Anthony H. Cordesman :
© Center for Strategic and International Studies (December
2, 2002)
1800 K Street N.W.
Washington; DC 20006
Planning for a Self-Inflicted Wound: US Policy to Reshape
a Post-Saddam Iraq
(A Rough Draft for Comment)
Anthony H. Cordesman
Arleigh A. Burke
The hardest part of war is often the peace, and this is particularly
likely to be the case if
the US goes to war with Iraq. It is not that the US is not planning
for such contingencies;
it is the quality of such planning that is at issue. Unless it sharply
improves, it may well
become a self-inflicted wound based on a series of "syndromes" that
grow out of
ignorance, indifference to Iraq’s real needs, and ethnocentricity.
The US does not have to suffer from "Iraq War Peace Syndrome." Some
good studies
and planning efforts are emerging, but they are the exception and not
the norm, in an
uncoordinated and faltering effort. Far too often, we are rushing our
planning efforts
without making adequate efforts to make up for our lack of knowledge.
As a result,
planners both outside and inside the US government may end in doing
more harm than
good, and in laying the groundwork for serious postwar friction and
problems. In fact, a
pattern of Iraq war peace syndromes has begun to emerge that is deeply
1. The "We Know What We're Doing Syndrome"
One of the most important things we need to do is to admit our level
of ignorance and
uncertainty. Far too many "experts" who are now working on postwar
planning have (a)
never been in Iraq to the point of having practical knowledge of the
country, and (b) have
concentrated on the threat so long that they have little intelligence
data on the workings
of its government, civil society, and economy.
More generally, the US government does not have much of the data it
needs to formulate
a detailed peace plan. Looking back over the last 10 years, we generally
failed to
seriously examine what was happening inside Iraq in social and economic
terms, and to
collect and honestly analyze much of the data on social change, the
economy, and the
way the government functioned.
We should be actively pulling together all that exiles, friendly businessmen
and other
working in Iraq, the UN, NGOs, and others know about the day-to-day
functioning of
given national, regional, and local government activities in Iraq.
We should be
examining existing Iraqi structures and institutions in detail to know
what needs changing
and what we can build upon. We should be looking at the Iraqi constitution
and legal
system to see what could be a valid base for change.
More important, we should have teams ready to survey the situation in
each area, town,
and governate as we advance. We should have teams ready to work with
key local and
then governate leaders. We should have teams ready to work with the
ministries in Iraq's
government once we get to Baghdad. We should admit that we really do
not know what
we are doing, and cannot know until the war unfolds. We should be flexible,
emphasize surveying Iraq's postwar needs in partnership with Iraqis
in Iraq at the local,
regional, and national level; making minimal changes in working civil
2. The "US as Liberator Syndrome"
We may or may not be perceived as liberators. We are dealing with a
very sophisticated
and long-established tyranny, and we really don't know how an intensely
people with deep internal divisions will react, and how the impact
of the fighting will
affect the people. We don't know how long any support will last by
a given group or
faction the moment we become involved in trade-offs between them.
We may well face a much more hostile population than in Afghanistan.
We badly need to
consider the Lebanon model: Hero to enemy in less than a year. We also
need to consider
the Bosnia/Kosovo model where internal divisions leave no options other
than stay and
police or leave and watch civil conflict emerge.
A little self-honesty on our past mistakes in nation building and occupation
would help;
especially when we perpetuate the myth we did so splendidly in Germany
and Japan.
Things eventually worked out in Germany and Japan because we enforced
change and took advantage of existing institutions. We only adopted
this approach under
duress, however, and because the Cold War forced us to reverse many
of our initial plans
and policies. Economic recovery took five years. For the first year,
people died for lack
of medical attention, starved, and suffered. We could get away with
because most of the
world was suffering and because of the legacy of anger towards Germany
and Japan
coming out of the war. We cannot possibly expect such tolerance today.
Couple this to an unpredictable but inevitable level of collateral damage
and civilian
casualties, to what the word "occupation" means in the Arab world because
of Israel, to
the historical memory of the British mandate and US ties to the Shah,
to Shi'ite tensions
over US relations with Iran and the Axis of Evil, and to factional
tensions in Iraq, and we
are almost certain to face serious problems with at least some major
blocs of Iraqis.
No study or that does not deal at length with these risks, or prepare
for them on a
contingency basis, can do more good than harm. We should focus on giving
Iraqis what
they want, and not on giving Iraqi what we feel they. Our actions should
be based on
partnership and a high degree of humility, not on occupation and arrogance.
3. The We Lead and They Will Follow" or "Coalition of the Willing
Our coalition of the willing may well be much smaller than the coalition
of the unwilling.
We need to understand just how deeply hostile the Arab world is because
of the Second
Intifada and our ties to Israel. Surveys show around 80% of Arabs,
and high percentages
of other Islamic nations, see the Palestinians as the key issue in
politics and express anger
at the US over ties to Israel. We also need to understand that in the
Gulf, many Arab also
see the US as responsible for the suffering of the Iraqi people under
The UN debate shows we face a largely doubtful and antiwar world. In
practical terms,
we will be subject to relentless Arab, regional, and global examination
and criticism from
D-Day on. We cannot hope to get an Iraqi, regional, or world mandate
to act as occupiers.
In fact, if we act in this way, we are certain to encounter massive
Any humanitarian failures at any point will come back to haunt us. So
will any mistakes
in dealing with Iraqi factions, any delays in transferring power, and
any deals with the
outside the Iraqis and Arab world see as being at Iraqi expense.
We need to base our peace plans on the reality that we will be judged
by their success for
years to come, and that any failures can have explosive regional impacts.
This time we
virtually must succeed and we must be prepared to make the necessary
commitment in
spite of the potential cost. At the same time, we need to understand
just how firm and
enduring the linkage will be to our success in dealing with the Arab-Israeli
conflict and
the Second Intifada. We may have the luxury of fighting one war at
a time, but we do not
have the luxury of focusing on a single peace.
4. The "Best Case War Syndrome"
Far too often, we now base our postwar plans only on fighting a best-case
war. We have
no justification for such planning. We may get serious urban fighting.
We may see the
use of WMD. We may have to sharply escalate and inflict serious collateral
damage. We
may see factional struggles and warlords emerge, and we already are
caught up in a
messy struggle between the Kurds and exile groups like the INC.
No plan is worth considering that does not explicitly examine what can
go wrong in the
fighting and how it will impact on the post-fighting outcome.
5. The "Rebuilding Effort Begins After the War Ends Syndrome"
Our rebuilding effort in Iraq must begin on D-Day, not after the war.
Everything we do
from bombing to the first ground contact with Iraqis will be conducted
in a media
fishbowl, with the world observing and often searching for any fault
or flaw. We cannot
be perfect, but we can be prepared and act with the knowledge that
even seemingly trivial
actions during the war can have powerful global effect and shape postwar
We must realize that one day after our forces enter any area, the world
will hold us to
blame for every bit of Iraqi suffering that follows, as well as for
much of Saddam's legacy
of economic mistakes and neglect. The first minute of the war is the
beginning of the
peace, and any plan that does not explicitly recognize this is dangerous.
6. The "Let’s Ignore the Iraqi Media and Information Issue Syndrome"
It seems incredible, but a number of studies ignore the need to provide
detailed media
coverage to the Iraqi public the moment we go to war, and then to immediately
control of the Iraqi media and Ministry of Information and change them
to become
legitimate sources of information. Even some good studies of psywar
efforts to deal with
the Iraqi military treat the problem as one of dealing with the career
military and not the
Iraqi people and the different factions within it.
We are already engaged in a battle for hearts and minds we have done
little to win. We
will confront a desperate dictatorship in combat, and what we say over
radio and TV, and
to the Iraqi people as we advance, may be critical in limiting or avoiding
urban warfare
and prolonged resistance. We also have to be able to talk to the faction
in Iraq and
reassure those we plan to work with. The Ministry of Information, the
state controlled
radio and TV, and the press need to be reshaped the moment we have
access to them. The
Ministry of Information, in particular, is one of the worst single
instruments of repression
in Iraq and needs to be abolished or restructured the moment we can
do so.
7. The "Overthrow the Regime is Enough of a US Policy Goal Syndrome"
Our failure to clearly define our postwar policy goals for Iraq is
another area where we
need early action. In fact, the Bush Administration has already faltered
badly. There is
serious confusion and hostility in the Arab world and much of the rest
of the world over
our objectives in going to war.
We face an Arab world where many see us as going to war to seize Iraq's
oil, barter deals
with the Russians and French, create a new military base to dominate
the region, and/or
serve Israel's interest. Our lack of clear policy statements has encouraged
virtually every
negative conspiracy theory possible.
In short, our ultimate intentions in Iraq are already a major issue
that vague words cannot
deal with. There a is a critical need to clarify our intentions in
enough detail to show we
really will act in the interest of the Iraqi people, to refute the
major conspiracy theories
that have already developed, and prove we are not a "neo-imperialist"
or "occupier. In
fact, we need to act as soon as possible.
8. The "UN and the World Doesn’t Matter in Shaping the Peace Syndrome"
We face a massive legal problem that many US studies current ignore.
A range of UN
resolutions already govern what can and should be done in Iraq, of
which "oil for food" is
only the most obvious. In the real world, we have only the following
options: (a) reject
the primacy of the UN and the UNSCR's dealing with oil for food and
calling for
democracy and human rights in Iraq and create our own plans and structure;
(b) rely on
the UN to do what it is clearly prepared to do and act for us; and
(c) rely on an
unpredictable mix of US, UN, and NGO institutions we will have to build
when and if
war comes.
All of these options are bad, but (c) is best and we need to face this
fact. We also need to
face the fact that we cannot pass our problems on to a non-existent
community that is willing to sweep up after our military parade. We
may well get UN
and international cooperation but only if we lead and contribute actively.
We have to stay
as long as it takes, or at least until we can hand a mission over to
the Iraqis.
9. The "Democracy Solves Everything Syndrome"
Broad generalizations about democracy suddenly solving Iraq’s problems
are mindlessly
stupid. Iraq will benefit from added pluralism of the kind already
called for in UN
resolutions. Moreover, Iraq already has provision for such steps in
its existing and draft
constitutions. However, the practice in Iraq has been strong men and
dictators for nearly
half a century. Iraq no has no viable political parties, no exile or
internal leaders with
proven popular legitimacy, and deep ethnic, religious, and tribal/clan
We also must deal with the different goals and priorities of Iraq’s
neighbors and the UN.
Turkey and Iran will be real constraints on how a future government
deals with the Kurds
and Shiites. This means we already have "non-democratic" priorities.
We virtually must
enforce territorial integrity, and limit Kurdish autonomy. There will
be no valid self-determination
or democratic solutions to these issues.
Iraq is not going to become a model government or democracy for years.
It faces too
many problems in internal power sharing, dealing with regional issues,
and developing
political parties that can look beyond selfish interests. It faces
too many other challenges
in terms of developing a rule of law, protecting human rights, and
dealing with urgent
economic and security issues.
If we try to impose too much of our political system, we will also face
growing problems
with both Iraqis and the Arab world the moment we try to tell Iraqis
how they should
govern rather than help them find better solutions. Rather than catalyze
other Arab
nations to become democratic, we will catalyze Pan-Arab hostility and
give the Arab
world the impression that we have joined Israel as "occupiers."
10. The "Limited Presence and Peacemaking Syndrome"
There are US war plans that call for an early US military presence
in Kirkuk to ensure
that the Kurds do not attempt to seize it and to deter any Turkish
movements. It is less
clear that the US has clearly tailored plans to occupy Shi’ite areas
in ways that would
block Iranian adventures and halt uprisings or efforts at control by
Shi’ite factions. There
also are some who strongly oppose executing such efforts because of
the risk or cost, and
who want to avoid a major US military peacekeeping role regardless
of the risks.
Some form of clear peacemaking/peacekeeping strategy is vital and past
wars provide the
lesson that the earlier the US forces are present, the easier the task
and the smaller the
presence required. In the case of Iraq, this is needed to prevent civil
war, halt warlordism,
and provide the security needed to rebuild the nation. If it is not
done, the alternatives
will either be to come in later with much larger resources, or fail
in key aspects of
shaping the peace.
The US must be prepared from the start to deal with the broader territorial
issues -
authority over the city of Kirkuk and its environs, shaping their ethnic
mix, and control of
its key nodes of oil production and distribution. The US must also
be prepared to help the
Iraqis dcal with the constitutional issue - what mix between devolution
and centralization
will be acceptable to the Arabs and the Kurds alike? (The last time,
the issue went to
arbitration under the League of Nations mandate, took years and years
to resolve, and
eventually had to be enforced by the RAF using poison gas. Scarcely
the best precedent!)
11. "The Zero-Based Approach to Restructuring Iraq’s Government Syndrome"
Iraq cannot be treated as an intellectual playground for political
scientists or ideologues,
and must not be treated as if its people were a collection of white
rats that could be
pushed through a democratic maze by a bunch of benevolent US soldiers
and NGOs. Iraq
is a country of 24 million people with a history of more than 80 years.
It has a
constitution and a draft constitution. It has an existing National
Assembly structure,
relatively modern legal system, and a history of past autonomy agreements
with the
Iraq has a strong central structure based on a highly urbanized society.
It is critically
dependent on food imports and allocating the revenue from oil exports.
It has some 23
existing ministries. Some are now tools of repression and must be dismantled
or totally
rebuilt, but most are vital to running the country. Many of its urban
centers and
complexes and governates are tailored to local needs. A standardized,
cookie cutter
approach to local or regional government would fail dismally anywhere
in the world. It is
a recipe for disaster in Iraq.
There is no Iraqi with real-world experience in governing Iraq in countless
technical areas vital to the needs of some 24 million people other
than the existing
structure of government. The courts, the legal system, the lawyers
have many flaws, but
they are also Iraqi. The rule of law and human rights, and security
for the individual, are
actually far more important than democracy and they too must be built
on the existing
Iraqi structure of government.
Yes, we need to work with Iraqis at every level to clean up the existing
system. We have
to destroy the one existing political party, the Baath, and "de-Saddamize"
the existing
government while establishing a modern rule of law and reforming the
economy. We
need to give exiles a role, and not simply exile groups like the INC
that have more
strength inside the beltway in Washington than anywhere in the borders
of Iraq. But,
nothing can be zero-based.
12. The "Let’s All Form Another Giant Discussion Group Syndrome"
Iraq’s mix of internal and external tensions make any slow, bottom-up,
or "discussion
group"-oriented approach to restructuring power in Iraq a near certain
recipe for failure.
We don’t have time for time-consuming efforts to create consensus.
Cosmetic assemblies
and advisory bodies are certain to produce a major backlash.
We may well have to push Iraqis into some new form of power structure
within weeks of
the end of the fighting. We certainly have no more than months. We
don’t have time for
long dialogue, although that can be used to adjust the initial arrangements.
We need to take a hard look at Iraq’s existing constitution and draft
constitution, and the
idea of a constitutional convention and referendum creating a follow-on
system has
worked elsewhere. This may also allow us to deal with the realities
of power struggles
by changing Iraq’s current constitution to deal with a tailored form
of republic or
federalism plus some form of Kurdish-minority rights.
But, we don’t have months in which to get started or more than a year
in which to get a
new system working. Any peace plan that does not include clear and
specific goals from
the start, and takes more than six months to get all of the key power
sharing arrangements
in place, is a failure from the start.
We must find ways to produce rapid power sharing and to reallocate oil
wealth and do in
ways that emphasize political stability rather than democracy per se.
This is not only a
Kurdish issue, it is a who will lead the Shi’ites issue, and almost
any postwar
arrangement will inevitably penalize today's ruling Sunni elite.
13. The "Let’s All Ignore the State’s Present Role in the Economy
More is also involved than governance and human rights. The National
Iraqi Oil
Company is only the most critical of the many state entities that have
to be used to
reshape and develop the economy. We need to work with Iraqi immediately
to clean up
the NIOC and other economic institutions that affect development, free
up the private
sector as much as possible, create an honest Iraqi-based structure
for international
investment, and put Iraq back on the track to development as soon as
The economic reform issue is as important as the governance issue. There
must be
explicit plans to deal with state industry, with a key focus on energy.
The issues of
freeing up the private sector, encouraging honest foreign investment,
dealing with
agricultural reform, and creating a body of commercial law are critical.
14. The "Dismantle the Army and Police Force Syndrome"
The Revolutionary Guards, the secret police, and other Saddam loyalists
contemptible, but the idea we disband the entire army and security
forces and start over
with training and ground up new groups is impractical and dangerous.
Many elements of the regular army are nationalist, not pro-Saddam. We
don’t want
400,000 nationalists in the streets and hostile. We don’t want to leave
a weak army in
service and an angry army in the streets. Germany after World War I
showed the impact
that can have. By all means clean the army up, clean up the officer
corps, provide
political training, etc., but leave the professional and competent
elements in tact. Leave
Iraq with some dignity and coopt the army rather than destroy it.
Leaving the police in place, after the same purging, is even more important.
The first
priorities are food and security and then jobs and security. Trying
to bring in inexperience
mixes of outsiders, training a new police force from the ground up,
and recreate a police-legal
system interface from the ground up is almost mission impossible in
terms of
manpower, cost, and timeliness. Cleaning up the existing force is not.
15. The "Debt and Reparations, Weimar Republic and Let’s Make a Deal
We need to be extremely careful about even a hint that we are bartering
away Iraq’s post-Saddam
future to get political support, and saddling a new regime with hundred
billions of dollars in debt, reparations, and contingency contracts
will cripple it, just as
we once crippled the Weimar Republic.
We should decide on some policy calling for debt and reparations forgiveness,
and the
voiding of contingency contracts by the new regime.
16. The "Oil Income Floats All Boats Syndrome"
Time for a reality check. The DOE estimates that Iraqi oil export revenues
were all of
$14.1 billion in 2001 (including smuggling), out of total exports of
all of $15.8 billion
and an economy worth $28.2 billion in market terms. The GDP is less
than one-third of
what it was in 1989, and there are two decades of war and sanctions
to make up for.
Oil revenues cannot possibly solve all of Iraq’s development problems.
Real oil wealth
per capita will be under 1/10 th of its 1980 peak given the rise in
population and the drop
in oil prices. Oil can still pay for a lot, but not for both rebuilding
and development.
Consider the following points about Iraq:
•Steady decline in relative wealth since 1982, not
1991; 70% of cut in GDP per
capita before Gulf War.
•Massive population growth: 9.1 million in 1970,
22.7 million in 2000 and 36.9
million in 2020. 40% under 15. Unemployment in excess of 25%.
•No longer has oil wealth in relative terms. A little
over $700 per capita today
versus over $6,000 in 1980. See much worse in constant dollars. Around
for Saudi in 1980 versus $2,563 in 2001.
•Dependent on oil for food and "black" sector to
operate. Heavily dependent on
food imports since late 1970s. Some estimate a 70% dependence on food
once the economy recovers.
•Medical and educational crisis.
•Many artifacts of a command economy that has been
centered around a
dictatorship for three decades. Some solid economic institutions but
no real
market system in terms of distribution, banking, uniform commercial
insurance, interest.
•Industrial development is weak and has a poor history.
•Oil revenue and development issue is critical,
as is sharing revenue, but NIOC has
its thugs and killers. Saybolt indicates waterflooding and overpumping;
24 of 73
fields working, and 20-40% of wells at risk.
Yes, money will be a serious problem, particularly if debt and reparations
are not
17. The Disarmament is Quick and Lasting Syndrome
We need a clear policy towards Iraq’s military industry and dual use
facilities from the
start, and we need to understand that a postwar Iraq will exist in
a still threatening and
proliferating region. Moreover, whatever we get rid of, the human talent
and major dual
use facilities will remain. Getting rid of nukes also can just push
Iraq towards a reliance
on biological warfare.
We need both a short term and long term plan to disarm Iraq. The long
term plan must
include some way use a combination of UNSCR and national action to
limit any risk of
future proliferation and possibly some form of US security guarantees
to limit the
incentive to future regimes to proliferate.
18. The "No Exit Strategy Syndrome"
Every past peacemaking effort has shown that an explicit exit strategy
is vital. The key in
this case is an entry strategy that makes a real peace possible, setting
modest and
achievable objectives, treating the Iraqis as partners, and leaving
when they either want
us to leave or are ready to have us leave. It is to avoid any chance
of civil war, clearly act
in Iraq’s benefit, and plan to leave early rather than late.
Curing the "Iraq War Peace Syndrome(s)"
The first step in curing a complex disease like the Iraq War Peace
Syndrome(s) is to
recognize the nature of the disease. As the previous list shows, this
often suggests the
cure. The fact remains, however, that we face at least a decade of
further instability in the
Gulf Region, whether or not we go to war with Iraq, and no matter how
well the war
goes. Getting rid of Saddam and Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction
is an important set of
goals if the war goals well. No war, however, can do more than provide
a basis for
making Iraq somewhat better and then giving the Iraqis control over
their own destiny.
No outcome of the war can reshape the Gulf or the Middle East.
The idea of instant democratization coming out of the war and spreading
throughout the
region denies the laws of cause and effect and is ridiculous. So is
the idea we know
enough about national building to create an Iraqi United States.
The best we can do is minimize our mistakes and the effect of the law
of unintended
consequences. To do this requires both realism and commitment. If we
rely on miracles
and good intentions, or act as occupiers rather than partners, we are
almost certain to be
far more unhappy on the tenth anniversary of the next war as we were
on the tenth
anniversary of the Gulf War.
CSIS (Center for Strategic and International Studies)
1800 K Street N.W.
Washington, DC 20006
(202) 775-3270
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