Bulletin N°297



26 March 2007
Grenoble, France

Dear Colleagues and Friends of CEIMSA,

Where were you in 2007? What did you do?

These are the kinds of questions that arise again and again in history. It was asked of the "Good Germans" after the defeat of fascism. It was ask of the "Good Frenchmen" after the Algerian War of Independence. It was asked of the "Good Argentineans" after their Dirty War. It was asked of the "Good Americans" after the Vietnam War. And so on and so forth. . . .  Such questions are inescapable, and it will be mind-numbing to have to answer them in the public court of history, standing before the next generation of citizens. Will it be as if you didn't exist, so seamless was your collaboration with the crimes against humanity, so complacent was your mind when under the influence of official propaganda, so frightened were you not to conform to the low expectations of your masters, for whom your entire body served as a host?

These are historic questions of our time, when once again we see our guardians becoming our prison guards, and threatening to become our executioners.

The 4 articles below, recently received by CEIMSA, offer readers a clear picture of where we are and what can be seen from here :

Item A. is a short 2-minute pod cast, sent to us by Information Clearing House, showing U.S. soldiers engaging in terrorist activities that further destabilize Iraqi society.
Item B. is news from the democratic movement in the U.S. against the The School of the Americas / Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation in Georgia, heroic people who risk their lives and their security to protest the militarization of American society and its imperialist activities both at home and abroad.
Item C. is a short 4-minute pod cast, from the New York Times, by Nicholas Kristof, on the exemplary story of a democratic movement led by progressive Muslim women in Pakistan, who are looking for good answers to hard questions in order to save the lives of the men they love.
And finally, item D. is an article by Professor Edward Herman on the cynicism of indispensable collaborators, whose bodies, also, are hosting the masters' voice in an unauthentic monologue justifying death and destruction for capital gains and for their own careers.

Francis McCollum Feeley
Professor of American Studies/
Director of Research
Universit Stendhal-Grenoble III

from Information Clearing House :
25 March 2006
Subject: U.S. Soldiers Murdering Iraqi Civilians, a 2 Minute Video

Yesterday I posted a video showing the indiscriminate killing of Iraqi civilians by U.S. occupation forces. It is apparent that the actions of these soldiers is a war crime and should not go unpunished. I ask readers to view the video and to pass it to others in the hope that mainstream media will do it's job and bring it to the attention of a larger audience.
Please contact your government representatives and demand that they call for an investigation in to this brutal murder.
Peace & Joy
- Tom

Action Alert: Witness to war crimes



from  The Latin America Solidarity Conference and Mobilization for Farmworker Justice :
24 March 2007

April 13-15: Converge on Chicago
Participate in the Latin America Solidarity Conference and a historic mobilization for farmworker justice

SOA Watch is working together with a wide variety of solidarity and social justice groups and as part of the Latin America Solidarity Coalition (LASC) on the planning and organizing for the 4th national Latin America Solidarity Conference (LASC4). The conference will take place from April 13-15, 2007 in Chicago, Illinois. LASC4 will bring together activists and organizers from the US, Latin America and the Caribbean to plan, evaluate and celebrate the growing US Latin America solidarity movement.

The conference is being organized in cooperation with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW), a long-time partner of SOA Watch. CIW is planning a protest at the McDonald's Headquaters on Friday, April 13. A massive and festive carnival is going to take place at a McDonald's restaurant in downtown Chicago on Saturday morning to underline the demands














and to pressure the fast food giant to respect workers rights. A LASC4 Plenary is taking place in the early afternoon, kicking off the first set of workshop of the conference.

To watch a short video film of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers at the November 2006 Vigil to Close the School of the Americas (SOA/WHINSEC) and to read more about the connection between our organizations, click here.

The Latin America Solidarity Conference (LASC4) shapes up to be an amazing event. Participants will exchange information on the state of the campaigns against military, political, and economic U.S. Intervention in Latin America and the Caribbean and develop action plans. Art and culture, which is an integral part of grassroots movement building throughout the Americas, will be a strong component of the conference.

LASC IV will be a space for reflection and discussion about vision, strategy and tactics, with workshops featuring activists with decades of experience addressing some of the most pressing issues on the left. Where do we want to go and how do we plan to get there? What does it mean to be anti-capitalist in terms of our daily practice? How do we implement strategies that challenge current power structures without falling into the reformist trap? How do we build multi-cultural, multi-ethnic movements?

Visit the following links:

Download the LASC4 Flier

Check out the Schedule of Events

Register for the Conference

Tell your friends about LASC4 and the CIW actions in Chicago

We hope to see you next month in Chicago!

from Nicholas Kristof :
25 March 2007
The New York Times

How has a self-described timid mother put the leader of Pakistan, Gen. Pervez Musharraf, on the ropes? Nicholas Kristof reports from Islamabad.

The General vs. the House Wife

from Edward Herman :
24 March 2007
Subject: Richard Holbrooke, Samantha Power and the "Worthy Genocide" Establishment

Richard Holbrooke, Samantha Power, and the Worthy-Genocide Establishment
by Edward S. Herman