Bulletin N° 1124



“Shot Dead”


Dr. Peter McCullough



 “Gaza Fights Back”


by Dan Cohen


Filmed during the attack and in the days following the ceasefire, the documentary tells the story of how Gaza’s armed resistance groups outwitted the vastly superior Israeli military and established their ability to intervene against Israeli ethnic cleansing of neighborhoods like Sheikh Jarrah and provocations at the al-Aqsa compound in occupied East Jerusalem.

“The Palestinian military capabilities are not highly sophisticated and destructive, but it becomes so effective when it’s used by Palestinian smart youths who believe in their rights and freedom,” a masked al-Qassam commander says.

The documentary features intimate interviews with survivors, many of whom lost family members in the Israeli bombardment.

See also: SHOCKING Footage Of Gaza Destruction!


Spielberg, Make a Movie About This!






December 1, 2023

Grenoble, France



Subject: Why the world won't buy ‘the excremental vision’ of some would-be world leaders along with the new technologies and monetization policies prescribed to impose their exclusive delusions upon the rest of us.




Dear Colleagues and Friends of CEIMSA,



The war-gaming pastime, “Gocha,” is but one of the many ploys used to hide in plain sight the excremental vision of the future which the ruling classes today are attempting to parachute on to  the rest of us by means of “revolution from above.” This instrument is taken from the military tool kit of “divide-and-rule” tactics, tried-and-proven methods to soften any popular democratic resistance against tyranny and despotism, in order to enhance corporate ownership - with or without a capitalist framework - featuring “the best government money can buy”. World history offers many accounts of this social control method used against unsuspecting populations to disarm them and to eventually dispose of them. Some call it genocide….


The 25+ items in our bulletin this week are essays and articles which address various depopulation programs and de facto eugenics policies found in class-divided societies around the world, where economic austerity, instrumental inflation, climate control protolols, state-administered emergency injection policies, and rapacious militarism with covert destabilization operations  (accompanied by vicious implementations of censorship and mindless Artificial Intelligence applications) play a central role in maintaining the political authority of a small-but-well-organized ruling class over the will and well being of a disproportionately large majority of people in societies around the world by means of illegitimate dependant power hierarchies (See: ceimsa bulletin, May Day 2020). The call now is for the transition from reactive to proactive response to this capricious tyranny and the system that perpetuates it.

See also: “CIA Analyst Ray McGovern and Lt Col Karen Kwiatkowski discuss the Gaza”



The conversation continues . . . .





Francis McCollum Feeley


Professeur honoraire de l'Université Grenoble-Alpes

Ancien Directeur des Researches

Université de Paris-Nanterre

Director of The Center for the Advanced Study

of American Institutions and Social Movements


The University of California-San Diego





“Top 50 Richest People in the World from Every Country in





You cannot get any richer than these guys! It’s no shocker that Microsoft's Bill Gates, Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg and Google's Larry Page is somewhere on this Top 50 Richest Billionaires list but are they the king of billionaires? Bill Gates dominated this list for much of the last two decades, but in recent years he has been overtaken by Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk. Other perennial top billionaires include Warren Buffett, Bernard Arnault and Amancio Ortega. You’ll find out in this video plus other billionaires' earnings that will make you green with envy! [???]



“Who Are the Controligarchs? Author EXPOSES Bill Gates’ Plot to OWN YOUR FOOD”


by The Hill, with Briahna Joy Gray, Robby Soave, and author Seamus Bruner


Writer Seamus Bruner discusses his latest work, Controligarchs: Exposing the Billionaire Class, Their Secret Deals, and the Globalist Plot to Dominate Your Life.



“The Lord of ‘Vaccines” and the ‘Health Terrorist Ideology’. Where Do You Think this Is Going? Get Off that Crazy Train”


by Dr. Pascal Sacré

I am not a practitioner, in the usual sense of the word, of a religion or an esoteric current.

On the other hand, I have read a lot, studied, reflected, curious about everything, open to everything.

I don’t exclude anything, I go everywhere, especially if an authority tells me, without any other argument than his “authority”, not to go there.

Thanks to this quality (considered a danger by some), I continue to learn, tirelessly.

As an “orthodox” doctor from a Belgian university and a classical curriculum, I have long followed the marked path, walked in the right direction and crossed when the light turns green, almost always.

Curiosity, an incurable flaw in me, has led me on the side roads, where you meet people, tread on soil, unearth treasures qualified by those who mark the roads and crosswalks, corrupt sources (modern expression: “fake news”), untrustworthy teachers.

I am not a guru, nor is Alexander De Croo, Young Global Leader 2015, Alexander De Croo becomes Young Global Leader | Focus on Belgium, nor are Edouard Philippe and President Macron, Young Global Leaders respectively in 2011 and 2012, or Olivier Véran in 2019, Emmanuel Macron and Edouard Philippe, these “young leaders” who govern us – Gala.




Check for yourself, all the heads or deputy heads of the governments that applied the roadmap in 2020, the plan established by the cartel of true gurus, have been Young Global Leaders of the “Great Reset World Economic Forum Cult”.

No, I am not a guru, no more or less than Bill Gates or Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (head of the World Health Organization) who, however, without being a healer or a doctor, are dragging the world into their health terrorist ideology.

On the other hand, yes, I have been a doctor for 25 years, an anesthesiologist for 17 years (someone who puts people to sleep and wakes them up, puts them to sleep to avoid suffering and wakes them up to give them back their autonomy).

With my curiosity, my learning and my openness to everything that can help humanity, without taboos or censorship, I say to all humanity to stop this race to death.

Get off the crazy train.

I know, it is scary, it can hurt, and at the same time, as long as you feel the pain, you are alive.

Take back your physical and intellectual autonomy and protect your children.

These Young Global leaders who have become “Leaders” (gurus) do not want to do you any good.

Under the cover of these lethal injections (immediately or remotely by sterilization), so many Trojan horses of death in your body, in your mind and in your soul, they make you believe that they want to save you.

They don’t. It’s convincing, well presented, but it’s not true.

If they wanted to save you, they would have told you a long time ago to move more, to eat better (really, not diet products that poison you as much as “heavy” products, Reassessing the risks of aspartame. New experimental and epidemiological data), to manage your stress on a daily basis, to take care of your microbiota, to take food supplements, some of them all year round in a country like Belgium (vitamin D).

This is only possible, unfortunately, thanks to the complicity of certain people who run the institutions that are supposed to protect us and the main media that are supposed to inform us.



“Agenda to Depopulate the Planet Through COVID Vaccination. Revealed by Government Reports and Pfizer Documents”



by The Expose

If an experimental vaccine were to damage the heart and immune system in a significant number of individuals who received it, it is possible that it could lead to a decline in the overall population size.

This could occur for several reasons.

·         First, damage to the heart could lead to an increase in cardiovascular diseases, which are a leading cause of mortality worldwide. This could result in a higher number of deaths among individuals who received the vaccine.

·         Second, damage to the immune system could leave individuals more susceptible to other infections and diseases, which could also contribute to an increase in mortality.

·         Last, but by no means least, the negative impacts of the vaccine on fertility and reproductive health could lead to a decline in the number of births, further contributing to a decline in the overall population size.

If such a vaccine were to be developed and distributed, it could potentially lead to depopulation due to increased mortality and decreased fertility.

Unfortunately, the world has found itself in a situation where powerful institutions and Governments have coerced millions of people into getting an experimental Covid-19 vaccine that causes all of the ill-fated effects mentioned above.

Official Government reports and confidential Pfizer documents prove it.

Therefore, you are witnessing mass depopulation unfold before your very eyes.

The push for mass Covid-19 vaccination was never about combating a virus. It was about reducing the global population.

This goal aligns with the interests of certain powerful corporations and individuals who stand to benefit from a smaller, more manageable population now that AI is advanced enough to replace hundreds of millions of workers.

Regardless of the specific cause, the implications of what is currently occurring in the real world are significant.


Millions Have ‘Died Suddenly’

Did you know that data on excess deaths in 15% of the world’s countries can be found on the website of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)?

This includes major countries like the USA, Canada, and the UK.

Additionally, we were able to extract even more up-to-date data on 28 European countries from EuroMOMO.

All of this information has been provided to the OECD and EuroMOMO by each country’s Government organizations, such as the Centers for Disease Control in the USA and the Office for National Statistics in the UK.

The following chart illustrates the disturbing trend of excess deaths in the “Five Eyes” countries (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK, and the US) as well as 27 other European countries –



Are you aware of the staggering number of excess deaths that have occurred in the US and Europe in recent years?

In 2021, the US saw almost 700,000 excess deaths, with another 360,000 excess deaths by November 11th, 2022.

Europe had a similarly alarming 382,000 excess deaths in 2021, with 309,000 excess deaths by November 2022.

And these figures don’t even include Ukraine!

Shockingly, even countries like New Zealand, Australia, and Canada have seen excess deaths that have not decreased since the rollout of the Covid-19 vaccine.

The following chart illustrates the disturbing trend of overall excess deaths in Australia in 2020, 2021, and up to week 30 of 2022 –



Did you know that the rollout of the Covid-19 vaccine in Australia led to a shocking 747% increase in excess deaths, from 1,303 in 2020 to 11,042 in 2021?

And the situation has only gotten worse since then.

By the end of July 2022, there were a staggering 18,973 excess deaths in Australia – a 1,356% increase from 2020.

That’s more excess deaths in 7 months than in the previous two years combined.

And the situation in the US is similarly alarming –



Are you aware of the disturbing trend of excess deaths in the US following the rollout of the Covid-19 vaccine?

By week 38 of 2022, 1,700 more people had died compared to the same time in 2020, and by week 38 of 2021, a shocking 109,000 more people had died compared to the same time in 2020.

These numbers indicate that rather than decreasing, deaths have actually increased following the vaccine rollout.  . . . .




We Are Being Smashed Politically, Economically, Medically and Technologically by the Elite’s ‘Great Reset’: Why? How Do We Fight Back Effectively?



by Robert J. Burrowes

Since the dawn of human civilization 5,000 years ago, ordinary people like you and me have been engaged in an endless struggle to resist efforts by elites, whether local, national, international or global, to assert complete control over us and the resources around us.

And for 5,000 years, with some wins and a great many losses, we have managed to stave off the worst.

Finally, in January 2020, the World Economic Forum launched its ‘Great Reset’: The final assault in the Elite’s long war against humankind and nature itself.

As we pass the third anniversary since this final battle was launched, it is well worth evaluating the progress of our resistance.

Is our resistance being effective? Are we succeeding?

Unfortunately, as is obvious from any serious evaluation, we are being smashed. Let me explain why.

Evaluating Progress

Any strategy to resolve a conflict of this nature must begin with a sound analysis of what is happening:

Who is driving it (which answers the question ‘Who benefits?’) What do they intend? Why are they doing it? And how?

Only once these questions have been clearly answered is it possible to develop a strategy that will be adequate to the challenge posed by the threat.

Image is from Dr. Rath Health Foundation


So Who Is Doing What?

Whatever we have been told by such organizations as the World Health Organization, national governments and the corporate media during the past three years, the most cursory investigation reveals that the World Economic Forum has been just behind the scenes effectively directing the response of governments to the threat supposedly posed by a ‘pathogenic virus’ labeled SARS-CoV-2.

However, any serious investigation will reveal that even the World Economic Forum is simply another ‘front’ for more powerful individuals and their organizations, which I call ‘the Global Elite’

– see ‘Historical Analysis of the Global Elite: Ransacking the World Economy Until “You’ll Own Nothing.”’



Long COVID Propaganda and Fraud: It’s Time to Push Back on Lies and Help Those Suffering from Spikeopathy



by Dr. William Makis

In the last few weeks, Twitter has tweaked its algorithm to push LONG COVID Propaganda. I now see 100s of posts from 3x-6x COVID-19 Vaccinated people who believe they’re suffering from “Long COVID”.

Let’s address the bogus Propaganda and see how “Long COVID” sufferers can be helped. . . . .



“It’s Called ‘Post-Vaccine Syndrome’!”


with Jimmy Dore




“Are there FLCCC protocols for post-vaccine syndrome?”





“Frontline Covid19 Critical Care Alliance” 


contact: Support@Covid19CriticalCare.com




“Beyond Orwell’s 1984, 5G and the Launching of 6G: ‘Easy to Take Down a Society that Is Digital’. UNCTAD Attempts Accomplishing this Doom Scenario”



by Peter Koenig

From 5G to 6G

We, the People, are in a race against the Globalists committed to Depopulation; control the survivors, exploit us, dehumanize us, and ultimately digitize us, so that we can be remotely controlled by 5G;

And, now, just “launched” by China, 6G. See China launches ultra-high-speed next-generation Internet backbone – SHINE News.


Nobody really knows, or at least has not publicly said what 6G is meant to do, what 5G cannot already do. Incidentally, has the health impact of 6G been studied? Maybe. But nobody divulges the results.

This is how Qualcomm describes 5G:

5th generation mobile network. It is a new global wireless standard after 1G, 2G, 3G, and 4G networks. 5G enables a new kind of network that is designed to connect virtually everyone and everything together including machines, objects, and devices. See this.

Nobody has openly spoken about the health impact of 5G, though, that has been studied. Yet, the studies are not revealed to the public.

Beyond George Orwell’s 1984 

There is “guessing”; and scientists who come forward with the truth depicting the impact caused on wildlife and humans by these ultra-microwaves, are most often labeled “conspiracy theorists.” 


This is the “shut-up” phrase for everything the mainstream, the Cabal, the Matrix, the Globalists do not want the public to know. We are way beyond George Orwell’s “1984.”

The 6th Generation Mobile Network or 6G is about 100 times faster, more powerful, than 5G. It will be able to digitize everything. 

This is what RantCell has to say about 6G:

It is Operating at terahertz frequency bands, 6G will deliver a peak data rate of 1,000 gigabits/s having air latency less than 100 microseconds. When we talk about 5G vs 6G network speed, 6G speed is expected to be 100 times faster than 5G with enhanced reliability and wider network coverage. See this


We, the People, are in a race – life against death. If we wake up and counteract, the Globalist’s, namely the project of the diabolical protagonists of UN Agenda 2030 and The Great Reset will “be doomed”.

But if we keep letting us being duped, We, the People, “Will go to Hell”.  

This is the reason why the entire UN system is desperate to get the world digitized. The faster the better so, there may be not enough time for We, the People, to wake up in masses to take our world, our lives back before it is too late.

The Financial, Military, IT, Media, Pharma Complex Nominates UNCTAD  

Therefore, the United Nations, the political body under full control of the Globalist Cabal (openly led by Washington), but really, by the powerful Financial, Military, IT, Media, Pharma Complex (FMIMPC), has nominated one of its under-agents, the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) as the flag-carrier – at least for now – for the deadly onslaught of All-Digitization. 

UNCTAD –in blatant derogation of its historical mandate on behalf developing countries, namely the Global South–, will level the playing field, as the saying goes, on behalf of the entire UN System by announcing in a Press Release in Geneva on 15 November 2023, its e-Week from 4 to 8 December 2023, in a major revamp of its annual e-Commerce Week series which began in 2016.

UNCTAD’s Secretary-General, Rebecca Grynspan said,

“The digital economy plays a critical role in advancing development goals at all levels. Through inclusive and multi-stakeholder discussions, we can together build a global digital future that works for all.” 

UNCTAD’s infamous e-Week is called

“UNCTAD e-Week 2023 to Mobilize Global Support for a More Inclusive Digital Economy.”


“More than 3,000 stakeholders from 130 countries will examine how to turn digital opportunities into shared development gains and close existing divides for a sustainable future.”

The text of the Press Release abounds in sloganism, niceties and “noneties” (senseless talk for the “sold to the system gnomes”).

For example…. 

“The Conference is themed for “Shaping the Future of the digital economy”. The topics will feature over 150 sessions focused on tackling pressing issues related to digitalization. Key topics will range from platform governance, the development impact of artificial intelligence (AI), eco-friendly digital practices, to empowering women through digital entrepreneurship and accelerating digital readiness in developing countries.”

This intro-phrase hardly misses one of meaningless globalist jargons, that are now current and circulate in the minds of people, without them giving a second thought of what they really mean. 

Wait a minute, they forgot the term “sustainable”. Surely, it will appear later in the text.

UNCTAD and the “Digital Playing Field”





with Ryan Cristián





“Settler Colonialism, Thanksgiving and Gaza”


byIndigenous People’s Curriculum Day & Teach-In” by teachingforchange

 is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.

American historian, writer, professor and activist Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz uses her studies on indigenous peoples’ history and her work with Palestinian diplomats and the United Nations to show how historic “settler colonialism” like in the United States relates to Gaza today. Dunbar-Ortiz makes the case, on this Thanksgiving edition of the Scheer Intelligence podcast, that inherent in that settler colonialism are the various definitions of genocide.

“Inherent in settler colonialism is genocide because it wants to destroy or completely control every aspect of life of the people they push off. The United States was the most effective settler colonial state ever in terms of the genocide of the reducing the native population hugely,” Dunbar-Ortiz said.

The plight of the Native Americans in what is now the United States serves as a base for understanding the motivations, actions and justifications for settler colonialism by the West. The war in Palestine, Dunbar-Ortiz argues, contains many similar elements employed, where the core objective of the occupying force isn’t even to necessarily kill everyone—although a strong argument can be made that this is ongoing too—but to see a group of people have their identity obliterated.

The hard resistance to seeing this situation as it is in the eyes of some Americans, Dunbar-Ortiz reasons, comes from a justification for America’s history of the same crimes:

“[T]here’s a lot of resonance, I think, in the U.S. white population, especially descendants of old settlers, which most presidents are. They feel a resonance with Israel because of settler colonialism, because it is the geographical imprint on U.S. people that settler colonialism is a good thing.”





with George Galloway




“Israel strikes Gaza after truce expires”

Updated December 1, 2023

by The Associated Press

Israeli fighter jets hit Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip on Friday shortly after a weeklong truce expired, the military said, as the war resumed in full force.
Airstrikes hit southern Gaza, including the community of Abassan east of the town of Khan Younis, the Interior Ministry in the Hamas-run territory said. Another strike hit a home northwest of Gaza City.
Loud, continuous explosions were heard coming from the Gaza Strip and black smoke billowed from the territory.
In Israel, sirens blared at three communal farms near Gaza warning of incoming rocket fire, suggesting Hamas had also resumed its attacks.
The Israeli military's announcement of the strikes came only 30 minutes after the cease-fire expired at 7 a.m. (0500 GMT) Friday.
Earlier Friday, Israel accused Hamas of having violated the terms of the cease-fire, including by firing rockets toward Israel from Gaza.
The halt in fighting began Nov. 24. It initially lasted for four days, and then was extended for several days with the help of Qatar and fellow mediator Egypt.

See also: Israel strikes Gaza after truce expires !



[???] “Israel-Hamas Extended Ceasefire for’ Five Days”


with Scott Ritter [???]


            An open discussion in fast-moving events, to be further questioned . . . .



“Israel Already Violated "Ceasefire", Gareth Porter Exposes Al-Shifa Lie & Fox/IDF Caught Faking News”


with Ryan Cristián




“Israeli targets journalists, kills their families as Big Tech & Biden admin silence Palestinians”


with Wyatt Reed

With Israeli airstrikes on Gaza killing at least twenty Palestinian journalists—and the Biden administration working to muzzle others—Big Tech is quietly coordinating with Tel Aviv to muzzle Palestinian media outfits. 

Israeli strikes on the Gaza Strip killed three Palestinian journalists on October 25 in one of the deadliest days for local reporters since the military’s bombing campaign began nearly three weeks before. As the hours passed, footage appeared showing the moment Ramallah-based journalist Mohammed Farra learned that his wife and children were all killed in an Israeli airstrike in Gaza’s Khan Younes neighborhood. 

Similarly heart-rending scenes would play out more than once over the course of the day. Elsewhere in the besieged coastal enclave, an Israeli airstrike killed the wife, son, daughter and infant grandson of Al Jazeera Arabic’s Gaza bureau chief, Wael Dahdouh.



“Israel is horrific genocidal maniacal zionist country, H@mas Winning Battle for Gaza”


with Scott Ritter




“Will The US Step In To Save “Israel” Before It Is Too Late?”


by Robert Inlakesh

Operation al-Aqsa Flood has collapsed the Middle East policy platform of the US Biden administration, in addition to pulling down the curtains and revealing the true face of the Western empire. However, it seems like the Palestinian resistance may have set in motion something else entirely, a slippery slope to the disintegration of the Zionist entity altogether. If Washington does not behave within rational bounds, it could lose its baby in West Asia.

The Zionist regime rests on a number of pillars, perhaps the most important of which is the idea of “security” for its Jewish inhabitants. The idea of a secure place for Jewish people, one which is uniquely for Jewish people and nobody else, is one of the foundational motivations for building the Zionist movement to begin with. Over the years, this is why the Zionist regime has become one of absolute militarism, there is a worship of the Israeli army and a kind of blind belief in it being “the most moral army” and one that practices the “purity of arms”. As far as the evidence goes, according to what this army has done since October 7, in Gaza, we can safely say that it is perhaps the world’s most immoral army, one that functions to protect an Apartheid settler regime, however, we have to stick to the Israeli narrative for now.



Protestors SURROUND Netanyahu’s House To Demand His Resignation!


with Jimmy Dore




September 11 in the Middle East: Israel’s Intelligence and Military “Caught by Surprise” by Hamas Attack? Was It a “False Flag”? Manlio Dinucci


by Manlio Dinucci

According to the official version, the Hamas attack “caught Israel by surprise”. However, a series of inexplicable facts do not make the official version credible.

How is it possible that the Gaza barrier was breached with bulldozers without anyone noticing?

The 64-kilometre barrier surrounding Gaza is made of an underground wall equipped with sensors to prevent tunnelling, and a 6-metre high fence with sensors, radars, cameras and automatic weapons systems connected to a command, and is manned by soldiers.

How is it possible that on that very day, a music festival was taking place involving thousands of young people, and located in the desert a few kilometres from Gaza, in an area already considered dangerous because it was within range of Hamas rockets, and moreover left without any security force?

How is it possible when Hamas militants attacked over 20 Israeli population centres, killing (according to official figures) 1300 people, the Israeli special forces, considered among the best in the world, did not immediately intervene with helicopters and only intervened with police force?

How is it possible that Mossad, considered one of the most efficient Secret Services in the world, did not realize that Hamas was preparing its attack?

The essential answers come from an article, published on October 8 by the Israeli newspaper The Times of Israel:

“For years, the various governments led by Benjamin Netanyahu have adopted a policy that has divided the Gaza Strip and the West Bank between two different powers, bringing Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to his knees and favouring Hamas.

Hamas was treated as a partner to the detriment of the Palestinian Authority to prevent Abbas from moving towards creating a Palestinian State. Hamas was promoted from a terrorist group to an organization with which Israel conducted negotiations through Egypt, and which was allowed to receive suitcases containing millions of dollars from Qatar through the Gaza crossings.” 

All these facts outline a scenario similar to the terrorist attack on New York and Washington on September 11, 2001, when the entire US intelligence and Defence System was “caught by surprise” by an alleged Al-Qaeda attack.

Irrefutable evidence (officially ignored or dismissed as “conspiracy”) demonstrates that 9/11 was not carried out by Al Qaeda, as a means to trigger the “global war on terrorism” with the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq and subsequent wars.

Something similar is happening today in Israel, whose entire Intelligence and Defence system was apparently “caught by surprise” by the Hamas attack.

The strategic aim of the operation is, on the one hand, to “put an end” to the Palestinians (so far there have been over 1,500 dead, including 500 children, and over 7000 injured) and to take over their territories.

The Israeli command has ordered the evacuation of over one million inhabitants, over half of the entire population, from the northern half of Gaza. On the other hand, the strategic aim of the operation is to trigger a chain reaction of wars in the Middle East, targeting Iran, where the United States, Israel and the European powers are losing ground.



“Knife’s Edge”


with George Galloway





INTERVIEW: Europe has no role to play


with George Galloway and Mohammed Marandi


Israel used to be an asset to the US, but now it’s a burden, says Prof Mohammad Marandi. Genocide taking place in front of a global audience has changed the equation



German cops go ballistic on pro-Palestine protestors. Fascism returns?


by The Real News Network

(11 :56)

Israel's war on Gaza has unleashed a torrent of worldwide denunciation. Many western governments are cranking up repression of pro-Palestine activists in response. In Europe, Germany has set a grim bar in brutalizing protestors and violating their civil liberties. The Real News reports from Berlin's largely Arab and Muslim Sonnenallee neighborhood.



“Wiping Gaza Off the Map”: Implementing Israel’s “Secret Intelligence Memorandum”. More than 20,000 Civilians Killed



by Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Pelham, and Mohammed al-Hajjar

Global Research, November 29, 2023


Part I

Provides photographic evidence of Israel’s bombing campaign, which confirms the criminal nature of Israel’s attack on Gaza. More than 20,000 civilians have been killed.


Part II 

Focusses on  Option C” of Israel’s “Secret” Intelligence Memorandum, which was endorsed by the Netanyahu government. Option C. defines Netanyahu’s criminal agenda directed against the People of Palestine: 


“It recommends a full population transfer as its preferred course of action. …” 


I should mention that the Intelligence Memorandum was leaked and made public. No doubt there are several classified military intelligence documents which are not intended for release. 


Option C defines the framework of the operation directed against the People of Palestine, with the full support of the U.S. and NATO. It consists in “The evacuation of the civilian population from Gaza to Sinai”. 



Our thanks to Pelham, Mohammed Al Hajjar and The Middle East Eye

Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, November 29, 2023



Drone Footage: More than 20,000 Civilians Killed

by Pelham

Pelham Twitter


Out of Gaza’s 2.3 million people, 

·         1.73 million are now displaced…

·         20,030 civilians killed…

·         8,176 children have been killed…

·         4,112 women have been killed…

·         7,000 people remain unaccounted for, including more than 4,700 children…

·         36,350 civilians have been injured.  . . . .



“Activating the Genocide Convention”


Still from a U.N. film strip on the 1948 Genocide Convention, circa 1949. (U.N. Photo)


by Craig Murray

There are 149 states party to the Genocide Convention. Every one of them has the right to call out the genocide in progress in Gaza and report it to the United Nations. 

In the event that another state party disputes the claim of genocide — and Israel, the United States and the United Kingdom are all states party — then the International Court of Justice is required to adjudicate on “the responsibility of a State for genocide.”

These are the relevant articles of the genocide convention . . . .



Britain implicated in murder of Gaza doctor sponsored by its Foreign Office


by Kit Klarenberg

The UK government refused to condemn Israel’s targeted murder of Dr. Maisara Alrayyes, a Palestinian alumnus of the British Foreign Office’s prestigious Chevening scholarship. Meanwhile, London has instructed media outlets to keep silent about its direct involvement in the Gaza slaughter.

Since the beginning of Israel’s military assault on the besieged Gaza Strip, the British government has remained unflappably silent on the carnage inflicted on Palestinian civilians with one notable exception.

On November 8th, the Foreign Office announced the death of Dr. Maisara Alrayyes, a Palestinian alumnus of its prestigious Chevening scholarship scheme, under which “outstanding emerging leaders from all over the world” can pursue all-expenses-paid master’s degrees at prestigious British universities. 

The Foreign Office refused to state the cause of Alrayyes’ death, provoking a wave of condemnation



“Peace and security in a world at war”


with Alex Christoforou, Alexander Mercouris, and Jeffrey Sachs




Video: Expanding Middle East War. Who is Behind Netanyahu?


by Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Caroline Mailloux

Who are the Perpetrators?

Cui Bono: “Crimes are often committed to benefit their perpetrators”

Israel’s War against the People of Palestine serves the interests of Big Money, the Military Industrial Complex, Corrupt Politicians…

The Genocide is implemented by Netanyahu on behalf of the United States.

The US military and intelligence apparatus is behind Israel’s criminal bombing and invasion of Gaza.


The unfolding Middle East War is largely directed against Iran.


Video Interview: Michel Chossudovsky with Caroline Mailloux  . . . .





“Zionist think tank publishes blueprint for Palestinian genocide”


by Kit Klarenberg

As Israel’s carpet bombing of Gaza entered its third week, leaving over 5000 dead and at least one million residents displaced, a Tel Aviv-based think tank published a blueprint for self-proclaimed Jewish state’s final solution.

In a white paper released over a week after the Hamas-led surprise attack on Israeli military bases and kibbutzes, The Institute for National Security and Zionist Strategy outlined “a plan for resettlement and final rehabilitation in Egypt of the entire population of Gaza,” based on the “unique and rare opportunity to evacuate the entire Gaza Strip” that Israel’s latest assault on the besieged costal enclave provided.



“Gideon Levy on Israel and being the ‘chosen people’”


with Gideon Levy


“Zionism: A Racist, Antisemitic and Reactionary Tool of Imperialism”

See: https://shop.thecommunists.org/product/zionism-racist-antisemitic-reactionary-tool-imperialism-2017/



“Did Israel's military kill its own civilians on Oct. 7?”

Kibbutz Nir Oz resident Hadas Kalderon, whose children have been taken hostage, and her mother and niece killed, breaks down in tears while looking through the burnt out home of her late mother Rina Sutzkever on October 30, 2023 in Kibbutz Nir Oz, Israel. Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

Kibbutz Nir Oz resident Hadas Kalderon, whose children have been taken hostage, and her mother and niece killed, breaks down in tears while looking through the burnt out home of her late mother Rina Sutzkever on October 30, 2023 in Kibbutz Nir Oz, Israel. Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images


with Chris Hedges


For all the sensationalism surrounding the events of Oct. 7, when Hamas broke through the Gaza fence and seized territory in the Gaza Envelope as part of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, there is still much that we do not know. The official Israeli death toll from the attack is estimated at 1,200 civilians, revised from an initial estimate of 1,400. Among this figure are several hundred civilians, which Israel says were killed by Hamas militants. Other testimony from survivors of Oct. 7 suggests an alternative explanation—that in its fervor to defeat Hamas, Israeli commanders may have willingly targeted and sacrificed Israeli soldiers and civilians in the crossfire. Max Blumenthal of The Grayzone joins The Chris Hedges Report for an in-depth look.



Israeli October 7 Poster Child Was Killed by Israeli Tank, Eyewitnesses Reveal


by Max Blumenthal

Eyewitnesses to the October 7 hostage standoff in Kibbutz Be’eri have exposed Israel for misleading the world about the killings of 12-year-old Liel Hetzroni, her family and her neighbors.



“Where is the evidence for Israel's claims about 7 October?”


by The Electronic Intifada




“IDF Knew Real Hamas HQ While Lying About al-Shifa


Wounded Palestinians wait for treatment at the overcrowded emergency ward of Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City following an Israeli airstrike on October 11, 2023. (Wafa (Q2915969) in contract with a local company (APAimages)??/Wikimedia


by Gareth Porter

While telling the world that Hamas HQ was under al-Shifa Hospital, the IDF had already found the actual command center 8.5km away, reports Gareth Porter.

Although corporate news media have made it clear they don’t buy the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) claim that al-Shifa Hospital has been a cover for a Hamas command and control center and weapons armory, Western media have failed to report a much bigger story.

The IDF and the Israeli government already knew when they launched their propaganda campaign about al-Shifa that Hamas had no military command and control facility hidden there because it had already found the complex kilometers away.

As Consortium News reported last week, for 15 years the Israelis claimed  Hamas was operating its primary command and control base from a tunnel underneath al-Shifa. After the Israeli bombing campaign against Gaza began in October, the Israeli military amplified that message to press its contention that by hiding the Hamas high command, al-Shifa Hospital had lost its immunity from military operations under the law of war, and could now legitimately be taken over by force.

On Nov. 11, IDF spokesman Richard Hecht declared that al-Shifa was the “main hub of Hamas activity;” Newsweek reported the IDF regarded al-Shifa Hospital as “Hamas’s main command post” and the Times of Israel headlined “Hamas leaders again hiding under hospital”.

The crescendo of Israeli propaganda about al-Shifa being a “human shield” for Hamas came with a long report published by The New York Times on Nov. 14. It was based on interviews with eight present and former intelligence and defense officials, describing a vast military command complex under al-Shifa with multiple levels.

But something quite unexpected had happened during this new round of press stories on al-Shifa that completely demolished the entire IDF story line: the IDF had gained control of the real Hamas command and control center in an area where the Hamas leadership had previously had their above-ground offices in the Al Atatra neighborhood, in the extreme northwest of Beit Lahiya city, 8.5km away from al-Shifa.

After that office building was demolished, the IDF discovered a major tunnel facility that was quite certain had been the central headquarters for the Hamas high command — the command and control center for the entire war. 

As the IDF leaked to The Jerusalem Post in a story published Nov. 14, the discovery was made “several days ago” of a tunnel with an elevator that reached thirty meters underground, compared with only five meters underground in other tunnels.  Furthermore it had been equipped with oxygen, air conditioning and more advanced communications than seen anywhere else.

Discovery of Real Hamas High Command Bunker . . . .



VIDEO: “What really happened on October 7?”



with Max Blumenthal and Chris Hedges


Since the publication of this interview, an Israeli police investigation has confirmed that Israeli Apache helicopters killed numerous Israeli citizens at and around the Nova electronic music festival, and that Hamas did not know in advance about the festival. The Israeli government has also acknowledged that 200 of those it counted as Israeli casualties were, in fact, Hamas militants killed by its forces on October 7, and that it may have marketed images of their charred bodies to the public as proof of Hamas’ brutality.



Haaretz confirms Grayzone reporting it dismissed as ‘conspiracy’ showing Israel killed own festivalgoers


by Wyatt Reed

Israeli outlet Haaretz has acknowledged a police report confirmed partygoers at a festival three miles from the Gaza border were killed by the Israeli military on October 7, just two weeks after the publication accused Grayzone editor-in-chief Max Blumenthal of spreading “conspiracy theories” for reporting on the story.

In an article published November 19, Haaretz reporter Josh Breiner wrote that an official investigation into the deaths of Nova festival attendees “revealed that an IDF combat helicopter that arrived at the scene from the Ramat David base fired at the terrorists and apparently also hit some of the revelers who were there,” citing “a police source.”



“Why Ceasefire In Gaza Must Continue | How Boris Johnson Scuppered Ukraine Peace Deal”


with George Galloway


On this Moats, George Galloway give his reason why he believes a ceasefire will continue after the Herod-like massacre of the innocents in Gaza and why Ukraine should blame Boris Johnson for the destruction and death of its land and people after he scuppered a peace deal during his time as Prime Minister. Abdel Bari Atwan, who doubts there will be a permanent ceasefire, as Israel wants to take Gaza because of its offshore oil and gas reserves. Moats Medic and NHS Surgeon, Dr Ranjeet Brar joins the show after being arrested for giving out literature as he demonstrates his support for Palestine. Social media commentator Salma Shawa talks about her family in Gaza and educating others and Lin Mei gives her take on the right to protest as she believes being Arabic is becoming a crime in the UK.





Zelensky Aide Admits War Could Have Been Avoided!”


with Jimmy Dore

(video, 16:36)



by Ralph Shaffer

(audio, 4:42)



“Jonestown: The Life and Death of People's Temple”


with William McKeown


Jonestown, (November 18, 1978), was the location of the mass murder-suicide of members of the California-based Peoples Temple cult at the behest of their charismatic but paranoid leader, Jim Jones, in Jonestown agricultural commune, Guyana. The death toll exceeded 900, including some 300 who were. . . .



“The Anti-Human Agenda – Twitter (X) Thread”


by The Off Guardian

They’ve outlined their plan for the GR & it’s an insane dystopian nightmare of enforced passivity, medical & climate tyranny.


·         15-minute cities.

·         Little or no access to wild spaces.

·         Strictly monitored & limited travel.

·         Little to no real meat or dairy.


They’re serious…

They intend to bring all this right to YOU, wherever or whoever you are.

Unless you’re super-rich, this is YOUR future.

They know if you start focusing on this too much, you will be appalled & resist.

So they need a distraction.

And they will do literally anything to achieve that. Try to recall this when your controlled media, who told you to get vaxxed in 2021, are now laying out their stalls of race hate & rage.

They were serving an anti-human agenda then.

What do you think they’re serving now?

And when they tell you to look at this or that boogeyman, they assure you it is very scary and coming to get you.

Like this…:


They’d love you to buy a Cold War 2 fantasy where those two pro-GR states that happily cooperate to kill their own people with the same toxic vaxx are ideological enemies, just a button-press away from mutual annihilation.

Spoiler – they’re not. It’s us they kill, not each other.

And this  (con’d) . . . .





“Lies, Lies, and More Lies”


by Todd Hayen

I was eight years old when John Kennedy was murdered. I remember getting the call from my dad, telling me rather flatly, “the president is dead.” We were living in Puerto Rico at the time, my dad being a US Naval officer and was stationed there. Even though I was quite young, I knew the gravity of such an event, and as these sorts of experiences typically do, the moment was etched in my memory—I remember every tiny detail.

Over the years since, I have heard many stories relating to “that moment.” One in particular that stands out is a story my sister tells. While attending a high school assembly that infamous day, the American flag on its stand in the school auditorium fell over with no provocation and rolled off the stage. Everyone attending the assembly that afternoon thought it a very odd event, but had no idea it was correlated to anything happening in the world until it was announced an hour later that Kennedy was dead. The flag fell over precisely at the time he was shot. Many of these events I have heard are similarly paranormal in nature, and often are attributed to the energy generated from the enormity of an assassinated president of a great country.

If such a “comment from God” is the actual reason for these strange anomalies, I would say it was not so much due to the death of a president, but more a comment on the great lie and betrayal leveled against the American people. JFK was murdered by his own government.

The JFK “conspiracy theory” was my first foray into the world of government deceit and treachery. Although at the beginnings of my personal investigation I was not so much invested in the idea the entire government was dishonorable and malfeasant, but maybe only a few individuals were guilty of such. In fact, at the time, I wondered if JFK’s assassination was instigated by some outside faction such as the American Mafia.

Whatever the reason, I became convinced that the Warren Commission was a joke (again, maybe a joke only because it was incompetently put together) and there was far more to the event than what the public was officially told.

I donned the tinfoil hat and at that moment became the proverbial conspiracy theorist.

My infatuation went on for years. Every new book on the JFK assassination that came out, I was one of the first to read. At one point I became obsessed with this intrigue and made the decision to stop digging into it all because it was making me depressed–not just from the horrific way he was killed, but by the now familiar feelings generated from the crumbling of the American illusion of a decent and benevolent government. Obviously by this point in my research, I was beginning to formulate the true story.

Kennedy’s own government murdered him.

I was also a bit tired of being seen by friends and family as a kook. Being “interested” in all this was one thing, but actually believing it was another. The JFK event is probably the granddaddy of conspiracy theories. If you include alien stuff like UFOs, abductions, captured space crafts, etc. maybe it is number two, but regardless, it is up there. No decent person believes such crap.

I think being convinced that the official story on such a massive event simply was not true had a deep impact on how I saw the rest of the world. Although this realization did not sink in as deeply as it should have (Covid allowed the full realization—yes, I must admit, very late in the game) it did indeed plant the seed that compels me to question just about everything that is in the mainstream.



“Watch: New Jan 6 Tapes: They Lied to Us”


by Glenn Greenwald






“Until government authorities can explain the dramatic rise in all cause-mortality among the vaccinated by some other explanation--it is the COVID-19 vaccine as the cause of death until proven otherwise.”


with Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH



“There Never Was a ‘New Virus’, There Never was a Pandemic”


by Prof Michel Chossudovsky


Destabilizing the social, political and economic structure of 190 sovereign countries cannot constitute  a “solution” to combating a novel coronavirus  which mysteriously emerged in Wuhan, Hubei province (PRC) in late December 2019. That was the imposed “solution” —implemented in several stages from the very outset–, leading to The March 2020 Lockdown and the Rollout of a so-called Covid 19 “Vaccine” in December 2020, which since its inception has resulted in an upward trend in excess mortality. 

It’s the destruction of people’s lives Worldwide. It is the destabilization of civil society.

Fake science was supportive of this devastating agenda. The lies were sustained by a massive media disinformation campaign. 24/7, Incessant and Repetitive Covid alerts” in the course of more than three years.

The  historic March 11, 2020 lockdown triggered economic and social chaos Worldwide. It was an act of “economic warfare”: a war against humanity. 

The New Virus: 2019-nCoV

The official story is that a dangerous NEW VIRUS was detected in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China in December 2019. It was entitled 2019-nCoV which stands for “2019 New (n) Corona (Co) Virus (V)”.

On  January 1, 2020, “the Chinese health authorities closed the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan following Western media reports claiming that wild animals sold there may have been the source of the virus.

As of early January 2020, it was the object of extensive media coverage and an unfolding Worldwide fear campaign.  Media disinformation went into high gear.

“The Chinese authorities (allegedly) “identified a new type of virus” on January 7, 2020, using the RT-PCR test. No specific details were provided regarding the process of isolation of the virus.

Video: The Non-existent “New Virus” . . . .





with Drs. John Campbell and Clare Craig




Excess deaths in 2023


with Dr. John Campbell




“U.S. military is secretly supplying weapons to Israel using UK base on Cyprus”



The US is moving arms to Israel from around Europe using Britain’s vast air base on Cyprus, but the Ministry of Defence refuses to tell Declassified what American aircraft are flying or what weapons are on board.





“Corporate War Profiteers Finally Put on Trial”



by Jeremy Kuzmarov

In early January 2009, a thirteen-year-old girl named Almaza Samouni watched in horror as 30 members of her family were killed while her home in Gaza was shelled by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) during Operation Cast Lead. Among the victims was her brother, who was struck by a missile while exiting the house to look for wood.

The lethal missile that killed her brother was fired from an Apache AH-64 attack helicopter, which had been supplied to the IDF by Boeing, a top American defense contractor with headquarters in Arlington, Virginia.

The coordinator of the tribunal, Brad Wolf, is a former prosecutor from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, who works with the group Peace Action Network. He said that the aim of the tribunal was to provide documentation over several months that would prove how the defendants had produced weapons they knew would be used to kill civilians in violation of international law.

Prior to the opening of the tribunal, Wolf and his co-coordinators Kathy Kelly and Nick Mottern, both long-time peace activists, hand-delivered subpoenas to the corporate office in Washington, D.C., of the defendants who stand accused of malicious disregard for human life.

When the defendants failed to respond after 90 days, a contempt citation was issued. Nick Mottern emphasized in his remarks at the tribunal’s opening that a key model for the “merchants of death” tribunal is the Nuremberg trial following World War II, in which Nazi leaders were put on trial for their actions during World War II.

Largely forgotten about those trials was that, in 1947, executives of the three largest German war profiteers, Krupp, I.G. Farben and Flick, were put on trial and held legally accountable for participating in war crimes. . . . .



Gaza reports more than 11,100 killed. That’s one out of every 200 people, according to Health Ministry


by Ruby Mellen, Artur Galocha and Júlia Ledur

They include doctors, journalists, professors and poets.

More than 11,100 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza since Oct. 7, according to Gaza’s Health Ministry. While there is no breakdown between fighters and civilians, most of the dead are women and children.

In just a little over a month of war, that amounts to over 0.5 percent of Gaza’s more than 2 million people.



“The ongoing genocide in Gaza perpetrated by the State of Israel”


with Yanis Varoufakis


In this enlightening video Yanis Varoufakis provides a detailed analysis of the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza and the broader situation in Palestine. Varoufakis details the on-going genocide in Gaza, combined with Israel's actions in East Jerusalem and the West Bank. This analysis challenges viewers to reflect on the global response to these events and the responsibility of the international community.



“Gaza in Ruins: Satellite Imagery Researchers Say Israel Has Destroyed or Damaged 56,000 Buildings”


with Amy Goodùman




These Are Western Countries Aiding Israel’s Genocide in Gaza


by Jessica Buxbaum

Now into its second month, Israel’s war on Gaza has left the strip’s northern section in shambles and killed over 14,000 Palestinians, with the majority being women and children. While Israel is launching the attacks on Gaza, several Western powers are also involved in the assault behind the scenes. MintPress News takes a deep dive into the countries sustaining Israel’s war.



“Top 11 Companies Supporting Israel’s Crimes | America Inc.”


with Lee Camp




Act Now Against These Companies Profiting from the Genocide of the Palestinian People


by The Palestinian BDS National Committee

Below is a detailed guide of our targeted consumer boycotts, divestment and pressure campaigns. Help us spread the word to maximize our impact!



Indonesians calls for boycott of pro-Israeli products

Indonesian activists hold posters during a rally supporting the Palestinian people, outside the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia, Thursday, Nov. 9, 2023. (AP Photo/Achmad Ibrahim)


by Al Mayadeen English

Indonesian-based media outlet Republik reported on Saturday that Indonesian advocates are calling for a boycott of Israeli-linked products due to the ongoing genocide in Gaza. 

The call for a boycott was initially launched by human rights groups in both Indonesia and Malaysia and gradually grew to garner support from various political parties, the outlet said.

The list reportedly includes companies such as Coca-Cola, Starbucks, McDonalds, KFC, Nestle and IBM. 

"We in the House of Representatives encourage this boycott movement of Israeli products to become the official stance of the Indonesian government to be followed by all businesses and society," a member of the country’s parliament, Amin Ak, told Republika on Wednesday.



“Palestinians File Emergency Motion to Block US Aid for Israel’s Genocide in Gaza”


by Marjorie Cohn

On November 16, two Palestinian human rights organizations, three Palestinians and five Palestinian Americans brought an emergency motion in United States federal court to immediately force President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to stop providing additional weapons, money, and military and diplomatic support to Israel, which is committing genocide in Gaza.

“Our Palestinian clients are asking the court to urgently order Biden, Blinken and Austin to stop supporting Israel’s genocide,” said Maria LaHood, Deputy Legal Director of Center for Constitutional Rights which filed the lawsuit on behalf of the Palestinians, in an interview with Truthout. “Israeli officials stated their intent to eliminate everything in Gaza, and then proceeded to carpet-bomb it, killing more than 11,000 people, including nearly 5,000 children thus far — many more are missing, buried under rubble, crushed and suffocating before they die.”




“Empire in Decline”


with Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, Alexander Mercouris and Glenn Diesen




“NY Times Is Wrong on Dedollarization: Economist Michael Hudson Debunks Paul Krugman’s Dollar Defense”


with Ben Norton and Michael Hudson


Economist Michael Hudson responds to the misleading arguments against de-dollarization that New York Times columnist Paul Krugman made in his attempt to defend US hegemony and the dollar system.



“Why 3 US banks collapsed in 1 week: Economist Michael Hudson explains”


with Ben Norton and Michael Hudson


Economist Michael Hudson analyzes the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, Silvergate, and Signature Bank, explaining the similarities to the 2008 financial crash.

In this discussion with Geopolitical Economy Report editor Ben Norton, Hudson also addresses the US government bailout (which it isn’t calling a bailout), the role of the Federal Reserve and Treasury, the factor of cryptocurrency, and the danger of derivatives.



“Restructuring of the Global Economy”


with Michael Hudson, Alexander Mercouris & Glenn Diesen





“Israel’s Nuclear Weapons in the Spotlight”


by Scott Ritter

Despite being publicly censured, Eliyahu’s remarks have highlighted the contentious issue of Israel’s unacknowledged nuclear weapons program.



“Israel Helped Hamas Grow”: Saudi Prince Rips Netanyahu For Allowing Qatari Money Into Gaza


by Hindustan Times


A Saudi Prince close to de facto ruler Mohammed Bin Salman has blasted Israel for allowing Qatari money to reach Hamas-ruled Gaza over the past few years. Prince Turki Al-Faisal, who is former Saudi intelligence chief and ambassador to U.S., said it were Israeli Government and PM Benjamin Netanyahu who facilitated the flow of money into Gaza from Qatar via Israeli banks. Turki had earlier slammed Hamas for attacking Israel and also lashed Israel for bombing and occupying Palestinian lands. Watch the video for more.



Between Israel and Palestine, "Things are going to get a lot worse"


with Marc Steiner, Oct. 12, 2023


With thousands of Israeli and Palestinian civilians slaughtered in the past week alone, with the total blackout and bombing of civilians in Gaza happening this very moment, with Israeli government officials speaking in openly genocidal terms, and with US warships moving into the Mediterranean Sea, the permanent war between occupier and occupied has boiled over into a terrifying, new, and even more violent phase—and no one knows exactly what will happen next. In this urgent, unscheduled episode of The Marc Steiner Show—the first installment of an ongoing series of conversations we will have from Israel, the occupied territories, and Gaza as the situation develops—we take you to the heart of the war that's taking place in Palestine and Israel. We speak with journalist and Palestine News Director for Mondoweiss Yumna Patel from Bethlehem about the events of the past week, and Tareq S. Hajjaj, Mondoweiss’ Gaza Correspondent, sends an update on the relentless bombing of Gaza.



“Dozens killed in latest Israeli bombing of Gaza Mosque”


by News Desk at The Cradle

At least 50 Palestinians were killed and dozens of others injured on 15 November after the Israeli army targeted a mosque in the besieged Gaza Strip, WAFA news agency reports.  

The attack on the Sabra neighborhood was conducted during a congressional prayer when the mosque was full of Palestinian worshippers.  

Israel has conducted similar attacks on places of worship since its inception; in this war alone, multiple Mosques and churches have been leveled, including ones dating back centuries.  

On 20 October, the Israeli army destroyed the Grand Al-Omari Mosque in Jabalia, dating back to the 7th century; it was one of the largest mosques in Palestine.  

Hours before the Al-Omari bombing, the Israeli army targeted and destroyed the Church of Saint Porphyrios in Gaza, the third oldest church in the world.  

“We condemn this unconscionable attack on a sacred compound and call upon the world community to enforce protections in Gaza for sanctuaries of refuge, including hospitals, schools, and houses of worship,” World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary Rev. Jerry Pillay said in response to the bombing of the 1,400-year-old structure.  

“Our prayers go out for healing to all those wounded, along with our condolences to Patriarch Theophilos II and all our Greek Orthodox brothers and sisters in Christ,” Pillay added.  

Outside of Gaza, Israel launched an airstrike against the Al-Ansar mosque in Jenin refugee camp, West Bank, on 22 October.  

An Israeli statement justifying the Al-Ansar Mosque attack said it was a“joint operation between the army and the Shin Bet” and that the strike targeted an “underground terrorist route.” 

This has been a line used by Israel to justify their attacks on not only multiple places of worship but also civilian residences and hospitals.  

As of 15 November, 11,470 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli airstrikes in Gaza, of whom are 4,707 children, 3,155 women, and 686 elderly.  



"Israel has dug it's over grave.. They will not exist in 20 years!.."


with Scott Ritter


Scott Ritter issues a grave warning, suggesting that Israel, feeling the pressure in the Palestine conflict, may resort to extreme measures, including a nuclear threat. The title implies a heightened sense of urgency, urging viewers to explore Ritter's perspective on the potential consequences of Israel's actions in response to challenges in the region.



“The Conversation Israel Wants to Silence”


with Abby Martin & Alana Hadid




Opinion | Hamas Didn’t Attack Israelis Because They Are Jewish

Jewish protesters demand a Gaza cease-fire in Grand Central Station.

(Photo: Jewish Voice for Peace/X)


by Anna Baltzer

We need a basic analysis of power and history to understand that Hamas’ attacks on Israeli civilians, while egregious, had nothing to do with those Israelis’ religion and everything to do with occupation and settler colonialism.

I had just returned from a Jewish gathering calling for a ceasefire in Gaza when I received a startling text from a dear friend, Elena:

Anna, I went to Jewish services this morning, which allowed me to have more capacity to read your writing. I have been unexpectedly overcome with fear since October 7. As a Jew raised to believe Israel is the only safe place for us, it has taken much disciplined work as an adult to open my eyes to the oppressive colonial reality that Israel inflicts on Palestinians. I have this consciousness now. But October 7 activated my lizard brain and all my disciplined analysis was cut short by a primal fear. I think I’m coming back around.

In all my urgency, I’d neglected the core thing that needed tending to in my Jewish community: the assumption that Hamas’ attacks on October 7 were an expression of antisemitism, and thus, a threat to all of us.

Much of my family was killed in the Holocaust. On my grandparents’ wedding night, Hitler invaded their home country of Belgium. I grew up hearing my grandmother’s stories of narrowly escaping death at every turn, the wails of Jewish mothers over their dead children, fields of lifeless bodies. My grandparents arrived at Ellis Island traumatized by the unfathomable murder of their families in the gas chambers of Auschwitz while the world let it happen.

So I can understand why many of my fellow Jewish Americans’ limbic systems were triggered on October 7, especially in a world where antisemitism still very much exists, particularly in the context of white nationalism. A world where we are told the same story that Elena was, and where Palestinians are demonized to legitimize that story.




How the US Government Buys and Sells Its Citizens for Profit and Power


by John Whitehead

Americans have become easy prey for hackers, scammers, snitches, spies, and con artists. But don’t be fooled into thinking the government is protecting you.

To the contrary, the U.S. government is selling us (or rather, our data) to the highest bidders.

By the way, those highest bidders also include America’s political class and the politicians aspiring to get elected or re-elected. As the Los Angeles Times reports, “If you have been to a political rally, a town hall, or just fit a demographic a campaign is after, chances are good your movements are being tracked with unnerving accuracy by data vendors on the payroll of campaigns.”

Your phones, televisions and digital devices are selling you out to politicians who want your vote.

“Welcome to the new frontier of campaign tech — a loosely regulated world in which simply downloading a weather app or game, connecting to Wi-Fi at a coffee shop or powering up a home router can allow a data broker to monitor your movements with ease, then compile the location information and sell it to a political candidate who can use it to surround you with messages,” writes journalist Evan Halper.

In this way, “we the people” have been reduced to economic units to be bought, bartered and sold by all and sundry.

On a daily basis, Americans have been made to relinquish the most intimate details of who we are—our biological makeup, our genetic blueprints, and our biometrics (facial characteristics and structure, fingerprints, iris scans, etc.)—in order to navigate an increasingly technologically-enabled world.

Those intimate details, in turn, have become the building blocks of massive databases accessed by the government and its corporate partners in crime, vulnerable to data breaches by hackers, cyberattacks and espionage.

For years now, and with little real oversight or restrictions, the government has been compiling massive databases comprised of all manner of sensitive information on the citizenry.

Biographical information. Biometric information. Criminal backgrounds. Travel records.

There is not a single person in the U.S. who is not in some government database or another, and these databases are increasingly being shared between agencies, fusion centers, and the police.

The government has also, with little oversight and few guidelines, been adding to its massive trove of data on Americans by buying commercially available information (CAI) from third-party sources. As a report by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence revealed:

“[Commercially purchased data] can reveal sensitive and intimate information about the personal attributes, private behavior, social connections, and speech of U.S. persons and non-U.S. persons. It can be misused to pry into private lives, ruin reputations, and cause emotional distress and threaten the safety of individuals. Even subject to appropriate controls, CAI can increase the power of the government’s ability to peer into private lives to levels that may exceed our constitutional traditions or other social expectations.”

In other words, this is the diabolically sneaky way in which the government is attempting to sidestep the Fourth Amendment, which requires that government agents have probable cause and a warrant before spying on Americans or searching and seizing their private property.

It’s bad enough that the government is building massive databases comprised of our personal information without our knowledge or consent, but then they get hacked and we suffer for it.

Earlier this year, for instance, several federal agencies, state governments and universities were targeted in a global cyberattack that compromised the sensitive data of millions of Americans.

Did that stop the government’s quest to keep building these databases which compromise our privacy and security? Of course not.

In fact, the government has also been selling our private information. According to Vice, Departments of Motor Vehicles in states around the country have been selling drivers’ personal information “to thousands of businesses, including private investigators who spy on people for a profit.”

Where there’s a will, there’s a way, and the government has become a master at finding loopholes that allow it to exploit the citizenry.



INTERVIEW: “It insults our intelligence”


with George Galloway and Garland Nixon


“The ruling elite are actually mocking us, pretending that Joe Biden is actually in charge and making decisions, says Garland Nixon, after the president’s latest gaffe in San Francisco.”



French whistleblower Stephanie Gibaud exposes worldwide banking fraud


with Chris Hedges


Warning signs of the instability of the global financial system abounded in the months leading up to the 2008 Lehman Brothers crash. Among these early signs were the astounding revelations about UBS, the world's largest private bank, by Stephanie Gibaud, who was employee at the bank's French division. Gibaud refused instructions given to her and other employees to delete all their company files. In doing so, she helped reveal a vast web of corruption and fraud linking UBS to a shadowy tax evasion scheme. More than 15 years later, Gibaud has endured harassment, professional ostracization, lawsuits, and threats. She joins The Chris Hedges Report to speak on her ordeal and the extent of corruption in the international banking system.



BitChute Asks Jim Jordan to Investigate the Deplatforming of Parler


by Christina Maas

The deplatforming of Parler and any potential government pressure has yet to be investigated.

BitChute, a platform for video hosting and social media, has reached out to Representative Jim Jordan, requesting an investigation into the removal of Parler, a social media platform once favored by free speech supporters, from online platforms. This request is part of a broader inquiry by Jordan’s House panel into possible misuse of government power to pressure online companies to suppress speech.

The Chief Policy Officer at BitChute, Amy Peikoff, who previously held the same position at Parler, addressed a letter to Jordan. In it, she suggested that the actions taken against Parler might be similar to the coordinated efforts outlined in a report by the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. This report focused on the Censorship-Industrial Complex.

Parler, which prided itself on minimal content moderation, was deplatformed by key service providers in early January 2021. This move came in the aftermath of January 6th.

Amazon Web Services (AWS), the platform’s hosting provider, suspended service on January 10th, citing a violation of its terms of service due to inadequate content moderation systems. This action followed closely on the heels of both Apple and Google removing Parler from their respective app stores, thereby significantly limiting the platform’s accessibility to new users. These moves by major tech companies effectively cut off Parler from a significant portion of its operational infrastructure and user base, sparking a widespread discourse on the role of large technology companies in moderating content and their impact on public discourse.

In her letter, Peikoff remarked, “Perhaps your focus on the 2020 election caused you to overlook the contemporaneous deplatforming of millions of ‘everyday Americans of all political affiliations’ in one fell swoop.”

She went on to question whether the neglect of Parler’s situation, which she considers crucial for maintaining competitive balance in a free market, might have been overlooked to maintain legislative harmony.

Peikoff concluded her correspondence by urging Jordan and his committee to examine the Twitter Files and to include the Parler deplatforming in their investigation.




“JFK: From Mongoose to Gladio


with James Corbett, with transcript


We all know what happened on 11/22/63. But what about what happened on 11/22/90? And what connects these two events? And what does Seven Days in May have to do with it? Join James Corbett for a special presentation to the JFK Lancer conference on "JFK: From Mongoose to Gladio."



“They Killed JFK, Will We Let Them Kill Peace?”


with Ray McGovern


As college senior listening to JFK’s inaugural, Ray McGovern asked himself what he might do for his country. The answer was a no-brainer. Fluent in Russian, and after a stint as an Army infantry/intelligence officer, Ray became a CIA analyst – then chief of the Soviet Foreign Policy Branch, then responsible for The President’s Daily Briefing. Only later did Ray conclude that the “operations” people on the other side of those CIA turnstiles orchestrated the assassination of JFK, as well as the cover-up. It became personal: Ray’s boss in the mid-60s was the morose ‘Fred’ Janney, father of Peter Janney, who reports the cover up (and his own father’s role in it) in his fearless book, “Mary’s Mosaic”. 30 years ago another book, “History Will Not Absolve Us”, challenged us to confront our instinctual preference to remain in denial. Today, 60 years after the murder, history will STILL not absolve us for being silent – or assuaging our consciences by just writing stuff. We know what happened to President Kennedy. And we know why. This would be a good day to pull up the shade on how he died and why it matters – and to honor his legacy by spreading some truth about the “process of peace” for which he gave his life. Ray McGovern's website is raymcgovern.com.



The Life and Public Assassination of President John F. Kennedy by the CIA


by Edward Curtin, Jr

Why President Kennedy was publicly murdered by the CIA sixty years ago has never been more important.  All pseudo-debates to the contrary – including the numerous and growing claims that it was not the U.S. national security state but the Israelis that assassinated the president, which exonerates the CIA – the truth about the assassination has long been evident.  There is nothing to debate unless one is some sort of intelligence operative, has an obsession, or is out to make a name or a buck.  I suggest that all those annual JFK conferences in Dallas should finally end, but my guess is that they will be rolling along for many more decades.  To make an industry out of a tragedy is wrong.  And these conferences are so often devoted to examining and debating minutiae that are a distraction from the essential truth. 

As for the corporate mainstream media, they will never admit the truth but will continue as long as necessary to titillate the public with lies, limited hangouts, and sensational non-sequiturs.  To do otherwise would require admitting that they have long been complicit in falsely reporting the crime and the endless coverupThat they are arms of the CIA and NSA.



“Ex CIA Analyst Ray McGovern: If you think the President is running things, you're sadly mistaken”


with Ray McGovern




 “Why 4 Day Ceasefire In Gaza Has The UK And US Governments Concerned | Did The CIA Kill JFK 60 Years Ago?


with George Galloway

(audio, 1:09:53)

"Our duty today, our major task, is to stop the bloodshed and violence," Putin said on Wednesday during a Kremlin meeting with Russian religious leaders of various religions, according to a Kremlin transcript. The Russian president, who has been conducting an all-out war in neighbouring Ukraine since February of last year, stated in phone calls with other world leaders that if Israel's military operation in Gaza did not end, there was a chance of a much larger conflagration. "Any further escalation of the issue will have grave, exceedingly dangerous, and devastating implications." And not just for the Middle East. It has the potential to go well beyond the confines of the Middle East," he continued. In remarks critical of the West, he stated that certain nameless forces were attempting to incite more escalation and bring as many other countries and peoples into the battle as possible. He stated that the goal was to "start a true wave of anarchy and mutual enmity not only in the Middle East but well beyond its borders." They are attempting, among other things, to use the national and religious sentiments of millions of people for this goal." The Kremlin said on Thursday that efforts to reach an agreement on a "balanced" UN Security Council resolution on the Israel-Hamas conflict should continue. This comes a day after Russia and China vetoed a US-drafted resolution calling for a "humanitarian halt" to allow aid access, civilian protection, and an end to supplying Hamas and other armed groups in Gaza. Diplomats have pointed out that a humanitarian halt is not the same as a ceasefire, which UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has supported. A pause could last only a few hours. Russia submitted a competing UN plan that argued for a broader ceasefire, which it claims is "far more balanced," but it fell short of the required number of votes.




“Destroying History to Preserve an Illusion”


Ayman al-Zawahiri, on right, serving as interpreter for Osama bin Laden, left, during an interview with Pakistani journalist Hamid Mir in November 2001. (Hamid Mir, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons)


by Joe Lauria

“With the stated aim of providing “context,” The Guardian instead has destroyed the historical context that puts Western foreign policy towards the Middle East in a very grim light ….”



“The Islamic State (ISIS), the Pentagon’s “’Caliphate Project’ and the ‘Global War on Terrorism’”


by Prof Michel Chossudovsky

In the post 9/11 era, the terrorist threat from Al Qaeda constitutes the building block of US-NATO military doctrine. It justifies –under a humanitarian mandate– the conduct of “counter-terrorism operations” Worldwide.

Known and documented, Al Qaeda affiliated entities have been used by US-NATO in numerous conflicts as “intelligence assets” since the heyday of the Soviet-Afghan war. In Syria, the Al Nusrah and ISIS rebels are the foot-soldiers of the Western military alliance, which in turn oversees and controls the recruitment and training of paramilitary forces.


While the US State Department is accusing several countries of “harboring terrorists”, America is the Number One “State Sponsor of Terrorism”: The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) –which operates in both Syria and Iraq– is covertly supported and financed by the US and its allies including Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Moreover, the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham’s Sunni caliphate project coincides with a longstanding US agenda to carve up both Iraq and Syria into separate territories: A Sunni Islamist Caliphate, an Arab Shia Republic, a Republic of Kurdistan, among others.

The US-led Global War on Terrorism (GWOT) constitutes the cornerstone of US military doctrine. “Going after Islamic terrorists” is part and parcel of non-conventional warfare. The underlying objective is to justify the conduct of counter-terrorism operations Worldwide, which enables the US and its allies to intervene in the affairs of sovereign countries.

Many progressive writers, including alternative media, while focusing on recent developments in Iraq, fail to understand the logic behind the “Global War on Terrorism.” The Islamic State of Iraq and Al Cham (ISIS) is often considered as an “independent entity” rather than an instrument of the Western military alliance. Moreover, many committed anti-war activists –who oppose the tenets of  the US-NATO military agenda– will nonetheless endorse Washington’s counter-terrorism agenda directed against Al Qaeda:. The Worldwide terrorist threat is  considered to be “real”: “We are against the war, but we support the Global War on Terrorism”.

The Caliphate Project and The US National Intelligence Council Report

A new gush of propaganda has been set in motion. The leader of the now defunct Islamic State of Iraq and Al Cham (ISIS) Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi announced on June 29, 2014 the creation of an Islamic State:

Fighters loyal to the group’s proclaimed “Caliph Ibrahim ibn Awwad”, or Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as he was known until Sunday’s July 1st announcement, are inspired by the Rashidun caliphate, which succeeded the Prophet Muhammad in the seventh century, and is revered by most Muslims.” (Daily Telegraph, June 30, 2014)

In a bitter irony, the caliphate project as an instrument of propaganda has been on the drawing board of US intelligence for more than ten years.  In December 2004, under the Bush Administration, the National Intelligence Council (NIC) predicted that in the year 2020 a New Caliphate extending from the Western Mediterranean to Central Asia and South East Asia would emerge, threatening Western democracy and Western values.

The “findings” of the National Intelligence Council were published in a 123 page unclassified report entitled “Mapping the Global Future”.

“A New Caliphate provides an example of how a global movement fueled by radical religious identity politics could constitute a challenge to Western norms and values as the foundation of the global system”  (emphasis added)

The NIC 2004 report borders on ridicule; it is devoid of intelligence, let alone historical and geopolitical analysis. Its fake narrative pertaining to the caliphate, nonetheless, bears a canny resemblance to the June 29, 2014 highly publicized PR announcement of the creation of the Caliphate by ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

The NIC report presents a so-called “fictional scenario of a letter from a fictional grandson of Bin Ladin to a family relative in 2020.”  It is on this basis that it makes predictions for the year 2020. Based on an invented bin Laden grandson letter narrative rather than on intelligence and empirical analysis, the US intelligence community concludes that the caliphate constitutes a real danger for the Western World and Western civilization.

From a propaganda standpoint, the objective underlying the Caliphate project –as described by the NIC– is to demonize Muslims with a view to justifying a military crusade:

“The fictional scenario portrayed below provides an example of how a global movement fueled by radical religious identity could emerge.

Under this scenario, a new Caliphate is proclaimed and manages to advance a powerful counter ideology that has widespread appeal.

It is depicted in the form of a hypothetical letter from a fictional grandson of Bin Ladin to a family relative in 2020.

He recounts the struggles of the Caliph in trying to wrest control from traditional regimes and the conflict and confusion which ensue both within the Muslim world and outside between Muslims and the United States, Europe, Russia and China. While the Caliph’s success in mobilizing support varies, places far outside the Muslim core in the Middle East—in Africa and Asia—are convulsed as a result of his appeals.

The scenario ends before the Caliph is able to establish both spiritual and temporal authority over a territory— which historically has been the case for previous Caliphates. At the end of the scenario, we identify lessons to be drawn.”(“Mapping the Global Future”.  p. 83)

. . .

This “authoritative” NIC “Mapping the Global Future” report was not only presented to the White House, the Congress and the Pentagon, it was also dispatched to America’s allies. The “threat emanating from the Muslim World” referred to in the NIC report (including the section on the caliphate project) is firmly entrenched in US-NATO military doctrine.

The NIC document was intended to be read by top officials. Broadly speaking it was part of the “Top official” (TOPOFF) propaganda campaign which targets senior foreign policy and military decision-makers, not to mention scholars, researchers and NGO “activists”. The objective is to ensure that “top officials” continue to believe that Islamic terrorists are threatening the security of the Western World.

The underpinnings of the caliphate scenario is the “Clash of Civilizations”, which provides a justification in the eyes of public opinion for America to intervene Worldwide as part of a global counter- terrorism agenda.

From a geopolitical and geographic standpoint, the caliphate constitutes a broad area in which the US is seeking to extend its economic and strategic influence. In the words of Dick Cheney pertaining to the 2004 NIC’s report:

“They talk about wanting to re-establish what you could refer to as the Seventh Century Caliphate. This was the world as it was organized 1,200, 1,300 years, in effect, when Islam or Islamic people controlled everything from Portugal and Spain in the West; all through the Mediterranean to North Africa; all of North Africa; the Middle East; up into the Balkans; the Central Asian republics; the southern tip of Russia; a good swath of India; and on around to modern day Indonesia. In one sense from Bali and Jakarta on one end, to Madrid on the other.” Dick Cheney (emphasis added) . . . .




“Women’s Rights in Afghanistan: ‘Before’ and ‘After’ America’s Destructive Wars”



by Prof Michel Chossudovsky

The NeoCons’ agenda is not to “win the war” but to engineer the breakup of sovereign nation states, destroy their culture and national identity, derogate fundamental values and human rights.

The strategic objective is to trigger political and social chaos, engineer the collapse of national economies, appropriate the countries’ wealth and resources, impoverish the entire Planet including the American Homeland. 

It’s a mesh of weapons of mass destruction, covert intelligence operations, propaganda and “strong economic medicine”. The criminality of the US/NATO hegemonic agenda is beyond description. 

This short article focusses on Women’s Rights in Afghanistan “Before” and “After” the conduct of Washington’s “Humanitarian War” against Afghanistan, which commenced at the height of the Cold War in 1979. It was a carefully planned  intelligence operation. The CIA was directly involved from the outset in recruiting and supporting the “Islamic brigades”.

A second war and invasion of Afghanistan under US-NATO auspices was carried on October 7 2001, four weeks after the tragic events of 9/11. 

Prior to the CIA Sponsored “Islamic Insurgency”  

against the People of Afghanistan  





Unknown to Americans, in the 1970s and early 1980s, Kabul was “a cosmopolitan city. Artists and hippies flocked to the capital. Women studied agriculture, engineering and business at the city’s university. Afghan women held government jobs”. 

Prior to the rise of the Taliban [which was instrumented by the CIA], women in Afghanistan were protected under law and increasingly afforded rights in Afghan society. Women received the right to vote in the 1920s; and as early as the 1960s, the Afghan constitution provided for equality for women. There was a mood of tolerance and openness as the country began moving toward democracy.

Women were making important contributions to national development. In 1977, women comprised over 15% of Afghanistan’s highest legislative body. It is estimated that by the early 1990s, 70% of schoolteachers, 50% of government workers and university students, and 40% of doctors in Kabul were women. (Bureau of Democracy and Human Rights, U.S. State Department, 2001, link no longer functional ) 

. . .


Starting under Reagan. Derogation of Women’s Rights.

Destruction of an Entire Country





Osama bin Laden, America’s bogyman, was recruited by the CIA in 1979 at the very outset of the US sponsored jihad.

He was 22 years old and was trained in a CIA sponsored guerilla training camp. The architects of the covert operation in support of “Islamic fundamentalism” launched during the Reagan presidency played a key role in launching the “Global War on Terrorism” (GWOT) in the wake of 9/11.

Under the Reagan adminstration, US foreign policy evolved towards the unconditional support and endorsement of the Islamic “freedom fighters”. In today’s World, the “freedom fighters” are labelled “Islamic terrorists”.


. . .

“Before” and “After”. https://www.globalresearch.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Screen-Shot-2023-09-09-at-11.14.31-AM.png


A Criminal Undertaking. Who’s Behind It?

A once prosperous country has been precipitated into extreme poverty and despair. It’s a crime against humanity. 

According to the UN, Afghanistan is currently experiencing extensive food shortages and famine.

It should be understood that this war started more than 40 years ago in 1979 with the CIA recruitment of jihadist mercenaries (Al Qaeda) funded by the trade in narcotics. 

The endgame was to destroy Afghanistan as a progressive and independent nation state committed to education, culture and women’s rights.” 

What the media describes as the “tyrannical policies of the Taliban” bears the footprints of the CIA which imposed Islamic Fundamentalism, while concurrently engineering the collapse and impoverishment of a progressive secular Nation State.

President Ronald Reagan issued (and signed) the National Security Decision Directive 166 (NSDD 166), which de facto authorized  “stepped-up covert military aid to the Mujahideen” as well as CIA support to religious indoctrination.


. . .

The promotion of “Radical Islam” was a deliberate CIA initiative (NSDD 166) which in the wake of 9/11 has served as justification to waging a “Global War on Terrorism (GWOT) in the Middle East, Central Asia, Southeast Asia and sub–Saharan Africa. 

Our Thoughts are with the People of Afghanistan.


Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, September 9, 2023






 “This Israel has no future in the Middle East”


by Marwan Bishara

Israel’s sadistic war on Gaza, the culmination of a long series of criminal policies, may well prove suicidal in the long term and lead to the demise of the mighty “Jewish State”.

Indeed, Israel’s deliberate, industrial-scale murder of the Palestinian people under the pretext of “self-defence” won’t enhance its security or secure its future. Rather, it will produce greater insecurity and instability, further isolate Israel and undermine its chances for long-term survival in a predominantly hostile region.

In truth, I never thought Israel could have much of a future in the Middle East without shedding its colonial regime and embracing normal statehood. For a short while in the early 1990s, it seemed as if Israel was changing direction towards some form of normalcy, albeit dependent on the United States. It engaged the Palestinians and Arab states in the region in a “peace process” that promised mutual existence under favourable American auspices.

But Israel’s colonial nature dominated its behaviour at each and every turn. It wasted countless opportunities to end its occupation and live in peace with its neighbours. To paraphrase Israeli diplomat Abba Eban’s infamous quip, Israel “never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity”.



“Former US Ambassador Chas Freeman: ‘Israel Is Worse Than Nazis’”


by Chas Freeman

Ambassador Chas Freeman is one of the view former US public officials willing to speak out against this travesty. In addition, he is a superb analyst of West Asian and World Affairs. In this interview, he analyses what the current tragedy in Palestine will mean for Geopolitics in the region and beyond.

“It’s very clear what Israel wants. It’s made no secret that it wants to depopulate Gaza by whatever means it can, by starving people into leaving, expelling them, or killing them all. And there’s no question that it meets the definition of genocide. They have the intent to destroy an entire people. They have the ability and they are, in fact, carrying out an operation intended to do so. . . . .”

See video: https://www.islamicity.org/93165/israel-doesnt-even-try-to-hide-its-genocide/



Yanis Varoufakis on Israel-Gaza: ‘We Europeans have created this’”


with Yanis Varoufakis


While Israel’s response has the full support of the majority of European countries, some dissenting voices are making themselves heard and calling for a ceasefire. So, what role is Europe playing in the Israel-Gaza war? And how has its support for Israel changed over time? On UpFront, economist and former Greek minister of finance, Yanis Varoufakis, joins Marc Lamont Hill to discuss Europe’s historic responsibility and current role in the Israel-Gaza war.



“Israel's war on hospitals”


with Max Blumenthal


With exclusive footage from inside the largest hospital in the Gaza Strip, Al-Shifa, The Grayzone examines the Israeli military's policy of attacking and eliminating medicare care centers across the northern part of the besieged Palestinian territory as it seeks to expel its residents.



“At least 30,000 wounded in the Strip, 202 medical staff killed”


by Middle East Eye



“This is why they’re murdering journalists”


with George Galloway


It is one of the worst events in modern history. There have been greater numbers of victims, but the difference is that everyone can see it



“‘Show Some Respect’: UNSC Chair China Scolds Israel's Envoy Over Remarks On Women | Gaza War”


with Hindustan Times


Israeli envoy to United Nations Gilad Erdan was officially reprimanded by China, which currently has the UNSC presidency, after he aggressively criticised the UN Women for condoling disproportionate women casualties in Gaza. Chinese representative Zhang Jun, who is also the current president of the UNSC, politely told the Israeli envoy to be civil in his disagreement.



Must Watch: “Never again is NOW!”  


by Nada Abu Tarbush


State of Palestine UN Representative, Nada Abu Tarbush, gives an eviscerating address to the State of Israel at the 5th Meeting the High Contracting Parties (CCW), Geneva. 17 Nov 2023.




“US Weapons Shipments to Israel Are Enabling War Crimes”


by Stephen Semler

Joe Biden is fast-tracking weapons shipments to Israel to support its assault on Gaza. The types of weapons being sent have been used repeatedly by the Israeli military to attack and kill civilians during the last 15 years alone.

Earlier this month, Human Rights Watch called for an arms embargo on Israel and armed groups in Palestine, “given the real risk that they will be used to commit grave abuses,” an organizational statement said. “Providing weapons that knowingly and significantly would contribute to unlawful attacks can make those providing them complicit in war crimes.”

The Biden administration is doing exactly that. A recently leaked internal document from the Pentagon reveals the weapons the Biden administration is fast-tracking to Israel in support of its military offensive in Gaza. Based on my review of forensic investigations published by human rights and news organizations, these same types of weapons have been used repeatedly by the Israeli military to attack and kill civilians during the last fifteen years alone.



“Hamas Winning Battle for Gaza”


by Scott Ritter

The recently announced ceasefire is a blessing for Palestinians and Israelis alike—a chance for prisoners to be exchanged, humanitarian aid to be distributed to those in need, and for emotions on both sides of the conflict to cool down.

While the ceasefire, negotiated between Israel and Hamas by Qatar, was mutually agreed between the two parties, let no one be fooled into thinking this was anything less than a victory for Hamas. Israel had taken a very aggressive position that, given its stated objective of destroying Hamas as an organization, it would not agree to a ceasefire under any conditions.

Hamas, on the other hand, had made one of its primary objectives in initiating the current round of fighting with Israel the release of Palestinian prisoners, and in particular women and children, held by Israel. Seen in this light, the ceasefire represents an important victory for Hamas, and a humiliating defeat for Israel.

One of the reasons Israel eschewed a ceasefire was that it was confident that the offensive operation it had launched into northern Gaza was going to neutralize Hamas as a military threat, and that any ceasefire, regardless of the humanitarian justification, would only buy time for a defeated Hamas enemy to rest, refit, and regroup. That Israel signed on to a ceasefire is the surest sign yet that all is not well with the Israeli offensive against Hamas.

This outcome should not have come as a surprise to anyone. When Hamas launched its October 7 attack on Israel, it initiated a plan years in the making. The meticulous attention to detail that was evident in the Hamas operation underscored the reality that Hamas had been studying the Israeli intelligence and military forces arrayed against it, uncovering weaknesses that were subsequently exploited. The Hamas action represented more than sound tactical and operational planning and execution—it was a masterpiece in strategic conceptualization as well.

One of the main reasons behind the Israeli defeat on October 7 was the fact that the Israeli government was convinced that Hamas would never attack, regardless of what the intelligence analysts charged with watching Hamas activity in Gaza were saying. This failure of imagination came about by Hamas having identified the political goals and objectives of Israel (the nullification of Hamas as a resistance organization by undertaking a policy built on “buying” Hamas through an expanded program of work permits issued by Israel for Palestinians living in Gaza.) By playing along with the work permit program, Hamas lulled the Israeli leadership into complacency, allowing Hamas’ preparations for their attack to be carried out in plain view.



“The War Machine Wants You to Condemn Hamas”


by Jonathan Cook

The act of condemnation has been cynically weaponised, writes Jonathan Cook. The aim is not to show solidarity with Israelis. It’s to fan the flames of hatred to rationalise crimes against Palestinians.




News from Underground by Mark Crispin Miller

“How they plan to use our cars to keep us trapped, and under absolute surveillance”


by Mark Crispin Miller

Having made driving far more dangerous than ever, through masks and "vaccination," they're preparing a totalitarian "solution" that we must—TOGETHER—do all that we can to sabotage & otherwise resist.

First, let’s take a spin down Memory Lane—since, as the woman sang, “you don’t know what you’ve got til it’s gone” . . . .



“Lions and tigers and bears (and many other animals) are "dying suddenly" in zoos worldwide”


by Mark Crispin Miller

See how many of those creatures have died "unexpectedly" since January, 2023, after they were "vaccinated" (for no reason).

“Words are simply not enough to express the magnitude of this unexpected loss.” Thus the Dallas Zoo lamented on its Facebook page, in announcing the untimely death (at 64) of Gregg Hudson, the zoo’s “visionary” president (who died after “a brief but valiant battle with cancer”).

We will duly note that “unexpected” human death in this week’s compilation; but here I want to mark the staggering toll that those “vaccines” have taken on zoo animals throughout the world. This wrenching catalogue is far longer and more detailed than the first such compilation that I posted in this space some months ago; and so I want to give my public thanks to Amber Parsons, a dedicated member of our research team, for her great work on this heartbreaking project.  

“‘Vaccination’ is the greatest evil in the history of humanity, as these new studies variously PROVE
by Marc Crispin Miller
This IS a global Holocaust, and there is NO denying it; so we can't let "our free press," OR our governments, ignore, belittle or distort this overwhelming evidence. All these studies are significant; but the first two here under “New Zealand” are especially important, so—please—share this compilation far and wide.….



“Kissinger’s Bombing Campaign Likely Killed Hundreds of Thousands of Cambodians and Set the Path for the Ravages of the Khmer Rouge”


by Sophal Ear

Henry Kissinger, who died on Nov. 29, 2023 at the age of 100, stood as a colossus of U.S. foreign policy. His influence on American politics lasted long beyond his eight-year stint guiding the Nixon and Ford administrations as national security adviser and secretary of state, with successive presidents, presidential candidates and top diplomats seeking his advice and approval ever since.

But his mark extends beyond the United States. Kissinger’s policies in the 1970s had immediate impact on countries, governments and people across South America, the Middle East and Southeast Asia. Sometimes the fallout – and it was that – lasted decades; in some places it continues to be felt today. Nowhere is that more true than Cambodia.

I’m a scholar of the political economy of Cambodia who, as a child, escaped the brutal Khmer Rouge regime with four siblings, thanks in large part to the cunning and determination of my mother. In both a professional and personal sense, I am aware of the near 50-year impact Kissinger’s policies during the Vietnam War have had on the country of my birth.

The rise of the murderous regime that forced my family to leave was, in part, encouraged by Kissinger’s policies. The cluster bombs dropped on Cambodia under Kissinger’s watch continue to destroy the lives of any man, woman or child who happens across them. Indeed, when the current U.S. administration announced its intention in 2023 to provide cluster bombs to Ukraine, the prime minister of Cambodia was quick to call out the lingering damage the munition causes.



“Kissinger, a Product of His Time”


with RJ Eskow, and Richard Wolff





“Reflections on the Deep State’s Media Watchdog Tool”


by John Kiriakou

In early November, the leadership and board of Consortium News, the independent news site, filed a major lawsuit against the federal government and NewsGuard Technologies, Inc.  NewsGuard at first glance looks like a media watchdog organization, a group that seeks to keep misinformation and disinformation out of the mainstream. That notion is quickly dispelled, however, as soon as one takes a look under the hood.



Facebook Censors Journalist Seymour Hersh’s Report on Nord Stream Pipeline Attack”


by Ben Norton

Facebook censored a report by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh on the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines between Russia and Germany, forcing users to instead read a website funded and partially owned by NATO member Norway.



“In Praise of Whistleblowers. Biden Administration Accused of ‘Spreading Misinformation’ regarding Covid-19 Pandemic and 9/11”


by Prof. Bill Willers

A State Department official, Sylvia Yacoub, not only has accused the Biden Administration of “spreading misinformation”, but also of being “complicit in genocide”. Her 5-page memo was signed by 100 State Department and USAID officials in a State Department system that, unfortunately, is not for public view. Still, it reveals that conflict exists within governmental structures. In the case of this memo, the impact is certain to be essentially zero. It’s as if leadership is saying, “OK, you’re critical, but now back to work.” So then, how does someone aware of dangerous or treasonous activity make it known to a larger public that needs it?

There is a vast storehouse of secrets within the hundreds of thousands of people in America’s federal alphabet agencies, e.g. CDC, CIA, FDA, EPA, DHS, FBI. There are many more “3-letters”, of course, but those 6 are high in the public mind. Every one impacts on the public’s perception of the Covid-19 Pandemic — of the early lies about there being no existing treatment thus forcing the world toward an untested genetic therapy misnamed “vaccine”, of the relentless in-your-face lies of “safe and effective”, of the censoring of alternative medical views, of hiding the fact of mortality rates vastly higher in the vaccinated. Things like that. Those 6 agencies alone account for ~600,000 federal employees, many who know much about which We The People are intentionally kept in the dark.


Leaderships of the 6 listed adhere with military fidelity to the official story of the Pandemic, now known to be full of orchestrated deceptions. But enforced conformity to a narrative is a key to “success” in dealing with a pandemic, according to Event 201’s strategy as framed mere weeks before the Covid-19 Pandemic was declared.

And when you follow details of Pandemic-related issues in play, you can see their “success” is disastrous to the massive “lower class” — essentially all of humanity that is to remain after the globalist’s Great Reset and the extinguishing of the middle class that is now in progress.

If you look at the Covid-19 Pandemic as an isolated issue, you’re overlooking its role in the ongoing surge toward One World Government, with its involvements in genocide, genetic manipulation and the melding of mind with machine.


The Covid 19 Pandemic is like a mile marker of the road toward One World Government as summarized by David Rockefeller 

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other publications, whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years.

It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the bright lights of publicity. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march toward a world government.”

The Covid-19 Pandemic has served as a stepping stone toward the “success” of globalist strategy, as it justified a major increase in governmental oppression in the name of “public health”, the most politicized and weaponized “scientific discipline” of human experience.

But there’s much more than health related issues. Consider Department of Homeland Security collusion with social media to censor Americans.

The DHS is also responsible for the disintegration of America’s southern border and in protecting the surge of millions of illegal aliens into the United States, here able to establish “sleeper cells” of military-age men from all over the world. The slow stepwise introduction of globalist initiatives, such as the ongoing eroding of national boundaries everywhere, makes the relentless move toward One World Government invisible to oblivious citizens. This facilitating the establishment of a potential army within the United States makes “treason” seem much too tame a charge. And the hell of it is that most Americans seem barely aware of what’s taking place under their feet.

Likewise, the FBI has everything — absolutely everything! to expose overnight the lie of the preposterous Official 9/11 “narrative”.

Whatever hit the Pentagon was videotaped from all angles by security cams, and that visual record would demolish the ridiculous story of an aluminum tube punching a clean hole through the Pentagon’s massively reinforced exterior.

Showing the rocket hitting the Pentagon (at the precise point to take out budget analysts tracking “lost” trillions of dollars) would slap even the stupidest awake. Alas, every tape available was immediately confiscated by the FBI and remains concealed. But can’t we — and shouldn’t we —  assume that within the FBI some have enough strength of character to discern the rot in an FBI leadership that would make the agency such a weapon against the public? These are only two examples, but research into the actions and connections of just about any federal agency is certain to yield questions wanting answers that, like the FBI videos mentioned, are kept hidden.

Tyrannical elements of government persist when their evil projects are not exposed by staff who should be letting us see them. Taking a position in a governmental agency in no way requires obedient support regardless of whatever corrupt project a traitorous leadership for the moment might have in the works. Public servants, regardless of where situated in any agency’s pecking order, are not obliged to shift allegiance to anything other than the public. In the end, for every governmental employee the group to be served is The People in the most expansive sense.

Revealing criminal acts of state carries risk. A recent example is of four chemists who struggled with the demands of their EPA superiors for data manipulation posing an obvious threat to public health. Despite the atmosphere of intimidation (The EPA drips with internal rot), ethics demanded that they expose the situation to The Intercept, and this brief report is a quick lesson in regulatory agency-industry collusion and in the kind of pressures staff throughout governmental agencies face in this era in which corruption almost seems to have become “normalized”.




Visegrád 24: The Polish Government-Funded Fake News Factory Driving The Online Israel-Palestine News Cycle”


by Alan Macleod

Named by Gizmodo as the most influential source of news on Israel/Palestine on Twitter/X, Visegrád 24 has shot to prominence, amassing more than one million followers across social media platforms. Yet it has consistently shared blatantly false information in an attempt to ramp up support for the state of Israel’s crimes in Gaza. Worse still, the semi-anonymous account pushing a far-right agenda worldwide is known to be funded by the deeply conservative Polish government.

A Viral Sensation

If you have spent any amount of time on social media following the Israeli attack on Gaza, you are sure to have come across Visegrád 24 and its ultra-viral content. The Polish news aggregator is perhaps an unlikely candidate to become a key player in the information war. But in just a few short weeks, it has gained hundreds of thousands of followers across its platforms, especially Twitter/ and TikTok (currently at 843,000 and 183,000 followers, respectively).

A study published by the Center for an Informed Public at the University of Washington, titled “The New Elites of X,” identified Visegrád 24 as the most influential account engaged in Israel/Palestine discourse. One measure of its reach is that, in the first three days following Hamas’ surprise attack, the six traditional media outlets with the most followers on Twitter/X (CNN Breaking News, CNN, the New York Times, BBC Breaking News, BBC World News and Reuters) who collectively have nearly 300 million followers, received 112 million views on Israel/Palestine related content. Visegrád 24, by comparison, received 370 million views over the same period. Since then, its influence has only grown.

Its massive reach has led many to equate it with reliability, and the account is regularly cited in establishment media such as Newsweek or Fox News. But this is far from the case. Indeed, its accounts appear to exist to lionize Israel and its supporters, demonize Palestine and its supporters, fearmonger about refugees, and promote ultra-conservative politics in general.

Fake News Factory

Part of what makes Visegrád 24’s rise problematic is its propensity to publish blatantly fake news. Earlier this month, for example, it posted footage of Israeli satirist Yoni Sharon playing a character mocking Palestinians, telling its audience he was a real Palestinian.

“A Palestinian man thanks Hamas for making sure that all the Palestinian people who used to commute into Israel to work will now be unemployed. He also thanks Hamas for making sure Palestinian kids will no longer receive surgeries in Israel Great job!” it wrote.



“Behind Israel's Propaganda Campaign”


by Alan Macleod

Despite spending millions of dollars on advertising campaigns and propaganda, Israel is losing the information war in its conflict with Palestine. Its attempts to convince Westerners to support its campaign against Palestine have been overshadowed by organic content showing the brutality of the bombings.

Pro-Israel groups have also resorted to hijacking platforms like TikTok and Twitter to undermine posts supporting Palestine. However, public polling and global demonstrations indicate that public opinion is increasingly siding with Palestine. If you’ve spent any time on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or YouTube in the past month, you’ve probably been targeted.



“Propaganda Blitz: How Mainstream Media Is Pushing Fake Palestine Stories”


by Alan Macleod

Extraordinary Claims, Zero Evidence

One case in point is the claim that, during their incursion into southern Israel, Hamas fighters stopped to round up, kill and mutilate 40 Israeli babies, beheading them and leaving their bodies behind.

The extraordinary assertion was originally reported by the Israeli channel i24 News, which based it on anonymous Israeli military sources. Despite offering no proof whatsoever, this highly inflammatory claim about an enemy made by an active participant in a conflict was picked up and repeated across the world by a host of media (e.g., in the United States by Fox News, CNN, MSN, Business Insider, and The New York Post).

Meanwhile, the front pages of the United Kingdom’s largest newspapers were festooned with the story, the press outraged at the atrocity and inviting their readers to feel the same way.

Extraordinary claims should require extraordinary evidence, and a story like this should have been met with serious skepticism, given who was making the claim. The first question any reporter should have asked was, “Where is the evidence?” Given multiple opportunities to stand by it, the IDF continually distanced itself from the claims. Nevertheless, the story was simply too useful not to publish.



“Why Israel Propaganda Campaign Is Failing During The Most Documented Genocide In History”


with George Galloway, Prof Mohammad Marandi, and , Lara Elborno


On this Moats, George Galloway gives his take on the Al-Shifa hospital lie and the footage of babies left to die by Israel and murder incorporated on the West Bank – the 62nd child to be murdered since 7/10. You may not have seen the footage as more and more videos are being suppressed on social media which is effected the truth being told as it. Prof Mohammad Marandi returns to the show who believes Israel used to be an asset to the US, but now it’s a burden, as genocide taking place in front of a global audience has changed the equation. Co-host of The Palestine Pod, Lara Elborno, gives the landscape that American-Palestinians must now navigate as they protest or protect Muslim spaces at the risk of losing their jobs and being targeted by hate crimes.



“The Nakba 2.0: Issa Amro’s Insider Account of Israeli Torture in Hebron”


with Mnar Adley and Issa Amro


Coming back to his house on October 7, world-renowned activist Issa Amro was dragged away by 15 armed Israelis, blindfolded, gagged, and cuffed so tightly he now needs an operation on his hands. The settlers and soldiers kept him imprisoned for days, beating and torturing him, constantly simulating his execution.

Speaking with MintPress News, Amro told the story of what life is like for Palestinians living in the West Bank city of Hebron. “In my city where I live now, since October 7, there is a curfew,” he told Mnar Adley and Alan MacLeod.

But this curfew is far more restrictive than others. Palestinian families – those who have not already fled the genocidal Israeli violence – are given only six hours a week to leave their homes. They are not even allowed out into their own yards. This means that school has stopped, work has ended, and life is on pause.

In those six hours, Palestinian families must buy all their food, pick up essentials such as medicine and conduct any social activities. But being outside is dangerous, as they have to pass though multiple checkpoints with armed guards and AI smart shooters pointing guns at them. Violence from vigilante settler groups is also a danger.

“It’s scary to walk alone between armed soldiers and armed settlers, all of them pointing their guns at you. Then, when you come back, it takes them five to ten minutes to search every person,” Amro said, revealing that the guards wanted to go so far as to cut open his potatoes and tomatoes to check for “weapons.”

“It’s a kind of jail” right now, Amro said, although he notes that being in jail is considerably safer than being a Palestinian in Hebron right now.

Issa Amro is an activist and the co-founder of the grassroots group Youth Against Settlements. He has led campaigns of non-violent civil disobedience against apartheid and Israeli occupation and has been recognized and given awards by international organizations, including the United Nations. He joins MintPress to chronicle recent Israeli attempts to force Palestinians from their homes and their ancestral land.




“India’s Massive Shift in Military Policy”


U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin on the red carpet in New Delhi on Nov. 9. (DoD, Chad J. McNeeley)


by M.K. Bhadrakumar

If the United States is a declining power and China’s rise inevitable in the Indo-Pacific; if Russia regards itself as a global power and is determined to bury the U.S.-dominated rules-based order; if the defeat of the U.S. and NATO in the Ukraine war has become a fait accompli; if Canada was encouraged by the U.S. to fret and fume over alleged Indian involvement in the killing of the Canadian Sikh separatist leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar on Canadian soil; if Israel’s bloodbath in Gaza is actually genocide  — well, India’s policymakers haven’t heard any of this. 

That is the message from the U.S.-Indian 2+2 foreign and defence ministers meeting in New Delhi on Nov. 10. 

The big picture is that after audaciously claiming the mantle of leadership of the Global South as recently as in September, in a span of over two months, India is gliding over to the American camp as the U.S.’ indispensable ally, even aspiring to be a “global defence hub” with Pentagon’s help. 

The following were some of the takeaways at the 2+2 meeting: 

·         Sharing technology relating to “maritime challenges, including in the undersea domain”; 

·         co-development and co-production of ground mobility systems; 

·         India to undertake U.S. aircraft maintenance and mid-voyage repair of U.S. naval vessels; 

·         U.S. investment in India’s maintenance, repair, and overhaul of U.S. aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles; 

·         finalisation of a Security of Supply Arrangement, which will deepen the integration of defence industrial ecosystems and strengthening of supply chain resilience; 

·         creation of new liaison positions between the two armed forces further to India’s full membership of the multinational Combined Maritime Forces, headquartered in Bahrain; 

·         Maximisation of the scope of the Logistics and Exchange Memorandum Agreement, and identify steps to enhance the reach of the U.S. naval vessels to Indian bases. 

No doubt, the above is only the tip of the iceberg, while this extraordinary transition in Indian policies will largely remain behind closed-doors. The U.S. seems supremely confident that India is ready to enter into an exclusive alliance, something that New Delhi never sought with any big power. What is the offer that the Biden administration has made to India that the latter cannot refuse?



“South Africa Can Use its Nuclear Stance to Pressure Israel”



by Hügo Krüger

Israel’s response to the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks by Hamas has not only been disproportionate, but clearly exceeded the basic limits of international law and in particular the Geneva convention.

The assault on Gaza that has seen the death of over 11,000 civilians, of whom almost half are children, also includes using food as a weapon of war, collective punishment and ethnic cleansing with almost half of Gazans having their homes destroyed as they are marched alongside Israeli soldiers from the north to the south of the enclave.

Under the excuse that Hamas is using the population as “human shields,” a claim that has never been verified by independent sources, Israel has bombed universities, hospitals and U.N. refugee camps and continued its annexation of the West Bank by constructing more illegal settlements outside of its 1967 borders.

South Africa’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Naledi Pandor has asked for its ambassador to be withdrawn from Israel, in the hope of sending the message that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government will be increasingly isolated internationally if it continues the assault on Gaza and the policy of apartheid. 




“IDF are panicked conscripts, they’re SUCK, they can't fight a real military like Hamas”


with Scott Ritter




Türkiye will destroy Israel with nuclear weapons”


with Douglas Macgregor




China, Russia & Jordan Make A BOLD MOVE that Impacts US and Israel's Relations.


by Business & Geopolitics




“Will Russia and China Intervene in Gaza?”


with Prof. John J. Mearsheimer




“Netanyahu’s Vicious Attack on Civilians, The Violence is Unlimited: Unintended Consequences of Israel’s Assault on Palestine”



by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

According to the Zionist propaganda Hamas is a collection of evil beasts. How do we reconcile this propaganda with the “excellent condition” of the Israeli women and children hostages released by Hamas?  

Despite the Israeli devastation of Gaza and murder of Palestinian women and children, Hamas has obtained a victory of sorts.

Netanyahu’s vicious attack on civilians has exposed the underbelly of the Apartheid Zionist State. It is no longer possible for Israel’s apologists to maintain that “Israel can do no wrong.”

Read more: Israeli Ministry of Intelligence: Let’s Deport Palestinians to the Sinai Desert. “Erase the Palestinian Territories”

For decades Israel has been slowly but surely squeezing Palestinians out of Palestine. 

The world has tolerated it, in part because the Zionist violence was limited in time and extent and the impossible situation papered over with talk about the “two-state solution.” But this time, the violence is unlimited and has the declared aim of emptying Palestine of Palestinians with Gazans driven into tent cities in Eqypt’s Sinai Desert. It is not another case of emptying one specific village in the West Bank or a limited incursion into Gaza. This time the world is faced with a declared Zionist agenda of genocide.

This makes a problem for the Western governments that pretend to support human rights and to deplore war crimes. It also makes a problem for American evangelicals known as “Christian Zionists.” Genocide is not something that can be reconciled with the teachings of Jesus. The evangelicals will have to decide between worshipping Israel and worshipping Jesus.

A consequence of Washington’s wars for Israel in the Middle East is that Western countries are now the homes of millions of Muslim refugees who take umbrage to the West’s support of Palestinian genocide. This introduces into the Western countries  countervailing power at the street level to the Zionist lobby that focuses on controlling the governments. Western governments now have a new element of instability to manage, and the consequence could be a less one-sided stance toward Zionist Israel.

Not all of Israel is Zionist. Netanyahu has minority support. The outcome could be different for Israel than Netanyahu and his US neoconservative allies intended.



“Biden White House signals red lines to Netanyahu”


with Alex Christoforou and Alexander Mercouris




“An Open Letter to Members of the United States Congress on Hamas-Israel-Gaza Genocide”


by Ralph Nader

We are writing to exercise our First Amendment to petition Congress for redress of grievances. We are urging Congress to end the United States’ unconditional, close, and continual military and intelligence support of Israel in its ongoing physical destruction of 2.3 million Palestinians residing in Gaza. The United States is responsible for genocide under any plain reading of the Genocide Convention.




“The Rise of the New Normal Reich: An Evening with CJ Hopkins”


by CJ Hopkins

If you’re going to be in Berlin on Tuesday, December 5, please feel free to join me and the good folks at Schankswirtschaft Laidak for a reading from my book, The Rise of the New Normal Reich, and a discussion of my prosecution for thoughtcrimes in Germany, the German state/private censorship machine, and the criminalization of dissent here in Germany and beyond.

Here’s the info on the event …



“Gaslight (1940) - Film, Literature and the New World Order”


with James Corbett


In this edition of Film, Literature and the New World Order we welcome Thomas Sheridan, author of The Anvil of the Psyche, to discuss Gaslight, the 1940 British psychological thriller that introduced us to the concept of 'gaslighting.' In the discussion we point out how common gaslighting is, ask "Are you being gaslighted?", talk about techniques for defending oneself from gaslighting, and talk about how this technique is used on a societal level by the psychopaths at the top of the pyramid.



“The Cult of Safety Explodes”


from Robert W Malone MD, MS

Is a "Cuidado Piso Mojado" sign really needed?


by Thomas Buckley

It was the 1970s. Dry cleaning bags lurked quietly behind couches waiting patiently for the opportunity to pounce on the hapless child who dropped a Lego nearby. Unguarded five-gallon buckets stood brazenly in the middle of basement floors hoping to entice their next drowning victim. Discarded refrigerators prowled the land looking for unsuspecting eight-year-olds to gobble up. GI Joes and Barbies, with the help of their little owners, were making out everywhere.

It is the 2020s. Entire schools ban peanut butter and jelly sandwiches because maybe one kid might have an allergy. Parents get visits from county protective services for letting their children play unsupervised in the park across the street. Jungle gyms are an endangered species. And third-graders are taught to not impose cisnormative constructs, let alone behaviors, on anyone or anything.

The odd thing is that the events described in the first paragraph (except the GI Joe one) were not actually happening on any grand scale. The sad thing is that the events in the second paragraph are.

Admittedly there were children – one assumes – who did manage to trap themselves inside random refrigerators, hence the televised public service announcements (seriously, and such a seventies solution) asking the public to at least take the handle off of the appliance before heaving it over an embankment or leaving it in a burned-lot in the Bronx.

And admittedly – again, one assumes – a child somewhere somehow managed to get themselves tangled up in a dry cleaning bag. As to the bucket problem, that one is rather hard to fathom but it must have happened at least once to spawn the lawsuit that forced manufacturers to put drowning warnings – complete with a graphic depiction of the inept toddler – on their buckets.

Whether it was caused by the misadventures of Darwin’s children, the ever-burgeoning personal injury litigation field, a cherry-picking sensationalist media, humanity’s inability to comprehend statistics, or some combination thereof, society has clearly shifted drastically from a relatively laissez-faire approach to common hazards to – not just a risk aversion or risk reduction model – the codified elimination of risk.

There was once a feeling that hard cases make bad law; it now appears that the concept that any case must make immediate law holds sway.

The process started with some actually pretty necessary common sense notions – drunk driving is not actually cool, dumping toxic waste in salmon brooks might not be a good thing, smoking really can kill you so quit, don’t eat lead paint, etc. But these were the easy bits and the organizations and forces behind their implementation soon came to realize that if people started to be more sensible in general, society’s need for their input, expertise, and services – their guiding hand – would by definition decrease. 





“Israeli tanks surround Gaza’s Indonesian Hospital, at least 12 killed”


Doctors, patients killed and injured as result of the latest Israeli attacks on the hospital since early morning.



George Galloway: MOATS ARCHIVES – November 20, 2023

“Was Hamas’ Operations Centre Under Al-Shifa Hospital Or Not? | Biden Flops In US-China Relations in San Francisco” and more . . . .”




Middle East Eye


“Biden says prisoner swap deal with Hamas 'very close'”

Hamas official says details of truce to be released 'in the coming hours,' notes Egyptian and Qatari role






Children’s Health Defense – November 25, 2023


“21st Century Frankensteins

In the first installment of her series “21st Century Dr. Frankensteins” Alexis Baden-Mayer, Political Director at the Organic Consumers Association takes a deep dive into the nightmarish sci-fi world of today’s mad scientists, starting with George Church, Bayer’s synthetic biology spokesman. What do synthetic biology, the mRNA gene revolution, artificial wombs, life on Mars, and Jeffrey Epstein have to do with one another? Find out on today’s fascinating episode of “Good Morning CHD.”



The Defender - Children’s Health Defense – November 26, 2023

“A Decade Later, Snowden’s Worst Fears Have Come True”




The Defender - Children’s Health Defense – November 27, 2023

Lawsuits Target Military Over COVID Vaccine Mandates + Read the Latest Excerpt From RFK Jr.'s New Book + More”




Global Research: Selected Articles – November 27, 2023

“Unspoken Objective: Israel Wants to Confiscate Gaza’s Offshore Gas Reserves Which Belong to Palestine”




Global Research: Selected Articles – November 30, 2023

“The Dublin Riots: The Aftermath”
