Bulletin N° 765


Subject : The Artless Decline of Empire, and the Aesthetics of Resistance.



16 September 2017

Grenoble, France


Dear Colleagues and Friends of CEIMSA,

If we take a look at the imperialist establishment’s reaction to the rapidly growing BDS Movement around the world (Boycott, Divest and Sanction Israel for crimes against humanity in Gaza and elsewhere), we discover the remarkable influence that Israel has on most of the 535 US lawmakers in Washington D.C. A new Bill has been introduced before Congress to make it a felony punishable by prison to support the non-violent BDS Movement. Such a law would be in violation of the First Amendment guarantee of Freedom of Speech in the US Constitution. This strange and unprecedented legislative move by US lawmakers, some of whom supported the bill without even reading it, was of course initiated by pro-Zionist factions in Israel and America, and it invites analysis. Perhaps our old friend Aristotle can help us understand what is going on here.

Aristotle’s doctrine of the four causes might shed light on why the Israeli nation is systematically depriving Palestinians of electricity, water, and food, forcing them to live in misery and causing much suffering and many deaths, as the world watches:

The material cause could be identified as the homeland of the Palestinians which is coveted by the Israelis and constitutes an essential step for a larger Israeli expansionist strategy. The formal cause must include the traditional European and American interests in maintaining control of the oil-rich area of the Middle East which necessitates aggressive Israeli expansion in the region. The efficient cause we might identify as the esprit-de-corps of a small group of Zionists and their allies who promote identity politics over class interests, who practice ethnic cleansing, and who can mold the thinking of the US congressional body like a lump of clay. And the final cause we might identify as specific American military and financial interests whose support of the Zionist settler colony in the Middle East provides many opportunities for guaranteed profitable investments and future individual career moves.

For more on Palestinian resistance see: https://electronicintifada.net/.

Meanwhile, the larger historical context of this imperialist adventure is required for any dialectical understanding of what is happening. Here we must borrow from Marx and contemporary scholarship. One non-Marxist scholar is the investigative reporter, William Greider, who paradoxically helps us understand the Marxist dialectic that is now under way in his book, Come Home, America (2009). At a glance, Greider's analysis might be described as that of a “social democrat.” Judging from a cursery perusal of this book, the author fails to find a plausible solution to the formidable problems he outlines at the start of the book, beyond reforms in electoral politics and the renewal of representative democracy. Absent from his discourse are any socialist formations, like worker control councils to replace private ownership, and quality of life concerns and collective well-being to replace the private profit motive. His analysis leads him repeatedly to the conclusion that American capitalism can be tamed by new government regulations, which can only be imposed by an enlightened popular uprising. Absent from his prognosis is any idea of actually existing class struggles and how they might be useful in abolishing social classes altogether. This national hymn to bourgeois democracy is short of the much needed deep radical analysis of how our political economy works - and has worked from the start; it serves instead to obscure the fact that all government “representatives” embody a form of alienation, they are simply acting in their own interests, in one way or another, usually at the cost of their constituency, who must be constantly manipulated.


He who is absent is always wrong ! Or put another way, one cannot expect the fox to guard the hen house!


Greider does describe, however, the historic decline of American capitalism and the social consequences of this failure in true colors. Overlooking the historical contradictions of capitalist alienation - reaching back far before the the Twentieth Century - which necessarily produced this state of collapse, Greider spares no details in his portrait of the national catastrophe facing Americans today. We are left with a mechanical realism that must be supplemented with a dialectical material understanding of the dynamics which have brought us to this point. We must look elsewhere to discover the embryonic stages of worker controlled neighborhoods and enterprises and how direct democracy must eventually aim at an egalitarian society without the social class distinctions, which have historically fostered alienation and exploitation from the very beginnings of civilization and which are at this historic juncture obsolete. How to disarm the ruling class as they desperately attempt to retain their power over the rest of us is the burning question of the day.


Nevertheless, Greider’s expertise on the contemporary capitalist collapse in America is worth our attention :


The governing classes’ sour view of the government still prevails. The democratic condition has not improved but deteriorated further. So has the public’s regard for the system. Democracy is broken and most Americans seem to know it. Even in Washington, this is no longer news. [There is no mention here of class consciousness, and government serving class interests.]

. . .


On the whole, it has bipartisan origins. Both political parties are implicated in the country’s darkening prospects; both are reluctant to come clean about momentous mistakes [sic]. Despite important differences between them, Republicans and Democrats largely overlap in their ideological convictions and governing strategies. Neither party has been willing to face its own culpability or abandon policies that are deeply destructive to the national well-being.

. . .


This is what the politicians and policy elites don’t want to talk about. I don’t see a nice way to put it. America as “number one” is over. [This is a one-dimensional view of American power.] The United States is headed for a fall, a great comeuppance that will impose wrenching changes on our society and deliver humiliating blows to our national pride. [sic.]As a nation, we will still be very wealthy and awesomely powerful, but the country’s preeminent economic strength is steadily deteriorating, as is its ability to dominate other nations through persuasion or military force. America’s worldly power, wealth, and status are all rapidly diminishing in historic dimensions. The long and triumphant era during which America led the world and largely got its way is approaching an end.


It’s enough to see why political candidates and the collaborating elites [Are they really in conflict with their class interests?] cannot bring themselves to talk honestly about this, much less to propose plausible alternatives that might replace the failing status quo. They dare not even admit that American power is faltering. In spite of their reluctance to speak of this honestly, I have a sense that many Americans – perhaps most of them – know this is happening. Americans feel at least a great, shuddering shadow is hovering over American life and hard circumstance are converging on the country like walls closing in around us. A lot of people know it because the consequences are evident in their daily lives. This will not be the “worst of times” in American history [for whom?] – the nation is too rich for that – but it may feel that way to many families. The pain and loss will be distributed widely throughout society, but very unevenly. Some deeply rooted convictions will be upended, starting with the enduring faith in onward-and-upward prosperity. That self-confident assumption is already faltering. For many, it has already failed. [And whose interests has this decline served?]


Given the deep forces at work, we hardly have a choice about how to react. The country has to change because, like it or not, the country is going to be changed by events and adverse forces that will not yield to our can-do optimism. [Without class distinctions!]


The third proposition [in this book] may be the most difficult for readers to envision. Some will find it implausible. It is something only the people can do: Rescue the country and redeem ourselves. The country can reinvent itself – it has before – but only if ordinary Americans find their bearings and reclaim their voices and unrealized power. That is, become citizens in the fuller meaning of the word. I am convinced that only the unruly energies of engaged citizens can break through the encrusted status quo and force deep changes in government and society. Political parties, presidents, and the governing elites cannot do this. They are too comfortable, too complacent and self-protective, too embedded in the defunct assumptions inherited from past glories. If the people do not do this, it will not be done.


A wise friend, a retired professor named Lee Halprin, listened to me go on this way about my hope for democratic revival. Then he interrupted with a question: “Why do you think this is possible?” I had to pause and think. “The history, I guess,” I said. “This is how it has always happened.” (pp.4-7)

[The history of class domination and imperialist expansion is not a promising perspective. [All benefits under capitalist growth came at a price. And this should not be ignored just because it occurred in another part of the world.]


After declaring his populist faith in “The People,” Greider goes on to accurately describe the economic catastrophe confronting ordinary Americans and people around the world.


These are . . . taboo propositions in the upper realms of politics and policy. With rare exceptions, elected politicians discuss them only to fervently deny their existence. Such talk is derided as “declinist,” un-American pessimism. Pessimists are losers. Americans are winners.


Nevertheless, it is in our self-interest to put the substance of our predicament on the table and examine the hard facts. Five major elements are driving the deterioration of American prospects.


1.     Globalization’s net negative consequences for the country.

In 2007, foreign borrowing totaled nearly $800 billion, roughly 7 percent of the gross domestic product, what economists call the current accounts deficit. For many years, the trend resembled slow bleeding. However, during the last decade, the debt had been a hemorrhage.  The United States has accumulated more than $5 trillion in indebtedness to foreign creditors over the last fifteen years.

. . .


A central explanation for the enormous US trade imbalance is that so much US manufacturing has been transferred to other economies, making the US base of production relatively weak. Americans how buy from other countries much more of what we used to produce (and we borrow to do so). As one Asian economist observed with only mild exaggeration, “The U.S. has little to sell back to China but Boeing and beef.” America is in a deep hole, wit its wealth gradually draining away and its long-term prosperity undermined.


To sharpen the dilemma further, our principal creditors are also out major trading rivals, let by China and Japan. They lend us hundreds of billions of dollars so we can keep buying more of their stuff. They will continue to treat us generously until they decide the United States is no longer a good risk. Or when American consumers are tapped out.


The historic meaning of this situation is ominous because the swelling capital indebtedness leads eventually to political dependency or financial ruin , and possibly to both. No other wealthy nation has ever experienced such an extreme level of profligacy or survived as a great power when it had to rely on money borrowed from lesser nations to stay afloat. Great Britain lost its “greatness” a century ago for this very reason. The United States is far more powerful, but it will not be exempt from the laws of compounding debt.


2.     Militarism and its dominance of US foreign policy.

America’s military power remains truly awesome and spans the globe, but its uses have been expanded far beyond the original idea of national defense. The military now attempts to direct other nations’ politics by “protective power” – deploying troops and forward bases to distant places where no obvious enemy exits. Meanwhile, in Iraq and Afghanistan, Americans are learning once again – the hard way – that military force is not necessarily a reliable tool for modifying other people’s behavior. They tend to resent the presence of conquering armies, and they resist.

. . .


To what end are we mobilizing? The logic of this “defense” seems clearly aggressive, but despite recent failures, both political parties have given the military institution an open field to play. Some new alliances and deployments are designed to encircle Russia and China – both identified as potential threats of the future. No one seems to have notices a bizarre contradiction: US war planning is targeting our major Asian creditor and its fast-rising economy, which US multinationals are vigorously helping to develop.


To prepare for a major war against China or Russia, the Pentagon is going forward with advanced weapons systems originally designed during the cold war. These new planes and ships are extraordinarily expensive and arguably obsolete in strategic terms, but there is very little political resistance to projects that have long been planned by the arms manufacturers.


Meanwhile, terrorism has been grandiosely redefined as the new cold war. Bases are being established in Muslim countries and, more ominously, the military is inserting thousands of special forces into obscure and very poor countries where terrorists are thought to pose a potential problem. These intrusions are in some cases by consent, in others clandestine. The soldiers undertake civil actions to improve conditions to the local societies, but they also kill and try to assassinate with selective bombing people who are suspected of having dangerous intentions.


The Pentagon has dubbed all this “the Long War.” The preparations assume a generation of military conflict in large and small wars to be America’s new obligation in protecting a peaceable world. Indeed, the US government is laying down potential trip wires for these wars anywhere and everywhere. The strategy is very costly and largely secretive. It may very well prove to be self-fulfilling.


3.     The triumph of the free-market ideology and its destruction of an equitable society.

For the last thirty years, conservative reforms like the deregulation of industries and finance and regressive tax cuts gradually eviscerated the government’s protective mantle. Families were exposed to the harsh edge of market forces. Businesses and banks were freed to innovate and maximize returns, but also to discard their long-standing obligations to workers and society. The federal government essentially switched sides in the enduring contest between capital and labor.

. . .


But the conservative order has essentially failed as an economic system and its advocates are now in political disarray. It failed for practical reasons as well as its ideological contradictions. The size of government and of federal subsidies for financial and business interests did not get smaller. Instead, conservative economics merely withdrew the assurances business had previously given people whether they were workers or those in need. The “market friendly” regime failed because it did not lead to the widely shared prosperity its sponsors promised would appear once they got government out of the way.


In another era, this economic deterioration would have led to a rapid shift in politics and the governing agenda, but it is not clear whether Democrats are ready to pursue significant changes. For three decades, most Democrats gradually retreated before the rightward march in economic policy or collaborated actively in making market forces dominant over government interventions. The social stresses resulting from the gross and growing economic inequality were occasionally lamented, but even when they held Congress or the White House, Democrats were largely silent on the wage question.


The disparities could become politically explosive if a sharp adjustment in the US economy’s debt-sponsored consumption occurs and families have to choice but to accept falling living standards. Many already are. The pain and loss will not be equitably distributed. The least among us will suffer the most, followed by many millions  in the broad middle. Those at the very top will suffer hardly at all. Social injustice compounds desperation and anger. The politics of class conflict – supposedly extinguished by the prosperity that followed World War II – is making a comeback as America’s enormous middle class is gradually being dismantled.


4.     The ecological crisis and the coming scarcity of oil.

Coping with both of these requires a profound industrial transformation- the thorough redesign and retooling of virtually every product and production process. Everything from packing to buildings and transportation systems must be redesigned, and everything form eliminating wasted fuel and other resources to recovering spent industrial materials and using them again in production will have to be instituted. The first impact this reformation will have is to raise the price of nearly everything. Material pleasures that are commonplace in American life will have to undergo wrenching examination or changes, and some will be eliminated. The carefree mass-consumption society that we have known since World War II is essentially done for.

. . .


The good news, we can say, is that these fundamental changes are technologically possible and potentially life enhancing. Indeed, the transition can proceed on positive terms by creating new industries and jobs, improving the design and durability of goods, and saving by improving efficiency rather than expanding our careless excesses.


At first, however, there will be no escaping the current predicament’s implications for greater social injustice of the costs of transformation are pushed upon those least able to afford it. In a country already fractured by economic inequality, with millions of families struggling to hand on with inadequate incomes, doing “the right thing” about global warming or energy alternatives might simply worsen the pain by making it impossible for working people to afford everyday products they now can manage. That dilemma is one of the reasons the political order has been so reluctant to face up to the problems. As the tragedy of Hurricane Katrina illustrated, the United States has a huge backlog of neglected public works the political system has ignored.


5.     Our decayed democracy and the paralysis of reform.

The political factor trumps all the others. Major policy shifts that could begin to address these large wounds have been effectively stymied. The same business and financial interests that profit robustly from the status quo stand in the way. Representative democracy has been captured and deformed by these interests, and the voters are distanced from those in power. Both parties collude to insulate themselves from voter retribution.


Not long ago, I heard a health care expert, Bruce Vladek, recount the failure to institute health care reform during the Clinton administration. The American people, he pointed out, are overwhelmingly in favor of strong federal intervention to reform the health care system. A majority of the public has wanted this for decades.


“It doesn’t matter what the American public think,” Vladek told attendees at the policy conference in New York. Policy on the issue, he explained, is controlled by four or five business sectors led by the insurance and pharmaceutical industries. Reform can happen, but only on their terms.

. . .


Similar barriers stand in the way of virtually all the major imperatives I have described. Each of the five threatening elements involves an epic political struggle and requires difficult-to-achieve reversals. In fact, the adverse forces are now interacting in vicious crosscurrents that add confusion to Washington’s usual risk avoidance: Rising oil prices, which make it more difficult for politicians to enact the industrial changes needed to curb global warming, have been pushed upward by the costly military venture in Iraq, which has also deepened our dependence on foreign borrowing. Was the war in Iraq really designed not to combat terrorism, but to ensure US domination of Middle East oil? Only a transformed political system will have the courage to sort out these and other contradictions. Washington, I fear, will not find its nerve unless citizens rise up and force them to get serious about resolving the country’s deepening dilemmas.


A new president could not reasonably be expected to sort all of this out by himself or in a single term, though he can begin by talking more honestly about the dimensions of what we face. He will need more than earnest good intentions. I fear that there will be no significant changes unless the broad ranks of citizens engage directly in the fight.(pp.16-22)



The many problems that Greider discusses in this book are shared perceptions by most of us today. From these perceptions, there is reason to believe that a class consciousness will manifest itself, and rational strategies for a truly democratic revolution will be discussed openly, for by any standards of jurisprudence since the Second World War, simply following orders or obeying the law does not absolve one from responsibility for crimes against humanity.



The 21 items below should help CEIMSA readers asses the powerful forces which oppose any change that would improve life for all of us. As we can see, capitalism is resilient and can co-opt and/or intimidate much of its opposition. It is only by understanding the dialectical movements within the structure that we can find opportunities to act on our own behalf. We encourage readers to look for these moments in the current events described below.





Francis Feeley


Professor emeritus of American Studies

University Grenoble-Alpes

Director of Research

University of Paris-Nanterre

Center for the Advanced Study of American Institutions and Social Movements

The University of California-San Diego








Pink Floyd Founder Roger Waters: BDS is One of "Most Admirable" Displays of Resistance in the World

G waters1










UNCTAD Report: 50 Year Occupation Destroyed Palestinian Economy



A scathing report from United Nations Conference on Trade and Development describes how 50 years of Israeli occupation has prevented economic development in Palestine, and highlights the destructive impact of Israel's illegal settlements in the West Bank





Steve Bannon Declares War On The GOP



Watch - 60 Minutes - The Full Interview 
(Posted September 12, 2017)

Steve Bannon, Trump's ex-chief strategist, tells 60 Minutes why he's out at the White House and criticizes the GOP for not supporting the president. "They're gonna be held accountable," he says. Charlie Rose reports.  Bannon, Trump's ex-chief strategist, tells why he's out at the White House.





Kleptocracy in America




by Sarah Chayes


"Drain the swamp!” the U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump shouted at campaign rallies last year. The crowds roared; he won. “Our political system is corrupt!” the Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders thundered at his own rallies. His approval rating now stands at around 60 percent, dwarfing that of any other national-level elected official. Although many aspects of U.S. politics may be confusing, Americans are clearly more agitated about corruption than they have been in nearly a century, in ways that much of the political mainstream does not quite grasp. The topic has never been central to either major party’s platform, and top officials tend to conflate what is legal with what is uncorrupt, speaking a completely different language from that of their constituents.









by Diane Carman 





Fake 9/11 Activism on 9/11. “Saudi Arabia was

Behind the Attacks”



by Prof Michel Chossudovsky


There is an element of confusion which has served to divide the 9/11 Truth movement. Saudi Arabia is said to have supported the alleged 9/11 highjackers.

What are the implications of “the Saudi did it” narrative?





“The Occupation of the American Mind” with Pink Floyd's Roger Waters - WATCH FULL INTERVIEW






16 Years Ago, We Began A “War On Terror” That Will Never End


by Rare


On the 16th anniversary of 9/11, a prescient Hunter S. Thompson column from the day after the attacks was shared on social media. Thompson wrote at ESPN on Sept. 12, 2001:


The towers are gone now, reduced to bloody rubble, along with all hopes for Peace in Our Time, in the United States or any other country.

Make no mistake about it: We are At War now — with somebody — and we will stay At War with that mysterious Enemy for the rest of our lives.


Thompson couldn’t have been more right. More than a decade and a half since the attacks, the United States has led regime change in Iraq and Libya and is still bogged down in the longest war in American history in Afghanistan. During that time, Al-Qaeda has been diminished but remains. A group even more extreme that al-Qaeda, the Islamic State (also sometimes known as ISIS), has risen in the power vacuums created by U.S. interventions.





The Superpower That Fought Itself -- And Lost 
Out Everywhere and Winning Nowhere

by William J. Astore


When it comes to the “world’s greatest military,” the news has been shocking. Two fast U.S. Navy ships colliding with slow-moving commercial vessels with tragic loss of life.  An Air Force that has been in the air continuously for years and yet doesn’t have enough pilots to fly its combat jets.  Ground troops who find themselves fighting “rebels” in Syria previously armed and trained by the CIA.  Already overstretched Special Operations forces facing growing demands as their rates of mental distress and suicide rise.  Proxy armies in Iraq and Afghanistan that are unreliable, often delivering American-provided weaponryto black markets and into the hands of various enemies.  All of this and more coming at a time when defense spending is once again soaring and the national security state is awash in funds to the tune of nearly a trillion dollars a year.

What gives?  Why are highly maneuverable and sophisticated naval ships colliding with lumbering cargo vessels?  Why is an Air Force that exists to fly and fight short 1,200 pilots?  Why are U.S. Special Operations forces deployed everywhere and winning nowhere?  Why, in short, is the U.S. military fighting itself -- and losing?





From: Jim O'Brien
Sent: Monday, 11 September, 2017
Subject: [H-Pad] H-PAD Notes (formerly HAW Notes) 9/11/17, including links to recent articles of interest




Note: Historians for Peace and Democracy is among the sponsoring groups for the "Remembering Muted Voices" symposium October 19-22 at the National World War I Museum in Kansas City. The symposium evokes the story of dissent and repression during World War I and links it to subsequent U.S. history up to the present. Information is at https://www.theworldwar.org/learn/remembering-muted-voices.

Links to Recent Articles of Interest


“Seven Steps to a Saner U.S. Policy Towards North Korea”

By Andrew J. BacevichThe American Conservative, posted September 8
The author is a professor emeritus of history and international relations at Boston University.


“Ten Points on Korean History of Potential Current Relevance”

By Gary LeuppCounterPunch.com, posted September 7
The author teaches history at Tufts University.


“Worth Dying For? When It Comes to the War in the Greater Middle East, Maybe We’re the Bad Guys”

By Danny SjursenTomDispatch.com, posted September 7
The author is a U.S. Army military strategist with the rank of major and a former history instructor at West Point.


“The Huddled Masses Were Never Welcome”

By Kevin Young, CounterPunch,com, posted September 5
The author teaches history at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.


“Mass Mobilization Stopped Nuclear War Before and It Can Again”

Interview with Lawrence S. WittnerWaging Nonviolence, posted September 5
The interviewee is a professor emeritus of history at SUNY Albany.


"To This German Historian, the Implications of Trump’s Pardon of Sheriff Arpaio Are Ominous”

By Richard E. Frankel, History News Network, posted August 31
The author teaches German history at the University of Louisiana, Lafayette.


“The Empire Stopper”

By Rod NordlandNew York Times, posted August 29
A wonderfully illustrated history of foreign powers in Afghanistan


“What Trump’s Generation Learned about the Civil War”

By Matt Ford, The Atlantic, posted August 28

“Exploring the Shadows on America’s Security State, or How I Learned Not to Love Big Brother”

By Alfred W. McCoy, posted August 24
The author teaches history at the University of Wisconsin. This is an adapted version of his new book In the Shadows of the American Century: The Rise and Decline of U.S. Global Power.


“What the Cuban Missile Crisis Can Teach Us about the North Korean Missile Crisis”

By Martin J. Sherwin, The Nation, posted August 23
The author teaches history at George Mason University.


“How the Forever War Brought Us Donald Trump”

By Jedediah Purdy, Dissent magazine blog, posted August 22

On the Afghanistan war in US politics and policy



Thanks to Rusti Eisenberg, John Gay, Mim Jackson, Kevin Young, and an anonymous reader for suggesting articles for the above list. Suggestions can be sent to jimobrien48@gmail.com.





Clinton Democrats Hate the Left - RAI with Thomas Frank (4/6)




On Reality Asserts Itself, Thomas Frank, author of 'What's the Matter with Kansas?' and 'Listen, LIberal,' tells host Paul Jay that Bill Clinton tried to drive the left from the party; now Clinton Democrats blame the left for Hillary's defeat.





Unpopular Abbas Targets Palestinian Critics




The Palestinian Authority's arrest of prominent human rights activist Issa Amro is part of a wider crackdown on critics of Mahmoud Abbas' rule, says Ali Abunimah of The Electronic Intifada.





Myanmar: Why the World Turns a Blind Eye to Another

Muslim Genocide




by CJ Werleman

If the apartheid state of Israel has taught the world anything, it’s if you wish to garner Western sympathy for your efforts to colonize, occupy, or ethnically cleanse a predominately Muslim population, your best bet is to stigmatize those you wish to conquer or suppress as “radical Islamic terrorists.”





The Genocide of the Rohingya: Big Oil, Failed Democracy

and False Prophets



by Ramzy Baroud

To a certain extent, Aung San Suu Kyi is a false prophet. Glorified by the west for many years, she was made a ‘democracy icon’ because she opposed the same forces in her country, Burma, at the time that the US-led western coalition isolated Rangoon for its alliance with China.






School Segregation is Making a Comeback




The U.S. education system was designed to favor the white and the rich, and you 'don't have to wave a confederate flag or have a statue of Robert E. Lee to effectively secede from your court-mandated school-desegregation order,' says the Black Agenda Report's Glen Ford





Single-Payer Healthcare Takes a Big Step Forward


Wednesday was a historic day in the U.S. struggle for universal health care as key Senate Democrats joined Sen. Bernie Sanders to unveil a single-payer bill. We speak to economist Dean Baker and Saikat Chakrabarti of Brand New Congress





A New Clash Looms in Syria's East



by Moon Of Alabama


When the Islamic State siege on Deir Ezzor was broken by the Syrian Arab Army we asked:


Will the SAA cross the Euphrates at Deir Ezzor to retake the valuable oilfields east of it? Or will it stay south of the river and leave those oil fields to the Kurdish U.S. proxies in the north? Just like during the "Anbar Awaking" in its war on Iraq the U.S. is bribing the local radicals to temporarily change over to its side.


This will help the U.S. to claim that it defeated ISIS. But as soon as the payments stop the very same forces will revert back to their old game. Originally the U.S. had planned to let ISIS take Deir Ezzor. It had twice attacked Syrian government forces in the area killing more than a hundred of them. This had allowed ISIS to capture large chunks of the government enclave and to disable the airport which was need for resupplies:





Yanis Varoufakis blows the lid on Europe's hidden agenda






Cognitive Science Series, 2017 presents Noam Chomsky on :



“Mind and Body”


“The Emerging World Order”



“Problems of Knowledge & Freedom”



"The So-Called Rise of China"



“Who Owns the World?”




(written text)


“Surviving the 21st Century”



“Democracy Is a Threat to Any Power System”



"The Crisis of Immigration" [New Lecture + Q&A]



“Economic Collapse & Dollar Collapse Today”



"Making The Future: Hopes and Challenges" [New Interview with Wallace Shawn]






Senate Refuses to Stop Endless War



Sixteen years after its passage, the Senate has rejected an effort to repeal the Congressional authorization that has been used as a blank check for military action around the globe, says David Swanson of World Beyond War





Israel, White House Abandon Pretense of Peace Process



by Geoffrey Aronson

Resolving conflict now an 'artifact of history' and Trump appears to care less.