Bulletin N° 608






25 April 2014
Grenoble, France


Dear Colleagues and Friends of CEIMSA,


We know what they are capable of because they have done it before in a period similar to the crises we are now witnessing. Most were not members of a Fascist political party; some participated in resistance to fascism, at one level or another, but the majority looked the other way and ignored the Fascist violence around them; they had learned to live with it, while the designated scapegoats suffered silently and were disappeared. Western capitalist countries were willing and able to produce this. It is the history which we have inherited; we ignore it at our peril . . . !


Grassroots organizing is an art involving intuitive understanding and creative risk-taking, and it shares with science the practice of precision --stemming from theory, experiment and careful observation. The ham-handed management that is currently being practiced by venal institutional administrators --in both the private and the public sectors-- is an artless, philistine practice devoid of social theory and blind to human needs. These are the ‘friendly fascists’ which Bertram Gross wrote about in his revealing book, Friendly Fascism, the New Face of Power in America (1980).


Civil societies have been invaded by a form of cultural imperialism, a pernicious ideology that undermines social solidarity and serves to isolate each of us, so that we feel helpless in front of the forces that plunder our environment and endanger our species.


Will the last one leaving civilization please turn off the light!



The 8 items below offer CEIMSA readers a look at the brinkmanship now being played by nuclear-armed states, in the name of “democracy,” the will of the people. The contradictions of US military gigantism, without economic stability; of Washington’s formal rhetoric, without coherent ideological justification; of transnational corporate strategies, without plausible logistics and riddled with self-destructive tactics –these contradictions and more have produced in us a zombie-like quality, ever-ready to obey and wanting to not comprehend. Capitalist cultural hegemony has all but suffocated human agency, history it seems has made us what we are, but we no longer aim at making history by changing our society into the structure we need in order to live and prosper. But, as we can see in some of the items below, there are corners of this planet, small areas where exceptions to this monolithic senareo have appeared, and it is to such a place of local politics that we first turn, before looking at the broader context of the looming military confrontation in Ukraine between the US proxy army known as NATO and, well ... just anyone who dares not to submit to this militarized Behemoth from across the Sea.


Item A., from Sebastian Juy, is a look at the fruits of bottom-up organizing, i.e. human development.


Item B. is an article on the introduction of  free access to “open source software”  offered by the new municipal government of Grenoble.


Item C., from NYU Professor Bertell Ollman, is an article first published by German Public Service Television, reporting on the miseries caused by US-funded destabilazation tactics and 'false flag' operations in Ukraine.


Item D., from University of Pennsylvania Professor Edward Herman, is a short article by film maker John Pilger on NATO, Ukraine and US Grand Strategies.


Item E., from Information Clearing House, is an article by Nick Wright on the US-led coup d’état in Ukraine.


Item F. presents two additional pieces (a video + an article from ICH) giving further information on the threat of a US-provoked war against Russia as part of the grand strategy for US imperialist control of future Eruasian markets.


Item G., from Boston historian Jim O’Brien, founder of Historians Against The War, is a series of recommended recent articles + information on the up-coming conference on the centenary of World War I, to be held next week in New York City.


Item H., from UCSD Professor Fred Lonidier, is an a article first published in the Los Angeles Times, by George Miller, Rosa DeLauro and Louise Slaughter, about ‘Free trade on steroids: The threat of the Trans-Pacific Partnership.’



And finally, we invite CEIMSA readers to watch the review of James Spione’s new documentary film :



The Film which Explores the Human Toll of Obama’s Crackdown on National Security Whistleblowers


also, see a short excerpt from this film at:







Francis Feeley

Professor of American Studies

University of Grenoble-3

Director of Research

University of Paris-Nanterre

Center for the Advanced Study of American Institutions and Social Movements

The University of California-San Diego






From Sebastian Juy :

Dates: 14 April 2014          

Subject : Grassroots organizing and the fruit that it might bear in Grenoble.



Retour sur les Municipales 2014 à Grenoble et réponse des militants Parti de gauche

aux interprétations de la presse sur la nature du Rassemblement : "Grenoble une ville pour tous"





From MEC :

Dates: 14 April 2014          

Subject : Grassroots organizing and the fruit that it might bear in Grenoble.




just check the articles on the new municipal government; you will see that L.Comparat is in charge of open data and "logiciels libres" How do you translate "logiciels libres"? We have the best municipal government since Dubedoud.



Grenoble a une adjointe au maire déléguée à l'open data et veut

utiliser des logiciels libres







From Bertell Ollman :

Dates: 17 April 2014          

Subject : New clues about Kiev massacre.


Francis -
     Best evidence based account I've read of what happened in the mysterious shootings of protestors that triggered the coup in Ukraine. If you haven't already published as good an account of this crucial event on your lists yet, this is well worth sharing with your readers.


The TV magazine "Monitor" of the German ARD channel (public service) throws significant doubt on the identity of the perpetrators of the massacres in Kiev.  Their investigation has created a stir in Germany but has not been taken up by the media outside, to my knowledge.

Attached, my translation of the channel's article.



Here is the original article in German, with links and pictures:



Investigation by  “Monitor” magazine of ARD (German Public Service télévision)


New clues about the sharpshooters of Maidan Square

Seven weeks after the deadly shootings in Kiev which brought about the fall of the government of President Victor Yanukovich, evidence is gathering which sheds considerable doubt on the official version of events. According to investigations of the magazin Monitor of the WRD channel, there is little probability that the shots which killed the demonstrators came solely from the side of the Ukranian authorities, then under the leadership of Yanukovich.

The General Prosecution and the new transition government had concluded [in the sense of an exclusive responsibility of the Yanukovich authorities] at a press conference last week. Twelve members of the special forces “Berkut,” dissolved since, have been arrested and designated as the main culprits.

An investigator puts in doubt the General Posecurtor’s version

A higly placed member of the investigative commission of the Ukrainian government in charge of the investigation throws doubt on the declarations of the General Prosecution. “The results of my investigations are not in concordance with the declarations of the General Prosecution at the press conference,” says the investigator, who desires to keep anonymity, in an interview with Monitor.

The ARD magazine has also at its disposal a recording of radio commincations between elements of the sharp shooters, which must be those on the side of ex-president Yanukovich, who were posted in all evidence on various roofs in the center of Kiev in the morning of February 20th. This exhanges have been recorded by a radio-amateur, whom Monitor has met. One hears one sharp-shooter asking his colleagues: “Who just shot? We don’t shoot unarmed people.” A moment later, another says: “Someone shot this man there. But it wasn’t us.” Then he adds: “Are there other sharp-shooters? And who are they?”

Shots coming from Hotel Ukraina

On videos, one can see that the opposition demonstrators who were on Institutska Street where not only targeted from the front, from the direction of the government buildings, but also from the Hotel Ukraina, in their back. This has been confirmed in an interview of Monitor with an eyewitness who found himself that day between the hotel and the government buildings and who can be recognized in several videos. “They’ve shot at us from the front, but also from the back, say, from the eighth or ninth floor of the Hotel Ukraina. In any case, these were pros!”

The hotel, where many representatives of the medias were staying, was then firmly in the hands of the opposition. That very morning, an access control had been established: only those with a room-key or who could justify their identity could enter the hotel.


The lawyers do not get information

The lawyers of family members and of the injured voice grave reproaches against the General Prosecution of Ukraine, as well. Access to the results of the investigation has been up to now almost completely withheld from them. “They haven’t told us what type of weapons was used, we have no access to the expert opinions, we cannot get the action plans. We also do not have the other documents of the investigation at our disposal. We can absolutely not say what has truly happened from the viewpoint of the Prosecution.” One of the lawyers goes as far as to compare this state of affairs to what happened in the Soviet Union and under Yanukovich: “The General Prosecutor does not investigate in the right way. They are covering up for their own, they are partisans, as in the past.”






From Ed Herman :

Dates: 18 April 2014          

Subject : Pilger on NATO and the Ukraine.



Pilger is a genuine man of the left: anti-imperialist and pro democracy.



Nato's action plan in Ukraine is right out of Dr Strangelove

From China to Ukraine, the US is pursuing its longstanding ambition to dominate the Eurasian landmass






From Information Clearing House :

Dates: 25 April 2014          

Subject : The US-lead Coup in Ukraine.



Troops are moving, planes are flying, ships are advancing, war threats are being thrown. The governments of NATO and their media point fingers at Russia, but the provocation is fully hidden. Peace activists who should know better are buying this propaganda and spreading it.


It Was a US-instigated Ukrainian Coup
By Nick Wright



From Information Clearing House :

Dates: 25 April 2014          

Subject : The US-lead Coup in Ukraine.



Assertion based on photos the U.S. government provided to NYTimes and that the newspaper has had to retract.

Evidence for Russian Involvement in East Ukraine Based on Shoddy Journalism


There are internal factors driving Washington to war. Social contradictions within the United States have reached a dangerous intensity.

Does Washington Want War With Russia?
By Bill Van Auken



From Historians Against the War :

Dates: 24 April 2014          

Subject : May 3 conference on World War I and present-day dangers + links to recent articles of interest.



To members and friends of Historians Against the War,

The American Friends Service Committee and several other groups are sponsoring a free conference in New York on Saturday, May 3 relating the centenary of World War I to the danger of a great-power war in the present day. At the end of this message, please find the text of a flyer for the conference, including links to the full conference agenda and registration.


Links to Recent Articles of Interest:


"Ukraine: From Crisis to Catastrophe"

By Patrick Cockburn, CounterPunch.org, posted April 22

An argument on "the perils of intervention" based on recent history in Iraq and Afghanistan


"How Torture Became Normalized in America"

By Rebecca Gordon, Informed Comment blog, posted April 22

Based on the author's newly published book, Mainstreaming Torture

"Too Big to Jail: Why Kidnapping, Torture, Assassination, and Perjury Are No Longer Crimes in Washington"

By Tom Engelhardt, TomDispatch.com, posted April 21

On the erosion of accountability, except for the one crime of whistleblowing

"Is the Only Solution to the Ukraine Crisis an Appalling One?"

By Cynthia Hooper, History News Network, posted April 20

The author teaches Soviet and post-Soviet history at College of the Holy Cross.

"What Do You Call It When a Big Country Takes a Chunk of a Smaller One? Greed (And We Should Know)"

By David Lee McMullen, History News Network, posted April 20

The author teaches history at the University of South florida.

"The Ukraine Imbrogio and the Decline of the American Empire"

By Arno J. Mayer, CounterPunch.org, posted April 18

The author is a professor of history emeritus at Princeton University.

"Unconditional Palestinian Surrender"

By Zeev Sternhell, Haaretz, posted April 18

Pessimistic argument on the trajectory of internal Israeli politics regarding Palestinian rights

"Why Germans Are More Ambivalent about What's Happening in Ukraine than Anybody Else"

By Julianne Fuerst, History News Network, posted April 13

The author teaches history at the University of Bristol, U.K.

"US Sent CIA Director as Ambassador to Tehran after CIA Overthrew Iran's Democratic Gov't (US Now Complaining about Hostage-Taker Amb.)"

By Juan Cole, Informed Comment blog, posted April 13

The author teaches history at the University of Michigan.

"The Seductive Allure of Wars We're Not Winning"

By Andrew J. Bacevich, Washington Post, posted April 11

The author teaches history and international relations at Boston University.

Thanks to Mim Jackson, Steve Gosch, and Rosalyn Baxandall for suggesting articles included in the above list. Suggestions can be sent to


Flyer for May 3 conference

"Facing the Dangers of 21st Century Great Power War - A Conference on the Centenary of World War I"

Saturday, May 3, 2014, 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m.

Assembly Hall, Judson Memorial Church

229 Thompson St., Manhattan, South of Washington Square Park

This conference will provide an opportunity for reflection and discussion on the world wars of the last century, and about the risks of great power war today.  The conference will be held alongside the 2014 preparatory committee meeting for the 2015 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference. We hope as well to spark discussion and awareness about the dangers posed by nuclear weapons in the context of new rounds of great power competition and arms racing. 

 The conference will bring together activists and academics with knowledge and experience relevant to emerging dangers in key regions, from wars, resource conflicts and profound ongoing political realignments in Ukraine, Russia and Europe, and in the Middle East, to growing tensions in the Western Pacific over territory and resources, as well as the U.S. strategic “pivot” to Asia.  Speakers will address the risks of great power war, the implication of those dangers for peace and disarmament efforts, the lessons to be learned from chemical and other arms control growing out of World War I, and the kinds of movements we will need to build to forge a path to a more peaceful world.

 Speakers include Michael Klare, Irene Gendzier, Paul Walker, Erhard Crome, Andrew Lichterman, M.V. Ramana, Joseph Gerson, Emira Woods, Zia Mian and others with knowledge and insight.  For the program and a full list of speakers, see


 For the call to the conference, see


 Registration information:  There is no charge for the conference.  An inexpensive lunch will be available on site at cost. We would appreciate pre-registrations indicating whether people wish to purchase lunch.  Please indicate whether you would like a vegetarian meal. Register by writing to Jennifer Sherys-Rivet at JSherysr@afsc.org. For more information, call 617-661-6130. 

Conference conveners and sponsors: American Friends Service Committee, Peace and Economic Security Program; International Peace Bureau; the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation;  and the International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms and its U.S. affiliates, Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy and Western States Legal Foundation.

 Endorsing organizations:  Peace Action, Abolition 2000 Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons.  Our intention is that the Facing the Dangers conference will contribute to discussion and planning at the Abolition 2000 annual general meeting  to be held the next day, Sunday, May 4. See http://www.abolition2000.org/?p=3225




From Fred Lonidier :

Dates: 24 April 2014          

Subject : The ‘TPP Scam’ and why we should fear it.


Free trade on steroids: The threat of the Trans-Pacific Partnership

The TPP would have a devastating effect on jobs and America's middle class.
