Bulletin N°1139




Documentary Film


by Charlie Ward.TV


“Healthy adults are dropping dead all across the globe. In the last 18 months, the term “Died Suddenly” has risen to the very top of “most searched” Google terms. Now, the award-winning documentary team that brought you, “Watch The Water”, and “These Little Ones” travels around the world to find answers, and tell the stories, of those who Died Suddenly."



Scenes from the Early Capitalist Hunger for Gold

“The ransom for Amerindian hostages”



The Amerindian Resistance to Early Capitalist Imperialism

 “Putting an end to this insatiable hunger”






May 18, 2024




Subject: From Capitalist Welfare State to Capitalist Warfare State. What’s next...?





Dear Colleagues and Friends of CEIMSA,

As we approach the 153rd anniversary of the notorious annihilation of the Paris Commune (March 18-May 28, 1871) known as “Bloody Week” –which began  with the entry of thousands of recently defeated French troops, who were released by Otto von Bismarck from prison camps in Germany, following the catastrophic defeat of Emperor Louis Napoleon’s Franco-Prussian War adventure, and were sent to Versailles where they prepared to march on Paris the 21st of  May and summarily massacre 30,000 revolutionaries by the end of that week--  we are reminded of the ruthless determination of a ruling class to maintain, at all costs, its illegitimate power over society in the midst of their debacle.


Revolts against tyranny, while entirely comprehensible, are insufficient to achieve the power shifts necessary to replace exclusive capitalist class hegemony with an inclusive participatory democracy that is governed by widely held principles of political justice and social equality.


When push comes to shove, history informs us that we can expect the most ruthless response to any effective challenge against illegitimate dependent power pyramids that rule society. All legitimacy stems from informed consent --at every level-- and the outrage of being challenged can be measured by the magnitude of the murderous mobilization of forces that represent the interests of counter-revolution, for whatever reasons.  


The lessons lost from histories such as the Paris Commune will be the source of our destabilization and the occasion for our defeat at the hands of self-appointed  “masters.”



The 26+ items below are articles and essays taken from the Anglophone social media and which reflect public discussions now taking place across the United States and beyond.





Francis McCollum Feeley


Professeur honoraire de l'Université Grenoble-Alpes
Ancien Directeur des Researches
Université de Paris-Nanterre
Director of The Center for the Advanced Study
of American Institutions and Social Movements
The University of California-San Diego





 “Putin & Xi, preparing for big sanctions war”


with Alex Christoforou, Alexander Mercouris, and  Alex Krainer


With transcript . . . .



“Putin Turns The Tables On West Before China Trip; 'Ready For Peace in Ukraine if . . . . ”


by Hindustan Times


Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that he is open to dialogue on Ukraine only if all countries involved in the conflict are a part of the peace talks. He also backed China's peace plan, saying that Beijing understood the roots of the conflict. His comments came in an interview with news agency Xinhua ahead of his China visit. Meanwhile, UK Defense Secretary said that Britain won't back any peace talks between Russia and Ukraine that allow concessions for Moscow. Watch for more details.





“Using a Fictional Antisemitism Crisis to Support a Real Genocide”



by Caitlin Johnstone

One of the most frustrating things happening in the world right now is the way people of conscience are doing everything they can to bring a stop to Israel’s US-backed atrocities in Gaza, and Israel supporters are responding to this by pointing at an epidemic of “antisemitism” which has no existence outside their own imaginations — but we’re all expected to pretend it’s real and worthy of respect.

TV’s “Dr Phil” McGraw flew to Jerusalem to give war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu an hour-long platform on which to justify his genocidal violence in Gaza to an American audience, shamelessly assisting the Israeli prime minister’s apologia with common hasbara talking points of his own.

The duo spent lot of time smearing anti-genocide protesters at US universities as evil Jew haters. At one point Netanyahu went so far as to advance the ridiculous suggestion that this sudden wave of support for Palestinians has nothing to do with Israel’s actions in Gaza at all, but is solely due to a massive “explosion” in antisemitism which just so happens to coincide with those actions.


“It’s not directed at what we do, it’s directed at who we are,” Netanyahu said of the protests, adding, “It’s an antisemitic explosion that threatens all of civilization.”

Netanyahu tells Dr. Phil the US campus protests actually have nothing to do with Israel's offensive in Gaza, they're just a random "anti-Semitic explosion." Dr. Phil agrees, citing completely fake ADL stats about the supposed 360% increase in "anti-Semitic activity" since Oct. 7



“As I Nurse My Baby, I Mourn for All the Mothers in Gaza Whose Milk Is Drying Up”


by Amy Tran-Calhoun

I am spending this day grieving for mothers in Gaza who, dehydrated and under attack, are unable to feed their children.

My daughter and I recently reached 21 months of breastfeeding. When we started this journey, I would never have believed we would make it this far, knowing that breastfeeding may not be possible to start or sustain due to myriad reasons. As I reflected on this milestone, I was heartbroken to read about Sabreen, a baby girl who was prematurely delivered from her dead mother’s womb after her entire family was killed by an Israeli airstrike. She never had the chance to breastfeed with her mother. Days later, baby Sabreen died and was buried next to her mother. Basic human rights have been violently stripped away from all people in Gaza, including an estimated 50,000 who are currently pregnant, roughly 180 who are giving birth each day in abysmal conditions, and all the currently nursing Palestinian mothers and their babies.



Video: “The Pfizer Vaccine and “Mrs. 4.5 Billion Doses”. EUC President Von Der Leyen Involved in Censorship, Surveillance, Coercion and Corruption”


with Mislav Kolakusic

Mislav Kolakusic, Croatian lawyer and Independent MEP talks about Mrs Von der Leyen, President of the EUC, known as Mrs 4.5 billion doses.



“WHO Pandemic Treaty’s Global Power Grab in May 2024”


by Global Health Project

W.H.O. Pandemic Treaty "Judgment Day" is May 24, 2024. Everything is on the line in this historic, unprecedented, global power grab. This 4 part video series is probably one of the most important things you will ever watch. Watch and SHARE!



“The DOJ Is Trying to Protect Pfizer From a Whistleblower Lawsuit”


by Daniel Greer

A high-profile healthcare lawsuit in Beaumont, Texas, is flying under the radar—which is just how the federal government and Pfizer want it. 

The Department of Justice recently argued that a whistleblower lawsuit against Pfizer, filed by Brook Jackson, should be dismissed.

Jackson, a 20-year veteran in clinical trial administration employed by a third-party vendor (Ventavia Research Group), worked on Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine trials in 2020. Alarmed by what she witnessed, Jackson raised concerns to her superiors, Pfizer, and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in September 2020.

She claimed the trial was being run, documented, and reported in a manner that violated Federal law and was potentially dangerous.

Hours after contacting the FDA on September 25, 2020, Jackson was fired. Her sealed whistleblower complaint seemed to stall, with the FDA not investigating her claims. Faced with inaction, Jackson filed a lawsuit.

As the case progressed towards discovery, the DOJ intervened, asking the judge to dismiss the case. Jackson argues that the government failed to articulate a legitimate reason for dismissal and did not demonstrate why the burdens of continued litigation outweigh its benefits.

Disturbingly, a former FDA lawyer who worked at the agency when Jackson’s complaint was filed has moved to the DOJ and is now representing the government in its attempt to shut down the suit, raising concerns about regulatory capture and the use of government to shield companies from accountability.

In 2021, the British Medical Journal published an article investigating Jackson’s claims and found them credible. The journal’s investigation concluded that Jackson’s account was supported by documentation and raised serious questions about the integrity of Pfizer’s vaccine trials and the FDA’s oversight.

Other former Ventavia employees vouched for Jackson’s complaint, describing a “helter-skelter” work environment and lack of oversight.

Despite evidence and corroboration, the FDA did not inspect Ventavia after Jackson’s complaint, and Pfizer did not mention any problems at Ventavia in its FDA submission for emergency use authorization.

BMJ’s findings lend significant credibility to Jackson’s claims and raise serious questions about the integrity of Pfizer’s vaccine trial data, the adequacy of regulatory oversight, and, ultimately, the approved emergency use authorization.

Should the court grant the DOJ’s request for dismissal, it could send a chilling message to would-be whistleblowers and undermine public trust in the vaccine approval process. The BMJ investigation suggests that Jackson’s concerns deserve a thorough examination, which might only occur if her lawsuit moves forward.





“Mysterious Brand-New Heart Syndrome Reportedly Affects 90% of U.S. Population”



by Ben Bartee

Brand-new heart syndrome reportedly affects 90% of U.S. population, American Medical Association claims, no explanation offered 

Via American Heart Association, October 2023 (emphasis added):

“Health experts are redefining cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk, prevention and management, according to a new American Heart Association presidential advisory published today in the Association’s flagship journal Circulation.

Various aspects of cardiovascular disease that overlap with kidney disease, Type 2 diabetes and obesity support the new approach. For the first time, the American Heart Association defines the overlap in these conditions as cardiovascular-kidney-metabolic (CKM) syndrome. People who have or are at risk for cardiovascular disease may have CKM syndrome…

According to the American Heart Association’s 2023 Statistical Update, 1 in 3 U.S. adults have three or more risk factors that contribute to cardiovascular disease, metabolic disorders and/or kidney disease. CKM affects nearly every major organ in the body, including the heart, brain, kidney and liver. However, the biggest impact is on the cardiovascular system, affecting blood vessels and heart muscle function, the rate of fatty buildup in arteries, electrical impulses in the heart and more.”


Although the diagnostic designation CKM only materialized last fall, according to recently released data from the Journal of the American Medical Association, a full 90% of Americans might be afflicted.

Via Healthline (emphasis added):

“A new study has revealed that roughly 90% of Americans may have cardiovascular-kidney-metabolic (CKM) syndrome.

The risks are greatest among older adults, men, and Black individuals, the report, which was published in JAMA Wednesday, found.

The American Heart Association (AHA) introduced a new staging system in 2023 — called CKM syndrome — to better treat and manage cardiovascular, kidney, and metabolic diseases, since they are deeply connected and often require a multidisciplinary approach.

CKM syndrome is a systemic disorder that has links between heart disease, kidney disease, diabetes, and obesity.”

Via Journal of the American Medical Association (emphasis added):

“Almost 90% of US adults met criteria for CKM syndrome (stage 1 or higher) and 15% met criteria for advanced stages, neither of which improved between 2011 and 2020. The lack of progress, in part, may reflect concomitant improvement and worsening of different risk factors over time. Substantial between-subgroup differences in advanced stages were observed, with older age, men, and Black adults at increased risk.”

A 90% diagnosis rate for a newborn medical condition impacting multiple organs simultaneously would seem to beg for deep, deliberate, comprehensive reflection within the medical community — the kind of sweeping mobilization of resources seen during Operation Warp Speed — to ferret out root causes, which in other contexts, like mass migration, the likes of the Karamel-uh entity are exceptionally curious about.


…Unless, of course, true healthcare isn’t the overriding objective of the brand of institutionalized, corporatized “healthcare” championed by the governing authorities and industry.

One doesn’t require an epidemiology degree to get the sense that whatever is triggering functional meltdowns in multiple organs at once in 90% of a population is probably something coming from a source ubiquitous in the environment, like the food supply, or the water, or the tip of a syringe filled with a certain experimental gene therapy — or all three at once.

Yet — and you’ll be shocked to learn this — perusing all of the literature on CMK pushed out by mainstream outlets and medical organizations like the AMA, there is a palpable lack of interest in asking fundamental questions. 

What they are interested in, and what we can expect coming down the pipeline, is new patented drugs for CMK to the great ecstasy of Pfizer and Merck shareholders.



“Sucharit Bhakdi did the right thing early on and showed total destruction from the Covid Injections”


with Sucharit Bhakdi


One of the highest integrity people in the Covid era is undeniably Sucharit Bhakdi. He told the truth and even as the German government threatened to put him in jail he didn't back down. In the end he was right and humanity is better off knowing what he was trying to tell everybody. Even without any of the other experiments that the Covid shots consist of, just the lipid nano particle itself was already destined to kill a ton of people.



Video: “CDC Internal Documents Reveal COVID Vaccine-Related Deaths. Dr. Robert Malone”


by Dr. Robert Malone and The Epoch Times

Through Freedom of Information Act requests, the Epoch Times has found that CDC officials, by late 2021, had already found evidence that the COVID-19 vaccines caused multiple deaths.

Yet they continued to publicly claim for the next two years that there was no evidence linking the COVID-19 genetic vaccines to any deaths reported in VAERS.

In other news, a new peer-reviewed review paper has linked the COVID-19 vaccines with psychosis symptoms, and the Cleveland Clinic is reporting that the current COVID booster formulation provides a low level of protection from SARS-CoV-2, and a higher number of prior vaccine doses is associated with a higher risk of COVID-19.

See Video:



by The Epoch Times




“Bombshell: Molecular Geneticist: COVID mRNA Shots Were ‘Designed’ to ‘Destroy Humanity’”



by Peter Koenig


Would you believe, Michael Nehls, MD, PhD, molecular geneticist, immunologist, author, and educator, reveals as an insider that the mRNA shots, falsely called vaccines, were from the beginning designed to “destroy humanity”.

He claims the injections were part of a plan by the World Economic Forum (WEF), the United Nations and the World Health Organization (WHO), and Big Pharma to massively reduce world population.

One of the few insiders who blows the whistle on the truth.

One may add that among the hidden criminals were and are to this day active, also Big Finance, the Military Industrial Complex, Big IT, and the corrupted mainstream media, that dominate over 90% of western news outlets.

However, Dr. Nehls, a leading expert with inside knowledge of the plot, says the plan may not be realized in time, because the “shots were created as a ticking time bomb, that would continue to eliminate the vaccinated for several years after they received the shots”.

It would therefore be difficult to identify the cause of death with the covid jabs.

Besides, people who are on the path of dying, or people who know people who have most-likely died due to the shots, will not dare to speak up, either for shame or for fear.

This corner has been “wonderfully” covered by the plotsters. Call it – built-in mind-manipulated propaganda. See also this extraordinary interview of Dr. Nehls by Mike Adams

The delayed genocide-effect was also confirmed by Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Vice President, and chief scientist of Pfizer. See this and this and this.

In a recent video, one of the main authors of the Club of Rome’s “Limits to Growth” (1972) which planted the seeds for drastic depopulation talks about a 86% reduction of the world population. See Genocide Promotion – Club of Rome “Limits to Growth” Author.

According to Dr. Nehls, the plan sought to “conquer the human mind” by destroying most of the human race to eliminate barriers and frontiers that are preventing the globalists from their technocratic take-over through a One World Order and a One World Government.

Dr. Nehls has also studied the effects of the mRNA vaxxes on the brain, and believes it is the way these jabs affect our minds – making people “complacent” – that made governments so eager to push them on their populations.

The “vaxxes” acting on the brain are accompanied by decades of clandestine poisoning of our Mother Earth’s air, soil, and water, with micro-chemicals and microscopic heavy metal particles, through chemtrails, chloride and fluoride in the water – and much more.

The average people have no clue. But their brain capacity and emotion-sensitive pineal gland are being gradually diminished and eventually destroyed.

See, also:

“Tactics to resist Neurological Warfare”


with Dr. Drew and Dr. Michael Nehls




“Update on COVID mRNA Vaccine Harms”


by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Asish Jha says the quiet part out loud, and new data and documents demonstrate both harms and CDC cover ups.

I have been waiting for this moment for years now. The US Federal government is finally starting to acknowledge that they have forced the citizens (including military personnel) of this country to accept toxic injectable products presented as “vaccines”. Products which either contain or cause patient’s bodies to produce a known toxin; the engineered SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. We are now seeing an incremental rollout of limited hangouts, in which current and former senior federal officials are starting to acknowledge deaths and harms attributable to the various emergency use authorized COVID-19 “vaccine” products.



“Dr. Naomi Wolf Joins Alex Jones And Exposes The Globalist Blueprint To End Humanity”


with Alex Jones and Naomi Wolf


“This is probably the most important interview I’ve ever done.”

-- Alex Jones



“Club of Rome “Limits to Growth” Author Promotes Genocide of 86% of the World’s Population”


by Rhoda Wilson


Dennis Meadows, one of the main authors of the Club of Rome’s The Limits to Growth, is an honorary member of the Club of Rome and a member of the World Economic Forum. If you thought his ideology had softened and become less anti-human since the publishing of his book, you’d be wrong. 

Here’s a 2017 video of Meadows musing over his hopes that the coming inevitable genocide of 86% of the world population could be accomplished peacefully under a “benevolent” dictatorship.

He said:

“We could [ ] have eight or nine billion, probably, if we have a very strong dictatorship which is smart … and [people have] a low standard of living …  

But we want to have freedom and we want to have a high standard of living so we’re going to have a billion people.

And we’re now at seven, so we have to get back down.  I hope that this can be slow, relatively slow and that it can be done in a way which is relatively equal, you know, so that people share the experience.”





“This Mother's Day: Pray For The Mothers Who Lost Their Children Due To Experimental Covid Injections”


by Celia Farber

As we enter Mother’s Day, let’s think of the many mothers who have lost their children, babies, and unborn babies, due to the Covid shots. Their suffering is unimaginable. Let’s hold them in our hearts and pray for them, that the Lord grants them both peace and, maybe even—one day— justice.

We welcome anybody who wishes to share a story, to do so here, in the comments section below.



“Epidemic of Fraud”


by John Davidson




“Tucker Carlson interviews Justin Trudeau's younger BROTHER...Justin might be PISSED after this.”


by  PortuguesePai




“Blame Canada? Justin Trudeau Creates Blueprint for Dystopia in Horrific Speech Bill”


by Matt Taibbi

On February 21st, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau gave a press conference in Edmonton, announcing his government’s decision to introduce the Online Harms Act, or Bill C-63. It was described in Canadian media as a “bill to protect kids” that would stop the “exploitation of children,” and Trudeau’s curt speech focused solely on minors. The scarf-clad PM angrily dismissed criticisms the bill might have a broader focus.

“I look forward to putting forward that Online Harms bill, which people will see is very, very specifically focused on protecting kids, and not on censoring the Internet,” he said sharply. “I think everyone, wherever they are in the political spectrum, can agree that protecting kids is something governments should be focused on doing.”

Soon after, on February 26th, Trudeau’s government introduced the bill. Canada’s stable of retreating, credulous on-air personalities announced its rollout like the arrival of penicillin. “Tonight, Web of Harm,” gushed CTV’s Omar Sachedina. “Tackling online dangers and safeguarding children… The long-awaited framework for protecting the vulnerable…”

There was little initial uproar. What could be wrong with increasing child safety, or “protecting the vulnerable”?

Then people read the bill.

“If you look at the purpose of this law, it’s actually quite noble and most lawyers would agree with it,” says Canadian attorney Dan Freiheit. “Online safety, protecting children’s physical and mental health.” But the actual text?

Canada’s Online Harms Act Bill C-63: Life in Prison for Thought Criminals

“It’s wild,” Freheit says.

Trudeau was lying when he said C-63 was “very, very specifically focused on correcting kids.” The purview of the Online Harms Act extends far beyond speech, reimagining society as a mandated social engineering project, creating transformational new procedures that would:

·         enlist Canada’s citizens in an ambitious social monitoring system, with rewards of up to $20,000 for anonymous “informants” of hateful behavior, with the guilty paying penalties up to $50,000, creating a self-funded national spying system;

·         introduce extraordinary criminal penalties, including life in prison not just for existing crimes like “advocating genocide,” but for any “offence motivated by hatred,” in theory any non-criminal offense, as tiny as littering, committed with hateful intent;

·         punish Minority Report pre-crime, where if an informant convinces a judge you “will commit” a hate offense, you can be jailed up to a year, put under house arrest, have firearms seized, or be forced into drug/alcohol testing, all for things you haven’t done;

·         penalize past statements. The law gets around prohibitions against “retroactive” punishment by calling the offense “continuous communication” of hate, i.e. the crime is your failure to take down bad speech;

·         force corporate Internet platforms to remove “harmful content” virtually on demand (within 24 hours in some cases), the hammer being fines of “up to 6% of… gross global revenue.”

Things you’re saying, things you’ve already said, things an administrative judge thinks you might say, all barred, with neighbors deputized as enforcers? Good times. Leave it to Trudeau, a frequent trailblazer in new forms of illiberalism in the digital age, to come up with this quantum leap downward on the rights front. C-63 is a Frankenstein’s Monster combining the worst censorship ideas already deployed by supposed ally government-in-laws like Europe’s Digital Services Act, Australia’s updated Australian Communications and Media Authority Act (ACMA), and Scotland’s Hate Crime and Public Order Act, which saw 7,152 complaints in its first week when the law took effect last month.

Trudeau’s creation is a turbo-charged social surveillance law aimed first at forcing big platforms like Facebook and Twitter to “self-police,” but secondarily targeting individuals and doling out civil and criminal penalties for speech and thought on a scale not seen anywhere. What constitutes hateful conduct? While the bill newly defines hate speech as “likely to foment detestation or vilification” of Canada’s growing list of protected groups and individuals, Canadian lawyers interviewed were generally unsure of what the standard might look like in practice.

“It’s impossible to know what exactly it’s going to mean,” says Bruce Pardy, Executive Director of Rights Probe. “So you’re going to have to rely upon the court in a criminal prosecution, or the human rights tribunal in a human rights proceeding, to put their own interpretation on that, and figure out where the line is.”

Despite being split on how serious the immediate impact might be (“We’re not looking at prisons full of people doing life for misgendering” said one), most attorneys seemed to agree C-63 will be a game-changer if passed, aimed beyond speech at the very concept of individual rights, chipping away at ideas like the presumption of innocence and the right to face one’s accuser, and using traditionally dubious tools like ex post facto laws.

On one level, it’s not surprising, given Canada’s historically diffident attitude toward rights — the first section in the country’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms, ironically introduced when Trudeau’s father Pierre was Prime Minister, is essentially a giant loophole — but this Prime Minister appears determined to swap out Canada’s reputation for brotherhood, humor, and generosity for a new one based on rigidity and collective paranoia.





“Questions For Corbett: ‘What Happened to the WEF?’”


with James Corbett


Whatever happened to the World Economic Forum? One minute they were everywhere in the media and now they have all but disappeared from public discourse. The answer, of course, is that the WEF hasn’t gone anywhere and the Great Reset agenda is still in full swing. You’re not hearing about that agenda anymore, though, because something important has changed in the past few years.



“WEF Young Leaders Speech Is Pure Evil!”


with Jimmy Dore






by Strangenews


Members of Government testified before the Homeland Security Commitee on May 8th 2024, that Government agencies have targeted US citizens in Washington D.C. with directed energy weapons.





with Alex Jones and James O’Keefe


See also: okeefemediagroup.com





“Too Massive to Comprehend”


by Todd Hayen

I remember a time not too long ago when you could sort of see what was happening in the world, even in your own backyard, with some degree of certainty.

If you looked hard enough, got past the politics, and the greedy capitalists, and the ideological socialists, you could make some sense of it. Even then it took some work. You had to read a lot and find journalists, historians, and authors you could somewhat trust.

Throw in a bit of common sense here and there, and you could pretty much lock on to a rather trustworthy sense of what was true and what probably was not. At least it seemed that way.

There were still always mysteries. People were saying one thing and doing another. But there were stakes in the ground—pillars of truth, certain things you could trust, still with a grain of salt, but for the most part trustworthy. Take the American press for example.

Yes, weird things are discovered here and there with the press during the best of times, but I remember trusting the press. Remember the great Washington Post revelations during the Watergate scandals in the 1970s? A great book and movie came out of it, All the President’s Men. It was journalism at its best (was it?). The controlled manner in which it was presented to the public, to be assured of accuracy and relevance. I was very proud of that paper. But was even that the truth?

Yes, there were problems with journalistic suppressions, particularly during the Vietnam conflict. But truth always seemed to prevail. Was it all as it seemed? Unfortunately, I don’t think so. Not even then. But it sure seemed like there were various bastions of truth you could depend on.

I remember even with the JFK assassination I thought the corruption revealed in that fiasco was limited. At the very beginning of my investigations into the event, I had no understanding that the entire government of the US was in on it. I thought the unscrupulousness was limited. I believed that with the Watergate scandal as well.

Even when 9-11 hit us, I didn’t realize how deep the cancer penetrated our government (the US) and even the world. Little did I know back then what a mess everything was in. And to tell you the truth, I still don’t know the extent of it. For a shrew with a pretty long nose, I am certain I don’t know the half of it. It is pretty daunting.

When did all these lies and corruption start?



“The Mass Numbers of Illegal Migrants that Are Pouring into Our Respective Countries Are in Fact UN Soldiers”



with Jim Ferguson and John O’Looney

John O’Looney joins former Brexit Party parliamentary candidate Jim Ferguson for a riveting podcast about the “sneak invasion of troops of UN soldiers into the west.”

"these are UN Soldiers and they will be deployed by the World Health Organisation (WHO) when they announce the next Pandemic Lockdown"

The Black Watch a Scottish Infantry regiment based in Perth Scotland has been instructed to train illegal migrants to carry out crowd control and other measures to force compliance within the British population in the event of a civil uprising of the population against the government.

There are bird flu Avian influenza H5N1 vaccines being flown into the UK right now ready to be used on the British Public!

UK Businessman John O'Looney raises the alarm and says he has conclusive evidence that these UN soldiers are being trained by British forces who are being ordered to do so by globalist's infesting the British Government.

John has stated that he has surveillance and video evidence of what is going on along with detailed vehicle and registration numbers of the vehicles that are in use.

The details that are emerging suggest that British Forces will be sent abroad to fight Russia in Ukraine that will effectively leave no patriotic soldiers within Britain to protect the British population and that Illegal migrants will be issued Uniforms and given powers by the Globalists to Police, control and order the British people to stay at home and will have the powers to get physical and arrest anyone who does not comply.

This explains why Canada, The United States, Australia, New Zealand and parts of Europe are all facing the same plan by the Globalists.

These Illegal migrants have no loyalty to the host countries and will gleefully follow orders from the Globalists to subjugate and control the people in our respective countries.

This is a betrayal of biblical proportions. . . . .







“30,000 People March in Dublin in Defiance of the Mass Plantation of ‘Unvetted’ Migrants into Ireland and Europe”


by Mark Keenan

(video, 4:40)

On Monday 6th May, an estimated 30,000 people held a peaceful march in Dublin, Ireland, showing their strong determination to protect Irish culture and identity from the New World Order/UN-funded, plan of mass ‘unvetted’ immigration.

The large march occurred amidst rising crime by migrants, Of major concern to the demonstrators is that most of the migrants coming to Ireland seeking asylum are unvetted/unchecked, and, whilst the majority of the unvetted asylum seekers are from Ukraine, there are also significant numbers coming from other countries, largely from the Global South. 

It appears that under the ‘Temporary Protection Directive’ Ukrainians are not required to present a passport or a visa.

Nobody knows who these asylum seekers are as recent government data shows that 87% of the asylum seekers (largely Ukrainians) to Ireland are without no passport, as described in this recent article.

It appears that by destroying or ‘losing’ their passports before entry migrants can avail of ‘asylum seeker’ status, therefore, no one knows who they are, and whether or not they have a criminal record. 



“Ireland, Belarus and Britain – Immigration Hypocrisy”


by Gavin OReilly

Since November 2022, the southern Irish State has been rocked by protests related to the current immigration policy of Leinster House, which has seen vast amount of male migrants placed into wildly unsuitable locations such as an inner city office block and children’s primary school, with no prior consultation being held beforehand with representatives of the communities where these men had been placed.

In November 2023, tensions would spill over when riots swept Dublin following the stabbing of three schoolchildren and their teacher by a migrant previously subjected to a deportation order, garnering worldwide media attention and leading to the government of then-Taoiseach and WEF ‘Young Global Leader’ Leo Varadkar introducing Facial Recognition Technology laws – a key component of the Great Reset agenda.

Last week, tensions would again spill over in the small rural town of Newtownmountkennedy, located in County Wicklow. Following weeks of peaceful protest by local residents in opposition to plans to house male migrants in a former hospital in the town, matters would come to a head when workmen, accompanied by masked security, arrived on site to begin work. Irish police would respond in a brutal manner, attacking local residents, pepper spraying a female journalist and imposing martial law on the sleepy town, resulting in scenes akin to a military occupation.

READ MORE: Ireland’s Protests and Colour Revolutions – A Contrast in Reactions

In a grim irony, the Irish establishment would release a statement on Thursday condemning the Georgian government’s response to protesters demonstrating against a proposed law that would make it compulsory for any NGO that receives more than 20% of its funding from abroad to register as a foreign agent. The previous weeks scenes of state-sanctioned violence in Newtownmountkennedy being wilfully ignored by Leinster House.



“They're Destroying the United States”


with Nima Alkhorshid and Dr. Jill Stein






“INTERVIEW: ‘Israel is implementing the final solution’”


with GeorgeGalloway and Lara Elborno


Every day it gets worse…..





with George Galloway




“‘The scenes of the Nakba are repeating’: Rafah in panic as Israeli invasion begins”


by +972 Magazine

With Israeli forces entering Gaza’s southernmost city, Palestinians describe their hardships and fears in the Strip’s last vanishing refuge.



“Genocide in Gaza: King Bibi’s Land Grab”



by Mike Whitney

If you’ve ever taken a lifesaving course, you know there’s a real possibility that a drowning person will drag you under and you’ll both die. It’s a lesson that should be kept in mind when discussing America’s relationship with Israel. (Adapted from @LarryBoorstein)

On Monday, Israel intensified its airstrikes on Rafah, bombing more than 50 sites in the heart of the city. Video footage on Twitter showed plumes of smoke rising from the makeshift encampments and residential buildings where more than 1.4 million refugees are presently huddled in the most densely populated place on earth. Israel’s air campaign was accompanied by a sizable ground-offensive that deployed tanks and armored vehicles to the southern border where Israeli troops quickly seized the Rafah Crossing without resistance.

The sudden uptick in violence has triggered widespread panic among the Palestinians many of who have already gathered their families and belongings onto carts and buses and fled northward to safety. The opening assault on the civilian enclave is reminiscent of earlier attacks on Gaza City and Khan Younis both of which followed a similar pattern. The launching of random bombings is designed to amplify feelings of terror within the population while the humanitarian blockade tightens the stranglehold on critical food and medical supplies. The objective here is not to kill as many Palestinians as possible, but to force them into sprawling tent cities where they will languish amid the rubble until the international community finds a way to spirit them out of the country. For Israel, the endgame has always been ethnic cleansing, a comprehensive erasure of the native population. The ground invasion of Rafah represents the final phase of that maniacal strategy. This is from an article at the World Socialist Web Site:

The assault on Rafah comes despite the acceptance by Hamas Monday of a proposal for a temporary cessation of hostilities in exchange for the release of hostages. But after spending weeks attempting to blame the Palestinians for the ongoing war, Israeli officials flatly rejected the proposal….

In response to the murderous Israeli onslaught, multiple US officials reiterated their unlimited support for Israel. “We have always made clear that we are committed to Israel’s defense,” said State Department spokesman Vedant Patel on Monday. “That commitment to Israel’s security remains ironclad.” US reiterates “ironclad” support to Israel as Netanyahu launches assault on Rafah, World Socialist Web Site

The cynical and misleading phrase “Israel’s right to defend itself” has become synonymous with the premeditated mass-murder of civilians. Most people have never seen anything as  horrific as Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza which explains why college campuses across the United States have become hotbeds of political activism almost overnight. America’s students now serve as the nation’s conscience by opposing a flagrantly-immoral onslaught that deliberately targets defenseless women and children.




“Have It Out With Galloway”


with George Galloway






“The Possible Saudi-Israeli Normalization Post-Gaza”



by Steven Sahiounie

Israel and Saudi Arabia seemed on the verge of establishing normal relations, but the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, 2023 changed everything after Israel began a horrific bombardment of Gaza in a revenge attack. The dead Israelis numbered about 1,400, but the dead Palestinians now amount to about 35,000, with more deaths recorded daily.

When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took office for the sixth time, he stated he had two main goals: to increase illegal settlements in the Occupied territory of the West Bank, and to sign a normalization pact with Saudi Arabia as part of the US-led Abraham Accords, which were rolled out during the administration of President Donald Trump.

US President Joe Biden continued the push for an Israeli-Saudi pact, and all signs appeared to point to a successful future normalization. Then Gaza happened, and the world watched in horror as Israel, supported by Biden, committed genocide in Gaza, with no end in sight to the genocide, and no end in sight to the American support of Israel.

Even though the hope of a pact between Israel and Saudi Arabia appears diminished, still Saudi Arabia has left the door open to Israel, but with conditions to be met before realizing the dream of Netanyahu, which could have implications for regional stability and a potential reset in Middle Eastern politics.

US-Israel Goal of Saudi-Israel Pact

Shared security concerns have played a pivotal role in bringing Saudi Arabia and Israel closer in recent years. With Iran’s expanding influence on the regional stage, both nations now recognize the necessity of cooperation to counter common threats to their national security. Covert intelligence sharing, joint military exercises, and discreet diplomatic communications have helped forge a new understanding between Riyadh and Tel Aviv.

Israel had a plan in which they would not make peace with the Palestinians, and would not give them freedom or human rights, but instead Israel would forge alliances with its Arab neighbors, thus by-passing the Palestinian issue.

With the US pressure on Middle Eastern countries under the Abraham Accords, the plan was successful, though limited to Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, and Sudan which have already normalized ties and set a precedent for Saudi Arabia to join the crowd.

Iran as a Threat . . . .



“Abby Martin Calls Out Israeli Spy on Piers Morgan”



by Empire Files


On May 7, Abby Martin appeared on Piers Morgan Uncensored to talk about the Rafah invasion... but the other guest was an Israeli spy.



 “ICJ hearing for South Africa's case against Israel on additional emergency Rafah measures - day 1”


by We Love Africa


Broadcasting live from The Hague on Thursday, May 16th, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) convenes for two days of hearings regarding South Africa's case against Israel. The focus is on implementing additional emergency measures and revising existing ones. South Africa will initiate proceedings on the first day, highlighting Israeli activities in Rafah, where it's estimated that over 1.4 million individuals seek refuge. Filed on May 10th, this request urges Israel to cease military operations in the region.





“Elections and the war machine w/ Daniel McAdams”


with Alex Christoforou and Alexander Mercouris




“BREAKING: German and French Soldiers Entered Battle Near CHASIV YAR and Suffered Heavy LOSSES”






“US MISTAKE! The West Are SCARED After Putin's Big Move! Ukraine Should END!”


with John Mearsheimer




“EU CROSSED A Red Line After AGREES To Transfer Russian Assets To Ukraine! PANIC Coming”


with Scott Ritter




“Russia Is ANGRY After US Conducts Exercises Near Border! TENSIONS ESCALATE”


with Col. Douglas Macgregor




“Ukrainian Azov Brigade Fighter Exposes Conscription Situation: ‘No one wants to join the Army these days’”


by Ahmed Adel

Ukrainians are taking increasingly desperate measures to avoid conscription into the military at a time when Kiev does not have reserve troops to replace those already on the front, a soldier from the neo-Nazi Azov Brigade told local media. The lack of morale among Ukrainians to fight Russian forces brings into question why the US insists on sending billions of dollars to Kiev.

“No one is willing to join the Armed Forces of Ukraine nowadays,” commented Niko, who is using a call name and is a fighter for the 12th Brigade of the Azov Brigade, a formation of the National Guard of Ukraine formerly based in Mariupol.

The men “do whatever they come up with” to avoid conscription, including “swimming across the Tisza River and drowning themselves in there,” Niko told local media TSN before referring to reports from April 13 about men killed trying to flee Ukraine across the river to avoid compulsory military service.

Likewise, the neo-Nazi fighter said he continues to serve despite the amputation of his leg because no one can replace him.

Evasion of military service is increasingly worrying for Kiev, with many trying to flee the country illegally. The reaction of the Ukrainian authorities to these attempts is harsher than ever. A video published by Ukrainian media in March showed border guards brutally beating dozens of men detained when they tried to cross the border with Romania, piling them together on the ground.

Military and Political Crisis in Ukraine: Front Line at Great Risk of Collapse. Russia’s “Big Attack” in August? Odessa and Kiev Risk of Falling? Will Peace Negotiations Be Revived?

On April 11, the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine approved a controversial law requiring men between the ages of 18 and 60 to carry their military registration papers at all times. The new law also toughens penalties for attempting to evade military conscription.

The mobilisation law aims to increase the number of Ukrainian troops. These measures were adopted amid the heavy losses suffered by Ukraine in the conflict, with Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu indicating in late April that Kiev had lost almost 500,000 soldiers since the start of hostilities.

Yet, despite this catastrophic casualty number and the evident unwillingness of Ukrainians to fight, US President Joe Biden has approved a massive $61 billion aid package for Ukraine, wasting more taxpayer money on a war that will only result in Russia’s ultimate victory.

Ukrainians desperately avoiding conscription shows that the only people on the frontline are those unfortunate to have been forcibly mobilised and are therefore not motivated, or the most extremist elements like Niko, who have managed to survive but are extremely exhausted and even maimed.

This raises questions about who will man the new influx of weapons and equipment that Ukraine will receive. In fact, journalist Christoph Wanner on Die Welt revealed that the Ukrainian military is refusing to use US-made Abrams tanks due to overestimated expectations.

It is recalled that in late September 2023, the White House confirmed that Abrams tanks had begun arriving in Ukraine.

“They probably didn’t bring what was expected of them, so now they are temporarily abandoning the still intact Abrams tanks,” the journalist said when commenting on the withdrawal of Ukraine’s Abrams tanks from the front line.

Wanner noted that using the tanks, initially hailed as a “wunderwaffe” (wonder-weapon) that would turn the tide in Kiev’s favour, is complicated by first-person view (FPV) and kamikaze drones operated by the Russian military. Expectations of the Abrams effectiveness faced a harsh reality as cheap Russian drones can easily turn expensive American-made tanks into scrap metal.

“We cannot live in a world where drones costing a few thousand dollars have free rein to attack $10 million tanks where they are most vulnerable: from above,” lamented The Telegraph on April 26.

The fact that Abrams tanks have been removed from the battlefield indicates that Ukrainian soldiers are considered by the Kiev regime even more expendable than their outdated weaponry, providing insight once again into why Ukrainians are desperately avoiding conscription.

Although the $61 billion aid package could sustain Kiev’s war efforts for a few more months, it ultimately cannot help Ukraine avoid defeat. This will put Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in an even more difficult predicament than he currently finds himself in, especially as he is carrying out brutal persecutions through his conscription system of kidnapping men between 18 and 60 years old to go to the battlefront – a situation that cannot be sustained as domestic outrage will boil over.

The only thing Zelensky currently offers Ukrainian men of combat age is to die fighting in a futile war against Russia or go to jail for having deserted. As Niko pointed out, “No one is willing to join the Armed Forces of Ukraine nowadays.”

And who can blame them? No one wants to die or lose a leg like the neo-Nazi fighter did.



“Days After Putin's Threat To Attack UK Military, US Official Exposes British Secret Ops In Ukraine?”


by Hindustan Times


It seems like the head of U.S. Special Operations Command has accidentally exposed the UK's secret operations in Ukraine. General Brayan Fenton's remarks in a recent interview to a news agency, which were later removed, have sparked a row. The General reportedly suggested that UK special forces were operating in Ukraine. This comes days after Russian President Putin threatened to attack UK army targets even outside of Ukraine. Watch the full video to know more.





“The WHO Is Seizing SWEEPING Global Powers w/ Dr. Meryl Nass”


with Jimmy Dore and Dr. Meryl Nass




“The WHO Health Tyranny – Or Not?”



by Peter Koenig

The World Health Organization’s (WHO) General Assembly, the World Health Assembly (WHA) representing all 194 member states, will take place in Geneva, from 27 May to 1 June 2024.

During that crucial week, the WHA is expected to vote on the controversial “Pandemic Treaty” and the new revised International Health Regulation (IHR, last revision 2005). With two thirds of the countries yes-vote, the treaty and the new IHR would be approved. This would give the WHO, more precisely, the WHO’s Director General, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, full power in matters of health and climate change over and above individual member countries health sovereignty.

Yes, climate change too, because climate change (the hoax) is pretended to also be responsible largely for human and animal health.

This approval would be creating a One World Health — in, maybe soon to come, a One World Government.

They are both on top of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) and the UN’s agendas. The WEF/ UN alliance signed in June 2019, is officially to ‘accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’, which is equivalent to the WEF’s Great Reset, that ends in “You will own nothing but will be happy”.

Dr. Tedros was put into this WHO Director General (DG) position by Bill Gates, one of the WHO’s largest donors. The WHA just rubber-stamped Tedros into the WHO-DG position. Mr. Tedros is pursued for criminal activities in his home country, Ethiopia.

Funding for UN agencies’ budgets usually comes from member countries set contributions. The case of WHO is quite different. WHO is funded up to 87% (the precise percentage depends on the year) by the private sector, of which Big Pharma including the infamous NGO, GAVI (the “Vaccination Association”), with their offices just across the drive-way from WHO – and other interest groups, like Big Tech, Big Finance and Bill Gates and more.

Therefore, WHO, created in 1948 as a Rockefeller initiative, is not a real UN agency.

Gates, Rockefeller, Rothschild foundations are known for their eugenist agendas. They are supporting WHO.


According to Article 55 of the WHO’s IHR, the final text to be voted on (Pandemic Treaty and revised IHR) should have been distributed to all member countries four months ahead of the WHA, i.e. on 27 January 2024. That did not happen. As of today, no official distribution of the final texts has taken place.

WHO’s Worldwide Power Grab: Beware of the New International Health Regulation and Pandemic Treaty, a Health Tyranny Never Heard of Before in Human History

Still, the fear is that despite this WHO Constitutional shortcoming the vote will take place, even if muddled through behind closed doors, as has happened in the past, in particular during the most secretive negotiations for these two technocratic and world-dictatorial agreements. It is said, unwilling country representatives (in most cases they are countries’ respective Health Ministers), maybe coerced, or exchanged for more willing participants.

The proposed amendments (Pandemic Treaty and IHR) among other threats to public freedom, stand to:

·         Require surveillance of online information and censorship of information deemed “misinformation.”

·         Require health documents that could be used to restrict access and travel.

·         Force extreme lockdown measures.

·         Allow the WHO to declare a “public health emergency of international concern” at will.

According to a “Global Health Policy” article, published on 1 April 2024, there is a possibility that the vote will be “postponed” – or “indefinitely deferred” – or set up for new negotiations, due to potentially insufficient votes. This is what they say:

“What are possible outcomes of the agreement negotiations?”

“WHO member states are expected to vote on the final text of the agreement during the WHA meeting this year, which starts on May 27, 2024. It is also possible that before then, member states decide to delay the vote to allow for more negotiating time. They may also choose to halt the process temporarily or permanently if sufficient agreement cannot be reached. If member states vote in favor, the agreement would be adopted as one of several different types of international legal agreements allowed under the WHO Constitution. Which form it takes is the subject of ongoing negotiations at the International Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB), but possibilities include a “treaty”, a “regulation” or a “resolution” / ”decision,” each of which has specific characteristics and implications.”

For full article, see this.




“Are New WHO Treaties Implementing a Global Surveillance State?”


with Max Jones and Dr. Amrei Müller

(video, 1:12:37)

At the 76th World Health Assembly in May of 2023, World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros announced that the WHO will respond to the apparently inevitable growing number of future pandemics with amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR), a legally binding framework for WHO member states, and a new “pandemic accord” that define their “rights and obligations” in responding to global pandemics.

This makes “a generational commitment that we will not go back to the old cycle of panic and neglect that left our world vulnerable, but move forward with a shared commitment to meet shared threats with a shared response,” he said. This begs the question — how will the WHO make this “generational commitment” to face the threats of future pandemics?

To help us answer this question is Dr. Amrei Müller, a professor in international law and co-director of the Global Health Responsibility Agency. Müller has been tracking these conventions closely, and believes they are less concerned with medical equity and pandemic safety, and more concerned with corporate power and control.

Transcript  . . . .



“Bill Gates Predicts mRNA ‘Vaccine Factories’ Worldwide and $2 Vaccines for Every Disease”



by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D.

John Campbell, Ph.D., a former nurse and healthcare educator, questioned whether any of Bill Gates’ visions for the future of vaccines — including vaccine patches and inhalable vaccines — are realistic or even desirable.

“Over the next five years, it looks like there’s going to be a lot of money put into innovation of the messenger ribonucleic acid technology [mRNA] and lipid nanoparticles,” medical commentator John Campbell, Ph.D., said on a recent episode of his YouTube show.

Campbell cited a recent interview with Bill Gates and a 2022 “TED Talk,” where Gates laid out his vision for global health in the next five years. Campbell played clips from the talks and offered a point-by-point critique.

In one clip, Gates promoted mRNA as easy, cheap, self-assembling and scalable.

We just need to mess around” with it in the next five years, he said to make it so. Soon there will be “factories worldwide that can make $2 vaccines with even less lead time than we’ve had to here during this pandemic.”

And those factories will be making those vaccines for every disease, Gates said.

Campbell, a former nurse and healthcare educator, said this all sounded “quite incredible” and doubted any of it could be realized.

What qualifications, Campbell asked, does Gates have to be making such ambitious predictions?

“He’s not a doctor. He’s not a nurse. He’s not a pharmacist. He’s not a biomedical scientist. He’s not a dentist. He’s not a physiotherapist. He’s none of these things … He has no qualifications in these matters.”

“Let me know how comfortable you are with people self-appointing themselves to lead global research on these topics,” he told his viewers.

Campbell’s main concern is that the proposed new mRNA vaccines will put lipid nanoparticles into the blood. The particles don’t stay in the arm, as the public was originally told, Campbell said. They systematically move throughout the body. Because they are fatty, just like the cells in the body, they fuse with them.

“The membranes will combine and they will become one and they will absorb into any fatty surface throughout the body,” he said. “That will mean they will discharge their contents into that cell.”

In the “TED Talk” clip, Gates said the COVID-19 vaccines “saved millions of lives,” but they can still be even better. “We need to invent easier-to-deliver vaccines that are just a patch you put on your arm or something that you inhale. We need vaccines that actually block infections.”

Gates has invested heavily in vaccine patches and is funding research on inhalable vaccines.

Gates also said there would be “innovative new vaccines” that can “eradicate entire families of viruses” like the coronavirus family or the flu families.

He promised such vaccines would “make people healthier” and “shrink the health equity gap” between rich and poor countries.



“AstraZeneca ADMITS V*ccine Causes Deadly Blood Clots!”


with Jimmy Dore




“The Notice of Liability Delivered to Individuals at the WHO”


by Dr. Tess Lawrie

Below you will find the text of the Notice of Liability delivered to Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Dr Maria van Kerkhove, Dr Janet Diaz and Jeremy Farrar this week.

It was drafted with the help of specialist international lawyers and health scientists. Feel free to copy, paste and adapt for the purpose of notifying others of their liability in relation to the Covid-19 fraud.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus: a man

dba: Director General World Health Organisation (WHO)

Office of the Director General

Avenue Appia 20

1202 Geneva – Switzerland       

6th day in the month of May in the year 2024

Dear Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (hereafter ‘you’),

Re: Notice upon Harm and to Cease and Desist 

On behalf of living men, women and all their sons and daughters living right now and those yet to be born on Earth, we hereby place you: a man: Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, doing business as the Director General of the World Health Organisation (hereafter W.H.O), on notice that:

1.      Your actions carried out in the capacity of Director General of the W.H.O during the Covid-19 chapter, principally consisting of falsely informing world governments of a so-called pandemic, thereby causing governments to declare non-existent medical emergencies, have been and are still an integral part of a chain of events that is resulting in mass loss of life, immense physical harm and untold psychological distress and trauma to the people on this planet;

2.      Said actions appear to have led to Governments deploying insufficiently tested SARS-CoV-2 genetically modified organisms (GMOs) falsely termed ‘vaccines’ being also gene therapies, mandating unscientific masking protocols, implementing inhumane and anti-scientific ‘social distancing’ measures, purchasing and deploying ineffective and fraudulent PCR tests subsequently used to create false ‘casedemics’ in order to justify unlawful ‘lockdowns’, business closures and house arrest;

3.      We demand that, with immediate effect, you cease and desist from taking further actions that would involve false and fraudulent communication to governments thereby causing or resulting in further instances of the kind of catastrophic outcomes outlined above.

Notice Upon Personal Liability  . . . .



“Globalists Plot Worldwide Genocide Via WHO Pandemic Treaty”


by Richard C. Cook


With all the trouble in today’s world, including the completely pointless American-instigated war in Ukraine, Israel’s loathsome genocidal onslaught against the Palestinians in Gaza, and militant U.S. threats to China over Taiwan, perhaps we should be asking whether the escalation in tensions threatening massive global conflict is really a carefully-crafted Globalist “false-flag” concealing something even more sinister.

Particularly dominating the news cycle are the battles now raging in the U.S. and elsewhere between activists and authorities via pro-Palestinian demonstrations.

But again, is it more contrived distraction? 

I believe it is. 

What then is the real agenda behind these headline-dominating events? What are the Globalists, who are the real string-pullers, actually trying to achieve? Will more conventional wars and street-level conflict really do the job?

Actual Human Deaths from War

To narrow our focus, the world has not seen a major war since World War II took place in 1939-1945, with over 16 million military fatalities and an estimated 70-85 million overall casualties, including civilians. Given a world population of 2.3 billion in 1940, war casualties were thus about 3.7 percent of that total. 

Granted the horrific nature of wartime deaths, 3.7 percent remains a relatively low figure, with the concentration of deaths obviously affecting some nations much more than others. In World War II the hardest hit were the Soviet Union and Germany. But the total loss was scarcely a bump in the road of long-term growth of the world’s human population, today reaching 8.1 billion and counting. 

Looking at more contemporary data, deaths attributed to all wars since 9/11, a period often referred to as one of “endless war,” are about 4.5-4.7 million. This figure, however, yields vastly smaller proportions than those of World War II. Thus the net demographic effect of war over the past two-plus decades is scarcely noticeable, though again, any casualties are horrific to those affected. 

Additionally, war casualties, including civilians, are nowadays produced by highly focused conflicts within limited areas. These conflicts often involve countries where the West covets their resources. Thus West Asia, with its vast hydrocarbon and mineral reserves, has posed a tempting target, leading to U.S./U.K. assaults against Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya. Similar, though less visible assaults, have taken place in Africa. 

More recently, the U.S. proxy war against Russia in Ukraine has led to depopulation of that country through emigration and battlefield losses, even as U.S. corporations like BlackRock have made investments in land and minerals. The U.S.-supported genocide by Israel against Palestinians in Gaza has also been suspected of having as a motivation a takeover of offshore oil and gas reserves. 

Still, we might say that weighed in the balance against the incredible potential for casualties resulting from the enormous firepower of the world’s conventional and nuclear arsenals, total wartime deaths today remain relatively limited. And even if these arsenals were put to far greater use than they have been in recent conflicts, would the totality of the world’s population be seriously reduced by such an outbreak before the impulse to all-out war had spent itself? 

Are we certain, for instance, that the much-feared World War III, would really result in obliteration of life on earth, as many speculate, or would that too be just another speed bump? We really don’t know. Plus there are many more safeguards and restraints within the international community than existed in 1941 which could be activated, including procedures in place through the much-maligned United Nations. 

We are also seeing that the West’s military arsenals are useless except on hapless opponents, as shown by the failure of Western arms in Ukraine, where they have proven to be overly-complex, expensive, and vulnerable. Their main purposes today seem to be, increasingly, “job creation,” enrichment of the stockholders in the arms manufacturing sector, providing some kind of phantom “deterrence” against “aggression,” or just entertainment for politicians, the mainstream media, and voters.  

As horrible as war is, the Globalists are certainly looking beyond overt warfare to accomplish their ends, which many believe center on, or at least include, bioweapons in order to accomplish wholesale human population reduction. In fact, the U.S. military and the CIA have been covertly creating and utilizing bioweapons for decades, as documented on Tucker Carlson Uncensored in a recent episode entitled “Was Lyme Disease Created as a Bioweapon?”

Though not covered in this article, space weaponry is another area where war fantasists have been hoping for decades to make breakthroughs in doomsday weapons that would cause enemies to surrender without a fight or that would wipe an adversary off the map in an unanswerable first-strike. 

But let’s move on. 

The Depopulation Lobby . . . .



“Top Legislators, Sovereignty Coalition Members Join Forces to Oppose WHO’s ‘Global Governance’”



by Dr. Peter McCullough

Encouraging Polling Data, Needed Emergency Campaign Unveiled.

Yesterday, [April 20, 2024] Members of the U.S. Senate and House, together with leaders of the Sovereignty Coalition, held a Capitol Hill press conference to voice their opposition to the imminent adoption of two World Health Organization (WHO) treaties that are set to be agreed to in just 37 days. Participants denounced the Biden administration’s intention to approve these treaties that surrender U.S. sovereignty, compromise states’ rights, and undermine, if not terminate, constitutionally guaranteed freedoms.

They also presented new poll results showing likely voters’ strong opposition to the sorts of treaties being stealthily negotiated in Geneva. Coalition representatives announced a new “Not Now” emergency campaign aimed at heightening public awareness of the WHOs plans with the goal of deferring the international approval of those accords and requiring the U.S. Senate to provide its advice and consent prior to the Biden Administrations assent the Pandemic Treaty and amendments to the International Health Regulations.

Those participating included Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI), Representatives Ralph Norman (SC-5), Bob Good (VA-5), Chris Smith (NJ-4), Andy Biggs (AZ-5), Chip Roy (TX-21), Matt Rosendale (MT-2), Paul Gosar (AZ-9), Tom Tiffany (WI-7) and Scott Perry (PA-10) and the Sovereignty Coalition’s: Matt Schlapp (Chairman of the Conservative Political Action Coalition), Jenny Beth Martin (President, Tea Party Patriots Action), Tony Perkins (President, Family Research Council), Kris Ullman(President, Eagle Forum), Reggie Littlejohn (President, Women’s Rights Without Frontiers and Anti-Globalist International) and Frank Gaffney (Executive Chairman, Center for Security Policy).   Watch the press conference HERE.

Notably, the Sovereignty Coalition released the results of a new national poll of 1,000 likely voters conducted last week by McLaughlin and Associates. As Senator Johnson observed, when asked “Do you want decisions about your health made by people you elect, or an international official appointed by the Chinese Communist Party?” respondents preferred our present system over the “global governance” alternative by a margin of nearly 75 to 9 percent. They also expressed a preference for a candidate who wants the Senate to approve the WHO treaties over one that doesn’t by a 64 to 16 percent margin.



“The Rats Are Jumping Ship: NYT Reports Serious Vaccine Damage, Chris Cuomo Does A Lamentation Tour, Promotes Ivermectin”


by Celia Farber

Does It Mean They Know The Truth Is Crashing Down On Them?

“The world, that understandable and lawful world, was slipping away.”

“Aren’t there any grownups at all? I don’t think so.”

—Lord Of Flies, William Golding

“When the internal crisis of the totalitarian system grows so deep that it becomes clear to everyone and when more and more people learn to speak their own language and reject the hollow, mendacious language of the powers that be, it means that freedom is remarkably close, if not directly within reach.”

—Vaclav Havel

I enter late, the exploding story of mainstream media backpedaling on all (or most) things Covid, including NYT conceding “vaccine damage,” Chris Cuomo saying he takes Ivermectin every day, and, Chris Cuomo also appearing on The Highwire.

For the record, here’s a Chris Cuomo compilation of perfect party-line abuses over the years.

Patrick Bet-David on the backlash after his interview with Chris Cuomo, in which Cuomo walked back some of his Covid belligerence:


Ann Tomoko Rosen wrote a very good summation of this moment, “Limited Hangout: A Sprinkle Of Truth” which you can read here.

Here is a clip from The Highwire, with Jeffrey Jaxen and Del Bigtree summing up the new re-shifted positions.

I understand some major narrative shifting is going on.

I guess they’re getting scared, or maybe they’re sensing that the new right-on positions are closer to the formerly damned. That would be us.

What we are living through is unimaginable, and you should credit yourself with one more day of keeping sane. Despair is not an option. Don’t go numb, don’t lose heart.

Here is the New York Times piece: “Thousands Believe Covid Vaccines Harmed Them: Is Anybody Listening?”

It documents “vaccine damage—” tinnitus, brain fog, loss of neurological functions, and people not being taken seriously. The victims in the photos, receiving medical care and rehabilitation, are wearing masks, I noticed, as though brandishing revolutionary uniforms while trying to re-learn how to move or walk.

An outtake: . . . .



“Amputation after vaccination”


with Dr. John Campbell




“Detection of Positive Covid-19 Vaccine Bias in Reports of Serious Adverse Events. Dr. Peter McCullough”


by Dr. Peter McCullough

The clinical reality of COVID-19 vaccine myocarditis, blood clots, and other medical disasters seems much larger than available reports in the medical literature. Because the vast majority of academic physicians who produce the worlds universe of medical manuscripts start from a pro-vaccine position, there is undoubtedly publication bias.

Publication bias means that compliant doctors at institutions that mandated the COVID-19 vaccines are disincentivized and may be implicitly prohibited from studying and reporting vaccine side effects.

Even compelling papers describing new, important life-threatening conditions may fail to be approved by the institution and never make it to journal submission.

Nevertheless, I have been struck with obvious pro-vaccine bias in papers that are describing horrific adverse events.

You can look for these because they are not supported and appear completely out of place. One wonders if these statements are reflecting a true psychological bias of mass formation or if they are intentionally deceptive so the authors do not appear to “dampening enthusiasm” for the novel shots. In some cases, the authors encourage vaccination despite the harms.





“US Troops Fighting in Gaza? Gaetz GRILLS Lloyd Austin”


by reg's English & Politics

During a Department of Defense full committee hearing on the fiscal year 2025 budget request, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin faced questioning from Matt Gaetz and Mike Waltz. They grilled him on various issues, including the problem of non-functional F-35 aircraft, the potential involvement of US soldiers in building a pier and port in Gaza, which could expose them to enemy fire and combat, and the perceived decrease in global security over the past three years under the current administration.



“MPs question arms sale to Israel, George Galloway embarrasses Labour”


by Janta Ka Reporter


MPs question arms sale to Israel, George Galloway embarrasses Labour for silence.



“Resistance captures drone footage of Israeli war crimes”


with Jon Elmer


Nora Barrows-Friedman, Asa Winstanley, Ali Abunimah and Jon Elmer of The Electronic Intifada were joined by Abubaker Abed, our contributor in the Gaza Strip; Dr. Adel Eksharkawy, a Canadian physician based in Calgary, Alberta who worked at Gaza’s only functioning neonatal unit; Shahd al-Hadid, a student activist at the University of Sheffield in the UK participating in a mass encampment in solidarity with the Palestinian people; Sabiya Ahamed, a staff attorney at the civil rights organization Palestine Legal, on the day 215 livestream. You can watch the entire broadcast here:   https://www.gstatic.com/youtube/img/watch/yt_favicon.png • Breaking news and analysis on day 215...  



“Gaza Children Hit By Shrapnel That Rips ‘Through Concrete’” . . . .


by Al Jazeera

(short videos)



“60+ Journalism Profs Demand Investigation into Controversial NYT Article Alleging Oct. 7 Mass Rape”


by Democracy Now!


A group of more than 60 journalism professors has written to The New York Times calling on the paper to commission an independent review of its report that members of Hamas committed widespread sexual violence on October 7. Numerous media outlets, as well as some of the paper’s own staff, have raised questions about the December 28 article headlined “Screams Without Words,” reported in part by a freelance Israeli journalist who had liked multiple posts on social media advocating for violence against Palestinians. The Times has even published subsequent reporting undercutting some of the key elements of the article, which was used by Israeli leaders and Western allies as justification for the brutal military campaign in Gaza that had already killed tens of thousands of Palestinians up to that point. “It was very troubling to professors of journalism to see such a shoddy article be published without a retraction or an investigation,” says Rutgers media studies professor Deepa Kumar, one of the signatories, author of Islamophobia and the Politics of Empire. She also says that as an academic, she is troubled by the mainstream media’s depiction of student encampments as places of hate and violence. “For those of us who have been to these encampments, we know that the atmosphere there is peaceful until the police show up and start to create chaos. … These are fantastic spaces of learning.”



Napalm Girl – Never Stop Running Napalm Girl”: A Story of Atrocities in the Vietnam War”

Napalm Girl – Never Stop Running Napalm Girl”: A Story of Atrocities in the  Vietnam War. Peter Koenig - Global Research


by Peter Koenig

My generation is old enough to still remember the Vietnam War – another American invasion, another US killing atrocity by psychopaths leading governments, another bonanza for the war industry.

This is now 50-plus years back, and the empire’s strategies to dominate the world, subdue its people, has not changed.

In the meantime, dozens of wars and conflicts have been initiated and fought either by the United States or its proxies, killing and maiming tens of millions of people around the world; as the world is sinking deeper and deeper into a dark abyss, from which one day, there may be no return.

But maybe there is hope.

What inspired me to write about Kim Phùc’s story – the “Never Stop Running, Napalm Girl” – is the short affectionate, yet strong and expressive anti-war video clip by Ray Jason, released in April 2024. Ray also provided the title for this article. See video below.

My generation is old enough to still remember the Vietnam War – another American invasion, another US killing atrocity by psychopaths leading governments, another bonanza for the war industry.

This is now 50-plus years back, and the empire’s strategies to dominate the world, subdue its people, has not changed.

In the meantime, dozens of wars and conflicts have been initiated and fought either by the United States or its proxies, killing and maiming tens of millions of people around the world; as the world is sinking deeper and deeper into a dark abyss, from which one day, there may be no return.

But maybe there is hope.

What inspired me to write about Kim Phùc’s story – the “Never Stop Running, Napalm Girl” – is the short affectionate, yet strong and expressive anti-war video clip by Ray Jason, released in April 2024. Ray also provided the title for this article. See video below.

On 8 June 1972 at Tràng Bàng, during the 20-year Vietnam War (1955-1975), Nick Ut took the iconic “Napalm Girl” photo (above). The then 21-year-old Associated Press (AP) photographer won the 1973 Pulitzer Prize for his famous photo, titled, “The Terror of War”.

The picture was also chosen as the Word Press Photo of the Year for 1973.

Rightly or wrongly, the photograph has often been credited with initiating the Vietnam Peace process, by showing the people of the world innocent victims’ faces.  

Nick, the photographer, saved Kim’s life by taking her as an emergency to a Saigon hospital. They first did not want to admit her, saying that with her burns she would never survive. But Nick insisted, threatening them with going to the media, if they would refuse to help her, doing their best to save her life. They did, and saved Kim. 

In an interview some 20 years ago, Nick Ut, a veteran, retired from AP, and now Vietnamese-Canadian citizen, exuberated:

“That terrified little girl is still alive today and has become an eloquent testimony to the authenticity of that photo. That moment thirty years ago will be one Kim Phúc and I will never forget. It has ultimately changed both our lives.” 

READ MORE Vietnam’s War Remnants Museum



“Ðiên Biên Phú at 70”


by Patrick Lawrence

How did the Vietnamese prevail at that world-historical moment? The answers shed light on the world we see outside our windows now. 

I had the most salutary email the other day, a reviving lift amid these, humanity’s darkest days, surely, in the memory of anyone living. It was from George Burchett, an Australian painter who resides in Hanoi, the city of his birth.

George was born in Hanoi because he is the offspring of Wilfred Burchett, one of the towering greats among 20th century correspondents. Wilfred is celebrated for many things, one of which is his coverage of Vietnam’s anti-imperialist wars, of which there are two, from the North.

And George wanted to remind those who receive his privately distributed newsletter, የህዝብ መረጃ ቢሮ, that it is time to mark the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Viêt Minh, Ho Chi Minh’s revolutionary movement, over the French at Ðiên Biên Phú, a valley in the remote highlands hard by the Laotian border in northwestern Vietnam. 

The battle of Ðiên Biên Phú lasted 55 days, from March 13 to May 7, 1954. Two months after the French were catastrophically defeated they signed the Geneva Accords, wherein they agreed to withdraw all forces not only from Vietnam but also from Cambodia and Laos, France’s other colonial possessions in Indochina.

The Viêt Minh victory at Ðiên Biên Phú makes riveting history all by itself. John Prados, a lately departed friend, wrote my favorite among the many books on the topic. As the French grew desperate, he recounted in ሰማይ ይወድቃል (Dial, 1983), the Eisenhower administration made plans to intervene against the Viêt Minh — plans that included America’s second use of atomic bombs. 

Eisenhower, the Dulles brothers (John Foster at State, Allen at the C.I.A.), and others never got beyond an extensive but covert operation before the French forces under Christian de Castries went down. But we find in Prados’ book a suggestion of the madness and delusion that started the Second Indochina War and prolonged it for 21 years.

Washington’s policy cliques, not to mention certifiable paranoids such as the Dulles brothers, are incapable of learning anything from anything, so captive are they within our republic’s exceptionalist ideology. The post–Vietnam record of American foreign policy demonstrates this all too amply.

But there are lessons the rest of us can learn from the Vietnamese triumph at Ðiên Biên Phú and its defeat of the Americans in the two decades and a year of war that followed. Let us not miss these for the light they shed on the world we see out our windows and how we should act upon it.

Strategic Genius



“‘Empire of Drugs’: Taliban’s Eradication of Opium Reveals Harsh Reality of U.S. Occupation of Afghanistan”


by The Free Thought Project





“A Father And Son Discuss Ways To Confront PTSD'S Freeze Response”


by Celia Farber

Make Yourself A Source Of Safety

I think this is one of the better conversations about how to come out of “freeze” or “shutdown.”

I think it is actually the true, living, authentic self, shutting down the conflict averse, people-pleasing (which should be called people appeasing) false self, so I am kind of pro-freeze, in some ways.

When I go into “freeze” or its darker cousin “fossilize,’ it can be because I “over-extended” and lost control of “agency.”

Sometimes the “news-cycle” paralyzes me, because I have no genuine idea what is “happening,” and feel I must know what is “happening,” and since I don’t, I lose all words.

Hence: Freeze.

The freeze reflex is not “bad,” it’s what happens when the “traumatized” (ie all of us) mind gets overwhelmed.

America is unique in that it is a nation that believes deeply in perpetual activity, action, and “getting things done.” “Meeting goals,” and all that.

I believe the enemy of life is stress. The belief in speed, output, productivity, and the habit of stressing other people out (by talking about how stressed we are.)

Milan Kundera wrote a small novel called Slowness and some people hated it. It makes the case from slowness, as the great enabler of memory.

But before I romanticize all this too much, I must admit it’s not really “ok,” and it must be confronted, by movement, and the re-awakening of limbic courage. Fish, when facing predators, will sink to the bottom of the lake (play dead) but can sink so low they find no oxygen and they die.

PTSD “freeze” happens when some kind of situation moves too fast from something expected to something unexpected, and the brain can’t keep up.

Maybe this is why Finnish people barely speak, at all.

When you freeze, you’re trying to stop time, find more time, by stopping everything. These periods can be very frightening—and very fruitful.

Less is more, and emotional shutdown is one way to limit harm.

It took me so many days to get a post up. I was “frozen” and everything I wrote froze, died, seemed worthless, and scared me.

Scared of what?

Scared of everything out there that is somehow my unmet responsibility. All the things I could know, find, say and do, that I need more time with. All the things we might have done, might have helped with, but didn’t. All the petitions, campaigns, letters, expressions, protests— all the things.

Step off the train of the epoch itself?

“Silence, you’re the best

of all I’ve ever heard.”

—Boris Pasternak

These two—who are new to me— are very avuncular, very friendly; I think this conversation has many highlights, for those among us who tend to freeze. . . . .



 “Top of Form

Wolff Responds: Antisemitism vs Antizionism, Biden, Gaza and Universities responses (May 8, 2024)”


with Richard Wolff


Today's "Wolff Responds", Professor Richard Wolff offers his thoughts on the crisis in Israel, the ongoing protests and encampments and the conflation of Antisemitism and criticism of the Israeli government



“We're focused on what matters: fighting for Palestine!”


by The People’s Forum



“Stop Weaponizing Anti-Semitism’: Police “Body-Slam” Jewish Dartmouth Prof. at Campus Gaza Protest”


by Democracy Now!


Gaza solidarity protests continue at college campuses across the nation — as does the police crackdown. This comes as more than 50 chapters of the American Association of University Professors have issued a statement condemning the violent arrests by police at campus protests. At Dartmouth College last week, police body-slammed professor and former chair of Jewish studies Annelise Orleck to the ground as she tried to protect her students. She was charged with criminal trespass and temporarily banned from portions of Dartmouth’s campus. She joins us to describe her ordeal and respond to claims conflating the protests’ anti-Zionist message with antisemitism. “People have to be able to talk about Palestine without being attacked by police,” says Orleck, who commends the students leading protests around the country. “Their bravery is tremendous and is inspiring. And they really feel like this is the moral issue of their time, that there’s a genocide going on and that they can’t ignore it.”



“Opposed to Genocide in Gaza, This Is the Conscience of a Nation Speaking Through Your Kids”


by Common Dreams



“Medicide in Gaza: the Killing of Dr. Adnan al-Bursh”


by Jeffrey St. Clair

More than two weeks after Israel announced his death, it still has not released the body of one of Gaza’s most celebrated doctors, Adnan al-Bursh. Israel hasn’t said how this 50-year-old man in good health died, even though he died in one of its darkest places, Ofer Prison, a place where very bad things are done at the hands of Israeli prison guards and Shin Bet interrogators. It hasn’t explained why al-Bursh was detained in December, then stripped, bound and carried away from the hospital where he was treating the sick and wounded. And it hasn’t offered any reason for why he was held for four months without any contact with his family or a lawyer. 

Adnan al-Bursh was one of Gaza’s leading surgeons. More than that he was one of the Strip’s leading humanitarians, who had repeatedly sacrificed his own safety to provide life-saving medical treatment to people under bombardment. As the head of the head of orthopedics at Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, al-Bursh helped pioneer the limb reconstruction unit, which opened after the 2014 Israeli military attacks on Gaza. But in December he’d gone at great personal risk to treat patients at Al-Awda Hospital in the Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza.



“Meet Benjamin Netanyahu, Unconvicted War Criminal”


with James Corbett


The International Criminal Court is supposedly mulling war crimes charges against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other high-ranking Israeli political and military officials. But what reason could they possibly have for charging Netanyahu with war crimes? Uncover all the dirt on the unindicted war criminal presiding over Israel’s crimes against humanity in this important edition of The Corbett Report podcast.



“Biden’s Shifting ‘Red Line’ Lets Israel Get Away With Murder”


by Mitchell Plitnick

Over the seven months of Israel’s genocidal campaign in Gaza, the United States has worked vigorously to offer maximum support for Israel while trying to give the impression that it is concerned about the massive loss of Palestinian life. The performance has been difficult to maintain, as virtually every American action contradicts the occasional words of concern for the devastation being fully abetted and enabled by American policy.

In recent weeks, political pressures have forced President Joe Biden to try to take more concrete steps to deter what he considers “excessive” Israeli actions. Such Israeli actions — which apparently do not include killing over 34,000 people, wounding over 78,000 more, completely destroying the health, education, and civic infrastructure in Gaza, and a daily flow of war crimes — raise concerns in the White House that Israel’s image around the world is becoming one of a genocidal regime and that image is reflecting on its American patron.

Rafah has become the focal point of this concern. Biden was prepared to support the horrors of the past seven months, but with some 1.4 million people stuffed into Rafah (an area that was crowded when it was home to 275,000 people before Israel’s onslaught), he realizes that a full-scale ground invasion of the kind that we witnessed in most of Gaza will cause a horror show that even Americans and Europeans — most of them, anyway — will not be able to abide.

So Biden made a statement. “Civilians have been killed in Gaza as a consequence of those bombs and other ways in which they go after population centers,” Biden told CNN’s Erin Burnett. “I made it clear that if they go into Rafah — they haven’t gone in Rafah yet — if they go into Rafah, I’m not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with Rafah, to deal with the cities — that deal with that problem.”

Those words, in typical Biden fashion, were as clear as a muddy lake and left massive amounts of wiggle room for the White House to continue to arm Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza. They also provided a roadmap for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to follow if he wishes to continue his genocidal campaign and not risk harming the one aspect of Israel’s relationship with the U.S. that Netanyahu cares about: the inexhaustible supply of arms.

Biden’s words are the latest in a series of statements and actions meant less to deter Netanyahu than to deter protesters and the voters who have been abandoning him in large numbers over his genocidal policy in Gaza. As we have seen over the past seven months, these words have, at best, pressed Israel to slow its genocidal attacks just a little and occasionally relent in some small, largely symbolic way, in its staunch efforts to block humanitarian aid from reaching the people in Gaza. 

Problematically, those results may give the impression that Biden is trying to rein Israel in, at least in a limited way, but actually, they help support Israel’s genocidal program. By occasionally allowing a small amount of aid in for a brief period, Israel has a tool with which to fend off half-hearted Western criticism. And, by proceeding more slowly, Israel continues to move inexorably toward its genocidal goal, but because moving slower means slightly less horrific images, or at least fewer of them, Israel again keeps a debate going over its actions rather than making defending it completely impossible. 

False promises, but consistent policy from Biden  . . . .



“Israel shutters Al Jazeera, continues to kill journalists”


by Tamara Nassar

Israel’s genocide in Gaza has shattered the veneer of press freedom.

As the New York Times receives a Pulitzer Prize for its international reporting despite revelations debunking articles it had published accusing Hamas of using mass rape as a weapon of war, and as Western mainstream media elites gathered at the White House press dinner with President Joe Biden despite his relentless support for Israel’s genocide in Gaza, Israel’s unimpeded attacks on journalists continue.

Last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s cabinet voted to shut down operations of the Al Jazeera network in present-day Israel.

The move followed a recent law passed by the Knesset, Israel’s parliament, allowing the temporary shutdown of foreign broadcasters if the Israeli government deems they pose a threat to national security amid its ongoing bombing of Palestinians in Gaza.

Last Sunday, Israeli police raided Al Jazeera’s offices in Jerusalem, revoking press accreditations and prohibiting the network from airing its broadcasts.

Al Jazeera condemned Israel’s closure of its operations as a “criminal act,” asserting that it constituted a violation of international and humanitarian law.

“Al Jazeera affirms its right to continue to provide news and information to its global audiences,” the network said.

“Israel’s direct targeting and killing of journalists, arrests, intimidation and threats will not deter Al Jazeera from its commitment to cover, whilst more than 140 Palestinian journalists have been killed since the beginning of the war on Gaza.”





“The Continuing Dynamics of World War since 1914”


by Ret Admiral Cem Gürdeniz

Every day in the media, the question “When will the Third World War break out?” continues to be on the agenda. 

Let’s answer this question from the beginning, the world war has been going on between oceanic powers and continental powers with varying intensities since 1914. 

So what is “World War”? 

This term emerged with the terms “First and Second World War”. 

It was coined to describe large-scale conflicts around the world, involving many nations, including the hegemon and its rivals, and covering different continents, regions and countries. 

The world of academia, media, politics and the military defined these multi-regional, multi-sided wars, which caused the hegemony to change hands or the existing hegemon to consolidate its power or the emergence of new great powers, as “world wars”. 

However, while the wars were being waged or after them, many states did not call these wars world wars. For example, there were states that defined the First World War as the “Great War”. The Ottoman Empire called this war “Harbi Umumi”, that is, “General War”. 

Similarly, while the Russians still define World War II as the “Great Patriotic War”, in China it is defined as the “War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression” or simply the “War of Resistance”. 

Hitler also frequently referred to World War II as “war” or “struggle” in his speeches and propaganda.

Industrial Revolution and the Period of Great Wars

Wars that affected the world continentally rather than regionally emerged after the industrial revolution. Because the industrial revolution brought machine power instead of manual/natural power in production, triggering revolutions in the production of goods that have never been seen in human history. Its biggest reflection for great powers was the transition from the capitalist stage to the imperialist stage with the increase in trade, economic power and prosperity. This transition undoubtedly received its greatest driving force from military power. Military power developed greatly in a short time as a tool of punishment and imposition of the hegemon who controlled the growing financial and economic world, thus prepared the conditions for world wars. Today’s framework was drawn at the beginning of the 19th century.

Pax Britannica and the World War

In the 19th century, the biggest owner of both the industrial and the military revolution was Great Britain. Using its economic and military (naval) power, the small island state imposed the liberal capitalist and Sterling-based global system wordlwide, based on Protestant morality. In other words, the foundations of today were formed after the victories of the 1805 Trafalgar Naval Battle and the 1812 Waterloo Battle. The imperialist hegemony of Anglo-Saxonism began to be imposed on the whole world through the Royal Navy and army. Even the Ottoman Tanzimat reform and the Baltalimanı trade agreement were the results of this era. This system worked smoothly until the beginning of the 20th century, and the Anglo-Saxon empire ruthlessly continued its hegemony without setting the sun.

The Rise of Germany and World War I


German soldiers on the way to the front in 1914. A message on the freight car spells out “Trip to Paris”; early in the war, all sides expected the conflict to be a short one. (From the Public Domain)

Britain’s global reign continued for nearly 100 years, until the unification of Germany at the beginning of the 20th century and its subsequent leadership of the second industrial revolution. The balance began to be disrupted after the early 1900s.

Germany, as a late imperialist and colonial continental state and economic giant, wanted to benefit more from the resources of underdeveloped countries during the transition from coal to oil. Germany challenged England’s naval power through developing and deploying a huge navy to the oceans.

And the First World War broke out. The first, most brutal showdown between the sea and the continent lasted 4 years. Britain allied with  another naval power -its archenemy of last 200 years – France, and its biggest rival -the continental state- Russia – and pushed Germany back to where it started at the end of the war.

The War Won Thanks to the USA

However, it owed this success to destiny. At the end of 1917, things were not going well and there was a communist revolution in Russia.

If there had been no revolution in Russia and the Russians had not withdrawn from the war with the extremely humiliating Treaty of Brest Litovsk, the USA would not have entered the war on the side of Britain to fill the gap, and perhaps Britain would not have won the war.

Thus, at the end of the war, Britain retained its place as the owner of the First Industrial Revolution and hegemony, but this victory was a Pirrhyc victory. Germany had become weak.

The USA was beginning to take Britain’s place. Power was slowly changing hands, but this change was between two Anglo-Saxons.

Losers and the Seeds of the New War

There were two big losers in the great power league of the First World War: Germany and Russia.

Both lost their empires and made large territorial concessions.

On the other hand, the United States could not be on the side of the winners, because although Britain had a large share in winning the war, it did not transfer post war gains to the United States from either the Middle East or Europe.

In 1918, Lenin made major territorial concessions in the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk to protect the revolution at home.

However, he still could not please the western world and was dragged into civil war. As a result, they achieved unity at the end of 1922 through bloody conflicts and established the Soviet Union. On the other hand, Germany’s humiliation period with the Treaty of Versailles brought out Hitler. Industrial giant Germany quickly recovered with its disciplined population and this time took action with its enormous military machine to expand its living space (Lebensraum).

Repeating Dynamics in Europe in 1939  . . . .



“The Chris Hedges Report: US war machine with Dennis Kucinich”


with Chris Hedges




“INTERVIEW: The walls are closing in on the ability to dissent, says cancelled Chris Hedges”


with George Galloway and Chris Hedges




 “People Found Dead After Discovering Free Renewable Energy”

https://forbiddennews.substack.com/p/people-found-dead-after-discovering?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=1658626&post_id=144486739&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1NzM2MDEzNiwicG9zdF9pZCI6MTQ0NDg2NzM5LCJpYXQiOjE3MTUzNDMwNjQsImV4cCI6MTcxNzkzNTA2NCwiaXNzIjoicHViLTE2NTg2MjYiLCJzdWIiOiJwb3N0LXJlYWN0aW9uIn0.JbV49IflmA_xRvrcDVDhA3VBbd5HhT0OWkFNZfCF9fQ&r=y5fd4&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=emailby by Forbidden.News

"Remember to NEVER let the #ClimateCult guilt trip you about climate change due to the type of energy/ fuel you are using when every single person who's invented unlimited clean free energy has been found (suicided) murdered. It's not about climate change, it's about profit and control. #ClimateChange #ClimateHoax" - Wall Street Apes





“The Nation’s Conscience”


by Chris Hedges

The courageous stance of students across the country in defiance of genocide is accompanied by a near total blackout of their voices. Their words are the ones we most need to hear.



“USC President and Provost Censured After Faculty Senate Vote”


by Diego Ramos

The 21-7 vote to censure President Carol Folt and Provost Andrew Guzman underscores a palpable unease among the USC academic senate regarding the administration’s recent handling of student protests and commencement.



“University—An Attack on Intelligence”


by Patrick Lawrence

Not in my lifetime,” I used to think when contemplating America’s decline and fall—a decline and fall I eagerly anticipate as a prelude to remaking our crumbly republic such that it stands for the ideals it professes to uphold but unreservedly ignores. Blind justice, disinterested leaders and institutions, tolerance of others, freedom of thought and speech, a Jeffersonian respect for reason and knowledge: Those who come after me will see the imperium’s collapse and will begin the work of restoration, but not I. 

So I long assumed. And so does the pace of events suggest I may well be wrong. Things I used to think would take, maybe, 20 years now occur in five or six or seven. If I reckoned some turn of history’s wheel was a decade out, what do you know but that it now seems hard upon us. 

Decline and fall. It is not pleasant to live in such a time as ours, but it is, as the Chinese are credited with saying (or was it the Arabs?) interesting. Let us not, as we accept our fate, lose sight of the optimism within the apparent pessimism.

On May 2 the House passed a bill that, broadly speaking, defines as “antisemitic” any criticism of Israel, or—heaven forbid!—disapproval of Israel as a “Jewish state.” The kookier House members have been trying to get this rationally disconnected piece of legislation to the floor for eight years. The House now sends the Antisemitism Awareness Act to the Senate on a 320–to–19 vote. 



 “The Nation’s Conscience”


by Chris Hedges

The courageous stance of students across the country in defiance of genocide is accompanied by a near total blackout of their voices. Their words are the ones we most need to hear.



“Graduation day”


with Max Blumenthal and Aaron Maté


Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate discuss rising repression against student protest encampments, the looking Israeli assault on Rafah and Biden's pathetic attempts to limit its savagery.



“USC President and Provost Censured After Faculty Senate Vote”


by Diego Ramos

The 21-7 vote to censure President Carol Folt and Provost Andrew Guzman underscores a palpable unease among the USC academic senate regarding the administration’s recent handling of student protests and commencement.



“University—An Attack on Intelligence”


by Patrick Lawrence

Not in my lifetime,” I used to think when contemplating America’s decline and fall—a decline and fall I eagerly anticipate as a prelude to remaking our crumbly republic such that it stands for the ideals it professes to uphold but unreservedly ignores. Blind justice, disinterested leaders and institutions, tolerance of others, freedom of thought and speech, a Jeffersonian respect for reason and knowledge: Those who come after me will see the imperium’s collapse and will begin the work of restoration, but not I. 

So I long assumed. And so does the pace of events suggest I may well be wrong. Things I used to think would take, maybe, 20 years now occur in five or six or seven. If I reckoned some turn of history’s wheel was a decade out, what do you know but that it now seems hard upon us. 

Decline and fall. It is not pleasant to live in such a time as ours, but it is, as the Chinese are credited with saying (or was it the Arabs?) interesting. Let us not, as we accept our fate, lose sight of the optimism within the apparent pessimism.

On May 2 the House passed a bill that, broadly speaking, defines as “antisemitic” any criticism of Israel, or—heaven forbid!—disapproval of Israel as a “Jewish state.” The kookier House members have been trying to get this rationally disconnected piece of legislation to the floor for eight years. The House now sends the Antisemitism Awareness Act to the Senate on a 320–to–19 vote. 



“UCLA attackers exposed: meet the violent Zionist agitators LA police haven’t arrested”


by Wyatt Reed

The Grayzone has obtained a dossier detailing the identities of the Zionist hooligans who assaulted UCLA anti-genocide student protesters. It was sent to LA police, but no arrests have been made. And the cops still can’t explain why they disappeared for hours during the mob attack.



“The Occupation comes home - Max Blumenthal at UMass “


by The Gray Zone

Max Blumenthal spoke on May 8, 2024 at UMass-Amherst hours after state police brutally repressed an encampment of students protesting the US-backed genocide in Gaza. There, he addressed the Palestine solidarity uprising on campuses across the country, and explains how the elite reaction triggered by October 7 has exposed Israeli influence over the major American institutions, from academia to Congress to local law enforcement agencies.





“Putin and China Issuing Devastating Warning to the US”


with Nima Alkohorshid and Ray McGovern




“Multipolar Europe. Xi Jinping meets Vucic and Orban”


with Alex Christoforou and Alexander Mercouris




“Wolff Responds: Biden's Protectionism, New Tariffs Takes Aim At China (May 15, 2024)”


with Richard Wolff


Today's "Wolff Responds", Professor Richard Wolff offers his thoughts on President Biden's new tariffs on China's electric vehicles and more.




“What The Hell is Happening in Africa?”


by James Corbett

Six years ago, I wrote "The Secret Battle for Africa." In that editorial, I noted the extent of US Special Forces penetration into Africa and examined the geopolitical reality underlying this covert invasion:

Even a cursory review of the evidence shows that one important reason the US is deploying so many commandos to Africa in the first place is precisely to counter Chinese interests on the continent.

And, as I pointed out at the time, China was playing its own part in this neo-colonial struggle for influence in Africa. Rather than seeking a military footprint on the continent, however, China has been engaged in "checkbook diplomacy," reinvesting its capital from the economic boom of recent decades in infrastructure projects and other Belt and Road initiatives in Africa.

Well, here we are six years later. How has this new scramble for influence on the African continent played out so far? And where will it go from here?

Today, let's examine some of the key battlegrounds in the Secret Battle for Africa.





Documentary Film: “Four Died Trying: Reexamining the Assassinations that Haunt Us”


by Mel K, with John Kirby and Libby Handros |




“JFK, MLK, RFK: Three Murders Most Foul That Killed America’s Soul”


by  Bharat Dogra

As increasing numbers of people in the USA, also in the entire world, agonize over the never-ending, highly destructive wars of the USA, they also seek to trace the roots of where exactly things went so wrong and the US polity drifted towards its endless aggressions.

Many scholars and historians also try to find this answer, and increasingly many of them are led back to those three terrible days when three of the greatest leaders of the USA were assassinated. 

One of the most important aspects of these assassinations was that these were used to silence forever the most promising voices of peace and justice in the USA, and there is increasing evidence that the conspiracies to kill these great leaders started shaping up soon after they had declared their strong commitment to peace as well as their determination to oppose wars.

During 1963-68 the USA was shaken by assassinations of its three most promising and popular leaders.

The overall impact was in terms of a big loss to the forces of peace and civil rights, and a boost to forces of foreign aggression and domestic injustice. The three lives lost were those of President John F. Kennedy followed by the loss 5 years later of prominent civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. and Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy.  






“MCA: Shining the Spotlight on the Octopus’s Hollywood Tentacle”


by Melanie L. Carlson

The Octopus Murders docuseries about the suspicious death of journalist Danny Casolaro in August 1991 has caused quite the sensation since it was released February 28 on Netflix.

Casolaro’s goal to uncover “the Octopus”—a cabal of CIA and Mafia figures who corrupted American government—was so all-consuming that it enveloped his physical life and his legacy as a writer. Yet, there are significant omissions in the public’s understanding of “the Octopus.”

This includes a spotlight on the intersection of conglomerates Music Corporation of America (MCA) Inc. and Litton Industries, as well as how “the Octopus” intersected with the work of Danny’s father. Shortly before Danny died, he reportedly told FBI agent Thomas Gates he had damning information about MCA’s involvement with other tentacles of The Octopus.

There was a decades-long intimacy between people in the Reagan administration, MCA and Litton Industries. Even more curious is that Litton would ultimately buy Bionetics Research Laboratories, a company founded by Dr. Joseph Casolaro. This article aims to help those familiar with Danny’s case understand that Danny may have been much closer to breaking the case than previously acknowledged.

MCA’s Monopoly in Hollywood  . . . .



“Don’t Get Played”


by Consortium News

It may look a lot like it’s happening the way you’re told it is. But take another look.

It looks a helluva lot like an evil dictator in Russia decided one morning to wake up and invade his neighbor for no good reason and that brave America has come to the rescue of the plucky Ukrainians. 

We were told the monster was getting destroyed on the battlefield, but now somehow he’s threatening all of Western Europe; and if we aren’t careful, his tank may soon show up in your driveway.

You’d be forgiven for thinking this, given that the most influential media machine in history has been employed to make it look that way. 

Making people believe anything is easy, if you leave out important parts of the story: the U.S. backed a coup overthrowing a democratically-elected government in Kiev; the coup-government started a civil war against Ukrainians who rejected the coup; the West pretended to agree to a peace agreement to end the civil war to create time to arm Ukraine to the teeth; the U.S. and NATO rejected a treaty proposal to prevent the invasion and ensure security in Europe; and the U.S. wanted regime change in Moscow through an economic, information and proxy war that has utterly backfired. 

Where have you read any of that? 



“UK insurers refuse to pay Nord Stream because blasts were 'government' backed”


by Wyatt Reed

The legal team representing high-powered insurers Lloyd’s and Arch says that since the Nord Stream explosions were “more likely than not to have been inflicted by… a government,” they have no responsibility to pay for damages to the pipelines. To succeed with that defense, the companies will presumably be compelled to prove, in court, who carried out those attacks. 

British insurers are arguing that they have no obligation to honor their coverage of the Nord Stream pipelines, which were blown up in September 2022, because the unprecedented act of industrial sabotage was likely carried out by a national government.

The insurers’ filing contradicts reports the Washington Post and other legacy media publications asserting that a private Ukrainian team was responsible for the massive act of industrial sabotage.

A legal brief filed on behalf of UK-based firms Lloyd’s Insurance Company and Arch Insurance states that the “defendants will rely on, inter alia, the fact that the explosion Damage could only have (or, at least, was more likely than not to have) been inflicted by or under the order of a government.”

As a result, they argue, “the Explosion Damage was “directly or indirectly occasioned by, happening through, or in consequence of” the conflict between Russia and Ukraine” and falls under an exclusion relating to military conflict



“Biden Burisma Affiliates Complicit in Blowing Up Nord Stream 2”


by Forbidden.News

Former People's Deputy of Ukraine Andrii Derkach says they have proof that Biden family member affiliates, both Burisma founders and employees, are complicit in the blowing up of Nord Stream 2 and other terrorist activity by way of at least a $50 million collective bribe.

According to Derkach, a $6 million cash bribe was reportedly handed over to Ukrainian law enforcement to shut down the investigation into Burisma. $12 million was given to a drone army under secret court order.

The Burisma lawyer who handed over the $6 million did it on camera. The other $12 million, according to Derkach, was donated to a drone army under secret court ruling. The drone army reportedly kills people and does not target infrastructure facilities.

Derkach says that the chains of transactional records would lead investigators to believe that funds were used to supply American companies to send to the Central Intelligence Office (GUR).

The $6 million has been held as evidence, by a secret court order. The money was handed over to a military unit of the Central Intelligence Office (GUR) for the sake of carrying out terrorist activities. After that, Derkach says, the Nord Stream explosions occurred, Prilepin was attacked, Darya Dugina, daughter of far-right political activist Aleksandr Dugin, was assassinated.



“Top Ukrainian ‘fact-checker’ arrested for assault on Grayzone contributor”


by Moss Robeson

Marko Suprun, an influential NATO state-funded Ukrainian ‘fact-checker’ with close ties to Nazi activists, was taken into police custody in Washington, DC, after assaulting a contributor to The Grayzone at an event hosted by a neocon Beltway think tank. 

The Ukrainian-Canadian host of a self-styled ‘anti-disinformation’ outfit — which receives thousands of dollars from the US and UK governments and works with Facebook to censor content — was arrested on Capitol Hill last week after assaulting a contributor to The Grayzone.

On April 16, Marko Suprun, who presents an English-language show for the group StopFake.org, and whose wife has served as Ukraine’s acting Minister of Health, was charged with simple assault after strangling, shoving, and stomping on Grayzone contributor Moss Robeson. The incident occurred during an anti-Russia event hosted by the neoconservative Jamestown Foundation, entitled “Russia’s Rupture and Western Policy.” Robeson was fully credentialed and authorized by organizers to participate in the discussion.

“This is the guy! This is the guy!” Suprun reportedly shouted, while forcing Robeson into the hallway, choking him with both hands, and pushing him to the ground, leaving his glasses broken.

Footage of the event streamed online shows that immediately after the assault, one of the organizers took to the stage to denounce the US-born Robeson as a “Russian troll” and claimed that The Grayzone’s contributor deliberately incited the physical attack against him, before admonishing attendees to behave themselves:

“Today we had a troll called Moss Robeson who provoked one of our participants and managed to get him in trouble. So I’m warning everyone, be careful. Don’t get into any arguments with anyone. Just walk away.”



“Oh, How Violent: Hollywood, USC, and the Sickness of Denial”


by Ruth Fowler

The encampments have gone. Tall metal riot fences ring USC. Underpaid security hovers nervously at metal detectors. They paw through your bag when you enter, past the receipts, gum, phone, AirPods, and the overdue library book you never even opened. They’re searching for something. A tent? A Palestinian flag? A keffiyeh? A signed declaration of your commitment against genocide? What they are searching for is unclear, and it’s apparent they themselves don’t even know. The result is not the point; the display is. Like most college campuses, USC is invested in the performative, the circus act in all its summer and acrobatics and glory, something to distract us, for the moment, from the mundanity of reality. The mundanity that college campuses are really just another business: meaningless, archaic, and invested only in its commodification and profit.





“Mass murder and mass surrender”


with George Galloway


Western decadence in prime time, the Nato war in Ukraine collapses and can anyone stop the child murders and murderers in Gaza? Not looking good all round



“Ukraine: US Launches a Fascist Government, and World War Three?”


by Felicity Arbuthnot

It all started on March 5, 2014: a US sponsored fascist coalition government under the disguise of democracy was installed in Ukraine.

With historical foresight pertaining to the dangers of a Third World War, this article by Felicity Arbuthnot was first published on March 15, 2014 in the immediate wake of the US sponsored EuroMaidan Coup d’état. 

On March 5, Ukraine’s Putsch “Prime Minister” Arseniy Yatsenyuk, arbitrarily sacked three senior Defence Ministry politicians, Deputy Defense Minister Alexander Oleynik, with Deputy Defense Ministers Vladimir Mozharovskiy and Arturo Francisco Babenko.

According to Itar-Tass (6th March 2014) they had drawn Yatsenyuk’s ire by expressing:

“sharp criticism over giving the Right Sector militants the status of regular military units.”

A contact of the publication stated that one of the three had also:

“told Yatsenyuk that actions of today’s Kiev authorities in overtures with radical nationalist organizations would destroy national unity” and that it was simply: “harmful to involve the state military agency in such dangerous games.”

Their stand resulted in “management reshuffles” – in the country in which Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland has stated that the US has invested $5 Billion: “in the development of democratic institutions and skills in promoting civil society and a good form of government.”(1)



2014; Arseniy Yatsenyuk (right), Nuland (centre) leader of the Neo-Nazi Svoboda party. Oleh Tyahnybok (left)


So far US multi-billion democracy-building via the man of whom Nuland opined to the US Ambassador to the Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt: “I think Yats is the guy …”(2) has all the hallmarks of becoming a mirror of the historic tragedies in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and being plotted via further humanitarian horrors committed by their proxies in Syria.

Additionally the Nobel Peace Laureate American President appears to have reignited the Cold War, laid to rest with such joy across the world as the Berlin Wall fell just over twenty four years ago, on the 9th November 1989.

However, if the US Administration’s choice as a democratic Prime Minister is scarily woeful, the man who would be President, Dmitry Yarosh, is nothing short of astonishing. As Julie Levesque has written in a meticulous, jaw dropping article: “Dmitry Yarosh, leader of the Maidan Brown Shirts (is) on an international wanted list and charged with inciting terrorism.

“Under the new government, Yarosh is leader of the Neo-Nazi Right Sector delegation to the Ukraine Parliament. His close friend and political partner Andriy Parubiy co-founder of the Neo-Nazi Social-National Party of Ukraine (subsequently renamed Svoboda) was appointed by the new government to the position of Secretary of the National Security and National Defense Committee (RNBOU), a key position which overseas the Ministry of Defense, the Armed Forces, Law Enforcement, National Security and Intelligence. Right Sektor leaders Yarosh was appointed to the number two position at RNBOU.”



“The Arsenal of Genocide: The U.S. Weapons That Are Destroying Gaza”



by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies

On May 8, 2024, as Israel escalated its brutal assault on Rafah, President Biden announced that he had “paused” a delivery of 1,700 500-pound and 1,800 2,000-pound bombs, and threatened to withhold more shipments if Israel went ahead with its full-scale invasion of Rafah.

The move elicited an outcry from Israeli officials (National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir tweeted “Hamas loves Biden”), as well as Republicans, staunch anti-Palestinian Democrats and pro-Israel donors. Republicans immediately prepared a bill entitled the Israel Security Assistance Support Act to prohibit the administration from withholding military aid to Israel.

Many people have been asking the U.S. to halt weapons to Israel for seven months, and of course Biden’s move comes too late for 35,000 Palestinians who have been killed in Gaza, mainly by American weapons.

Lest one think the administration is truly changing its position, two days after announcing the pause, the State Department released a convoluted report saying that, although it is reasonable to “assess” that U.S. weapons have been used by Israeli forces in Gaza in ways that are “inconsistent” with international humanitarian law, and although Israel has indeed delayed or had a negative effect on the delivery of aid to Gaza (which is illegal under U.S. law), Israel’s assurances regarding humanitarian aid and compliance with international humanitarian law are “credible and reliable.”

By this absurd conclusion, the Biden administration has given itself a green light to keep sending weapons and Israel a flashing one to keep committing war crimes with them.

In any event, as Colonel Joe Bicino, a retired U.S. artillery officer, told the BBC, Israel can “level” Rafah with the weapons it already has. The paused shipment is “somewhat inconsequential,” Bicino said, “a little bit of a political play for people in the United States who are… concerned about this.” A U.S. official confirmed to the Washington Post that Israel has enough weapons already supplied by the U.S. and other allies to go ahead with the Rafah operation if it chooses to ignore U.S. qualms.

The paused shipment really has to be seen in the context of the arsenal with which the U.S. has equipped its Middle Eastern proxy over many decades.

A Deluge of American Bombs

During the Second World War, the United States proudly called itself the “Arsenal of Democracy,” as its munitions factories and shipyards produced an endless supply of weapons to fight the genocidal government of Germany. Today, the United States is instead, shamefully, the Arsenal of Genocide, providing 70% of the imported weapons Israel is using to obliterate Gaza and massacre its people.

As Israel assaults Rafah, home to 1.4 million displaced people, including at least 600,000 children, most of the warplanes dropping bombs on them are F-16s, originally designed and manufactured by General Dynamics, but now produced by Lockheed Martin in Greenville, South Carolina. Israel’s 224 F-16s have long been its weapon of choice for bombing militants and civilians in Gaza, Lebanon and Syria.

Israel also has 86 Boeing F-15s, which can drop heavier bombs, and 39 of the latest, most wastefully expensive fighter-bombers ever, Lockheed Martin’s nuclear-capable F-35s, with another 36 on order. The F-35 is built in Fort Worth, Texas, but components are manufactured all over the U.S. and in allied countries, including Israel. Israel was the first country to attack other countries with F-35s, in violation of U.S. arms export control laws, reportedly using them to bomb Syria, Egypt and Sudan.

250 U.S. Cargo Planes and At Least 20 Ships Have Delivered More Than 10,000 Tons of Armaments and Military Equipment to Israel Since War on Gaza Started

As these fleets of U.S.-made warplanes began bombing Gaza in October 2023, their fifth major assault since 2008, the U.S. began rushing in new weapons. By December 1, 2023, it had delivered 15,000 bombs and 57,000 artillery shells.

Image: The GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb (From the Public Domain)


The U.S. supplies Israel with all sizes and types of bombs, including 285-pound GBU-39 small diameter glide bombs, 500-pound Mk 82s, 2,000-pound Mk 84s and BLU-109 “bunker busters,” and even massive 5,000-pound GBU-28 bunker-busters, which Israel reportedly used in Gaza in 2009.

General Dynamics is the largest U.S. bomb manufacturer, making all these models of bombs. Most of them can be used as “precision” guided bombs by attaching Raytheon and Lockheed Martin’s Paveway laser guidance system or Boeing’s JDAM (Joint Direct Attack Munitions) GPS-based targeting system.

Little more than half of the bombs Israel has dropped on Gaza have been “precision” ones, because, as targeting officers explained to +972 magazine, their Lavender AI system generates thousands of targets who are just suspected rank-and-file militants, not senior commanders. Israel does not consider it worth “wasting” expensive precision munitions to kill these people, so it uses only “dumb” bombs to kill them in their homes—obliterating their families and neighbors in the process.

In order to threaten and bomb its more distant neighbors, such as Iran, Israel depends on its seven Lockheed Martin KC-130H and seven Boeing 707 in-air refueling tankers, with four new, state-of-the-art Boeing KC46A tankers to be delivered in late 2025 for over $220 million each.

Ground Force Weapons



INTERVIEW: “Gaza is one giant crime scene”


with George Galloway and Rania Khalek


The most powerful people in the world have shown us that they’re prepared to allow babies to be shredded in Gaza. Rania Khalek



“Ignoring Worldwide Concern, Humanitarian Situation in Gaza Is Worsening, Not Improving”



by Bharat Dogra

The serious humanitarian situation in Gaza has been at the center-stage of worldwide concerns for several months now. Many senior leaders of world and top UN officials have been repeatedly expressing deep concern and people, particularly youth, have organized many protest actions, increasingly also in the USA and other western countries. Despite all this, the latest news clearly indicates that the humanitarian situation in Gaza is worsening further, not improving.

The situation on May 13 was of Israeli forces making deeper inroads into Gaza in both the south and north of the small region, and making air strikes in both parts in areas of dense, unprotected civilian population, aggravating the distress, danger and fears of several hundred thousand people already suffering from a grave humanitarian crisis. This has happened despite several calls for restraint from some of the topmost UN officials.

Earlier attention was mostly focused on preventing the deepening and worsening of the assault on Rafah which had already started despite so many efforts having been made to prevent further risks for nearly 1.4 million people living in most vulnerable and exposed conditions in what was being repeatedly described as the last refuge (close to Egyptian border) of some of the most badly threatened people many of whom had just faced mass displacement.

Despite many international calls for avoiding assault on Rafah, Israel went ahead with several air-strikes and issued orders for mass evacuations first to eastern and central parts of the city. As a result nearly 360,000 people have been forced to move away again from ‘the last refuge’ during the last week. How many displacements can women and children endure within just a few days and that too in highly risky situations, with no safety guaranteed either in their travel or in the new settlement? However such is the increasing threat from repeated airstrikes and the advancing tanks that large numbers of people have no choice but to leave.

Absurdity and Criminality: Netanyahu Says Israel Will Invade Rafah “With or Without a Deal”

While the world’s attention was focused mostly on Rafah for several days, on May 13 concerns spread over a wider area as Israeli forces pushed deep into the northern parts of Gaza, targeting in particular the huge shelter camp of Jabalia, the biggest of the 8 camps created about 75 years ago to shelter Palestinian refugees. News reports have quoted residents as stating that tank shells had hit the camp and air strikes had destroyed clusters of houses. 20 people died in airstrikes and many more were injured.



“The Mask Is Off: The Hideous Connections Between Zionism, Colonialism, Capitalism and Genocide”



by Black Alliance for Peace

In April, students across the US empire rose up with campus-based encampments designed to bring attention to the genocide against Palestine and demand that their universities divest from economies engaged in active genocidal campaigns. It came as little surprise to anyone who has ever read a history book that US universities chose to stand by the Zionist genocide machine and instead attack their own students.

Despite a well-documented live-streamed genocide, as late as December 2023 publicly calling for a cease-fire was too politically risky for many grassroots organizations. Mass demonstrations and agitation changed that calculation, and today a growing list of organizations have joined the call.

READ MORE: Video: Message to the People of Israel. “Move away from American Exceptionalism”. Shahid Bolsen

To be clear, BAP’s position has not changed one iota since our founding in 2017: end the colonial domination of Palestine by Zionists and liberate a free and independent Palestine. We don’t only want a cease-fire, we want a liberated Palestine.

But other organizations have evolved more on the issue of Palestine in the past few months than in their entire lifetime. What happened?

BAP has consistently asserted that as people rise up against the deepening crisis of capitalism, the veneer of Western civilization and enlightenment will fall, revealing the naked aggression and violence inherent in capitalism, imperialism, white supremacy, and patriarchy. The horror of the colonial Zionist campaign of genocide is that reveal.

This reveal of colonial violence is forcing people to rethink the propaganda they have internalized. But the revelation of facts is not the same as drawing correct conclusions.

For the entire duration of human existence, the sun has risen from the East and fallen in the West. Yet, only in the last 3,000 or so years, and only in the last 500 years for most Europeans, did large numbers of people recognize that the Earth rotated as it orbited the sun. The facts were the same, but the conclusions differed.

As the masses of African people examine with new eyes the relationship between Zionists and Palestine, what will we conclude? Will we fall for the ploy to scapegoat Benjamin Netanyahu for all of Israel’s crimes and then fall back to complacency after he is removed from office? Or will we make the connection between Israel and colonialism, colonialism and capitalism, and capitalism and genocide?



“Alastair Crooke Exposes: America's REAL ROLE In Israel's War CRIMES!”


with Glenn Diesen, Alexander Mercouris and Alastair Crooke (May 9, 2024)


With transcript . . . .



“Israel's Ceasefire Long Con & Rafah Massacre”


with Ryan Cristián




“Israel Army Regrets Rafah Attack? Hamas Wounds 50 Soldiers In 1 Day; Hezbollah Hurts Troops In North”


by Hindustan Times


In the past 24 hours, Rafah has become a scene of intense conflict. Reports indicate that at least 50 Israeli soldiers have been wounded in the ongoing clashes. Additionally, another group of IDF troops was injured in an attack by Hezbollah in northern Israel. Meanwhile, Israel initiated a new operation in Jabalia, an area previously claimed to be free of Hamas presence. Watch the full video for more.





“‘The News’ is a Social Construct. It is Used to Program You.”


with James Corbett




WATCH: “A Plague of Saints” – Lessons from Alan watts


by Off Guardian

(audio, 9:56)

Read, also, J R Leach’s February essay, “A Plague of Saints”.

In the digital age, the incessant calls to action reverberate across the virtual landscape, summoning legions of fervent warriors to wage battles against perceived evils.

This rallying cry, echoing the urgency of a multitude of crusades, permeates our online existence. Be it the casual dehumanization of entire swaths of people to the slow deterioration of language through constant decries of ‘racist’ and ‘pedo’—everything is a conflict now. A conquest. A campaign against the devil himself. We do not ‘treat’ cancer; we FIGHT IT. We do not discuss climate change; we FIGHT IT! It is not enough to ‘Not be racist’; you have FIGHT against racism! The fight against homelessness, the fight against heart disease, the fight against hate—that’s a novel one.

The internet has become a constant battlefield where zeal and fury and bold, untenable posturing are prized virtues. Amidst this cacophony, a troubling pattern emerges—the call to arms is always fueled by fear, anger, outrage and the demonization of specific, or sometimes not-so-specific, groups of human beings. It is a grand mobilization, an ever-present summons to fight against perceived devils, urging countless brave soldiers to embark on a crusade. Yet, as we heed these calls, it is essential to question the consequences of blind action and reflect on the historical echoes that warn of the perils of unchecked zeal.

The echoes of the crusades, with their rallying cry of “Deus Vult,” resonate through history as a stark illustration of the corrupt motivations and hypocritical hubris that underpinned the Catholic Church’s actions. Pope Urban II’s proclamation, ostensibly on God’s behalf, invoked the commandment “thou shalt not kill,” revealing a selective interpretation that conveniently exempted Christians from guilt when facing non-Christians, particularly the Saracens.

Poetically emphasized here:

From the Hand of Pope Urban, the second of his name,
And woe betide any who reckon this claim
Is anything but what God wills it to be,
A new holy order from our holy trinity.

For we’ve all heard the commandments, those tablets of yore,
Ten Holy Orders which wholly are law.
But we need to understand what God meant very clearly,
For a footnotes been lost, I believe, quite severely,

For when the Lord ordered that ‘Thou Shalt Not Kill’,
He only meant Christians. The rest? Well. Do as you will.
Hugs and kisses to all; a new day has reckoned!
Feel free to kill Muslims now,

signed Pope Urban the Second.

This allowed the ranks of Christendom to murder indiscriminately, to rape and burn and pillage and all without any worry of eternal damnation. God Wills It, after all. If he didn’t, it wouldn’t be.

Just like Jesus always wanted.

(Aside, I think its kind of funny how ‘religion’ takes the fall for these actions. As though people really believe if religion weren’t a thing, no atrocities would ever happen. After all  just look at the lovely secular world we live in now–not a single atrocity in sight! Thanks science!)

The Inquisition, marked by the belief that any means were justified in curing heresy, stands as another chapter in the annals of humanity’s capacity for cruelty under the guise of righteousness. The pursuit of ‘saving souls’ led to the performance of malicious and evil acts, with little resistance from a populace  largely convinced of the righteousness of their cause.

The Inquisition serves as a chilling reminder of how when fueled by the fear of damnation, individuals and institutions can so easily justify atrocities in the name of a ‘greater good’.


“The U.S. Economy Is A HOUSE OF CARDS!”


with Jimmy Dore




“New WEF Report Says 98 Percent of Central Banks Have Agreed to Replace Paper Money with Trackable ‘Digital Cash’”



by Leo Hohmann

Despite almost zero coverage in the mainstream corporate media, this sea change in the way transactions are conducted has been decades in the making and will end the concept of privacy and anonymity.

The era of cash money is nearing its end, and with it will come the end of privacy.

The World Economic Forum claims that 98 percent of the world’s central banks have agreed to implement the globalists’ long-awaited dream of a cashless society.

Most central banks, such as the U.S. Federal Reserve, are quasi-government institutions owned privately by billionaire bankers.

And the WEF is not the first to reveal the plans of the globalist elite, which have been preparing for years to eliminate paper fiat currencies. But this latest report indicates the grand plan is now very close to being realized, perhaps just awaiting a triggering event – a Black Swan event of some type – before making the switch to “digital cash.”

As first reported by Slay News, the latest revelation was made in a new white paper from the WEF which declares that nations around the world will soon be “forced” to adopt a central bank digital currency, or CBDC, in place of traditional money.

READ MORE: Global Central Banks Racing to Implement Digital Currencies as Cities Convert to ‘Smart’ Infrastructure

In the report, titled Modernizing Financial Markets With Wholesale Central Bank Digital Currency, the WEF asserts that a CBCD will replace all other forms of money to serve as a single global digital currency system.

It makes sense that when the petro dollar collapses, all paper currencies pegged to it will fall like dominoes.

This has been hinted at for many years, with perhaps the most clear indication coming from economist Dr. Pippa Malmgren in March 2022, when she addressed the World Governments Summit and said:

“And I’ll say this boldly, we’re about to abandon the traditional system of money and accounting and introduce a new one. And the new, the new accounting is what we call blockchain. It means digital. It means having an almost perfect record of every single transaction that happens in the economy, which will give us far greater clarity over what’s going on.”





“The Ignorance of Islamophobia”


by Craig Murray

In response to the online hate and propaganda he is witnessing, the author tells a brief story that took place in Lahore, Pakistan, about a fortnight ago.

The deluge of Islamophobia on social media unleashed by supporters of the Gaza genocide has been profoundly shocking. It is one reason I am very sorry that Humza Yousaf was forced out as first minister of Scotland, as he was a particular target and his ousting will have encouraged the bigots.

On Twitter and Facebook I frequently receive comments suggesting that I should go and live in an Islamic country (from people evidently unaware that I have previously), or that I should meet Hamas or the Taliban (from people again unaware that I have previously) who would behead me, or that Muslims wish to kill all non-Muslims. 

What strikes me curiously is the sincerity of their Islamophobic beliefs — they really do believe all these things, because they have been imbued with this hate by absorbing years of propaganda in which Muslims are dehumanised. 

I want to tell you, and them, a small story. In Pakistan a fortnight ago, I was in Lahore searching for the house of General Allard, where Alexander Burnes spent time. Allard is a fascinating figure but I do not want to digress here from the point of this story.



“Israel’s war on Gaza live: New Nakba as hundreds of thousands flee attacks”


by Nils Adler and Stephen Quillen

Video posted on X by the group Palestine Action shows a group of people in red jumpsuits on the roof of a factory belonging to weapons manufacturer Teledyne in the UK city of Shipley.

They can be seen removing the roof of the factory and throwing it off of the building, and the group says the action is in retaliation for the company producing electronic components for missiles and planes used by Israel in its ongoing war on Gaza, which as of today has killed 35,233 Palestinians.

Palestine Action targeted several other of Teledyne’s UK factories last month, causing damage.



“Germany eyes new deals with Israel’s merchants of genocide”


by David Cronin

Israel’s “Declaration of Independence” – issued 76 years ago this week – invokes the Holocaust in an effort to confer legitimacy on a settler-colonial enterprise.

The industrial slaughter carried out by Germany’s Nazi regime illustrated that there was an urgent need to solve the problem of Jewish “homelessness” by “re-establishing in Eretz-Israel the Jewish state,” the document claimed.

The juxtaposition of a recent and extremely painful history with a reference to something from a few millennia earlier was perverse.

Leading figures in the Zionist movement were contending that both the Holocaust and the Bible gave them the right to set up a Jewish state in Palestine, which they were now calling “Eretz-Israel” or “Greater Israel.”

The promise in the declaration about ensuring equality regardless of religion and race did not alter how Israel asserted itself as a Jewish state. Palestinians, most of whom were not Jewish, were by definition accorded an inferior status.

Besides, the equality promise was nullified by facts on the ground.

The declaration was issued at a time when the Nakba was still being carried out. Approximately 800,000 Palestinians were expelled from their homes by Zionist forces between 1947 and 1949.

Weaponizing Jewish trauma

The horrors of the Holocaust did not entitle the Zionist movement to develop an apartheid system in Palestine. Those horrors most certainly do not entitle Israel to perpetrate genocide in Gaza today.

Yet Israel’s leaders have on countless occasions weaponized collective Jewish trauma in order to try and win support for their aggressive behavior.

Germany – the state most directly responsible for the Holocaust – has assisted that weaponization.

David Ben Gurion – Israel’s first prime minister and the man who read out the May 1948 “Declaration of Independence” – secured major support from West Germany.

Although Israel was not founded until after World War II, West Germany paid that state reparations for the Holocaust. The funding proved a vital source of income.

The support had a strong military dimension, which the Israeli elite wanted to keep under wraps. In 1963, some politicians were incensed when they learned that Israeli troops were being trained in Germany.

The military cooperation continues to this day.

Germany has been second only to the US as Israel’s largest external weapons supplier over the past decade.

Nicaragua challenged those arms exports recently when filing a complaint at the International Court of Justice, which alleges that Germany has violated the Genocide Convention. By replying that the number of licenses granted for weapons shipments to Israel have fallen since October, Germany was not telling the full story.

While Germany may be sending Israel fewer arms, it continues to work closely with firms participating in the Gaza genocide.

Germany has recently approved flights by Heron drones in its airspace. The Heron is made by the state-owned Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI)

The same IAI has boasted that it is playing a “pivotal role” in the war against Gaza and has just announced record profits.



“All-Out War – Resistance Roundup – Day 221”


by Palestine Chronicle Staff

Several videos were published by Palestinian Resistance groups in Gaza, showing fighters targeting and blowing up Israeli tanks and other military vehicles. 



“Documentary | Automated Apartheid: Walking Through Hebron Smart City”


by Mnar Adley

A silent sentinel watches over every corner in the bustling streets of Hebron, the largest city in the West Bank, where the ancient echoes of history collide with the modern hum of daily life. This sentinel is not a person but a network of surveillance technology known ominously as the “Hebron Smart City.” Designed by Israeli authorities, this system blankets the city in a web of cameras, sensors and even automated weapons, tracking every movement of its Palestinian residents.

“Palestinians in Hebron are the most surveilled people on the planet,” explains journalist and activist Mnar Adley, highlighting the omnipresence of cameras and face-scanning technology. Adley says that the area, also known as al-Khalil to Palestinians, has become a testing ground for Israel’s surveillance apparatus, with advanced technologies like the “Wolf Pack” surveillance system in operation. This system collects vast amounts of data on Palestinians, including their personal details and movements, creating an atmosphere of constant surveillance.

Izzat Karake, a member of Youth Against Settlements, echoes this sentiment, noting the discomfort caused by constant surveillance. “Wherever I go as a Palestinian, I can see cameras,” he told MintPress while pointing out dozens of Israeli military cameras lining the streets. “We are constantly under surveillance.”

The Hebron Smart City, Adley explains, is more than just a collection of cameras and sensors; it is a symbol of Israel’s relentless efforts to control every aspect of Palestinian life. Face-scanning cameras, known as Red Wolf, line every street, their unblinking gaze capturing the faces of every passerby without their consent. These images are then fed into Israel’s Wolf Pack Database, a vast repository of information on Palestinians, all accessible through a mobile app, allowing them to track and monitor individuals with ease.

Amnesty International has condemned this mass surveillance project, denouncing it as “Automated Apartheid” in a scathing report. The system, they argue, reinforces existing practices of discrimination and segregation, further eroding the rights of Palestinians in Hebron at the hands of Israeli authorities, which the human rights group says has “a record of discriminatory and inhuman acts that maintain a system of apartheid. “The Israeli authorities are able to use facial recognition software – in particular at checkpoints – to consolidate existing practices of discriminatory policing, segregation, and curbing freedom of movement, violating Palestinians’ basic rights,” the report concludes.



“IDF Rafah Assault Doomed to Fail: Analysis by Former US Special Operations’ Greg Stoker”


by Greg Stoker

MintPress News teamed up with Greg Stoker, a former U.S. Army Special Operations member turned anti-imperialist, to provide insightful analysis of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) assault on Rafah, shedding light on why it is likely doomed to fail.

Stoker’s examination begins with a stark revelation regarding the IDF’s logistical hurdles. “The Israeli Army is grappling with a severe munition shortage,” Stoker asserts, “not just limited to aerial bombs, but also extending to artillery.” This casts doubt on the IDF’s capacity to sustain a prolonged assault while preserving stockpiles necessary for deterrence against Hezbollah and other regional threats. He notes, “They may have enough to detonate Rafah into Oblivion, but they will not be able to level Rafah the way they want to and still maintain stockpiles for deterrence.”

Moreover, Stoker highlights the IDF’s historical ineffectiveness in detecting tunnel systems in Gaza despite occupying the Philadelphia Corridor along the Rafah Crossing. “They have thus far proven considerably ineffective,” he remarks, emphasizing the operation’s coercive nature aimed at pressuring Hamas into acquiescence.

Characterizing the entire operation as a “performative public relations stunt,” Stoker questions its strategic efficacy. “The narrative that assaulting Rafah is requisite to defeat Hamas has been proven ludicrous,” he asserts, citing Hamas’ continued resilience in the face of Israeli aggression. Stoker further challenges the operation’s legitimacy, citing Israeli intelligence veterans’ projections of a multi-year timeline for Hamas’ defeat.

Stoker warns of the operation’s unsustainability in light of mounting casualties and dwindling resources. “Despite potential declarations of victory,” he emphasizes, “the IDF lacks achievable goals, an exit strategy, and faces diminishing political capital.” Recent statements from White House National Security Communications Advisor John Kirby underscore the operation’s waning legitimacy.

The IDF’s occupation of the Philadelphia Corridor along the Rafah Crossing ostensibly aims to locate and collapse smuggling tunnels from Egypt. However, Stoker highlights the IDF’s historical ineffectiveness in detecting tunnel systems in Gaza. This occupation serves as a coercive tactic to pressure Hamas into accepting unfavorable terms, “It is just another pressure point to force Hamas into accepting a subpar deal by collectively punishing civilians,” Stoker concludes, warning of the operation’s unsustainability, citing a lack of achievable goals, exit strategy, and diminishing resources.

For further updates and analysis on this unfolding situation, watch Stoker’s full analysis and follow MintPress News.



“‘Most Horrific and Heartbreaking Images’ – In Rare Move, US Officer Resigns over Support for Israel’s War on Gaza”


by Palestine Chronicle Staff



“War on Gaza: US to send $1bn more in weapons, ammo, to Israel despite Rafah tensions “


by Nader Durgham

US official says arms transfers 'proceeding as scheduled'.

The Biden administration told key US lawmakers it would send over $1bn in additional arms and ammunition to Israel, three congressional aides told the AP.

It was unclear, however, when the arms would be delivered.

The major transfer of military aid, initially reported by the Wall Street Journal, comes a week after the White House paused a single transfer of 1,800 2,000-pound (907kg) bombs and 1,700 500-pound (227kg) bombs to Israel, citing concerns over the lives of civilians in Gaza.

US President Joe Biden had also said that we would stop sending offensive arms to Israel should it carry out a large-scale invasion of Rafah.

The congressional aides said the package revealed on Tuesday includes about “$700 million for tank ammunition, $500 million in tactical vehicles, and $60 million in mortar rounds”.





“Zionism Is Settler Colonialism, Israel Kills Intl. UN Member & Graham Calls For Nuking Iran/Gaza”


with Ryan Cristián




 “Managing Chaos: Adventures in Alternative Media”


by Greg Guma

An eye-witness account that explores the unique, tumultuous history of Pacifica radio and alternative media in America.

After an eclectic career, Greg Guma discusses the evolution of radio and television, the impacts of concentrated media ownership, the rise of the alternative press, his own work in Vermont — before and during a progressive revolution that changed the state’s power structure, and decades later, how he managed the original listener-supported radio network.

Weaving together an intimate chronicle of what he saw as Pacifica Radio’s first post-revolution CEO and episodes from his earlier life as a reporter, editor and activist, Guma explores the challenges of maintaining democratic institutions in a culture of distrust and polarization, of striking the delicate balance between truth and advocacy, observation and participation, and of managing conflicts with persuasion instead of force. 

Managing Chaos is a media saga, a personal story, and a cautionary tale.

…a skilled writer who has immersed himself in Vermont life and politics for decades.  — Sasha Abramsky

…the first executive in Pacifica who has been willing, and able, to share his experiences…. They ought to be required reading for all PNB and LSB members.  —  Nalini Lasiewicz

Mass Protest Against the US-backed Regime Change in Pakistan

Excerpts from the Book

“The deeper I looked the more convoluted and intractable the problems appeared: Charges and counter-charges of secrecy, waste, racism, sexism, harassment and violence, turf battles over local fiefdoms, manipulation, and alleged fraud. It seemed like a fratricidal war with no end in sight. 

“It reminded me of how easily reality can be blurred by misinformation. That July, Jeff Ruch, the director of Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, had issued a relevant assessment of a much larger and even more dysfunctional organization. ‘The federal government,’ he concluded, ‘is suffering from a severe disinformation syndrome.’ 

“Could this be what afflicted Pacifica? Spurious theories presented as facts, information massaged to promote a specific spin, cherry-picked evidence. Whether intentional or not, Pacifica’s convoluted politics and history seemed to have created, as Bob Woodward put it in his book that summer about Watergate source Deep Throat, “an entire world of doubt.”

“Who could unravel such a mess, no less get the larger community to look beyond its debilitating bitterness and distrust? Probably not a middle-aged activist editor from one of the smallest, whitest states in the country….”

“…. The chance to work at Pacifica radio came my way by accident. More than a decade earlier I’d met an activist librarian on a plane by striking up a conversation about Z, a left-wing magazine she was reading. Even before 9/11, you rarely saw people on airplanes engrossed in “alternative” publications. 

“At the time I was editing Toward Freedom, a small but respected magazine that had covered international affairs from a “progressive perspective” since the early 1950s. We hit it off, and the librarian provided an invaluable stream of news, ideas and leads for articles over the next decade. She was also a loyal yet disgruntled listener to a Pacifica station, and when the top job became available, she let me know. 

“I had some of the qualifications, starting with management and development experience. In my twenties, I worked with schools and anti-poverty groups developing paraprofessional training programs. In my thirties, I edited Vermont’s groundbreaking alternative weekly, the Vanguard Press, and helped usher in a progressive political era. I led the revival of Toward Freedom and, for more than a decade, edited and wrote on global politics. I also launched and ran bookstores in Burlington and Santa Monica, CA, and coordinated progressive organizations that worked on peace, justice, and immigration issues in Vermont and New Mexico. Just the year before, I had co-founded a new statewide weekly, Vermont Guardian, with local investors. So, there was all of that. 

“Still, it didn’t feel right to me at first…” 





“Georgia Protest Against Foreign Agents Registration: Don’t Confuse Them with Facts”


by Stephen Karganovic

Extraordinary events are taking place in the streets of Tbilisi. Normally, agitated crowds should be demanding increased transparency in public affairs and access to all the facts they need to efficaciously exercise their civic duties. In Georgia, they want the opposite. The agitated crowd’s vociferous demand is for the facts to be withheld from them.

They are vigorously opposed to Parliament’s intention to enact a legal mechanism that would provide for the registration of foreign agents operating within the country. The legislation now before the Georgian Parliament, which a comfortable majority of the deputies support, would make available to the demonstrators and to all citizens of Georgia information about foreign financing sources of the “non-governmental organisations” that proliferate in Georgia. In that small country targeted for regime change by the collective West there are currently about 20,000 “NGOs,” a remarkable statistic by any measure. The demonstrators however adamantly refuse to know and they oppose that their fellow citizens should be allowed to find out what entities from abroad supply money and logistical assistance to those “NGOs.” Consequently, what they are actually opposing is public disclosure of the agenda those organisations promote and serve.  

In simple terms, the demonstrators are saying,

“Do not turn on the lights. We prefer to wander in the darkness and as in the current geopolitical confrontation our country is being strong-armed to take a stance disadvantageous to it we prefer that the Georgian government and the public should also roam in complete darkness.”

Briefly, the law that the protesters are objecting to, and which is on the verge of being passed by the Georgian Parliament, provides that if more than twenty percent of operating funds originate from foreign sources, Georgian “NGOs” must publicly disclose such a fact and identify the sources of their funding.

This law has been mendaciously misrepresented by Georgia’s NGO sector and the collective West media and political institutions as the “Russian law.” But it is, of course, nothing of the sort. It does exhibit some commonalities with legislation passed by the Russian Duma several years ago that requires foreign agents in Russia to be registered, but the Russian law itself is but a translated copy/paste version of the American Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) that the US Congress had passed in 1938. That makes the proposed Georgian legislation, if anything, an “American law.” The enactment of FARA is explained by reference to perfectly reasonable national security and democratic transparency concerns:

“The Foreign Agents Registration Act provides the public with an opportunity to be informed of the identity of persons engaging in political activities on behalf of foreign governments, foreign political parties and other foreign principals, so that their activities can be evaluated in light of their associations.”

To say that from the standpoint of democratic practice the Georgian demonstrators’ demands are merely counter-intuitive would be putting it quite mildly. Being mostly young, with access to the internet and presumably computer-savvy, these opponents of the Georgian transparency law can easily research the facts. Invincible ignorance is therefore a plea that these alert young intellectuals are precluded from invoking.  





News from Underground by Mark Crispin Miller

“In memory of those who “died suddenly” in the United States and worldwide, April 29-May 6, 2024”


by Mark Crispin Miller



“In memory of those who "died suddenly" in the United Kingdom and Ireland, April 29-May 6, 2024”


by Mark Crispin Miller



“‘Vax’ destroyed Chris Cuomo's health; Ric Flair's near-death experience; Al Kresta's liver cancer diagnosis; Dead Poets Society cancels show; Kris Jenner's "little tumor"; FL pol Vic Torres collapses; Susan G. Komen executive director diagnosed with breast cancer again; rapper YBN Nahmir "brought back from the dead following a scary medical emergency"; Jeane Manson still in hospital; more ….”


by Mark Crispin Miller



“In memory of those who ‘died suddenly’ in the United States and worldwide, May 6-May 13, 2024”


by Mark Crispin Miller





“The PYSOP Video is a Psyop”


with James Corbett and James Pilato




“Hidden Mind Control Audio Files Found in Netflix's 'Leave the World Behind'”


by Forbidden News


When podcasters, Bonnie and John Mitchell of AwakenVideo uploaded the new, dystopian Netflix disaster thriller, 'Leave the World Behind' into their editing program, they were surprised to find four soundtracks, instead of one, something they had never seen before.

One of these four audio tracks is inaudible to humans, because it's entirely in the infrasonic range. Infrasonic frequencies are used in non-lethal weapons, where they can cause incapacitation, disorientation, nausea, vomiting and uncontrollable defecation.

When tuned to high intensity VLF and ELF frequencies, they are used as "antipersonnel weapons" (to kill people), to cause structural damage in buildings and even to cause localized earthquakes.

Less publicly known, are capabilities in brainwave entrainment and the ability to attack the specific areas of the prefrontal cortex that are stimulated during religious experience.

With Michelle and Barack Obama being credited as Executive Producers, this all becomes that much more interesting.

Bonnie cites two articles, "The psychoacoustic effect of infrasonic, sonic and ultrasonic frequencies within non-lethal military warfare techniques" and "Acoustic Trauma: Bioeffects of Sound", where you can learn more about this kind of weaponry, particularly the section called "Sonic Violence", from which she reads: . . . .



“Israel astroturfed Eurovision vote but lost anyway, govt admits”



by Wyatt Reed

Israeli officials hyped their country’s 5th place Eurovision finish as proof of quiet global grassroots support for their assault on Gaza. Now, they admit they manipulated the results through an international propaganda blitz.

On May 11, Israeli candidate Eden Golan took home 5th place at the Eurovision contest in Malmo, Sweden. The decision to allow the Israeli singer to participate sparked heated protests and calls to boycott the event. Against the rancorous backdrop, many were surprised by Golan’s apparent success, which was driven almost entirely to votes by individual audience members. Israeli media and government officials quickly seized on the news as proof that deep down, Europeans secretly support Israel’s military rampage in Gaza.

While the mere 52 points that judges awarded Golan would have left her in 12th place, viewers managed to propel the Israeli singer into 5th place by awarding her an astonishing 323 points via televoting. In the end, Golan received the maximum possible 12 points from audiences in Australia, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, San Marino, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom, and received the second-highest possible 10 points from Albania, Austria, Cyprus, Czechia, Moldova, Slovenia, and Ireland.

Israeli media and government officials wasted little time in depicting the fifth-place finish as proof of a burgeoning pro-Israel consensus quietly emerging across the globe.

“The world found its’ [sic] voice, as Eden Golan found hers,” gushed a commentator in the Times of Israel. In the Jerusalem Post, another writer declared that the result “signifies that despite the ongoing public noise in the pro-Palestinian arena, despite the constant attacks against the Jewish State, there is a silent majority” in favor of Israel. That talking point was quickly transposed to Europe itself, with an author in Britain’s Daily Mail insisting two days later that results made it “clear the protesters running amok in London and our universities do not represent the silent majority.”



“How To Save The World!”


with James Corbett




“Bill Gates Wants to Block-Off the Sun”



by Julian Rose

From the beginning, scientists, politicians and leading cabal figureheads of fake green persuasion, have spoken about “considering carrying out stratospheric geoengineering programs” to block sunlight and cool the planet.

The irony of such statements is that they are made even while such activities are being carried out on a daily basis – in plain sight – and have been for at least the past 25 years.

Then the decidedly deranged Bill Gates steps in to add a further sun dimming dimension to the geoengineered toxic chemtrails already blocking vital sunshine from getting through to all elements of life that depend on it, not least we humans.


The prestigious Forbes ‘millionaire’s magazine’ reports that billionaire Gates’s intervention involves financing Harvard University scientists to establish what is being called ‘The Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment’ (SCoPEx) to examine if a sun dimming solution might be achieved by spaying calcium carbonate (CaCo3) dust into the atmosphere.

Forbes simply takes for granted this form of geophysical climate tampering to be a reality of life.

No doubt multi-millionaires don’t want to be unduly disturbed by investigations into the truth.

Calcium carbonate, the leaders of this project believe, will act as a sun reflecting aerosol that could offset the effects of global warming. It all sounds very familiar, doesn’t it?

Initial experiments, Forbes reports, would be done from near Kiruna in Sweden, from a high altitude balloon releasing some Ca Co3 into the atmosphere at the behest of the ‘Swedish Space Corporation’ (note ‘corporation’) the results being measured by scientific instruments carried by the balloon.

Such devilry, practised today by deviants of humankind like Gates, Schwab, Harari and Ceo’s of the United Nations, The World Health Organisation and the World Economic Forum within the domains of Covid, Climate and the biosphere, is dark indeed.



“Aurora HAARPealis”


with James Corbett and James Pilato




“Have it Out with Galloway: Gaza in Limbo”


with George Gallowy


In this week’s episode of "Have it Out with Galloway," George Galloway delves into the Gaza ceasefire negotiations and looks at the impact of the university pro-Palestine protests in the US. George is joined by Maram Susli, a political analyst & commentator, and a live audience.



“Putin and China Issuing Stern Warning to the United States”


with Nima Alkhorshid and Pepe Escobar






Anti-War Mothers – Celebrating Mother’s Day in the US



by VN Alexander

I refuse to raise my child to grow up to kill another mother’s child.
-- Julia Ward Howe, founder of Mother’s Day, 1870

Originally conceived as a protest to war, Mother’s Day – celebrated in the US on the second Sunday of May – has become a marketing tool to boost consumer spending to give suck to Amazon and FTD florists.

Now that Rosie the Riveter, maker of fighter planes and tanks, is the face of feminism, we tend to forget that many of the early feminists were anti-war activists who had a deep respect for motherhood.

Feminism has been hijacked by politics, and in the US, the great achievements of the Democratic Party – which allegedly cares more about women’s rights than the other half of the Uniparty – has lately won for female kind two weeks of parental leave, better access to daycare, and private breast-pumping spaces.

When I was nursing my son, I refused to be pumped like a cow in a factory farm. Why isn’t breast-feeding anywhere in public completely okay? That’s what boobs are for. Why would a woman want a few lousy weeks maternity leave? I’m proud of the multiyear lacuna in my résumé. I think government just wants a woman working outside the home in order to tax her pay and the pay of the housekeeper, babysitter, and take-out food cooks.

Early feminists did not ignore the biological differences between women and men that led to women working in the home without pay and men outside of the home for pay. Instead, they fought for shared property rights for wives and husbands and equal inheritance for their daughters and sons.

Just as importantly, early feminists sought to raise the bar for mothers as educators. In 1792, Mary Wollstonecraft made education the centerpiece of the first published defense of the rights (and responsibilities) of women. This makes sense because, as the lactating parent, women were also responsible for the crucial early education of the entire human race.

Unfortunately, by the time of the run up to World War 2.0 – as Virginia Woolf famously noted with trepidation – just as more women were beginning to attend university, universities were becoming military R&D centers and business networking hubs and were losing sight of the value of a liberal education in the sciences, humanities, culture, and critical thinking.

After we got infant formula and birth control, women really began to swell the ranks of men. These days women, like men, fight to occupy the upper levels of the great corporate pyramid schemes. And more and more women are proud to exercise the hard-won privilege of lobbing mortars at meat targets in illegal wars that drain the middle-class economy.

Aping an aggressive male militarist, Hillary Clinton, that 21st century feminist par excellence, gleefully bragged, “We came; we saw; he died,” referring to the brutal rapey knife murder of Gaddafi, who had dared to try to make Libya independent of the US dollar. That marked the low point for the women’s movement for me.

Men as much as women are victimized by militarism and authoritarianism.  . . . .



Video: “The Vaccine, Pandemics, Women, and Gender Development”


with Dr. Naomi Wolf and Voices for Medical Freedom

“When Western leaders abandoned reason and embraced the ideology of force several years ago, Naomi Wolf was one of few who understood instantly what was happening. She decided to tell the full truth about it all the time, no matter what. The result has been a thrilling inspiration to those of us who’ve followed it, and for the first time is collected here in one place. Read Facing the Beast to understand what bravery looks like.”―Tucker Carlson

“In the crisis of our lives and of everything we call civilization, Naomi Wolf has been a prescient observer, a keen analyst, and brave fighter for truth and freedom. Everything in her life and career prepared her for this moment. We all owe her a debt of gratitude for what she has done and continues to do for the great cause. Like her last book, Facing the Beast stands as a testament to truth in times gone mad.”―Jeffrey Tucker, president, Brownstone Institute

“Today’s world has been constructed to divide us. Naomi Wolf has seen through the lies and deception. In her personal journey, described in Facing the Beast, she unequivocally came to understand the universal principle―that all of humanity is connected. Dr. Wolf fights for our God-given rights and freedoms. I am honored to call her friend.”―Edward Dowd, author of Cause Unknown

READ MORE: Video: Dr. Naomi Wolf and the Big Tech/Government Censorship Machine

Visit Audio:

“Voices for Medical Freedom Podcast”





“There Is No Such Thing As A Safe And Effective Vaccine”


by Celia Farber

"There Is No Science Going On." —Jon Rappoport





Children’s Health Defense – May 11, 2024

“Reform Pharma, Babies Are Dying: Stop the Shots”




Tucker Carlson Network Archives..




George Galloway Archives...




Articles by Mark Taliano’s Profile




Al Jazeera




Scheer Post: Top UN News - A Week in Review





Global Research Newsletter – May 15, 2024 Top of Form 









While the book is terrific, I must say I do not agree that we need a new investigation. The facts have long been clear: President Kennedy was assassinated by the U.S. National Security State led by the CIA. What we need to do is draw the implications from that fact. They are profound.







What we’ve been told is the WHO Pandemic Treaty is actually labeled an Agreement. This is dire. When Biden signs it, American sovereignty is suddenly placed under the WHO.







Democracies score over authoritarian regimes and dictatorship in many important respects. One of the most important assets of democracies is their capacity to take timely corrective actions. It is not that democracies do not make serious mistakes; they do.







Based on current data and the decline since 2021, in England, it has been known since September 2023 that COVID-19 vaccinated people die more than unvaccinated people.







Many people have been asking the U.S. to halt weapons to Israel for seven months, and of course Biden’s move comes too late for 35,000 Palestinians who have been killed in Gaza, mainly by American weapons.







On May 12, a brutal Ukrainian attack hit the Belgorod region, destroying several buildings in residential areas of the city. So far, at least 18 people have died, but many are still missing among the remains of the collapsed buildings – including children.







The ink was barely dry on President Biden’s signature transferring another $61 billion to the black hole called Ukraine, when the mainstream media broke the news that this was not the parting shot in a failed US policy. The elites have no intention of shutting down this gravy train, which transports wealth from the middle and working class to the wealthy and connected class.




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Exposing Covert Action Since 1978


Why China Has Little Reason To Trust the U.S.

Paul Atwood

In the last decade xenophobic tropes intended to stoke fear and loathing of Chinese have accelerated ominously in the American mainstream media as many public officials of both parties label China as our “adversary” or even our “enemy.” This last formulation is deep cause for growing alarm, especially because many decisions have been made to agitate Beijing and its unambiguous position on the “red line” over the issue of Taiwan. One American general asserts that war between the two nations will begin in 2025....




The Iron Heel of the State at UCLA: Eyewitness Account

Ed Rampell

“Biden Biden, Whattaya Say? How Many Kids You Kill Today?” This was one of the militant chants of hundreds of students on May 1 at UCLA. I went to the university after covering the May Day rally in Hollywood, arriving around 4:00 p.m., and this is what I witnessed at the front lines of the class struggle in Westwood...




LAPD’s Failure to Protect Peaceful Protesters at UCLA from Right-Wing Mob Shows Real Priorities

Jeremy Kuzmarov

In 1991, Frank Donner, former director of the ACLU’s Project on Political Surveillance, published a book entitled Protectors of Privilege, which provided a history of police suppression of left-wing and labor protests in the United States. A key chapter in the book focused on the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), whose reactionary political function was epitomized by two of its most notorious chiefs: William Parker and Daryl Gates, who were overtly racist and supported anti-democratic paramilitary policing practices.

The LAPD’s true colors were on display at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) at the end of April when its officers 
stood by for hours as hundreds of right-wing vigilantes attacked pro-Palestinian demonstrators in what Al Jazeera described as a “really shocking and ugly scene of violence.”...




Houthi Causing Headaches For the White House

Jeremy Kuzmarov

Group That is Widely Vilified in U.S. Media Has Large Popularity in Yemen - On April 7, the U.S. Central Command issued a press release boasting about their destruction of a mobile surface-to-air missile system in the Houthi-controlled territory of Yemen.

Since commencing a bombing operation on January 12, the U.S. and Great Britain have 
carried out 424 air strikes targeting the Houthis in Yemen, resulting in at least 37 deaths and 30 injuries...




Marielle’s Charging Bulls: An Abrupt End To Brazil’s Six-Year Long Homicide Investigation

Julian Cola

“Blindness that affects the other side also affects us.” — Mano Brown - The saying goes: Um negócio pra boi dormir.” Literally, the Brazilian aphorism means: (To give) something for the bull to sleep. In practical layman’s terms it pre-figures social interactions where somebody, a group of people or an entity, says something—not necessarily a lie—to give a skewed account of or distract from reality.

This was the first thought that charged, unlike a sleeping bull, into my mind upon reading that the director of Brazil’s federal police, Andrei Passos Rodrigues, had announced on March 23 that the investigation into the assassination of Marielle Franco had ended...




U.S. Intelligence Operatives Appear to Have Intentionally Groomed Mass Murderer Charles Manson

Daniel Borgström

Status As a Police Informant Raises Suspicion That He Was an FBI and CIA Asset Out to Discredit the 1960s Counterculture - The Sharon Tate murders were as bizarre as they were bloody, and the story behind the story is even stranger...




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As Rafah Invasion Looms, Students and Workers Boost Solidarity & Resistance

Rachel Hu and Chris Garaffa

Hamas accepted a ceasefire deal that Israel has effectively rejected. Instead, Israel is moving forward with their invasion plans for Rafah, taking control of the Palestinian side of the Rafah gate that separates Palestine from Egypt, and making incursions into Rafah with tanks and shelling from the air. Over 100,000 Palestinians have been told to evacuate from Rafah, but are left with very few places to go...



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