Bulletin N° 1141



“Hearts and Minds”

Hearts and Minds (1974)


by Peter Davis

(1:52:05, with transcript)

The film's title is based on a quote from President Lyndon B. Johnson: "the ultimate victory will depend on the hearts and minds of the people who actually live out there". The movie was chosen as Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature at the 47th Academy Awards presented in 1975. The film premiered at the 1974 Cannes Film Festival. Commercial distribution was delayed in the United States due to legal issues, including a temporary restraining order obtained by one of the interviewees, former National Security Advisor Walt Rostow who had claimed through his attorney that the film was "somewhat misleading" and "not representative" and that he had not been given the opportunity to approve the results of his interview. Columbia Pictures refused to distribute the picture, which forced the producers to purchase back the rights and release it by other means. The film was shown in Los Angeles for the one week it needed to be eligible for consideration in the 1974 Academy Awards.







June 21, 2024


Subject: “Right vs. Left versus right vs. wrong.”




Dear Colleagues and Friends of CEIMSA,

The old folkloric adage -“two wrongs don’t make a right”-  as applied to the debacle of modern nation-states which are in the process of destroying their own populations as well as those of other nations (at the bidding of corporate capitalist accumulation) remains an enigma enshrouded in a mystery to all who fail to understand the fundamental material contradiction of capitalist development, i.e. social class interests define any conflict, whether it be one of personal emancipation, or wars of national defense, or wars of imperialist expansion, or wars of national independence. . . . Awareness of existing conflicts between social class interests is the Rosetta Stone -the clue for understanding the forces around us and seeing which way the wind blows, despite the many distractions leading into many culs-de-sac.


Class-conscious populations worldwide will change everything, sooner or later….

Better sooner than later; it’s time to negotiate seriously.

Only class conscious populations can force this confrontation!




The 23+ items below are a selection of articles and essays taken from recent publications in the Anglophone social media. They reflect discussions stemming from the multiple crises we are now facing. Readers are encouraged to enter into these discussions and join in the quest for solutions to the many impediments we find on our path to a better future, to overcome the obstacles to lucid class consciousness and an awareness of what must be done to truly liberate ourselves from the vicious circles in which we now find ourselves trapped, to the profit of some and to the misery of most.




Francis McCollum Feeley


Professeur honoraire de l'Université Grenoble-Alpes
Ancien Directeur des Researches
Université de Paris-Nanterre
Director of The Center for the Advanced Study
of American Institutions and Social Movements
The University of California-San Diego





“The Battle of Ðiên Biên Phú at 70”



by Patrick Lawrence

I had the most salutary email the other day, a reviving lift amid these, humanity’s darkest days, surely, in the memory of anyone living. It was from George Burchett, an Australian painter who resides in Hanoi, the city of his birth.

George was born in Hanoi because he is the offspring of Wilfred Burchett, one of the towering greats among 20th century correspondents. Wilfred is celebrated for many things, one of which is his coverage of Vietnam’s anti-imperialist wars, of which there are two, from the North.

And George wanted to remind those who receive his privately distributed newsletter, People’s Information Bureau, that it is time to mark the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Viêt Minh, Ho Chi Minh’s revolutionary movement, over the French at Ðiên Biên Phú, a valley in the remote highlands hard by the Laotian border in northwestern Vietnam. 

The battle of Ðiên Biên Phú lasted 55 days, from March 13 to May 7, 1954. Two months after the French were catastrophically defeated they signed the Geneva Accords, wherein they agreed to withdraw all forces not only from Vietnam but also from Cambodia and Laos, France’s other colonial possessions in Indochina.

The Viêt Minh victory at Ðiên Biên Phú makes riveting history all by itself. John Prados, a lately departed friend, wrote my favorite among the many books on the topic. As the French grew desperate, he recounted in The Sky Would Fall (Dial, 1983), the Eisenhower administration made plans to intervene against the Viêt Minh — plans that included America’s second use of atomic bombs. 

Eisenhower, the Dulles brothers (John Foster at State, Allen at the C.I.A.), and others never got beyond an extensive but covert operation before the French forces under Christian de Castries went down. But we find in Prados’ book a suggestion of the madness and delusion that started the Second Indochina War and prolonged it for 21 years.

Washington’s policy cliques, not to mention certifiable paranoids such as the Dulles brothers, are incapable of learning anything from anything, so captive are they within our republic’s exceptionalist ideology. The post–Vietnam record of American foreign policy demonstrates this all too amply.

But there are lessons the rest of us can learn from the Vietnamese triumph at Ðiên Biên Phú and its defeat of the Americans in the two decades and a year of war that followed. Let us not miss these for the light they shed on the world we see out our windows and how we should act upon it.

Strategic Genius

General Nguyên Giáp proved himself a strategic genius as he led the Viêt Minh forces to victory at Ðiên Biên Phú. He famously surrounded the French from the hills that enclosed de Castries’ garrison and made full use of guerrilla tactics as he deployed heavy artillery, carefully arranged for maximum impact, in an elaborate system of tunnels to evade French bombardments.

As is recounted in the histories, men and women in Ho’s revolutionary movement had to disassemble Giáp’s heavy guns to transport them, on foot and by bicycle, piece by piece, up the mountains surrounding the French, where they were put back together and into service. Giáp destroyed de Castries’ airstrip and, with heavy ground fighting, steadily reduced the French perimeter until the fighting was bloodily close.

The Viêt Minh had defeated and captured 12,000 surviving French troops in less than two months. Giáp had not lost a single piece of artillery. The French were at the table in Geneva on May 8, a day after de Castries surrendered. A month later the French government fell.

Thomas Meaney, in a brief but very good piece in the New Left Review’s Sidecar section, described Ðiên Biên Phú as “the Stalingrad of decolonization.” For historical perspective it does not get much pithier: Ðiên Biên Phú stands high among the non–West’s first decisive triumphs against the aggressions of the imperial powers during what we call “the independence era.”

How did the Vietnamese prevail at that world-historical moment? In this lies one lesson worth learning.  . . . .



“West Sleepingwalking into Major Wars”


with Glen Diesen, Alastair Crooke, and Alexander Mercouris




“‘The Train Has Left the Station and No One Can Stop It’. Europe Will be at War with Russia. Serbia’s President A. Vucic


by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

These are the words of Serbia’s President Aleksander Vucic. He ought to know. He is in the middle of it. He thinks Europe will be at war with Russia in “not more than three or four months,” if that long.

President Vucic says “no one is attempting to stop the war. Nobody is speaking about peace. Peace is almost a forbidden word.” Scroll down for text and 5 minute video

READ MORE: The Ever Widening War

Hungarian leader Viktor Orban has a similar view as does Slovakian president Robert Fico, who survived a recent assassination attempt.

In Western Europe, UK, and Washington everyone is talking about wider war with long range missiles used for attacks deep into Russia. Such attacks cannot revive the defeated Ukrainian military. Their purpose seems to be to provoke Russia into a retaliation that Washington can use to widen the war.

President Vucic is correct. The West is making no effort–indeed, is avoiding all effort–to defuse the dangerous situation. Instead, the West is throwing oil on fire with long range missile attacks and French troops sent into Ukraine.

It has been completely clear from day one that Putin’s limited drawn-out war enabled the West to get more and more involved into the conflict to the point that the conflict now is really between the West and Russia. As President Vucic says, the West’s prestige is now involved and the West cannot permit Russia to prevail.

It seems that Putin might have finally realized that the war is no longer limited to Donbas and has become a wider threat that is not subject to negotiation on terms that Russia can accept.

Now that Putin is backed into a corner with the prospect of NATO missiles striking deep into Russia, President Vucic’s expectation that war is close at hand is understandable. The way matters are shaping up, the avoidance of war depends on how many provocations the Kremlin will accept and for how long. Putin needs to quickly knock Ukraine out of the war before Ukraine fills up with NATO military personnel.

Zelensky’s term has expired, making him illegitimate. Russian forces should quickly take Kiev, install a new government agreeable to Ukraine as a neutral country and to the reunification of Donbas with Russia.

I don’t know if Putin still has time to avoid a larger war by quickly winning the current conflict or whether Putin has been fighting on the cheap and lacks the force size to take Kiev and control the country.

If Putin has been too limited in his goal and too parsimonious with his means, he has bought himself a wider war.



“Russia Readies War With NATO”


with Judge Napolitano and Pepe Escobar


In this eye-opening discussion, we sit down with the renowned geopolitical analyst Pepe Escobar to delve into the escalating tensions between Russia and NATO. Escobar provides an in-depth analysis of Russia's strategic maneuvers, the implications for the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war, and the potential for a broader conflict. We also explore the recent deployment of Russian warships and submarines to Cuba, adding a new dimension to the geopolitical chessboard. Don't miss this critical conversation that sheds light on the future of global stability.



“Scott Ritter Reveals: Russia's Hypersonic Strike on NATO Officers”


by Studio HD


Join Scott Ritter as he reveals the shocking details of Russia's hypersonic missile strike that wiped out 400 NATO officers in Lviv. In this explosive analysis, we delve into the chaos and confusion that followed within NATO ranks, the strategic implications of this devastating blow, and how it has reshaped the conflict in Ukraine. Discover the untold story behind Russia's precision strike and what it means for the future of this high-stakes conflict. Stay informed on the latest developments and understand the deeper complexities at play.



“The Heat | FAB-3000 Strikes Are Intensifying | NATO Mission in Ukraine | Military Summary 2024.06.21”


by Military Summary

(27:11, with transcript)



“Outcome Document Is A Huge Blow AGAINST Ukraine. The "Peace Formula" Is Gone!”


by Neutrality Studies

(18:03, with Transcript)

Read the surprising outcome document of the "peace summit" held in Switzerland on June 15 and 16. Zelensky's "Peace Formula" is nowhere to be found, and the main points of the document are a no-brainer but STILL some crucial countries did not join the communiqué. Here is the actual communiqué: https://www.eda.admin.ch/eda/en/home/... While the media attention was all about the photo shoot, the actual content of what was agreed on is near nothing which, in fact, might actually open up the doors toward negotiations, since the content is so thin that Russia might actually sign up to half of them.



“G7 and the decline of empire”


with Alexr Christoforou and Alexander Mercouris




“The Decline of the West. The G7 ‘War Summit’”



by Manlio Dinucci

The G7 Summit under the Italian presidency, organized by the Meloni Government in Puglia, proclaimed as its priority “the defence of the international system based on the force of law”, declaring that “the Russian war of aggression on Ukraine has undermined its principles and has unleashed growing instability, visible in the various crisis hotspots.”

This was declared by the G7, where six members (United States, Canada, Great Britain, France, Germany, and Italy) are NATO major powers, they exploded the war in Ukraine against Russia, and Japan, NATO’s major partner in East Asia against China, was added to.

Billions of Euros Paid by Us. They Feed War and Corruption in Ukraine.

The idyllic staging with which this Summit was presented cannot hide the fact that it is a war summit.

The United States signed a 10-year military pact with Ukraine, and the G7 granted a $50 billion loan to help it buy more weapons, a loan will be repaid using interest accrued on $300 billion in Russian assets mostly deposited in European banks and frozen. The defence ministers of the 6 G7 countries belonging to NATO have simultaneously decided to provide Ukraine with further significant military aid and to allocate 43 billion dollars a year to continue fuelling the war in the heart of Europe.

In the G7’s sights, there is not only Russia but the entire BRICS organization, this year under the Russian presidency, which has expanded from 5 to 10 members and is further developing: there are over 30 countries that want to join it. Already today the gross domestic product of the BRICS exceeds that of the G7 and the forecasts for 2024-2029 indicate an economic growth of the BRICS, particularly China, of 44% compared to 21% of the G7. Not being able to prevent the development of the BRICS with economic instruments, the G7 tries to maintain its dominance with military instruments.

Pope Francis was invited to the G7 in Puglia to give a semblance of peace to this war summit.

Here Pope Francis met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, without saying a word about the fact that he is persecuting the Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine, from which the Ukrainian church has carried out a schism, functional to the war against everything Russian.



“Putin names conditions for Ukraine peace talks”


by Russia & FSU




“Dennis Kucinich: America Prepares for Global War and Restarts the Draft for 18-26 Year Olds”


by Dennis Kucinich

Greetings to Young Americans: You are Automatically Registered for the Draft Conscription without Representation? Where and WHY are we sending our Kids to War?

Our government is planning a big draft, conscripting millions of young Americans for an even bigger war!

I call to your attention a Democratic amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which was slipped into the almost trillion-dollar Pentagon war spending bill, by voice vote, in the House Armed Services committee.

The Democratic Amendment to H.R. 8070, the National Defense Authorization (NDAA) reads:  

Section 531. Selective Service System:  Automatic Registration.  SEC. 3. (a)(1) “Except as otherwise provided in this title, every male citizen of the United States, and every other male person residing in the United States, between the ages of eighteen and twenty-six, shall be automatically registered under this Act by the Director of the Selective Service System.” 

This amendment is in the NDAA legislation and there is no pending amendment to strip it from the bill.  So, when the NDAA passes, as early as this week, Congress will have taken steps to make automatic conscription the law of the land.

Why an automatic draft?  Members of Congress and the President have an obligation to explain to the American people to which foreign land will their sons, and perhaps their daughters, be sent to die?

The U.S. has been in a continuous “State of Emergency” since September 11, 2001, which provides a president with over 100 powers he would not ordinarily have.   Notwithstanding that the automatic draft provision will go into effect in a year,   a presidential order invoking emergency powers and/or an Act of Congress, could readily move millions from their civilian lives to the front lines of a war.



President Biden’s recent D-Day speech, quoted in Politico, contained this noteworthy warning for young Americans: “The price of unchecked tyranny is the blood of the young and the brave.” . . . .


“Uncle Sam Wants You, to Kill and Die for the Empire”

Protesters burn draft cards

Man burns draft card on the steps of the Capitol in Washington on January 10, 1967. (AP Photo/Charles Tasnadi)


by Margaret Kimberley

The Biden administration and congress work together in their efforts to secure what they think is U.S. domination. They are playing a dangerous game and now try to bring back a draft through sleight of hand. 

The United States ended conscription, the military draft, in 1973. The all volunteer military came about because of mass protest over the Vietnam war. Richard Nixon believed, and not without reason, that opposition to the war would wane, and his re-election chances would improve, if young men didn’t fear being called up for service. The draft was becoming more and more unpopular, as activists raided draft board offices and young men burned their draft cards. In so doing they forced the issue which led to the end of conscription.

But it was not long before a different kind of draft re-emerged. In 1980 under pressure from the Iran hostage crisis and an election campaign in which he was painted as being “weak” on defense, Jimmy Carter enacted a Selective Service system which required young men to register for a kind of quasi conscription when they turned 18 years of age. They did not have to serve, but they had to sign up.

There were punishments, including being charged with a felony, and various inducements such as being eligible for student loans or government employment, which were withheld from those who didn’t register. But registration continued to lag as enforcement disappeared, memories grew short, and the military fell deeper into disfavor with young people. The army, navy and air force all fell short of their recruitment goals in the last fiscal year.

Now as the United States escalates tensions with Russia and China the issue has returned. Congress has added new provisions to the annual National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which will begin automatic enrollment in Selective Service instead of depending upon individuals to sign up. An additional proposal would expand the enrollment requirement to young women.

There are many among anti-war forces who saw a return to conscription as the antidote to the post-September 11 forever wars. The thinking went that a nation that might put persons from every class in harm's way would be more hesitant to instigate aggressions. This theory is based on the assumption that the United States has no other way to destabilize nations other than invading militarily. But the assumption is faulty for two reasons.

One, the United States does not always need the proverbial boots on the ground in order to wage proxy wars or impose sanctions in order to harm the countries it designates as its adversaries. Libya was destroyed with the help of jihadist proxies. Not one American was ever on the ground in a combat role. Unilateral coercive measures, sanctions, are imposed through financial means and can devastate a nation without the need of bombs or bullets. A lack of personnel was not an impediment to imperial plotting. 

Secondly, many things have changed as the crisis of the empire has worsened. The hands off approach doesn’t always work as the war makers would like. The U.S. couldn’t invade Iraq in the Gulf wars of 1991 and 2003 without calling in reservists. The three service personnel killed in Jordan in January 2024 were all reservists. The all volunteer military can’t provide an empire with more than 800 military bases around the world, and which has endless designs on domination, with enough person power to do its dirty deeds.

Now the Biden administration is escalating conflicts with Russia and China, giving Ukraine the green light to attack inside of Russia and turning Taiwan into an anti-China proxy. None of their designs work out quite as they expect, and plans to turn the ruble to rubble or to dethrone China as an economic power have failed thus far.

But desperate times call for desperate and foolish measures. An inept and amateurish administration just doubles down on its past failures. If sanctions don’t bring regime change and economic collapse to Russia, perhaps a hot war will or so the thinking goes among the people who thought blowing up the NordStream pipeline was a good idea.

The most shocking thing about the automatic registration provision is how little ire it has created. The few news stories are mostly written to debunk the idea that conscription has returned. But it has returned, just on the sly. No one will confess to bringing back the draft. They will talk about readiness and fairness, as Democratic representative Chrissy Houlahan pointed out. “By using available federal databases, the [Selective Service] agency will be able to register all of the individuals required and thus help ensure that any future military draft is fair and equitable.”

Why is there a future need for a draft at all? The idea of using federal databases ought to give everyone pause. Why does the federal government need to comb through records of every teenage boy in the country if there is no intention of going to war? The very idea is fascist by definition and should cause outrage..

This “just in case” scenario is a slippery slope for a crumbling yet dangerous empire. The U.S. has either lost wars outright as in Vietnam and Afghanistan, or triumphed over countries like Iraq which were out of their depth militarily. Not only is draft registration dubious but it will lead the foreign policy establishment to renew its fantasies about winning wars when they can’t.



“NATO: 500,000 Troops on High Readiness for War with Russia”


by Kyle Anzalone

Officials say the alliance now has hundreds of thousands of soldiers ready to deploy to fight Russia within a month.



“US Senator Says Ukraine Is ‘Gold Mine’ with $12 Trillion of Minerals ‘We Can’t Afford to Lose’”


by Ben Norton

A prominent US lawmaker has referred to Ukraine as a “gold mine”, insisting the West must maintain access to its estimated $12 trillion worth of critical minerals.

US Senator Lindsey Graham made these comments in a June 10 interview on the CBS program “Face the Nation”.

“They’re sitting on $10 to $12 trillion of critical minerals in Ukraine”, Graham said.

“They could be the richest country in all of Europe. I don’t want to give that money and those assets to Putin to share with China”, he added.

Graham, a Republican, recalled that, when Donald Trump was president, he sent Ukraine military aid in the form of loans.

The senator strongly implied that Ukraine should pay the West for weapons shipments with its large mineral reserves.



“Marching to Armageddon”


with George Galloway


Israel is poised to invade Lebanon. Seventy-thousand Israeli soldiers disabled by ragged-assed guerillas. Kim and Putin commune. Keep your kids close!






by The People's Forum

Summer 2024 is on fire! Today we launch registrations for SPARK! Organizing for Revolution: Summer School at The People's Forum, a six-week hybrid course for organizers, visionaries, and all who are committed to struggle to build a new world, which will take place from July 9 to August 15.


An unprecedented mass movement for Palestine has taken the world by storm, igniting a profound shift in the consciousness of millions, while the U.S. ruling class, desperate to maintain its hegemony, is struggling to fulfill its imperialist agenda as it enters a controversial election cycle in the midst of a serious political crisis. The future, uncertain and volatile, holds many dangers but also many opportunities for the working and oppressed class.


One thing is certain – the people of the world demand change. But how does historical and societal change actually occur? What does it mean to be a revolutionary in times of intense political crisis? How do we organize for revolution?



“UK’s complicity in Gaza”


with George Galloway

(58:23, with transcript)

In this week's episode of "Have it Out with Galloway," George Galloway delves into UK’s General Election and explores Britain’s involvement in the Israel-Gaza war. George is joined by Sameh Habeeb - British-Palestinian journalist, and a live audience.



“Europe’s Elections as a Mirror”


by Patrick Lawrence



“Expanding Middle East War. Planned US-Israeli Attack on Iran, The War on Energy, Strategic Waterways”



by Prof Michel Chossudovsky

This article originally published on November 11, 2023 was revised on January 14th, 2024 with a focus on the dangers of escalation and the role of “False Flags”.

In recent developments, in response to Israel’s bombing of Iran’s Consulate in Damascus, according to media reports:

Iran has launched more than 300 cruise and ballistic missiles and drones at Israel, IDF officials said, a retaliatory attack weeks after an Israeli strike on the Iranian consular building in Syria killed two of Tehran’s top commanders.


“There were explosions visible in the air over Jerusalem as air sirens rang throughout the country.”

“Iran said that after tonight’s attack, the “matter can be deemed concluded” unless there is more violence.”

The fundamental question is whether this retaliatory attack will lead to escalation, including an Israeli counter-attack on Iran.

Video Interview


Video produced in November 2023



Expanding Middle East War.

Planned US-Israeli Attack on Iran,

The War on Energy, Strategic Waterways

byMichel Chossudovsky

1. In Solidarity with Palestine 

We stand in Solidarity with Palestine. But we must recognize that the United States Military and Intelligence apparatus is firmly behind Israel’s genocide directed against the People of Palestine.


And this must be part of the solidarity campaign, namely to Reveal the Truth regarding Washington’s insidious role, which is part of a carefully planned military agenda directed against Palestine and the broader Middle East. Netanyahu is a proxy, with a criminal record. He has the unbending support of Western Europe’s “Classe politique”. 


The U.S. led War on the People of Palestine and the Middle East is a Criminal Undertaking 

Israel and the Zionist lobby in the U.S. are NOT exerting undue influence AGAINST U.S. Foreign Policy as outlined by numerous analysts.

Quite the opposite. The Zionist lobby is firmly aligned with U.S. foreign policy, and Vice Versa. It targets those who are opposed to war, who call for a cease fire. It exerts influence in favour of the conduct of the U.S. military agenda in support of Israel.


The US military-intelligence establishment in coordination with powerful financial interests is calling the shots in regards to Israel’s genocidal intent to “Wipe Palestine off the Map”.


2. Triggering “False Flags”

Inciting Escalation in The Red Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean

Let us be under no illusions. Remember Pearl Harbor, The Gulf of Tonkin, 9/11. “False Flags” are part of the history of modern warfare. They are sophisticated intelligence operations often requiring infiltration into enemy ranks.

Starting in the immediate wake of the October 7, 2023 Hamas attack, US-NATO war ships –including aircraft carriers, combat planes, naval vessels have been deployed in both the Eastern Mediterranean and the Red Sea.

These deployments have been described in chorus by the mainstream media as a response to “Palestine’s [alleged] Aggression against the Jewish State”.

They are tagged as humanitarian undertakings: Coming to the rescue of Israel. Responsibility to Protect (R2P).

The False Flag concept requires inciting your enemy or an armed jihadist group to confront or “attack America” thereby providing a justification to strike back in self defense: The Houthis in the Red Sea and Hezbollah in the Eastern Mediterranean both of which are allies of Iran.

Trigger one or more incidents with a view to justifying a process of military escalation.

In recent developments, the “False Flag agenda” has evolved towards US-NATO air and naval attacks against Yemen. 

Sadeh, Zubaydah, Abs, Bani, Sana, Hudaydah, and Taiz have been attacked by American forces, initiating yet another war without Congressional approval, a branch of the US government emptied of power.

The New York Times, of course, blames the expansion of the conflict on the Houthis for interfering with shipping to Israel.” (Paul Craig Roberts)

The endgame is to incite Iran through various means to enter the Middle East battlefield, which would lead eventually to a process of escalation. The media is now using the term: “Iranian Proxies” in an ambivalent report by the NYT: 

According to US officials, there is no direct evidence linking Iran to Red Sea attacks

There is no direct evidence to show senior Iranian commanders ordered Yemen’s Houthi rebels to launch attacks on ships in the Red Sea, according to a New York Times report citing US intelligence officials.The unnamed sources said they continue to assess that Iran isn’t interested in a wider war, even though it encouraged Houthi operations in the Red Sea.

“The whole purpose of the Iranian proxies, they argue, is to find a way to punch at Israel and the United States without setting off the kind of war that Iran wants to avoid,” the news report said.

“There is no direct evidence that senior Iranian leaders, either the commander of the elite Quds Force or the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, ordered the recent Houthi attacks on ships in the Red Sea.” (Quoted by Al Jazeera)


3. America’s Military Doctrine: Targeting and Killing Civilians . . . .




 “Strip Away the Lies: Israel’s Naked Colonialism Nears Its End”


by BreakThrough News, with Professor Prof. Joseph Massad

To discuss Israel’s genocide in Gaza and the myths its supporters use to justify it, Rania Khalek was joined by Joseph Massad, Professor of Modern Arab Politics and Intellectual History at Columbia University and the author of many books including “The Persistence of the Palestinian Question,” “Islam In Liberalism” and “Desiring Arabs.” He also writes a bimonthly column in Middle East Eye in English and in Arabi21 in Arabic.



“Moving towards Lebanon offensive”


with Alex Christoforou and Alexander Mercouris

(12:49, with transcript)



“Israel and Hezbollah Prepare for Full-Scale Conflict”


by DW News


In a televised address, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah warned that nowhere in Israel would be safe in the event of an all-out war. He also threatened to attack Cyprus if it opened its airports and bases to Israeli forces.



“Hezbollah publishes drone footage claiming to show surveillance of Haifa”


by Al Jazeera


Hezbollah has released a video of what it says is undetected drone footage of sensitive military sites in Israel. The group says it shows various locations including the Israeli city of Haifa and its vital civilian and military installations. Al Jazeera’s Zeina Khodr has the latest updates from Beirut, Lebanon. The Israeli government has banned Al Jazeera from reporting there, so Hamdah Salhut is monitoring the developments from the Jordanian capital, Amman.



“Hezbollah's historic drone footage sends warning to Israel”


with Jon Elmer





“Breaking news and analysis on day 257 of Gaza's Al-Aqsa Flood”


with Nora Barrows-Friedman, Abubaker Abed, Aseel Mousa, and Jon Elmer






“Bombshell Drops: Israel Was In On It!”


with Jimmy Dore and Ben Swann


Investigative journalist Ben Swann has compiled substantial evidence demonstrating that the Israeli government was aware well in advance that Hamas was planning the October 7th attacks. Not only did Egypt warn Israel and the IDF had collected their own intelligence, but Hamas was staging obvious military exercises leading up to the fateful date.



“Gaza Horror: UN Finds Israeli Forces Guilty of Sexual Abuse and Torture”


by Robert Inlakesh

A UN investigation has revealed brutal acts by the Israeli military targeting men, women, and children, with victims’ families forced to witness.



“German foreign minister flat out lies about 7 October Hamas rape video”


by The Electronic Intifada





“Why Have Ceasefire Negotiations Over Gaza Repeatedly Failed?”


with Dr Azzam Tamimi, and Daniel Levy




Blinken’s Lies About Hamas Rejecting a Ceasefire Reveal the Biden Administration’s True Intentions”


by Mitchell Plitnick

“The proposal that President Biden laid out 12 days ago was virtually identical to one that Hamas had accepted and put forward itself on May the 6th.  So there’s no reason why this agreement should not be reached.  The only reason would be Hamas continuing to try to change the terms.”

So said U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken in an interview with Al Jazeera on Wednesday. The statement is part of an extended campaign of deception that Blinken has spearheaded. It featured President Joe Biden’s dramatic unveiling of a ceasefire proposal, followed by a U.N. Security Council resolution and Blinken’s latest tour of the Middle East — all ostensibly to reach a ceasefire.

The subtlety hidden in the term “virtually identical” that Blinken used attempts to hide some crucial differences, and betrays the real point of Blinken’s public relations sojourn. 

Biden’s proposal is very similar to the one Hamas accepted on May 6. Notably, the United States at the time explicitly said that Hamas had not accepted the proposal. Blinken’s blatant contradiction of his own agency’s words is typical of the prevarication that the United States and Israel have maintained throughout recent weeks, during which the Biden administration has gone to great lengths to create the illusion of pressing for a ceasefire.

However, there is a key difference between the May 6 proposal and the current one, and it lies in Phase Two of the plan. 

Biden’s plan calls for a negotiation during Phase One that would lead to a permanent ceasefire. He even noted, as did the Security Council, that if negotiations need longer to succeed, Phase One, including its temporary ceasefire, will be extended for as long as it takes. 

But crucially, the plan also says that if Israel decides Hamas is not negotiating “in good faith,” it can resume its murderous rampage through Gaza. And if that happened, it would be doing so with the full public blessing of the U.S. — a blessing even more explicit than it has given until now.

The May 6 plan, by contrast, sees Phase Two as the final exchange of living hostages and prisoners, the full withdrawal of all Israeli forces from Gaza, and a permanent ceasefire put in place. Phase Two moves forward if the two sides fulfill the practical obligations they would have committed to. In other words, there is no need for “negotiation” because the fulfillment of the terms in Phase One leads to the execution of the terms of Phase Two. 

Essentially, the difference is that under Biden’s plan, Israel can free many hostages — though not all — and can then simply accuse Hamas at its own discretion of not negotiating in good faith, thereby resuming the genocide. Israeli officials have repeatedly made this clear




 “Inside one Israeli death and torture camp”


by Tamara Nassar

Torture, amputations and the fetid smell of untreated wounds hang heavy in the air at the Sde Teiman facility.

An army base situated between Beersheba and Gaza in the southern Negev region, it was turned into a detention center for Palestinians, including abductees from Gaza, before they are transferred to other prisons.

Three Israelis who worked at the facility, and possibly participated in abuses against Palestinians, gave testimonies and pictures to CNN of what they witnessed.

The whistleblowers painted a grim picture of what amounts to a torture camp, where Palestinians are held without charge, interrogated and filtered through to detention centers or sent back to Gaza.

The facility is segregated into two areas: one designated for the detention of 70 Palestinians from Gaza, where they are subjected to severe physical restraint, CNN reported.

The other section serves as a so-called field hospital, where injured detainees are immobilized and strapped to their beds, forced to defecate in their diapers and fed through straws.

At least three army bases have been transformed into detention facilities since Israel’s genocide in Gaza began on 7 October, at least so far as the Israeli military has admitted to: Sde Teiman in Israel, and the Anatot and Ofer military bases in the occupied West Bank.

The number of Palestinians detained at those facilities is unknown.

During its ground invasion, the Israeli army converted schools within the Gaza Strip into military bases and detention centers, according to the group Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor.

One notable example is the Salah al-Din preparatory school in Gaza City. That school was transformed by Israeli occupation forces into a detention and interrogation center for hundreds of Palestinians in February.

Recent legal amendments have paved the way for such facilities, notably the “unlawful combatant law,” which expands Israeli authorities’ powers to detain Palestinians without charge, trial, seeing a judge or legal oversight for up to 75 days after arrest.

Detainees may also be deprived of legal counsel for up to six months.

“Unlawful combatants” have previously included individuals such as an elderly Palestinian woman with Alzheimer’s.

Formerly detained Palestinians at Sde Teiman have also described the harrowing conditions inflicted by Israeli authorities.

Pictures leaked to CNN depict rows of prisoners handcuffed, blindfolded and held behind a fence under floodlights.

“The prisoners are subjected to collective beatings and abuse by soldiers, using profanities that prisoners are unable to repeat,” prisoners rights group Addameer reported.

“They are also forced to kneel on gravel or asphalt, spending their days with their hands bound and blindfolded, unable to speak to each other.”

Addameer said Israeli interrogators torture detainees and subject them to “dignity-stripping treatment,” including stress positions for hours as well as sleep deprivation.



“Australian Doctor REVEALS Experience INSIDE Gaza”


by OnePath Network


Australian Orthopaedic Surgeon, Dr Aziz Bhimani recounts his first-hand experiences inside Gaza after participating in a United Nations humanitarian medical convoy.



“Israel's national murder-suicide pact”


by Asa Winstanley


An Israeli father gave a frightening TV interview back in February.

Thomas Hand grasped the small palm of his 9-year-old daughter Emily. The girl had been released in a prisoner exchange with Hamas only a few months prior.

As she watched on, her father told Israeli interviewer Tali Moreno he had been willing to sacrifice her, in order to further Israel’s genocidal war effort against the Palestinians in Gaza.

Speaking of her short time in Palestinian captivity, he said that the Israeli military “had to do everything in its powers to destroy Hamas,” even if that meant killing his own daughter.

“I realized that she could be bombed, could be shot by friendly fire,” he said. And yet: “That was a price that in my head, I could say: ‘Yeah okay.’ So long as we destroy Hamas.”

You can watch the relevant clip in the video above.

The interview was with Israel’s Kan, a state-funded channel. Although conducted mostly in English, there are a few exchanges in Hebrew with Emily herself. You can watch a subtitled version of the full interview here.

But Hand’s cold-blooded attitude towards his own child is only one example of a wider phenomenon in Israeli society.



“‘We’re all at risk of being targeted’: Doctors Evacuate Rafah’s Last Hospitals”


by Ruwaida Kamal Amer

Almost no facilities remain to treat the wounded in Gaza's southernmost city, as doctors fear a repeat of Israel's attacks on hospitals across the Strip.

On May 30, the World Health Organization announced that Rafah’s last remaining hospital, the Al-Helal al-Emirati Hospital, had gone out of service. The destruction of the southern Gaza city’s health care system, which comes after more than two dozen hospitals across the Strip have completely shut down as a result of Israel’s assault, encapsulates the human toll of the intensifying Israeli military operation in Rafah.

Far from the “limited” invasion that Israel’s leaders proclaimed, Israeli forces are currently occupying the heart of the city and remain in control of the Rafah Crossing and Philadelphi Corridor, while airstrikes continue to pummel camps for displaced families. Since Israel’s incursion began on May 6, more than 1 million Palestinians have fled Gaza’s last refuge.

In addition to the Emirati Hospital, the Abu Yousef al-Najjar Hospital and the Kuwaiti Hospital have been forced to cease all functions in recent weeks. With several smaller clinics closing too, all that remains to serve Rafah’s sick and wounded is two small field hospitals in the coastal area of Al-Mawasi — one run by the United Arab Emirates, and the other by the International Medical Corps — which are ill-equipped to deal with the scale of suffering among those unable or unwilling to flee the city.

With Israel’s ground invasion continuing to advance toward western Rafah, these remaining clinics may also soon be forced to evacuate. And while a trickle of seriously wounded patients had been leaving Gaza via the Rafah Crossing for treatment abroad, nobody has been able to escape the Strip since Israel occupied the crossing.

Muhammad Zaqout, the Gaza Health Ministry’s director general of hospitals, told +972 that staff at Rafah’s hospitals evacuated “because they feared a repeat of what happened at Nasser Medical Complex and Al-Shifa Hospital.” Israeli forces besieged and raided both hospitals in recent months, in Khan Younis and Gaza City respectively; after their withdrawal, mass graves containing hundreds of bodies were found at both sites.

READ MORE: “Where Can We Go?”: Terror and Panic Set In as Israel Readies to Invade Rafah



“Why Israel is in deep trouble”


with John Mearsheimer with Tom Switzer


US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said on 29 September 2023 that “The Middle East region is quieter today than it has been in two decades.” That all changed on October 7 when Hamas attacked Israel, which unsurprisingly invaded Gaza to destroy Hamas. After more than six months, it appears to many that Israel is losing its war in Gaza. At the same time, Israel is fighting Hezbollah on its northern border, relations between Jerusalem and Washington are strained, and the International Court of Justice has ruled that a plausible case can be made that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza. Meanwhile, there is great danger of escalation across the region, as the fighting between Israel and Iran makes clear. Indeed, there is a possibility the United States, which is already fighting the Houthis, might end up in a war with Iran, which neither country wants. What might be the lasting consequences of these conflicts? Who will emerge weaker and who stronger? And what does this crisis mean for U.S. foreign policy in the region, Ukraine and East Asia?





“Richard Wolff on the decline of the US empire and the denial of the US”



by Community Church of Boston



“Why Does the Government Borrow When It Can Print?”


by Ellen Brown

In the first seven months of Fiscal Year (FY) 2024, net interest (payments minus income) on the federal debt reached $514 billion, exceeding spending on both national defense ($498 billion) and Medicare ($465 billion). The interest tab also exceeded all the money spent on veterans, education, and transportation combined. Spending on interest is now the second largest line item in the federal budget after Social Security and the fastest growing part of the budget, on track to reach $870 billion by the end of 2024. 

According to the Congressional Budget Office, the federal budget deficit was $857 billion in the first seven months of fiscal year 2024. In effect, the government is borrowing at interest to pay the interest on its debt, compounding the debt. For the lender, it’s called “the miracle of compound interest” – interest on interest compounds exponentially. But for the debtor, it’s a curse, compounding like a cancer to the point of devouring assets while still growing the debt. As Daniel Amerman, a chartered financial analyst, writes in an article titled “Could A Compound Interest Wildfire Threaten U.S. Solvency?”. . . .



“De-Dollarization Bombshell: The Coming of BRICS+ Decentralized Monetary Ecosystem”


by Pepe Escobar

Get ready for what may well be the geoeconomic bombshell of 2024: the coming of a decentralized monetary ecosystem.

Welcome to The Unit – a concept that has already been discussed by the financial services and investments working group set up by the BRICS+ Business Council and has a serious shot at becoming official BRICS+ policy as early as in 2025.

According to Alexey Subbotin, founder of Arkhangelsk Capital Management and one of the Unit’s conceptualizers, this is a new problem-solving system that addresses the key geoeconomic issue of these troubled times: a global crisis of trust.

He knows all about it first-hand: a seasoned financial professional with experience in investment banking, asset management and corporate matters, Subbotin leads the Unit project under the auspices of IRIAS, an international intergovernmental organization set up in 1976 in accordance with the UN statute.

The Global Majority has had enough of the centrally controlled monetary framework put in place 80 years ago in Bretton Woods and its endemic flaws: chronic deficits fueling irresponsible military spending; speculative bubbles; politically motivated sanctions and secondary sanctions; abuse of settlement and payment infrastructure; protectionism; and the lack of fair arbitration.

In contrast, the Unit proposes a reliable, quick and economically efficient solution for cross-border payments. The – transactional – Unit is a game-changer as a new form of international currency that can be issued in a de-centralized way, and then recognized and regulated at national level.



“WEST'S COLOSSAL MISTAKE: US Decline, Rise of BRICS, Tariffs Damage US Economy”


with Prof. Richard Wolff





“Globalist Succession Crisis”


with James Corbett




Midazolam deaths”


with Dr. John Campbell




“Mast cell activation syndrome”


with Dr. John Campbell




“The Infected Blood Scandal: A Shocking Window Into the Pharmaceutical ‘Business with Disease’”


by Paul Anthony Taylor

Between the 1970s and early 1990s, over 30,000 patients in the UK were treated with blood transfusions or blood-derived products contaminated with HIV or hepatitis C. This led to more than 3,000 deaths and left thousands of people with ongoing health problems. A new report has concluded that UK authorities deliberately covered up and downplayed the scandal for decades, with drug companies such as Bayer and Armour Pharmaceuticals accused of knowing treatments were infected but continuing to sell them anyway. The scandal provides a shocking window into the profit-driven nature of the pharmaceutical ‘business with disease.’

The problem began when, during the 1970s, the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) was unable to meet the demand for blood and blood-derived products. As a result, products were imported into the UK from the United States and other countries where paid blood donors were used. These donors included prisoners and drug addicts at high risk of being infected with HIV or hepatitis C. Routine screening for HIV in blood and blood products didn’t begin in the UK until 1985, with screening for hepatitis C starting in 1991.

People with hemophilia and other clotting disorders were significantly impacted by the scandal as they received treatments made from large batches of contaminated blood plasma. Inevitably, therefore, infected individuals sometimes unknowingly passed on HIV or hepatitis C to their partners. Despite the growing number of victims, for many years the NHS and successive British governments refused to accept that any wrong had been done. In reality, however, the UK was one of the last developed countries to start screening blood for hepatitis C. It had also delayed the introduction of heat treatment for blood products to eliminate HIV. Clearly, therefore, while UK authorities have long pretended otherwise, the scandal was not an accident.

SEE, also the Video: Vitamin D Is More Effective Than the COVID-19 Jab

“A Day of Shame for the British State” . . . .



“The Rise of COVID 2.0? Beware the WHO’s Pandemic Industrial Complex”


by Michael Welch, Dr. Meryl Nass, and Michelle Leduc Catlin

(audio, 59:00)

“We saw the buildup of events from the swine flu of 2009,

Zika, the Ebola scare of 2014, et cetera.

Escalating throughout the 2010’s into the Covid scare of the past few years.

And now, we are on the cusp of potentially another scare

which might cause the actual political impetus and even the public to get on board

with the idea of the World Health Organization swooping in

 to save the day with their brand new pandemic agreement.”

James Corbett, November 2023[1]


“It is not a matter of if a pandemic will happen again; it is a matter of when.”

– World Health Organization (May 10, 2024)


At this point in time when the worst of the sinister Coronavirus “pandemic” is thought to be behind us, the arrival of another alert of another killer disease may be stampeding toward us. [2][3]

After over a year of seeing this moment in the distance, the monster is at the door, and we must either yield to the moment and hope it isn’t as bad as some have predicted, or fight with every fibre of our being to preserve the rights and freedoms that may well be sacrificed to the discretion of those who claim to safe-guard our public health.

From May 27th to June 1st, initiatives are being set before the World Health Assembly, the decision-making body of the World Health Organization (WHO.) These include changes to the 2005 International Health Regulation and the introduction of the WHO Pandemic Agreement. [4][5]

What are the implications of these changes? Essentially, according to critics, it would turn the WHO from an agency giving advice on healing from the next pandemic to giving orders to the world. Taking control. [6]

If you recall, the advice during COVID-19 included lock-downs, and the massive PR campaign related to what turned out to be a dangerous COVID-19 vaccine. As Professor Michel Chossudovsky explains in his 2022 book, The Worldwide Corona Crisis: Global Coup D’etat Against Humanity, these initatives have had very negative effects on people throughout the globe. [7]

Should the motions be adopted, the WHO would have even more power to command faulty decisions to the masses.

As we witnessed during the Corona scare, free speech could be gone, doctors questioning the health authorities could lose their medical license, travel could be obstructed, surveillance of medical and online records an Orwellian outcome. All in an era when it seems to be getting easier and easier to diagnose pandemics! [8]

There is even the possibility that fighting climate change through the “One Health” principle can open the door to extending the reach of the WHO, and by extension the billionaires pulling the devolved WHO’s puppet strings. [9][10]

These are issues that should be brought to the attention of the masses. But, as is consistent with that other marionette, the Mainstream (legacy) media, major television, and radio stations will not likely go down this path. But the Global Research News Hour sees it as news that IS fit for broadcast! And this week, we will inspect some of the arguments put forward by critics.

In our first half hour, Michelle Leduc Catlin joins us. Formerly the spokesperson for the National Citizens Inquiry: Canada’s Response to COVID-19, she plans to partake in the Geneva Project in the European Union next week to rally against the WHO’s plans and put forward an alternative to the new normal of pandemic fear forever. She talks about the trip and what Canadians can do to help.

In our second half hour, we are joined by Dr. Meryl Nass. An outspoken doctor and researcher, she has been concerned for months about the direction the Pandemic Agreement and IHR regulations may take us. She explains in a little under half an hour the focus of her concerns, and what can and has been done to stop politicians from signing away the rights of ‘We the People.’

What follows is a brief review by Dr. Nass of what is at stake.  . . . .




 “New Study documents COVID19 Vaccine harms - Low platelets, GBS, Myocarditis - I unpack . . . ”


by Vinay Prasad MD, Professor of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Medicine




“Pfizer is deeply sorry”


with Dr. John Campbell




“Confirmed horrifying scandal”


with Dr. John Campbell


Rishi Sunak “a day of shame for the British state” “Today’s report shows a decades-long moral failure at the heart of our national life – from the National Health Service to the Civil Service, to ministers in successive governments, at every level the people and institutions in which we place our trust failed in the most harrowing and devastating way. “They failed the victims and their families and they failed this country.” “moral failure at the heart of our national life” in which doctors, civil servants and ministers had put reputations above patient safety. “On behalf of this and every government stretching back to the 1970s, I am truly sorry.” https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024... The final report concluded Health service and governments took part in a “chilling” cover-up, as they “closed ranks” to hide the truth, even destroying documents to keep patients in the dark. Sir Brian Langstaff the “horrifying” scandal could and should have been avoided, but a “catalogue of failures” led to “calamity”. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024... “It will be astonishing to anyone who reads this report that these events could have happened in the UK …that a level of suffering which it is difficult to comprehend, still less understand, has been caused to so many”. victims of the scandal “have been forced into a decades-long battle for the truth “Successive governments claimed that patients had received the best medical treatment available at the time, and that blood screening had been introduced at the earliest opportunity. Both claims were untrue. “Standing back, and viewing the response of the NHS and of government overall, the answer to the question ‘was there a cover-up?’ is that there has been. “Not in the sense of a handful of people plotting in an orchestrated conspiracy to mislead, but in a way that was more subtle, more pervasive and more chilling in its implications. “In this way there has been a hiding of much of the truth.” tragedy “was not an accident”. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024...

Transcription . . . .



“End of life...”


with Dr. John Campbell




Midazolam deaths …”


with Dr. John Campbell




“Child Deaths in VAERS — Much Higher Than Reported!”


by Dr. William Makis

Below is an excerpt from a report by Dr. Michael Nevradakis of the Children’s Health Defense, entitled “Number of Children Who Died After COVID Shots Much Higher Than VAERS Reports Indicate, Analyst Says.”

Fetal deaths and miscarriages, sudden cardiac arrest, sudden death and suicides — these are some of the causes of death listed in reports submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) on children who received a COVID-19 vaccine.

Yet, these reports do not count toward the total number of child deaths listed in VAERS data because the victims’ ages are officially listed as “unknown,” according to VAERS analyst Albert Benavides.

Benavides reviewed the data for his website, VAERSAware.com, and provided links to many of these “unknown age” child death reports on his site.

VAERS data as of May 31 lists 197 child deaths following COVID-19 vaccination.

However, Benavides told The Defender, “There are approximately 418 properly documented deaths in children below age 18. There are an additional approximate 120 kid deaths where the summary narrative states ‘child, infant, neonate, baby.’”

Benavides identified these “unknown age” reports using an algorithm and “manual intervention.”

Click here to read the full article.


* * *

My Take…

I have been able to confirm a lot of these deaths myself.

Here are 182 post COVID-19 vaccine CHILD DEATHSs with “Age” left BLANK.

It’s actually shocking how many VAERS reports of CHILD DEATHS there are, that don’t have the child’s age entered in the proper location.

WHO VigiAccess reports over 200,000 Pediatric Adverse Events after taking a COVID-19 Vaccine:  . . . .


 Child Deaths after COVID-19 Vaccine in the literature: (at least 4 child deaths in peer-reviewed papers with autopsy)  . . . .


Example of death one day after Pfizer mRNA jab:  . . . .





“Dr. Makis Reports VERY Good News: Paper That Lancet Published Proving Sudden Deaths By Shots, Later Pulled Under Pressure By Pharma, Has NEW Publisher: ‘There's Going To Be A Tsunami of Evidence.’”


by Celia Farber

Why Do The Countless Abominations Of Longtime Lancet Editor Richard Horton Go Un-Remarked?



“German Lawyer Expresses Shock Over Judicial Derangement Of Fuellmich Persecution: ‘Powers Outside Our Understanding Have Taken Control’"


by CeliaFarber

Describes a "Stasi Like Entity."





by Elsa

Gabriele Carschmann-Kaesinger, attorney at law, has shown tremendous courage. She sent a criminal complaint against the management of Rosdorf Prison and against the deputies on duty during the period from Friday, 3 May 24 up to and including Sunday, 5 May 24.

You can see the complaint here:

So many of you ask: what can I do? Here is one thing many of you could do: you could write a short email to Gabriele that you support the criminal complaint.

This morning I received a message from Katja, Reiner Füllmich’s main lawyer: . . . .



“BREAKING: Slovak Prime Minister Shot and Gravely Injured, Firmly Opposed to ‘Pandemic Treaty’”


by Peter Koenig

PM declared Slovakia will not sign the WHO Pandemic Treaty and the revised IHR.

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot today – 15 May 2024 – and gravel insured, as he was greeting and shaking hands with the crowd in the center town of Handlova, Slovakia, where he had been attending a government meeting at the Palace of Culture.

PM Fico is an ardent opponent of the WHO Pandemic Treaty and the revised WHO International Health Regulations (IHR).

PM Fico was approached by a man in the crowd, who fired close range five shot at him, severely injuring the PM, before the perpetrator was being tackled to the ground and arrested by security officers.


Defense Minister Robert Kalinak said,

“He has multiple injuries, and his condition is extremely serious. We are still praying for good news, but we don’t have that news yet. He has been in the operating room for 3 ½ hours. His condition is very complicated.” . . . .





“‘D-day’ and WWII Examples of the Fake Reality Offered Up by U.S. Corporate TV News Programming”



by Jay Janson

For much of the past week, Western TV News has featured a Second World War anniversary ‘Glorious D-day’ celebration hailing the U.S., British Commonwealth and Canadian amphibious invasion of France on June 6, 1944 as leading to the defeat of Nazi Germany.Political leaders praised the veterans still alive as having successfully fought for ‘freedom!’ Estimated Allied Forces D-day casualties were about 10,000, with 4,000 confirmed dead. [1]

It is agonisingly sad to imagine those, who got killed on D-day following orders to wade forward into the firing line of German gun emplacements, but living in true reality would mean knowing that the Russians, (who were not invited to the D-day celebrations), had, at great human cost, already defeated Germany the year before D-day, during the cataclysmic battles of Stalingrad [2] and Kursk [3] in February and August of 1943, and were by D-day 1944 pushing toward Berlin liberating Nazi concentration camps on the way. [4]

In Western Legacy TV News Fake Alternate Reality:

Americans, with British Help, Defeated
Hitler’s Nazi German Armed Forces

In Reality, The Red Army won World War II.

The Red Army won World War II.  The cost to the Soviets was between 9 million and 11 million military deaths.  Adding in the Russian civilian deaths, the Soviet Union won the war at the cost of between 25 million and 27 million Soviet lives. By contrast total American military deaths in all of WWII were approximately 219,723 (2,715 in North Africa,183,588 in Europe, and 108,504 in Asia) [5]

On December 5, two days before, the United States entered World War Two, the Red Army had begun it’s successful enormous winter counter-offensive ending the Nazi siege of Moscow.  As early as June 1942 the Soviet Union had urged its American and British allies to open a second front in Western Europe. It would take the US and UK another two years to finally launch the invasion of France. Meanwhile, the Red Army took the brunt of German military might and millions died in the genocidal race war waged by the Nazis on the Eastern Front.[6]


From 23 August 1942 to 2 February 1943, Germany and its allies fought the Soviet Union for control of the city of Stalingrad (now Volgograd) in Southern Russia. With fierce close-quarters combat and heavy air raids, it was one of the bloodiest battles in the history of warfare, with an estimated 2 million total casualties. 

Soviet forces are estimated to have suffered 1,100,000 casualties, 478,000 to 478,741 killed and approximately 40,000 civilians died. [7]

The German defeat at Stalingrad was the turning point of the war on the Eastern Front, in the war against Nazi Germany overall, and of the entire Second World War. [8]

German and Axis casualties were enormous: 68 German, 19 Romanian, 10 Hungarian and 10 Italian divisions were mauled or destroyed. That represented 43% of Axis forces in the east. After Stalingrad, the Red Army had the initiative, and the Wehrmacht was in retreat. Germany’s Sixth Army had ceased to exist, and the armed forces of Germany’s European allies, except Finland, had been shattered. In a speech on 9 November 1944, Hitler himself blamed Stalingrad for Germany’s impending doom. The destruction of an entire army, the largest killed, captured, wounded figures for Axis soldiers, during the war, and the foiling of Germany’s grand strategy gave the battle at Stalingrad global significance.[9]


On 4 July 1943, Germany attacked Soviet forces around the city of Kursk, which became the site of the largest tank battle in history involving some 6,000 tanks, 2,000,000 troops, and 4,000 aircraft. German forces  exhausted themselves against the Soviets’ deeply echeloned and well-constructed defenses and then faced the Soviet counterattackThe Battle of Kursk marked the end of German offensive capability on the Eastern Front [10]

While at Kursk in Russia, 6,000 tanks and more than 2,000,000 men battled, on July 9, 1943, an American seaborne assault by the U.S. 7th Army, involving only 150,000 troops, 3,000 ships and 4,000 aircraft landed on the southern coast of Sicily.[11]

A Very Belated ‘D-Day’ (Operation Overlord) at Normandy June 6, 1944

A fleet of some 6,900 vessels landed the assault forces of slightly more than 156,000 men, Americans, British and Canadians on five beaches,

By the time the Allies did open this Western front in Normandy in June of 1944, the eventual defeat of Nazi Germany had already been established by the Red Army victories at Stalingrad (August 1942-February 1943) and Kursk (July-August 1943) the year before. At Stalingrad Germany had lost its Sixth Army and four allied armies of over 400,000 men. Meanwhile, at Kursk Germany  had lost thirty divisions (over 500,000 men) including seven Panzer divisions equipped with the new Panther and Tiger tanks, 1,500 tanks, 3,000 guns and 3,500 warplanes. (Thus, while the war was being won and whole German armies destroyed at great human cost to the Soviet Red Army during the month of July at Kursk, the Americans, British and Canadians in the same month had been invading a weakly defended Sicily.

Throughout most of World War II, the U.S. and the British faced 10 German divisions combined. The Soviets were facing more than 200 German divisions. The Germans lost approximately 1 million men on the Western front. They lost 6 million on the Eastern front. There is reason why Churchill said the Red Army tore the guts out of the German war machine. However, that’s not what Americans learn.[12]

The success of the Allies after Normandy was largely due to the Germans having been already weakened badly because of the pummeling they had taken from the Russian Army, and were at the time of the D Day landing in retreat across Europe ahead of the vast Red Army, which was then liberating the concentration camps. Majdanek on July 22–23, later that summer the Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka killing centers.

By the time Allied troops came ashore on June 6, 1944 the Russians had already fought three years of devastating war on the Eastern Front, taking and inflicting appalling casualties. The enormous and pivotal battles of Stalingrad and Kursk had been fought and won.

In addition, the greatest Soviet campaign began 17 days after D-Day.

Following the defeat of Nazi Operation Zitadelle, the Soviets launched counter-offensives employing six million men along a 2,400-kilometre (1,500 mi) front as they drove the Germans westwards.

Operation Bagration, the Red Army offensive into Byelorussia from June 23 to August 19, 1944, resulted in the destruction of 28 of 34 divisions of the German Third Panzer, Fourth, and Ninth Armies of Army Group Center. The gutting of German forces in the East liberated the last parts of the Soviet Union and positioned the Red Army on the Vistula River, just across from Warsaw and within striking distance of Berlin. [13]Operation Bagration Was a Colossal Victory for the Red Army

the Soviet destruction of German Army Group Centre – was, arguably, the single most successful military action of the entire war. This vital Soviet offensive was launched just after Allied troops had landed in Normandy, and it is symptomatic of the lack of public knowledge about the war in the East that whilst almost everyone has heard of D-Day, few people other than specialist historians know much about the Soviet Operation Bagration. Yet the sheer size of Bagration dwarfs that of D-Day. [14] Despite the recent Allied landing at Normandy, the German army retained over 235 divisions in the East, in comparison with roughly 85 in the West.[15]

On January 27, Soviet troops liberated Auschwitz.

February 13-14, the U.S. continuously bombed Dresden killing 160,000 German civilians. RAF and USAF air raids devastated Dresden, By this period, Soviet forces had crossed the Oder River and were closing in on Berlin. [14]

Examples of Western Press Admissions of the Falsification of History . . . .



“D-Day 2024. Diana Johnstone”



by Diana Johnstone

In retrospect, it becomes clear that the Cold War “communist threat” was only a pretext for great powers seeking more power.

Ceremonies were held last week commemorating the 80th anniversary of Operation Overlord, the Anglo-American landing on the beaches of Normandy that took place on June 6, 1944, known as D-Day.  For the very first time, the Russians were ostentatiously not invited to take part in the ceremonies. 

The Russian absence symbolically altered the meaning of the festivities. Certainly the significance of Operation Overlord as the first step in the domination of Western Europe by the English-speaking world was more pertinent than ever. But without Russia, the event was symbolically taken out of the original context of World War II.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was invited to give a video address to the French Parliament in honor of the occasion.  Zelensky pulled out all the rhetorical stops to demonize Vladimir Putin, describing the Russian president as the “common enemy” of Ukraine and Europe. 

Russia, he claimed “is a territory where life no longer has any value… It’s the opposite of Europe, it’s the anti-Europe.”

So after 80 years, D-Day symbolically celebrated a different alliance and a different war — or perhaps, the same old war, but with the attempt to change the ending. 

Here was a shift in alliances which would have pleased a good part of the pre-war, British upper class. From the time he took power, Adolf Hitler had many admirers in Britain’s aristocracy and even in its royal family. Many saw Hitler as the effective antidote to Russian “judeo-bolshevism.”  

At the end of the war, there were those who would have favored “finishing the job” by turning against Russia. It has taken 80 years to make it happen. But the seeds of the reversal were always there.  

D-Day & the Russians. . . .




Video: “Geopolitical Issues. “War is a Racket… The Most Profitable”. Fear, Poverty and Homelessness, The Depopulation Agenda”



by Peter Koenig and Charles Kovess



TNT Radio: Today, there are wars in Ukraine, the Middle East, and elsewhere, and military tensions are rising in Asia. What do you think are the underlying reasons for wars around the world?

Peter Koenig (PK): Let me begin with a famous quote:

“WAR is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.”

This is a quote from a 1935 speech and short book by Smedley D. Butler, a retired United States Marine Corps Major General and two-time Medal of Honor recipient. Based on his career military experience, Butler discusses how business interests commercially benefit from warfare.

Butler goes on summarizing on how to get out of the War Racket:

“Three steps must be taken to smash the war racket. 1. We must take the profit out of war. 2. We must permit the youth of the land who would bear arms to decide whether or not there should be war. 3. We must limit our military forces to home defense purposes.”

Smedley D. Butler, was one of the Unites States’ most decorated soldier – turned Anti-War activist. 

Explaining this in economic terms – how it works – is easy. It is demonstrated on a daily basis, mostly by the United States, the so-called empire of the last and present century.

It is a question of supply and demand.

They – the Hegemon and /or its puppets – plant conflict in an area of their political and economic interest – say the Middle East, rich in hydrocarbons and a strategic transit region – then they have a reason to intervene and “resolve” the conflict militarily.

To create a conflict, you create first an enemy, then you infiltrate a “terror group” – which also is created artificially by the same self-styled empire, the US of A, like Al Qaeda, created in the late 1980s. 

To diversify the terror, you create more terror groups, like the Islamic State (IS), or Hamas – a creation in 1987 by Israel’s Mossad, the CIA and UK’s MI6 – so, Zionist-Israel has an enemy to fight whenever it is convenient. 

The current war in Gaza and on a larger scale, prompted by the planned 7 October 2023 Hamas “attack” against Palestine has been prepared for at least four years – and now is the time to basically eradicate Palestine. That is the Zionists argument, always under the pretext “Israel has the right to defend itself”

What the Zionists, representing Israel do, is of course NOT “self-defense” – but outright slaughter, genocide, Human Rights abuse – of the worst kind, never seen before in recent history.

The western leaders (a miserable misnomer) look on, even applause, and support Israel, supplying them weapons and cash to continue their killing machine. Billions of dollars-worth of weapons – you see, weapons are a huge cash generator for the war industry. Human lives, misery, and death – creating massive and horrendous suffering.



“From Palestine to the World: Angela Davis & Dr. Gabor Maté on the global struggle for liberation”


by Science and Nonduality


This conversation is part of the release of the new documentary film "Where Olive Trees Weep" https://whereolivetreesweep.com/. The full version of the conversation will be released as part of the film premiere and the 21-day program on a donation basis.

Drawing parallels between the oppression faced by Palestinians and the systemic injustice confronting marginalized communities around the world, Angela and Gabor will shed light on the common roots of violence, occupation, and dehumanization. They will examine how trauma, both individual and collective, perpetuates cycles of conflict and how healing these wounds is integral to achieving genuine liberation. Science and Nonduality (SAND) contemplates and reveres the beauty, complexity, pain, and great mystery that weave the infinite cycles of existence. We explore beyond ultimate truths, binary thinking, and individual awakening while acknowledging humanity as a mere part of the intricate web of life.





“Putin: ‘Let Me Warn Them’”


by Times Now


Russian President Vladimir Putin has launched a fierce critique against NATO, accusing the military alliance of direct involvement in orchestrating long-range precision strikes on Russian territory.

Putin LIVE, Russian Prez Questions Zelenskyy's Legitimacy, Accuses NATO, Russia-Ukraine War LIVE. Russian President Vladimir Putin has launched a fierce critique against NATO, accusing the military alliance of direct involvement in orchestrating long-range precision strikes on Russian territory. Putin's comments suggest a significant escalation in the ongoing conflict, implicating NATO in active military operations against Russia. Putin’s remarks were made during a press briefing, where he responded to questions about the deployment of advanced weaponry in the conflict. "If the NATO Secretary General is talking about the possibility of strikes on Russian territory with long-range precision weapons, he should know that such weapons cannot be used without space reconnaissance means," Putin stated, highlighting the sophisticated level of coordination required for these operations.



“Putin’s answers to media questions following the visit to Uzbekistan”



Vladimir Putin answered questions from the Russian media following his state visit to the Republic of Uzbekistan. The press availability took place at Tashkent Airport.



“Washington Attacks Key Element of Russia’s Nuclear Umbrella Threatening Entire Global Nuclear Security Architecture”


Washington’s “deep involvement in the armed conflict and total control over Kiev’s military planning means that the claims that the US does not know about Ukrainian plans to strike Russia’s missile defense system can be discarded.” Russian Senator Dmitry Rogozin


by Mike Whitney

The Biden administration, using its proxy forces in Ukraine, launched an unprecedented attack on “a key element of Russia’s nuclear umbrella” on Thursday effectively blinding the Russian military from detecting incoming nuclear-armed ballistic missiles. “Satellite imagery confirms” that multiple drones severely damaged “a Russian strategic early warning radar site in the southwestern end of the country” leaving Moscow more vulnerable to enemy attack. The western media has largely blacked-out any coverage of the incident which should have been presented in headlines across the country. According to Russian nuclear doctrine, any attack on Russia’s essential nuclear first-alert system provides a justification for nuclear retaliation. Given the gravity of the situation we must assume that Washington’s frustration with Ukraine’s performance on the battlefield has precipitated a dramatic change in policy that includes high-risk provocations aimed at triggering an overreaction that leads to direct NATO intervention. Clearly, the Biden administration has decided that it cannot prevail in Ukraine absent NATO involvement. To that end, the US—via its proxies in Ukraine—will continue to launch increasingly lethal attacks on Russian territory forcing Moscow to respond in kind. This is from an article at The Warzone:

“Satellite imagery confirms a Russian strategic early warning radar site in the southwestern end of the country was substantially damaged in a reported Ukrainian drone attack earlier this week. This looks to be a first-of-its-kind attack on a site linked to Russia’s general strategic defense. As such, it points to a new and worrisome dimension to the conflict, especially when it comes to the potential use of nuclear weapons….

(Satellite imagery) shows severe damage to both structures housing the Voronezh-DMs at Armavir. There is also clear evidence of multiple hits on the radar buildings. …(The) radar arrays are generally very sensitive and fragile systems, and even relatively limited damage can result in a “mission kill,” rendering them inoperable for an extended period of time….

Since receiving a new tranche of ATACMS ( Army Tactical Missile System) in secret earlier this year, the Ukrainian armed forces have been using those weapons to good effect against Russian air bases, air defense nodes, and other targets. The latest batch of ATACMS are also longer-range versions than had previously been delivered to Ukraine’s military, which have allowed them to hold more targets at risk….

The two Voronezh-DMs at the facility are a key part of Russia’s larger strategic early warning network and their loss, even temporarily, could only degrade the country’s ability to detect incoming nuclear threats. There are also concerns about how this could impact the ability of Russia’s overall strategic warning network to evaluate potential threats and eliminate false positives due to possible loss of overlapping coverage in certain areas. Strike On Russian Strategic Early Warning Radar Site Is A Big Deal, The Warzone

We should assume that the plan to strike the facility was concocted and authorized at the highest level of government, perhaps, President Biden himself. Certainly, no low-ranking officer would risk his own career and possible court martial on a venture so audacious and potentially catastrophic. Also, the fact that the media has largely swept this blockbuster story under the rug suggests that corporate journalists are, once again, colluding with government officials to prevent Washington’s transgressions from being revealed to the public. Aside from slandering any and all opponents of US foreign policy, the media’s primary duty is concealing the crimes of the state.(which are too numerous to count.) Here’s more from The Warzone:

“Russia’s early warning network is part of the country’s broader nuclear deterrent posture.

The conditions specifying the possibility of nuclear weapons use by the Russian Federation” include any “attack by [an] adversary against critical governmental or military sites of the Russian Federation, disruption of which would undermine nuclear forces response actions,” according to the Basic Principles of State Policy of the Russian Federation on Nuclear Deterrence the Kremlin put out two years ago.

All of this follows the start of tactical nuclear drills by Russian forces in the country’s Southern Military District, which borders Ukraine, on Tuesday. Strike On Russian Strategic Early Warning Radar Site Is A Big Deal, The Warzone

The attack on a critical Russian nuclear defense facility—that could serve as a pretext for a nuclear exchange—shows that we have entered a new and more dangerous phase of Washington’s war on Russia. It’s clear that the public debate concerning the use of long-range missiles to strike deep into Russian territory, is largely a hoax intended to convince the American people that the matter will be decided by their elected representatives after an exhaustive debate. But it won’t be. As we can see, the train has already left the station. The decision to provoke a war with Russia has already been made, and that policy is being implemented as we speak.

It’s also worth noting (as one analyst said) . . . .




 “The NeoCons' Proxy War "Against Ukraine": Nuclear War is On the Table. The Privatization of Ukraine”


by  Prof Michel Chossudovsky

First published by GR on June 29, 2023.



In this article, I will be focussing on the NeoCon agenda, largely inspired by The Project for the New American Century. (PNAC).

The Neocons exert control over foreign policy. They are involved in bribing and manipulating politicians and decision-makers. They have played a key role in defining nuclear doctrine on behalf of powerful financial interests.  

The PNAC has called for establishing “Superiority in Nuclear Weapons” (applied to Russia) coupled with a profit driven expansion of the military industrial complex.

The NeoCon agenda, as formulated by the PNAC (2000) follows in the footsteps of The Cold War “Truman Doctrine” In the words of George Kennan:

“The day is not far off when we are going to have to deal in straight power concepts. The less we are then hampered by idealistic slogans, the better”

The NeoCons are not intent upon “Winning the War”.

Their agenda is to “Destroy Countries”.

It is a profit-driven agenda: “Destruction” leads to “Reconstruction”. 

What is at stake is the engineered economic and social destruction of sovereign nation states. The creditors are there to “pick up the pieces” and “appropriate real wealth”. 

The second part of this article will focus on the NeoCons’ agenda to “privatize countries” on behalf of the financial establishment. 

The privatization of Ukraine as an impoverished derelict Nation State has already commenced via the creation of the Ukraine Reconstruction Bank (URB) by BlackRock and JPMorgan. 

Ukraine is a country with a vast territory and tremendous resources. The proxy Kiev Regime has an unsurmountable external debt in the trillions which has been building up since the February 2014 EuroMaidan Neo-Nazi Coup d’Etat, instrumented by Washington. 

We are no longer in the realm of IMF “strongly economic medicine”.

What is unfolding is the corporate take over and appropriation of an entire country.


The Danger of Nuclear War 

The use of nuclear weapons is on the drawing board of the Pentagon. It has the support of the U.S State Department. 

Meanwhile legislation is being put forward in the U.S. Congress to initiate World War III. 

“Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) introduced on June 22nd a Resolution which if passed and signed by President Biden, … would commit the U.S. as the head of NATO to launch, on behalf of NATO, war directly against Russia (See Eric Zuesse, Duran, June 20, 2023)

  click lower right corner for full screen

The NeoCon Agenda:

The Project for the New American Century 

The NeoCons are firmly behind the Ukraine agenda. 

The Project for the New American Century (PNAC) dominates US foreign policy on behalf of powerful financial interests. 

The PNAC dispels the planning of “consecutive” military operations: it describes:

America’s “Long War” as follows: 

fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theater wars”

The conduct of  “Simultaneous theater Wars” is the backbone of America’s hegemonic Agenda.

It’s a project of global warfare. The PNAC controlled by the NeoCons also dispels the holding of real peace negotiations. 

The Nuclear Agenda and Global Warfare

The PNAC was published at the height of the presidential election campaign in September 2000, barely 2 months prior to the November 2001 elections.  It has become the backbone of US foreign policy. It is the basis for the carrying out a hegemonic global warfare agenda, coupled with the imposition of a “Unipolar World Order”. 




Victoria Nuland who sits in the State Department, currently advising President Biden is the spouse of  PNAC’s Robert Kagan.

Why Does the Biden administration require a $1.3 trillion nuclear weapons program which is slated to increase to $2.0 trillion in 2030?

Superiority in Nuclear War is the backbone of the NeoCon agenda as expounded in the PNAC.

The objective is to “Maintain Nuclear Superiority”, specifically in relation to the US-Russia balance.



The Post War Era 

The US has conducted numerous wars since the end of what is euphemistically called the post war era:

Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen… and now Ukraine. 

The unspoken objective is not to “win the war” but to engineer the destruction of entire countries, create political and social chaos, with a view to ultimately “picking up the pieces” and taking control of the national economies of sovereign nation states.

This agenda is also conducted through “regime change”, “color revolutions” and the concurrent demise and criminalization of the state apparatus coupled with “strong economic medicine” and the imposition of a soaring dollar denominated debt.

That is what happened in Vietnam. The Destruction of an entire country which was then “privatized” in the early 1990s: 

“Vietnam never received war reparations payments from the U.S. for the massive loss of life and destruction, yet an agreement reached in Paris in 1993 required Hanoi to recognize the debts of the defunct Saigon regime of General Thieu. This agreement is in many regards tantamount to obliging Vietnam to compensate Washington for the costs of war.”

And now what is ongoing in Ukraine is the outright privatization of an entire country.  


The Privatization of Ukraine 

BlackRock, which is the World’s largest portfolio investment company together with JPMorgan have  come to the rescue of Ukraine. They are slated to set up the Ukraine Reconstruction Bank.

The stated objective is “to attract billions of dollars in private investment to assist rebuilding projects in a war-torn country”. (FT, June 19, 2023)

“… BlackRock, JP Morgan and private investors, aim to profit from the country’s reconstruction along with 400 global companies, including Citi, Sanofi and Philips. … JP Morgan’s Stefan Weiler sees a “tremendous opportunity” for private investors. (Colin Todhunter, Global Research June 28, 2023)

The Kiev Neo-Nazi regime is a partner in this endeavour. War is Good for Business. The greater the destruction, the greater the stranglehold on Ukraine by “private investors”:

BlackRock and JPMorgan Chase are helping the Ukrainian government set up a reconstruction bank to steer public seed capital into rebuilding projects that can attract hundreds of billions of dollars in private investment.” (FT, op cit)

The Privatization of Ukraine was launched in November 2022 in liaison  with BlackRock’s  consulting company  McKinsey, a public relations firm which has largely been responsible for co-opting corrupt politicians and officials Worldwide not to mention scientists and intellectuals on behalf of powerful financial interests. 

“The Kyiv government engaged BlackRock’s consulting arm in November to determine how best to attract that kind of capital, and then added JPMorgan in February. Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced last month that the country was working with the two financial groups and consultants at McKinsey.

BlackRock and Ukraine’s Ministry of Economy signed a Memorandum of Understanding in November 2023.

In late December 2022, president Zelensky and BlackRock’s CEO Larry Fink agreed on an investment strategy.




Ukraine Reconstruction: The London Conference Venue

Careful Timing (See Timeline Below). The Prigozhin-Wagner “Failed Coup” (June 23-24, 2023) was initiated on the day following the Ukraine Reconstruction Conference in London hosted by the Kiev Regime and His Majesty’s Government on June 21-22, 2023. Is it a coincidence?

“The Ukraine Development Fund remains in the planning stages and is not expected to fully launch until the end of hostilities with Russia. But investors will have a preview this week at a London conference co-hosted by the British and Ukrainian governments.

The World Bank estimated in March that Ukraine would need $411bn to rebuild after the war, and recent Russian attacks have driven that figure higher.

No formal fundraising target has been set but people familiar with the discussions say the fund is seeking to raise low-cost capital from governments, donors and international financial institutions and leverage it to attract between five and 10 times as much private investment.

BlackRock and JPMorgan are donating their services, although the work will give them an early look at possible investments in the country. The assignment also deepens JPMorgan’s relationship with a longstanding client.

What Ukraine needed, BlackRock advised, was a development finance bank to find investment opportunities in sectors such as infrastructure, climate and agriculture and make them attractive to pension funds and other long-term investors and lenders. JPMorgan was brought in partly for its debt expertise.

… most investors want to wait for the end of hostilities. “The important part is that Ukraine is already thinking ahead,” Weiler said. “When the war is over, they’re going to want to be ready and start the rebuilding process immediately.” (FT, 19 June, 2023, emphasis added)


King Charles V hosted a reception at St James’s Palace on the eve of the Ukraine Recovery Conference. See below.

The King hosts a reception at St James's Palace


The King hosts a reception at St James's Palace

Guests included the Prime Minister of Ukraine, Mr. Denys Shmyhal; President of European Commission, Dr. Ursula Von der Leyen and His Majesty’s Ambassador to Ukraine, Dame Melinda Simmons, who presented. Ukrainian civil society leaders. These leaders included Mr. Masi Nayyem [involved in the Neo-Nazi sponsored 2014 EuroMaidan], a decorated Ukrainian veteran and lawyer who received shrapnel wounds to the head on a combat mission during the invasion and now campaigns for veterans rights and support.


The Ukraine Privatization Chronology . . . .





 “The Dangers of Nuclear War: Russian Warnings About NATO’s Nuclear Escalation”


by Drago Bosnic

Earlier this week, I argued that NATO’s latest actions in Ukraine (and beyond) are tantamount to a declaration of war on Russia. Attacks on Moscow’s strategic assets, particularly early warning radar stations, as well as Stoltenberg’s openly declared support for long-range strikes on Russia using NATO-sourced weapons, make it quite clear what the political West is planning to do. Men like Jens Stoltenberg are certainly not making any real decisions, but serve mostly as glorified spokespeople.

However, his threats to the Kremlin finally show the true intentions of the world’s most aggressive racketeering cartel. To make matters worse, the latest statements of actual leaders of NATO countries show that the political West is desperate to prevent the Neo-Nazi junta’s defeat by raising the stakes to a direct confrontation with Moscow (i.e. WW3).

This leaves Russia with no choice but to be prepared for any eventuality. It recently held military exercises involving simulated usage of tactical nuclear weapons (TNWs). This is quite important, as the Kremlin owns not just the world’s most powerful strategic arsenal, but also fields the largest number of TNWs, including nuclear shells for its unrivaled artillery formations. Thus, if you thought Russian artillery couldn’t possibly be scarier than it is already, think for a second that this only relates to its conventional capabilities. So, when President Vladimir Putin says “you still haven’t seen anything”, that’s exactly how it should be interpreted. And normal people surely wouldn’t want to see such escalation. However, as the political West keeps sinking into utter madness, we cannot expect its leaders to conduct realpolitik and make sensible decisions.

On the other hand, while Russian leadership previously tried maintaining contact to avoid a disaster of global proportions, it now realizes that this is not only futile, but also counterproductive, if not even self-defeating. Accustomed to invading largely helpless opponents (think of a grown man barging into a kindergarten and punching preschool children), NATO has become completely detached from reality. Although it’s now after a near-peer adversary (the same analogy, just instead of those preschool kids you have a giant MMA fighter), the belligerent alliance still lives in the illusion that it’s vastly superior and that it will prevail. This is forcing Moscow not to engage in dialogue (as previously mentioned, it would be pointless), but to openly talk about the possibility of nuclear war with the United States and NATO.

Historically, the Kremlin always tried to keep talks about it behind closed doors, as is customary for those still honoring diplomatic etiquette. However, as the political West’s concept of foreign policy is now equivalent to banditry and piracy, this too has become futile. This is why Russia is now warning about NATO’s preparations for nuclear war. According to the Russian military and intelligence services, the belligerent alliance is secretly engaged in military exercises that involve preparations for potential nuclear strikes on Russia. Army General Vladimir Kulishov, First Deputy Director of the FSB and Head of its Border Service, actually said so in a recent interview. This includes not only a massive increase in NATO’s activity around Russia’s borders, but also the aforementioned nuclear drills that the belligerent alliance is trying to conceal.

“Near the Russian border, NATO’s reconnaissance activities are increasing, the intensity of operational combat training of the alliance’s troops is growing, during which scenarios for conducting combat operations against the Russian Federation, including the launch of nuclear strikes on our territory, are being worked out,” General Kulishov said in an interview with RIA Novosti, adding: “The situation requires taking appropriate steps to protect and secure our borders.”

Many in the political West might ignore or even outright reject his words, but it seems the Russian general didn’t even need to say anything, as EU/NATO leaders themselves are effectively confirming this virtually every day. Namely, after French President Emmanuel Macron supported the usage of NATO-sourced long-range weapons against Russia, US President Joe Biden joined the chorus of those who suddenly want to blow up the world. It should be noted that, although a mere formality at this point, this marks a disturbing change in rhetoric. While Washington DC previously tried maintaining a level of “plausible deniability”, it’s now openly talking about strikes on a country with the world’s largest thermonuclear arsenal. As second only to Russia in terms of its own strategic weapons, the US has a huge responsibility.

However, instead of being far more careful in its statements and actions, the belligerent thalassocracy is doing the opposite. President Putin and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov have been warning against such behavior for years and continue to do so even now. Unfortunately, such sensible messages seem to fall on deaf ears. Worse yet, NATO not only keeps ignoring this, but is escalating attacks on Russian early warning systems through its Neo-Nazi puppets in Kiev. Such systems play no role in Moscow’s military operations in Ukraine, meaning that the Kiev regime certainly wouldn’t be bothering to use its forces and resources, already spread far too thin across the collapsing frontlines, for such attacks – unless ordered to do so by its puppet masters in the halls of power in Washington DC and, to a lesser extent, Brussels.

Obviously, NATO’s motivation to do this would be to diminish Russia’s ability to detect and track potential nuclear strikes. However, the world’s most aggressive racketeering cartel seems to have forgotten about Moscow’s “Perimeter” (known in NATO as the “Dead Hand”) system that ensures retaliation even in the case that the entire Russian leadership is killed in a possible “decapitation strike” that the Pentagon has been openly talking about in recent years. In addition, the Kremlin’s world-class nuclear submarines also ensure deterrence even if the Eurasian giant ceased to exist. Its eight Borei-class SSBNs each carry 16 R-30 “Bulava” SLBMs, while every missile is armed with up to ten 150 kt thermonuclear MIRV warheads. To put that into perspective, the Hiroshima bomb was 15 kt. Do the math.



“To Avoid Nuclear War, Putin Needs to be a Little Crazier”


by Mike Whitney



“Jeffrey Sachs Warns: The West Has FORGOTTEN The DANGERS AND HORRORS Of Nuclear Weapons”


by Quỳnh Học Vẽ, with Jeffrey Sachs




INTERVIEW: “What is the US military up to in Jordan?”


with George Galloway and Ken Klippenstein


Why has the US covertly moved thousands of troops to Jordan? What is the target? Intrepid reporter Ken Klippenstein posits the answers





“Russia Setup ICBM in North Korea, Strengthen Nuclear in Cuba Threaten U.S”


by Douglas MacGregor


Douglas MacGregor Warning: Russia Setup ICBM in North Korea, Strengthen Nuclear in Cuba Threaten U.S In this urgent analysis, Douglas MacGregor, a former senior military advisor and respected defense analyst, delves into Russia’s strategic move to position Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) in North Korea and bolster nuclear capabilities in Cuba. This development presents a direct and escalating threat to the United States, increasing global military tensions significantly.MacGregor examines the motivations behind Russia's decision, suggesting that this marks a significant shift in global military strategy aimed at countering U.S. influence and extending Russia's strategic reach. He discusses the implications for U.S. national security, analyzing the potential threats these moves pose to the stability of international relations and peace.Additionally, MacGregor explores the broader consequences for NATO and its allies, highlighting the challenges of responding effectively to Russia's expanded military presence in such critical regions. He provides insights into the possible countermeasures and strategic adjustments that the U.S. might consider to mitigate these new threats.This video offers a comprehensive overview of the current geopolitical landscape, with MacGregor’s expert commentary shedding light on the complexities of these military developments and their potential to reshape the global order.



“U.S. F-16s to Ukraine, Russia Nuclear Sub Activated in Caribbean, WEST Panics”


with Scott Ritter




“Israel is being WIPED OUT and the IDF is Losing Big on All Fronts”


with Danny Haiphong and Scott Ritter

(21:38)Top of Form




“Russia Begins to Attack US. NATO Base Collapsed, West Prepared to Retaliate”


with Larry Johnson




“NATO's Nuclear & B-52 Are Flying to Russia, West Panic After Putin's Missiles Attack”


with Larry Johnson




“U.S. Missiles Strike Deep Inside Russia, NATO in Danger, The World at Stake”


with Larry Johnson




“Iran & Turkey join Russia, North Korea sent Nuclear Bombs after Meeting Putin”


with Douglas Macgregor:





“The ‘Climate Emergency’ Is a Myth, Says Nobel Prize Winner John Clauser. Here’s Why He’s Right”



by Dr. Rudolph Kalveks

In a recent lecture, Nobel Laureate physicist John Clauser exposed how the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) models and analyses, which are relied upon by politicians and activists to support claims of a ‘climate crisis’, do not meet basic standards of scientific enquiry. Clauser received his Nobel prize in 2022 for the observational measurement of quantum entanglement and understands well the problem of distinguishing a physical signal from background noise.

Clauser shows that, when corrected for the IPCC’s error prone arithmetic and statistics, the observational data do not support the power imbalance claimed to be responsible for global warming. Furthermore, the outputs of climate models are at variance with the observational record. Clauser discusses the roles of convection, clouds and their variability in providing a negative feedback mechanism, and proposes that this acts as a thermostat that stabilises surface temperatures. Clauser’s conclusion is that claims of a ‘climate crisis’ lack scientific substance and that Net Zero policies are an unnecessary hindrance.



Figure 1. Schematic representation of the global mean energy budget of the Earth. Numbers indicate best estimates for the magnitudes of the globally averaged energy balance components, together with their uncertainty ranges (5%-95% confidence), representing climate conditions at the beginning of the 21st Century. Note that amounts are expressed in terms of power flux (Watts per square metre or W/m2), which equals energy per second per unit area (Joules/s/m2). (Source: IPCC AR6 WG 1 report p.934)

Clauser’s talk is available on YouTube. However, there is merit in reviewing the physics arguments that draw on the observational data about atmospheric energy flows to refute the notion of an anthropogenic global warming (AGW) induced climate crisis.





“2020 Documentary: Who Is Bill Gates? How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health”



with James Corbett




“Bill Gates, new RNA vaccines”


with Dr. John Campbell




“Pfizer court case, Kansas”


with Dr. John Campbell

(13:02, with transcript)

Pfizer misled the public that it had a “safe and effective” COVID-19 vaccine. https://fingfx.thomsonreuters.com/gfx...

Pfizer said its COVID-19 vaccine was safe even though it knew its COVID-19 vaccine was connected to serious adverse events, including myocarditis and pericarditis, failed pregnancies, and deaths. Pfizer concealed this critical safety information from the public. Pfizer said its COVID-19 vaccine was effective even though it knew its COVID- 19 vaccine waned over time and did not protect against COVID-19 variants. Pfizer concealed this critical effectiveness information from the public. Pfizer said its COVID-19 vaccine would prevent transmission of COVID-19 even though it knew it never studied the effect of its vaccine on transmission of COVID-19. To keep the public from learning the truth, Pfizer worked to censor speech on social media that questioned Pfizer’s claims about its COVID-19 vaccine. Pfizer’s misrepresentations of a “safe and effective” vaccine resulted in record company revenue of approximately $75 billion from COVID-19 vaccine sales in just two years. Pfizer’s actions and statements relating to its COVID-19 vaccine violated previous consent judgments with the State of Kansas. Pfizer’s actions and statements relating to its COVID-19 vaccine violated the Kansas Consumer Protection Act Pfizer must be held accountable for falsely representing the benefits of its COVID- 19 vaccine while concealing and suppressing the truth about its vaccine’s safety risks, waning effectiveness, and inability to prevent transmission. 28. Millions of Kansans heard Pfizer’s misrepresentations about its COVID-19 vaccine. 29. In May 2021, Pfizer advertised to Kansans on Facebook about its “life-saving vaccines” and its “cures.” 30. Pfizer took advantage of Kansans’ fear of COVID-19 and desire for safety by offering a “safe and effective” COVID-19 vaccine, while concealing, suppressing, and omitting material information that undermined its safety and effectiveness claims. in Kansas. B. Pfizer used confidentiality agreements to conceal critical data relating to the safety and effectiveness of its COVID-19 vaccine. 57. Pfizer has kept data hidden through confidentiality agreements with governments around the world. C. Pfizer used an extended study timeline to conceal critical data relating to the safety and effectiveness of its COVID-19 vaccine. 65. Scientists were outraged that they still could not review Pfizer’s COVID-19 study data. “Pfizer’s pivotal COVID vaccine trial was funded by the company and designed, run, analysed, and authored by Pfizer employees. The company and the contract research organisations that carried out the trial hold all the data.” D. Pfizer used FOIA denial and delay to conceal critical data relating to the safety and effectiveness of its COVID-19 vaccine. E. Pfizer destroyed the vaccine control group, which will conceal critical data relating to the safety and effectiveness of its COVID-19 vaccine. 86. Pfizer planned to follow COVID-19 vaccine study participants, both vaccine and placebo recipients, for 24 months to monitor the safety and effectiveness of its vaccine. 87. Once the FDA approved Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine through an emergency use authorization in December 2020, Pfizer unblinded the study participants and offered vaccine placebo recipients the option to receive the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. 88. Of the 21,921 vaccine trial participants who received the placebo, more than 20,000 placebo participants decided to receive the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine as of March 13, 2021.



“Kansas accuses Pfizer of misleading public about COVID vaccine in lawsuit”


by Brendan Pierson





News from Underground by Mark Crispin Miller

“2 Marines go into cardiac arrest on same day; 2 TN sheriffs have pancreatic cancer; high schooler, 15, goes into cardiac arrest playing football; girl, 5, walks to school for help after mom collapses”


by Mark Crispin Miller



“Performers dropping dead, or falling sick, on stage. (Spain, Italy, India)”


by Mark Crispin Miller

More unprecedented post-"vaccination" weirdness mid-performance



“Swedish rocker Dennis Lyxzén has "massive heart attack"; Danish actor Charlotte Bøving has cancer (again); S. Korean pop star Yoo Ara, 31, has cancer; Irish pol Jennifer Whitmore in ICU”


by Mark Crispin Miller



“You can run, but you can't hide”


by Mark Crispin Miller



“Lulu Santos has 3 illnesses in 1 week; Haitian PM Garry Conille has emergency surgery; Brit model Roxy Horner has diabetes, Hayley Tamaddon ("Emmerdale"), singer Amelia Lily both rushed to hospital”


by Mark Crispin Miller



“A day in the life of the streets of Toronto (which is exactly like a day in the life of nearly every other city on the planet)”


by Mark Crispin Miller



“In memory of those who "died suddenly" in the United States and worldwide, June 10-June 17, 2024”


by Mark Crispin Miller

Actors in US (3), Mex., Argen., Germ., Poland, Ghana, Nigeria (2), Russia (2), India, Australia; athletes in US (2), Canada, Argen. (3), Chile, UK (3), Ire., Montenegro, Tonga, Australia (2), NZ; more



“Sammy Hagar Regrets Getting Vaccinated”


by Mark Crispin Miller



“Vera Sharav survived the Holocaust; and so she will not stand for ANY genocide, even (or especially) if it's carried out by Jews”


by Mark Crispin Miller

This survivor (whom I'm proud to call my friend) understands that those who use the Holocaust to justify the Gaza genocide are actually DISHONORING the memory of those millions killed back then





BREAKING: “Biden's State Dept Official Admits Great Replacement Theory is Real; 'They Want to Change the Demographics of the United States'”


by Project Veritus

Today Project Veritas provides an inside look at the Biden Administration’s disastrous handling of the mass illegal immigration crisis.

On camera, we have a Biden State Department official admitting the true reason for why the Southern Border has been left wide open: to change the demographics of the United States.

Key Quotes:

• “The truth is they want to change the demographics of the United States.” – Consular Officer, U.S. State Department

• “I wish people knew we were letting in criminals [to the United States] daily.” – Consular Officer, U.S. State Department

• “Migrants are coming from elsewhere, like Venezuela. So we’re like, this [the Root Causes Strategy] doesn’t solve that problem.” – Dan Fitzgerald, Country Coordinator U.S. State Department

• “It looks bad for any administration because no one solves migration… it’s like the end all, be all, kill pill for politics.”- Dan Fitzgerald, Country Coordinator U.S. State Department

These two officials from within the U.S. State Department described a government out to replace the people they rule for ideological reasons.


Read on for the Full Report:

Daniel Fitzgerald, a State Department Official responsible for allocating U.S. foreign aid across the Western Hemisphere told a Veritas investigative journalist that the U.S. State Department will be forced to answer to Congress for its failure to slow migration from Central America.

He describes failed efforts to pour ‘four billion over four years’ into Central America as part of the Biden Administration’s “Root Causes Strategy.”

Under this plan, Washington provides U.S. taxpayer money to Latin American countries in order to relieve economic hardships that would trigger migrants to come to the U.S.

However, Fitzgerald shares that the plan isn’t working because migrants are now coming from new countries they didn’t plan for.

“Migrants are coming from elsewhere, like Venezuela. So, we’re like, this [the Root Causes Strategy] doesn’t solve that problem.”

Fitzgerald admits that while he didn’t originally see illegal immigration as a problem, his mind has changed and those who raise issue with unchecked immigration are ‘on to something’ because the levels are so high.

“In my mind, I’m like oh, it’s not that much [illegal immigration]. And then I see the chart, I’m like oh that’s a lot compared to twenty years ago.”

As the U.S. experiences an unparalleled influx of illegal border crossings, Fitzgerald admits he and his colleagues are puzzled and without solutions. “There’s no clear answer,” he says.

This is an admission of either incompetence or unwillingness of the Biden Administration’s ability to get a handle on the Southern Border.

Fitzgerald admits this situation could threaten Biden’s reelection odds.

“It looks bad for any administration because no one solves migration… it’s like the end all, be all, kill pill for politics.”

In another division within the U.S. State Department, an International Consular Officer criticized this administration’s handling of mass migration and expressed a desire to tell the world what he’s witnessing in his role.

“I wish people knew we were letting in criminals [to the United States] daily.”

The official went on to explain that Mexico is sending “the worst of the worst” into the U.S. He described a scenario where illegal immigrants send billions in U.S. wages back to Mexico, stating Mexico enjoys the influx of cash and has no incentive to intervene.

The end goal of unchecked migration, the official says, is demographic change in the U.S.

“Traditional, standard Americans are not leftists. Latin Americans are all leftists. This is just to try and change the demographics [of the United States].

The intentional goal of elites to replace ethnic European populations with demographically and culturally different groups through mass migration is an idea known as “the Great Replacement,” popularized by French novelist and political activist, Renaud Camus.

This theory of demographic substitution is often criticized by legacy media as racist and xenophobic and results in violence. Those who suggest that it may be true and notice it happening, or who note that Democrats may be using illegal immigration to secure votes, are routinely deplatformed and demonized.

This has happened to people as prominent and as diverse as billionaire Elon Musk, Presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, or journalist Tucker Carlson – who are routinely flogged by media and labeled as 'conspiracy theorists' for noticing that this theory might be true.

Critics of the Great Replacement idea omit that the demographics of the United States have indeed changed – at numerical levels greater than at any time in American history.





“Father of Sputnik V tells Russian child scary bedtime story about anti-vaxxers


by Edward Slavsquat



“The Illusion of Consensus : Episode 61: Psychological Warfare in Pharma Marketing”


with Jay Bhattacharya and Robert W Malone




“How (and why) Bird Flu is About to Enter the “Mass Testing” Phase”


by Kit Knightly

CNN is frantic with worry – “We aren’t doing enough about the risk of bird flu – but we can”. Popular Science is relatively calm, asking “Can we prevent a bird flu pandemic in humans?”, before reassuring us that we can…as long as we all do as we’re told.

All of these stories talk about “gathering data”, “flying blind”, and the need for “prevention”. And all of that is really code for “testing”. Almost every article talks up the need to increase testing – both of humans and animals.

But anyone who’s been paying attention since 2020 knows PCR tests don’t gather data, they create data. They are machines for generating “cases”. Far from preventing a pandemic, they can be used to manufacture one.

There are even early signs of mandating tests going forward, such as this Politico article bemoaning the lack of farmers voluntarily signing up for government surveillance programs: . . . .



“Bird Flu Update: signposts of the coming rollout”



by Kit Knightly

Two days ago we published my latest bird flu article, “How (and why) Bird Flu is About to Enter the “Mass Testing” Phase”.

Less than 12 hours later Salon published a 3000-word article about bird flu, which dedicates about 2000 of those words to “experts” talking about how we’re not testing enough [emphasis added]:

…experts have said that cases are likely flying under the radar. So far this year, three Americans have been infected by H5N1 viruses that started in cows, and all of them recovered, but some experts say that patients may be avoiding doctors or refusing tests
most experts expressed a concern that the lack of data and surveillance is a major issue. Jetelina said the government isn’t doing “even close to enough” testing on animals and humans.
“Testing still seems somewhat random and voluntary. We should be doing more — both in cattle and humans,”
There is also no legal requirement to report test results
Rasmussen said part of the issue with testing is that it requires a collaboration between multiple state and local agencies, as well as the USDA and CDC, which don’t always cooperate. It also requires participation and consent from the affected farms.
“As a result it’s hard to know how much testing has been done and how much will be done going forward,” Rasmussen said. “It can differ a lot by jurisdiction.”

Poulsen elaborated and said there are too many “legal and political barriers” to testing

The nascent narrative is clear – “we need to run more tests, and we need new rules to enforce mandatory testing, we need to cut through agency/state jurisdiction with some new federal law”.

This message – or some variation of it – has been repeated in half a dozen more articles since we published our piece just two days ago.

That includes the Guardian (obviously) and the World Socialist Website, who continue their Covid-era policy of abandoning any pretense of being an “independent” media outlet and repeating (or even exaggerating) mainstream claims to further their own political agenda.

But the Salon article has more than just some  predictable agenda talking points, it also has some (accidentally) revealing insights into potential future developments [again emphasis added]:

“States that are testing more are likely to report more cases.”
“I would prefer to see more testing of farm workers and milk…I would like to see serology to see if workers were infected asymptomatically.
He added there is no “CLIA requirement for animal testing,” referring to federal lab standards and private labs can do all the testing they want.
Jetelina said that even at-home flu tests will likely pick up H5N1 because it’s closely related to influenza A
“The big challenge will be fall, as we will not be able to differentiate between [seasonal] flu and H5 unless we have a more specific test,”

To be clear, these experts admit in this article:

·         The more you test the more cases you find

·         Animal testing is not subject to lab standards

·         Many of those “missed” human cases will be “asymptomatic infections”

·         At-home tests can’t differentiate between “bird flu” and common seasonal flu

·         …which means, when flu season starts in the fall, reported “bird flu” cases may rise sharply

Remember this, because this is exactly the kind of information that will get memory-holed when/if the new pandemic narrative takes off in earnest.

In the meantime, let’s ask a simple question:

What happens when you start to legally enforce widespread testing to find asymptomatic cases using at-home tests that can’t differentiate between your new “pandemic” and ‘seasonal flu’?

Covid 2: Electric Boogaloo, that’s what happens.

Anyway, here’s hoping I don’t have to use the words “bird flu” again for a while.

….Oh, one more thing, did you know climate change is making bird flu worse?

What else can you do but laugh at this point?





Take Action to Free Assange

Here is a new list from Assange Defense to keep making calls to Congress for Julian 
 Dear Assange Activists,

Julian Assange’s extradition appeal hearing has been 
scheduled at the UK High Court on July 9-10 in London. Meanwhile, Julian remains in prison in the UK and faces a life sentence if sent to the United States, so the Mayday for Julian effort has now become  Calling Congress for Julian.

As before, this is an action you can do from the comfort of your home. We are asking you to make 6 calls per week to the House, and 7 calls to the Senate (or as many as you can). We are focusing on the 5 congresspersons and 5 senators listed below. In addition to them, please include a call to your own Congressperson and your 2 Senators.
Please call these U.S. Representatives to co-sponsor 
H. Res. 934 to drop the charges and extradition of Julian Assange. And call these U.S, Senators to urge President Biden to drop the charges. Remind them that once Julian is extradited, and this could be as soon as his new trial is completed, the ability of journalists to expose government crimes will be forever compromised.
It is now more important to halt this extradition and your calls can make the difference.

When you speak to each office please remember to be polite and brief. If they tell you that the representative only accepts calls from their constituents politely tell them that protection of the 1st Amendment is something that is important to all of us. Politely remind them of the oath of office that they took to protect our constitution and that is the reason for this call from a non-constituent.
You can reach all of them through the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 or use the numbers below:


If you prefer to use a script, here is one for contacting U.S. Representatives:
“My name is ____ and I would like Congressperson ____ to sign on to House Resolution 934 to free Julian Assange.
I am hoping that _______will add (his or her) name to the bipartisan House Resolution 934 to drop the charges and extradition request for Assange.
“All major press freedom and human rights organizations are opposed to this extradition. Additionally, an overwhelming majority of Australians, along with Australian PM Anthony Albanese have forcefully called for this extradition to be dropped as well. That is because they all understand our ability to know what our government is doing in our name and with our tax dollars is essential to our democracy – and that this can only occur with a free press.
“Protect press freedom! Please sign on to H. Res. 934. Thank you!”

Now, please call the following members of the Senate. Ask them to urge President Biden to drop the charges against Julian Assange and to drop the request for his extradition.

You can reach all of them through the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 or use the numbers below:

If you prefer to use a script, here is one for contacting U.S. Senators:

“My name is ____ and I would like Senator ____ to stand up for press freedom and Julian Assange.
“I am hoping that _______will urge President Biden to drop the charges and extradition request for Assange.”
“All major press freedom and human rights organizations are opposed to this extradition. Additionally, an overwhelming majority of Australians, along with Australian PM Anthony Albanese have forcefully called for this extradition to be dropped as well. That is because they all understand our ability to know what our government is doing in our name and with our tax dollars is essential to our democracy – and that this can only occur with a free press.“Protect press freedom! Thank you!”
Thank you for all your efforts for Julian Assange!



“ICC Arrest Warrant for Vladimir Putin for “Kidnapping Ukrainian Children”, Russia Accused of “Genocide-like Deportation” at the Switzerland Peace Conference”



by Prof Michel Chossudovsky

Introductory Note

NATO now firmly acknowledges that the war started in 2014 which would have required that from the very outset in February  2014 the warring parties abide by the Four Basic Principles of  The Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC) which consists in:

“….respect for and protection of the civilian population and civilian objects, the Parties to the conflict shall at all times distinguish between the civilian population and combatants and between civilian objects and military objectives and accordingly shall direct their operations only against military objectives.” [Additional Protocol 1, Article 48]

Civilian population (children) and civilian objects (schools, hospitals, residential areas) were the deliberate object of UAF and Azov Battalion attacks in blatant violation of the Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC). 

In accordance with the LOAC, Moscow took the decision starting in February 2014 to come to the rescue of Donbass civilians including children.

Visibly the president of the I.C.C. Piotr Hofmanski in accusing President Putin of “unlawful kidnapping of Ukrainian children” hasn’t the foggiest understanding of Article 48. of the Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC). 

Is this an issue of incompetence?

Or has Piotr Hofmanski been co-opted into endorsing or casually ignoring the extensive crimes against humanity committed by the Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion, which happens to be supported by US-NATO? 

At the Peace Conference in Switzerland (15-16 June, 2024), Russia has been accused of  

“Genocide-like Deportation of Ukrainian Children”. 

See this (first minute) with Trudeau who supports the Neo-Nazi regime:

“Russia kidnapped thousands of Ukrainian kids, its genocide, it’s pure colonialism”

And then see where these children were sent .  .  .  .



INTERVIEW: “If you really want to stop a g***cide you have the tools to do it”

with George Galloway and Arab Barghouthi

Israel has a blank cheque from the international community to carry out its atrocities. It’s obvious, they want to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians.



 “On Poking Dragons”


by Fred Reed

I wonder how many Americans quite understand what the Us is facing in its aggressive confrontation with China. Washington clearly prepares the public for another unnecessary war.  Given America’s routine defeat in war and catastrophic miscalculations in fighting small powers, picking a fight with what, increasingly, is again becoming the Middle Kingdom seems less than bright. Yet within the Beltway there is the usual smug complacency, the unshakable arrogance that appears to think the China is just a big Norway or Guatemala that needs to be put in its place.

A quick glance at China:  . . . .






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