016).






“Can America Decline Peacefully?”


with John Mearsheimer




“Iran-North Korea: Engagement & Deterrence! What Will the US Do?”


by Geopolitical Trends, w


In a significant diplomatic development, North Korea has sent its highest-level delegation to Iran in five years. This move comes at a time when the United States has expressed concerns over the implications of growing military cooperation between Pyongyang and Tehran, particularly in the context of fueling conflicts in the Middle East and Russia's war in Ukraine. This narrative delves into the complexities surrounding this diplomatic exchange, examining its geopolitical significance, regional implications, and potential impact on global stability.



“Scott Ritter Warns: Nuclear War as US Plans counterstrike China, Israel-Iran and Ukraine vs. Russia”


with Scott Ritter




“The Globalization of War. America’s “Long War” against Humanity. Reveal The Lies. Confront the War Criminals”



by  Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Jorge Zegarra

The world is at a dangerous crossroads. The United States and its allies have launched a military adventure which threatens the future of humanity.

The ultimate objective is World conquest under the cloak of “human rights” and “Western democracy”.

America’s hegemonic project in the post 9/11 era is the “Globalization of War” whereby the U.S.-NATO  military machine –coupled with covert intelligence operations, economic sanctions and the thrust of “regime change”— is deployed in all major regions of the world.  The threat of pre-emptive nuclear war is also used to black-mail countries into submission.

This “Long War against Humanity” is carried out at the height of the most serious economic crisis in modern history.

It is intimately related to a process of global financial restructuring, which has resulted in the collapse of national economies and the impoverishment of large sectors of the World population.

Michel Chossudovsky –in a GRTV video interview produced more than 9 years ago– describes with foresight the dangers of a Third World War.

The counter-terrorism narrative is bogus. This is not a war against the Islamic State (ISIL).

This is a War of Conquest sustained by extensive media propaganda.

Reveal the Lies.

We must disable the propaganda apparatus. 

Confront the War Criminal in high office.  


Video: “Michel Chossudovsky on the Globalization of War”







“Student rebellion against Gaza slaughter spreads like wildfire”


by The Gray Zone


The Grayzone's Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate discuss the spontaneous growth of the campus uprising against the US-backed genocide in Gaza, with a focus on the sizable new encampment at Washington DC's George Washington University.



“America is Rising for Gaza: What Should We Expect?”


by Ramzy Baroud

The mass protests at dozens of U.S. universities cannot be reduced to a stifling and misleading conversation about antisemitism.

Thousands of American students across the country are not protesting, risking their futures and very safety, because of some pathological hate for the Jewish people. They are doing so in a complete rejection of, and justifiable outrage over, the mass killing carried out by the state of Israel against defenseless Palestinians in Gaza.

They are angry because the bloodbath in the Gaza Strip, starting on October 7, is fully funded and backed by the U.S. government.

These mass protests began at the University of Columbia on April 17 before covering all of U.S. geography, from New York to Texas and North Carolina to California.

The protests are being compared, in terms of their nature and intensity, to the anti-war demonstrations in the U.S. against the Vietnam War in the 1960s and 70s.

While the comparison is apt, it is critical to note the ethnic diversity and social inclusiveness in the current protests. On many campuses, Arab, Muslim, Jewish, Black, Native American and White students are standing shoulder to shoulder with their Palestinian peers in a unified stance against the war.

None of them is motivated by fear that they could be drafted to fight in Gaza, as was, indeed, the case for many American students during the Vietnam War era. Instead, they are united around a clear set of priorities: ending the war, ending U.S. support of Israel, ending their universities’ direct investment in Israel and the recognition of their right to protest. This is not idealism but humanity at its finest moments.

Despite mass arrests, starting in Columbia, and the direct violence against peaceful protesters everywhere, the movement has only grown stronger.

On the other side, U.S. politicians, starting with President Joe Biden, accused the protesters of antisemitism without engaging with any of their reasonable and globally-supported demands.

Once again, the Democratic and Republican establishments stood together in blind support for Israel.

Biden condemned the “antisemitic protests,” describing them as “reprehensible and dangerous.”

Police advance on pro-Palestinian demonstrators in an encampment on the UCLA campus, May 2, 2024, in Los Angeles. Jae C. Hong | AP

A few days later, the U.S. House of Representatives speaker, Mike Johnson, visited the university under tight security, using language hardly suitable for a country that claims to embrace democracy, respect, freedom of expression and the right to assembly.

“We just can’t allow this kind of hatred and antisemitism to flourish on our campuses,” he said, adding: “I am here today joining my colleagues and calling on President (Minouche) Shafik to resign if she cannot immediately bring order to this chaos.”

Shafik, however, was already on board, as she was the one who had called for the New York Police Department to crack down on the protesters, falsely accusing them of antisemitism.

U.S. mainstream media has contributed to the confusion and misinformation regarding the reasons behind the protests.




“Have You No Sense of Decency?” Congressional Hearings of University Presidents on Student Uprisings



by Prof Michael Hudson

The recent Congressional hearings leading to a bloodbath of university presidents brings back memories from my teen-age years in the 1950s when everyone’s eyes were glued to the TV broadcast of the McCarthy hearings.

And the student revolts incited by vicious college presidents trying to stifle academic freedom when it opposes foreign unjust wars awakens memories of the 1960s protests against the Vietnam War and the campus clampdowns confronting police violence. I was the junior member of the “Columbia three” alongside Seymour Melman and my mentor Terence McCarthy (both of whom taught at Columbia’s Seeley Mudd School of Industrial Engineering; my job was mainly to handle publicity and publication). At the end of that decade, students occupied my office and all others at the New School’s graduate faculty in New York City – very peacefully, without disturbing any of my books and papers.

Only the epithets have changed. The invective “Communist” has been replaced by “anti-Semite,” and the renewal of police violence on campus has not yet led to a Kent State-style rifle barrage against protesters.

But the common denominators are all here once again. A concerted effort has been organized to condemn and even to punish today’s nationwide student uprisings against the genocide occurring in Gaza and the West Bank. Just as the House Unamerican Activities Committee (HUAC) aimed to end the careers of progressive actors, directors, professors and State Department officials unsympathetic to Chiang Kai-Shek or sympathetic to the Soviet Union from 1947 to 1975, today’s version aims at ending what remains of academic freedom in the United States.

The epithet of “communism” from 75 years ago has been updated to “anti-Semitism.” Senator Joe McCarthy of Wisconsin has been replaced by Elise Stefanik, House Republican from upstate New York, and Senator “Scoop” Jackson upgraded to President Joe Biden. Harvard University President Claudine Gay (now forced to resign), former University of Pennsylvania President Elizabeth Magill (also given the boot), and Massachusetts Institute of Technology President Sally Kornbluth were called upon to abase themselves by promising to accuse peace advocates critical of U.S. foreign policy of anti-Semitism.

The most recent victim was Columbia’s president Nemat “Minouche” Shafik, a cosmopolitan opportunist with trilateral citizenship who enforced neoliberal economic policy as a high-ranking official at the IMF (where she was no stranger to the violence of “IMF riots”) and the World Bank, and who brought her lawyers along to help her acquiesce in the Congressional Committee’s demands.

She did that and more, all on her own. Despite being told not to by the faculty and student affairs committees, she called in the police to arrest peaceful demonstrators. This radical trespass of police violence against peaceful demonstrators (the police themselves attested to their peacefulness) triggered sympathetic revolts throughout the United States, met with even more violent police responses at Emory College in Atlanta and California State Polytechnic, where cell phone videos were quickly posted on various media platforms.

Just as intellectual freedom and free speech were attacked by HUAC 75 years ago, academic freedom is now under attack at these universities. The police have trespassed onto school grounds to accuse students themselves of trespassing, with violence reminiscent of the demonstrations that peaked in May 1970 when the Ohio National Guard shot Kent State students singing and speaking out against America’s war in Vietnam.

Today’s demonstrations are in opposition to the Biden-Netanyahu genocide in Gaza and the West Bank. The more underlying crisis can be boiled down to the insistence by Benjamin Netanyahu that to criticize Israel is anti-Semitic. That is the “enabling slur” of today’s assault on academic freedom.

By “Israel,” Biden and Netanyahu mean specifically the right-wing Likud Party and its theocratic supporters aiming to create “a land without a [non-Jewish] people.” They assert that Jews owe their loyalty not to their current nationality (or humanity) but to Israel and its policy of driving the Gaza Strip’s millions of Palestinians into the sea by bombing them out of their homes, hospitals and refugee camps.

The implication is that to support the International Court of Justice’s accusations that Israel is plausibly committing genocide is an anti-Semitic act. Supporting the UN resolutions vetoed by the United States is anti-Semitic.

The claim is that Israel is defending itself and that protesting the genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank frightens Jewish students. But research by students at Columbia’s School of Journalism found that the complaints cited by the New York Times and other pro-Israeli media were made by non-students trying to spread the story that Israel’s violence was in self-defense.

The student violence has been by Israeli nationals. Columbia has a student-exchange program with Israel for students who finish their compulsory training with the Israeli Defense Forces. It was some of these exchange students who attacked pro-Gaza demonstrators, spraying them with Skunk, a foul-smelling indelible Israeli army chemical weapon that marks demonstrators for subsequent arrest, torture or assassination. The only students endangered were the victims of this attack. Columbia under Shafik did nothing to protect or help the victims.

The hearings to which she submitted speak for themselves. Columbia’s president Shafik was able to avoid the first attack on universities not sufficiently pro-Likud by having meetings outside of the country. Yet she showed herself willing to submit to the same brow-beating that had led her two fellow presidents to be fired, hoping that her lawyers had prompted her to submit in a way that would be acceptable to the committee.

I found the most demagogic attack to be that of Republican Congressman Rick Allen from Georgia, asking Dr. Shafik whether she was familiar with the passage in Genesis 12.3. As he explained

“It was a covenant that God made with Abraham. And that covenant was real clear. … ‘If you bless Israel, I will bless you. If you curse Israel, I will curse you.’ … Do you consider that to be a serious issue? I mean, do you want Columbia University to be cursed by God of the Bible?”

Shafik smiled and was friendly all the way through this bible thumping, and replied meekly, “Definitely not.”

She might have warded off this browbeating question by saying, “Your question is bizarre. This is 2024, and America is not a theocracy. And the Israel of the early 1st century BC was not Netanyahu’s Israel of today.” She accepted all the accusations that Allen and his fellow Congressional inquisitors threw at her.

Her main nemesis was Elise Stefanik, Chair of the House Republican Conference, who is on the House Armed Services Committee, and the Committee on Education and the Workforce.

Congresswoman Stefanik: You were asked were there any anti-Jewish protests and you said ‘No’.

President Shafik: So the protest was not labeled as an anti-Jewish protest. It was labeled as an anti-Israeli government. But antisemitic incidents happened or antisemitic things were said. So I just wanted to finish.

Congresswoman Stefanik: And you are aware that in that bill, that got 377 Members out of 435 Members of Congress, condemns ‘from the river to the sea’ as antisemitic?

Dr. Shafik: Yes, I am aware of that.

Congresswoman Stefanik: But you don’t believe ‘from the river to the sea’ is antisemitic?

Students Are Taking the Lead in Denouncing Gaza Atrocities

Dr. Shafik: We have already issued a statement to our community saying that language is hurtful and we would prefer not to hear it on our campus.[2]

What an appropriate response to Stefanik’s browbeating might have been?

Shafik could have said,

“The reason why students are protesting is against the Israeli genocide against the Palestinians, as the International Court of Justice has ruled, and most of the United Nations agree. I’m proud of them for taking a moral stand that most of the world supports but is under attack here in this room.”

Instead, Shafik seemed more willing than the leaders of Harvard or Penn to condemn and potentially discipline students and faculty for using the term “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” She could have said that it is absurd to say that this is a call to eliminate Israel’s Jewish population, but is a call to give Palestinians freedom instead of being treated as Untermenschen.

Asked explicitly whether calls for genocide violate Columbia’s code of conduct, Dr. Shafik answered in the affirmative — “Yes, it does.” So did the other Columbia leaders who accompanied her at the hearing. They did not say that this is not at all what the protests are about. Neither Shafik nor any other of the university officials say,

“Our university is proud of our students taking an active political and social role in protesting the idea of ethnic cleansing and outright murder of families simply to grab the land that they live on. Standing up for that moral principle is what education is all about, and what civilization’s all about.”

The one highlight that I remember from the McCarthy hearings was the reply by Joseph Welch, the U.S. Army’s Special Council, on June 9, 1954 to Republican Senator Joe McCarthy’s charge that one of Welch’s attorneys had ties to a Communist front organization.

“Until this moment, senator,” Welsh replied, “I think I never gauged your cruelty or your recklessness. … Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?”

The audience broke into wild applause. Welch’s put-down has echoed for the past 70 years in the minds of those who were watching television then (as I was, at age 15). A similar answer by any of the three other college presidents would have shown Stefanik to be the vulgarian that she is. But none ventured to stand up against the abasement.

The Congressional attack accusing opponents of genocide in Gaza as anti-Semites supporting genocide against the Jews is bipartisan. Already in December, Rep. Suzanne Bonamici (D-Ore.) helped cause Harvard and Penn’s presidents to be fired for their stumbling over her red-baiting. She repeated her question to Shafik on April 17: “Does calling for the genocide of Jews violate Columbia’s code of conduct?” Bonamici asked the four new Columbia witnesses. All responded: “Yes.”

That was the moment when they should have said that the students were not calling for genocide of the Jews, but seeking to mobilize opposition to genocide being committed by the Likud government against the Palestinians with President Biden’s full support.

During a break in the proceedings Rep. Stefanik told the press that “the witnesses were overheard discussing how well they thought their testimony was going for Columbia.” This arrogance is eerily reminiscent to the previous three university presidents who believed when walking out of the hearing that their testimony was acceptable.

“Columbia is in for a reckoning of accountability. If it takes a member of Congress to force a university president to fire a pro-terrorist, antisemitic faculty chair, then Columbia University leadership is failing Jewish students and its academic mission,” added Stefanik. “No amount of overlawyered, overprepped, and over-consulted testimony is going to cover up for failure to act.”[3]

Shafik could have pointedly corrected the implications by the House inquisitors that it was Jewish students who needed protection. The reality was just the opposite: The danger was from the Israeli IDF students who attacked the demonstrators with military Skunk, with no punishment by Columbia.

Despite being told not to by the faculty and student groups (which Shafik was officially bound to consult), she called in the police, who arrested 107 students, tied their hands behind their backs and kept them that way for many hours as punishment while charging them for trespassing on Columbia’s property. Shafik then suspended them from classes.

The Clash Between Two Kinds of Judaism: Zionist vs. Assimilationist  . . . .





with George Galloway




“Has the Israel Lobby Tightened Its Control Over the US?”


by Syriana Analysis, with Connor Freeman

In this video, we discuss with Connor Freeman the contentious and complex debate surrounding the influence of the Israel lobby on US politics. Has the Israel lobby tightened its control over the US? What are the arguments for and against this notion? How does the Israel lobby influence US foreign policy and domestic politics?



“Michael Moore on College Students Rising Up Against Genocide”


with Kaitlan Collins and Michael Moore


Michael joins Kaitlan Collins in primetime on CNN to support the college students across America who are protesting the slaughter in Gaza and speaks directly to President Biden imploring him to pull the plug on funding Netanyahu's war machine.



 “Students Trigger to Stop Wars? Top Universities Pro-Palestine Encampments – A Shift Towards Justice or Just Illusion?”


by Peter Koenig

“The whole world thinks that Gaza is occupied by Israel. The truth is that the whole world is occupied by Israel except Gaza.” (Anonymous)

This makes sense as the whole world – or its Western “leaders” (sic) – is cheering for Zionist-Israel. But Gaza and Palestine are defending their turf. Not to be occupied by Israel. 

They will succeed. At a high cost. Yes. But Palestine will prevail. They will not be defeated, and the Zionist atrocities, the endless horrifying torture, the indiscriminate killing, bombing, shooting, destruction of vital infrastructure, hospitals, schools – more than 40,000 Palestinians killed, most of them in Gaza, of whom more than 70% women and children – MUST not go unpunished. 

The Nuremberg Code on War Crimes and Human Rights MUST be revived.

In the last few days, mainstream and non-mainstream media reported of massive student encampments, protesting for Gaza, for Palestine against Zionist-Israel. It is almost reminiscent of anti-Vietnam War movements of the late 60s and early 70s.

According to Resistance News Network (@RNN_Messaging_Bot), this appears to be happening at more than 45 top universities around the world, including dozens in the US. Many of them Ivy League learning institutes, such as MIT, Harvard, Yale, Berkley, UCLA, Brown, Columbia, Emery, City University NYC, and many more. 

They are joined by universities in Australia and France.

How real is this? A unilateral defense cry for Palestine, not only by Palestinian and Arab students but by students of all colors and creeds in solidarity.

READ MORE: US University Students in the Millions Are Demanding Freedom in Palestine



“‘Gaza is Freeing America’ : Zion!sm Eroding US Democracy - Campus Protests Expose Truth”


by Indie Nile




“Cops Nearly KILL Professor For Filming Them Attack Pro Palestine Student Protestors”


with Katie Halper




“Where is the pro-Palestine student protest movement heading?”


by Al Jazeera




“America is Rising for Gaza: What Should We Expect?”


by Ramzy Baroud

The mass protests at dozens of U.S. universities cannot be reduced to a stifling and misleading conversation about antisemitism.

Thousands of American students across the country are not protesting, risking their futures and very safety, because of some pathological hate for the Jewish people. They are doing so in a complete rejection of, and justifiable outrage over, the mass killing carried out by the state of Israel against defenseless Palestinians in Gaza.

They are angry because the bloodbath in the Gaza Strip, starting on October 7, is fully funded and backed by the U.S. government.

These mass protests began at the University of Columbia on April 17 before covering all of U.S. geography, from New York to Texas and North Carolina to California.

The protests are being compared, in terms of their nature and intensity, to the anti-war demonstrations in the U.S. against the Vietnam War in the 1960s and 70s.

While the comparison is apt, it is critical to note the ethnic diversity and social inclusiveness in the current protests. On many campuses, Arab, Muslim, Jewish, Black, Native American and White students are standing shoulder to shoulder with their Palestinian peers in a unified stance against the war.

None of them is motivated by fear that they could be drafted to fight in Gaza, as was, indeed, the case for many American students during the Vietnam War era. Instead, they are united around a clear set of priorities: ending the war, ending U.S. support of Israel, ending their universities’ direct investment in Israel and the recognition of their right to protest. This is not idealism but humanity at its finest moments.

Despite mass arrests, starting in Columbia, and the direct violence against peaceful protesters everywhere, the movement has only grown stronger.

On the other side, U.S. politicians, starting with President Joe Biden, accused the protesters of antisemitism without engaging with any of their reasonable and globally-supported demands.

Once again, the Democratic and Republican establishments stood together in blind support for Israel.



“New US Antisemitism Law Turns Critics Against Israeli Genocide Into Criminals”



by Joachim Hagopian

On Wednesday May 1st, the House overwhelmingly passed the Antisemitism Awareness Act by a 320-91 vote, with only 21 Republicans joined by 70 Democrats against it. Expanding the scope of what is legally considered antisemitism, this is another bipartisan uniparty trap to ensnare the thousands of protesters exercising their free speech against the apartheid Israel’s extermination of Palestinians, in effect criminalizing those that are critical of the genocide. This is piece of legislation is a betrayal of our First Amendment rights and a betrayal of the American people, and a testimonial how AIPAC Israel through bribery and blackmail have turned our constitutional republic into a totalitarian technocratic police state.

Foreign national influence is outlawed in the United States except with one exception, the American Israel Political Action Committee (AIPAC) that allows Zionist Israel money and bribery control to essentially own the treasonous US Congress.

Through intelligence agencies Mossad, CIA and MI6 in addition to AIPAC, US politicians are systemically coerced, bribed and blackmailed into unconditional support for Israel.

As Tucker Carlson admitted recently to Joe Rogan, politicians are afraid to not vote in line with these intimidation tactics imposed by foreign agent operatives, that threaten kiddie porn on their computers or truth exposing pedo-blackmail activity, to ensure that Zionist Israel always gets what it wants with total impunity. With this kind of captured control over politicians, and now with this latest antisemitism law, dare criticize Israel or Zionism or Jewish power, it can now get us locked up under antisemitic hate speech. Zionist bloodline moneychangers like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers would not want it any other way.

A Thursday May 2nd Truthout article states:

House lawmakers voted overwhelmingly Wednesday to approve legislation directing the U.S. Department of Education to consider a dubious definition of antisemitism, despite warnings from Jewish-led groups that the measure speciously conflates legitimate criticism of the Israeli government with bigotry against Jewish people.

Uniparty Republicans and Democrats passing this new antisemitism bill destroying US Constitution’s First Amendment that guarantees our citizens’ free speech rights, confirms that US Congress panders and grovels in submission to their master Zionist Jewish State and its bloodline master founding owner, the Rothschild banking cartel. America’s uniparty is owned and operated by foreign agent AIPAC Israel.

Again, look at what inexhaustible lengths our Congress goes to, to protect the rights, security and safety of Jews, while Palestinian Arabs are brutally massacred daily and American citizens’ disappearing constitutional rights, our safety and national security are blatantly trampled upon.

Only the apparent “chosen ones” receive preferential legal protection under bipartisan US law, while all the rest of us members of the human race, to Israel and US Congress, are all Palestinians in the genocidal crosshairs of our common Zionist Darkside enemy.

My article on Global Research last week is titled “In Defense of Genocide and War on ‘Antisemitism’, There Go Our Constitutional Liberties.” I cite the increasing number anti-hate speech laws grossly conflating criticism of Israeli genocide with antisemitism conveniently misused to falsely justify criminalizing and silencing our fundamental First Amendment rights of free speech, including the right to assemble for peaceful protest. 





“The U.S. Against the ‘New Axis of Evil’. Military Aid to Three War Theaters. ‘It is a Good Day for World Peace’ says Biden, ‘Makes America Safer’.”



by Manlio Dinucci

The US Congress has approved a $95 billion bill for “aid” to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan.

The Act was voted by a large bipartisan majority of Democrats and Republicans and provided $60.8 billion for Ukraine, $26.4 billion for Israel, and $8.1 billion for Taiwan in the Indo-Pacific region.


The chairman of the Senate Armed Services, Republican Mike Rogers, said:

“China, Russia, and Iran are working together in a new Axis of Evil to damage our alliances and undermine our national security.”


President Biden, who immediately signed the Act, declared:

“It’s a good day for America, it’s a good day for Europe and it’s a good day for world peace. It will make America safer. It will make the world safer and continue America’s leadership.”



Washington Post



READ MORE: The Bottomless Pit of War Spending


Jo Biden then added concerning Israel:

“My commitment to Israel, I want to make it clear once again, is ironclad. Israel’s security is paramount. I will always ensure that Israel has what it needs to defend itself from Iran and the terrorists it supports.”

This Act fuels wars and war preparations from Europe to the Middle East and East Asia against Russia, Iran, Palestine, China, and other countries, and further strengthens the US military.

Of the 60 billion in “aid” to Ukraine, 48 billion finance the US Armed Forces: 23.2 billion dollars are intended to replenish US stockpiles of weapons used to arm Ukraine; $11.3 billion is earmarked for current U.S. military operations in the region;

13.8 billion dollars are intended for the purchase of advanced weapon systems, materials, and defence services. At the same time, the Act requires that US allies, including Italy, pay their “fair share” of the costs of war against the “new Axis of Evil.”



“Israel is Echoing Historical Failures” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zy2pInARtPY&si=XYfjOFQK2wHEp2uS

with Nima R. Alkhorshid and Richard Wolff




“Why Germany is a staunch supporter of Israel?”


by Roundtable , with Benjamin Ziemann, Professor of Modern German History at the University of Sheffield; Haim Bresheeth, Author; and Filmmaker John Kampfner,Associate Fellow at the Royal United Services Institute




“Palestinian & Free Of Speech! US's ‘Democratic’ Dip”


by Judging Freedom, with Judge Antoin Napolitano and Jeffrey Sachs




“The Real Motives Behind ICC's Bombshell Arrest Warrant”


with Scott Ritter






“Blinken warns China. Sanctions, Proxy War and Regime Change”


with Alex Christoforou and Alexander Mercouris




 “Another US Pilot Confirms F-16s in Ukraine Are Toast”


by  Drago Bosnic

Ever since the special military operation (SMO) started, one of the most persistent tropes has been the one about Western “wunderwaffen” defeating the “evil Russian shovel-wielding hordes“.

And yet, the only result of these ludicrous delusions has been that museums across Russia have drastically increased their collections of weapons that various foolish invaders have tried using against the Eurasian giant.

However, in this particular case, it will be effectively impossible to find the weapon in question in any Russian museum.

The reason? Well, quite simple – getting blown out of the sky makes it exceedingly difficult to collect all the tiny pieces of the said weapon.

And yes, you’ve guessed it, it’s a fighter jet.

And yes, you’ve guessed it again, it’s an F-16.

The hype over the US-made aircraft has been going on for well over two years, with the mainstream propaganda machine trying to portray it as the “ultimate wunderwaffe“.

To say these are delusions would be an understatement. However, even in the political West, there are times, no matter how seldom, when the words of actual professionals can be heard.

And those nearly always stand in stark contrast to what the mainstream propaganda machine is claiming. For instance, back in late February, Politico interviewed Tom Richter, a retired US military pilot, who stated that the F-16 is “highly engineered” when compared to the MiG-29, even calling the former “a prima donna” and stressing that it’s “very sensitive and needs high maintenance”. He described Soviet-made aircraft as “more rough and tumble”, capable of “fly[ing] off poorly maintained airfields” and “need[ing] less maintenance”. It should be noted that Ukrainian pilots themselves openly stated that they preferred the Soviet-made jets they inherited, as they consider them superior, particularly the venerable Su-27.

READ MORE: Ukraine War: US Pilot Warns Kiev Regime About US Fighter Jet F-16’s Deficiencies, Calls It ‘Prima Donna’



“Niger Ignores Direct US Request, Puts Russian Troops In Same Airbase As American Military Personnel”




Russian military personnel entered an airbase in Niger that was hosting US troops, Reuters reported, citing a senior US defence official. The move followed a decision by Niger's ruling junta to expel US forces from the West African nation. Niger had said on March 26 the US would shortly submit a proposal to "disengage" its soldiers from the country. Niger’s move came after the military regime in Niamey said it was withdrawing from a 2012 cooperation deal with Washington.



“Why Latin America Chose China (You Won't Believe What USA Did)”


with  Cyrus Janssen




“Why Africa Chose China (You Won't Believe What USA Did)”


with  Cyrus Janssen






“Not worth the bones of single Pomeranian grenadier”


with George Galloway




“John Mearsheimer: Israel's BIG MISTAKE After STARTING This War! US Gradually LOST Its Position”


by Tài Tỏi Vlog , with John Mearsheimer




“Ray Mcgovern: The US's LIES And Israel's AGGRESSI0N Are Pushing 𝐖𝐚𝐫 𝐓𝐨 𝐒𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 In The Middle East”


by Tài Tỏi Vlog , with Ray Mcgovern






“U.S. foreign policy isolates the U.S.”


with Alex Christoforou and Alexander Mercouris




« Sciences Po, Palestine : la DÉSINFORMATION du gouvernement »


with Clément Viktorovitch






par  BLAST, Le souffle de l'info, with Ibrahim Benaissa


Dans la nuit du mercredi 24 avril, des étudiants qui occupaient les locaux de Sciences Po Paris se sont fait expulser par les CRS. Le lendemain, des étudiants qui s’étaient réintroduit dans l’université se sont lancés une nouvelle nuit d’occupation. Retour en images sur ces journées de mobilisation.



“Universities Against War”


by Al Jazeera


US political analyst Eric Ham, co-author of The GOP Civil War: Inside the Battle for the Soul of the Republican Party, said the student-led university protests are just the latest sign of public disdain for the Biden administration’s role in Israel’s war on Gaza. “We have already begun to see the impacts that these protests, that these demonstrations, but more importantly, the backlash that many people are feeling about President Biden’s handling of this conflict,” Ham told Al Jazeera. “We’ve already begun to see the impact that they are, in fact, having on elections across the country. “If you go back to the primaries in Michigan, Wisconsin or even Pennsylvania, there have been sizeable numbers of voters who have been voting ‘uncommitted’ to protest and to showcase their disdain for the administration’s handling of the war. “Now what we are seeing is just the escalation of that disdain that’s now playing out across the nation on America’s colleges and universities.”



“UNRWA commissioner-general gives update on situation in Palestine”


by We Love Africa

UNRWA commissioner-general gives update on situation in Palestine

The UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini holds a press conference in Geneva on Tuesday, April 30, covering the latest developments and the ongoing situation in Gaza. The agency supports around 5.6 million registered Palestinian refugees. Earlier this year, Israel alleged some UNRWA staff took part in the October 7 Hamas attack, leading to 16 countries suspending aid to the organization. On Friday, the UN closed one case and suspended four others, citing a lack of evidence, with eight cases ongoing. Last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called for UNRWA to be shut down.





“Betrayed and de-platformed”


with George Galloway




“Chris Hedges CANCELED From Real News Network”


with Salvina Salbrati and Chris Hedges






with George Galloway






“People vs Empire: World Wide Revolution Against Tyranny, Oppression & Zionism Framed As Antisemitism”


with Ryan Cristián




“Former Amb. Says US Fully Shares Netanyahu Gaza Objectives & Rights Group Records 141 IDF Mass Graves”


with Ryan Cristián




“GAZA LIVE BLOG: UN: 5% of Gaza Population Killed, Injured | Democrats Pressure Biden over Rafah | PA Kills Resistance Fighter - Day 209”


by Palestine Chronicle Staff  

The United Nations confirmed that 5 percent of the population of Gaza were killed or injured during Israel’s genocidal war. 

Democratic lawmakers called on US President Joe Biden to put pressure on Israel in order to prevent the invasion of Rafah, as US police cracked down on US campuses protests. 

The Palestinian Authority ‘security forces’ killed a fighter from the Tulkarm Brigade, affiliated with the Al-Quds Brigades.

According to Gaza’s Ministry of Health, 34,596 Palestinians have been killed, and 77,816 wounded in Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza starting on October 7.



Video: “Justified Vengeance” and The History of Israeli “False Flags”(2001-2024): Palestine Portrayed as “The Aggressor”



by Prof Michel Chossudovsky

There is a complex history behind Israel’s October 2023  Plan to “Wipe Gaza off the Map”.

It’s Genocide, An Absolute Slaughter:

 “We are going to attack Gaza City very broadly soon,” Israel’s chief military spokesman, Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, said in a nationally broadcast address, without giving a timetable for the attack.”

It’s a criminal undertaking based on Israel’s doctrine of Justified Vengeance” which was first formulated in 2001.

(See below: my January 2009 article published at the very outset of Israel’s 2008-2009 invasion of Gaza under “Operation Cast Led”)  

The “Justified Vengeance” doctrine propounds in no uncertain terms that (despite its limited military capabilities) Palestine rather than Israel is “the Aggressor” and that Israel has the right to defend itself.

It is now established that the Hamas October 7, 2023 attack was a False Flag operation carried out by a “faction” within Hamas, in liaison with Mossad and U.S. intelligence:

“U.S. intelligence say they weren’t aware of an impending Hamas attack. 

Did Netanyahu and his vast military and intelligence apparatus (Mossad et al) have foreknowledge of the Hamas attack which has resulted in countless deaths of Israelis and Palestinians.

Was a carefully formulated Israeli plan to wage an all out war against Palestinians envisaged prior to the launching by Hamas of  “Operation Al-Aqsa Storm”?

This was not a failure of Israeli Intelligence, as conveyed by the media. Quite the opposite”

Video. Justified Vengeance and False Flags. Michel Chossudovsky

Lux Media Video recorded on October 16, 2023

Below: detailed analysis and history of Israeli False Flag Operations against the People of Palestine



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The History of False Flags: “The Green Light to Terror” (1997), The “Bloodshed as a Justification” to Wage War

The late  Prof Tanya Reinhart confirms the formulation in 1997 of a False Flag Agenda entitled “The Green Light to Terror” which consisted in promoting (engineering) suicide attacks against Israeli civilians, citing “the Bloodshed as a Justification” to wage war on Palestine: 

“…This is the “green light to terror” theme which the Military Intelligence (Ama”n) has been promoting since 1997, when its anti-Oslo line was consolidated. This theme was since repeated again and again by military circles, and eventually became the mantra of Israeli propaganda… 


The ‘Foreign Report’ (Jane’s information) of July 12, 2001 disclosed that the Israeli army (under Sharon’s government) has updated its plans for an “all-out assault to smash the Palestinian authority” 

The blueprint, titled “The Destruction of the Palestinian Authority and Disarmament of All Armed Forces”, was presented to the Israeli government by chief of staff Shaul Mofaz, on July 8 [2001].

The assault would be launched, at the government’s discretion, after a big suicide bomb attack in Israel, causing widespread deaths and injuries, citing the bloodshed as justification.” (Tanya Reinhart, December 22, 2001)

Ariel  Sharon: “A 1948 Style Solution”

According to the Prof. Tanya Reinhart; “Mass expulsion could occur at some later stage  of the ground invasion [2002- ], were the Israelis to open up Gaza’s borders to allow for an exodus of population … Expulsion was referred to by Ariel Sharon as the “a 1948 style solution”. For Sharon “it is only necessary to find another state for the Palestinians”. -‘Jordan is Palestine’ – was the phrase that Sharon coined.” (Tanya Reinhart, op cit)

The “Hamas-Mossad Partnership”

What is now unfolding in Gaza is part of a longstanding intelligence agenda, which has been on the drawing-board of successive  Israeli governments for more than twenty years. Founded in 1987 with the support of Israel, “The Hamas-Mossad partnership” is confirmed by Netanyahu: 

“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas. … This is part of our strategy – to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.” (March 2019 Statement quoted by Haaretz, October 9, 2023, emphasis added)

“Support” and “Money” for Hamas

“Transferring Money to Hamas” on behalf of Netanyahu is confirmed by a Times of Israel October 8, 2023 Report: 

“Hamas was treated as a partner to the detriment of the Palestinian Authority to prevent Abbas from moving towards creating a Palestinian State. Hamas was promoted from a terrorist group to an organization with which Israel conducted negotiations through Egypt, and which was allowed to receive suitcases containing millions of dollars from Qatar through the Gaza crossings.” (emphasis added)

Benjamin Netanyahu’s position defined several years prior to the October 7, 2023 “State of Readiness For War” consists in the total appropriation of Palestine  Lands as well as the outright exclusion of the Palestinian people from their homeland:

“These are the basic lines of the national government headed by me: The Jewish people have an exclusive and unquestionable right to all areas of the Land of Israel. The government will promote and develop settlement in all parts of the Land of Israel — in the Galilee, the Negev, the Golan, Judea and Samaria.” (January 2023)

The Role of Mossad

The doctrine of “Justified Vengeance” initiated in 2001, is the cornerstone of Israel’s intelligence narrative. It provides a justification to carry out acts of genocide, with the support of the International community, first in Gaza, then in the West Bank. 

 “With an annual budget of about $3billion and 7,000 staff, Mossad is the second-largest espionage agency in the Western world after the CIA.”

These official figures are meaningless, intelligence agencies do not reveal the sources of their funding or the size of their staff (which are in excess of the figures quoted above).

Mossad (Foreign Intelligence) together with Shin Bet (Domestic National Security) and Aman (Military Intelligence) is the main actor in the conduct of  “false flag operations”. It’s covert capabilities are extensive. It has over the years infiltrated both  Hamas and the Palestinian National Authority, It also exerts –in liaison with US intelligence– control over Al Qaeda operatives, ISIS and Daesh throughout the Middle East.

Mossad’s mandate is to create “divisions” within the Palestinian Resistance Movement, while sustaining fear and routine terrorist false flag events against innocent Israeli civilians, which sustains the legitimacy of the “Justified Vengeance” narrative. 

Chronology  . . . .




‘Forcibly Disappeared’ - Around 1,000 Palestinian Workers Missing in Israel



by The Palestinian Chronicle



“Israel Losing the War on every front - Russia's Role in Destroying Hegemonic Policies”


with Nima Alkhorshid and Chas Freeman


Ambassador Chas W. Freeman, Jr. is a senior fellow at Brown University's Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs, a former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense, ambassador to Saudi Arabia (during operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm), acting Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, and Chargé d'affaires at both Bangkok and Beijing. He began his diplomatic career in India but specialized in Chinese affairs. (He was the principal American interpreter during President Nixon's visit to Beijing in 1972.)



“Russia and Iran Brace for War as Leaked Israeli F-35 Attack SHOCKS World”


with Danny Haiphong and Pepe Escobar




“Israel’s Hidden History Of Attacks On Iran”


by Robert Inlakesh

Iran’s retaliatory attack on Israel was framed in the West as a reckless attempt to spark a major regional war, but in reality,  Israel has been attacking Iran for decades.

As is routinely the case with Western-backed wars, the corporate media’s timeline begins at the moment that suits their narrative. We have seen this play out recently, with the attempt to rob the Gaza war of all contexts before October 7, 2023. Similarly, when it comes to Israel’s conflict with Iran, the two have been embroiled in what is referred to as a “shadow war,” the details of which are pretty shocking.

While the international media’s attention was riveted on Iran’s retaliatory strikes against Israel, drawing great focus to some 300 drones and missiles used in the attack, no major deal was made of Israel’s strike on April 1 against the consular segment of Iran’s embassy in Damascus, Syria, that killed a dozen people, including seven Iranian officials of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). In this unprecedented act of aggression against Iranian soil, breaking international diplomatic norms, the Israelis were shielded by the U.S. government at the United Nations Security Council, blocking any condemnation of this act.

Despite an admission from British Foreign Secretary David Cameron that had the UK embassy been attacked similarly, they too would retaliate, the double-standard argument that Iran shouldn’t respond continues to dominate the airways.



“Dangers and Lessons from the Perennial Israeli-Palestinian War: The Big Picture of Propaganda and False Flag Operations”


by Prof Rodrigue Tremblay

False flag operations:

“The powers-that-be understand that to create the appropriate atmosphere for war, it is necessary to create within the general populace a hatred, fear or mistrust of others regardless of whether those others belong to a certain group of people or to a religion or a nation.” James Morcan (1978- ), New Zealander-born actor, writer, producer and a resident of Australia, 2014.

“I know what America is. America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the right direction. They won’t get in our way.” Benjamin Netanyahu (1949- ), Israeli Prime Minister (1996-1999), (2009-2021) and (2022- ), addressing Israeli settlers in the West Bank, (as quoted in ‘Netanyahu: ‘America is a thing you can move very easily'”, The Washington Post, July 16, 2010.)

“We must remember that in time of war what is said on the enemy’s side of the front is always propaganda, and what is said on our side of the front is truth and righteousness, the cause of humanity and a crusade for peace.” Walter Lippmann (1889-1974), American journalist, (in ‘Public Opinion’, 1922).

“Those who want thwart the creation of a Palestinian state should support the strengthening of Hamas and the transfert of funds to Hamas.“ Benjamin Netanyahu (1949- ), Israeli Prime Minister, (during a meeting of the Likud party, in 2019).


Nowadays, almost all wars, involving governments with access to enormous propaganda resources, are either deliberately provoked or simply the result of false flag operations, camouflaged under a veil of lies and fake news. In time of war, all parties lie. With the help of passive or complacent medias, not one distracted person in a hundred can see clearly what is really going on.

Rocket and missile clashes between Islamist Hamas and Israel, and atrocities and war crimes committed against civilians, are not new in that part of the world. The most recent outbreak of violence is, in reality, the continuation of a deep conflict, which is ongoing and which is entering into a new cycle of escalating violence.

Indeed, two years ago, in May 2021, serious riots took place inside the compound of al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem’s Old City, which left hundreds of Palestinians and many police officers injured. What followed was an escalation of attacks between Israel and Hamas. The latter launched more than 1,000 rockets from the Gaza Strip towards Israel, while the Israeli army, in return, dropped a deluge of fire on the blockaded Gaza Strip, causing more than 150 Palestinian deaths and 10 deaths on the Israeli side.

Only six months ago, on April 5th and 6th, 2023, there were new violent clashes in Jerusalem when Israeli police raided again the al-Aqsa mosque, in the pursuit of  “agitators” who had barricaded themselves inside.

It is therefore somewhat puzzling why so many observers were taken by surprise when Hamas launched its rain of rockets on Israel, on Saturday, October 7, 2023, in an operation specifically called al-Aqsa Deluge.

Likewise, we can only remain perplexed when the Israeli government itself says it was taken by surprise, since its relations with the Palestinian populations have been extremely tense, particularly since 2021.

Nevertheless, the British Guardian and other medias published the official version according to which there was a “catastrophic failure of intelligence by Israel”, regarding the offensive launched from Gaza against Israeli towns. Such an attack, it said, must have been in preparation for many months and “it is a mystery why Israeli intelligence appears to have had no idea it was coming.”

Significantly, other media also reported that Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant (1958- ) stated that, “We will change the reality on the ground in Gaza.” “What existed before will no longer be.”

The same minister also declared on Monday, October 9, that he was imposing “a complete siege” on the Gaza Strip: “There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel supplies, everything is closed.” Adding, “We are fighting human animals and we act accordingly”—forgetting that the Nazis described German Jews as ‘subhumans’ (Untermenschen), to justify genocide.

The Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu (1949- ), an ultra-Orthodox politician who favors “Eretz Israel”, the “Greater Israel” of the Bible, proclaimed that Israel was at war and that the Palestinians would pay a heavy price. 

How to make sense of all this?

How to explain that the Netanyahu Israeli government had no clue that the Hamas was planning an attack?

The central question is why and how the Israeli army and navy, which have imposed a tight land and sea blockade on everything entering the Gaza Strip since 2007, as well as the Mossad secret services, could not have been aware of what was coming?

The Gaza Prison Break and the Prospect of a “Final Solution” in the Israel-Palestine Conflict

Is this likely? Did someone deliberately close his eyes? It would seem crucial for the future to elucidate such a mystery.

The alternative explanation would be that we are possibly in the presence of a more or less voluntary laissez-faire attitude on the part of certain authorities, starting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu himself, by not taking the necessary precautions to prevent an outbreak of military attacks by Hamas.

Why were warnings about an imminent attack ignored? . . . .





“The Steady Slide Towards Tyranny: How Freedom Dies from A to Z in America”



by John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead



“THIS CULTURE MAKES US SICK : The Trauma of Capitalism”


with Gabor Maté and Yanis Varoufakis




“ANOTHER Boeing Whistleblower DIED SUDDENLY!!”


with Jimmy Dore




“Ask Prof Wolff: The Future After De-Dollarization”


with Richard Wolff




Top of Form

Richard D. Wolff Warns: Israel Stumbled Into Historic Defeat”


with Richard Wolff






“Quick Take: So…what’s with all the spying?”



by Kit Knightly

Breaking news, from just a couple of hours ago, is that five British men have been charged with “conducting hostile activity in the UK to benefit Russia”.

Details are still scarce, but the charges are said to be linked to a fire in March, which the Crown Prosecution Service described as “an arson attack on a Ukrainian-linked commercial property”

But this is just one of a spate of recent stories alleging espionage or other “hostile activity”.

Two weeks ago, a career US diplomat was sentenced to 15 years in prison for allegedly working as a Cuban agent.

Last week, Germany arrested two men for alleged espionage including “agreeing to carry out attacks on potential targets including US military facilities in hopes of sabotaging aid for Ukraine”.

Four days later, again in Germany, three alleged Chinese agents were arrested, this time for operating a “front company” which “obtained innovative technologies for military use”.

The same day, back in the UK, parliamentary staffer Christopher Cash and another man were charged under the Official Secrets Act with “obtaining data for an enemy”.

We’re being told that European capitals are on “high alert” for espionage activity ahead of the June elections.

France24 warns that the “far-right” may have become a “gateway for Chinese and Russian spies”. MI5 is going to begin “vetting British academics for Chinese spy links”

Right on cue, the Spectator is running the headline:

The Xi files: how China spies

The spies just keep on coming.

So what’s going on here? Well, if we believe the reality the media presents to us, We’re left with two possible explanations.

1.      Russia and China suddenly started spying a lot.

2.      Russia and China were always spying a lot but suddenly started getting caught.

Neither of which seems very likely to me.

More rationally, we can see the Spy narratives are being made up and/or exaggerated to achieve two goals:

1.      Spark up a McCarthy-esque frisson to aid the further normalisation of censorship and witch-hunt culture.

2.      Re-create the Cold War atmosphere of a Le Carré novel and sell the idea of the divided “multipolar world.”

As with everything else, it’s about controlling the conversation.



“The future of Labour and the Left in Britain”


by Middle East Eye, with Jeremy Corbyn


Following the disastrous election loss to Boris Johnson in 2019, the party emerged from the ashes promising to shed itself of its past and the image of one man - Jeremy Corbyn. His successor Sir Keir Starmer has instead defined his leadership directly in opposition to Corbyn, leaning towards the centrist ideals of another former leader, Tony Blair. So what remains of the Labour that once promised revolutionary reforms to Britain’s welfare, climate and foreign policies? This week on the Big Picture podcast, we sit down with Jeremy Corbyn, who resigned in 2019 as Labour leader, was suspended from the party in 2020 and earlier this year banned from running again as a candidate. He says the party now resembles the undemocratic and authoritarian environment he first encountered in the 1960s.



Watch INTERVIEW: “The UN is afraid of fingering ‘whodunnit’. Spoiler alert, it was the USA!”


with George Galloway and Larry Johnson


Former CIA agent Larry Johnson on naming the world’s leading terrorist to the panjandrums of the UN Security Council.





News from Underground by Mark Crispin Miller

“In memory of those who "died suddenly" in the United States and worldwide, April 16-April 22, 2024”


by Mark Crispin Miller

Athletes in US (4), UK (2), Colombia, Brazil (5), Argentina, Germany (2), Switzerland, Bosnia, Romania, Portugal, Spain (5), Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Turkey, Australia; coaches in US & UK; and more



“Peter Frampton rocks on despite crippling muscle disease; Lucy Rose couldn't lift her baby after collapse; Labour MP Karin Smyth reveals skin cancer diagnosis; rugby player, 25, in hospital with MRSA”


by Mark Crispin Miller

Canada: St. Catharines woman who fell ill in Jamaica back home in hospital: Brazil: TV cameraman has heart attack in front of ECU; "Promising Scottish rider Anna Shackley forced to retire at 22"; more . . . .



“Germany: ‘Thromboses removed like fat earthworms’ from Olympic cycling champion (33), CSU pol Monika Hohlmeier has ‘massive health problems,’ Greens leader Mona Fuchs collapses during speech”


by Mark Crispin Miller

"That scared her": Swiss ski star Nadine Fähndrich talks about heart surgery at 28, marathon runner Adrian Lehmann has heart attack at 34; Roma defender has chest pain, leaves field on stretcher; more . . . .



“Palaye Royale quits festival; Jeanette Lee survives heart attack in cancer fight; Ryan Weaver's fight w/ glioblastoma; RI senate prez confirms cancer diagnosis; GA boy, 8, spends 125 days in hospital”


by Mark Crispin Miller

10-year-old plays baseball for 1st time since cardiac arrest on field; Boise State freshman, healthy all his life, has cardiac arrest in sleep; Miss. deputy to make "full recovery" (from what?); more . . . .



“John Roberts back on Fox (‘heart issue’); George Lopez casino show rescheduled; Max Gail's wife has breast cancer; 76ers' Joel Embiid has Bell's palsy; Repub pol with cancer quits MO senate race”


by Mark Crispin Miller

Journo Julia Fello reveals husband’s Parkinson's diagnosis on Wisconsin’s Afternoon News; legendary Nebraska Cornhuskers announcer reveals tragic cancer diagnosis; 2 heroic rescues; more . . . .



“SC hoopster collapses during pick-up game; GA concert shines after key singer collapses mid-song; "medical emergency" strands RI kids in Mexico; FL cruise ship makes emergency diversion to Bermuda”


by Mark Crispin Miller

Denver child’s heart beats again after 14 hours; 6-year-old saved from cardiac arrest at daycare in Bossier City, LA; child transported to hospital following medical emergency, AL; & more . . . .





“Interview 1878 – Dubai Doused by ‘Rain Bomb’”


by James Corbett


Story #1: What Is Cloud Seeding and Did It Play Any Role In the Dubai Floods?

Image: Build a giant city in the desert. Invest in cloud seeding to make it rain. Forget to install storm drain or rainwater collection. Forget to install storm drain or rainwater collection.

Did UAE’s Cloud-Seeding Operation Flood Dubai?

Operation Popeye

Image: Weather modification – need proof?

Interview 1514 – Jo Nova on the Australian Bushfires

No, AXIOS, the Dubai “Rain Bomb” Has No Ties to Climate Change

Dubai Floods Explained: Is Cloud Seeding to Blame for Submerging Desert City?

Story #2: Dutch Retailer Albert Heijn Sets Up Food Transition Advisory Council

Why We Should All Be Eating Insects

Swapping Red Meat for Herring, Sardines and Anchovies Could Save 750,000 Lives, Study Suggests

This Week in the New Normal #88

Eat Ze Bugs or You’re Racist! #PropagandaWatch

Corbett Report Search: The Future of Food

Scamdemic Bird Flu: Vaccines for 33 Billion Chickens? Digital Food Rationing? The End of Animal Agriculture?

Story #3: UPDATE #1 – Massive Climbdown From WHO as Latest Draft of IHR Amendments Drops Almost All Offending Aspects

PDF: Proposed Bureau’s text for 8th Working Group on Amendments to the International Health Regulations – April 22-26, 2024

NWNW Flashback: In Japan, Tens of Thousands Protest WHO’s ‘Supranational Grab Over Global Health’

UPDATE #2 – Anti-ULEZ Campaigners Hang Bat Boxes on Cameras to Stop Engineers Fixing Them

NWNW Flashback: New World Next Year 2024

UPDATE #3 – Controversial CRISPR Scientist Back at Work After Jail Time for Creating Genetically Modified Babies

NWNW Flashback: Scientist Announces Gene-Edited Babies, Goes Missing

UPDATE #4 – BRICS Eye Stablecoins, CBDC Bridge To Advance Financial Integration

NWNW Flashback: 22 New Countries to Join BRICS Alliance at August Summit? (NWNW 526)

UPDATE #5 – Mystery Deepens: Ukrainian Officer Linked to Nord Stream Sabotage Vanishes

Insurers Suggest ‘Government’ Possibly Have Ruined Nord Stream

NWNW Flashback: False Flag Planted in Nordstream Pipeline

UPDATE #6 – Google Appears to Have Partnered With the Company Behind Sports Illustrated’s Fake, AI-Generated Writers

NWNW Flashback: Sports Illustrated Published Articles By Fake, AI-Generated Writers (NWNW 536)

Door to Freedom Team Shines a Light on How Little Has Really Changed In the New Version Of the April 2024 Amended IHR

WHO: What You Need To Know

NWNW Flashback: China Trying To Gain Space Through Force, US Admiral Says

US To Convert Pacific Oil Rigs Into Military Bases as Part of Anti-China Buildup



“Divide and Conquer: The Government’s Propaganda of Fear and Fake News”


by John & Nisha Whitehead

“It is the function of mass agitation

to exploit all the grievances, hopes,

aspirations, prejudices, fears, and ideals of all

the special groups that make up our society,

social, religious, economic, racial, political.

Stir them up. Set one against the other.

Divide and conquer. 

That’s the way to soften up a democracy.”
-- J. Edgar Hoover, Masters of Deceit


Nothing is real,” observed John Lennon, and that’s especially true of politics.

Much like the fabricated universe in Peter Weir’s 1998 film The Truman Show, in which a man’s life is the basis for an elaborately staged television show aimed at selling products and procuring ratings, the political scene in the United States has devolved over the years into a carefully calibrated exercise in how to manipulate, polarize, propagandize and control a population.

Take the media circus that is the Donald Trump hush money trial, which panders to the public’s voracious appetite for titillating, soap opera drama, keeping the citizenry distracted, diverted and divided.

This is the magic of the reality TV programming that passes for politics today.

Everything becomes entertainment fodder.

As long as we are distracted, entertained, occasionally outraged, always polarized but largely uninvolved and content to remain in the viewer’s seat, we’ll never manage to present a unified front against tyranny (or government corruption and ineptitude) in any form.

Studies suggest that the more reality TV people watch—and I would posit that it’s all reality TV, entertainment news included—the more difficult it becomes to distinguish between what is real and what is carefully crafted farce.

“We the people” are watching a lot of TV.

On average, Americans spend five hours a day watching television. By the time we reach age 65, we’re watching more than 50 hours of television a week, and that number increases as we get older. And reality TV programming consistently captures the largest percentage of TV watchers every season by an almost 2-1 ratio.

This doesn’t bode well for a citizenry able to sift through masterfully-produced propaganda in order to think critically about the issues of the day.

Yet look behind the spectacles, the reality TV theatrics, the sleight-of-hand distractions and diversions, and the stomach-churning, nail-biting drama that is politics today, and you will find there is a method to the madness.

We have become guinea pigs in a ruthlessly calculated, carefully orchestrated, chillingly cold-blooded experiment in how to control a population and advance a political agenda without much opposition from the citizenry.

This is how you persuade a populace to voluntarily march in lockstep with a police state and police themselves (and each other): by ratcheting up the fear-factor, meted out one carefully calibrated crisis at a time, and teaching them to distrust any who diverge from the norm through elaborate propaganda campaigns.

Unsurprisingly, one of the biggest propagandists today is the U.S. government.

Add the government’s inclination to monitor online activity and police so-called “disinformation,” and you have the makings of a restructuring of reality straight out of Orwell’s 1984, where the Ministry of Truth polices speech and ensures that facts conform to whatever version of reality the government propagandists embrace.

This “policing of the mind” is exactly the danger author Jim Keith warned about when he predicted that “information and communication sources are gradually being linked together into a single computerized network, providing an opportunity for unheralded control of what will be broadcast, what will be said, and ultimately what will be thought.”

You may not hear much about the government’s role in producing, planting and peddling propaganda-driven fake news—often with the help of the corporate news media—because the powers-that-be don’t want us skeptical of the government’s message or its corporate accomplices in the mainstream media.

However, when you have social media giants colluding with the government in order to censor so-called disinformation, all the while the mainstream news media, which is supposed to act as a bulwark against government propaganda, has instead become the mouthpiece of the world’s largest corporation (the U.S. government), the Deep State has grown dangerously out-of-control.

This has been in the works for a long time.





“To Let Suffering Speak: ‘Why Art Exists’”



by Prof. Sam Ben-Meir

Käthe Kollwitz on the Nature of Feminism and Class Struggle at the Museum of Modern Art



“The Hidden Messages of the Power Elite’s Cultural Apparatus”


by Edward Curtin

To be crucified is to suffer and die slowly and agonizingly. It was a common form of execution in the ancient world. It is generally associated with Rome’s killing of Jesus and carries profound symbolic spiritual meaning for Christians.

In its figurative sense, it refers to many types of suffering and death inflicted on the weak by the strong, such as the ongoing genocidal slaughter of Palestinians by the Israel government.

Twenty or so years ago when the wearing of crosses by all types of people was the cultural rage, a woman I know said she was thinking of getting one. 

When I asked her why, since she was Jewish, she said it was because she thought they were beautiful.  She seemed oblivious to the fact that to Christians they were gruesome but revelatory spiritual symbols, the equivalent of the electric chair or a noose, but linked to the Easter Resurrection and the non-violent triumph over death that is at the core of Christianity.

Her focus on beauty forcibly struck me that secular culture had triumphed in its establishment of an anti-creed creed wherein the pursuit of a sense of well-being and aesthetic tranquility had trumped traditional belief, while it used all faiths in its pursuit of a self-centered nihilism through a faux-spirituality linked to a precious aesthetic of beauty.

Philip Rieff noticed this in the mid-1960s when he wrote in The Triumph of the Therapeutic:

To raise the question of nihilism, as sociologists since Auguste Comte have done, demonstrates a major change in tone: the note of apprehension has gone out of the asking. We believe that we know something our predecessors did not: that we can live freely at last, enjoying all our senses – except the sense of the past – as unremembering, honest, and friendly barbarians all, in a technological Eden. . . . this culture, which once imagined itself inside a church, feels trapped in something like a zoo of separate cages. Modern men are like Rilke’s panther, forever looking out of one cage into another.

While today those cages would better be described as cells – as in cell phones – Rieff’s point was prescient in the extreme, echoing in its way Max Weber’s 1905 prophecy in The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism of the coming “iron cage.”

It would be understandable if you assumed the photograph of the crucifix that precedes my words was taken in a church since its foregrounding before the apse of the Medieval Spanish church of San Martin at Fuentidueña makes it seem so. 

It was not, except if you realize that museums have become the modern churches, where people flock to revere art for art’s sake and perhaps to find some consolation they have lost at a deeper level.

Museums that have been built and maintained by the very rich to serve as their own churches to the glory of mammon and their own self-deluded immortalization.

Mammon that has been built on the backs of the poor and working class, just as these edifices have.

Beneath all high cultural institutions such as museums and arts venues like The Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Museum of Modern Art, Lincoln Center in New York, etc., lies the expropriated labor and land of the lower classes, the same classes whose sweat and blood was exploited throughout capital’s historical transmutations from commercial to industrial to financial to create the immense wealth of the super-rich.

There is a reason the 19th century America industrialists such as Vanderbilt, Mellon, Carnegie, Rockefeller, et al. were called “The Robber Barons.” They were crooks.

They are still with us, of course, aided and abetted by today’s latest billionaire class.  They build and finance the aforementioned cultural institutions as well as own and operate the major institutions of mass communication and entertainment, such as newspapers, television networks, telecommunication corporations, film studios, etc. – the entertainment industrial complex. 

In this direct communication capacity, they control the mediation of “reality” to the general population.  They serve the interests of what the great crusading sociologist C. Wright Mills called the power elite in and out of government, of which they are an interlocking part, and through which they move smoothly in a game of revolving chairs.  They operate the great Spectacle for the general population while moving the levers of power backstage.

When he died, Mills was working on a massive book exploring what he provisionally titled The Cultural Apparatus. He defined this complex as follows:

The cultural apparatus is composed of all the organizations and milieux in which artistic, intellectual, and scientific work goes on and of the means by which such work is made available . . . it contains an elaborate set of institutions: of schools and theaters, newspapers and census bureaus,  studios, laboratories, museums, little magazines and radio networks. . . Inside this network, standing between men and events, the images, meanings, and slogans that define the worlds in which [we] live are organized and compared, maintained and revised, lost and cherished, hidden, debunked, celebrated.  Taken as a whole the cultural apparatus is the lens of mankind through which men see; the medium by which they report and interpret what they see.

Columbia University, where he taught and is today in the news headlines for its police crackdown on student dissent for their pro-Palestinian protest, is one of those elite cultural institutions, a place Mills was never comfortable at and whose colleagues looked at him askance for his critique of the power elite’s warfare state.


READ MORE: Australia’s Naval Base in Papua New Guinea: Power Play in the South Pacific against China

Panoramic view of the Morningside Heights campus as seen from Butler Library and facing Low Memorial Library (Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0)

Columbia, with its racist history as it saw its elite status threatened by the growth of the neighboring black community in Harlem in the 1920s and 1930s, and Columbia’s further expansion into these neighborhoods since.

Columbia, like all elite cultural institutions, born in its own mind sui generis and raised to the heights in purity and innocence, but whose foundation is rotten with dirty money.

Yet, as Terry Eagleton recently wrote in the London Review of Books, “This is not the way culture generally likes to see itself. Like the Oedipal child, it tends to disavow its lowly parentage and fantasise that it sprang from its own loins, self-generating and self-fashioning.”  Like Columbia and all the elite universities of “higher learning” –  Harvard, Oxford, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, etc. – that serve as legitimating tools for the power elite and their mendaciousness, the museums and other well-known arts institutions exert an enormous influence, not only over culture in the high cultural sense, but over the transformation of society as a whole, often in ways that go unnoticed.  Eagleton again:

There’s an irony here, since few things bind art so closely to its material context as its claim to stand free of that context. This is because the work of art as autonomous and self-determining, an idea born sometime in the late 18th century, is the model of a version of the human subject that has been rapidly gaining ground in actual life. Men and women are now seen as authors of themselves . . .



“Genocide, Free Speech, and Academia”


by Judging Freedom, with Judge Napolitano and Professor John Mearsheimer






“Alice in Wonderland”



by Todd Hayen

I used to be shocked and amazed when weird things happened in the world that seemed to be connected to each other, but were too weird to be just a coincidence. Now I think it’s funny. Not in a “ha ha” sort of way, but in a “this is so strange, and so obviously connected with (fill in the blank) I feel like I am sitting ringside in a circus tent” sort of funny.

What is going on? Well, that is kind of a stupid question. You don’t sit in the audience at a circus and when a dozen clowns stumble out of a tiny clown car say, “What is going on?” You may not know how they pulled off the trick, but you know they did. And you laugh. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone at a magic show run out of the theatre terrified that something supernatural was going on.

Everyone laughs, and smiles, and is amazed. “Isn’t that something!?” they exclaim. That is sort of what this is like. Until you think about it carefully, then it isn’t funny anymore, and you start wondering what kind of magic is going on. And it is indeed scary. I guess that is where I am with all of this. But only if I think about it. If I don’t think about it, I then wonder when the theatre lights are going to come up and I can go home.

The bridge incident in Baltimore was a recent happening, and the odd story around Kate Middleton’s “disappearance” and her strange touched-up photos another. Remember the train derailments? Epstein’s suicide? And a plethora of other odd happenings. Add to that, really weird crap like thousands of children disappearing, very odd UFO sightings, faceless animals showing up on beaches, and birds dropping dead from the skies.

Over a month ago when the solar eclipse was upon us everyone running around as if their heads had been chopped off. What is that about? Of course, we are all still here? Right? Have some of us been taken up to the mothership?

Ah, yes, these sorts of weird things have always happened, you may say. And that is true, to some extent. It does not seem they have happened as often as they are now happening, and they have not, in the past, seemed to be so elegantly correlated with other strange happenings.

Take the recent Key Bridge downing by a large barge-like ship. Many are relating this incident to incidents in the recent movie Leave the World Behind. There was indeed a large red barge as a key character in the movie, but not much else to match up the two incidents. What about the fact the movie was produced by Michelle and Barack Obama? Yeah, what about it? Seems like a stretch, eh? Sure it does, but there is more to it.

It is odd that the Obamas would produce some frivolous fear-bait nonsense like Leave the World Behind. It just isn’t their style. It is odd that a barge, much like the barge in their movie, would run into a bridge—that sort of thing doesn’t happen every day. And on further examination, it is odd the barge would lose power twice, and the bridge would collapse in the manner that it did, with what certainly appeared to be flashes of light at key structural points of the collapse.

OK, OK…I do sound like a dreaded conspiracy theorist, don’t I? But this stuff is just too frequent, too weird, and too seemingly correlated with other odd events to just ignore. I have often wondered if it is just all a way to make us go batty.

I think of the old series The Prisoner, starring Patrick McGoohan. Here is a resigned British spy who has been kidnapped and finds himself in a strange, bizarre world that ultimately makes no sense. It makes him go batty. How about the movie The Truman Show Jim Carrey’s character also occupies a surreal world he thinks is real, but turns out to be a television set all designed to be entertainment to a viewing audience in on the secret. Maybe it is something like that. All created as a grand puzzle to perplex us. Maybe on the home planet of the Lizard Masters, this sort of entertainment is a specialty.

Is the world we live in so seriously manipulated by powers beyond our awareness that movies like Leave the World Behind are in fact premonitions of events soon to actually happen? And the events that are happening, such as the Baltimore bridge collapsing, and Kate Middleton disappearing, are all designed to make us incapable of distinguishing up from down?



“Gaza and Its Astounding Parallels with 9/11: A Territory or Country Is Targeted for Previously Established Geostrategic Goals”


by  Richard Gage

What’s really going on in Gaza, in the Middle East as a whole, and with Israel’s 9/11? And what can we learn by comparing Israel’s 9/11 to the United States’ 9/11?

Are there specific geostrategic interests in Gaza driving a depopulation agenda by Israel?

We’ll look at the natural gas fields discovered two decades ago immediately offshore of Gaza worth $453B.

We also examine the $55B Ben Gurion Canal project that Gaza is sitting in the way of. But first . . . an inquiry into the US geostrategic goals in Afghanistan and Iraq.

What are the parallels between 9/11 and Gaza? We found several. 

(We all owe a huge debt of gratitude to 9/11 Researcher Kevin Ryan for his initial research on the parallels of 9/11 & Gaza which he presented at the IC911 seminar Genocide & Empire.)


A. They Create the Original PROBLEM 

Part 1: Parallel — Previously Established and Geostrategic Goals — Coveting the Natural Resources of the Target Territory [this article]

Part 2: Parallel — A String of Historic and Recent Provocations and False Flag Operations

Part 3: Parallel — Patsies — Politically Useful Foreign Operatives with History of Violence — Developed by the State 

Part 4: Parallel — A Triggering Event — An Innovative Attack with Dubious Origins; A Manufactured Invasion from Foreign Operatives

Part 5: Parallel — A Catastrophic Intelligence Failure

Part 6: Parallel — A Military Stand-down — with an Obvious Uncharacteristic Delay in Response 

Part 7: Parallel — Foreknowledge of the Attacks

Part 8: Parallel — Dancing Israelis — During the Attacks


B. They Manage the Public REACTION

Part 9: Parallel — Propaganda with Outrageous Slogans from Government and Media to Manipulate Public Emotion; Crisis Actors

Part 10: Parallel — Atrocities Alleged to the Enemy with Ensuing Dehumanization

Part 11: Parallel — Denial of Alleged Atrocities by the Enemy

Part 12: Parallel — Opposition Media/Journalists Targeted


C. They Offer the Prescribed SOLUTION

Part 13: Parallel — Military Revenge Attack Prepared in Advance with No Investigation

Part 14: Parallel — Occupy Territory of the New Enemy — The Land Grab

Part 15: Parallel — Widening the Conflict to Achieve Original Broader Goals

Part 16: Parallel — Effect Regime Change of Enemy Leadership 

Part 17: Parallel — Enact a “Forever War” Policy 

Part 18: Parallel — $$ Billions Flow to the Arms, Oil, Banking, and Media Industries 

Part 19: Parallel — Extreme Public Censorship by Government, MSM, and Social Media 

Part 20: Parallel — Draconian Policies and Surveillance Instituted by Government 


Appendix A: Parallel — Malevolent Roots More Than 250 Years Old 

We’ve found quite a number of parallels and will be diving into each of them separately in upcoming parts of this series. As you see above, they fall into one of the 3 major elements of “false flag” operations: Problem-Reaction-Solution.

Who are “they”? We will explore the complex set of answers to that question in Appendix A of this series.

Today we dive right into Parallel #1:

“A Territory or Country Is Targeted for Previously Established Geostrategic Goals.” 

9/11: Project for a New American Century — NeoCon Think Tank 

We start with the 9/11 side of the equation — and find, most interestingly, that the goals of the 2001 Bush Administration were established by the incoming neoconservatives and laid out in their key paper, Rebuilding America’s Defenses. These individuals founded the Project for a New American Century.  . . . .




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