Bulletin N° 920



Plandemic indoctrination”

August 18, 2020






A typical "review" of this documentary film is found in the August 19 issue of

The Washington Post :

“ 'Plandemic' sequel faces swift social media pushback over coronavirus misinformation ”


by Andrew Blake





Subject: The Agents of Historic Change and the New Entrepreneurial Control of Weaponized Viruses in the post-nationalist War Against Humanity.




August 26, 2020

Grenoble, France



Dear Colleagues and Friends of CEIMSA,


A friend recently suggested that the covid-19 pandemic was similar to the 2015 suicide/homicide crash of the Lufthansa airline piloted by Andreas Lubitz, when it struck a mountain on March 24, 100 km north-west of Nice in the French Alpes, killing 144 passengers and six crew members. My friend warned me, however, that this interpretation could be written off as just another "conspiracy theory," since the tragedy might as well be attributed to an improbable coincidence of mechanical failures in the plane during the flight. The engineers and managers at the controls of this latest death spiral have a lot more than 150 souls to account for. Their death wish affects all of humanity, as “eugenics” once again emerges and begins to circulate as common currency in discussions within “civilized” circles.This morbid last hurrah of the ruling class, caught in a downward plunge and about to crash, reflects their will to take us all down with them. Andreas Lubitz as 21st-century culture hero!

The sophomoric world views of this cruel but callow "power elite" is no less shocking than their blatant in-your-face arrogance. Equally alarming is the measure of cultural hegemony that they have been able to capture in order to implement their plan for total social control with a minimum of resistance. To catch a glimpse of this mentality and to understand their successful strategies for deliberate carnage, we could do no better than inspect the political history of ruling classes - before and during the historic period of nationalism – waging wars of genocide, deindustrialization, agricultural and commercial obliteration, and other methods of mass destruction. For this, we must return to William R. Polk's study of 1000 years of war between the North and South, the Crusade and Jihad (2018), keeping in mind the words of the renowned Spanish philosopher George Santayana, who warned us that: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” (See the presentation of the first half of this book in Ceimsa Bulletin N°917.)



The deindustrialization of India started when the Indian economy was colonized under the British Empire. (As Marx pointed out in the mid-19th century, Indians were no longer allowed to purchase Indian manufactured textiles, but could only buy English textile imports made of Indian cotton.) The Indian Economy was ruled under the British East Indian Company from 1757 to 1858. After 1858, India was ruled directly by the British government until the end of the deindustrialization period in 1947.


In the early 18th century, India was a major player in the world export market for textiles, but by the middle of the 19th century it had lost all of its export market and much of its domestic market. Other local industries also suffered some decline, and India underwent secular de-industrialization as a consequence. While India produced about 25 percent of world industrial output in 1750, this figure fell to only 2 percent by 1900. We use an open, specific-factor model to organize our thinking about the relative role played by domestic and foreign forces in India's de-industrialization. The construction of new relative price evidence is central to our analysis. We document trends in the ratio of export to import prices (the external terms of trade) from 1800 to 1913, and that of tradable to non-tradable goods and own-wages in the tradable sectors going back to 1765. With this new relative price evidence in hand, we ask how much of the de-industrialization was due to local supply-side influences (such as the demise of the Mughal empire) and how much to world price shocks (such as world market integration and rapid productivity advance in European manufacturing), both of which had to deal with an offset the huge net transfer from India to Britain before 1815. Whether the Indian de-industrialization shocks and responses were big or small is then assessed by comparisons with other parts of the periphery.(Source: by David Clingingsmith, Jeffrey G. Williamson (2004)“NBER Working Paper No. 10586”  @ https://www.nber.org/papers/w10586)


William Polk has contributed to our historic understanding of colonization by writing a shattering study of the millennia of war between the Muslim world and the Global North. The agency of change,* as he recounts, is the military and ideological capacity to influence social behavior.


*Agency refers to the human capability to influence one's functioning and the course of events by one's actions. There are four functions through which human agency is exercised. One such function is intentionality. People form intentions that include action plans and strategies for realizing them. The second function involves temporal extension of agency through forethought. People set themselves goals and foresee likely outcomes of prospective actions to guide and motivate their efforts anticipatorily. The third agentic function is self-reactiveness. Agents are not only planners and forethinkers. They are also self-regulators. The fourth agentic function is self-reflectiveness. People are not only agents, they are self-examiners of their own functioning. Through functional self-awareness, they reflect on their personal efficacy, the soundness of their thoughts and actions, the meaning of their pursuits, and make corrective adjustments if necessary.


People exercise their influence through three forms of agency: individual, proxy and collective. In agency exercised individually, people bring their influence to bear on what they can control. In proxy agency, they influence others who have the resources, knowledge, and means to act on their behalf to secure the outcomes they desire. In the exercise of collective agency, people pool their knowledge, skills, and resources and act in concert to shape their future.(Source: Weibell, C. J. (2011). “Toward an agentic theory for the new millennium:  7 principles to guide personalized, student-centered learning in the technology-enhanced, blended learning environment” @ https://principlesoflearning.wordpress.com/dissertation/chapter-3-literature-review-2/the-human-perspective/an-agentic-theory-of-the-self-bandura-1997/.  



From chapter 23: “Islam in India and the Formation of Pakistan.”

     Following the purge of troops, the massacres of hundreds of thousands of Muslims villagers, and the destruction of the pitiful remains of the once-powerful Mughal Empire in India’s first war of independence, the so-called mutiny of 1857-1858, the British rulers determined to reorganize India. The East India Company had run its course, and a more stable relationship with the British government had to be forged. How to accomplish that was a severe challenge. The British had learned that there were few Indians they could rely on to dominate the rest. Their immediate concern was the army.


     Before the revolt, the army of India was composed of 232,224 Indian and 45,522 English troops, or roughly five Indians for each European; over the next five years, the Indian component was reduced by roughly half, while the number of English soldiers was increased, so that there were two Indians – “black men,” as the English called them – for each “white man.” Units form “unreliable” communities were disbanded, and increased efforts were made to shift forces away from areas  where they might have interests or loyalties and to garrison them in cantonments separate from civilian populations. These measurer’s were fairly easy to carry out because the Indian army under the East Indian Company had been composed, regiment by regiment, on an ethnic or religious basis: Punjabis, for example, did not serve with Bengalis. Their distribution was seen to have facilitated revolt, so the British decide to mix the regiments. No one formation was to be composed of as single “ethnic, religious, or linguistic group and Muslims were to be replace as far as possible by other ethnic groups. All the troops were closely monitored to detect any signs of subversion. And the vanity of the troops was to be assuaged by colorful uniforms, an increase in salaries, and more frequent decorations. Yet, in the half century following the 1857 uprising, there were at least sixty mutinies.


     Reading the record of the half century following 1857, I have been struck by the contrast between the intensity of political activity on the Muslim-Hindu divide and the relative avoidance by the leadership of both communities of the issue of British imperialism. The British, of course, focused their attention on Indian challenges, relatively weak though they were, so this issue deserves attention. What emerges from the records is the following: British India was a garrison state. It spent at least three times as much of its revenue on the military – 40 percent to 50 percent of all revenue – as on famine relief, irrigation, and education combined, and even in a “peaceful” year it employed as many as 50,000 troops on internal security and backed them up with more than 150,000 police and 50,000 armed constables. As George Orwell, who is better known for his powerful critique of Russian tyranny but who had served five years as a policeman in the Indian service, remarked, “The Indian Empire is a despotism, and the real backbone of the despotism is the army.” Or, as another English author commented, “After the Mutiny, with the enormous strengthening of the British regiments, India became an undisguised military dictatorship, and one which was in the end prohibitively expensive to maintain.”


     As the English commander in chief remarked, Indians were, at best, “children.” When they “got out of line,” they must be “smacked.” This was because the “black man [that is the Indian] is fundamentally different in mentality from the white.” “Smacking” was spelled out in the 1864 Whipping Act. The number of Indians who were flogged rarely fell below 20,000 and in one year reached 75,223.


     ‘Against Orientals it was essential to show force at once,’ remarked a British general in 1921. And, as I have pointed out, in the entire social, political, and cultural context of British India, from housing, clubs, and social intercourse to food and clothing, the English made their contempt for the Indians manifest. As the English philosopher John Stuart Mill, who worked for the East India Company for thirty-five years;, wrote of the English imperialists, “Armed with prestige and filled with the scornful over-bearingness of the conquering nation, they have the feelings inspired by the sense of absolute power without the sense of responsibility. . . . They think the people of the country mere dirt under their feet.” Yet Mill argued that imperialism was justified because the natives were hardly human.


     Mill’s conflicting attitudes were reduced to simple terms by Warren Hastings (the Marquess of Hastings) in his diary for October 2, 1813, when he took up his post as the governor-general of India. As he wrote, “The Hindoo appears a being nearly limited to mere animal functions, and even in them indifferent. Their proficiency and skill . . . are little more than dexterity which any animal with similar conformation [has], but with ho higher intellect than a dog, and an elephant or monkey.” And toward the end of the century, in 1883, a noted member of the English aristocracy, William Scrawen Blunt, was told that he could not receive” even an Indian raja, the prince Lakhnau, because if he did the resident English families would move out.


     What is particularly surprising is that most of the Muslim and Hindu elite seemed unaffected by the widely known and frequently expressed attitude of their British rulers. Arguably, the English contempt did not affect the vast majority of the Indians because they were rural and rarely met English men or women. The Hindu social order, the cast system, had accustomed the poor to oppression, and, even before British rule, the mass of the people were divided by language, religion, ethnicity, and poor communications. The British built these preexisting convections into their system of rule. They were careful to keep the Indians in illiteracy and poverty. But still it remains difficult to understand the lack of effective resistance on the part of the elite or the religious establishments.


     I find that a major reason is that the vast majority of Indians were kept in deep poverty. A glance over photographs of the century beginning in 1858 shows a population gripped by hunger. Only the rich were fat; the poor were often emaciated, and the vast majority of the Indians were poor or very poor. Hunger was so common that large numbers of people sold themselves into slavery to keep from starving. The colonial government not only allowed such desperate moves but actually participated in them by encouraging what was euphemistically called “indentured labor” and by using its military power  to prevent any challenge to the system by, for example, demonstrations against excessive taxes. Maintenance of the system required sever measures. As Bombay’s governor stated in 1875, ‘We hold India by the sword.’ British India had a political police establishment that was rivaled only by that of Russia.


     Apart from expenditures on the army and the security forces, the government was very lean. Practically nothing was done in public health or even in famine relief. In the second half of the century, under direct British rule after the abolition of the company, India suffered twenty-four famines in which it was thought that about twenty million people, or nearly on in ten Indians, starved to death. Today, it is believed that the total may have reached almost twice that number, about thirty-five million. India was indeed subjected to a colonial holocaust that killed perhaps as much as five or seven times the number of Jews and Roma killed by the Nazis in the better-known holocaust. Britain has never apologized or offered compensation – if there could be any compensation – either for the death or, more importantly, for the fact that during the famines it even forbade relief. Yet few people today, even in India, know the extent of the killing or the policy that caused it.


     Just keeping above the level of starvation was so exhausting as task that rebellion was almost unthinkable. And the colonial government was determined to keep it that way. As the Indian scholars R. C. Majumdar and K. K. Datta have written,


There is no doubt that the promotion of trade, industry, and manufacture of the Indians would

have been the most effective remedy against famine. But it clashed directly with the interests of

Britain. . . . [So] the British government used its political power to stifle event the infant industry

and manufacture which the Indians tried to set up against heavy odds. . . . While the ruin of

manufacture and industry forced the masses to take to agriculture as the only means of support,

the heavy [taxes on] land revenue filled the cup of their misery. . . . [In the pursuit of revenue]

even during famines, the government allowed or ‘encouraged the export of food grains. During

the period from 1849 to 1914, the value of exports increased ‘twenty-two times over’.


     Disregard for the common people extended also to the upper reaches of Indian society. During Lord Curzon’s time as viceroy, form 1898 to 1905, Indian reached what has been called the ‘apogee of imperial theory.’ Every detail of the lives of even the maharajas of quasi-independent states was regulated and they were closely monitored by resident ‘advisors,’ whose advice they had to accept. They could not travel from their principalities without British permission. Curzon considered them ‘merely as agents of the Crown in the administration of their territory.’ After the 1857 mutiny, in which they played no part, and as long as they did as they were told, they were treated as ornaments to the raj and allowed their often trivial pastimes, their toys, their jewels, their elaborately caparisoned elephants, and their palaces.


     The British government did little in the field of education. After roughly a century of British rule, Curzon told Parliament in 1892, ‘At present time the population of British India is 221,000,000; and of that number it has been calculated that not more than from three to four per cent can read or write any one of their native tongues, and considerably less than one percent – about one-fourth of or one-third [of a percent]  - can read or write English.’ The records are incomplete, but one statistic is revealing: when the company was trying to get Indians of sufficient education to work in its bureaucracy because they were less expensive than imported Englishmen, ‘the returns of 1852, for example, showed that only two gazetted [commissioned] officers [in all of India] had come from the government colleges.


     So obvious was the British lack of commitment to educating  Indians that even the program that Thomas Babington Macaulay had set out in 1835 to ‘English’ a class of Indians who would serve the British as clerks and administrators had never been adequately funded. I suspect that those who directed government policy recognized the danger it posed. Macaulay had thought the spread of English would create, as he put it, a small class on Indians, ‘English in taste, in opinions, in morals, and in intellect,’ who would help the British run India, but Macaulay’s policy would have changed the environment in which British imperialism operated.(pp.246-250)



From chapter 28: “The Algerian Revolution.”

    In the nineteenth century . . . the great Algerian patriot, Abd al-Qadir, led a generation-long guerrilla war against the French invaders. Worn and broken, in 1846 he went into a relatively comfortable exile while those he had led were beaten down into servitude. Groups of colons (also known as the pieds noirs) from the North – mainly Spanish, Italians, Alsatians, and Corsicans, with only about one in five being French – rushed in. They were not concerned with the aggrandizement of France; their aim was the acquisition of land. Like Ireland, Palestine, South Africa, and Russian Central Asia, Algeria was not so much an imperial as a colonial venture. Within a decade after the French invasion, Europeans made up about 1 percent of the population and were hurriedly taking over the land. Area by area the Algerian population was driven out of virtually all the usable agricultural lands. The country became, at least economically, French.


     [T]he colonists not only took away the land of the natives but also drove them down culturally. When the French invaded, a large portion of the Algerian population was literate in Arabic, with a satisfactory standard of living and a coherent cultural life shaped by Islam.  But by 1847, as Alexis de Tocqueville told his colleagues in the French National Assembly, ‘we have rendered Muslim society much more miserable and much more barbaric than it was before it became acquainted with us.’


     Tocqueville was correct, and the conditions of the Algerians got much worse. After a century of French rule, about three in four Algerians were illiterate even in Arabic, few had stable jobs, and almost none had well-paying employment. Bad health was chronic and many went to bed each night hungry. When I went to Algerian in 1962 in the last days of the Algerian-French war, I found that Algerians were so totally excluded from the colon economy that even mom-and-pop laundries and bakeries were European monopolies. Although Algiers had France’s largest medical school and hospital complex, fewer than half a dozen of its doctors were Algerian.


     France organized Algeria both as a colony and as an integral part of France. It was divided into three provinces (départements) similar to those in metropolitan France, but they were governed even before the war by ‘security’ rules that would not have been tolerated in France.


     Until the end of the First World War, neither Arab nor Berber Algerians had found means to express themselves. They played no part in administering themselves and their voices were effectively silenced. Then, despite the bitter opposition of the colons, the National Assembly in Paris recognized their contribution to the war effort – 173,000 Algerians had enlisted in the French army, and nearly one in six was killed – by moving slowly and haltingly toward a policy of making them, first culturally and then politically, French. After the cultural aspects of this policy were effected over the next twenty years, a French government offered citizenship to a select group whom it judged to have met its standards. Only 1 Algerian in 250 qualified.


     Even this token concession outraged the colons, and they organized a lobby to overturn the legislation. The lobby’s principal critic presciently warned his parliamentary colleagues that if the Algerians were not allowed to become members of the French nation, ‘beware lest they do not soon create one for themselves.’ He was far in advance of his time and was virtually laughed out of the assembly. Meanwhile, having not been given national identity by France and not finding it in nationalism, Algerians sought refuge in Islam.


     While both Arabs and Berbers were Muslims, their religious affiliations and heritage failed to bridge ethnic divisions, tribal schisms, or the cultural divide between villagers and the urban population. Nor did it give them sufficient strength, as Abd al-Qadir had already found a century before, to drive out the French. Like peasant farmers throughout Africa and Asian, Algerians regarded their villages, rather than Algeria, as their nation. It was their shared religious belief and their shared sense of humiliation that gave them such sense of unity as they had. All were despised by the Europeans, who regarded the elite as just imitation French people, the peasants as a species of farm animal, and the urban lower class as ‘street Arabs.’ For many years, all suffered in silence, but gradually they sought means of change.


     The means of change grew slowly and chaotically. Three main Algerian groups came forward but failed to generate effective popular support. The first, founded in 1931 by Muslim clerics, who were influenced by similar revivalist movements in Egypt and Morocco, was the Gatherintg of the Algerian Community. Somewhat like the Sunni Hamas in modern Palestine and Shiah Hizbullah in modern Lebanon, the gathering drew strength from the social services it provided for the native population; however, it never managed to develop a political program.


     The second major group was a party that called itself (notably using French rather than Arabic) the Union Démocratique du Manifest Algérien. It was organized by the small urban elite of relatively prosperous, educated, and Europeanized Algerians just after the conclusion of the Second World War. The French view of Algeria was adopted by the union’s leaders: to whom, it as a backward society. The way forward, they proclaimed, was to put aside Algerian culture and evolve – hence they were known as the évolués – from current ‘backwardness’ toward French culture and French citizenship. The évolués sought not independence from France but rather equality for Algerians within the French Union. Indeed, the man who was their recognized leader, Farhat Abbas, famously denied that there was such an entity as the Algerian nation. Having served in the French army and being married to a Frenchwoman, he was effectively marginalized as the token Algerian. So were his followers.


     The third group was the most radical. It was organized and led by an Algerian of humble origin, Messali Hadj, who had fought during the First World War in the French army and, like Farhat Abbas, had married a Frenchwoman. Although Messali had practically no formal education, Algerians found him a spell-binding public speaker.


     Messali addressed the growing number of Algerians who performed menial labor in France. Hated but not used by the French, they were underpaid, discriminated against, and angry. He offered them a means of expressing their anger in political association. The authorities saw this as sedition and put him in prison. Undeterred, when he was released he continued to speak out and over time became the visible symbol of Algeria. In 1937, he enlarged his association into the Algerian Progressive Party and set its objectives: to win independence from France and give back to Algerians the lands taken from their ancestors by the colons. To the French and particularly to the pieds noirs, he was the very embodiment of everything they hated and feared in Algerians. During the Second World War, the Vichy government condemned him to sixteenth years of hard labor and banned his party.


     Meanwhile, during the dreary years of the Second World War, when Algeria was under Vichy control, the Algerians listened avidly when Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill made their grand pronouncements about freedom and independence. Always keen about not being overshadowed, Charles de Gaulle echoed their words in January 1944 when he cautiously and vaguely promised ‘to lead each of the colonial peoples to a development that will permit them to administer themselves, and later, to govern themselves.’


     The Algerians, to their cost, believed Roosevelt and Churchill and heard what they wanted to hear in de Gaulle’s statement. So, on the morning of May 8, 1945 – VE-day – inhabitants of the little Algerian town of Sétif gathered to celebrate. They thought, naively to be sure, that the millennium had arrived. Joy got out of hand and celebration turned to riot as the participants waved the flag of their hero, the early resistance leader Abd al-Qadir. Particularly among the impoverished landless agricultural workers, the celebration released pen-up anger. Ugly but sporadic attacks on Europeans drew down on them the fury of the colons. Between ten thousand and forty-five thousand Algerians were massacred by private Frenchmen, the French police, and the French army. That tragedy may be taken as the seedbed of modern Algerian nationalism.


     The French Communist Party, to which the Algerian radicals had looked for at least psychological support, dumped them just like its Moscow bosses were in the process of selling out the Greek resistance. Playing European politics, through which it wanted to influence the public against the creation of NATO, the Communist Party decided to demonstrate French patriotism by opposing moves toward Algerian independence. The Communist Party newspaper, Humanité, downplayed the Sétif massacre while its Algerian offshoot, Liberté, urged that the Algerians who had instigated the revolt be put in front of a firing squad. For the next decade, the Algerian Communist Party sided with the colons and supported the sending of French soldiers to fight the Algerians.


     The Sétif massacre and the Communist reaction to it caused Messali to break with the Community-led front and to reconstitute his suppressed part at the Movement for the Triumph of Democratic Liberties. It won the municipal elections of 1947 but was overwhelmed by fraud and intimidation in the crucial 1948 elections for the assembly. Following that defeat, Messali was again arrested, and this time he was deported. The net result of French repression was that a new generation of Algerians, many of whom had served in the French army during the Second World War, concluded that ytye could gain nothing at th e ballot box and began to think in tern^s of bulle(ts.


     Among the young veterans as Ahmad Ben Bella, who had won two of France’s highest decorations for valor – one of which as awarded to him personally by de Gaulle. As a soldier, Ben Bella had fought in the Italian campaign; it was there that he first encountered and was deeply impressed by the Italian partisans, the anti-Fascist Resistenza Italiana. He carried his appreciation of their campaign with him back to Algeria. There, after his demobilization, he entered politics as a follower of Messali. He was successful in a local election but soon realized that he was blocked at that level. He could hope to go no higher. Frustrated and angry, he struck out on a track more radical than that followed by Messali: he gathered together a group of young men, many of them veterans like himself, to fight for independence. Getting financial support, he realized, was crucial so he did what similar groups elsewhere had done: he organized a robbery. He was caught and sentenced to eight years’ imprisonment and his organization, which by then had grown to nearly five thousand members, was broken up. Ben Bella managed to escape and went underground, just as he had seen the anti-Fascist Italians do.


     Meanwhile, far from Algeria two things happened that would shape the Algerian struggle. First, the French army in Indochina was defeated a Dien Bien Phu. The great battle, which the French had proclaimed would be a knockout blow to the Viet Minh, cost some thirteen thousand French lives. It was the first time that a French army had been defeated by a colonial people, and it had the same effect in Algeria that the defeat of General Edward Braddock’s British army during the French and Indian Wr in 1763 had on the colonial Armenians: as Benjamin Franklin had said of the British defeat then, it “gave us Americans the first suspicion that our exalted ideas of the prowess of British regulars had not been well founded.’ Just as Braddock’s defeat had helped convince Americans that they had a chance against the British army, the Viet Minh’s triumph over the French was to convince Algerians that they could defeat the French.


     The second result of the French defeat in Vietnam was that a group of French army officers, having been humiliated by the Germans in the Second World War and by the Viet Minh in Indochina, came to share an almost mystical quest to recapture French grandeur. From the Viet Minh they drew inspiration for a new form of counterinsurgency. Politically sensitive, utterly ruthless, and sharply targeted, French military counterinsurgency would be first played out in Algeria by the French elite paratroop regiments under General Jacques Massu.


     On November 1, 1954, the Algerians who felt most keenly their national destiny formed the Front de Libération Nationale (FLN; Association for the National Liberation). It is ironic that the name of the independence movement was French. So completely had France wiped away the heritage of Algeria, that even the militants spoke French by preference. Years later, one of them, Houari Boumedienne, told President Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt that he was the only one of the Algerian cabinet who knew Arabic. Despite, but also in part because of, the denationalization of Algeria and Algerians, the war of independence had begun.(pp.313-318)



Part 5: “Militant Islam.”

     In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, Muslims tried to organize their reaction to imperialism. First, the rulers of the Ottoman Empire, Egypt, and India copied what they understood to be the source of European power. Some of what they did appears to us as simply superficial, like dressing their soldiers in Western-style uniforms. But, superficial or not, the imperial powers would not permit them to protect nascent industry or modernize military forces. In response, religious leaders dug deeper into their traditions, particularly the traditions that had evolved after the devastating invasions of Genghis Khan’s Mongols. Sufi orders took up the defense rule in Indonesia, Somalia, Libya, the Caucasus, Algeria, and Morocco. One after another each of these efforts failed to stop the invasions of the imperial powers.


     Reacting to this failure and pinning responsibility for it on the religious establishment, thinkers picked up the then-current European fascination with nationalism and tried to define themselves under its aegis. From roughly 1900 until about 1970, nationalism was the banner under which would-be liberators rallied. Profiting from the decline of support for imperialism in the North of the world, nationalism in Indonesia, Somalia, Iran, Turkey, the Levant, and North African nation-states thought they had found the formula for independence. Catastrophic defeats of the Middle Eastern Arab states forced a reevaluation of the creed and the practice. Nationalism itself was virtually discarded as a suitable ideology.


     Then, after a period of confusion, a new pattern was set by militant groups, modeled on the Muslim Brotherhood, and fundamentalist Islam was reasserted, inspired by the Egyptian theologian Sayyid Qutb. Read by tens of millions of Muslims, Qurb is the ideologue of the move toward a reassertion of Islamic fundamentalism. It was this combination of organization and ideology that was picked up by Usama bin Ladin and spread in Afghanistan and throughout the Sunni Muslim world in response first to Russian imperialism and then to American intervention.


    Indeed, as I seek to make clear, these recent moves are stages in processes that have deep historical roots. Some of the most spectacular movements of today, in fact, long predate the ideologies and structures to which they identify themselves. Thus, as the reader will see, the Moro ‘rebellion’ is now more than a century old, and the Somalia insurgency and the Boko Haram movement in Nigeria were in large part a direct and proximate response to imperialism.


     Meanwhile, and parallel to events in other parts of the Muslim world, Iran was led by its foremost religious leader, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, into revolution. Drawing on Qutb’s philosophy, he created a Shiah version of the theocracy the Muslim Brothers sought.


     The aim of this part of the book is to show how these evolving ideas and actions led step by step to the anger and frustration of the Muslims and to violence by some of the adherents. While the groups mostly began as separate movements, they have tended to coalesce and to transcend cultural differences and vast distances to form more or less similar movements, in which the peoples of the South of the world are grouped around individuals. However, while the reader will bind many of their ideas and practices similar, the groups themselves are often in conflict with one another. A fundamental issue all have had to address, however, is whether the achievements of some sort of unity depends on the acquisition of a homeland (as the leadership of the Islamic State have argued) or whether it can be achieved in a less tangible form (as the leadership of al-Qaida believe). The opponents of the militants find it easier to attack the statists since they present a fixed target, whereas, so far at least, the ideologues have spread widely through Africa and Asia.


     What the reader should particularly note is that the ideology of reaction to the residue of imperialism is powerful, diffuse, and self-perpetuating, despite the large-scale and apparently successful opposition mounted, with help from the North, against it. This section of the book prepares the way to consider, as I will in Part 6, what might be done to create a world in which Muslims and Christians, Hindus and Jews, peoples of the North and the South, can find a means to live in reasonable peace and security.(pp.435-437)



From chapter 38: “The Moro ‘Rebellion’ in the Philippines.”

     When Ferdinand Magellan arrived in the Philippines in 1521, most of the population was Muslim, having been converted, like the peoples of the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, and Java, by Arabs and Persian traders. As in Indonesia, the vast number of islands – the Philippines had more than seven thousand – also supported a large Buddhist population, who had been converted by Chinese merchants. Both areas also contained hundreds of outer native ethnic, linguistic, and religious groups. The Spaniards, as they began their conquest of the Philippines, were not much concerned with the traditional or pagan groups or with the Buddhists, but they looked on the Muslims as enemies. They considered the local Muslims another branch of the Arabs and Berbers they had fought for centuries in Spain, so they called them ‘Moros.’


     In fact the Philippine Moros were natives who had converted to Islam only a century or two before Magellan landed. Once introduced, the religion had spread quickly, and by the time the Spaniards arrived, Muslim societies had coalesced into kingdoms. Some of these were large and thriving, with vigorous cultures. Those that were situated in the north on the island of Luzon were immediately attacked by the Spaniards. Spanish policy toward the Moros on Luzon – essentially the same one they had learned in the Azores and carried out in the Caribbean – was simple: genocide. They had two powerful weapons. First, they were armed with cannon and protected by steel armor, whereas the natives, like their descendants for the next four centuries, fought mainly with swords and were protected only by wooden or woven fiber shields. The second weapon was more subtle but ultimately more powerful. Accompanying the Spanish warriors were priests whom they encouraged to convert the natives to Catholicism.


     Those the Spanish did not convert or kill, they drove away form what became the their major base on Luzon. The little village of Manila became the anchor of one of the great trade routes of Imperial Spain. From its port, the galeóns de Manila (the Manila galleons) were loaded with spices and luxury goods that had been transshipped from India or china and sent on the trade winds across the Pacific to Acapulco on their way to Spain. That trade was the principal reason the Spaniards were in the Philippines. The rest of the country was of secondary importance.


     But the Spanish also needed timber of build and repair ships. And the best shipbuilding timber, dense and impervious teak, was available mainly in the jungles of the south. So to support the galleon trade, they had to deal with the coastal port towns or sultanates on the southern island of Mindanao. They could not safely carry on that trade unless they could suppress the local armed traders and privateers. Their experience with the ‘other’ Moors – the ‘Barbary pirates’ – set their policy. They sometimes paid protection money to privateers, but often they used their superior firepower to sink any native praus they encountered. That was sufficient to enable them to get from the south the timber they needed. Local merchants were willing to swap their timber for trade goods, just as the American Indians swapped their furs for beads or pieces of iron. The Spaniards generally restricted their activities to the coast. There they were safe and could deal with local merchants who brought timber to them. When they could not get what they wanted, they  employed their steel-encased soldiers and the Christian Philippine militia they recruited to conduct search-and-destroy missions into the interior jungle, but apparently such ventures were rare.(pp.439-440)


In 1879, the Spanish changed their policy and aggressively pushed into the interior of Mindanao, where they discovered the Muslim stronghold had become disorganized due to widespread disease; they had given up any hope of defeating the Spaniards.


     Resistance did not completely cease, but the Spaniards were effectively in control or at least those parts of Mindanao they regarded as worth ruling. That was in essence the status when America invaded the Philippines in 1898.


     The first target of the American invaders was the Spanish military. On Luzon, the Americans easily defeated the Spanish forces while the American fleet blockaded the scattered Spanish bases throughout the island and particularly on Mindanao. Without any system of resupply; the Spanish were unable to defend themselves, and the Moros rushed to take revenge and recoup their lost territory. They attacked every Spanish position on Mindanao, Sulu, and other southern islands. Whether or not they saw the Americans as liberators, the Moros seized the opportunity the Americans had given them. Like the leaders of the insurgent groups in the Catholic north, they asserted their independence. To win it, they sought American support. The first actions of their most established political authority on Sulu, the sultan, showed that he wanted an alliance against the hated Spaniards. He offered America a treaty giving his state autonomy. He was soon disabused.


     As they had already shown in the Christian north, the Americans had an entirely different objective. They were not guided by a concern with religion, either Christian or Muslim; they had embraced the imperial objective: they wanted a colony. As both the Christians in the north and the Muslims in the south began to realize the American objective, they began to resist. They had few means of resistance: the outgoing Spaniards abandoned some arms, but they had long devoted themselves to making sure that natives did not know either how to use them or how to organize themselves. From their long wars against the Native Americans, the incoming Americans were adept at both.


     In the first stages of the conflict, the Americans concentrated on the Christian insurgents and adopted the tactics of the contemporary English theorist of counter-guerrilla warfare Charles E. Callwell, whose book Small Wars had been published in London in 1896. It advocated what was thought of as a Spanish style of counterinsurgency: ‘Chastise the rebels in their homes . . . . To bring them to reason he [the imperialist] must reach them through their corps, their flocks, and their property . . . depriving them of their belongings or burning their dwellings.’ Only thus could the insurgents be forced into battles in which they could be destroyed by the occupier’s superior forces. Sending out ‘flying columns’ as Callwell had advised, the Americans destroyed dozens of villages.


. . .


     As in the Spanish resistance to Napoleon’s invasion and the Moroccan resistance to the Spanish, guerrillas fought both as organized bands, not really armies but rather hastily gathered groups of peasants, and also as individual suicide fighters. . . . The Spaniard had called the Moro fighters juramentados, from the Spanish world for ‘taking an oath.’ Each suicide fighter publically vowed to fight to the death against the Spanish troops and their Philippine Christian auxiliaries. American officers were astonished at their suicidal bravery. The Americans painfully discovered that even when hit by round after round of pistol fire, the barefoot and semi-naked fidayin kept charging. Like their cousins in Afghanistan and elsewhere, the fidayin in the Philippines would later discover how to make and employ improvised explosive devices (IEDs), but they never put aside the kris or the barong.


. . .


     As the French had done in Algeria, the Russians had done in the Caucasus, and the Chinese were doing in Central Asia, the American administrators hit on a program to control the Muslims that was cheaper than combat: they encouraged migration of politically reliable colonists into their area. In the Philippines, these reliable colonists were northern Christians. To get them to move into the Muslim areas of Mindanao, the American administration offered them land. Of course, what they offered was land the local Muslims regarded as theirs. This colonial, as distinct from imperial, policy led to sporadic uprisings throughout the ‘pacification period’ of the 1920s and 1930s.(pp.441-446)


. . .


     In the Second World War, when the Americans and their administration disappeared, the Japanese had a chance to win over the Moros as they had won over the Indonesian Muslims. They did not take it. They were more concerned with products than with politics, and it was not long before the Moros directed their armed opposition against the Japanese. The best-known opposition group, the Communist-led Hukbalahop, was in the north, but there is no record of Muslim cooperation with them. Ideologically they were far apart. Separately, however, each movement tied down large numbers of Japanese troops and fought bloody insurgencies.


     The brutality of the Japanese set the basis for the Moro people’s growing sense of corporate identity. Being uniformly brutalized, they began to react uniformly. When the American armed forces reappeared and some elements of the former administration began to reassert themselves, the Moros slowly moved toward political action. It took about ten years for a group of recognized leaders of the various Muslim groups to form a political movement. Probably the main reason for the long gestation period, despite the wartime experience of militancy, was that the Moro people were divided into a dozen or more groups scattered throughout the Philippines. No group any longer controlled a territory, and except on the islands of the far south, each was a minority. Another reason the sense of community evolved so slowly was the enmity of the Christian government, which acted toward the Muslims in the pattern established by the Spanish and continued by the Americans: The Muslims were foreigners, a distinct native people to be merely tolerated when not actually fought, and to be gradually pushed away from the real, that is, the Christian, nation and its territory.(pp.446-447)


William Polk concludes his discussion of the Philippines’ political history, by drawing three lessons:


     The lessons of the long-running conflict, I think, are three: first, it is very dangerous to try to deprive a people of a sense of national existence, even if the group in question is small and has only a limited sense of its own identity. The fighting has cost the lives of about a million people and has caused terrible suffering for two or three times that many.


     The second lesson is that in any insurgent war, both defenders and challengers feel obliged to take positions that often endanger the civic order they are trying to protect. In the Philippine conflict, the national army endangered Philippine civic order with its increasing determination to score a ‘win.’ We saw the same progression in Algeria, where the French Army nearly destroyed the French Republic, and its dissident group, the Secret Army Organization, tried to kill the country’s president, Charles de Gaulle. While the Philippine Army got more radical and dangerous to the government, the insurgents split into more radical and dangerous groups. The longer insurgency and counter-insurgency continue, the more extreme these trends become.


     The third lesson is that with intelligence, understanding, and bravery, the causes of insurgency can be meaningfully addressed. As they are resolved, order and security can be reestablished. This has proved to be a difficult but not impossible task.(pp.449-450)



In his final chapter, Polk attempts to answer the questions: Where we are, and where we can go?


     The question of where we are now can be answered simply: both North and South feel insecure. Violence has become the norm. The tragic fate of the refugees pouring out of Africa and West Asia, in large part the result of the breakdown of civil order, is daily recounted in the media. This breakdown has several causes, but two overshadow the rest.


     The first cause of the danger and insecurity we feel today is the long history of imperialism. A century or more of invasion, occupation, humiliation, and genocide has left scars that are still not healed, and cannot heal if they are constantly reopened.


     These scars were, in fact, reopened by the American invasions of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Somalia, which literally tore those societies apart. What we call ‘regime change’ was far more fundamental than that term implies. It destroyed civic institutions, canceled the social contract that bound the citizens to one another and to government, and created precisely the anarchy that Thomas Hobbes warned was the worst of all human conditions: ‘no Society and which is worst of all, continuall feare, and danger of violent death. And the life of man, solitary, poore, nasty, burtish and short.’


     Of course, the regimes the George W. Bush administration changed were far from perfect. But, as we have learned and as the affected people have now seen for themselves, almost any regime is better than none. Evolution, however uncertain, into something better through the growth of education, improve health, and rising living standards was tgopped. Life itself was halted for untold tens of thousands. And no benefit accrued to anyone but warlords.


     The disruptive, cruel, and violent forces now so evident in the Muslim world are at least in part a reaction to Western action. Terrorism is the weapon of the weak because it has always been the easiest weapon to grasp. Sometimes it is the only one they can grasp. We Americans used it in our revolution, as did the French and Russians in theirs, and as indigenous peoples have done the world over. Terrorism is not just something ‘they’ - whoever ‘they’ are in any era – did. It is something we all have done. And until meaningful movement is made toward solutions, it is something everyone will continue to do.


     The second cause of the present danger, the Israeli expulsion of the Palestinians from their homeland, was a direct outcome of European anti-Semitism, which set in motion the events that led to the ‘Palestine problem.’ The European holocaust had many of the same effects as imperialism. Both led to the misery of innocent people and the rise of danger and violence in our times. A million Palestinians who were driven from their homeland paid the final price for what the North did to the Jews.


     The peoples of the North now also face insecurity and occasionally danger as well. To date, it is far smaller than the danger felt by people in the South, but it is growing and spreading.


. . .



     The money costs of terrorism are obviously important, but they are less important than the political and psychological costs of the actions used to suppress it and defend against it. These have wounded our sense of civic order, our respect for our legal institutions, and our trust in one another. Pushed further, they will split our world even more deeply between north and South – indeed, between our domestic North and South.


     We are at a fork in the road – or perhaps we are already past it, having chosen the specious security of power. Military people favor this choice because they have been trained to follow its markers; politicians like it because they can ‘stand tall’ an wrap themselves in the flag; arms merchants like it because it justifies and enriches their businesses; labor unions like it because it offers ‘quality’ jobs. Why think of any other choice?


     The simple answers are two. First, the military-security road does not take us where we want to go. It does not lead us toward affordable world security but rather toward unaffordable world insecurity. The further down that road we go, the further we get from a livable world.


     The second answer is that military-based security actions and policies have been costly failures; counterinsurgency has been applied in Afghanistan for sixteen years, at a monetary cost, in today’s dollars, larger than the entire Marshall Plan that rebuilt Europe at the end of the Second World War. The result has been the virtual destruction of Afghanistan, terrible misery for its people, and the creation of a corrupt oligarchy that will flee when the money stops rolling in. The one thing the policy has not done is create peace or stability, and there is no prospect of its doing so. The Iraqi venture has been, if anything, worse. A direct outcome of our campaign there has been the formation of the Islamic State. Applied further, as we are now doing, the road of counterinsurgency leads to unending war.


     The other road is unmapped and offers no quick fix. It is far less dramatic. It is uncertain. At best it will be bumpy. Even to begin to think through what that road would involve will require statesmanship of a kind that is always in short supply and now does not appear to exist. It will require commitments that depend on knowledge and sophistication that are not now evident. As an old policy planner, I have thought long and hard about the two roads. Among the things that are necessary is a clear view of how we got to where we are. The beginning of wisdom, I suggest, must be sought where the Brahmins in the parable stopped. We must understand tails and trunks in order to begin to see the elephant, much less deal with it. Getting that perspective has been my goal in writing this book. Perhaps it will form at least a starting point.(pp.533-535)



The 24 + items below are selected essays and articles that reflect our new era of post-nationalism, where wars are being fought not against nations, but against humanity with the age-old objectives of private profit and power. We live in a period when more and more elected law-makers and appointed government officials are controlled by blackmail and bribes, while ordinary people are distracted by trivial pursuits. The amorality of war is now reflected in the amorality of public policy, as national wars are subsumed by class war; blood is on the hands of all of us who have given either explicit or tacit consent to imperialist conquest of foreign lands and the systematic colonization of bodies and minds at home and abroad.


The corporate capitalists shall be eaten by their children.





Francis Feeley


Professeur honoraire de l'Université Grenoble-Alpes
Ancien Directeur de Researches
Université de Paris-Nanterre
Director of The Center for the Advanced Study
of American Institutions and Social Movements
The University of California-San Diego





Bill Gates: ‘I was so jealous’ of ‘genius’ Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates


by Tom Huddleston Jr.


Testing Will Begin In Africa For Biometric ID, "Vaccine Records", & "Payment Systems"


by Tyler Durden


James Corbett Discusses “The Technocratic Coup”


with James Corbett

(audio: 25:06)


News From Underground

From: Mark Crispin Miller
Sent: Monday, August 24, 2020
Subject: [MCM] Anderson Cooper asks Bill Gates about all those lunatic "conspiracy theories" about Bill Gates


From July 23.


Hard-hitting journalism (from a Vanderbilt), as enlightening as all the "fact-checking" that Bill Gates pays for.


Can you imagine "theorizing" that Gates is making BILLIONS off vaccines? That's just one example of the madness these two decent, humane guys deplored together.




Bill Gates: US fumbled coronavirus response because

'we believe in freedom'


by Audrey Conklin


News From Underground

From: Mark Crispin Miller
Sent: Monday, August 24, 2020
Subject: [MCM] Journalism's Gates-keepers, keeping Bill Gates "safe" (MUST-READ)


This may be the key to all the hell the rest of us are living through.



Bill Gates, chairman of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, in 2019. Samuel Habtab/AP Photo



Journalism’s Gates keepers



By Tim Schwab

AUGUST 21, 2020


LAST AUGUST, NPR PROFILED A HARVARD-LED EXPERIMENT to help low-income families find housing in wealthier neighborhoods, giving their children access to better schools and an opportunity to “break the cycle of poverty.” According to researchers cited in the article, these children could see $183,000 greater earnings over their lifetimes—a striking forecast for a housing program still in its experimental stage.

If you squint as you read the story, you’ll notice that every quoted expert is connected to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which helps fund the project. And if you’re really paying attention, you’ll also see the editor’s note at the end of the story, which reveals that NPR itself receives funding from Gates.

NPR’s funding from Gates “was not a factor in why or how we did the story,” reporter Pam Fessler says, adding that her reporting went beyond the voices quoted in her article. The story, nevertheless, is one of hundreds NPR has reported about the Gates Foundation or the work it funds, including myriad favorable pieces written from the perspective of Gates or its grantees.

And that speaks to a larger trend—and ethical issue—with billionaire philanthropists’ bankrolling the news. The Broad Foundation, whose philanthropic agenda includes promoting charter schools, at one point funded part of the LA Times’ reporting on education. Charles Koch has made charitable donations to journalistic institutions such as the Poynter Institute

, as well as to news outlets such as the Daily Caller, that support his conservative politics. And the Rockefeller Foundation funds Vox’s Future Perfect, a reporting project that examines the world “through the lens of effective altruism”—often looking at philanthropy.

As philanthropists increasingly fill in the funding gaps at news organizations—a role that is almost certain to expand in the media downturn following the coronavirus pandemic—an underexamined worry is how this will affect the ways newsrooms report on their benefactors. Nowhere does this concern loom larger than with the Gates Foundation, a leading donor to newsrooms and a frequent subject of favorable news coverage.

I recently examined nearly twenty thousand charitable grants the Gates Foundation had made through the end of June and found more than $250 million going toward journalism. Recipients included news operations like the BBC, NBC, Al JazeeraProPublicaNational JournalThe Guardian, Univision, Medium, the Financial TimesThe Atlantic, the Texas Tribune, Gannett, Washington MonthlyLe Monde, and the Center for Investigative Reporting; charitable organizations affiliated with news outlets, like BBC Media Action and the New York Times’ Neediest Cases Fund; media companies such as Participant, whose documentary Waiting for “Superman” supports Gates’s agenda on charter schools; journalistic organizations such as the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, the National Press Foundation, and the International Center for Journalists; and a variety of other groups creating news content or working on journalism, such as the Leo Burnett Company, an ad agency that Gates commissioned to create a “news site” to promote the success of aid groups. In some cases, recipients say they distributed part of the funding as subgrants to other journalistic organizations—which makes it difficult to see the full picture of Gates’s funding into the fourth estate. 


Lancetgate: Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) to Treat Covid-19 Patients. Why Was this “Monumental Fraud” Not a Huge Scandal?


 by  Daniel Espinosa


Multiple Studies Predicted Governments Become Authoritarian in Response to Pandemics


with Derrick Broze

“Only Sociopaths Reject the New Normal!”
with James Corbett




News From Underground

From: Mark Crispin Miller
Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Subject: [MCM] LINK to C.J. Hopkins' piece on "the invasion of the New Normals"


A subscriber tells me that the link did not come through, so here it is again, with the first few paragraphs of this great piece.


NB, for those who don't know, that apt illustration is a frame from Phil Kaufman's killer 1978 remake of Don Siegel's (also great) 1956 Invasion of the Body Snatchers.





Manufacturing consent for private and public sector clients for over 250 years



Invasion of the New Normals



by C.J. Hopkins

They’re here! No, not the pod people from Invasion of the Body Snatchers. We’re not being colonized by giant alien fruit. I’m afraid it is a little more serious than that. People’s minds are being taken over by a much more destructive and less otherworldly force … a force that transforms them overnight into aggressively paranoid, order-following, propaganda-parroting totalitarians.

You know the people I’m talking about. Some of them are probably your friends and family, people you have known for years, and who had always seemed completely rational, but who are now convinced that we need to radically alter the fabric of human society to protect ourselves from a virus that causes mild to moderate flu-like symptoms (or absolutely no symptoms at all) in over 95% of those infected, and that over 99.6% survive, which, it goes without saying, is totally insane.

I’ve been calling them “corona-totalitarians,” but I’m going to call them the “New Normals” from now on, as that more accurately evokes the pathologized-totalitarian ideology they are systematically spreading. At this point, I think it is important to do that, because, clearly, their ideological program has nothing to do with any actual virus, or any other actual public health threat. As is glaringly obvious to anyone whose mind has not been taken over yet, the “apocalyptic coronavirus pandemic” was always just a Trojan horse, a means of introducing the “New Normal,” which they’ve been doing since the very beginning.

The official propaganda started in March, and it reached full intensity in early April. Suddenly, references to the “New Normal” were everywhere, not only in the leading corporate media (e.g., CNNNPRCNBCThe New York TimesThe GuardianThe AtlanticForbes, et al.)the IMF and the World Bank Group, the WEFUNWHOCDC (and the list goes on), but also on the blogs of athletic organizationsglobal management consulting firmscharter school websites, and random YouTube videos.





Discussion of Wikileaks or any “Hacked Information” Banned Under New YouTube Rules


by Alan Macleod


Julian Assange Court Case Delayed Again in Bizarre Circumstances


by Thomas Scripps and Kevin Reed


“Prominent lawyers and legal associations demand Assange’s freedom”

Alternate text

 Le 17/08/2020, à 22:27, WSWS Free Assange Newsletter a écrit :


A group of 152 eminent legal experts and 15 lawyers’ associations from around the world have today issued an open letter to the British government, documenting a long list of legal abuses perpetrated against Julian Assange.

They write that the UK government is legally obligated to grant “Mr Assange his long overdue freedom—freedom from torture, arbitrary detention and deprivation of liberty, and political persecution.”


Their letter was released just days after Assange’s most recent UK court appearance on Friday, which deepened the legal travesty he has been subjected to. The WSWS published a Perspective article on Saturday characterising this show trial as “a cruel and pseudolegal farce.” At the eleventh hour, his persecutors in the United States government introduced a new indictment of Assange, less than a month before his extradition hearing is due to resume on September 7.


“The US government seems to want to change the indictment every time the court meets, but without the defense or Julian himself seeing the relevant documents,” said WikiLeaks Editor-in-Chief Kristinn Hrafnsson.


If extradited, Assange faces 175 years in a US Federal prison. Assange’s lawyers are now confronted with an impossible choice: either they accept that the September hearing will proceed despite having had no timer to prepare arguments or evidence against the new indictment, or they appeal for a delay, prolonging Assange’s life-threatening detention.


Friday’s court appearance proceeded under a veil of secrecy. Only five journalists were allowed in the courtroom, while dozens more journalists and international observers dialling-in by phone were not connected.


As the WSWS Perspective states:


The state conspiracy against Julian Assange is the spearhead of a sustained offensive against democratic rights targeting the working class. Assange’s crime in the eyes of his persecutors is his exposure of imperialist war crimes and diplomatic intrigues that galvanized mass oppositional sentiment around the world.


The WSWS renews its call for the international working class to come to Assange’s defense. Please read and share our latest articles to alert your friends and colleagues to the crime being perpetrated by the British, US and Australian governments. Help build the global movement to free Julian Assange!


Many thanks,
The World Socialist Web Site


From: #JournalistsSpeakUpForAssange [mailto:contact@speak-up-for-assange.org]
Sent: Monday, August 17, 2020
Subject: Assange case update - 17 August 2020


Dear friends and colleagues,

As you may be aware, there have been many developments with regards to Julian Assange’s case in the last few weeks.

We are seriously concerned for his well-being and are outraged by the continuous violation of due process and countless other abuse of process taking place. This is happening now, in the U.K. – prominent publications remain silent on his treatment.

Since March, Julian has not been allowed to see his family. Access to lawyers, which was already limited, came to a full stop. He was finally given a computer to prepare his defence – it came with keys glued down!

A new indictment was announced to the press almost two months ago, but the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.K.’s Crown Prosecution Service only filed the updated extradition request two days before the latest hearing – another abuse of process which will cause additional delay. As time ticks, Julian remains in solitary confinement.

He attended his last hearing via video-link – he seemed weak and confused, coughing throughout the proceedings. When asked to confirm his name and date of birth, he faltered but eventually stuttered his name.

Only five journalists were allowed to attend the latest hearing. Most of them, in addition to observers, were asked to use the dreaded dial-in system again. On this occasion, instead of listening to the court proceedings, they heard Muzak. Dozens were left on hold the time!

We are here to ask you to take action.

1) Report about the case and investigate. This is urgent and essential. Please email us any stories you publish relating to Assange to <contact@speak-up-for-assange.org>

2) There is a new initiative “Lawyers 4 Assange”. Please find the press release attached. It was launched yesterday.

Background about the latest developments:

    •     [News:] DOJ’s new WikiLeaks indictment has significant, convenient plot holes – Dell Cameron, Gizmodo, 25 Jun 2020.

    •     [Legal:] Rich v. Fox News LLC: Request for International Judicial Assistance – The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York to British Royal Courts of Justice, 5 Aug 2020.

    •     [News:] ‘We have absolute proof’ DNC leaks were not hacked, ex NSA technical director says – Mohammed el Maazi, Sputnik, 12 Aug 2020.

    •     [News:] U.S. decision to file new charges against Julian Assange ‘astonishing and potentially abusive’ – Computer Weekly, 14 Aug 2020.

    •     [News:] ‘What happens if Julian Assange dies in a British prison?’ – Journalists and Monitors Voice Concerns – Tareq Haddad, 15 Aug 2020.

Furthermore, DeclassifiedUK has published six investigations into legal irregularities and conflicts of interest pertaining directly to Assange in the U.S. extradition case. You can find them here.

We need to act, ourselves included.

We are pleased to say that Tareq Haddad is joining us to help with administration and co-ordination. Together, we will be launching a number of investigations. You can find out more about Tareq here.

As always, if there is something more we can do to help you report about this case, or if you have ideas on how we can do more, please get in touch.

Thank you and warm regards,


Serena, Nicky, Blaž



International journalist statement in defense of Julian Assange :



Signatories list :



Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/SpeakUpForAssange/


Hashtag: #JournalistsSpeakUpForAssange







by James Corbett


The Great Reset Where Do We Go From Here


with Alin



They're Relying on You to OBEY


with reallygraceful




News From Underground

From: Mark Crispin Miller
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2020
Subject: [MCM] On the catastrophic costs of complying (MUST-READ)


Our most fundamental rights and liberties---including some rights that the Framers never would have thought to have included in the Constitution, such as the right to breathe, the right to smile at someone, the right to hug somebody or shake hands---are disappearing right before our eyes; and we won't ever get them back if we don't stand up and say NO to this insanity, and say out loud that none of this has any scientific basis whatsoever, but is about complete control over our minds and bodies and society.




Thousands in Ireland protest lockdowns










News From Underground

From: Mark Crispin Miller
Sent: Monday, August 24, 2020

Subject: [MCM] Belgians suing Bill Gates and Belgian government over COVID-19 restrictions


From July 29. 




‘Pestered’ Belgians sue Bill Gates and Belgium over coronavirus restrictions

Wednesday, 29 July 2020




Donning plague doctor masks, over 200 Belgians are taking their government, Bill Gates and a British epidemiologist to court, in a bid to get all lockdown and coronavirus measures revoked. Pictured: Maxime, a truck driver and plaintiff. Credit: Provided by Michael Verstraeten



Bill Gates, Belgium and a British epidemiologist are being taken to court by hundreds of Belgians who are against all coronavirus regulations and want to get them abolished.

Around 240 Belgians have joined a group called Viruswaanzin, which translates to ‘viral madness’ in Dutch and was launched by members of the restaurant and hospitality industry, according to their lawyer Michael Verstraeten.


Engineering Contagion - Investigative Series


by Whitney Webb and Raul Diego


IMF and WEF – From Great Lockdown to Great Transformation. The COVID Aftermath


by Peter Koenig






The Politics of War: What is Israel’s Endgame in Lebanon and Syria?


by Ramzy Baroud


Passengers injured after ‘Israeli fighter jet’ buzzes Iranian airliner over Syria


July 23, 2020 videos


The Beirut Explosion, Economic Terror and the Drumbeat of War Against Hezbollah


by Mnar Muhawesh Adly


Beirut – Accident or “New” Bomb Blast?


by Peter Koenig


Beirut Goes Up In Smoke


by Andre Vltchek


Explosives expert claims Beirut explosion that killed 160 was caused by burning military missiles - not ammonium nitrate – because the blast cloud was orange not yellow


(photos and videos)


Russia warns it will see any incoming missile as nuclear


by Vladimir Isachenkov


“A Cynical Manipulation”: On Israel's Empty Gesture of Goodwill to Beirut


by Miko Peled


Lebanon's corrupt, colonial system leads to explosion catastrophe


with Aaron Maté and Rania Masri



Israelis Are Protesting Netanyahu Like Never Before


from Vice News



Who Profits from the Beirut Blast?


 by Pepe Escobar


Lebanon Regime Change, 'Pervasive' Gates-Backed Health Consultants & #BeirutBlast Who Benefits?


with Ryan Cristián



How the US helped push Lebanon to the brink of collapse, and now threatens more sanctions


by Ben Norton


Fadi Sawan: The man leading the Beirut explosion investigation


by Timour Azhari


Max Blumenthal: Digital Censorship -- and the Israel/UAE Pact

(‘the deal of the century’)


by Max Blumenthal




History to 'vindicate Swedish COVID-19 strategy'


with Rowan Dean


Sky News host Rowan Dean says the effectiveness of the COVID-19 herd immunity strategy implemented in Sweden and Switzerland “should put the fear of God into every politician in this country”.


News From Underground

From: Mark Crispin Miller
Sent: Monday, August 17, 2020
Subject: [MCM] Bad news ("bad" in both senses) from France


1) Masks mandates tightened as COVID-19 "cases" (whatever that means) spike. Instead of forcing healthy people to keep masks on in the heat, France's government should lift its lethal ban on HCQ. 



2) Anti-masking protesters in Spain derided by French media EXACTLY as the German media did to the protesters in Berlin. Note how this report casts truth as lie. Every single claim made by the Spanish woman interviewed is absolutely true:





Forbidden Knowledge TV

Voiceless Victims of the COVID Lockdowns


with Henna Maria






From: CandC Alumni [mailto:ucsdcoopsandcollectivesalumni@earthlink.net]
Sent: Monday, August 03, 2020 4:43 AM
To: ucsdcoopsandcollectivesalumni@earthlink.net
Subject: Invitation to Co-op Union Movie Nights



Invitation to Co-op Union Movie Nights.

Sunday, August 9, 2020, 5 pm to 7 pm San Diego/Tijuana Time


Our "movie" will be the new webinar we did in June to introduce new first year and transfer students to Co-op Union. The panel has people from Groundwork Books, General Store, Food Co-op, Che Cafe, and Co-ops & Collectives Alumni. It is under one hour long. After the movie we will enjoy our usual socializing and conversation about the movie. How can we get the best reach for this video, not only to new students but to all potential new volunteers? How might we improve the video if we do another version in future quarters?

If you would like to watch the video before the movie night and mull over thoughts to raise during the after-show conversation, you can see it at:

An Introduction to Groundwork Books Collective




You are invited to join a meeting.


·         Join the Co-op Union Movie Nights meeting: https://meet.jit.si/Co-opUnionMovieNights 


·         To join by phone instead, tap this: +1.512.647.1431,,1799422737#


From: David Morales (Basecamp) [mailto:notifications@3.basecamp.com]

Sent: Monday, August 03, 2020

Subject: (UCSD Co-ops & Collectives Alumni) Building Accountable Communities



I just posted this to the Co-op Union Facebook message group:


Hello Co-op Union. I am posting a link here to a panel discussion that is worth checking out. Some years back (after we all effectively saved not only the Ché but GW and FC in the momentum of that campaign), there was a painful situation that ran its course on this very chat due to how a sexual abuse situation within the Co-ops was handled by memberships of the various Co-ops. Through discussions with at least one Ché Core alum active at the time, I found that the music scene community at the Ché was approaching the Collective regularly over alleged sexual abuse incidents within said scene. Effectively, the community was attempting to get the CCC to adjudicate on such matters (something that the Collective was not quite "qualified" to do). The video linked here is applicable because it is based in the Restorative/Transformative Justice movement, and the participants are or have been actively involved in co-ops/collectives that include being situated in punk music scenes. Check it out, and CCC members, feel free to share on Ché Slack. One of the best take aways is that this is not easy, but worth attempting if we are going to survive as a community/movement.


Here is the link:

What is Accountability?


by the Barnard Center for Research on Women






Australians have been filled 'with fear and alarmism'


with Alan Jones



Politicians 'don't have the guts to admit COVID-19 was exaggerated'


with Andrew Bolt



Australia’s spirits have ‘been crushed’ by its COVID-19 response


with Alan Jone



Melbourne Cop chocking and manhandling a girl


with Caitline Johnstone



Chloroquine et Didier Raoult : la mauvaise foi de Patrick Cohen


by  Frédéric Lemaire, Mathias Reymond


News From Underground

From: Mark Crispin Miller
Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Subject: [MCM] ANOTHER safe, effective remedy for COVID-19


Ivermectin, along with Doxycycline and zinc. 


Here it is, reported on Australia's Sky News (which evidently doesn't mind

the bio-fascist crackdown in Melbourne; but never mind). Which of the major

TV outlets in "our free press" would run a similar report on that or any other

drug that has shown great promise as a COVID-19 remedy (and, by now, there

are quite a few, some now used the world over)?


The answer is: "None." The US press is a totalitarian joke, and not a funny one. See :


“COVID-19 treatments are ‘staring at us in the face’ but have been ignored”


with Chris Smith




News From Underground

From: Mark Crispin Miller

Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2020


Two great bits from Mark Diamond:


"Diversity" at every Silicon Valley company (and lots of other places)





"The coronavirus doesn't spread in gatherings I agree with"








The COVID-19 political strategy appears to be unraveling, as the master mentality of the ruling class is exposed and the slave mentality of those living under its powerful social control mechanisms dissipates quickly with the light of day.


 Biosecurity Theatre


COVID-19 Coronavirus "Fake" Pandemic: Timeline and Analysis


by Prof Michel Chossudovsky



News From Underground

From: Mark Crispin Miller

Sent: Sunday, August 16, 2020
To: newsfromunderground
Subject: [MCM] Some promising developments---and an urgent warning :


From Lila York:


Folks, there are several critical developments happening now that give us all hope that we can save our democracy, our constitution and our freedoms and try to recover our humanity and our culture in full. I am going to link a few articles and urge you to read them.


1 - Doctors across the US write an open letter to Dr. Fauci testifying that HCQ+ zinc cures the virus in phase one and demanding that he support its use on an outpatient basis which will save hundreds of lives. https://www.globalresearch.ca/open-letter-dr-anthony-fauci-regarding-use-hydroxychloroquine-treating-covid-19/5721065


2 - 640 German doctors inaugurate the covid19 extra -parliamentary inquiry committee. stating that the virus, though real, is a typical flu and that the covid 19 pandemic is a global scam. "The two key questions are 1 - Who would do this and 2 - Who benefits". They will be joined by hundreds of doctors from across the globe.

- 3 minute introduction in English  https://twitter.com/jonkirbysthlm/status/1294556980477079552

- 29 minute detailed explanation of the project in German with English subtitles.  https://acu2020.org/english-versions/


3 - From CDC data, 2020 has the lowest weekly death rate in a decade - so far. Where is the pandemic? 



5 - Grass roots organization make Americans free again   https://makeamericansfreeagain.com/


6 - I watched a two hour video on 5G satellites and their effects on the planet, animals, plants and humans hosted by Arthur Firstenberg, the world' s foremost expert on electricity and electro magnetic fields and author of The Invisible Rainbow, a book everyone should read. His conclusion was that we must stop 5G satellites before they are activated mid- September, and the only route he knows for that is for everyone on the planet to understand how dangerous smart phones and wifi are and throw away their cell phones, ending the demand for 5G and giving the governments no way to track human movement and action.  Video is up only this weekend. (You can start halfway through, since Firstenberg did not join until late) https://event.webinarjam.com/replay/57/rm0mlc8lskktv4c4lzy

shorter video by him here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLmc5cJ1SRY


There are some very unsavory powerbrokers with totalitarian plans for us. They are not hiding it. It goes by "Agenda 2030," now sped up to be agenda 2020, "ID 2021", an inserted tattoo chip under our skin containing our financial and medical records, The great reset. and - worst of all - "transhumanism" - essentially turning all humans into robots by altering our DNA via injection.  At the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, the corporate members cackled with glee saying that the virus gave them "such a wonderful opportunity to inaugurate "The Great Reset"---meaning one-world government, one-world currency, all naturally produced food replaced by GMO food, the end of nation-states, global surveillance of all humans, and a greatly reduced global population. For starters I will just say that without hard cash currency there is no freedom. Those digits in the cloud can be erased at will, and a new "social credit system" means that if you step out of line, you can lose access to your money - among other freedoms. Their goal is global control of all humans. To me this is no different from slavery. So let's put this information together We have doctors celebrating the discovery of a cure for a lame virus whose presence is dying down to zero, whose mortality numbers peaked in April and have now declined to zero.We have the media ignoring that data and initiating another fear campaign based on fake data. We have doctors around the globe declaring that the pandemic was a fraud and is being perpetuated in the media to serve profits for big pharma. We have the telecoms willy nilly putting thousands upon thousands of satellites into orbit to saturate the earth in man-made 5G radiation  and obliterate the night sky without even the smallest attempt to study the effects on the earth, the ionosphere or on us.


This is my own conclusion:  When Salk discovered the polio vaccine and offered it to the world for free there was joy across the world. It meant an end to that horrific disease. Last week doctors across the US announced a cure for the virus called covid 19 . Was there joy across the land? Did CNN  cheer on the doctors who brought this cure to the public? No. the opposite happened. They accused doctors of impeccable reputations of being "quacks"---GPs and ER doctors of long standing. They included the renowned epidemiologist head of the Yale School of Public Health in their slander. Google removed not only the video of the doctors' press conference from youtube (now back up at bitchute), but also removed their own website, America's Frontline Doctors (now restored)  All news networks are utterly dependent upon big pharma advertising to pay their bills. And big pharma no doubt ordered the shutdowns They have billions in potential profits at stake in forced, mandatory vaccines - none of which are now needed, since there is a safe, effective, and very cheap cure (10 cents per pill for HCQ). widely prescribed for 60 years, long out of patent, so big pharma cannot make money from it. Bottom line - they preferred to see Americans die for lack of access to HCQ than lose their billions from an experimental vaccine that has never been used on humans and never tested on animals. That told me all I needed to know. What it told me is that there is some other motive or list of motives behind this trumped up pandemic - likely universal control and surveillance of citizens. The refusal of governments and media to cheer the discovery of a cure tells us all that it is a fraud upon the people of the globe.


As for 5G radiation poisoning, the 5G satellites are scheduled to be activated mid-September. Millions will become sick from them and some will die from hypoxia. The media will claim the dreaded "second wave of the virus" has arrived or announce some other new virus in its place as a coverup to the lethal effects of 5G. The infamous "deep state" needs 5G to nail down its control of us and operate our cars. (Tesla remote-driven cars routinely crash, fall apart and burn up - not so sure the CIA will have an easy time on that.) I will add here an article I wrote a month ago. I held it back from most of you because what we are fighting is way scary.



by Lila York


Raise your hand if you don't like the way God created us and think that Bill Gates should be allowed to improve on God's work by altering our DNA with injected genetically modified nano-particles. No?  Okay.


Raise your hand if you think that the solution to overpopulation is to sterilize every man and woman on earth with millimetre electro-magnetic frequencies.  No? Okay.


Raise your hand if you would like your newborn infant to be injected with formaldehyde, aluminum, mercury, Polysorbate 80, dog brains and DNA from aborted fetal tissue. No?


Raise your hand if you want the CIA to drive your car for you. - and incidentally run it into a guard rail if they don't like something you write on Facebook.  No?


Raise your hand if you think all churches, synagogues and mosques should get the wrecking ball and be eliminated so that God can be replaced by Amazon's robots.  No?


Raise your hand if you knew that all of the above are being planned for us and are already in process courtesy of Bill Gates and the Rockefeller Foundation.  No?


Then raise your hand if you are willing to defy the government and the telecoms, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and refuse to consent to any of the above and so remain fully human and drive your own car.


Bill Gates'  brave new world will be missing the things that fuel our yearnings and right our moral compass. Things that make us cheer and weep. Imagine a world without Mozart, without Shakespeare' s plays, Dickens'  novels,  or Jane Austen's. Without the Rolling Stones or Bach, without Balanchine or break-dancing, without  Van Gogh or Jackson Pollock, without La Boheme or Les Miserables. without Citizen Kane or Star WarsA world where nobody falls in love or mourns the death of a parent. That is the world Bill Gates is planning for us: a world bereft of human expression, human searching, human joy; a world where God is no longer within us.






News From Underground

From: Mark Crispin Miller

Sent: Sunday, August 16, 2020
To: newsfromunderground
Subject: [MCM] “Forced isolation may be the only way to stop resurgence of virus” (Says WHO?) :


This is demonstrably false---and a clear sign that this COVID crisis was devised to turn the whole world into a neo-feudal high-tech playground for the ultra-rich, with just enough of us left living (if you can call it that) to service them.


"The virus" is NOT "resurgent," as the data makes quite clear. Only those who get their "news" about it from Big Pharma's advertising venues---a captive audience that, unfortunately, includes millions of "educated" people---believes it's on the rise again, since that's what the New York Times and NPR et al. keep telling us, based on morbid half-truths, terroristic rumor-mongering, factoids taken out of context, the deliberate obfuscation of what constitutes a COVID-19 "case," unrelenting CENSORSHIP of inconvenient truths, and a staggering array of bald-faced lies, about the infectiousness of children, the effectiveness of HCQ+, the necessity of masks, and every other aspect of this "crisis."


"Forced isolation" wasn't necessary in Japan, Taiwan, Iceland, South Korea, Sweden or Belarus---or Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas or the Dakotas---which all got through the crisis very well with no lockdown of any kind; nor was it necessary ANYWHERE, though it was surely used in China and New Zealand---models of repressiveness applauded by the same high interests pushing just that sort of crackdown here and now. This technocratic faux-"solution" is political, not medical, and represents an existential threat to freedom, health and happiness throughout the US and beyond.


This must be stopped, and WILL be stopped, because it's too big, and too evil, NOT to fail; and because there are enough of us, and will be eventually be even more of us, who just won't take it 




Forced Isolation May Be the Only Way to Stop Resurgence of Virus




(Bloomberg) -- Flare-ups from Australia to Japan show the world hasn’t learned an early lesson from the coronavirus crisis: to stop the spread, those with mild or symptom-free coronavirus infections must be forced to isolate, both from their communities and family.

In Australia, where Victoria state has been reporting record deaths, some 3,000 checks last month on people who should have been isolating at home found 800 were out and about. In Japan, where the virus has roared back, people are staying home but aren’t in isolation: 40% of elderly patients are getting sick from family members in the same apartments.

The failure to effectively manage contagious people with mild or no symptoms is a driving factor behind some of the world’s worst resurgences. But lessons from Italy, South Korea and others that have successfully contained large-scale outbreaks show that there’s a tried-and-tested approach to cutting off transmission: move them out of their homes into centralized facilities while they get over their infections, which usually doesn’t require longer than a few weeks.

“A laissez-faire approach naively trusting everyone to be responsible has been shown to be ineffective, as there will always be a proportion who will breach the terms of the isolation,” said Jeremy Lim, adjunct professor at the National University of Singapore’s Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health.

Faced with a new cluster this week after 102 days without a locally transmitted case, New Zealand has quickly enacted this strategy, placing 17 people -- including two children below the age of 10 -- into centralized quarantine.

But other countries facing sustained spread like Australia and the U.S. are not broadly enacting the policy despite its proven track record. Their unwillingness -- or inability -- to do so underscores the challenges faced by liberal democracies whose populations are less likely to tolerate measures that require individual sacrifice for the greater good. 

Not at Home

The existence of a large group of carriers who hardly feel sick is a unique feature of the coronavirus crisis, and a major factor that has driven its rapid spread across the globe. Unlike in previous outbreaks like the 2003 SARS epidemic, many infected people don’t feel ill enough to stay home, and so spread the pathogen widely as they go about their daily lives.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has estimated that 40% of Covid-19 infections are asymptomatic.

In Wuhan, the Chinese city where the coronavirus first emerged last year, mildly sick patients were originally turned away from hospitals and told to rest at home, given that the overwhelmed health-care system needed to tend to the most severe cases. But health experts soon found that these people would infect their family members and others as they moved around in the community, precipitating a deluge of cases.

Read more on successful virus containment strategies in Asia:

These Elite Contact Tracers Show the World How to Beat Covid-19Virus Hunters Sift Through Sewage to Detect Covid-19 HotspotsAs China Fights Second Wave, Taiwan Starts Stockpiling Again Beijing Just Reported No Cases. Here’s How They Turned It Around

Bringing mild or asymptomatic patients to designated facilities -- re-purposed convention centers, hotels and stadiums -- for basic medical care marked a turning point in the city’s fight against the coronavirus. Simply separating them from healthy people halted the pathogen’s silent spread through the community.

The strategy has since been used in Italy, Singapore and South Korea at the height of their own coronavirus outbreaks earlier this year. Faced with a resurgence last month, Hong Kong converted an exhibition center to accommodate mild Covid-19 patients and is building more such facilities.

In New Zealand, the government put “a lot of thought” into enacting the policy, and is asking family members of confirmed cases to go into centralized quarantine with them if they require care, said director general of health Ashley Bloomfield.

See Image


© Bloomberg Fitting Out and Finishing Touches to a Dedicated Covid Health Centre as India Extends Lockdown

Finishing touches are applied to a ward at a dedicated Covid Health Centre at the Bandra Kurla Complex exhibition ground in Mumbai, India on May 17.

Photographer: Dhiraj Singh/Bloomberg

The approach is effective firstly because it prevents people from infecting family members in the same household -- over 80% of cluster infections in China cities were in households after mild patients were allowed to stay home, said a Lancet study. In Europe, the surge of household infections drove Italy’s Milan to start putting such cases in hotels, enabling the country to gain control over its outbreak in early May.

Beyond household spread, the strategy is necessitated by a facet of human nature that’s been seen time and again across countries and cultures: left to their own devices, some people just won’t follow the rules.

In Australia and Japan, infected people who’ve been told to stay home have gone out for a variety of reasons -- some can’t work from home and need the income, while others want to pick up groceries and supplies. One woman in Tokyo traveled cross country by bus after having her infection confirmed.

“It is far better to be more aggressive in the short term with even mild cases than it is to allow such cases to slip under the radar,” said Nicholas Thomas, associate professor in health security at the City University of Hong Kong.

Locked Up

But forcibly moving mild or asymptomatic patients into centralized facilities has been met with backlash in some countries where citizens are not as accepting of government directives. Some people might lose their jobs if they disappear for two weeks, or have caretaking responsibilities for young children or older parents where it’s unfeasible to be separated.

“People would be wondering what on earth they’re doing locked up in a hospital,” said Stephen Leeder, emeritus professor of public health and community medicine at the University of Sydney. “From what I know about the Australian psyche, I don’t think it would go down all that well.”

In places like Venezuela and India where conditions in quarantine facilities are poor, the prospect of being taken away has caused some to avoid being tested or to lie to contact-tracers for fear of being found positive, making the work of health officials more challenging.

See Image


© Bloomberg Victoria state accounts for almost all the flareup's new cases

In an emailed response to Bloomberg News queries, the Department of Health and Human Services in Victoria said the government provides alternative accommodation for quarantine, but that these are for health workers “who may not be able to safely live at their normal address” and other vulnerable groups.

Rather than forcing isolation on mild cases, authorities have locked down 5 million residents in Melbourne and are tightening restrictions until new cases come under control.

See Image


© Bloomberg Wearing Face Coverings Becomes Mandatory in Melbourne

An information sign informs all customers that they must wear a protective mask at all times at a shopping precinct in Melbourne on July 23.

Photographer: Carla Gottgens/Bloomberg

Officials are using a combination of stepped-up checks and fines of A$4,957 ($3,550) to convince infected people to stay home, while repeat offenders risk a A$20,000 penalty in court. More than 500 military personnel are helping the police conduct checks on 4,000 households every day to ensure those who are supposed to be staying home are there.

To be sure, aggressive and thorough contact-tracing and case follow-up have successfully contained outbreaks in countries like Germany without a centralized quarantine strategy. But these places relied on an army of efficient workers hunting down every chain of transmission, a resource not many governments have had time to build up.

“The classic practice in public health is to identify, trace and quarantine,” said Yang Gonghuan, former deputy director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention. “But how that is carried out depends on popular sentiment and the country’s resources.”

For more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.com

©2020 Bloomberg L.P.



IS there a pandemic?


by Colleen Huber


To all who have been battered by the media's non-stop COVID-19 coverage for the last six months, that question seems insane.


To anyone who bothers to consult the facts, that question is entirely rational---and its answer clear as day, as is the absolute insanity of what we've all been told, and what we're going through because of it.





What the Nazis Learned from Jim Crow: Author Isabel Wilkerson on the U.S. Racial Caste System


( 17:57)


America’s Death March


by Chris Hedges


 “The Crash IS Coming! What To Watch For"


with Richard Wolff

July 15, 2020


“How American Capitalism Is Just Socialism For The Rich”

with Richard Wolff


“Coming Economic Crash Will be WORSE Than Great Depression”


 with Richard Wolff

July 15, 2020



 “It Doesn’t Matter Who’s US President,

The Military-Industrial Complex Must be Funded!”


with Oliver Stone



Let them eat yellowcake: As Powell backs Dems, warmongers seek to regain full control of US policy, regardless of what voters want

Let them eat yellowcake: As Powell backs Dems, warmongers seek to regain full control of US policy, regardless of what voters want


by Tom Cox


Noam Chomsky : “Trump is WORSE Than Hitler”



Government by Blackmail: Jeffrey Epstein, Trump’s Mentor and the Dark Secrets of the Reagan Era


by Whittney Webb


How Government and Media Are Prepping America for a Failed 2020 Election - unlimitedhangout.com


 by Whittney Webb







From: Of Jim O'Brien via H-PAD
Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Subject: [H-PAD] H-PAD Notes 8/12/20: Recent articles of interest; Congressional Update


A Congressional Update follows the list of articles.



Links to Recent Articles of Interest


"Dropping Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki Was Unnecessary"

By Gar Alperovitz and Martin Sherwin, CommonDreams.org, posted August 6 (from the Los Angeles Times)

Argues that the imminent entry of the Soviet Union into the war against Japan was sufficient to force Japanese surrender. Gar Alperovitz teaches political economy at the University of Maryland and Martin Sherwin teaches history at George Mason University. Historians Kai Bird and Peter Kuznick contributed to the article.


"The U.S. Hid Hiroshima's Human Suffering. Then John Hersey Went to Japan"

By Michael S. Rosenwald, Washington Post, posted August 6

On the significance of John Hersey's August 1946 book-length New Yorker article on the human suffering caused by the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. The article broke through a curtain of silence with the US military had imposed on reports of the atomic bomb's civilian damage.


"The Elusive Horror of Hiroshima"

By Lesley M. M. Blume (with photographs by Hiroki Kobayashi), National Geographic, posted August 6

A richly illustrated essay on Hiroshima in the wake of the atomic bombing and today. The author's new book on John Hersey, Fallout: The Hiroshima Cover-Up and the Reporter Who Revealed It to the World, was released by Simon and Schuster on August 4.


"Richard Nixon Bears Responsibility for the Pandemic's Child-Care Crisis"

By Anna K. Danziger-Halperin, Washington Post, posted August 5

On Nixon's veto of federally funded universal child care in 1971 and its lasting consequences. The author is a postdoctoral fellow in women's history and public history at the New-York Historical Society.


"Atomic Bombings at 75: Truman's 'Human Sacrifice' to Subdue Moscow"

By Peter Kuznick, Consortium News, posted August 3

Written as the introduction to the memoir of a Nagasaki bombing victim, Taniguchi Sumiteru, tthis essay touches on the purpose and impact of the atomic bombings and the role of victims in the Japanese anti-nuclear movement. Peter Kuznick teaches history at American University and directs the Nuclear Studies Institute there.


"The Battle of the Atlantic Has Lessons for Fighting Covid-19"

By Marc Wortman, History New Network, posted August 2

On the struggle to get coastal homeowners and businesses to observe a coastal blackout in the interest of preventing German submarines from enjoying free visibility for their attacks. The author is an independent historian and journalist who wrote 1941: Fighting the Shadow War. A Divided America in a World at War (Grove Atlantic, 2019).


"The Next Lost Cause?"

By Caroline E. Janney, Washington Post, posted July 31

"The South's mythology glamorized a noble defeat. Trump's backers may do the same." The author teaches the history of the Civil War at the University of Virginia.


"A Magazine Story Opened Eyes to Hiroshima's Horror. White House Allies Plotted to Shut Them Again"

By Greg Mitchell, Mother Jones, posted July 24

On the effort to counter the effect of John Hersey's New Yorker report on the impact of the Hiroshima bombing. The author's book The Beginning or the End: How Hollywood--and America--Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

was published earlier this month by The New Press).


"Tearing Down Black America"

By Brent Cebul, Boston Review, posted July 22

"Policing is not the only kind of state violence. In the mid-twentieth century, city governments, backed by federal money, demolished hundreds of Black neighborhoods in the name of urban renewal." The author teaches twentieth-century US history at the University of Pennsylvania.


"The Border Patrol's Brute Power in Portland Is the Norm at the Border"

By Karl Jacoby, Los Angeles Times, posted July 22

"What’s happening in Oregon reflects the long history of unprecedented police powers granted to federal border agents over what has become a far more expansive border zone than most Americans realize." The author teaches US history at Columbia University.


Thanks to an anonymous reader for flagging some of the above articles. Suggestions can be sent to jimobrien48@gmail.com.



Congressional Update

By Carolyn "Rusti" Eisenberg and Prasannan Parthasarathi, H-PAD's legislative coordinators


Senators Need to Hear from Their Constituents

Capitol Switchboard : 202-224-3121


Increased funding for a wasteful, dangerous defense budget is nothing new. 


But something different is happening this time: With our country in crisis and  millions of Americans desperate for  federal assistance, the Senate has authorized another $740.5 billion for defense, while refusing to vote on the House of Representatives Heroes Act, in the name of fiscal responsibility. The House bill has shortcomings, but it provides vitally needed benefits that the President's Executive Order leaves out: $600 a week added to unemployment insurance, a second stimulus check for American beneath a certain income level, urgent assistance to states and city government, funding for the post office and for schools, and other important items. 


Senators Need to Hear from Their Constituents.  Helpful to call your Senators' office today:Capitol Switchboard:  202-224-3121. Let  them know you are furious about the misplaced priorities of $740.5 billion for "defense," and the failure to support the necessary expenditures contained in the Heroes Act.


If it's a done-deal, why bother? All these offices keep a count of their calls. And in one form another, both defense spending and a stimulus package will come up again. So constituent push-back is still helpful.


Senate Roll-Call on 2021 Defense Authorization Act


Further information on the  Heroes Act



Forbidden Knowledge TV










“Who is behind the protests in Hong Kong?”


with George Galloway



China Going Into ‘State of SIEGE’, Will Defend Itself Against the US!


with John Pilger



“Understanding the Political Scenario of INDIA,CANADA, JAPAN, CHINA,USA, FRANCE, etc…”


with Tomas Schuman



“The truth about war with Danny Sjursen, combat veteran and West Point graduate.”


with Chris Hedges and Danny Sjursen



History Professor Exposes One of America's biggest History Myths


with  Peter Kuznick






Thomas Frank on Useful Idiots, Interview Only:

 “The People, NO: A Brief History of Anti-Populism”


with Matt Taibbi, Kaitie Halper






Israel bombs Gaza for eighth day in a row as it threatens Hamas with war


by MEE and agencies


Israel Launches Week-Long Bombing Campaign in Gaza Amid Ongoing War Crimes Investigation


by Kathryn Shihadah


From: Moshé Machover
Sent: Monday, August 17, 2020
Subject: Interview about An Army Like No Other in L’Humanité today



L’Humanité 12 Lundi 17 août 2020.


« Le monde en mouvement »


version française

« Les Israéliens mènent une vie spartiate de soldats en vacances »

entretien par Pierre Barbancey



Haim Bresheeth est le fils de rescapés de la Shoah. Juifs de Pologne,

ils avaient refusé l’appel sioniste, lui préférant le Parti travailliste juif

socialiste. À la sortie des camps, faute de trouver un pays d’accueil,

ils se sont rendus en Israël. L’auteur, né en 1946 à Rome, y a grandi

et fait son service militaire, avant de quitter le pays.


Ce livre survient bien à propos pour mieux comprendre les rouages

de la société israélienne. Une société militarisée à outrance, une armée

qui a créé la nation israélienne et dont la force politique est sans

égale. Et surtout, elle est la garante de l’occupation. C’est une « armée

comme aucune autre » pour reprendre le titre de cet ouvrage

magistral divisé en trois parties : les guerres d’Israël, l’armée et son État,

et enfin le dépérissement d’Israël, où il demande si Israël est une

démocratie. Bresheeth estime que le projet sioniste, hier, aujourd’hui

et demain, ne peut inclure la création d’un État palestinien aux côtés

d’Israël. Il faut espérer qu’un éditeur français saura s’en saisir.


Haim Bresheeth retrace dans un livre l’évolution de l’armée israélienne,

de la Nakba aux guerres en Égypte, au Liban, en Irak, aux assauts

continus sur Gaza. Le chercheur montre que l’État d’Israël

a été formé à partir de ses guerres. Entretien.


PB : Quelles sont les raisons pour lesquelles vous avez concentré votre travail sur les forces de défense

israéliennes (FDI) ?

HB :  Les FDI représente l’institution sociale la plus cruciale de l’État israélien

depuis 1948. C’est la plus grande, la mieux financée, et la plus importante en nombre, comprenant la plupart des hommes d’Israël et énormément de femmes. Cela a de graves répercussions – Tsahal est pleinement représentative de la population juive en Israël. En ce sens, l’armée est l’organe le plus représentatif de la société israélienne.


Comprendre cela, c’est commencer à comprendre Israël, et la difficulté à laquelle nous

sommes confrontés lorsqu’il s’agit de résoudre le conflit en Palestine, un conflit de type

colonial. Parce que la seule solution que les FDI accepteront est celle dans laquelle elles

détiennent toutes les cartes.


PB : Vous dites que les FDI ont fait une nation.  Pourquoi ?

HB : Dans le livre, je traite du fait que ce qui existait en 1948 était une armée, et cette armée a construit un État, mais il n’y avait pas de nation ! Ce n’est pas mon point de vue, mais celui de David Ben Gourion, qui a compris qu’une collection de personnes

venues de toutes les parties du monde, sans rien qui les relie, n’est pas une nation. La

nation devait être formée par une organisation sociale large afin de créer une culture nationale, un sentiment d’appartenance, l’identité d’une nouvelle nation israélo-juive. Le seul corps qui était capable de cette tâche complexe, qui prend des centaines d’années dans la plupart des cas, était les FDI, et Ben Gourion l’a choisi parce qu’en 1948, il comprenait pratiquement tous les adultes juifs – tous les hommes et la plupart des femmes.


Il s’agissait d’une armée qui combattait les Palestiniens et les armées arabes. Mais elle exerce aussi toutes les tâches civiques normalement exécutées par la société civile. La plupart d’entre elles restent encore effectuées par les FDI. Dans la dernière crise du coronavirus, les FDI et les services secrets (Shabak) ont ainsi pris le relais d’une grande partie du pays pour l’opération de suivi et de traçage, par exemple. Le revers

de la médaille est que la plupart des Israéliens ne perçoivent leur identité que dans les termes de l’armée et ne voient le conflit qu’à travers le filtre de la force militaire.


PB : Quel est le rôle des militaires dans la vie politique et économique ?

HB : Les FDI et les entreprises qui y sont liées forment le plus grand secteur

d’Israël et sont responsables de la plus grande partie des revenus provenant des exportations, entre 12 et 18 milliards de dollars par an. Vendant dans plus de 135 pays, Israël est l’un des principaux marchands d’armes de la planète.


Israël a transformé le conflit en une entreprise florissante – il a fait de l’adversité un succès

commercial, en s’appuyant sur le slogan « testé dans l’action ». Le modèle d’affaires comprend

également des milliers d’entreprises high-tech créées par des officiers retraités, qui, avec les entreprises d’armement et de sécurité nationalisées, sont le plus grand employeur du pays. Tous les établissements universitaires bénéficient d’un financement substantiel de la recherche déboursé par les FDI, le ministère de la Défense et les diverses organisations de sécurité ; certaines universités et des collèges ont également organisé des programmes de formation pour les FDI et les organismes connexes.


PB : Dans le livre, vous vous interrogez sur « Israël est une démocratie » et s’« il aurait pu y avoir un autre Israël ».

Pouvez-vous nous donner quelques éléments de réponse ?

HB : Il n’y a jamais eu de société colonisatrice qui était démocratique ou libre. Israël ne fait pas exception. Un projet de colonisation est une question de contrôle – de la terre, des ressources et de la maind’oeuvre. En tant que tel, il dépend de l’anarchie et de l’injustice, toujours défendu par la violation du système juridique. C’était vrai pour l’Algérie, l’Australie, l’Amérique du Nord et du Sud, l’Afrique du Sud, le Congo, et c’est vrai en Palestine. Une société militaire dans l’occupation illégale ne peut pas être démocratique, et,

comme Marx l’a souligné, ne peut pas, en soi, être libre.


Par conséquent, l’Israël sioniste ne peut jamais être démocratique. Dans le passé, certains sionistes de gauche ont soutenu que l’idée sioniste était pure et juste, mais en quelque sorte souillée par la pratique. Il n’y a rien de plus éloigné de la vérité. Comme je l’ai souligné, le but ultime du projet sioniste, à partir du moment où il apparaît dans l’oeuvre de Herzl jusqu’à notre époque, était et reste la dépossession et l’expulsion des Palestiniens,  et la mise en place d’une société juive exclusive sur des principes racistes. C’est la raison pour laquelle, avec le temps, Israël devient plus raciste et plus agressif. Le rêve sioniste est essentiellement un cauchemar colonial.


Même si l’on est assez brutal pour ignorer la souffrance palestinienne, la vie des juifs en Israël ne peut, par définition, être sûre ou normale. Les Israéliens vivent une vie spartiate de soldats en vacances. Israël a eu de nombreuses chances d’instaurer la paix et l’a toujours évitée. C’est un État militarisé, préférant l’état de guerre – avec son empire qui s’accroche illégalement aux territoires de quatre États arabes –, qui impose une oppression raciste à près de 5 millions de Palestiniens sans aucun droit. Près de 2 millions de ses propres citoyens palestiniens perdent maintenant les quelques droits qu’ils avaient. Nous pouvons affirmer sans risque qu’Israël est un État militarisé par choix, en raison de sa nécessité de protéger son empire par un butin militaire et une occupation illégale. Personne n’a imposé ce régime d’occupation aux Israéliens. C’est leur décision. Le reste du monde est toutefois responsable de l’autoriser et de le financer, en particulier les États-Unis et l’Union européenne.


PB : Depuis le 1er juillet, l’État hébreux est censé annexer 30 % de la Cisjordanie. Comment les FDI se comportent-elles

dans ce cadre ?

HB : L’évolution vers l’annexion illégale de la majeure partie de la Cisjordanie est l’exemple ultime de l’anarchie soutenue par les États-Unis – une action illégale unilatérale et non négociable contre les droits des Palestiniens. Le fait que le premier ministre, Benyamin Netanyahou, n’ait pas respecté l’échéance de son annexion d’ici le 1er juillet est un signe clair que même l’armée israélienne s’oppose à cette mesure. Avant les années 1990, les FDI contrôlaient la Cisjordanie et devaient investir d’énormes ressources humaines et matérielles dans le maintien de l’ordre dans toute la Palestine. Cette situation désastreuse, qui s’était développée à la suite de la première Intifada, a poussé Israël à organiser les accords d’Oslo, établissant une Autorité nationale palestinienne (ANP). Depuis lors, l’ANP – formée et armée par Israël, et partiellement financée par l’UE et les États-Unis – a sécurisé les territoires occupés au nom d’Israël, exonérant les FDI de leurs devoirs et de

tout coût financier.


Mais l’annexion peut conduire l’ANP vers l’effondrement. En fin de compte, elle pourrait perdre le contrôle des organisations de sécurité palestiniennes, détestées et méprisées par le peuple palestinien. Les FDI ne souhaitent pas perdre cet important assouplissement de ses fonctions et s’inquiètent grandement de sa capacité à contrôler les

territoires occupés si un tel scénario se produit. Les FDI ont opposé leur veto au programme d’annexion tel que Netanyahou l’a présenté, et il semble donc avoir dû l’abandonner discrètement pour le moment. En revanche, Israël n’a pas abandonné son véritable programme, qui se poursuit à un rythme soutenu. L’incapacité de la communauté

internationale, telle qu’elle est, à s’opposer à une telle illégalité atroce est un danger pour l’État de droit partout dans le monde, à une époque de grande fragilité internationale.


Le droit international doit être appliqué avant que d’autres dommages irréparables ne soient causés aux Palestiniens, et qu’un dangereux précédent soit établi.


PB : Tous les pays occidentaux, mais aussi l’OLP, parlent encore de la solution des deux États. Avec l’annexion, cette idée est morte. Mais quand l’État sioniste refuse un État palestinien, est-il possible d’établir un seul État, même binational et plein droit pour tous les citoyens ?

HB :  Il doit être clair pour les lecteurs de l’Humanité qu’Israël n’a jamais eu l’intention de mettre fin à son occupation militaire, et a fait tout ce qui est humainement possible pour bloquer toute forme d’État palestinien depuis 1948, et plus spécialement depuis 1967. Il ne pouvait pas le faire seul, bien sûr. Sans le soutien fort et indéfectible des « démocraties » occidentales, cela n’aurait jamais été possible. En ce sens, Israël a toujours été contre la solution dite des deux États. Le débat à l’ONU comprenait en réalité deux options : celle de la partition, qui a été votée, a conduit à la Nakba et à l’expulsion des deux tiers des Palestiniens de leurs foyers. Mais aussi, on s’en souvient moins, la proposition d’un État unique laïque et démocratique sur l’ensemble de la Palestine :


un État de tous ses citoyens, sans lois racistes spéciales. Jusqu’en 1988, cette option, rejetée par l’ONU en 1947, était la position officielle de l’OLP. En faisant valoir qu’une telle issue démocratique ne peut pas avoir lieu à cause de l’opposition israélienne, rappelons-nous que c’est aussi la raison pour laquelle il ne peut y avoir d’accord sur une autre solution.


Israël a rejeté toute solution qui offrirait aux Palestiniens une certaine autonomie même sur une partie minuscule de leur terre. Donc, nous, le reste du monde, devons forcer Israël à l’accepter. Le monde l’avait fait dans le cas de l’autre État de l’apartheid – l’Afrique du Sud. Seule une campagne engagée de boycott, de désinvestissement et de sanctions (BDS) coordonnée au niveau international peut déloger Israël de son projet colonial. Une telle campagne, en faveur de l’égalité, des droits de l’homme, du droit international, des résolutions des Nations unies, des conventions de Genève, et de la Cour pénale internationale, peut apporter l’espoir d’établir une paix juste et durable au Moyen-Orient

à toutes les personnes résidant en Palestine, ainsi qu’aux réfugiés palestiniens.


La campagne BDS, qui s’oppose aux actions militaires illégales et agressives d’Israël, est une campagne civile. Une action civique menée par tous les citoyens du monde, en évitant la violence et la brutalité, en essayant de changer la situation par des méthodes non violentes. Je pense que le moment est clairement venu d’une telle approche, si l’on veut éviter

davantage d’effusions de sang et de souffrances.




(1)   Auteur de An Army Like No Other. How the Israel Defense Force Made a Nation. Verso Books Edition.



English version

« Israel is a militarized State, preferring the state of war »


August 17, 2020 interview in L’Humanité with Haim Bresheeth by Pierre Barbancey




par l’AURDIP


Mahmoud Nawajaa, le Coordinateur général du comité national palestinien de BDS (BNC), a été arrêté près de Ramallah le mercredi 29 juillet à 3h30 du matin. De nombreux soldats israéliens ont envahi son domicile et, en présence de sa femme et de ses enfants, l’ont menotté, lui ont mis un bandeau sur les yeux et l’ont embarqué pour une destination inconnue, emportant avec eux le matériel informatique trouvé sur place. L’AURDIP condamne avec la plus grande fermeté cette nouvelle atteinte au droit perpétrée par une armée d’occupation et demande au gouvernement français de faire son devoir, c’est-à-dire de faire respecter le droit international, au besoin en prenant des sanctions contre Israël.


How an Israeli Spy-Linked Tech Firm Gained Access to the US Gov’t’s Most Classified Networks


by Whittney Webb


How Israel wages war on Palestinian history


by Jonathan Cook


On Bombs And Bombings


by Caitlin Johnstone


For a full week now the Israeli army has been bombing Gaza, a population that is about to run out of fuel for its only power plant due to a years-long Israeli program of deliberate siege warfare.

Yesterday the US ordered an airstrike on Syrian forces, killing one, when they refused to let the illegal occupying force past a checkpoint in northern Syria.

In both cases an arm of the US-centralized empire used wildly disproportionate force against people who stood against a hostile occupation of their own country. In both cases the more powerful and violent occupiers claimed they were acting in “self-defense”. In both cases dropping explosives from the sky upon human beings barely made the news.

ISRAEL is dropping bombs on Gaza and no one is talking about it.. WHYYYYY.????#Gaza #GazaUnderAttack pic.twitter.com/gGhl8bYKOk

Elaa Naqvi (@greyhairs_) August 17, 2020

Bombs should not exist. Explosives designed to blow fire and shrapnel through human bodies should not be a thing. In a sane world, there wouldn’t be bombs, and if some mentally unbalanced person ever made and used one it would be a major international news story.

Instead, bombs are cranked out like iPhones at enormous profit, and nearly all bombings are ignored. Many bombs are being dropped per day by the US and its allies, with a massive civilian death toll, and almost none of those bombings receive any international attention. The only time they do is generally when a bombing occurs that was not authorized by the US-centralized empire.





In collaboration with McGill University



The Internet of Bodies Is Here:

Tackling new challenges of technology governance


by Xiao Liu McGill University, Faculty Fellow at the World Economic Forum Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution; Wilson China Fellow,

and Jeff Merritt, Head of Internet of Things, Robotics and Smart Cities, Member of Executive Committee, World Economic Forum





Covid-19: Lockdown of the Global Economy of Planet Earth. Diabolical Project:

The Closing Down of 193 National Economies Is Not “A Solution”


by Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Bonnie Faulkner

(with audio: 59:52)





Moral Bioenhancement, IMF Payoffs, Illogical Unscientific Mask Tyranny & Gaza Under Israeli Attack


with Ryan Cristián



The public are waking up to ‘alarmist politicians'


with Alan Jones


QAnon is a fake, decoy imitation of a healthy revolutionary impulse


by Caitlin Johnstone





From: Global Research Newsletter [mailto:newsletter@globalresearch.ca]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2020 7:29 PM
To: francis.feeley@u-grenoble3.fr
Subject: Was COVID-19 a Cover for an Anticipated or Planned Financial Crisis?






Was COVID-19 a Cover for an Anticipated or Planned Financial Crisis?

By Anthony Hall, August 20, 2020


The internationalization of increased unemployment and poverty brought about in the name of combating the corona crisis is having the effect of further widening the polarization between rich and poor on a global scale.



Medical Fascism: Australia Plans to Make Covid-19 Vaccine ‘as Mandatory as Possible’ Once Proven Safe

By Samantha Maiden and Charis Chang, August 20, 2020


The Oxford University vaccine is made from a genetically engineered virus that causes the common cold in chimpanzees and is known as ChAdOx1 nCoV-19. Scientists have altered the virus to make it mimic the coronavirus.



All Spying All the Time: The Insatiable Appetite of the US Government to Spy on Everyone in America.

By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, August 20, 2020


During this summer of madness in Portland, Oregon, and sadness over COVID-19, two below-the-radar events occurred implicating the insatiable appetite of the United States government to spy on everyone in America. The feds have been wearing away at our privacy rights using a multitude of means.



The Hariri Assassination: Israel ’s Fingerprints

By Rannie Amiri, August 20, 2020


As for the yet unsolved case of the February 2005 murder of Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri, the underpinnings of this covert operation including the role of Israel have now surfaced. A crackdown on Israeli spy rings [in 2010] operating in Lebanon has resulted in more than 70 arrests over the past 18 months. Included among them are four high-ranking Lebanese Army and General Security officers—one having spied for the Mossad since 1984.



USAID Document Exposes New US Plot to Overthrow Nicaragua’s Elected Socialist Government

By Ben Norton, August 20, 2020


A newly released document exposes a US government operation to overthrow the democratically elected socialist government in Nicaragua. The plot is administered by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), a regime-change vehicle that uses the pretense of “humanitarian aid” to advance Washington’s aggressive foreign-policy interests.



American Politics: Send in the Clowns for the Circus Is in Town

By Edward Curtin, August 19, 2020


The Umbrella People are the moguls who own the showtime studios – some call them the secret government, the deep-state, or the power elite. They run a protection racket, so I like to use a term that emphasizes their method of making sure the sunlight of truth never gets to those huddled under their umbrella.



Covid-19: Lockdown of the Global Economy of Planet Earth. Diabolical Project: The Closing Down of 193 National Economies Is Not “A Solution”

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Bonnie Faulkner, August 19, 2020


Planet Lockdown. Devastating economic and social consequences. We are living one of the most serious crises in modern history. According to Michel Chossudovsky, the coronavirus pandemic is used as a pretext and a justification to close down the global economy, as a means to resolving a public health concern. A complex decision-making process is instrumental in the closing down of national economies Worldwide. We are led to believe that the lockdown is the solution.



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“ENDGAME 2050”


May 22, 2020


What will the future be like in the year 2050? A mere three decades away, most of us hope to still be around. So, what kind of future are we riding into? ENDGAME 2050 gives us a glimpse into that future, and it does not look good. Humanity has backed itself into an ecological endgame as we approach mid-century. Featuring musician Moby along with leading scientists, ENDGAME 2050 lays out the reality that, unless we act urgently now, we are hastening our own destruction.


"Everyone Should Be Prepared | The Statistics Are Frightening"


April 26, 2020






Australia's big four banks remove thousands of ATMs, shut down hundreds of branches


by Kylie Stevens





Sweden and Switzerland PROVE, respectively, that (a) the lockdowns are a catastrophic wrong, and (b) so is NOT using HCQ+



News From Underground

From: Mark Crispin Miller

Sent: Sunday, August 16, 2020 4:19 AM
To: newsfromunderground
Subject: [MCM] Some promising developments---and an urgent warning


From Lila York:


Folks, there are several critical developments happening now that give us all hope that we can save our democracy, our constitution and our freedoms and try to recover our humanity and our culture in full. I am going to link a few articles and urge you to read them.


1 - Doctors across the US write an open letter to Dr. Fauci testifying that HCQ+ zinc cures the virus in phase one and demanding that he support its use on an outpatient basis which will save hundreds of lives. https://www.globalresearch.ca/open-letter-dr-anthony-fauci-regarding-use-hydroxychloroquine-treating-covid-19/5721065


2 - 640 German doctors inaugurate the covid19 extra -parliamentary inquiry committee. stating that the virus, though real, is a typical flu and that the covid 19 pandemic is a global scam. "The two key questions are 1 - Who would do this and 2 - Who benefits". They will be joined by hundreds of doctors from across the globe.

- 3 minute introduction in English  https://twitter.com/jonkirbysthlm/status/1294556980477079552

- 29 minute detailed explanation of the project in German with English subtitles.  https://acu2020.org/english-versions/


3 - From CDC data, 2020 has the lowest weekly death rate in a decade - so far. Where is the pandemic? 



5 - Grass roots organization make Americans free again   https://makeamericansfreeagain.com/


6 - I watched a two hour video on 5G satellites and their effects on the planet, animals, plants and humans hosted by Arthur Firstenberg, the world' s foremost expert on electricity and electro magnetic fields and author of The Invisible Rainbow, a book everyone should read. His conclusion was that we must stop 5G satellites before they are activated mid- September, and the only route he knows for that is for everyone on the planet to understand how dangerous smart phones and wifi are and throw away their cell phones, ending the demand for 5G and giving the governments no way to track human movement and action.  Video is up only this weekend. (You can start halfway through, since Firstenberg did not join until late) https://event.webinarjam.com/replay/57/rm0mlc8lskktv4c4lzy

shorter video by him here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLmc5cJ1SRY


There are some very unsavory powerbrokers with totalitarian plans for us. They are not hiding it. It goes by "Agenda 2030," now sped up to be agenda 2020, "ID 2021", an inserted tattoo chip under our skin containing our financial and medical records, The great reset. and - worst of all - "transhumanism" - essentially turning all humans into robots by altering our DNA via injection.  At the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, the corporate members cackled with glee saying that the virus gave them "such a wonderful opportunity to inaugurate "The Great Reset"---meaning one-world government, one-world currency, all naturally produced food replaced by GMO food, the end of nation-states, global surveillance of all humans, and a greatly reduced global population. For starters I will just say that without hard cash currency there is no freedom. Those digits in the cloud can be erased at will, and a new "social credit system" means that if you step out of line, you can lose access to your money - among other freedoms. Their goal is global control of all humans. To me this is no different from slavery. So let's put this information together We have doctors celebrating the discovery of a cure for a lame virus whose presence is dying down to zero, whose mortality numbers peaked in April and have now declined to zero.We have the media ignoring that data and initiating another fear campaign based on fake data. We have doctors around the globe declaring that the pandemic was a fraud and is being perpetuated in the media to serve profits for big pharma. We have the telecoms willy nilly putting thousands upon thousands of satellites into orbit to saturate the earth in man-made 5G radiation  and obliterate the night sky without even the smallest attempt to study the effects on the earth, the ionosphere or on us.


This is my own conclusion:  When Salk discovered the polio vaccine and offered it to the world for free there was joy across the world. It meant an end to that horrific disease. Last week doctors across the US announced a cure for the virus called covid 19 . Was there joy across the land? Did CNN  cheer on the doctors who brought this cure to the public? No. the opposite happened. They accused doctors of impeccable reputations of being "quacks"---GPs and ER doctors of long standing. They included the renowned epidemiologist head of the Yale School of Public Health in their slander. Google removed not only the video of the doctors' press conference from youtube (now back up at bitchute), but also removed their own website, America's Frontline Doctors

(now restored)  All news networks are utterly dependent upon big pharma advertising to pay their bills. And big pharma no doubt ordered the shutdowns They have billions in potential profits at stake in forced, mandatory vaccines - none of which are now needed, since there is a safe, effective, and very cheap cure (10 cents per pill for HCQ). widely prescribed for 60 years, long out of patent, so big pharma cannot make money from it. Bottom line - they preferred to see Americans die for lack of access to HCQ than lose their billions from an experimental vaccine that has never been used on humans and never tested on animals. That told me all I needed to know. What it told me is that there is some other motive or list of motives behind this trumped up pandemic - likely universal control and surveillance of citizens. The refusal of governments and media to cheer the discovery of a cure tells us all that it is a fraud upon the people of the globe.


As for 5G radiation poisoning, the 5G satellites are scheduled to be activated mid-September. Millions will become sick from them and some will die from hypoxia. The media will claim the dreaded "second wave of the virus" has arrived or announce some other new virus in its place as a coverup to the lethal effects of 5G. The infamous "deep state" needs 5G to nail down its control of us and operate our cars. (Tesla remote-driven cars routinely crash, fall apart and burn up - not so sure the CIA will have an easy time on that.) I will add here an article I wrote a month ago. I held it back from most of you because what we are fighting is way scary.



by Lila York


Raise your hand if you don't like the way God created us and think that Bill Gates should be allowed to improve on God's work by altering our DNA with injected genetically modified nano-particles. No?  Okay.


Raise your hand if you think that the solution to overpopulation is to sterilize every man and woman on earth with millimetre electro-magnetic frequencies.  No? Okay.


Raise your hand if you would like your newborn infant to be injected with formaldehyde, aluminum, mercury, Polysorbate 80, dog brains and DNA from aborted fetal tissue. No?


Raise your hand if you want the CIA to drive your car for you. - and incidentally run it into a guard rail if they don't like something you write on Facebook.  No?


Raise your hand if you think all churches, synagogues and mosques should get the wrecking ball and be eliminated so that God can be replaced by Amazon's robots.  No?


Raise your hand if you knew that all of the above are being planned for us and are already in process courtesy of Bill Gates and the Rockefeller Foundation.  No?


Then raise your hand if you are willing to defy the government and the telecoms, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and refuse to consent to any of the above and so remain fully human and drive your own car.


Bill Gates'  brave new world will be missing the things that fuel our yearnings and right our moral compass. Things that make us cheer and weep. Imagine a world without Mozart, without Shakespeare' s plays, Dickens'  novels,  or Jane Austen's. Without the Rolling Stones or Bach, without Balanchine or break-dancing, without  Van Gogh or Jackson Pollock, without La Boheme or Les Miserables. without Citizen Kane or Star WarsA world where nobody falls in love or mourns the death of a parent. That is the world Bill Gates is planning for us: a world bereft of human expression, human searching, human joy; a world where God is no longer within us.









From: Richard Greeman [mailto:rgreeman@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, August 24, 2020 4:26 PM
To: Richard Greeman
Subject: George Floyd Rises; Donald Trump Collapses


Amérique: Grand tournant politique

par Richard Greeman

George Floyd vit encore. Assassiné par des policiers racistes le 26 mai, Floyd est incarné par le mouvement Black Lives Matter qui depuis trois mois continue à enflammer la pays. En revanche, Donald Trump est déjà politiquement mort – selon les sondages électoraux. Déjà ce dictateur en herbe prépare ouvertement un coup d’état pour saboter les présidentielles de novembre. A lire :









Covid : Quel camp choisir?


par Richard Greeman


Dans quel camp nous situons-nous face à cette pandémie terrifiant qui s’étend à travers la planète en tuant tous les jours de plus en plus de gens – à commencer par les personnels médicaux, les travailleur/euses necessaires, les pauvres, les discriminés, les faibles ?


Rangeons-nous du côté de Donald Trump, Jair Bolsonaro, et des néo-libéraux qui nient le danger afin de faire retourner au boulot les salarié.es, sans financer les mesures sanitaires nécessaires ? Qui profitent alors que les travailleur/euses risquant leurs vies pour faire gonfler la Bourse ?


Ou sommes nous avec la résistance des urgentistes, enseignants et travailleur/euses de première ligne qui veulent se protéger et protéger les autres en renforçant les mesures de santé publique ?


Malheureusement, cette question divise même la gauche au moment où l’unité est urgent à forger pour les luttes sociales qui vont éclater à la rentrée. Lire plus :








Capitalism in crisis

with Yanis Varoufakis

"What's Next For The U.S. Economy?”


with Jeffrey Sachs



The US Healthcare Crisis


with Richard Wolff
