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Bulletin N°260


4 September 2006
Grenoble, France

Dear Colleagues and Friends of CEIMSA,
The number of American soldiers going AWOL (absent without leave) is growing, and this movement is receiving more and more news coverage in the alternative media. These are young men and women abandoning the tacts of imperialist America and becoming strategists for their own lives --creating new tactics to develop what they consider to be a better way of life for themselves and for those they love. In addition to helping to cripple the immediate U.S. war effort in the Middle East, this movement may represent a significant long-term change in dominant hierarchical relationships --Is it the birth of a new form of democracy? May we expect it to survive the tactics (both soft and hard) aimed at destroying it before it grows to challenge the power of traditional institutions which were built long ago, in a context of scarcity and private profit motives.

In his book, The Rules are No Game (1987), Anthony Wilden cites the observations made by Sun Tzu in his classic book, The Art of War (ca. 600 B.C.) :
What is of supreme importance in war is to attack the enemy's strategy. You cannot beat strategy with tactics. If you are tactically illiterate you know how to change it. If you are strategically illiterate you don't know [that] you don't know, and cannot find out unless aided by some person or event that is not.
Tactics is the act of putting strategy into practice. Strategy is what we want to do [and] tactics are how we do it.
Strategy without tactics is imaginary, tactics without strategy is impossible.

Wilden comments that :

Everyone  educated as a strategist and serving their own best interests will follow the humanistic
aspects of Sun Tzu. Strategists brought up on Sun Tzu meeting in conflict will not go to war.
They will adopt win-win strategies and negotiate, demonstrating their mastery of the art of strategy
by winning without fighting at all. (p.48)

Thus, The Democratic Rule : "Everyone a strategist," (p.49)

stands in contrast to The Colonial Rule : "Teach tactics, and above all kamikaze tactics; make strategy and the very idea of strategy a secret never to be revealed," (p.49)

and militates against The Mercenary Rules : "We, the peoples, did not start the Twentieth Century War, but we, the peoples, will be its casualties if it is not brought to a stop. The plain fact is that the world empires are not in the end at war with one another. The men in charge of the state and private corporations that run those empires and their client states are really at war with everyone else on earth." (p.56)

Item A. is an animated cartoon on the National Security Agency by Newsday artist Walt Handelsman, which was sent to us by Professor John Gerassi.
Item B. by Professor Gabriel Kolko, is an essay describing the consequences of "democratizing weapons technology"and explaining why old imperialist military tactics don't work any longer.
Item C. from San Diego community organizer Monty Kroopkin, is a link to the new SDS site against authoritarianism and for more fun.
Item D., from Altertatives Economiques, is an analysis of what transnational corporations are doing with their huge profits today, and its implications which will govern the behavior of all of us tomorrow.
Item E. forwarded to us by Nicolay Dimitrov, is an article on the epidemic of voter fraud by combining "high tech" with "low cunning".

And item F. is an article by Lucianna Bohne from Information Clearing House on new U.S. tactics in preparation for war against Iran.

Finally, we invite our readers to visit the archives of CEIMSA, to view the important podcasts from Truthout, to see the selected TV World News broadcasts edited by Mosaic, and the film, video and written archives housed at the Information Clearing House site.

CEIMSA Archives :

Video poscasting from Truthout :

Mosaic: Selected TV World News from the Middle East (including Dahr Jamail's MidEast Dispatches ) : http://dahrjamailiraq.com/mosaic/

Information Clearing House :

Francis McCollum Feeley
Professor of American Studies
Director of Research
Université Stendhal-Grenoble 3


from : John Gerassi :
Subject : From Newsday yet!

Date : Tue, 29 Aug 2006

Click here:
http://www.newsday.com/media/flash/2006-06/23671673.swf and be sure to put the sound up. It's worth it.


from : Gabriel Kolko :
Date : 25 August 2006

The Great Equalizer: Lessons From Iraq and Lebanon

by Gabriel Kolko

The United States had a monopoly of nuclear weaponry only a few years before other nations challenged it, but from 1949 until roughly the 1990s deterrence theory worked -- nations knew that if they used the awesome bomb they were likely to be devastated in the riposte. Despite such examples of brinkmanship as the Cuban missile crisis and numerous threats of nuclear annihilation against non-nuclear powers, by and large the few nations that possessed the bomb concluded that nuclear war was not worth its horrendous risks. Today, by contrast, weapons of mass destruction or precision and power are within the capacity of dozens of nations either to produce or purchase. With the multiplicity of weapons now available, deterrence theory is increasingly irrelevant and the equations of military power that existed in the period after World War Two no longer hold.


This process began in Korea after 1950, where the war ended in a stand off despite the nominal vast superiority of America's military power, and the Pentagon discovered that great space combined with guerrilla warfare was more than a match for it in Vietnam, where the U.S. was defeated. Both wars caused the American military and establishment strategists to reflect on the limits of high tech warfare, and for a time it seemed as if appropriate lessons would be learned and costly errors not repeated.

The conclusion drawn from these major wars should have been that there were decisive limits to American military and political power, and that the U. S. should drastically tailor its foreign policy and cease intervening anywhere it chose to. In short, it was necessary to accept the fact that it could not guide the world as it wished to. But such a conclusion, justified by experience, was far too radical for either party to fully embrace, and defense contractors never ceased promising the ultimate new weapon. America's leaders and military establishment in the wake of 9/11 argued that technology would rescue it from more political failures. But such illusions -- fed by the technological fetishism which is the hallmark of their civilization -- led to the Iraq debacle.


There has now been a qualitative leap in technology that makes all inherited conventional wisdom, and war as an instrument of political policy, utterly irrelevant, not just to the U.S. but to any other nation that embarks upon it.


Technology is now moving much faster than the diplomatic and political resources or will to control its inevitable consequences -- not to mention traditional strategic theories. Hezbollah has far better and more lethal rockets than it had a few years ago, and American experts believe that the Iranians compelled them to keep in reserve the far more powerful and longer range cruise missiles they already possess. Iran itself possesses large quantities of these missiles and American experts believe they may very well be capable of destroying aircraft carrier battle groups. All attempts to devise defenses against these rockets, even the most primitive, have been expensive failures, and anti-missile technology everywhere has remained, after decades of effort and billions of dollars, unreliable. [1]


Even more ominous, the U. S. Army has just released a report that light water reactors--which 25 nations, from Armenia to Slovenia as well as Spain, already have and are covered by no existing arms control treaties -- can be used to obtain near weapons-grade plutonium easily and cheaply. [2] Within a few years, many more countries than the present ten or so -- the Army study thinks Saudi Arabia and even Egypt most likely--will have nuclear bombs and far more destructive and accurate rockets and missiles. Weapons-poor fighters will have far more sophisticated guerilla tactics as well as far more lethal equipment, which deprives the heavily equipped and armed nations of the advantages of their overwhelming firepower, as demonstrated in Afghanistan and Iraq. The battle between a few thousand Hezbullah fighters and a massive, ultra-modern Israeli army backed and financed by the U.S. proves this. Among many things, the war in Lebanon is a window of the future. The outcome suggests that either the Israelis cease their policy of destruction and intimidation, and accept the political prerequisites of peace with the Arab world, or they too will eventually be devastated by cheaper and more accurate missiles and nuclear weapons in the hands of at least two Arab nations and Iran.


What is now occurring in the Middle East reveals lessons just as relevant in the future to festering problems in East Asia, Latin America, Africa and elsewhere. Access to nuclear weapons, cheap missiles of greater portability and accuracy, and the inherent limits of all antimissile systems, will set the context for whatever crises arise in North Korea, Iran, Taiwan...or Venezuela. Trends which increase the limits of technology in warfare are not only applicable to relations between nations but also to groups within them -- ranging from small conspiratorial entities up the scale of size to large guerilla movements. The events in the Middle East have proven that warfare has changed dramatically everywhere, and American hegemony can now be successfully challenged throughout the globe.


American power has been dependent to a large extent on its highly mobile navy. But ships are increasingly vulnerable to missiles, and while they are a long way from finished they are more-and-more circumscribed tactically and, ultimately, strategically. There is a greater balance-of-power militarily, the reemergence of a kind of deterrence that means all future wars will be increasingly protracted, expensive -- and very costly politically to politicians who blunder into wars with illusions they will be short and decisive. Olmert and Peretz are very likely to lose power in Israel, and destroying Lebanon will not save their political futures. This too is a message not likely to be lost on politicians.


To this extent, what is emerging is a new era of more equal rivals. Enforceable universal disarmament of every kind of weapon would be far preferable. But short of this presently unattainable goal, this emergence of a new equivalency is a vital factor leading less to peace in the real meaning of that term than perhaps to greater prudence. Such restraint could be an important factor leading to less war.


We live with 21st century technology and also with primitive political attitudes, nationalisms of assorted sorts, and cults of heroism and irrationality existing across the political spectrum and the power spectrum. The world will destroy itself unless it realistically confronts the new technological equations. Israel must now accept this reality, and if it does not develop the political skills required to make serious compromises, this new equation warrants that it will be liquidated even as it rains destruction on its enemies.


This is the message of the conflicts in Gaza, the West Bank, and Lebanon -- to use only the examples in today's papers. Walls are no longer protection for the Israelis -- one shoots over them. Their much-vaunted Merkava tanks have proven highly vulnerable to new weapons that are becoming more and more common and are soon likely to be in Palestinian hands as well. At least 20 of the tanks were seriously damaged or destroyed.


The U.S. war in Iraq is a political disaster against the guerrillas -- a half trillion dollars spent there and in Afghanistan have left America on the verge of defeat in both places. The "shock and awe" military strategy has utterly failed save to produce contracts for weapons makers -- indeed, it has also contributed heavily to de facto U.S. economic bankruptcy.


The Bush Administration has deeply alienated more of America's nominal allies than any government in modern times. The Iraq war and subsequent conflict in Lebanon have left its Middle East policy in shambles and made Iranian strategic predominance even more likely, all of which was predicted before the Iraq invasion. Its coalitions, as Thomas Ricks shows in his wordy but utterly convincing and critical book, Fiasco: The American Military Adventure in Iraq, are finished. Its sublime confidence and reliance on the power of its awesome weaponry is a crucial cause of its failure, although we cannot minimize its preemptory hubris and nationalist myopia. The United States, whose costliest political and military adventures since 1950 have ended in failure, now must face the fact that the technology for confronting its power is rapidly becoming widespread and cheap. It is within the reach of not merely states but of relatively small groups of people. Destructive power is now virtually "democratized."


If the challenges of producing a realistic concept of the world that confronts the mounting dangers and limits of military technology seriously are not resolved soon, recognizing that a decisive equality of military power is today in the process of being re-imposed, there is nothing more than wars and mankind's eventual destruction to look forward to.




[1] Mark Williams, "The Missiles of August: The Lebanon War and the democratization of missile technology," Technology Review (MIT), August 16, 2006.


[2] Henry Sokolski, ed., Taming the Next Set of Strategic Weapons Threats, U.S. Army Strategic Studies Institute, June 2006, pp. 33ff., 86.


Gabriel Kolko is the leading historian of modern warfare. His latest book is The Age of War. He wrote this article for Japan Focus.

from : Monty Kroopkin :
Date : 2 September 2006
SDS Regional Organizers in the U.S.A.

I think this item will be of great interest to your global audience. Have you sent in your membership application yet?


Yours in solidarity from my (now officially illegal) NSA party line,
Monty Reed Kroopkin
San Diego SDS/MDS
Californias, Americas

from : "Altertatives Economiques"
Date : 30 Août 2006
Objet : Lettre d'information

septembre 2006

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Que font les entreprises de leurs profits
Leurs comptes le confirment : les entreprises du CAC 40 sont frileuses en matière d'investissement. Même si la tendance s'améliore. (Lire la suite)

Nos chers patrons
Les rémunérations de PDG se stabilisent, principalement à l'occasion des renouvellements de poste. Mais leur niveau reste très élevé et les stock-options font toujours recette.

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>> Avis aux candidats
L'amélioration des chiffres du chômage ne suffira pas à redonner confiance aux électeurs...

Le point de vue de Denis Clerc
>> Obsession
Taper sur les 35 heures est devenu le sport favori des idéologues, du patronat ou des politiques à la recherche de boucs émissaires commodes.

Le dossier
>> Comment la France (mal)traite ses chômeurs
Les chômeurs français bénéficient de prestations d'accompagnement de plus en plus personnalisées. Mais l'indemnisation ou l'accès à la formation professionnelle ne suivent pas.

Service public de l'emploi : peut mieux faire
Un système cloisonné
Faut-il forcer les chômeurs à travailler ?

>> Suez-GDF : la fusion en questions
Au-delà de sa dimension politique, la fusion entre Suez et Gaz de France est loin de répondre à tous les enjeux du secteur de l'énergie.

>> Deuxième round pour Lula
Le bilan économique du président brésilien est plutôt positif. Sauf pour les classes moyennes, qui n'ont pas profité de la croissance.

>> Les Suédois doutent de leur modèle
La remontée du chômage lézarde les compromis sociaux qui fondent le modèle social suédois.

>> La fièvre du soja
Brésil, Argentine, Paraguay et Bolivie sont devenus des superexportateurs de soja. Les petits agriculteurs et l'environnement paient la note.

>> Métaux en fusion
Contrairement au pétrole, la hausse fantastique du prix de nombreux métaux ces dernières années ne semble pas inquiéter les pouvoirs publics.

>> Le pétrole est-il une chance pour l'Afrique ?
Le pétrole africain suscite de plus en plus de convoitises. Mais s'il dope la croissance, il attise aussi la corruption et les conflits.

>> 4 millions de smicards
Faute de négociations de branche sur les minima professionnels, le Smic concerne de plus en plus de salariés en France.

>> Flexibilité et emploi
Les partisans de la flexibilité n'ont pas vraiment réussi à établir un lien entre degré de flexibilité et niveau du chômage, parce que la relation entre les deux termes dépend des marchés et des contextes.

>> La finance va-t-elle tuer le capitalisme ?
Débat entre Patrick Artus et Anton Brender

Et aussi...
- Déforestation massive en Indonésie
- Cherche entreprises à tout prix
- Locataires de couleur s'abstenir
La mondialisation contraint les salaires
- Une France de 70 millions d'habitants
Les entreprises aussi sont en déficit
- Modigliani ou le keynésianisme édulcoré
- Le suicide comme fait social
- Social, quand l'Etat devient arbitre
Découvrez également :
>> « Quatre géants qui changent le monde »
Alternatives Internationales n° 32
Inde, Chine, Brésil, Afrique du Sud : le poids croissant des grands pays émergents change la donne mondiale. Et leur jeu, quand il est groupé, inquiète l'Occident. Autres dossiers : Comment réanimer l'Europe ; Femmes du Sud, leur corps leur appartient.
Sommaire détaillé.
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>> « Quel patriotisme économique ? »
L'Economie politique n° 31
Danone hier, Arcelor et Gaz de France cette année… La question du patriotisme économique est régulièrement présente dans le débat politique. Dans ce numéro, sept économistes affichent leur position et réagissent à un texte de Keynes de 1933 favorable au patriotisme économique.
Sommaire détaillé. En librairie et vente en ligne

>> « Les placements éthiques et solidaires »
Alternatives Economiques Pratique n° 25
Comment donner du sens à son épargne et placer utilement son argent ? Avec 130 fiches sur les produits financiers responsables, ce hors-série pratique offre un panorama complet de ce secteur en développement.
En kiosque et vente en ligne à partir du 21 septembre

Agenda :
>> Développement durable - 20 au 21 septembre - Bordeaux (33)
Le réseau Idéal organise la 3e édition des Ateliers du développement durable. Sur inscription avant le 12 septembre.
Rens. : réseau Idéal, 01 45 15 09 09, www.reseau-ideal.asso.fr

>> Innovation et entreprises - 26 au 30 septembre - Dunkerque (59)
Le laboratoire de recherche sur l’industrie et l’innovation de l’université du Littoral-Côte d’Opale organise un colloque international : « Connaissance ou finance ? L'innovation ». Sur inscription avant le 10 septembre.
Rens. : 03 28 23 71 47 ; programme complet sur http://rii.univ-littoral.fr

>> Terre en tête - 28 septembre au 1er octobre - Bobigny (93)
Terre en tête, biennale de l’environnement pour un développement durable, s'adresse à tous ceux qui veulent s’informer et s’exprimer sur les grands enjeux de l’environnement et de l’écologie urbaine.
Rens. : ASTS, 01 44 89 82 82, www.asts.asso.fr

>> Epargne solidaire - 30 septembre au 7 octobre (Franche-Comté) / 7 au 14 octobre (Bourgogne)
L’association Finansol lance la première Semaine de l’épargne solidaire en Franche-Comté et en Bourgogne afin de permettre au public de découvrir ou de se familiariser davantage avec les finances solidaires.
Rens. : 01 53 36 80 60, www.finansol.org

>> Mondialisation responsable - 25 au 28 octobre - Lyon (69)
Première édition de ce Forum dont le but est de partager les expériences de tous ceux qui œuvrent à la régulation mondiale et de réfléchir aux dynamiques à créer face aux enjeux de la mondialisation.
Rens. et inscription : 04 78 92 70 24, www.forum-lyon.com

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from  Nicolay Dimitrov :
Objet : Le risque des machines à voter
2 September 2006

les armes de Sarco en 2007?

N. Dimitrov
Direction des Systèmes d'Information de l'Université Stendhal

Philippe Bérizzi <philippe@berizzi.net> a écrit :   J'ai toujours été stupéfait par la confiance naïve que portent beaucoup aux machines à voter.

Ce sont les mêmes personnes qui croient dans la transparence de ces systèmes, alors qu'ils ne maîtrisent en aucune façon le fonctionnement
et la sécurité de leurs propres PC.

Les machines à voter sont de simples PC, habillées en machines dédiées. Comme les PC, leur logiciel est composé d'une multitude de bibliothèques
logicielles, dont personne ne connaît vraiment le nombre et la qualité, comportant elles-mêmes un très grand nombre d'instructions. Ces
bibliothèques sont de multiples origines, Microsoft, bien sûr, mais aussi de nombreux autres éditeurs de logiciels de différents niveaux.

Une machine à voter n'est pas un simple aditionneur, sinon il n'y aurait pas besoin d'y stocker des mégaoctets d'instructions. Elle comporte
toutes sortes de composants systèmes, une interface graphique, des protocoles réseau, et toutes sortes de petits logiciels tiers invisibles pour l'utilisateur.

Et elles ne sont pas plus dures à pirater que de simples PC puisqu'elles sont reliées au réseau, ne serait-ce que pour transmettre les résultats.

Sur le plan théorique, le fonctionnement de tels systèmes n'est pas prouvable. C'est-à-dire qu'il est impossible de prouver formellement que
son fonctionnement réel est exactement celui escompté (par les votants).

En pratique, les machines à voter, sont l'instrument de base de la fraude électorale.

Le meilleur exemple nous vient encore des Etats-Unis où les problèmes de fraude sont légion. Si vous êtes plus portés sur les opinions que sur les faits, je
conseille, entre autres, le 20H de TF1, qui vous tranquillisera parfaitement.

Si vous êtes plus portés sur les faits que les opinions, un bon point de départ est le site suivant :


Il y a plein d'autres sites qui traitent le problème, et quelques documentaires intéressants, une fois encore malheureusement en anglais,
généralement. On trouve encore assez peu de matière en français sur le sujet, le problème étant encore devant nous en France.

Le problème de base est que ces systèmes sont développées à partir de code propriétaire. En clair, c'est une société privée qui développe le
logiciel. Les sources ne sont pas publiques, et restent propriété de la société éditrice. Le principal fournisseur de machines aux Etats-Unis, Diebold (dont on
trouve quelques distributeurs de billets en France), est en outre un soutien officiel des campagnes électorales du parti en place, et plusieurs membres de cette société ont eu des problèmes avec la justice,
mais ça c'est un point de détail...

Certains arguent que la solution viendrait de l'utilisation de logiciels "open source". Ce serait un progrès indéniable. Néanmoins, toujours sur un plan purement théorique, le fonctionnement
d'un logiciel open source n'est pas plus prouvable. En plus, ce type de logiciel est rarement exempt de bugs, et tout aussi piratable. Et surtout, rien ne permet vraiment de garantir qu'au jour J, le
logiciel qui tourne réellement sur les machines est partout exactement conforme aux codes sources publiés.

D'autres pensent que fournir un ticket à chaque votant serait une solution. Il n'est pas besoin de réfléchir longtemps pour voir que ça ne
résout qu'une toute petite partie du problème, et aucunement le défaut structurel des machines à voter.

Bien entendu, oubliez toute idée de recomptage avec une machine à voter.

Nous avons la chance en France d'avoir eu jusqu'à maintenant un système de vote de haute fiabilité, à base de bulletins papiers. Les problèmes de fraude n'existent que dans les bureaux de vote où le
protocole de vote n'est pas respecté. Si, pendant toute la durée du vote et jusqu'au dépouillement, sont présents sur les lieux des représentants (vigilants) appartenant aux différents partis en présence, il n'y a aucune possibilité de fraude. Il
y a plutôt risque de fraude au niveau de la remontée des résultats vers le central, car ici encore, on utilise des systèmes dont la sécurité doit être validée, et c'est plutôt de ce côté là que le citoyen devrait
exiger des garanties.

Les fraudes chez ATTAC ne sont que le reflet d'un manque de transparence et le non respect des protocoles classiques.

Les machines à voter, derrière leur apparence "fun" et moderne, qui séduisent de plus en plus d'élus locaux qui adorent se faire mousser, et
une bonne partie de la population qui trouve ça plus simple, sont le parfait outil moderne de la fraude électorale. Les qualifier de "machine
à frauder" serait donc plus adéquat.

Bref, le seul parti auquel profite les machines à frauder, c'est le parti en place. Elles permettent par exemple à un président, même extrèmement
impopulaire, de se faire réélire. Le meilleur moyen que les électeurs ne sentent pas le piège est que les media fassent silence total sur le problème, ce qui est assez facile
quand les principaux media sont aux ordres, ce qui est la règle dans les "démocraties" modernes.

Quant à la validation de nos machines par le ministère de l'intérieur, elles me font doucement rigoler, quand on sait l'appétit de pouvoir qu'a
celui qui est en à la tête. Pourquoi dépenser des fortunes colossales en campagnes électorales alors qu'il suffit d'aller modifier quelques bits au fin fond d'un ordinateur...
Pour info, modifier quelques bits dans un ordinateur n'est pas une opération si complexe quand on a les moyens et la compétence technique,
et elle peut très bien ne laisser aucune trace.

Pour donner une image... Si un collègue de bureau profite de quelques minutes d'absence de votre part, pour aller effacer un quelconque
fichier (y compris de la corbeille), l'opération ne prend que quelques secondes. Mais surtout, vous ne vous en n'apecevrez peut-être que
beaucoup plus tard, il sera difficile techniquement de savoir quand l'effacement a eu lieu, et impossible de savoir qui l'a commis. Un
simple effacement de fichier (même de plusieurs mégaoctets), la plus banale des opérations sur un ordinateur, est un méfait qui peut ne
laisser aucune trace et aucun moyen de prouver qui l'a commis. Alors quid de la modification de quelques bits sur un système que quasiment
personne ne maîtrise...

Bref, un candidat aux élections, s'il n'est pas déjà au pouvoir, à tout intérêt à inclure dans son programme l'éradication complète des machines
à voter. A moins qu'il est une vocation à être dans l'opposition. Mais il risque d'y rester très très longtemps...

Philippe Bérizzi

ESPERANTO - LIBERTE  Langue Fédérale Européenne

débat et info sur : eo-lib-subscribe@yahoogroupes.fr

from Lucianna Bohne :
3 September 2006

Baluchistan and the Coming Iran War
By Luciana Bohne

08/31/06 "
The Digest" -- -- Akhbar Khan, a nationalist/independence leader in Baluchistan has been killed by the Pakistani military, in a massive operation that is seriously destabilizing military dictator Pervez Musharraf’s regime.

This is natural gas country. This is where China is helping to build a pipeline, which Bush opposes. This is from where commandos are penetrating Iran (according to Hersh). This is where the “west” has been stoking up separatist fires, probably to get Musharraf’s army to intervene. Need boots on the ground to encircle Iran. Quetta is capital and in ‘Taleban’ control. Nevertheless, the killing of Akhbar Khan is really upsetting the country–the whole of Pakistan. Meanwhile, Waziristan is off limits to Paki army, though the locals keep being aerially bombed–mostly by US.

Why should the news from Baluchistan interest us? I’ll let you connect the dots by presenting a bit of context and concluding with an article from the Carnegie Endowement, which, I think, will underline the significance of the event for the prospected US attack on Iran.

Pakistani military dictator’s regime is very unpopular in Pakistan.
Musharraf, as Bush’s ally on the “war on terror,” has had to do unpopular things, like deploying 70,000 troops to the North-West autonomous tribal regions (among them Waziristan) to hunt down “terrorists” and such.

He hasn’t been successful, but American aerial attacks from nearby Afghanistan have killed alleged “leaders” and sundry civilians, causing a flood of refuges and displacements. Serious Pakistani military casualties have not increased his popularity and neither has the charge that he’s allowing American forces to violate Pakistani sovereignty. Musharraf’s campaign in Waziristan has failed so thoroughly that the region is now virtually off limits to governmental forces.

Baluchistan is continuous with the Waziristan region. Baluchistan is a western province of Pakistan, constituting about 40% of Pakistan’s national surface. Its capital is Quetta, accused byAfghanistan’s Karzai (which really means Washington) of being a Taliban stronghold supplying and fueling the Taliban armed resurgence in southern Afghanistan. Musharraf’s regime denies it. Nevertheless, Musharraf has re-opened hostility in Baluchistan against the decades-long independists forces, which he’s accused of provoking into taking up arms again. Musharraf, throughout the spring of 2006, has come under intense criticism by British, American, and Afghan officials for not doing enough for the “war on terror.” The trouble is that if he complies with his allies in the “war on terror,” he comes under attack from domestic critics, of which he has legions, including the majority of the people.

The latest developments in the murder of the Baluch leader, Bugti, is a case in point: Pakistan is in an uproar and calling for his resignation.

Why would the axis-of-evil crusaders want to destabilize a crucial ally? They don’t “want” to, but they have bigger plans.

The US has three military bases in Baluchistan. They say they are fighting Al Qaeda and Taliban forces in the region. Perhaps. But, Baluchistan borders with Iran to the west. Baluchistan, too, is rich in natural gas and minerals. China is helping the Pakistani government to build a natural gas pipeline from Baluchistan’s port of Gwadar to China, a project the Bush administration opposes. The port of Gwadar just happens to be geographically located to overlook the Straits of Hormuz, which the Iranians intend to block if they are attacked. Hormuz is the crucial sea route for international oil distribution.

Coincidence that the US should be interested in “terrorism”in Baluchistan and urging Musharraf to be more zealous at the same time that it is planning an attack on Iran?

An article by the Carnegie Endowment entertains the same thought, albeit to deny it: “The Baluch and the Pakistani think that Washington would like to use Baluchistan as a rear-guard base for an attack on Iran, and Iran is suspected of supporting Baluch [independence] activists in order to counter such a Pakistani-US plot. . . . Some Pakistanis perceive the US using its Greater Middle East initiative to dismantle the major Muslim states and redefine the borders of the region. Some Baluch nationalists charge the US with conspiring with the Pakistani government to put an end to Baluch claims. So far nobody has been able to prove any of these accusations.”

No? No matter, the Iranians have been mining their side of the Baluch borders, just in case, and Bugti, Baluch independence leader, has been killed by the diplomatically besieged Musharraf, catapulting the country into a political crisis.

Coincidence? Or are plans for an Iranian attack well on the way?

I remind you that Seymour Hersh, in The New Yorker, has confirmed that US commandos have launched penetration initiatives across Pakistani Baluchistan into Iran.

You can read more here:
Here’s the Carnegie Endowment’s complete article:

Luciana Bohne teaches film and literature at Edinboro University of Pennsylvania. She can be reached at lbohne@edinboro.edu.