Bulletin N° 952


“The Bridge on the River Kwai





The Bridge on the River Kwai is a 1957 epic war film directed by David Lean and based on the 1952 novel written by French novelist Pierre Boulle, with the English translation by Xan Fielding in 1954..This film uses the historical setting of the construction of the Burma Railway in 1942-1943. The cast includes Alec Guinness, William Holden, Jack Hawkins, and Sessue Hayakawa. It was initially scripted by screenwriter Carl Foreman.


During WW II, allied POWs in a Japanese internment camp are ordered to build a bridge to accommodate the Burma-Siam railway. Their instinct is to sabotage the bridge, but under the leadership of Colonel Nicholson they're persuaded the bridge should be built to help morale, spirit. At first, the prisoners admire Nicholson when he bravely endures torture rather than compromise his principles for the benefit of Japanese Commandant Colonel Saito, but soon they realized it's a monument to Nicholson, himself, as well as a form of collaboration with the enemy.


Most war movies are either for or against their wars. "The Bridge on the River Kwai" (1957) is one of the few that focuses not on larger rights and wrongs but on individuals. Like Robert Graves' World War I memoir, Goodbye to All That, it shows men grimly hanging onto military discipline and pride in their units as a way of clinging to sanity. By the end of "Kwai" we are less interested in who wins than in how individual characters will behave.


The film is set in 1943, in a POW camp in Burma, along the route of a rail line the Japanese were building between Malaysia and Rangoon. Shears is already in the camp; we've seen him steal a cigarette lighter from a corpse to bribe his way into the sick bay. He watches as a column of British prisoners, led by Nicholson, marches into camp whistling "The Colonel Bogey March."


The film's central relationship is between Saito and Nicholson, a professional soldier approaching his 28th anniversary of army service ("I don't suppose I've been at home more than 10 months in all that time"). The Japanese colonel is not a military pro; he learned English while studying in London, he tells Nicholson, and likes corned beef and Scotch whisky. But he is a rigidly dutiful officer, and we see him weeping privately with humiliation because Nicholson is a better bridge builder; he prepares for hara-kiri if the bridge is not ready on time.


The story is fictional but uses the construction of the Burma Railway, in 1942–1943, as its historical setting, and is partly based on Pierre Boulle's own life experience working in Malaysia rubber plantations and later working for allied forces in Singapore and Indochina during World War II. The novel deals with the plight of World War II British prisoners of war forced by the Imperial Japanese Army to build a bridge for the "Death Railway", so named because of the large number of prisoners and conscripts who died during its construction. The novel won France's Prix Sainte-Beuve in 1952.






Subject: Political Chaos or Class Struggle? : The Revenge-Democrats’ Dilemma.




January 18, 2021

Grenoble, France



Dear Colleagues and Friends of CEIMSA,


Lessons from the Cold War are still useful for understanding US militarism and subsequent wars against the Sandinistas of Nicaragua, against drugs, against terrorism, against the pandemic, against conspiracy theories, etc., etc….


In 1947 Michigan's Senator Arthur Vandenberg advised the ill-equipped President Harry Truman on the eve of the Cold War that the best way to convince the public to support cold and hot wars was "scaring the hell out of Americans." A few months later, the Truman Doctrine allocated $400,000,000 in military aid to fight Communism in Greece and Turkey. And in 1950, the NSC Policy Paper Number 68, authored by Paul Nitze & co. advocated tripling the US annual defense budget form $13 billion to $50 billion. Nitze stated the purpose of this increased tax burden on the American public: ‘[NSC-68] advocated an immediate and large-scale build-up in our military and general strength and that of our allies with the intention of righting the power balance and in the hope that through means of other than all-out war we could induce a change in the nature of the soviet system.’


The dire warning of the post-war Soviet threat taken verbatim from the 66-page top secret NSC-68 Document, written in 1950, reads:

“[T]he Soviet Union, unlike previous aspirance to hegemony, is animated by a new fanatic faith, antithetical to our own, and seeks to impose its absolute authority over the rest of the world. Conflict has, therefore, become endemic and is waged, on the part of the Soviet Union, by violent or non-violent methods in accordance with the dictates of expediency. With the development of increasingly terrifying weapons of mass destruction, every individual faces the ever-present possibility of annihilation should the conflict enter the phase of total war.”

Without a policy of “legitimization,” imperialist practice would lose much of its popular support. This has been a cultural axiom of every empire, and it remains true today.


The second chapter of Joel Kovel’s book, Overcoming Zionism (2007), is entitled “The Unnatural History of a Bad Idea.” In it he writes about ideological contradictions which served to promote the Zionist program.


     At first glance the Zionist movement seems the very antithesis of the dark tribalisms that haunt Jewish history. Zionists were, manifestly, thoroughly modern ‘New Jews.’ Indeed, no antisemite could surpass the loathing of some of them for the backwardness and superstition of the Jewish masses. Yet Zionism’s dynamic was drawn from the most tribal and particularlistic stratum of Judaism, and its destiny became the restoration of tribalism in the guise of a modern, highly militarized and aggressive state. In other words, both of the Covenant-al paths open to Jewry, universalism and chauvinistic tribalism, were used by Zionism, but toward markedly different ends: the former as a fig leaf for the latter, which became the real driving force of the movement.


     The reason for this is perfectly obvious. Jews may have thought of themselves as a nation, but thought and reality are not the same. To be a nation, a people has to have an organic realtion  to a territory, and this the Jews lacked. They had instead a fantasied relation to a mythic territory, the Biblical Israel, which had to stand in for the real, habitable territory until this was gained. And that has been the fatal flaw in Zionism, both before and after the conquest, and why we call it, ungenerously but truthfully, a bad idea.


     The choice of Palestine as national home enabled the quest to proceed along mythically defined lines, at the cost of situating the dream of Jewish renewal in the very center of Islam. This was very foolish, and will one day bring Israel down. But wherever the Zionists would have gone, they would have encountered sever resistance. Habitable land has a way of being already inhabited, and inhabitants have a way of being attached to place. It is just one of those nagging features of human nature. A tremendous struggle would be necessary therefore, if the Zionists were to dislodge these inhabitants and only a tremendously concentrated desire could suffice to energize that struggle. This concentration of desire would have to contend with three great difficulties: the resistance of those who stood in the way and would have to be dislodged; the exigencies of geopolitics; and one’s own inner being, which would have to be retooled form the self-image of an ethical victim to that of a ruthless conqueror.


     All of these obstacles could be dealt with by signing onto Western imperialism and capitalism. A great deal came the Zionist’s way as a result: money, the imprimatur of Great Powers, and a full deck of moral excuses reaching back to the Crusades, the mission civilisatrice, and the White Man’s Burden – all these fell into the Zionist lap, with long-term consequences we trace below. But what remained unique to Zionism was the way the imperial mantle fit over the archaic tribalism.


     Only an immensity of Jewish suffering could compensate for the moral contradictions inherent to the drive for land. As a result a subtle but profound shift took place with respect to the persecutions that the Jews had suffered. The burden of antisemitism, which was the perceived stimulus to Zionism, became integrated into it as an essential condition for it. Judaeophobia acquired an ominous kind of necessity: rather than stimulating the drive to transform the social conditions from which judaeophobia arose, antisemitic persecution was drawn into service; it became a useful, and even necessary, wheel in the machinery of Zionism.


     Zionism might be called an artificial nationalism. The passions that drove it were all too real, but the reality was that of a collective fantasy animating a people who, as Jean-Christophe Attias has put it, ‘never defined themselves simply as Jews: they were Jews from the country where they lived; Jews of the particular language they spoke.’


. . .

     This set into motion a vicious cycle. Those who were aroused to become Zionists had to invent themselves for the task. Jewishness had to be place front and center, and the path of self-invention gravitated to that moment when the Jew arose, as this was expressed in the ancient texts of Covenant processed by centuries of Halakhah. And here lies the foundation of a bad idea: collective narrative is essential to nationalism, but the narrative employed by Zionist nationalism did not ground itself on the actual, collectively lived life of the Jewish people. It stemmed rather from the mythos according to which Yahweh granted the Israelites exceptional status among the nations. A redemptive, messianic desire arose, enormously powerful but also blind and delusive, in which weakness as nation was nullified by greatness conferred by God, and moral claims were accentuated even as an amoral path was entered. The mythic power ‘established’ in the Zionist mind a regime of desire, which overrode mere details such as the lack of a legitimate claim. All the historiographical exertions by generations of Zionist apologists cannot confer legitimacy on a project in which a variegated people held together by texts and a common faith, and whose actual ethno-national genealogies had been formed all over the map, suddenly decide after two thousand years that they have a real claim on a part of the earth just because it is the center of their Biblical identity. A two-thousand-year-old claim would be laughed out of any secular court – all the more so for the Ashkenazi Jews who comprise the main body of Zionists and have little discernible link to the ancient inhabitants of Palestine.(pp.33-36)


Theodor Herzl (May 2, 1860 - July 3, 1904) was an Austro-Hungarian Jewish journalist and playwright who became the founder of modern political Zionism. Like so many Zionists after him, he conflated universal humanism with the particularity of tribalism, in an attempt to achieve legitimacy by “linking Zionism to the inexorable march of progress in his The Jewish State.”


We shall not revert to a lower stage but rise to a higher one.

We shall not dwell in mud huts; we shall build new, more beautiful,

and more modern houses, and possess them in safety.(cited on p.46)


According to Kovel, Herzl conducted a slick public relations campaign to win support for his Zionist project at the same time he recorded tough-minded strategic concerns in his private diaries. In a memorable passage on the legal pretenses used by Zionists to acquire exclusive ownership of Palestinian land, Kovel writes:


It is well known that money does not grow on trees. It is the abstracted value of past human labor, capable of being stored and transferred from place to place. He who accumulates a significant stock of funds, therefore, has at his disposal the collective power of past labor and the power to control future labor. The more money, the mote does the self become aggrandized, and the ‘others’ whose labor had been exploited become reduced, their humanity dissolving into a thing-like Otherness. And the more that money is used for the particular gain of one faction while others are seen as being merely in the way, the more malevolent becomes the will whose power money expands. In any case, there can scarcely be a worse error than to assume that money is neutral and bears no charge of history.


Herzl certainly realized that the money he was raising was far from neutral, though he prudently saved such reflections for the privacy of his diary while reserving his public statements for lofty rhetoric. Here is an entry form 1895:


‘We must expropriate gently the private property of rthe state assigned to us. We shall try to spirit the penniless population across the border by procuring employment for it in the transit countries, while denying it employment in our country. The property owners will come over to our side. Both the process of expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly. Let the owners of the immovable property believe that they are cheating us, selling us things for more than they are worth. But we are not going to sell them anything back.’


These musings were to become the nucleus of the system by which the Palestinian economy was destroyed while all desirable land was to be placed in perpetuity into Jewish hands, even as the Palestinians were ‘spirited across the border,’ that is, ethnically cleansed. As for the ‘progress’ brought to all Palestine by this, one needs only to take a look at its Occupied Territories.(pp.47-48)


Kovel goes on to describe another example of the ideological “fig leaf” use to conceal the real strategic calculations behind the Zionist program. In “The Arlosoroff Case.”


The Balfour Declaration of November 2, 1917, recognizing the Jewish right to a ‘national home’ in Palestine, put the imprimatur of Western empire on the Zionist project. And through the fog of its diplomatic obfuscation one can also foresee the downfall of Arab/Muslim Palestine.


. . .


Chaim Arlosoroff [February 23, 1899 - June 16, 1933] was an outstanding young leader of the Zionist movement in Israel. As head of the political office of the Jewish Agency, he was a kind of Secretary of State for the government-in-waiting. Arlosoroff was anti-Soviet, anti-American, anti-materialist in general, and on the whole spiritual in his approach to politics, yet with a capacity to take a hard look at difficult realities. He was appointed to his high position because of his conciliatory character and acceptability to the Arabs, whose fears he was able to allay. But in mid 1932 he was coming to a troubling conclusion, which he haltingly transmitted in a lengthy letter to Chaim Weizmann, head of the World Zionist movement.(pp.53-54)


In this “strange and somewhat literary creation,” writes Kovel, Arlosoroff, a moderate Labor Party Zionist (as opposed to the extremist Revisionist Zionists headed by Vladimir Jabotinsky), sets forth four possible paths for Zionism, “of which only the last has any merit.”


1)    ‘. . . hold tight and do nothing, in the hope that something good may turn up. This is a characteristically Jewish attitude . . . but it is definitely not a Zionist attitude . . . which I have looked upon as a rebellion against Jewish tradition’ and its fatalism.

2)    Give up on Zionism, and recognize it to be objectively impossible as a political goal.

3)    cling to fundamental Zionist principles but . . . contract the geographic limits of their realization”; that is, settle for a smaller Eretz Israel. This, too, is to be considered impossible, given geostrategic and demographic factors (and the magical appeal of Eretz Israel, observed above.)

4)    Finally, strike off on a new path, through ‘a transition period during which the Jewish minority would exercise organized revolutionary rule.’ This requires that such a minority would control ‘the state apparatus, the administration, and the military . . . in order to eliminate the danger of domination by the non-Jewish majority and suppress rebellion, against us ...’ This radical, and even desperate path raises questions which Arlosoroff does not intend to consider in the letter. But he needs to say that ‘I will never become reconciled to the failure of Zionism before an attempt is made whose seriousness corresponds to the seriousness of the struggle for the revival of our national life and the sanctity of the mission entrusted to us by the Jewish people.’(p.56)


Kovel concludes this discussion with the following observation: “This letter [written in 1932] calls three things to our attention – that political Zionism was

in grave crisis by the early 1930s; that the movement had become deeply factionalized between two groups: the labor Zionists who were in control of its

existing institutions, and Jabotinsky’s revisionist camp, so named because of impatience with the respectable, temporizing tactics of official Zionism; and

that Arlosoroff, one of the top leaders of Labor Zionism, was reluctantly reaching the same conclusions as his bitter enemies even as he continued to

denounce them.”


     I do not know what became of this remarkable document, but what became of Arlosoroff is worth pondering. On June 14, 1933, less than a

year after posting his letter to Weizmann, Arlosoroff returned to Palestine from Germany where he had been negotiating with the Hitler regime

over transferring German-Jewish assets to Palestine. The next day an enraged polemic appeared in a revisionist journal attacking Arlosoroff

and the Labor Zionists for


                   ‘The cowardice to which the Palestine Labor Party has stooped in selling itself for money to the biggest Jew-hater, [and which] has  . . .  no parallel in all Jewish history .K . . The Jewish people has always known how to deal with those who have sold the honor of their nation and the Torah, and it will know today also how to react to this shameful deed. . . .’


     The evening following, June 16, 1933, Arlosoroff was assassinated by two gunmen as he and his wife strolled near the beach in Tel Aviv.

Although no one was ever convicted of the crime, presumptive evidence pointed to figures in Jabotinsky’s faction. This conclusion was in any

case roundly believed by the Labor Zionist majority, thus further deepening the schism between the groups. And yet, by the end of the

decade, Labor and the revisionists, while still externally antagonistic, had converged into a common ‘forward’ strategy. How are we to account

for this?(pp.57-58)




The 14 + items below reflect the ideological and material contradictions that drive our era. Many today find themselves ill prepared to cope with the hypocracy and deliberate deceptions that pass as cultural differences. Our formal positivist education has succeeded in concealing from us many of the systemic contradictions which logic alone cannot explain. If we find ourselves adrift in a turbulent space, it is because the propaganda is no longer sufficient to hide what has been the bedrock of our existence, the brutal exploitation and relentless alienation that has defined our lives for too long in this dog-eat-dog capitalist society.






Francis Feeley


Professeur honoraire de l'Université Grenoble-Alpes
Ancien Dire
cteur de Researches
Université de Paris-Nanterre
Director of The Center for the Advanced Study
of American Institutions and Social Movements
The University of California-San Diego




You Are Surrounded by Propaganda : “The Invisible Government”


by Rod Driver


The ancient Greek philosopher, Aristotle, realised that persuasive speakers can lead their audience into making unwise choices, and therefore believed that the ‘art of influencing opinion’ should be widely taught. Unfortunately in Britain and the US, there is no formal teaching of how powerful people manipulate our opinions.



From: National Security Archive [mailto:nsarchiv@gwu.edu]
Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2021
Subject: The Capitol Riot: Documents You Should Read (Part 1)


January 6, 2021 assault on the Capitol now the subject of systematic National Security Archive Freedom of Information Act campaign. First installment of new Document Sourcebook features Pentagon timeline, State Department dissent, Homeland Security warning, FBI alert, and first court indictment ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌



The Capitol Riot: Documents You Should Read (Part 1)

January 6, 2021 assault on the Capitol now the subject of systematic National Security Archive Freedom of Information Act campaign

First installment of new Document Sourcebook features Pentagon timeline, State Department dissent, Homeland Security warning, FBI alert, and first court indictment

Washington, D.C., January 13, 2021 - The Pentagon’s timeline of its response to the January 6, 2021 mob attack on the U.S. Capitol features multiple discrepancies with the public record, while the first federal indictment of mob participants details the specific legal charges that likely will be brought against others, according to the documents in the National Security Archive’s first "January 6 Sourcebook" posted today.

The Sourcebook, subtitled “documents you should read,” includes:

·                     the Dissent Channel message signed by more than 100 State Department employees denouncing the attack as undermining the U.S. promotion of democracy abroad (published by Josh Rogin of the Washington Post in his Twitter feed);

·                     the earlier 2006 FBI report warning of white supremacists’ influence in far-right circles, released by the House Oversight Committee;

·                     the Department of Homeland Security threat assessment from October 2020 warning that violent white supremacy was “the most persistent and lethal threat in the Homeland” (published by Lawfare);

·                     the FBI poster “seeking information” on “violence at the U.S. Capitol”;

·                     the text of the speech by President Trump at the Ellipse just prior to the mob marching on the Capitol (published and annotated by the Washington Post);

·                     the Congressional Research Service report detailing the steps Congress was taking to certify the presidential election vote when the mob interrupted (posted by Steve Aftergood of the Federation of American Scientists); and

·                     the federal grand jury indictment of one of the mob members, Mark Leffingwell, citing five different sections of the U.S. Code violated by the mob. (First reported by Josh Gerstein of Politico.)

The January 6 Sourcebook publication marks the beginning of a systematic campaign by the Archive, a champion of the Freedom of Information Act, to use the FOIA to open the documentary record of what the government knew and when, and what the government did and didn’t do and when, about the mob attack on the Capitol. Archive staff have already drafted more than 75 specific, targeted FOIA requests to multiple federal agencies.


THE NATIONAL SECURITY ARCHIVE is an independent non-governmental research institute and library located at The George Washington University in Washington, D.C. The Archive collects and publishes declassified documents acquired through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). A tax-exempt public charity, the Archive receives no U.S. government funding; its budget is supported by publication royalties and donations from foundations and individuals.

PRIVACY NOTICE The National Security Archive does not and will never share the names or e-mail addresses of its subscribers with any other organization. Once a year, we will write you and ask for your financial support. We may also ask you for your ideas for Freedom of Information requests, documentation projects, or other issues that the Archive should take on. We would welcome your input, and any information you care to share with us about your special interests. But we do not sell or rent any information about subscribers to any other party.


America Has Entered the Weimar Era: Walden Bello on How Neoliberalism Fueled Trump & Violent Right


with Amy Goodman

(video, 27:05)


Capitol Insurrection Caused by Capitalism Failure & Rapacious Donor Class


with Jimmy Dore and Richard Wolff

(video, 37:38)


David Harvey's Anti-Capitalist Chronicles - The U.S. Presidential Election on Stitcher


(audio, 30:19)



From: World Socialist Web Site [mailto:newsletters@wsws.org]
Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2021 11:21 PM
To: francis feeley
Subject: Mobilize the working class against Trump’s conspiracy! Prepare for a political general strike!


Armed protests are being planned in all 50 state capitals, in addition to Washington DC, organized by far-right groups.

WSWS | World Socialist Web Site



Dear francis,


Almost a week after the fascistic insurrection in Washington DC, there are ongoing threats of far-right violence throughout the United States, focused on Inauguration Day, January 20, as the Socialist Equality Party (US) writes in a major statement today.


In an indication of how seriously the threat is being taken within the state, the head of the National Guard Bureau announced on Monday that between 10,000 and 15,000 troops will be deployed in Washington DC by this coming weekend, in advance of the inauguration. 


Additionally, far-right groups are planning for armed demonstrations in all 50 state capitals and DC, including specific plans for January 17, this Sunday, according to internal FBI memos leaked to the press.  


The working class, young people and all progressive forces must take these threats with the utmost seriousness.


The Socialist Equality Party calls on workers to respond to fascist violence on and around January 20 with preparations for a general strike.


A network of rank-and-file committees in the factories and workplaces, and in every neighborhood and city, must be developed to mobilize and unify all sections of the working class.


Mass popular opposition to the efforts of the ruling class to destroy democratic rights must be connected to the demand for a full, open and public investigation into the January 6 coup. All those involved in organizing the operation and providing it with political cover must be removed from office, arrested and prosecuted.


Rounded Rectangle: Read the full statement

The rise of fascistic politics in the United States, the center of world capitalism, has enormous international implications. There can be no progressive way out of this crisis except through the building of a powerful mass movement of the working class, allied with the working class throughout the world, for socialism.


All those who now recognize the urgency of building this movement should join the Socialist Equality Party.



The World Socialist Web Site


In Search of Enemies. Joe Biden’s Foreign Policy and National Security Team


by Philip Giraldi


What occurred at the United States Capitol last week was surely reprehensible, but to my mind the real enduring damage that was done to our form of government took place in a basement in Wilmington Delaware where president-designate Joe Biden was putting together some of the final pieces of his foreign policy and national security team.


 “American Abyss”: Fascism Historian Tim Snyder on Trump’s Coup Attempt, Impeachment & What’s Next


with Amy Goodman

(video, 26:03)


Interview 1611 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato


with James Corbett






#ForceTheVote Pressuring Power & Strategizing


with Jimmy Dore

January 4, 2021



Force The Vote! We demand that every progressive in Congress refuse to vote for Nancy Pelosi for Speaker of the House until she publicly pledges to bring Medicare for all to the floor of the House for a vote in January: https://forcethevote.org/


How Bernie & Squad Actually Support Corporate State


with Jimmy Dore and Chris Hedges

April 25,2020



Has The Tinder To IGNITE Social Uprising


with Jimme Dore and Chris Hedges

January 14, 2021







“Bail him now!”


with Roger Waters



Julian Assange Extradition BATTLE: Free Speech vs. UK/US!


with Jimmy Dore



UN torture expert on Julian Assange's persecution and the lies behind it


 with Aaron Maté



Assange Extradition Denial Indicts US Prison System But Imperils Journalism


by Prof. Marjorie Cohn, January 06 2021


As press freedom advocates celebrate that Assange has escaped facing charges under the U.S. Espionage Act — charges that carry 175 years in prison — they are also lamenting Baraitser’s acceptance of virtually all of the Trump administration’s attacks on investigative journalism.


From: WSWS Free Assange Newsletter [mailto:freeassange@wsws.org]
Sent: Thursday, January 07, 2021
Subject: After extradition blocked, Julian Assange denied bail

Assange denied bail after extradition blocked, will appeal to UK High Court

Judge Baraitser said in her decision Wednesday, “As far as Mr Assange is concerned, this case has not yet been won.”


Read more »


Medical doctors respond to Assange extradition ruling: “He must be released without delay”

“We demand that all legal proceedings be dropped and that he be released from prison, and only then will his psychological torture finally end.”


Read more »


After British extradition verdict, Australian government still refuses to defend Assange

In line with his government’s support for US-led wars and the accompanying assault on democratic rights, Prime Minister Scott Morrison immediately ruled out any attempt to secure Assange’s freedom.


Read more »


New Zealand protest demands freedom for Julian Assange

The Socialist Equality Group (New Zealand) took part in a rally called by Free Assange NZ in Wellington, ahead of the judicial verdict in London that unexpectedly halted the extradition of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to the US.


Read more »


UN torture expert on Julian Assange's persecution and the lies behind it


with Aaron Maté



How the Left is being Manipulated into Colluding in its own Character Assassination


by Jonathan Cook


Varoufakis describes here the way that leftwing dissidents who challenge or disrupt western establishment narratives – whether it be himself, Assange or Jeremy Corbyn – end up not only being subjected to character assassination, as was always the case, but nowadays find themselves being manipulated into colluding in their own character assassination.


"They don't want to extradite Assange. They want to kill him.”


with Yanis Varoufakis






What to Expect in 2021: Madness, Mayhem, Manipulation

and More Tyranny


by John W. Whitehead


What should we expect in 2021? So far, it looks like this year is going to be plagued by more of the same brand of madness, mayhem, manipulation and tyranny that dominated 2020.V



Joe Biden and the Post-Corona “Great Reset”. The Protest Movement


by Prof Michel Chossudovsky


In the wake of the Wednesday January 6, 2021 Capitol Hill Event, we must reflect on what a Joe Biden Administration will look like. Joe Biden was not duly elected, he was selected. He is a groomed and “reliable” politician. He is a political instrument of the global capitalist establishment.


In Diversity We Trust: Joe Biden’s Cabinet Choices


by Dr. Binoy Kampmark


Such a vulgar politicisation of multiculturalism and identity also serves another function. Not only is it meant to convince the multicultis and identitarians that they are onto a good thing with Biden; they can also scorn those voters who backed the soon-to-be-exiting Donald Trump.


What Will The Democratic Takeover Do To The Economy?


with Ron Paul



We Are at War


by Peter Koenig


We, the common people, are at war against an ever more authoritarian and tyrannical elitist Globalist system, reigned by a small group of multi-billionaires, that planned already decades ago to take power over the people, to control them.


Video: Israel and US Efforts in Large-scale Strikes on Iranian Infrastructure in Syria


by South Front, January 15 2021



The first two weeks of 2021 have, so far, been marked by an incredible increase in Israeli activity in the skies over Syria. The most intense strike took place on January 13 morning hitting multiple Syrian and Iranian-affiliated targets in the province of Deir Ezzor.






The GSK – Pfizer Multibillion Dollar Global Vaccine Monopoly



by Prof Michel Chossudovsky


It’s Big Pharma, It’s Big Money. It’s the multibillion dollar global vaccine market. In August 2019, five months before the onslaught of the Covid-19 crisis, two of the largest Worldwide Pharma conglomerates decided to join hands in a strategic relationship which barely made the headlines.


From: Cat McGuire [mailto:cat@catmcguire.com]
Sent: Saturday, January 16, 2021
Subject: Warning! Dangerous reactions to covid vaccine


The covid vaccine is a LIVE experiment on humanity.  They want to make these vaccines mandatory.  More and more reports are coming forth documenting injuries – and deaths! -- for a virus with a 99% recovery rate.  Please send these videos far and wide.


Louisiana woman convulsing after Pfizer experimental covid vaccine


African American nurse who got Bell’s Balsy


Shawn Skelton explains what the moderna covid injection did to her as she convulses uncontrollably


On a tangential note, I was part of an anti-covid vaccine protest Wednesday, January 13, in front of Pfizer World Headquarters in NYC. 

Here I am speaking at the Pfizer protest 

(too bad I got cut off. . . )


COVID-19 and Induced Insanity in the UK, the Global Lab Rat


by Dr. David Halpin


The strategy has been to scare a large majority out of their remaining wits, and to keep repeating the big lie – that Covid_19 (C19) is very infectious and likely lethal. Every body set up to drive the policies, and there are hundreds, has been corrupt.


10 Facts From the UK Government Pfizer Vaccine Guidance that Promote “Vaccine Hesitancy”


by Johnny Vedmore


Greece: From A Covid Coup To A Covid Junta


by Evans Aggelissopoulos


The Covid Coup of early March has metastasized into a full blown Covid Junta as areas in Western Athens have had a full 24 hour curfew imposed on them. Citizens have been quoted on MSM as stating this has nothing to do with a virus but a full-blown attempt at a Junta.





From: Global Research Newsletter [mailto:newsletter@globalresearch.ca]
Sent: Sunday, January 10, 2021 4:02 PM
To: francis.feeley@u-grenoble3.fr
Subject: 2020's Most Popular Articles On GlobalResearch.ca


Twenty-two Global Research Articles With More Than 100,000 Page Views in 2020



Global Research's Most Popular Articles of 2020



US Hospitals Getting Paid More to Label Cause of Death as ‘Coronavirus

By Sen. Scott Jensen and Wayne Dupree, 10 April 2020


Dr. Scott Jensen says the American Medical Association is now “encouraging” doctors to overcount coronavirus deaths across the country. Jensen received a 7-page document that showed him how to fill out a death certificate as a “COVID-19 diagnosis” even when there isn’t a lab test confirming the diagnosis.

The Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic: The Real Danger is “Agenda ID2020”

By Peter Koenig, 12 March 2020


What is the infamous ID2020? It is an alliance of public-private partners, including UN agencies and civil society. It’s an electronic ID program that uses generalized vaccination as a platform for digital identity.

Mike Pompeo Admits COVID-19 Is a “Live Exercise,” Trump Retorts “I Wish You Would Have Told Us”
By Shepard Ambellas, 21 March 2020

United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had a slip of the tongue while addressing the American people from the White House when he stated that COVID-19 is a live military exercise.


5 Million Cases Worldwide, 650,000 Deaths Annually: The Seasonal Flu Virus is a “Serious Concern”, But the Wuhan Coronavirus Grabs the Headlines
By Tom Clifford, 27 January 2020

The initial symptoms of coronavirus are typically similar to those of a cold or flu, which means it is hard for people to know if they are infected, especially given that the outbreak has coincided with flu season.


China’s Message to Donald: What Do You Want from Us?
By Lin Liangduo, 28 January 2020

A message from a Chinese Citizen to President Trump, the Government of the United States, and the American Media.


Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic

By OffGuardian, 24 March 2020


Below is our list of twelve medical experts whose opinions on the Coronavirus outbreak contradict the official narratives of the MSM, and the memes so prevalent on social media.

Manufactured Pandemic: Testing People for Any Strain of a Coronavirus, Not Specifically for COVID-19

By Julian Rose, 27 March 2020


The following is from a medical forum. The writer, who is a widely respected professional scientist in the US, prefers to stay anonymous, because presenting any narrative different than the official one can cause you a lot of stress in the toxic environment caused by the scam which surrounds COVID-19 these days.

Bill Gates and the Depopulation Agenda. Robert F. Kennedy Junior Calls for an Investigation

By Peter Koenig, 18 April 2020


For over twenty years Bill Gates and his Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) have been vaccinating foremost children by the millions in remote areas of poor countries, mostly Africa and Asia. Most of their vaccination program had disastrous results.

Toronto Children’s Hospital Recommends Back to School without Masks or Social Distancing. Detailed Report

By John C. A. Manley, 21 July 2020


Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children (aka SickKids) has released a detailed report on “the harms of school closure on [children’s] physical and mental health.” Harms included: “Increased rates of depression, trauma, drug abuse and addiction and even suicide can be anticipated.”

Former Chief Science Officer for Pfizer Says “Second Wave” Faked on False-Positive COVID Tests, “Pandemic Is Over”

By Ralph Lopez, 23 September 2020


In a stunning development, a former Chief Science Officer for the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer says “there is no science to suggest a second wave should happen.” The “Big Pharma” insider asserts that false positive results from inherently unreliable COVID tests are being used to manufacture a “second wave” based on “new cases.”



China Treating Coronavirus COVID-19 with Intravenous Vitamin C

By Andrew W. Saul, 21 February 2020


Intravenous vitamin C is already being employed in China against COVID-19 coronavirus. I am receiving regular updates because I am part of the Medical and Scientific Advisory Board to the International Intravenous Vitamin C China Epidemic Medical Support Team.

Medical Doctor Warns that “Bacterial Pneumonias Are on the Rise” from Mask Wearing

By John C. A. Manley, 6 October 2020


“A group is suing Tulsa Mayor G.T. Bynum and Tulsa Health Department Executive Director Bruce Dart, saying the city’s mask mandate is harmful to healthy people,” reports Activist Post. The group includes business owners and two doctors who “are asking the city to immediately repeal the mask mandate which was passed by city council last month.”

Face Masks Pose Serious Risks to the Healthy

By Dr. Russell Blaylock, 12 May 2020


By wearing a mask, the exhaled viruses will not be able to escape and will concentrate in the nasal passages, enter the olfactory nerves and travel into the brain.

COVID-19 Coronavirus: A Fake Pandemic? Who’s Behind It? Global Economic, Social and Geopolitical Destabilization

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, 1 March 2020


The media hype and disinformation campaign regarding the spread of the COVID-19 novel coronavirus have created a Worldwide atmosphere of fear and uncertainty following the launching of a global public health emergency by the WHO on January 30th.

COVID-19 Coronavirus “Fake” Pandemic: Timeline and Analysis

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, 8 April 2020


In the week prior to January 30th decision, the WHO Emergency Committee “expressed divergent views”. There were visible divisions within the Committee. On January 30th, a far-reaching decision was taken without the support of expert opinion at a time when the coronavirus outbreak was limited to Mainland China.

Coronavirus COVID-19: “Made in China” or “Made in America”?

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, 14 March 2020


Trump contends that the coronavirus was “Made in China”. And that China threatens America. The president of the US wants Americans to believe that the coronavirus pandemic carries the “Made in China” label.

The Plot to Kill Martin Luther King: Survived Shooting, Was Murdered in Hospital

By Craig McKee, 3 September 2016


Thanks to the nearly four-decade investigation by human rights lawyer William Pepper, it is now clear once and for all that Martin Luther King was murdered in a conspiracy that was instigated by then FBI director J. Edgar Hoover and that also involved the U.S. military, the Memphis Police Department, and “Dixie Mafia” crime figures in Memphis, Tennessee.

HAARP: Secret Weapon Used For Weather Modification, Electromagnetic Warfare

By Fred Burks, 1 August 2010

HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is a little-known, yet critically important U.S. military defense program which has generated quite a bit of controversy over the years in certain circles.

US Court Ruling: You Can Be “Too Smart” to Be a Cop

By Melissa Dykes, 17 December 2014


Can a person actually be “too smart” to be a cop in America? “Considering all the police brutality and officer-involved shootings in the news these days, here’s a rhetorical question for you: how well does this hiring practice bode for cops actually being able to follow the Constitution or use proper discretion while “protecting and serving” America?

Cover Up: Fauci Approved Chloroquine, Hydroxychloroquine 15 Years Ago to Cure Coronaviruses; “Nobody Needed to Die”

By True Pundit, 7 May 2020


Dr. Anthony Fauci, whose “expert” advice to President Trump has resulted in the complete shutdown of the greatest economic engine in world history, has known since 2005 that chloroquine is an effective inhibitor of coronaviruses.

A Report on Successful Treatment of Coronavirus

By Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, 30  March 2020


Since last Thursday, my team has treated approximately 350 patients in Kiryas Joel and another 150 patients in other areas of New York with the above regimen. Of this group and the information provided to me by affiliated medical teams, we have had ZERO deaths, ZERO hospitalizations, and ZERO intubations.

“The True Story of the Bilderberg Group” and What They May Be Planning Now

By Stephen Lendman, 1 June 2009


Daniel Estulin has investigated and researched the Bilderberg Group’s far-reaching influence on business and finance, global politics, war and peace, and control of the world’s resources and its money.









DARPA's Man in Wuhan


 by  Raul Diego


Michael Callahan’s career began in USAID and in the bioweapons labs of the former Soviet Union, advancing the agenda of the global bioweapons and pharmaceutical cartels. He would take what he learned there to execute a massive expansion of DARPA’s biodefense portfolio and today finds himself squarely in the center of the origins of the coronavirus pandemic.





GOP & Democrats are on the same team - Jimmy Dore in conversation with Richard Wolff


with Jimmy Dore

June 20, 2020



Freedom Cells and The Greater Reset – #SolutionsWatch


with James Corbett and John Bush

(audio, 21:38)


James talks to John Bush, the host of Live Free Now with John Bush and an activist who founded the Freedom Cell Network to help like-minded solutions-oriented freedom lovers meet, organize and collaborate. Now, he is co-organizing The Greater Reset Activation conference which is due to take place later this month. We talk to him about these different projects and how people can get involved to start taking back power into their own hands.





From: The Kairos Center [mailto:info@kairoscenter.org]
Sent: Sunday, January 10, 2021
Subject: Statement from the Poor People’s Campaign on the Events of Jan. 6th



The Poor People’s Campaign witnessed with heavy hearts the events of January 6th, when a mob emboldened by hate, lies, and racism laid siege to the US Capitol and other state capitols across the country in an attempt to subvert our democracy. This attack was carried out at the behest of a narcissistic President and his enablers, who have followed a divisive political strategy that is as old as the deconstructionists of the 1870s and the Southern strategy of the 1960s. We know that the only antidote to this poison in our body politic is a moral fusion coalition committed to reconstructing democracy.

Our intersectional movement has been met with arrest while engaged in non-violent protest — praying, singing and peacefully marching. The people who stormed the Capitol on January 6th were not protesting but attempting to overthrow democratic government by mob rule. The fact that these violent rioters were able to break into the Capitol should alarm us all and cause us to question the deference they were given by law enforcement and security forces. This is eerily reminiscent of how law enforcement has often been used to protect violent and racist actors defending the status quo while suppressing non-violent social justice movements.

As a state-based national movement that has nonviolently protested at state capitols and the US Capitol, calling out policy violence and pushing for a just moral agenda for and with poor and low-income people, moral leaders, activists and organizers across race, geography, issue area and other lines of division, we must point out that:

  1. This did not just happen. For years extremist politicians who call themselves Republicans have sown the winds of division and lies; now the country is reaping the whirlwind of chaos. We call on our lawmakers and justice system to hold President Trump, senators, Congress persons, and all elected and appointed officials who had a role in these heinous attacks accountable for their actions, swiftly and to the full extent of the law.
  2. These politicians found time and resources to plan, support, and continue an attack on democracy (even after it turned deadly) but have not found time and resources to expand health care, enact a just stimulus, raise wages, or protect the people they are called to serve. 
  3. They push the people into a rage rooted in racism but have refused to push efforts to address systemic racism.
  4. They are responsible for the five deaths that occurred in the attack, but their policy inaction is also in large part responsible for the inept response to Covid that has caused nearly 400,000 deaths.
  5. They have spent more time lying to the people than lifting the people, especially the least of these of this nation.

Such violence always erupts when there is the greatest possibility for change. Throughout history, Native and Indigenous people have seen this kind of mob violence. Black people have seen it. Women have seen it. Asians have seen it. Latino farm workers have seen it. Workers standing for labor rights have seen it. What we saw this week is not the dream of America, but it has too often been the practice of America.

This week’s violence is a reaction to record turnout of people of every race, income, region, sexuality, creed and conviction who voted for candidates that pledged to expand health care, raise wages, address systemic racism and poverty, in the general election and the Georgia run-off. It took place as we witnessed cracks in the Southern strategy, which has kept people divided by race for decades. This was an assault rooted in a refusal to believe the legitimacy of an election where people of color and poor and low wealth people united to vote out an extremist President and Senate majority.

Lastly, we must not confuse a failed attempt to subvert democracy with popular uprisings to reclaim government for the people. This riot exposes the MAGA movement as a fake populism that serves elites. It is a mistake to scapegoat poor people, especially poor white people for what happened on January 6. Press reports of the rioters included business owners, executives, and multi-millionaires.

At a time when something new is breaking through the hate, we cannot let this stop the growth of a moral fusion movement. The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival is committed to continuing to build a fusion movement that brings the 140 million poor and low-income people of this country together across race and other historic divisions. This is what will protect our democracy and democratic institutions and build a stronger nation. 

Forward together, not one step back!

Rev. Dr. William J. Barber, II
President, Repairers of the Breach
Co-Chair, Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival

Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis
Director, Kairos Center for Religions, Rights, and Social Justice
Co-Chair, Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival




   The Sickness Is The System! with Professor Richard Wol


with Jimmy Dore and Richard Wolff

October 11, 2020

(video, 38:31)





These Are the 5 People Who Died

in the Capitol Riot


by Jack Healy


"A Terrified President Throws His Riot Mob Under A Bus To Save His Neck (And Get Back On Twitter)"


with Steven Colbert



The Deep State Isn’t a Partisan Issue


with Rep. Tulsi Gabbard and Rep. Thomas Massie




The Capitol Hill Riot:

“Capitalism's Last Gasp?”


with RJ Eskow and Richard Wolff







by James Corbett


China to Overtake the US Sooner Than Expected


with Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert

(video, 25:45)


The Essence of a Capitalist Society


with David Harvey

(audio, 38:30)


Curing Capitalism


with Richard Wolff

June 2017






"US looks ridiculous adding Cuba to terror list”


with George Galloway and Scott Ritter



From: Medea Benjamin, CODEPINK [mailto:info@codepink.org]
Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2021
Subject: Cuba , Trump no




Placing Cuba, a country whose doctors risk their lives around the world fighting Covid-19, on a list of “terror sponsors” is as ludicrous as saying Trump loves peace. Tell the Biden administration to remove Cuba from the list!



Just days from leaving office (finally!), the Trump administration lashed out at a target they have repeatedly hammered in four years: the Cuban people. This time it was by adding Cuba to the list of state sponsors of terror — a move that will take months to undo for the incoming Biden administration.

It’s not a given that the Biden team will even address this, so we must begin to pressure them now. Removing Cuba from this list is a process that should begin on day one of the new administration.

Join us in urging President-elect Biden to reject the characterization of Cuba as a state sponsor of terror!

The Trump administration is acting in bad faith and attempting to end any sort of reconciliation between the U.S. and Cuba before it can even begin. Cuba was removed from this list in 2015 as part of President Obama’s rapprochement with the island nation and it was widely acknowledged at the time that there was no basis for its inclusion. Secretary Pompeo claims that Cuba harbors Colombian guerillas, but that’s a wild mischaracterization — Cuba actually hosted peace talks between the Colombian government and guerillas. To read more about the Trump administration’s flimsy justifications, check out this article written by Medea and Leonardo.

Placing Cuba on the list of state sponsors of terror will have immediate and harmful impacts on the Cuban people. It caps off a four-year period of a “maximum pressure” campaign that has affected travel, remittances, energy and healthcare, among others. We know that this has little to do with Cuba and a lot to do with politics, lobbies and campaign fundraising. We can’t let the Trump administration get away with destroying the progress made in U.S. - Cuba relations during the Obama administration.

Tell President-elect Biden that he must begin the process to reverse this horrible decision on day one of his presidency!

We’ll present this petition to the Biden transition team and update those who sign once we get a response. CODEPINK has been working with ACERE (Alliance for Cuba Engagement and Respect) and solidarity groups to ensure that the Biden administration makes reconciliation with Cuba top priority. As always, we remain committed to peace and full diplomatic relations between our countries.

In peace,
Medea, Teri, Michelle and Leonardo

P.S. Have you signed the petition asking for Cuba’s medical personnel to receive the Nobel Peace Prize? Click here to do so!

Also, our CODEPINK store still has these amazing pink Guayabera shirts made by a Cuban women's cooperative in stock. You can still grab your own as an act of challenging the remaining restrictions on trade with Cuba!

Donate Now!

Placing Cuba, a country whose doctors risk their lives around the world fighting Covid-19, on a list of “terror sponsors” is as ludicrous as saying Trump loves peace. Tell the Biden administration to remove Cuba from the list!



Cuba is Not a Sponsor of Terror!



The Trump administration has placed Cuba on the state sponsors of terror list, in a move being criticized as being a “mockery” and “hypocrisy.” Join us in asking President-elect Biden to reverse this ASAP!


Just days from leaving office (finally!), the Trump administration lashed out at a target they have repeatedly hammered in four years: the Cuban people. This time it was by adding Cuba to the list of state sponsors of terror — a move that will take months to undo for the incoming Biden administration.

It’s not a given that the Biden team will even address this, so we must begin to pressure them now. Removing Cuba from this list is a process that should begin on day one of the new administration.


Join us in urging President-elect Biden to reject the characterization of Cuba as a state sponsor of terror!


The Trump administration is acting in bad faith and attempting to end any sort of reconciliation between the U.S. and Cuba before it can even begin. Cuba was removed from this list in 2015 as part of President Obama’s rapprochement with the island nation and it was widely acknowledged at the time that there was no basis for its inclusion. Secretary Pompeo claims that Cuba harbors Colombian guerillas, but that’s a wild mischaracterization — Cuba actually hosted peace talks between the Colombian government and guerillas. To read more about the Trump administration’s flimsy justifications, check out this article written by Medea and Leonardo.


Placing Cuba on the list of state sponsors of terror will have immediate and harmful impacts on the Cuban people. It caps off a four-year period of a “maximum pressure” campaign that has affected travel, remittances, energy and healthcare, among others. We know that this has little to do with Cuba and a lot to do with politics, lobbies and campaign fundraising. We can’t let the Trump administration get away with destroying the progress made in U.S. - Cuba relations during the Obama administration.


Tell President-elect Biden that he must begin the process to reverse this horrible decision on day one of his presidency!


We’ll present this petition to the Biden transition team and update those who sign once we get a response. CODEPINK has been working with ACERE (Alliance for Cuba Engagement and Respect) and solidarity groups to ensure that the Biden administration makes reconciliation with Cuba top priority. As always, we remain committed to peace and full diplomatic relations between our countries.


In peace,
Medea, Teri, Michelle and Leonardo



From: Danaka, CODEPINK [mailto:info@codepink.org]
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2021 3:04 PM

Subject: Bad News



Call on the Biden Admin to reverse the designation of the Houthis as a foreign terrorist organization.


The Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced he would be designating the Houthis in Yemen as a terrorist organization. Pompeo accused the Houthi movement of destabilizing Yemen. This lack of self-awareness is really on-brand for the Trump admin. Saudi Arabia and the UAE, along with all of their allies (including the US), are the ones to blame for Yemen being in the state it is currently in. Designating the Houthis as a terrorist organization is going to have horrible humanitarian implications. 

Aid has already been cut to Yemen in the wake of the COVID pandemic. Being designated by the US as a foreign terrorist organization (FTO) means that many humanitarian groups will no longer be able to distribute the aid that has been keeping many Yemenis alive. Yemen, more than ever now, needs more aid, not less. Pompeo is aware that an FTO designation will starve Yemenis, and he is still doing it. Sign CODEPINK’s petition to incoming Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and President-elect Biden asking them to reverse this disastrous decision. 

80% of Yemen relies on humanitarian aid. Not only will a further rollback of aid directly harm them, it will also block the path towards peace. Pompeo and Trump have been dedicated to uplifting the war crimes of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia over the last four years. On January 25th, over 200 organizations around the world, including CODEPINK, are calling on people to participate in the World Says No to War on Yemen Global Day of Action. Find more information and RSVP here

The FTO designation on the Houthis has to be reversed as soon as possible. The sooner aid can get to people in Yemen the better. The Biden administration has already said that they will end US support for the war in Yemen, but we need to make sure this evil decision is reversed too. Will you sign our petition to Blinken and Biden to reverse the designation of the Houthis as terrorists? 

We only have a few days left until Biden’s inauguration. It’s only because of pressure from peacemakers like you that Biden has even made promises of peace in Yemen. Thank you for helping us hold the incoming Biden administration accountable to their words. 

Toward peace, 
Danaka, Ariel,  Ann, Angela, Carley, Caty, Ciara, Cody, Emily, Jodie, Kelsey, Leila, Leonardo, Maxine, Mary, Medea, Nancy, Paki, and Teri.

PS: CODEPINK is going Beyond the War in Yemen with our new Yemen cultural series. Come learn about beautiful Yemeni architecture on January 21st.  

Donate Now!RSVP here.



The Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced he would be designating the Houthis in Yemen as a terrorist organization. Pompeo accused the Houthi movement of destabilizing Yemen. This lack of self-awareness is really on-brand for the Trump admin. Saudi Arabia and the UAE, along with all of their allies (including the US), are the ones to blame for Yemen being in the state it is currently in. Designating the Houthis as a terrorist organization is going to have horrible humanitarian implications

Aid has already been cut to Yemen in the wake of the COVID pandemic. Being designated by the US as a foreign terrorist organization (FTO) means that many humanitarian groups will no longer be able to distribute the aid that has been keeping many Yemenis alive. Yemen, more than ever now, needs more aid, not less. Pompeo is aware that an FTO designation will starve Yemenis, and he is still doing it. Sign CODEPINK’s petition to incoming Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and President-elect Biden asking them to reverse this disastrous decision. 

80% of Yemen relies on humanitarian aid. Not only will a further rollback of aid directly harm them, it will also block the path towards peace. Pompeo and Trump have been dedicated to uplifting the war crimes of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia over the last four years. On January 25th, over 200 organizations around the world, including CODEPINK, are calling on people to participate in the World Says No to War on Yemen Global Day of Action. Find more information and RSVP here

The FTO designation on the Houthis has to be reversed as soon as possible. The sooner aid can get to people in Yemen the better. The Biden administration has already said that they will end US support for the war in Yemen, but we need to make sure this evil decision is reversed too. Will you sign our petition to Blinken and Biden to reverse the designation of the Houthis as terrorists? 

We only have a few days left until Biden’s inauguration. It’s only because of pressure from peacemakers like you that Biden has even made promises of peace in Yemen. Thank you for helping us hold the incoming Biden administration accountable to their words. 

Toward peace, 
Danaka, Ariel,  Ann, Angela, Carley, Caty, Ciara, Cody, Emily, Jodie, Kelsey, Leila, Leonardo, Maxine, Mary, Medea, Nancy, Paki, and Teri.

PS: CODEPINK is going Beyond the War in Yemen with our new Yemen cultural series. Come learn about beautiful Yemeni architecture on January 21st. RSVP here. 


From: c.s.
Sent: Saturday, January 16, 2021
Subject: Solidarité avec Mohamed Bakri : A ne pas rater "Jenin Jenin", son film (à voir avant lundi)


Solidarité avec Mohammed Bakri


La justice israélienne interdit la diffusion de "Jenin, Jenin" et saisit

les copies du documentaire réalisé en 2002 par l'acteur et cinéaste

palestinien Mohammed Bakri (Palestinien de 48, citoyen israélien)


Les Rencontres cinématographiques "Palestine : Filmer C'est Exister" -

PFC'E (Genève) diffusent "Jenin, Jenin" les 15, 16 et 17 janvier et

expriment leur pleine solidarité avec Mohammed Bakri face à la censure

et condamnation honteuse qu’un tribunal de l’État d’apartheid d’Israël a

prononcée contre lui, en tant que cinéaste, artiste et citoyen luttant

pour la liberté et la justice.


-> Plus d’infos et visionnement du film "Jenin, Jenin" (appel à

contribution inclus) :


ATTENTION : film visible du 15 au 17 janvier.


-> Voir l'article de l'Orient le Jour d'après l'AFP :






John le Carré (1931-2020) on the Iraq War, Corporate Power, the Exploitation of Africa & More


with Amy Goodman



History of the Russian Revolution: Separating Truth from Myth


by Max Parry


There is a deceitful and ahistorical myth that frequently resurfaces in right-wing circles seeking to discredit socialism with lies about the Russian Revolution. No matter how many times it has been invalidated as fabrication, the reactionary mythos endures. As might be expected, the author is referring to the preposterous claim that American capitalists — or “Wall Street bankers” — secretly financed one of the most epochal political revolutions in world history which overthrew the Romanov dynasty and ended the Russian Empire, leading to the establishment of the Soviet Union. One would be hard pressed to find anyone on the political left who has not encountered this mendacious propaganda which has a few variations depending on how far to the right its adherent lands on the political spectrum, but it usually shares the same core set of evidence-free claims.

Leaving aside whether or not the absurd premise makes any sense politically, what can be acknowledged is that at the heart of these false assertions are tiny elements of truth that have been distorted and overstated to the point of deception. Any research into this allegation inevitably leads one to its most popularly cited source, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution by British-American conservative academic, Antony C. Sutton.



From: Marcy Winograd, CODEPINK Congress [mailto:info@codepink.org]
Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2021
Subject: Jan 19: Join CODEPINK Congress to End the Yemen War




What: Tuesday Capitol Calling Party with experts on Yemen
When: Tues., Jan. 19, 5 pm PT/8 pm ET

On Tuesday, January 19, at 5 PM PT/8 PM ET, in anticipation of the January 25 World Says No to War on Yemen Global Day of Action, CODEPINK Congress will feature two Yemen experts, Dr. Aisha Jumaan and Hassan El-Tayyab. Guests will join Medea Benjamin, the co-founder of CODEPINK; Marcy Winograd, the coordinator of CODEPINK Congress; and Hanieh Jodat Barnes, the president of Muslim Delegates and Allies.

RSVP for the Zoom link and add to your Google calendar!

Dr. Aisha Jumaan is a Yemeni-American epidemiologist and president of the Yemen Relief and Reconstruction Foundation. With firsthand knowledge of conditions on the ground, she will talk about the dire consequences of the U.S. support for the Saudi-UAE assault on Yemen

Hassan El-Tayyab is the lead Middle East lobbyist for the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL). He played a major role in the successful passage of the 2019 War Powers Resolution to end US military aid to the Saudi-UAE coalition’s war in Yemen, which was vetoed by President Trump. He is continuing his work to ensure an end to US participation in the Yemen war under the Biden administration.

Following our guests’ presentations and Q & A, we will host our Capitol Hill Calling Party to urge our reps to support the removal of Trump’s designation of the Houthis in Yemen as terrorists. Such a designation would have serious humanitarian repercussions.

Join us in making sure that Biden keeps his promise to stop US support for the catastrophic war on Yemen. Contact marcy@codepink with questions and RSVP now!

At our last event, The Nation’s John Nichols underscored the importance of impeaching Trump to remind future presidents that they, too, may be held accountable, whether it be for domestic insurrection or war and occupation. Public Citizens’ Elizabeth Beavers urged us to weigh in with our reps and President-Elect Biden ASAP to produce a new budget that reduces military spending. You can watch the recording here! Plus, take action now to reverse Pompeo's designation of the Houthis as terrorists

Onward toward peace and justice,
Medea, Marcy, Hanieh, and the entire CODEPINK team

P.S. Join us on January 25 for the World Says No to War on Yemen Global Day of Action. Guest speakers will include Cornel West, Jeremy Corbyn, Danny Glover, Rep. Ro Khanna, and more! Also, CODEPINK is hiring! Check out our four open positions!





WHO (finally) admits PCR tests create false positives Warnings concerning high CT value of tests are months too late…so why are they appearing now? The potential explanation is shockingly cynical.



by Kit Knightly


New World Next Week


with James Corbett and James Evan Pilato



Be very worried about Biden’s “domestic terrorism” bill


by Luke Savage


Joe Biden used to brag that he practically wrote the Patriot Act, the Bush-era law that massively increased government surveillance powers. Now he’s hoping to pass a further “domestic terrorism” law once in office. The danger is real that the January 6 Capitol attack will be used as an excuse to severely curtail our civil liberties.





From: Global Research Newsletter [mailto:newsletter@globalresearch.ca]
Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2021
To: francis.feeley@u-grenoble3.fr
Subject: The History of US and British Support to Mussolini’s Fascism


Selected Articles

“What Happened at the Capitol Could Not Happen Unless Police Allowed It to Happen”
By Mara Verheyden-Hilliard and Janine Jackson, January 14 2021

Janine Jackson interviewed the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund’s Mara Verheyden-Hilliard on police responsibility for the January 6 insurrection for the January 8, 2021.


The Pentagon, Corporations and Slave Labor in U.S. Prisons
By Sara Flounders, January 14 2021

It is not only federal prisons that contract out prison labor to top corporations. State prisons that used forced prison labor in plantations, laundries and highway chain gangs increasingly seek to sell prison labor to corporations trolling the globe in search of the cheapest possible labor.


No One Is Listening: A Country Divided Against Itself
By Philip Giraldi, January 14 2021

The U.S. may morph into two nations with the increasingly impoverished helot “deplorables” under the heel of the empowered social justice warriors.


The History of US and British Support to Mussolini’s Fascism
By Shane Quinn, January 14 2021

Mussolini’s coup was described by the onlooking US ambassador to Italy, Richard Washburn Child, as “a fine young revolution here. No danger, plenty of enthusiasm and colour. We all enjoy it”.


Trump Impeached Again, Nearly Half the Country Opposed
By Stephen Lendman, January 14 2021

There’s no ambiguity about Trump’s legion of supporters. On average, polls show that nearly half of voting-age Americans oppose impeaching Trump and removing him from office.


Can China Lead a World Economic Recovery?
By F. William Engdahl, January 14 2021

Predictions that China would once again, as it did in 2008, lead the rest of the world, especially the EU and North America, out of deep recession are common. Yet behind the official Beijing statements there are indications that China’s decades of economic boom are coming into deep problems.

9/11 Was the Prelude. 1/6 Is the Holy Grail
By Pepe Escobar, January 14 2021

9/11 opened the gates to the Patriot Act, whose core had already been written way back in 1994 by one Joe Biden. 1/6 opens the gate to the War on Domestic Terror and the Patriot Act from Hell, 2.0, on steroids (here is the 2019 draft ), the full 20,000 pages casually springing up from the sea like Venus, the day after, immediately ready to roll.


On Being Sane in Insane Places
By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, January 14 2021

In 1973, Dr. D. L. Rosenhan, a professor of psychology and law at Stanford University, published a ground-breaking psychiatric study in the January 19 issue of Science magazine. The article exposed a serious short-coming in the psychiatric hospital system at the time.


International Support Continues for Protesting Farmers in India
By Colin Todhunter, January 14 2021

On 5 January, British MP Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi wrote a letter to Boris Johnson urging him to convey to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi the “heartfelt anxieties” of MPs’ constituents (many emanating from Punjab) regarding the treatment of protesting farmers in India.


Campaigners Call for Closure of EU’s Wildlife Trafficking Loopholes and Criminalisation of Wildlife Smuggling, to End “Stolen Wildlife” Crisis
By Humane Society International, January 14 2021

Animal protection campaigners have called for the urgent closure of gaping loopholes in EU wildlife trade regulations that fail to prevent the trafficking of protected wild species.



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Sent: Friday, January 15, 2021
Subject: AFPS se joint à l'appel à Manifester pour la défense des libertés publiques samedi 16 janvier 2021


L'Association France Palestine Solidarité (AFPS) est engagée dans l'action pour la défense des libertés publiques et appelle à participer aux manifestations de ce samedi 16 janvier 2021.


Depuis plus d'un an, le gouvernement s'est engagé dans un processus visant à restreindre les libertés publiques au motif de renforcer la sécurité. Depuis l'horrible assassinat de Samuel Paty, le 16 Octobre 2020, ce processus s'est accéléré, se transformant en une attaque en règle contre les libertés qui vise, en particulier, la liberté de s'exprimer et celle de manifester. Ces attaques contre les libertés nous concernent directement  car elles viennent renforcer les attaques dont nous sommes déjà l'objet, à travers, principalement, la poursuite de la criminalisation des critiques de la politique d'Israël, et la volonté du gouvernement de continuer à poursuivre l'appel au boycott, en dépit de la condamnation de la France par la CEDH.


La loi dite de Sécurité Globale et les décrets qui l'accompagnent permettraient, en particulier :


    * L'utilisation de drones et de caméras portables pour la surveillance des manifestations  permettant la reconnaissance faciale des manifestants et des passants;


    * Le fichage massif et élargi des militants, politiques, syndicaux, associatifs, de leur entourage avec recueil d'informations sur leur santé, leurs habitudes de vie, leur activité en ligne, leurs expressions religieuses...


A ce stade il ne s'agit pas de dresser un tableau exhaustif  de dispositions qui sont loin d'être définitives  et couvrent une grande diversité de situations  mais bien de prendre conscience de la nécessité pour l'AFPS de s'impliquer dans les luttes et contestations diverses de dispositifs réellement liberticides.


Après que le Conseil National des 9 et 10 Janvier en ait délibéré, le Bureau National de l'AFPS appelle les groupes locaux à rejoindre les coordinations locales qui organisent la lutte et tous les adhérents et adhérentes de l'AFPS à participer aux rassemblements et manifestations qui sont organisés ce samedi 16 janvier, dans de nombreuses villes de France.



Association France Palestine Solidarité (AFPS)

21 ter Rue Voltaire 75011 Paris

Tél. : 01 43 72 15 79

Site http://www.france-palestine.org/,



Twitter <https://twitter.com/afpsofficiel>


Appel général et flyer Aubenas en pièce jointes :


Tous et toutes dans la rue les 16 et 30 janvier

contre toutes les lois liberticides !

Le gouvernement développe un arsenal répressif et autoritaire qui remet en cause les

libertés fondamentales de toutes et tous.

Face aux licenciements, à la croissance des inégalités, à l’explosion de la pauvreté, le

gouvernement se donne les outils pour surveiller, réprimer et essayer de contenir la

contestation et les luttes sociales.

Un état d’urgence

Opérationnel depuis le 23 mars 2020 et au moins

jusqu’au 16 février 2021, l’état d’urgence sanitaire

confie à l’Exécutif des pouvoirs exceptionnels. Le

gouvernement en profite pour déroger au Code

du Travail, limiter les garanties collectives et

s’attaquer aux droits sociaux.

Après l’état d’urgence sécuritaire, la France aura

été, depuis 2015, gouvernée pendant près de

trois années sous un régime d’exception qui altère

l’état de droit et met en péril la démocratie.


Deux lois

La loi dite de « sécurité globale » organise la

surveillance policière de la population et s’attaque

à la liberté d’informer. Elle s’appuie notamment

sur le nouveau « schéma national du maintien de

l’ordre » du ministère de l’Intérieur et renforce les

moyens policiers de répression des manifestants.

Cette loi est à l’opposé des principes républicains.

Avec la loi « confortant les principes républicains

» présentée le 9 décembre, le gouvernement se

drape des valeurs de la République mais

stigmatise une partie de la population et s’en

prend à la liberté d’association.


Trois décrets

Sous couvert de lutte antiterroriste, trois décrets,

parus le 4 décembre au Journal officiel, autorisent

de ficher les personnes en fonction de leurs

opinions, de leurs activités politiques, de leurs

convictions philosophiques et religieuses ou de

leur appartenance syndicale.


Un amendement

Au cours du débat parlementaire sur la loi de

programmation pluriannuelle de la recherche

(LPPR), la majorité parlementaire a glissé un

article qui criminalise les luttes sociales

étudiantes en créant un délit de trouble au bon

ordre d’une université.

Même si le Conseil Constitutionnel a censuré sur

la forme cet amendement, c’est par la seule

mobilisation que nous pouvons nous y opposer

sur le fond,


Un code

Le code de justice pénale des mineur·es (CJPM),

présenté le 1er décembre à l’Assemblée nationale

entrera en vigueur le 31 mars 2021. Il va à

l’encontre de l’ordonnance de 1945 qui priorise

l’éducation sur la répression. Il aligne la justice des

jeunes sur celle des majeurs pour privilégier le

contrôle et la probation.

Ces remises en cause de nos droits et libertés

publiques individuelles et collectives construisent

un avenir où violences sociales, répression et

violences étatiques seront facilitées.

La somme des lois et décrets, non démocratiques

et liberticides, qui nous tombent dessus, sous

couvert de sécurité et de principes républicains

sont « en même temps » les outils pour imposer la

régression sociale attendue par les 1% les plus

riches (casse de l'emploi, baisse des salaires,

destruction des protections sociales…) et

renforcer la capacité de réprimer tout mouvement

social à venir des 99%, qu'il soit syndical, étudiant

ou citoyen.


Des centaines de milliers de citoyennes et

citoyens ont déjà manifesté pour réclamer

l’abandon du projet de loi « sécurité globale »

dans tout le pays.

Dans un contexte de montée du chômage et de la

précarité, de démantèlement des services publics

et de remise en cause des droits et garanties

collectives, l’intersyndicale et les Gilets Jaunes

maintiennent toutes leurs revendications,

notamment l’abandon définitif de la réforme sur la

retraite par points et celle de l’assurance




Un état d’urgence, deux lois, trois décrets, un amendement, un code… un inventaire à la Prévert ?


Non, un arsenal répressif et autoritaire !



-La LIBERTÉ est bafouée

-L’ÉGALITÉ est niée

-La FRATERNITÉ est malmenée


Plus que jamais faire reculer le gouvernement est une nécessité ! Et c’est possible !






-LE SAMEDI 30 janvier à AUBENAS


Ensemble, exigeons :

- Dès maintenant, le retrait total des propositions de loi « sécurité globale » et celle contre les séparatismes dite loi « confortant le respect des principes de la République»


- La fin immédiate des états d’urgence sanitaire et sécuritaire

- L’abrogation de toutes les lois liberticides.

- Le retour aux droits démocratiques, sociaux, syndicaux et aux libertés de circulation, de rassemblement et de manifestation pour toutes et tous.