Bulletin N° 735

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26 January 2017
Grenoble, France



Dear Colleagues and Friends of CEIMSA,


“I don’t know what kind of president he will be, but he’s one hell of an organizer! ” --these were the words of a labor union representative from ASCME (the American State, County, and Municipal Employees Union) speaking at the Women’s March in Washington, D.C. last Saturday.  


World capitalism has found its new leader, for the moment at least, and it forebodes “more of the same” for most of the world (despite the incoherent rhetoric); so hunker down and prepare for the worst. The military/police/security industrial complex remains the central pillar of the American economy, and any leader of a capitalist nation is compelled to guarantee war profits from future conflicts if the private profit motive and gainful employment are not to abate. Nevertheless, there are signs of change, some more dramatic than others, and it is instructive to visit the cradle of capitalism in late medieval Europe in order to see the early signs of its awakening, its development and its geneology. The war on working people and their families has been escalated.


To gain a historical perspective of this development there is no better source than Vol. 1 of Fernand Braudel’s meticulous study of “Civilization & Capitalism –from the 15th to the 18th Century”  in which we can appreciate the micro changes that occurred sporadically across the world as political economies began to transform and modern capitalism started to unfold, in fits and starts, from its embryonic state.


In the last chapter of The Structures of Everyday Life, The limits of the Possible, the historian explains how “towns were the outposts of modernity” in the 15th century. Here we can see a new behavior pattern emerging within a new social class, compared to what existed before their arrival on the scene . . . .


          No question now of living from day to day, as noblemen did, always putting up revenues to try to meet the level of their expenditure, which invariably came first –and letting the future take care of itself. The merchant was economical with his money, calculated his expenditure according to his returns, his investments according to their yield. The hour-glass had turned back the right way. He would also be economical with his time: a merchant could already say that . . .  “time is money.”


          Capitalism and towns were basically the same thing in the West. Lewis Mumford humorously claimed that capitalism was the cuckoo’s egg laid in the confined nests of the medieval towns. By this he meant to convey that the bird was destined to grow inordinately and burst its tight framework (which was true), and then link up with the state, the conqueror of towns but heir to their institutions and way of thinking an completely incapable of dispensing with them. The important thing was that even when it had declined as a city the town continued to rule the roost all the time it was passing into the actual or apparent service of the prince. The wealth of the state would still be the wealth of the town: Portugal converged on Lisbon, the Netherlands on Amsterdam; and English primacy was London’s primacy (the capital modeled England in its own image after the peaceful revolution of 1688).  The latent defect in the Spanish imperial economy was that it was based on Seville –a controlled town rotten with dishonest officials and long dominated by foreign capitalists--   and not on a powerful free town capable of producing and carrying through a really individual economic policy. Likewise, if Louis XIV did not succeed in founding a ‘royal bank’, despite various projects (1703, 1706, 1709), it was because faced with the power of the monarchy, Paris did not offer the protection of a town free to do what it wanted and accountable to no one.

. . .


[O]ne could say that the West has had three basic types of town in the course of its evolution: open towns, that is to say not differentiated from their hinterland, even blending into it (A); towns closed in on themselves in every sense, their walls marking the boundaries of an individual way of life more than a territory (B); finally towns held in subjection, by which is meant the whole range of known controls by prince or state (C).


   Roughly, A preceded B, and B preceded C. But there is no suggestion of strict succession about this order. It is rather a question of directions and dimensions shaping the complicated careers of the Western towns. They did not all develop at the same time or in the same way. Later we will see if this ‘grid’ is valid for classifying all towns of the world.


Type A: the ancient Greek or Roman city was open to the surrounding countryside and on terms of equality with it. Athens accepted inside its walls as rightful citizens the Eupatrid horse-breeders as well as the vine-growing peasants so dear to Aristophanes.  As soon as the smoke rose above the Pnyx, the peasant responded to the signal and attended the µAssembly of the People, where he sat among his equals.  . . .  The Greek city was in fact the sum of the town and its surrounding countryside. And this was the case because the towns had only just come into existence (a century or two in nothing in this context), only recently emerged from the rural background.

 . . .  it might be added that villages round about had their craftsmen and forges, where it was pleasant to warm oneself in winter. In short, industry was rudimentary, foreign and unobtrusive. Likewise, if one explores the ruins of Roman cities, one is in open country immediately outside the gates: there are no suburbs, which is as good as saying no industry or active and organized trades in their duly allotted place.


Type B: the closed city: the medieval town was the classic example of a closed city, a self-sufficient unit, as exclusive, Lilliputian empire. Entering its gates was like crossing one of the serious frontiers of the world today. You were free to thumb your nose at your neighbor from the other side of the barrier. He could not touch you. The peasant who uprooted himself from his land and arrived in the town was immediately another man. He was free –or rather he had abandoned a known and hated servitude for another, not always guessing the extent of it beforehand. But this mattered little. If the town had adopted him, he could snap his fingers when his lord called for him. And though obsolete elsewhere, such calls were still frequently to be heard in Silesia in the eighteenth century and in Muscovy up to the nineteenth.


   Though the towns opened their gates easily it was not enough to walk through them to be immediately and really part of them. Full citizens were a jealous minority, a small town inside the town itself.  . . .  The ordinary townspeople were no less mistrustful or hostile to newcomers. According to Maris Sanudo, in June 1520, the street people [of Venice] attacked the peasants who had arrived from the mainland as recruits for the galleys or the army, crying: ‘Back to the plough, shirkers!’  . . .  But citizenship was also parsimoniously granted in Marseilles in the sixteenth century; it was necessary to have ‘ten years of domicile, to possess property, to have married a local girl’. Otherwise the man remained amongst the masses of noon-citizens of the town. This limited conception of citizenship was the general rule everywhere.


   The main source of contention can be glimpsed throughout this vast process: to whom did industry and craft, their privileges and profits, belong? In fact they belonged to the town, to its authorities and to its merchant entrepreneurs. They decided if it were necessary to deprive, or to try to deprive, the rural area of the city of the right to spin, weave and dye, or if on the contrary it would be advantageous to grant it these rights. Everything was possible in these interchanges, as the history of each individual town shows.  . . . [E]verything was arranged for the benefit of the craft guilds. They enjoyed exclusive contiguous monopolies, fiercely defended along the imprecise frontiers that so easily let to absurd conflicts.


Type C: subjugated towns, of early modern times. Everywhere in Europe, as soon as the state was firmly established it disciplined the towns with instinctive relentlessness, whether or not it used violence. The Habsburgs did so just as much as the Popes, the German princes as much as the Medicis or the kings of France. Except in the Netherlands and England, obedience was imposed.


   In Spain, [for example] the corregido, the urban administrator, subjected the ‘free towns’ to the will of the Crown. Of course the Crown left the not inconsiderable profits and  the vanities of local administration to the petty local nobility.  . . .  Paris, equally under the royal thumb, helped –had to help—the royal treasury and was the centre of the large-scale fund-raising known as the rentres sur l’Hôtel de Ville. Even Louis VIV did not give up the capital. Versailles was not really separate from nearby Paris, and the monarchy had been accustomed to moving around the periphery of the powerful, redoubtable city.  . . .  In fact it was advisable to govern these over-populated towns from a distance, at least from time to time. Philip II spent all his time at the Escorial, and Madrid was only at its beginnings. Later the Dukes of Bavaria lived in Nymphenburg; Frederick II in Potsdam; the emperors outside Vienna in Schoenbrunn.  Moreover, to return to Louis XIV, he did not forget ot assert his authority in Paris itself not to maintain his prestige there.  The two great royal squares, the Place des Victoires and the Place Vendôme, were built during his reign. The ‘prodigious construction’ of  Les Invalides was undertaken at this time.  Thanks to him, wide access roads where carriages flowed and military marches were organized opened Paris to the nearby countryside on the pattern of Baroque towns. Most important from our point of view, was the creating in 1667 of a Lieutenant of Police with exorbitant powers. The second holder of this high office, the Marquis d’Argenson, nominated thirty years later (1697), ‘assembled the machine –not the one that exists today’, explained Sébastien Mercier, ‘but he was the first to think of its main springs and mechanisms. One can even say that today this machine runs by itself.’(pp.515-520)



Braudel concludes the first volume of his histoire de long durée, with the admission that his quest has been to find order in apparent chaos.


Material life, of course, presents itself to us in the anecdotal form of thousands and thousands of assorted facts. Can we call these events? No: to do so would be to inflate their importance, to grant them a significance they never had. That the Holy Roman Emperor Maximiian ate with his fingers from the dishes at a banquet (as we can see form a drawing) is an everyday detail, not an event. So is the story about the bandit Cartouche, on the point of execution, preferring a class of wine to the coffee he was offered. This is the dust of history, micro-history in the same sense that Georges Gurvitch talks about micro-sociology: little facts which do, it is true, by indefinite repetition, add up to form linked chains. Each of them represents the thousands of others that have crossed the silent depths of time and endured.


   It is with such chains; such ‘series’, and with history in the ‘long term’ that I have been concerned: they provide the horizons and vanishing-points of all the landscapes of the past. They introduce a kind of order, indicate a balance; and reveal to our eyes the permanent features, the things that in this apparent disorder can be explained. . . .  Material life conforms to such slow rhythms more readily than other areas of human history.


   Among the constant elements, the reader will have noticed that we have placed in the foreground those arising from civilizations and from what I have called cultures.  . . . 


   It is a fact that every great center of population has worked out a set of elementary answers –and has an unfortunate tendency to stick to them out of that force of inertia which is one of the great artisans of history. What is a civilization then, if not an ancient settlement of a certain section of mankind in a certain place? It is a category of history, a necessary classification. Mankind has only shown any tendency to become united (and has certainly not yet succeeded) since the end of the fifteenth century. Until then, and further we go back in time the more obvious it becomes, humanity was divided between different ‘planets’, each the home of an individual civilization or culture, with its own distinctive features and age-old choices. Even when they were close together, these solutions never combined.


   I have used the expression ‘the long term’ and ‘civilization’: these major categories call for a supplementary classification, based on the notion of ‘society’ (which is present everywhere too). Everything is part of a social order . . .  [T]hese commonplace and obvious truths have their importance.


   But even the word society is rather vague: we really ought to talk of socio-economies. Marx asked the right question: who owns the means of production, the land, the ships, the machinery, the raw materials, the finished products and, no less, the leading positions in society? It is, however, clear that the two coordinates : society and economy, are still not sufficient: the State, in all its forms, simultaneously cause and consequence, makes its presence felt, disturbs and affects relationships whether it seeks to or not, and often plays a very forceful role in those architectural structures that can be classified into a typology of world socio-economic systems: those based on slavery, those with serfs and overlords, those where there are businessmen and pre-capitalists. This is to return to the language used by Marx, and to walk some of the way with him, even if one rejects his precise words or the rigorous process by which he saw every society moving from one stage to the next. The problem remains one of classification, of a considered hierarchy of societies; no observer can escape this necessity –which imposes itself from the most elementary level of material life. That such problems –the long term, civilization, society, economy, the stqte, the hierarchies of ‘social’ values—should present themselves at the level of the humble realities of material life, proves in itself that history is present at this level too, with its enigmas and difficulties, familiar ones which are encountered by all the human sciences when they come to grips with their subject. Man can never be reduced to one personality who fits into an acceptable simplification; though many people have pursued this false hope. No sooner has one approached even the simplest aspect of his life than one finds his customary complexity there too.


. . .


In a context where other structures were inflexible (those of material life and, no less, those of ordinary economic life) capitalism could choose the areas where it wished and was able to intervene, and the areas it would leave to their fate, rebuilding as it went its own structures from the components, and gradually in the process transforming the structures of others.


   That is what made pre-capitalism the source of the economic creativity of the world: it was the origin or the signal for all major material progress and for all the most oppressive exploitation of man by man. Not only because of the appropriation of the surplus value of man’s labor’, but also because of those disparities of strength or situation which meant that there has always been, on a national scale or on a world scale, one stronghold waiting to be captured, one sector more profitable to exploit that the others. The choice may have been a limited one sometimes, but what an immense privilege to be able to choose!(pp.561-563)


In Braudel’s history readers are warned not to underestimate the sheer force and astounding resilience of the capitalist political economy. As its history bears witness, this socio-economic-political system is a human construct with a history, and it contains built-in protections, to guarantee survival, even at unimaginable human costs. The world should beware: It will not go down easily !


The 12 items below will provide CEIMSA readers with insights into crisis capitalism, and the depth of the commitment to keep it alive which paralyzes many among us to oppose even its most catastrophic consequences. The ideological hegemony of capitalism seems to have done an outstanding job in recruiting propagandists and maintaining the essential relationships of alienation and labor exploitation.




Francis Feeley


Professor emeritus of American Studies

University Grenoble-Alpes

Director of Research

University of Paris-Nanterre

Center for the Advanced Study of American Institutions and Social Movements

The University of California-San Diego






India – Crime of the Century – Financial Genocide


by Peter Koenig


A Financial genocide, if there was ever one. Death by demonetization, probably killing hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people, through famine, disease, even desperation and suicide – because most of India’s money was declared invalid. The official weak reason for this purposefully manufactured human disaster is fighting counterfeiting. What a flagrant lie! The real cause is of course – you guessed it – an order from Washington.




Lest we forget . . .

The Project for the New American Century


by William Rivers Pitt


February 25, 2003

The Project for the New American Century, or PNAC, is a Washington-based think tank created in 1997. Above all else, PNAC desires and demands one thing: The establishment of a global American empire to bend the will of all nations. They chafe at the idea that the United States, the last remaining superpower, does not do more by way of economic and military force to bring the rest of the world under the umbrella of a new socio-economic Pax Americana. …

The People versus the Powerful is the oldest story in human history. At no point in history have the Powerful wielded so much control.

At no point in history has the active and informed involvement of the People, all of them, been more absolutely required.




Abby Martin Blows The Lid Off The Clinton Criminal



Digging deep into Hillary's connections to Wall Street, Abby Martin reveals how the Clinton's multi-million-dollar political machine operates. 
This episode chronicles the Clinton's rise to power in the 90s on a right-wing agenda, the Clinton Foundation's revolving door with Gulf state monarchies, corporations and the world's biggest financial institutions, and the establishment of the hyper-aggressive "Hillary Doctrine" while Secretary of State. Learn the essential facts about the great danger she poses, and why she's the US Empire's choice for its next CEO.





Michael Moore, Corporate Feminists, & Controlled Opposition of Women's March Washington



Sources Below; Click Show More, I will add more reading on specifics managed later today:
Mainstream media NEVER would have given a 24/7 spotlight to any event that threatened the power interests. On the hypocrisy of Michael Moore, Corporate Feminists, & Partisan Hacks. Time to do the shadow work.

Lee Camp/Hedges Interview:
The Democratic & Corporate Media Plan that Gave Us Trump:

On the Honduran Coup:
Berta's Family at the March in Philly:

Clinton Arming Authoritarian Regime Governments:
Obama's Kill List/Terror Tuesdays:

Habeas Corpus GONE:

Obama took right to KILL American citizens even on our own SOIL without trial or charges (liking that now that Trump has it)?
Obama bombing seven countries (eight if you count proxy war we are fighting through Saudi Arabia in Yemen):

For more on Obama's civil rights narrative, the Russia fairy tale, election fraud, and many other topics, subscribe and see my video channel which always includes source lists in video description for your reading pleasure/horror




2013 Interview with Thom Hartmann . . .


Thom Hartmann on "The Crash of 2016: The Plot to Destroy America—and What We Can Do to Stop It"



Published on Nov 12, 2013

Could the United States face another economic collapse? Writer and broadcaster Thom Hartmann looks back at past financial crises

and comes to a startling conclusion. "As long as you don't look too closely at our nation, things seem under control -- the United States looks whole ...

but when you go around to the 'dark back side' of the nation, you see the shocking truth. There you see a nation whose core fundamentals have been

hollowed out," writes Hartmann in his new book, "The Crash of 2016: The Plot to Destroy America -- and What We Can Do to Stop It."





Democracy Now! Special Broadcasts from the Inauguration and the Women's March on Washington

(5 hours each of film coverage)






Millions Around the World March in Solidarity with Women's March on Washington




Women's Protest Against Trump Goes Global






From: "Groucho Marx" <byronsandiego@gmail.com>
Subject: A Dozen-Plus Opportunities in San Diego to Protest Trump’s Inauguration


A Dozen-Plus Opportunities in San Diego to Protest Trump’s Inauguration

January 13, 2017 by Doug Porter

By Doug Porter

San Diego gets it. Lots of us are unhappy with the incoming administration.

There are community gatherings. There are rallies. There are protest marches. There are teach-ins. There are press conferences. There is art. There are even dance parties.

People from all walks of life find are finding ways to express their displeasure with the incoming administration. Check out the calendar below for events over the next ten days or so. Events related to the inauguration include the Trump/NOPE graphic.

Americans don’t think much of the President-elect’s transition performance, according to a Gallup poll released this week. It’s historically bad with 51% of those surveyed disapproving, as opposed to 12% (Obama/2009), 25% (Bush/2001) and Clinton (18%/1993).

Meanwhile, signs of the Trumpacolypse are all around. An unvetted document alleging Russian influence is, we were told via Twitter, not true because the Russians say so. A Republican Congress is rushing headlong into repealing the Affordable Care Act without a hint of a consensus of what could replace it. House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz says he may probe a federal ethics official for daring to question President-elect Donald Trump’s plan to distance himself from his business empire.

It’s quickly become apparent that the best course for opposing Trump is grassroots activism. Networks and coalitions are springing up faster than I can keep track of them. (But I’m working on it and will report on them soon.)

Activism abounds in San Diego if you know where to look for it. I’ve been posting this progressive activism calendar on Fridays now for more than six months and every week I learn about new groups.

Get your event listed:  I try to list the next 10 days or so of mostly non-commercial events I think our readers might find of interest. I source my material from social media listings and press releases. In cases where there are competing but similar events or campaigns of the progressive persuasion, I do my best to list everything related to citizen activism.

Progressive Calendar for San Diego, Mid January 2017

San Diego Rising to Protect Immigrants & Refugees
Press Conference

Saturday, January 14, 10am
Escondido Police Dept Hdqtrs
1163 Center City Parkway, Escondido
For More Information

Join us in Escondido, CA along with millions around the nation and around the globe to declare in no uncertain terms that we will stand in the way of criminalization, mass deportation and hatred.

The Trump team has already announced that some of their first acts of brutality will be to lash out against immigrants and Muslims. They want to deport millions of immigrants, rip families apart and drive tens of millions of immigrants, refugees and their families and friends into silence out of fear.

Just one week before Donald Trump’s inauguration as a President elected by a minority of voters, it is critical that the majority stand up and say NO to Trump’s promised reign of terror and YES to community, love for one another, shared strength and human dignity. It is time for us to unite and rise together.

Join the San Diego Dream Team for our press conference on the national day of action as we uplift the intersectional voices of our community, organize to end local police and ICE collaborations, and build beloved community.

Prism: Femme Fest

Saturday, January 14, Noon-6pm
Writerz Block
5010 Market St. San Diego
For More Information

PRISM is part of the Jacobs Center’s Jacobs Presents performance series that celebrates San Diego graffiti art, music, and culture. These events are free to the community and open to all ages.

For this upcoming PRISM we are showcasing all female talent. We are presenting an all-women lineup, with graffiti artists/muralists, DJs, musicians and community resources. Come support all our rad creative women.

HOST: Alex Zaragoza
GAVLYN,  Miki Vale, Sancha y Las Sirenas @sanchaylassirenas, TRU7H Wilnisha Sutton
LIVE ART:Panca (Tijuana) aypanca.com,
MUSIC/DJs: Chulita Vinyl Club (SD + LA) @ChulitaVinylClub, Cookie Crew @hvyd + @meleesas, Betty Bangs @betty_bangs, Dauche @_dauche  

Sierra Club Rally to Oppose Trump

Saturday, January 14, 3pm
Mission Valley Public Library
2133 Fenton Pkwy, San Diego
For More Information

Sierra Club San Diego will rally members and supporters to oppose the Trump administration’s agenda of increased fossil fuel usage and to promote ways of securing a path to 100% clean energy in the San Diego region through Community Choice Energy.  The event will provide the public with opportunities to voice their concerns and get involved in local efforts to resist the Trump administration.

The Sierra Club has a national and local game plan to take on the Trump administration and allied interests to fight against his environmentally toxic cabinet nominees, to stand in solidarity with vulnerable families and communities, and not let his fossil fuel friends run our lives on dirty energy for years to come. 

“Donald Trump may be president for the next several years, but the Sierra Club has been doing this work for nearly 125 years. We’ll still be here when he is gone, and our movement will be bigger, stronger, and more innovative than ever for having opposed him. For many of us, these will be the biggest environmental fights of our lives, but they’ll also be the most meaningful. We’re ready to give it everything we’ve got.” -Michael Brune, Executive Director of the Sierra Club.

Democratic Socialists of America
General Membership Meeting

Sunday, January 15, 4pm
Peace Resource Center of San Diego
3850 Westgate Pl., San Diego
For More Information

San Diego DSA is continuing to grow.  This meeting will be a good place to join the Political Revolution and to meet like-minded people.  Come here to find out about the activities and participation of our local DSA chapter; our participation in local electoral activities; our work to defend those who are most threatened by the new xenophobia, nativism, misogyny; and our support for environmental and labor struggles.

Community Meeting to Resist Trump

Sunday, January 15, 3pm
Coronado Public Library, Coronado
Click here to RSVP and get the details.

In the aftermath of November 8, it has never been more important for us to come together—to stand against hate and injustice and to defend our democracy.

Join MoveOn, Working Families Party, and People’s Action for a critical national day of action just days before the inauguration—on Sunday, January 15.

We’ll organize community meetings across the country to talk about what resistance looks like on the local level and sketch out a plan to keep our communities safe, fight for our values, and resist the new administration every step of the way—including by organizing opposition to Trump’s dangerous cabinet appointments.

Per Library policy, attendance at this meeting does not require an RSVP and attendance is open to the public. It is imperative you bring a cooperative and flexible attitude to this event. January 15th is a national day of action against the Trump administration and our meeting is just one of 500 others taking place across the nation. Please feel free to spread the word and bring friends.

I have had an amazing outpouring of support in response to this event and it is highly likely we will exceed room capacity and be required to overflow into outside areas. That is a GREAT thing! We should all be excited and invigorated to learn so many individuals are interested in taking action and collaborating against the radical agenda of the incoming administration. Concerned Citizens Unite! Join with fellow progressives at the Coronado library Sunday January 15th at 3:00 pm for a “Resist Trump” community meeting. We’ll collaborate on ways we can tap into the people power in our area and form a plan to resist the radical agenda of the incoming administration.

King Day March
“Our Lives, Our Agenda”

Monday, January 16, 2pm
Park Blvd and B Street (nr San Diego City College)
For More Information

Dr. Martin Luther King died fighting a poor people’s campaign fighting for the poor, jobless and our workers. He also died leaving racial injustice as a front and center topic for years to come. It’s time to take a stand for what Dr. King stood and died for and let our elected officials know that if they are not fighting for the people they are not working for us! We need to send a message to ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS in San Diego and beyond that they will be held accountable in the areas of workers rights, police reform and mass incarceration. If they are not fighting for the people, they should not work for the people! Join the movement! #KINGDAY2017#KINGMARCH

The 29th All Peoples Celebration

Monday, January 16, 10am
Balboa Park Activity Center
2145 Park Blvd, San Diego
For More Information (Tickets)

Join us on Monday, January 16, 2017 to honor the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at the 29th All Peoples Celebration. This annual community program is the preeminent event in San Diego County where more than 1,000 business leaders, elected officials, faith leaders, community organizers, artists, and students come together for an inspiring program and common goal of honoring the work and the sacrifice of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

We are thrilled to announce that Rev. Dr. William J. Barber will keynote the 29th All Peoples Celebration. Rev. Barber is a dynamic leader and electrifying speaker who is in the national spotlight for his work around civil rights with the North Carolina NAACP.

Legal Observer Training:
Protect Free Speech

Tuesday, January 17, 6pm
RSVP for Location

Please join the ACLU of San Diego & Imperial Counties and the National Lawyers’ Guild for a Legal Observer Training!

Learn how to legally protect and exercise your First Amendment rights and the rights of your fellow community members in the event of any incidents, arrests, or official misconduct during a protest. With the anticipated increase in protests and political demonstrations, your leadership is needed now more than ever! Please note you do not need to be an attorney to attend this training.

Please RSVP and forward any questions to either Gerrlyn Gacao at 619-398-4490 and ggacao@aclusandiego.org or Mayra Lopez at 619-232-2121 or mlopez@aclusandiego.org.

Environmental Democrats Meeting

Wednesday, January 18, 6pm
Elijah’s Restaurant
7061 Clairemont Mesa Blvd
For More Information

San Diego County Democrats for Environmental Action will hold our January meeting at a new location this month. Instead of meeting in La Jolla, we’ll meet in the banquet room at Elijah’s Restaurant, Delicatessen & Catering in Clairemont, located at 7061 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. in the theMcGrath


shopping center, at Clairemont Mesa Blvd. and I-805.

We’ll begin our social at 6 p.m. instead of our usual time of 6:30, in part so guests, attendees and members will have time to come by and eat (if you want) before we call the meeting to order at 7. Among the topics we’ll discuss will be the future of the California Coastal Commission, Mission Bay and Agua Hedionda Lagoon, with appearances from Kevin Beiser and Steve Padilla.

Boards & Commissions Leadership Institute
2017 Kick Off

Thursday, January 19, 5:30pm
United Domestic Workers
4855 Seminole Blvd, San Diego

For More Information

Join the Center on Policy Initiatives for a networking reception and special panel discussion to kick-off the 2017 Boards and Commissions Leadership Institute (BCLI) cohort. BCLI, a leadership development program, trains and places advocates with an equity, economic and racial justice framework onto local and regional boards and commissions.

For our kick-off we will have a timely discussion about the role Boards and Commissions can play in protecting our communities. Join us for this important discussion and to meet our amazing 2017 cohort! Click here to RSVP: http://www.cpisandiego.org/bcli2017_kickoff

Jacobin Reading Group

Saturday, January 21, 2pm
Cafe Cabaret
3739 Adams Avenue, San Dieg
For More Information

We will discuss: Where is Our Labor Party and Rise and Fall of the Socialist Party of America.

San Diego United Against Hate

Friday, January 20, 5-9pm
Chicano Park (Barrio Logan)
For More Information

union del barrio jpg

Join Union del Barrio and the greater San Diego community as we unite on Trump’s 1st day in office!! All communities must come together to send a clear message on DAY 1! Only through organized struggle can we win – and win, we will! Actions throughout the nation will send a clear message that we will resist! We will respond! WE ARE WATCHING! People Unite! We have nothing to lose but our chains!

Disrupt J20 – San Diego

Friday, January 20
10:30 Meet at Park Blvd & A Street,
March to Federal Building
Noon: Rally at Federal Building
Hosted by: San Diego Alliance for Justice

For More Information

“January 20th is the inauguration of Donald Trump, a bigot who has spent his life promoting racist, sexist, and xenophobic activities. Trump has vowed to devote his presidency to decimating women’s rights, attacking Muslims, deporting immigrants and blocking refugees, denying the global climate crisis to further profit off of the obscene exploitation of our planet, slashing the few health care and education benefits we have, and to expand the already-bloated military empire. We join with the world to unite and fight Trump “Trumpism,” an ideology emboldening conservatives and right-wing populists. Our goal is to force political gridlock and make the administration aware that the vast majority of us do not support his proposed policies.  

Protest Inauguration Day and Fight Trump

Friday, January 20, 10:30am
San Diego City College
1313 Park Blvd

For More Information

This is a call to mobilize against the bigot, Islamophobic, anti-immigrant, sexist, Trump and everything he stands for. On inauguration day the people of San Diego will unite and fight! We will send our message loud and clear to those at the top: We Reject the President Elect!

Daytime Rally: Speakout at City College at 10:30 am
March and Rally Federal Building 11:30 am
Evening Rally: Speakout at City College 6:00 pm
March and Rally Federal Building 7:00 pm

This is being organized by the San Diego Alliance for Justice

Protest Trump on Inauguration Day

Friday, January 20, Noon
Park Boulevard and President’s Way Lawn (Balboa Park)
For More Information
Hosted by: ANSWER San Diego

As we approach the inauguration of Trump, we denounce all of the rhetoric he used to get to this point, but we do not have to accept it. Leading up to his inauguration we will continue to organize actions and protest and much more, keep an eye out for all that on our page. We will be having a large coalition meeting with all interested allies.

Consider taking January 20th (#J20) off work and joining us in the streets. We want to send a clear message to the Trump administration that we will not allow business as usual.

We will be gathering at 12 noon at the lawn area on Park Boulevard near the intersection of President’s Way. There is a large parking lot across the street. We will march to the downtown Federal Building at 880 Front Street where we will end our march with speakers defending immigrant rights, women’s rights, the environment, the muslim community, racial justice and the LGTBQ community.

The 2017 Inauguration Day People’s Ball Fundraiser

Friday, January 20, 7pm
Centro Cultural de La Raza
Balboa Park, 2004 Park Blvd.

For More Information 
Tickets $25 advance

Don’t stay home alone on the night Trump becomes president! Now more than ever we must keep our spirits up and surround ourselves with good company. Come party with the San Diegan Progressives!

Activist San Diego and KNSJ Justice 89.1FM present
The People’s Ball Counter-Inaugural Celebration and Fundraiser

Live Music and Dancing, Inspiring Activist Speakers, Food and No-Host Bar, Raffle & Silent Auction

Musical Talent: Favio Alejo and his Latin Roots Band
Keynote: Greg Palast, Investigative Reporter
Reporting on voter disenfranchisement, election manipulation and fraud

Artful Activist San Diego
Anti-Inaugural Ball

Friday, January 20, 9pm
Grassroots Oasis
3130 Moore Street
For More Information

Come out after the inauguration to enjoy the sounds of three punk/grindcore bands, Nervous Defects, The Stalins of Sound, and Endless/Nameless. All ages welcome, $5 at the door.

San Diego Women’s March

Saturday, January 21, 10am
Civic Center Plaza
1200 Third Ave, San Diego
For More Information (Main Page)
East County Brigade
Run, Women, Run
Rise Up Show Up Shine On

The San Diego Women’s March are peacefully marching in San Diego in solidarity with the Women’s March in DC. This is in response to Trump’s election as president.  The San Diego Women’s March are dedicated to a free and open society that stands united against marginalization of anyone and for the respect of all people. They also seek to strengthen and continue their commitment to work for the protection of women’s rights, as well as human rights.

The Women’s March will take place on Saturday, January 21, 2017 from 10 am-12 pm.  It will start at the Civic Center Plaza (1200 Third Avenue) and march on Broadway to Harbor Dr. and end in front of the County Administration Building.

WE APPRECIATE YOU!!!! Thank you for your support! If you would like to donate funds to support our event you can do so here: https://www.gofundme.com/sandiegomarch

Women’s March on Washington, North County

Saturday, January 21, 11am
San Marcos Civic Center
March to Palomar College @ Noon
Rally @ Palomar College 1pm
For More Information

On January 21 st, we will unite in North County San Diego for a March and Rally on Palomar Campus. We stand together in solidarity with our family, friends, and community for the protection of our rights, our safety, our health, recognizing that our vibrant and diverse communities are what makes our democracy great.

The rhetoric of the past election cycle insulted, demonized, demeaned and threatened many of us- immigrants, Muslims, people who identify as LGBTQIA, Native Americans, Black and Brown people, people with disabilities and survivors of sexual assault. We stand together in the face of national and international concern. (Thanks to the Women’s March on Washington.)

We march here in North County to show solidarity with the March on Washington and our sister marches happening all over the country.  We stand together recognizing that defending the most marginalized among us is defending us all. We call on all defenders of human rights to join us.

This march and rally is the first step in unifying our communities and create change from the grassroots level up. We will work peacefully while cognizant that there is no true peace without justice and equity for all. This is an historic event for North County San Diego. This is an event of inclusion and compassion.

United City Heights

Saturday, January 21, Noon
Officer Jeremy Henwood Memorial Park
3700 Fairmount Ave, San Diego
Hosted by Mid-City CAN
For More Information

While Inauguration Day may have communities like ours uncertain of what the future will hold, in City Heights we are sure we will remain #United.

On January 21st, join us at #UnitedCityHeights to:

– Enjoy food, music, art, and conversation;
– Meet organizations in City Heights that are doing the work to empower our communities;
– Share safe space to plan next steps and address current needs;
– Connect with resources to protect your families and improve health

Co-hosted by:

Comite Organizador Latino
– Employee Rights Center
– International Rescue Committee
– Mid-City CAN
– NAACP San Diego Youth Council
– Somali Bantu Association
– Together We Will

Nasty Women Art Exhibition

Saturday, January 21, 2-8pm
Helmuth Projects
1827 Fifth Ave, San Diego
For More Information

Join us for a group exhibition that demonstrates solidarity among artists who identify with being a Nasty Woman in the face of threats to roll back women’s rights, individual rights, and abortion rights.

With artwork ranging from $30-$300, it also serves as a fundraiser to support organizations defending these rights and and to be a platform for organization concurrent with Trump’s Presidential Inauguration weekend and Women’s Marches across the county.

100% of the sale will go to Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest,San Diego LGBT Community Center, or La Maestra Community Health Centers.

Teaching Positive Alternatives to Trump:
A Teach-in for Activism

Sunday, January 22, 9am-5pm
entro Cultural de La Raza
Balboa Park, 2004 Park Blvd.

For More Information

Thank you for uniting with the vast majority of the human race against the racism, misogyny, violence, and generalized hatred of Donald Trump.

Limited free seating – please register here asap. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/teaching-positive-alternatives-to-trump-teach-in-for-activism-resistance-tickets-30440317810.

One-hour long working sessions are being organized all day by these community activist coordinators:

International & Nationwide #Resist Events

We are not alone. There are people around the globe who are fired up and ready to go. The best resource for this type of information is lovealwaystrumpshate.org






Ashley Judd FULL Speech at "Women's March" In Washington DC ‘I am a nasty woman’



Ashley Judd cuts off Michael Moore's speech at the "Women's March" in Washington DC Saturday January 21, 2017. Ashely judd goes off talking about "The Bloodstains On My Jeans" during her psycho rant. Ashley Judd also told the crowd "Our Pussies Aint for Grabbing". Actress Ashley Judd read a poem by 19-year-old Nina Donovan from her home state of Tennessee. “I am a nasty woman,” the poem began. “Not as nasty as a man who looks like he bathes in Cheeto dust, a man whose words are a dis to America, Electoral College-sanctioned hate speech.” “I feel Her in these streets,” the poem continued, “Nazis renamed.” Another line referenced Trump’s past comments about the attractiveness of his daughter Ivanka: “I’m not as nasty as your daughter being your favorite sex symbol.” The poem also touched on why tampons are taxed but Rogaine isn’t, the annoyance of unexpected periods, the pay gap in Hollywood and sexual harassment. “Our p—ies ain’t for grabbing,” the poem concluded. “This p—- is for my pleasure and giving birth to more nasty woman.”Watch Ashley Judd interrupt Michael Moore at the Women's March on Washington Update on 'Women's marches live updates: American Ferrera, Michael Moore, Ashley Judd speak at packed ... While speaking at the Women’s March on Washington today, actress Ashley Judd used many of the complimentary things President Donald Trump has said about his daughter Ivanka’s beauty to accuse him of lusting after her. During an impassioned address to the crowd, Judd first invoked Trump calling Hillary Clinton a “nasty woman” to go after him on many of the allegations about him and his administration. “I am not as nasty as racism, fraud, conflict of interest, ignorance, white privilege,” Judd shouted. She then went after Trump over Ivanka. “I am not as nasty as your own daughter being your favorite sex symbol,” she exclaimed. “Like your wet dreams infused with your own genes but, yeah, I’m a nasty woman!”




From: Jim O'Brien
To: haw-info@stopthewars.org
Subject: [haw-info] HAW Notes 1/19/17: HAW contingent in NYC march; Marv Gettleman; links to recent articles of interest


For anyone in the New York City area planning to take part in the Women's March on Saturday, this is a reminder that there will be a HAW contingent in the march. It will meet at the southwest corner of 45th Street and 2nd Avenue at 11:30; look for the big "Historians Against the War" banner.

Two tributes to the late Marv Gettleman by HAW Steering Committee members have been posted on the HAW website, one by Van Gosse and one on behalf of the organization by Rusti Eisenberg.

Links to Recent Articles of Interest :

"Escalation Watch: Four Looming Flashpoints Facing President Trump"

By Michael Klare, TomDispatch.com, posted January 17

“Israel as theLights Go Out”

By Roger Cohen, New York Times, posted January 17

“A Lesson on How to Survive Trumpism – from the McCarthy Era”

By Ellen Schrecker, The Nation, posted January 9

The author has written, among other books, Many Are the Crimes: McCarthyism in America.


“How Henry KissingerConspired against a Sitting President”

By Zach Dorfman, Politico.com, posted January 6

On Kissinger’s advice to the dictatorial Pinochet regime in Chile during the Jimmy Carter presidency

“America’s MajorChallenges in Middle East Policy, 2017”

By Juan Cole, Informed Comment blog, posted January 1

The author teaches history at the University of Michigan.


“Nixon’s VietnamTreachery”

By John A. Farrell, New York Times, posted December 31

New evidence on the sabotaging of Vietnam peace talks in October 1968


“Trump’s Madman Gambit: History Shows His Nuclear Threats Will Fail”

By Jeffrey P. Kimball, US News and World Report, posted December 30

The author is a professor of history emeritus at Miami University and co-author of Nixon’s Nuclear Specter


“Why Obama – and Every President since Carter – Failed to Transform the Middle East”

Interview with Andrew J. Bacevich by Sean Illing, Vox.com, posted December 29

Andrew J. Bacevich is a professor emeritus of history and international relations at Boston University.

Suggestions for these lists can be sent to jimobrien48@gmail.com.




From: "Groucho Marx" <byronsandiego@gmail.com>
Subject: Byron Morton Photos San Diego Women's March Jan. 21,2017



I took what seems like an iconic photo from the San Diego Women's  March this past Saturday January 21st, 2017. 5 (Please see « Unicorns Three” immediately below.)

I have been taking photographs for forty years. Sometimes an image resonates with me long after I press the camera button. 

Once in a while, out of hundreds of images, there is one that sums up an event and touches me emotionally.

It dawned on me that this image of the flag draped marchers with the sign “I am a Person” is a
contemporary cross between the African American men carrying the "I
am a Man" sign during Memphis sanitation workers strike of 1968 and the 1876 painting by
Archibald Willard "The Spirit of '76" with the drummer and fife player and American flag.

The San Diego
 marchers in the photograph were draped in the Gay Pride rainbow colors, the Transgender rights flag with lite blue, pink and white colors and the American flag of red, white and blue with white stars.

I found the image evocative.
The marchers expressions, especially the blonde in the middle with head  tilted up, teeth together, expresses hope, strength and confidence.

 It is followed by the younger flagged draped woman's eyes expressing a careful consideration or thoughtfulness with just a tinge of weariness of things to come perhaps.

The marchers draped in flags, represent a growing demographic. The photo expresses a feeling for respect, dignity and self-determination.

The sign held up states the obvious about the humanity we all share. I am a person. It is the spirit of San Diego 2017.




Womens March San Diego 1-21-17 Unicorns Three.jpg 


PLUS . . . .



Womens March San Diego 1-21-17 Couple.jpg 

Womens March San Diego 1-21-17 Elephant in Womb.jpg 




Womens March San Diego 1-21-17 Grandma and three Generations.jpg 

Womens March San Diego 1-21-17 Native Americans.jpg 



Womens March San Diego 1-21-17 Rainbow Tutu Make America Gay Again.jpg 

Womens March San Diego 1-21-17 I am a Person.jpg 


Womens March San Diego 1-21-17 Government in My Womb.jpg 



Womens March San Diego 1-21-17 To Old for This Shit.jpg 

Womens March San Diego 1-21-17 Princess Leia.jpg 





Can the Democrats Build a Progressive Movement Against Trump?



Video - DATE: 2017-01-24 | LENGTH: 13:03

Black Agenda Report's Glen Ford says a progressive movement can't be build out of the pro-war, pro-CIA, and McCarthyite politics coming from Democratic leadership